Mr Ukip has a point. Why is being in the park standing up OK but lying down not?
Because you can lie down in your own home! The rules are that you can go out to exercise.
The impenetrable thickness of some people never ceases to amaze me.
If going to the park is dangerous, ban it. If it is not, then let people sunbathe. The trouble with inconsistent regulations is people misunderstand them, and so inadvertently break them.
They are not inconsistent. They are very simple.
Stay at home. You are allowed out to exercise. Sunbathing is not exercise
God Almighty Charles: the regulations are not hard to read. You are allowed out if you have a “reasonable excuse”.
Whether sunbathing, say, at the end of exercising is reasonable will depend on the circumstances. I can easily think of many circumstances when it isn’t and some where it might be.
You might as well argue that the regulations only restrict the reasons for leaving the place where you're living, and that once you've left you can do what the hell you like. But that doesn't seem very sensible in the present situation.
Personally, I think CV-19 increases the chance of President Trump being re-elected. With any national emergency, there is a desire to rally around the leadership, and we're seeing that now.
- there is a monumental splurge from the government - there are a lot of Americans who agree with President Trump's concerns about the cure being worse than the disease
I would now reckon he's a 60-70% chance of re-election right now.
I would say he is no more than 30-40% chance. The rally round effect has already been seen and he is still 2-5 points behind Biden. On top of that, Biden is stronger among blue collar whites than Clinton, so the electoral college advantage will be smaller for Trump. Plus people will be very angry in six months time and people tend to blame the President regardless of fault. And this time he is clearly at fault.
It is always important and illumi acting to dip into the average Joe Trump supporter with a Twitter account-verse.
They are loving his press conferences, they are "powerful" they are "unvarnished". They have memory holed his early claims that there wouldn't be any problem.
To be fair, lack of coherence and coarse language helped Trump connect with blue collar Americans so why shouldn't it work for Biden?
As I've endlessly stated on here I think the Trump appeal to blur collars workers is grossly over stated. Trump won because voters in the rust belt hated Hillary.
A guy who got less votes than Romney in Wisconsin isn't calling on some savant like connection to the common man.
Yes, I think that valid, but Biden does folksy in a way that the yanks seem to like.
Personally, I think CV-19 increases the chance of President Trump being re-elected. With any national emergency, there is a desire to rally around the leadership, and we're seeing that now.
- there is a monumental splurge from the government - there are a lot of Americans who agree with President Trump's concerns about the cure being worse than the disease
I would now reckon he's a 60-70% chance of re-election right now.
I would say he is no more than 30-40% chance. The rally round effect has already been seen and he is still 2-5 points behind Biden. On top of that, Biden is stronger among blue collar whites than Clinton, so the electoral college advantage will be smaller for Trump. Plus people will be very angry in six months time and people tend to blame the President regardless of fault. And this time he is clearly at fault.
It is always important and illumi acting to dip into the average Joe Trump supporter with a Twitter account-verse.
They are loving his press conferences, they are "powerful" they are "unvarnished". They have memory holed his early claims that there wouldn't be any problem.
To be fair, lack of coherence and coarse language helped Trump connect with blue collar Americans so why shouldn't it work for Biden?
As I've endlessly stated on here I think the Trump appeal to blur collars workers is grossly over stated. Trump won because voters in the rust belt hated Hillary.
A guy who got less votes than Romney in Wisconsin isn't calling on some savant like connection to the common man.
I wouldn't bet on Trump's ability to make the common man (or, more importantly, the common woman) love him, but I'd also not bet against Trump's ability to make the common man (and woman) hate and fear Biden as much as they did Hillary, by November.
The signs I missed when betting on the last election was that Hilary was massively unpopular in the Rust Belt. Thus Sanders winning most of them in 2016 but failing to seal the deal in 2020.
As I said back in the day, when it was obvious to me that Hilary was going to be the Nominee I thought it impossible for the GOP to lose, but when I realised it was going to be Trump I didn't see how they could win. The gap between those two thoughts was too long though - and I discounted the negatives I had built up about Hilary.
She then topped it off with literally the worst Presidential campaign strategy of all time. She collpased on the streets of NYC! She failed to campaign where she needed to. Just what a car crash.
Mr Ukip has a point. Why is being in the park standing up OK but lying down not?
Because you can lie down in your own home! The rules are that you can go out to exercise.
The impenetrable thickness of some people never ceases to amaze me.
If going to the park is dangerous, ban it. If it is not, then let people sunbathe. The trouble with inconsistent regulations is people misunderstand them, and so inadvertently break them.
They are not inconsistent. They are very simple.
Stay at home. You are allowed out to exercise. Sunbathing is not exercise
God Almighty Charles: the regulations are not hard to read. You are allowed out if you have a “reasonable excuse”.
Whether sunbathing, say, at the end of exercising is reasonable will depend on the circumstances. I can easily think of many circumstances when it isn’t and some where it might be.
But let’s not misrepresent what the rules actually say.
The main excuse for sunbathing that seems to keep coming up is "I live in a flat and don't have a garden, why should I be disadvantaged because of it?"
Well, boo-hoo.
If all of us who lived in flats could get away with lying about in parks then they'd be carpeted with people. Besides, how else might this excuse be exploited? Are we going to allow flat-bound families to drag inflatable paddling pools and disposable barbecues to the local park as well?
Exercise: you go out, do your thing, go back inside (with, at the very most, a warm-up before and a warm-down after if it's something especially strenuous.) That's altogether sufficient.
BTW, work on my bug hotel was cut short today when I ran out of nails. I think it looks nice and rustic. Wor Lass is a bit more sceptical.
In other news, one of our neighbours has secured a delivery slot from Morrisons and kindly asked if we wanted to add anything to the order.
I did my first online shop ever. Booked it with Morrisons two weeks ago. Supposed to arrive between 2 and 3pm today. Just rang now , they said the driver has delivered to wrong address. Said they had 5 complaints already from York today, where the same had happened. They will speak with the driver tomorrow. Maybe someone is getting free food ?
That’s rubbish. I hope they give you a delivery tomorrow and a substantial discount.
They re - credit my card . Sending a £ 2O voucher in post. However no other slots suggested.
I am in remission with blood cancer Myeloma. So on the governments vulnerable list . Sheilding for 12 weeks.
I am sorry to hear about your illness and I have to say their response strikes me as pathetic. They should under those circumstances get food to you tomorrow even if they had to hire a taxi to deliver it.
Asked my other half if she wanted to switch to supermarket delivery, but she prefers to shop at Aldi (Who don't offer the service) and we decided we're young and fit enough not to take up a slot for others who probably need more.
BTW, work on my bug hotel was cut short today when I ran out of nails. I think it looks nice and rustic. Wor Lass is a bit more sceptical.
In other news, one of our neighbours has secured a delivery slot from Morrisons and kindly asked if we wanted to add anything to the order.
I did my first online shop ever. Booked it with Morrisons two weeks ago. Supposed to arrive between 2 and 3pm today. Just rang now , they said the driver has delivered to wrong address. Said they had 5 complaints already from York today, where the same had happened. They will speak with the driver tomorrow. Maybe someone is getting free food ?
That’s rubbish. I hope they give you a delivery tomorrow and a substantial discount.
They re - credit my card . Sending a £ 2O voucher in post. However no other slots suggested.
I am in remission with blood cancer Myeloma. So on the governments vulnerable list . Sheilding for 12 weeks.
I am sorry to hear about your illness and I have to say their response strikes me as pathetic. They should under those circumstances get food to you tomorrow even if they had to hire a taxi to deliver it.
People do like to hear from those who have been through difficult times, of whatever kind, when going through a crisis. Reminding people of the messages she delivered back in 1940 was a strong touch.
I'd have been more touched if Her Majesty revealed she knows what true struggle is like - she didn't get to the shops in time and all the bog roll was gone.
@rcs1000 - a week-on-week reduction of only 20% doesn't sound very promising. Let's hope it speeds up. Otherwise we might see 2 weeks of freedom causing enough new cases for 2 months of another lockdown.
And it's hard to think of how this can be eased gradually, especially if the aim is to avoid too much bureaucracy around who is allowed out for what. I hope the government brainstorming meetings have come up with a few ideas.
The point is that the percentage decline is accelerating. This time last week it was zero (i.e. plateau), by Tuesday of this week it was 8%. Now it's 20%.
And Lombardy, the epicenter of the outbreak, is a little ahead of the rest of Italy at 28%.
I'd have been more touched if Her Majesty revealed she knows what true struggle is like - she didn't get to the shops in time and all the bog roll was gone.
Mr Ukip has a point. Why is being in the park standing up OK but lying down not?
Because you can lie down in your own home! The rules are that you can go out to exercise.
The impenetrable thickness of some people never ceases to amaze me.
If going to the park is dangerous, ban it. If it is not, then let people sunbathe. The trouble with inconsistent regulations is people misunderstand them, and so inadvertently break them.
They are not inconsistent. They are very simple.
Stay at home. You are allowed out to exercise. Sunbathing is not exercise
God Almighty Charles: the regulations are not hard to read. You are allowed out if you have a “reasonable excuse”.
Whether sunbathing, say, at the end of exercising is reasonable will depend on the circumstances. I can easily think of many circumstances when it isn’t and some where it might be.
But let’s not misrepresent what the rules actually say.
One more small law point: the reasonable excuse (which means proper reason basically) is about what your intention, or proper reason, is as and when you leave the place where you are living. If you then afterwards and while you are out form further intentions and plans (sunbathing, shopping for trivia, trainspotting) they are not in themselves unlawful if they were not the reason you left in the first place - which was perhaps to buy a necessary and lawful loaf of bread. The regulations could easily have made that later action an infringement of the law but they didn't.
I'd have been more touched if Her Majesty revealed she knows what true struggle is like - she didn't get to the shops in time and all the bog roll was gone.
And had to use Andrew instead.
"And I too, know what it is like to not be able to see your family in these difficult times. It has not been easy not being able to see my children. In most cases".
I'd have been more touched if Her Majesty revealed she knows what true struggle is like - she didn't get to the shops in time and all the bog roll was gone.
And had to use Andrew instead.
"And I too, know what it is like to not be able to see your family in these difficult times. It has not been easy not being able to see my children. In most cases".
(Does "in a nutshell" mean that we are all...nuts?)
A contraction of "nuts' hell"?
I read a rumour in an old Speccie article that too much internet browsing can inflict that painful condition on a man and even lead to hospitalisation. Probably worth avoiding in present circumstances.
I'd have been more touched if Her Majesty revealed she knows what true struggle is like - she didn't get to the shops in time and all the bog roll was gone.
It would sound completely false ... because it would be. HMQ is not going to get involved in that sort of shenanigans ...
I've chirped on about Heathrow as much as anyone, but the sheer volume of US internal flights I still find amazing at this point in time. Do they regard their right to an internal flight about as sacrosanct as their right to guns ?
Ah yes that three way battle for the Dem Nomination between Sander, Biden and *checks notes* Generic.
If Trump is beating a generic Democrat the odds favour him being re elected, especially as you were saying it was only Hillary being such a bad candidate in 2016 led him to win, this proves that was not the case.
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
BTW, work on my bug hotel was cut short today when I ran out of nails. I think it looks nice and rustic. Wor Lass is a bit more sceptical.
In other news, one of our neighbours has secured a delivery slot from Morrisons and kindly asked if we wanted to add anything to the order.
I did my first online shop ever. Booked it with Morrisons two weeks ago. Supposed to arrive between 2 and 3pm today. Just rang now , they said the driver has delivered to wrong address. Said they had 5 complaints already from York today, where the same had happened. They will speak with the driver tomorrow. Maybe someone is getting free food ?
That’s rubbish. I hope they give you a delivery tomorrow and a substantial discount.
They re - credit my card . Sending a £ 2O voucher in post. However no other slots suggested.
I am in remission with blood cancer Myeloma. So on the governments vulnerable list . Sheilding for 12 weeks.
I am sorry to hear about your illness and I have to say their response strikes me as pathetic. They should under those circumstances get food to you tomorrow even if they had to hire a taxi to deliver it.
Best wishes in getting it sorted ASAP.
Much appreciated.
Good luck mate. Pb-Ers must stick together. Like Britons.
I thought the piece in the Spectator about the legend SeanThomas was a hoot...
Ah yes that three way battle for the Dem Nomination between Sander, Biden and *checks notes* Generic.
If Trump is beating a generic Democrat the odds favour him being re elected, especially as you were saying it was only Hillary being such a bad candidate in 2016 led him to win, this proves that was not the case.
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
I'd have been more touched if Her Majesty revealed she knows what true struggle is like - she didn't get to the shops in time and all the bog roll was gone.
It would sound completely false ... because it would be. HMQ is not going to get involved in that sort of shenanigans ...
Nah, something tells me she'd win out in any scrap like that - has that perseverance.
That speech by her maj sums up why Harry made a tragic mistake in bailing out. Of course he wasn’t to know corona would happen, but things happen when you quit your family and your country.
We will remember who stayed and faced the monster - the queen (naturally). Charles, William and Kate.
Harry will be the cuck prince who fled to Southern California. A damn shame.
Why? He wants a negative test. What other tests are there?
What has this got to do with testing? He's clearly going in because he has not improved.
The tweet breaking the news mentions tests. But there isn’t any treatment. You are sedated, put on a ventilator to manage your breathing, lied face down, and hopefully your own immune system deals with the virus. The only test is the antigen test.
Edit/ or a lung x-ray to judge condition, I guess.
Ah yes that three way battle for the Dem Nomination between Sander, Biden and *checks notes* Generic.
If Trump is beating a generic Democrat the odds favour him being re elected, especially as you were saying it was only Hillary being such a bad candidate in 2016 led him to win, this proves that was not the case.
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
I'm sceptical of the Wisconsin poll numbers. Trump's favorables there are particularly weak, and he got fewer votes there than Romney.
Ah yes that three way battle for the Dem Nomination between Sander, Biden and *checks notes* Generic.
If Trump is beating a generic Democrat the odds favour him being re elected, especially as you were saying it was only Hillary being such a bad candidate in 2016 led him to win, this proves that was not the case.
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
I'm sceptical of the Wisconsin poll numbers. Trump's favorables there are particularly weak, and he got fewer votes there than Romney.
Most recent polls have Trump winning Wisconsin, it leans Trump
Ah yes that three way battle for the Dem Nomination between Sander, Biden and *checks notes* Generic.
If Trump is beating a generic Democrat the odds favour him being re elected, especially as you were saying it was only Hillary being such a bad candidate in 2016 led him to win, this proves that was not the case.
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
Yeah, except all the polling of, say, Trump vs Biden in Wisconsin shows Biden winning. Like one poll out of the last 20 has anything other than a Biden win.
You don’t plough through Coronavirus. So, is Raab in charge now?
Well, PM's have been ill before and they don't replace them just because they are out of it for a bit.
So long as it is clear to the Cabinet who is first among them if the PM is incapacitated - which it doubly is here since not only is Raab First Secretary of State they've actually told us he is the choice - then presumably they are able to function and there is no need to officially appoint him to any new position. So whether he is in charge I guess depends if Boris now counts as incapacitated.
Why? He wants a negative test. What other tests are there?
What has this got to do with testing? He's clearly going in because he has not improved.
The tweet breaking the news mentions tests. But there isn’t any treatment. You are sedated, put on a ventilator to manage your breathing, lied face down, and hopefully your own immune system deals with the virus. The only test is the antigen test.
Edit/ or a lung x-ray to judge condition, I guess.
Not everyone in hospital is on a ventilator. 10-20% I think?
Why? He wants a negative test. What other tests are there?
What has this got to do with testing? He's clearly going in because he has not improved.
The tweet breaking the news mentions tests. But there isn’t any treatment. You are sedated, put on a ventilator to manage your breathing, lied face down, and hopefully your own immune system deals with the virus. The only test is the antigen test.
Edit/ or a lung x-ray to judge condition, I guess.
Yeah, tests can be a range of things, such as testing lung function.
Why? He wants a negative test. What other tests are there?
What has this got to do with testing? He's clearly going in because he has not improved.
The tweet breaking the news mentions tests. But there isn’t any treatment. You are sedated, put on a ventilator to manage your breathing, lied face down, and hopefully your own immune system deals with the virus. The only test is the antigen test.
Edit/ or a lung x-ray to judge condition, I guess.
No there is more to it than that. There is a need to measure inflammatory markers, renal function, blood oxygenation, CT scans of chest etc etc. Specific therapy is speculative and experimental but supportive therapy is more than hot broth.
Ah yes that three way battle for the Dem Nomination between Sander, Biden and *checks notes* Generic.
If Trump is beating a generic Democrat the odds favour him being re elected, especially as you were saying it was only Hillary being such a bad candidate in 2016 led him to win, this proves that was not the case.
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
Yeah, except all the polling of, say, Trump vs Biden in Wisconsin shows Biden winning. Like one poll out of the last 20 has anything other than a Biden win.
Yup - that does not sound good. Best wishes to him.
This may be a bit tactless at this point - but if we are going to criticise the Scottish CMO for not following her guidance, the same criticism could surely be made of the PM, the Health Secretary and Dr Whitty, all of whom have appeared in pretty close proximity to each other.
Anyway I hope Boris makes a speedy and full recovery.
BTW, work on my bug hotel was cut short today when I ran out of nails. I think it looks nice and rustic. Wor Lass is a bit more sceptical.
In other news, one of our neighbours has secured a delivery slot from Morrisons and kindly asked if we wanted to add anything to the order.
I did my first online shop ever. Booked it with Morrisons two weeks ago. Supposed to arrive between 2 and 3pm today. Just rang now , they said the driver has delivered to wrong address. Said they had 5 complaints already from York today, where the same had happened. They will speak with the driver tomorrow. Maybe someone is getting free food ?
That’s rubbish. I hope they give you a delivery tomorrow and a substantial discount.
They re - credit my card . Sending a £ 2O voucher in post. However no other slots suggested.
I am in remission with blood cancer Myeloma. So on the governments vulnerable list . Sheilding for 12 weeks.
I am sorry to hear about your illness and I have to say their response strikes me as pathetic. They should under those circumstances get food to you tomorrow even if they had to hire a taxi to deliver it.
Corona DOES help Trump at the moment but he will still lose and it won't be close.
An excellent and well delivered speech at this difficult time
As I said back in the day, when it was obvious to me that Hilary was going to be the Nominee I thought it impossible for the GOP to lose, but when I realised it was going to be Trump I didn't see how they could win. The gap between those two thoughts was too long though - and I discounted the negatives I had built up about Hilary.
She then topped it off with literally the worst Presidential campaign strategy of all time. She collpased on the streets of NYC! She failed to campaign where she needed to. Just what a car crash.
Well, boo-hoo.
If all of us who lived in flats could get away with lying about in parks then they'd be carpeted with people. Besides, how else might this excuse be exploited? Are we going to allow flat-bound families to drag inflatable paddling pools and disposable barbecues to the local park as well?
Exercise: you go out, do your thing, go back inside (with, at the very most, a warm-up before and a warm-down after if it's something especially strenuous.) That's altogether sufficient.
The pitch and tone are brilliant - indeed, the words almost cease to matter excellent though they are.
Best wishes in getting it sorted ASAP.
You get a flunky with a tape measure who tells you how high the mic needs to be off the floor. That's it.
Total pro.
(Does "in a nutshell" mean that we are all...nuts?)
And Lombardy, the epicenter of the outbreak, is a little ahead of the rest of Italy at 28%.
What were the other three? Diana's death? And the others were...?
However it does show a close race with Michigan and Pennsylvania the pivotal swing states, if the Democrats win those and hold the Hillary voting in 2016 states then it would be 269 to 269 in the EC and the Democrat controlled House would award the Democrats the Presidency.
Hence a Biden-Whitchen ticket is the Democrats best bet, Biden born and raised in Pennsylvania and Whitchen governor of Michigan
My tip of a while back.
It's called wikipedia, NYTimes!
Edit/ or a lung x-ray to judge condition, I guess.
Get well soon, Prime Minister.
You can tweak the pa Yeah, except all the polling of, say, Trump vs Biden in Wisconsin shows Biden winning. Like one poll out of the last 20 has anything other than a Biden win.
So long as it is clear to the Cabinet who is first among them if the PM is incapacitated - which it doubly is here since not only is Raab First Secretary of State they've actually told us he is the choice - then presumably they are able to function and there is no need to officially appoint him to any new position. So whether he is in charge I guess depends if Boris now counts as incapacitated.
This may be a bit tactless at this point - but if we are going to criticise the Scottish CMO for not following her guidance, the same criticism could surely be made of the PM, the Health Secretary and Dr Whitty, all of whom have appeared in pretty close proximity to each other.
Anyway I hope Boris makes a speedy and full recovery.