By the way, Starmer should be known as KStarmer - please note the lack of spacing or punctuation between first initial and surname. It is time-honoured PB tradition.
Betfair have been very slow in listing the markets on his exit, and also his successor. They were up in no time for Boris!
When will PBers, who claim to be - in the main - well educated, learn to spell the Loto’s name? It really is pathetic.
K - E - I - R
This really seems to bother you a lot more than it should. Yes, people should learn to get it right, but many an educated person writing casually on the internet is going to transpose letters on occasion, it's not pathetic it's careless.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
You are arguing with a man who is extremely ill, cut him some slack
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
I've explained my point as much as I possibly can. You don't agree, fair enough.
Let's see how it plays out.
Yeah we will see. I'm from Merseyside originally and I'm glad the Reds are dipping into their own pockets to make sure the staff are getting 100% of their wages. Well done them and it should embarrass clubs like Spurs that aren't doing the same - and hopefully put pressure on more clubs and profitable businesses to follow LFCs lead and dipping into their profits to look after their staff.
When do we think foreign holidays will be possible? We have two booked - May 30th and Jul 17th
I think the May one is very unlikely, even if you can go I suspect significant social distancing measures will be in operation (so many of the places you plan to visit might just be shut). July is hard to know, in truth. 3 months is a long time in this pandemic. I'd guess you won't go, but I'm far from certain on that one.
I was due to go on two trips this year, late April and late May. Both cancelled, a mixture of vouchers and cash refunds.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Perhaps a few of your other groups should be similarly generous.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
You are arguing with a man who is extremely ill, cut him some slack
I am seeing Gideonwise's takedown of Liverpool FC here as evidence of a robust recovery, or he wouldn't have the energy, which is great.
And now all the "just the flu"ers and the "it's a lefty hoax"ers are screeching at the top of their lungs "China, China, China", "it's all China's fault", "China must pay for it" and "China must be brought to heel". And considerable numbers of fervent right-wingers are doing their patriotic duty, mindlessly parroting the American right-wing propaganda bullshit.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
I've explained my point as much as I possibly can. You don't agree, fair enough.
Let's see how it plays out.
Yeah we will see. I'm from Merseyside originally and I'm glad the Reds are dipping into their own pockets to make sure the staff are getting 100% of their wages. Well done them and it should embarrass clubs like Spurs that aren't doing the same - and hopefully put pressure on more clubs and profitable businesses to follow LFCs lead and dipping into their profits to look after their staff.
Goldilocks politics - other clubs aren’t using the government scheme at all (yet).
Covid-19: four fifths of cases are asymptomatic, China figures indicate
Tom Jefferson, an epidemiologist and honorary research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said the findings were “very, very important.” He told The BMJ, “The sample is small, and more data will become available. Also, it’s not clear exactly how these cases were identified. But let’s just say they are generalisable. And even if they are 10% out, then this suggests the virus is everywhere. If—and I stress, if—the results are representative, then we have to ask, ‘What the hell are we locking down for?’”
she is one of the MPs I do know, and has even been a colleague from time to time, and right, RIGHT, up there in the 'transparently a terrible human being, stakes.
Interesting - Sienna Rodgers' preview of the possibilities singled her out as the MP that nearly everyone in Parliament likes personally. Don't know her myself!
Weird Dodds is rated more annoying than Layla Moran by the comments on the Oxford Mail, and certainly the most denigrated of the Oxford MPs
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
"The Dinou case raises serious questions about the rule of law during a pandemic. Dinou was arrested, charged and then prosecuted in a court of law for an offence that does not exist. The case was heard in court by a district judge rather than a bench of magistrates. It was reported that the judge convicted Dinou in a single hearing, even though she reportedly refused to leave her cell throughout the proceedings."
Ah yes, the same Spiked who published an article about how complaints that Orbán was being made dictator for life where in fact anti-Hungarian bigotry.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
You must see where the anger is
As long as that anger is equally directed at other billionaire business owners doing the same thing.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
I've explained my point as much as I possibly can. You don't agree, fair enough.
Let's see how it plays out.
Yeah we will see. I'm from Merseyside originally and I'm glad the Reds are dipping into their own pockets to make sure the staff are getting 100% of their wages. Well done them and it should embarrass clubs like Spurs that aren't doing the same - and hopefully put pressure on more clubs and profitable businesses to follow LFCs lead and dipping into their profits to look after their staff.
Goldilocks politics - other clubs aren’t using the government scheme at all (yet).
I see no reason why clubs shouldn't use the scheme so long as they're paying taxes legitimately it's no different to any other business. They'll no doubt be paying the taxes for the scheme in the future so it's only fair. And the fact they're dipping into their own pockets to ensure all their staff get all the wages and not just a fraction of them as most other businesses are is honourable and ethical.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
You must see where the anger is
No I don't. Do the players pay taxes? Does the club pay taxes. If yes to both then the system is working as designed by the Chancellor. If no then that should be controversial with or without coronavirus.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
You must see where the anger is
As long as that anger is equally directed at other billionaire business owners doing the same thing.
Absolutely. Billionaires and share holders must take a hit
Brockwell Park in south London will be closed on Sunday because so many people had flouted the Government's social distancing advice, Lambeth Council said.
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
You must see where the anger is
No I don't. Do the players pay taxes? Does the club pay taxes. If yes to both then the system is working as designed by the Chancellor. If no then that should be controversial with or without coronavirus.
It is a stain on any football club which can afford to pay all the wages without state aid
Premiership footballers are talking of taking a 30% pay cut.
Are Liverpool as if so that would support all the employees and maintain their reputation
(In fairness Bastani has been more constructive over the course of the day, including welcoming Starmer’s letter, but then, he is so pompous that he probably thought the endorsement was needed for Starmer to be considered leader.)
This is clearly fake news. Rosena's not even in the running.
If she features in the Starmer shadow-cabinet then she's the golden girl. If though she doesn't then there's a lot of wilderness for her to get through.
When do we think foreign holidays will be possible? We have two booked - May 30th and Jul 17th
I think the May one is very unlikely, even if you can go I suspect significant social distancing measures will be in operation (so many of the places you plan to visit might just be shut). July is hard to know, in truth. 3 months is a long time in this pandemic. I'd guess you won't go, but I'm far from certain on that one.
I was due to go on two trips this year, late April and late May. Both cancelled, a mixture of vouchers and cash refunds.
Neither will happen unless we definitely find out that 60 or 70% of us have had it already and the plague is over.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
You must see where the anger is
As long as that anger is equally directed at other billionaire business owners doing the same thing.
Absolutely. Billionaires and share holders must take a hit
And they are taking a hit. The club is paying the difference despite no legal requirement to do so because they think it's the right thing to do. And any taxes to repay for the scheme they will pay since they pay taxes - anyone who opts out of using the scheme won't get to opt out of tax afterwards.
Brockwell Park in south London will be closed on Sunday because so many people had flouted the Government's social distancing advice, Lambeth Council said.
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
It seems the imbeciles of two Saturdays ago still haven't learnt their lesson.
My sympathies are with those who will now lose out.
"The Dinou case raises serious questions about the rule of law during a pandemic. Dinou was arrested, charged and then prosecuted in a court of law for an offence that does not exist. The case was heard in court by a district judge rather than a bench of magistrates. It was reported that the judge convicted Dinou in a single hearing, even though she reportedly refused to leave her cell throughout the proceedings."
Ah yes, the same Spiked who published an article about how complaints that Orbán was being made dictator for life where in fact anti-Hungarian bigotry.
The origin and role of the Spiked Online / Living Marxism gang in so many areas, including Brexit, is one of the great under-reported phenomena of British politics.
The Iranian figures are a hoot..... There must be two old boys in a shed... "Hashem mate....what did you put down yesterday?" "163 my old mucker Ayab..." "OK...lets give it 139 today...seems about right Hashem..."
And meanwhile in the real Iranian world there are bargain black bin bags handed out and skips everywhere for people to dispose of their relatives.....
I looked at the figures for Iran earlier today and came to the same conclusion. The number of deaths each day over the last month are very close to a constant plus a normally distributed random number.
Disgraceful of LFC to furlough its non-playing staff. That's me done with that football club.
Football clubs and the players pay a lot of tax, but it is poor that they aren’t covering staff pay themselves.
The players could donate the necessary money by taking a pay cut.
How many do you will think will offer ?
Is there any reason why millionaires should subsidise billionaires? And is there any reason why footballers should be singled out ahead of bankers, actors, lawyers and pop stars?
Because football clubs pretend to be something more than mere businesses. LFC certainly has.
It will be laughed out of town now every time it tries to sing its anthem.
The staff are fine they get 100% and don’t lose out the debate should be about wether it is right for a business, however profitable, to take advantage of the scheme. Apart from the overall tax payer who are LFC treating badly? Not the staff so the contempt is misguided, they have not sold the staff down the river unless I’m missing something?
I think you don't really understand the point about LFC. It has just lost its soul.
Liverpool CEO Peter Moore Oct '19: "We had this historical figure, Bill Shankly, a Scottish socialist. Today when we speak about business questions, we ask ourselves: 'what would Shankly do?'
Football is about rivalry. LFC fans will be ashamed of this, they will be mocked merclessly. Their achievements traduced.
I understand it completely, was born and brought up a red, what are you upset about? if it’s because they are taking government money then I assume you feel the same about every other business owner who could afford to pay but has gone down the furlough, there are plenty of examples.
No because they are not like every other business, that's the whole point. They pretend to be something more and that's the whole brand. Let's see how this plays out to see who has called it correctly.
I don't have a clue what you're banging on about. The staff are being paid 100% of their wages not 80% as most other businesses are doing. Seems to me they are treating their staff better than almost any other business under the circumstances. What's the big deal?
Tax payers money is being used at 80% to support their wages while the players pocket tens of millions
You must see where the anger is
No I don't. Do the players pay taxes? Does the club pay taxes. If yes to both then the system is working as designed by the Chancellor. If no then that should be controversial with or without coronavirus.
It is a stain on any football club which can afford to pay all the wages without state aid
Premiership footballers are talking of taking a 30% pay cut.
Are Liverpool as if so that would support all the employees and maintain their reputation
It's not state aid. It's a scheme for all employees the government has put in place across the entire country paid for in no small part by the billions in taxes they generate.
Any tax dodging business claiming this I'd object to. Sectors that pay billions in taxes I don't care. That's what the tax they're paying is used for right now.
Your logic is like saying rich people shouldn't use the NHS as it's state aid.
Brockwell Park in south London will be closed on Sunday because so many people had flouted the Government's social distancing advice, Lambeth Council said.
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
It seems the imbeciles of two Saturdays ago still haven't learnt their lesson.
My sympathies are with those who will now lose out.
The Exchequer takes billions in taxes from the Premier League clubs and players.
I'm sure even with furlough the Exchequer will be making a profit from the Premier League. Something that might not be said with other industries.
You are trying to defend the indefensible
No what is indefensible is the hypocritical objections that expect clubs to pay their fair share of taxes but not expect them to take their fair share of anything those taxes pay for.
Brockwell Park in south London will be closed on Sunday because so many people had flouted the Government's social distancing advice, Lambeth Council said.
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
It seems the imbeciles of two Saturdays ago still haven't learnt their lesson.
My sympathies are with those who will now lose out.
Hint: it's not the same people
It was Clapham Common where the provocative images came from two Saturdays ago.
Hint: both Clapham Common and Brockwell Park are in the borough of Lambeth.
Brockwell Park in south London will be closed on Sunday because so many people had flouted the Government's social distancing advice, Lambeth Council said.
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
Oh back to those wistful days /decades of Lambeth Council being anti police not hiding behind them to close parks! Sunbathing away from everybody else is not the worst crime tbh - Londoners will not have the same access to gardens
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
Brockwell Park in south London will be closed on Sunday because so many people had flouted the Government's social distancing advice, Lambeth Council said.
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
Looking at that photo, if there were wooden fences between all the groups no-one would mind as they would be in gardens. The wooden fences dont stop the spread.
People seem well spaced out in that photo, and in their own small groups.
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
The Exchequer takes billions in taxes from the Premier League clubs and players.
I'm sure even with furlough the Exchequer will be making a profit from the Premier League. Something that might not be said with other industries.
They pay billions in tax? That seems a touch high.
So you want Liverpool to be known as the club who took a tax payer's bung instead of cutting the millions paid to their players
Rights or wrongs it has a 'Gerald Ratner style' moment about it
Why should it be either or? As well as the fact they pay hundreds of millions of pounds annually to the Exchequer there is also the consideration the club generates a substantial portion of its revenue on matchday income (that's over a hundred million a year) and the TV income is at risk of not being paid.
Are you seriously saying they should be plucked of hundreds of millions of taxes each year, could be at risk of losing tens of millions or more of revenue but shouldn't get a penny from all the taxes they pay?
So why shouldn't they get their fair share of the taxes they are paying and not dodging? I see nothing other than green eyed envy. The fact the players earn millions is neither here nor there when the taxes involved are billions.
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
You think you speak for all Northerners ?
I think the business groups represent the northern business and politicians represent the public.
They almost without exception are supportive of HS2.
The Exchequer takes billions in taxes from the Premier League clubs and players.
I'm sure even with furlough the Exchequer will be making a profit from the Premier League. Something that might not be said with other industries.
They pay billions in tax? That seems a touch high.
So you want Liverpool to be known as the club who took a tax payer's bung instead of cutting the millions paid to their players
Rights or wrongs it has a 'Gerald Ratner style' moment about it
Why should it be either or? As well as the fact they pay hundreds of millions of pounds annually to the Exchequer there is also the consideration the club generates a substantial portion of its revenue on matchday income (that's over a hundred million a year) and the TV income is at risk of not being paid.
Are you seriously saying they should be plucked of hundreds of millions of taxes each year, could be at risk of losing tens of millions or more of revenue but shouldn't get a penny from all the taxes they pay?
So why shouldn't they get their fair share of the taxes they are paying and not dodging? I see nothing other than green eyed envy. The fact the players earn millions is neither here nor there when the taxes involved are billions.
I tnink you will find former Liverpool players are having a go
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
I'm not sure there will be many new jobs being created and I fear there will be plenty of new unemployed in any case.
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
You think you speak for all Northerners ?
I do not represent the north any more than any other individual on here
However, these groups absolutely do represent businesses in the north are are totally ignored by the southern media and almost everyone on here ...
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
I'm not sure there will be many new jobs being created and I fear there will be plenty of new unemployed in any case.
Perhaps but perhaps better to pay the laid off employee rather than the employer. This seems a reckless approach (especially at 80%)
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
You think you speak for all Northerners ?
I think the business groups represent the northern business and politicians represent the public.
They almost without exception are supportive of HS2.
As I said FatCats support spending money on FatCats.
None of the business people I know support if but then they're not FatCats.
The Exchequer takes billions in taxes from the Premier League clubs and players.
I'm sure even with furlough the Exchequer will be making a profit from the Premier League. Something that might not be said with other industries.
They pay billions in tax? That seems a touch high.
So you want Liverpool to be known as the club who took a tax payer's bung instead of cutting the millions paid to their players
Rights or wrongs it has a 'Gerald Ratner style' moment about it
Why should it be either or? As well as the fact they pay hundreds of millions of pounds annually to the Exchequer there is also the consideration the club generates a substantial portion of its revenue on matchday income (that's over a hundred million a year) and the TV income is at risk of not being paid.
Are you seriously saying they should be plucked of hundreds of millions of taxes each year, could be at risk of losing tens of millions or more of revenue but shouldn't get a penny from all the taxes they pay?
So why shouldn't they get their fair share of the taxes they are paying and not dodging? I see nothing other than green eyed envy. The fact the players earn millions is neither here nor there when the taxes involved are billions.
I tnink you will find former Liverpool players are having a go
So? I can disagree with them too.
So long as the club is paying it's fair share of taxes it should get it's fair share of what those taxes pay for. If it's not paying it's fair share in taxes then criticise it for that.
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
The whole idea seems crazy to me.
If I got paid £2500 for sitting at home, there's no way I'd be out looking for a new job.
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
You think you speak for all Northerners ?
I think the business groups represent the northern business and politicians represent the public.
They almost without exception are supportive of HS2.
As I said FatCats support spending money on FatCats.
None of the business people I know support if but then they're not FatCats.
Guess the people who you know are not as representative of the northern businesses as those that are represented by the CBI, Institute for Directors, Federation of Small Business and Chamber of Commerce then.
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
I'm not sure there will be many new jobs being created and I fear there will be plenty of new unemployed in any case.
Perhaps but perhaps better to pay the laid off employee rather than the employer. This seems a reckless approach (especially at 80%)
Why would that be better?
That would probably cost the Exchequer much more and be much harder to implement. For what benefits?
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
The whole idea seems crazy to me.
If I got paid £2500 for sitting at home, there's no way I'd be out looking for a new job.
The government DON'T WANT you out looking for a new job!! They want you at home!!
HS2 Northern Ltd has just been registered at Companies House.
Will deliver HS2 Phase 2 and NPR.
HS2 is a fascinating issue in terms of the cross section of opinions you get. On PB, you have Manchester Kurt aggressively supporting it because he thinks it will be good for the North, because too much is spent on London, and Alastair Meeks opposing it, presumably for the same reason, because he feels it's London subsidising the inbred yokels of the provinces. On the other side, you have Northerners vigorously opposed to it, because they think it's being done purely to increase London's talent pool at the expense of the provinces, and Londoners, who support it for the same reason. It's like a strange matrix or flow chart.
and what is the position away from this forum, from the northern business community, the northern politicians etc. ?
This place is not representative of how there is very great support across the business and politicians of the north. not remotely represetative.
Only because they have been conned into thinking it will be good for them - which it won't. The TGV in France sucked business away from the regions and increased its concentration in Paris rather than increasing regional wealth. .
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
You think you speak for all Northerners ?
I think the business groups represent the northern business and politicians represent the public.
They almost without exception are supportive of HS2.
As I said FatCats support spending money on FatCats.
None of the business people I know support if but then they're not FatCats.
Guess the people who you know are not as representative of the northern businesses as those that are represented by the CBI, Institute for Directors, Federation of Small Business and Chamber of Commerce then.
No, they just happen to be wealth creators, apprentice trainers and exporters.
anyone got any estimates at what the furlough scheme will cost? To me its over generous at the govenment end and discourages people moving to more useful jobs in this crisis , ditto the self employed scheme.
The whole idea seems crazy to me.
If I got paid £2500 for sitting at home, there's no way I'd be out looking for a new job.
The economy doesnt need those people to find a new job but to restart their existing job when the situation allows.
There will be plenty of others looking for work sadly.
(Actually they weren't)
I was due to go on two trips this year, late April and late May. Both cancelled, a mixture of vouchers and cash refunds.
And considerable numbers of fervent right-wingers are doing their patriotic duty, mindlessly parroting the American right-wing propaganda bullshit.
Tom Jefferson, an epidemiologist and honorary research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said the findings were “very, very important.” He told The BMJ, “The sample is small, and more data will become available. Also, it’s not clear exactly how these cases were identified. But let’s just say they are generalisable. And even if they are 10% out, then this suggests the virus is everywhere. If—and I stress, if—the results are representative, then we have to ask, ‘What the hell are we locking down for?’”
Mt Starmer wasn't the butt of that joke!
Do pay attention Mr Railway.
PS I apologise for the blockquote crap.
You must see where the anger is
OK let's leak this to the press...
It tweeted: "Despite clear advice, over 3000 people spent today in Brockwell Park, many of them sunbathing or in large groups. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the actions of a minority now means that, following police advice, Brockwell Park will be closed tomorrow. #StayHome"
I'm sure even with furlough the Exchequer will be making a profit from the Premier League. Something that might not be said with other industries.
Premiership footballers are talking of taking a 30% pay cut.
Are Liverpool as if so that would support all the employees and maintain their reputation
It’s good to see the Corbynite left is taking its further thumping defeats today so magnanimously.
(In fairness Bastani has been more constructive over the course of the day, including welcoming Starmer’s letter, but then, he is so pompous that he probably thought the endorsement was needed for Starmer to be considered leader.)
Sorry to be blunt.
My sympathies are with those who will now lose out.
£3.3 billion in one season alone. Probably more now.
Rights or wrongs it has a 'Gerald Ratner style' moment about it
Bill Gates called out as the anti-Christ.
Loo-roll supplies swamping civilisation.
Any tax dodging business claiming this I'd object to. Sectors that pay billions in taxes I don't care. That's what the tax they're paying is used for right now.
Your logic is like saying rich people shouldn't use the NHS as it's state aid.
Just kidding
Hint: both Clapham Common and Brockwell Park are in the borough of Lambeth.
There are mayors all over France, Spain, Italy, Germany.... all campaigning to have their high speed railway stations closed and the railways down graded.
Presumably the M6 has exactly the same affect on northern cities?
Just love how us northerners are too stupid to know what is good for us and how we need southerners to tell us we are wrong about what is good for us.
People seem well spaced out in that photo, and in their own small groups.
Are you seriously saying they should be plucked of hundreds of millions of taxes each year, could be at risk of losing tens of millions or more of revenue but shouldn't get a penny from all the taxes they pay?
So why shouldn't they get their fair share of the taxes they are paying and not dodging? I see nothing other than green eyed envy. The fact the players earn millions is neither here nor there when the taxes involved are billions.
I think the business groups represent the northern business and politicians represent the public.
They almost without exception are supportive of HS2.
Thought you were a massive Johnson fan?
Having someone second guess the idiots, and have the cash to do something about it like this, will pay dividends.
However, these groups absolutely do represent businesses in the north are are totally ignored by the southern media and almost everyone on here ...
None of the business people I know support if but then they're not FatCats.
So long as the club is paying it's fair share of taxes it should get it's fair share of what those taxes pay for. If it's not paying it's fair share in taxes then criticise it for that.
If I got paid £2500 for sitting at home, there's no way I'd be out looking for a new job.
That would probably cost the Exchequer much more and be much harder to implement. For what benefits?
(Actually I could insert an extra 'a' for a little spelling variation....)
Not FatCats.
There will be plenty of others looking for work sadly.