It occured to me, whilst eating a non full English breakfast in the cafe earlier, that James O'Brien and the like are quite comfortable with being the kind of people who, if they saw someone they knew on the day of England playing a big football match eating a full English who happened to say "Having a patriotic breakfast before the game!", would rebuke them, list the countries the ingredients originated from and take offence for implicitly being called a traitor for not eating one.
A right laugh!
Are you actually triggering yourself?
I know a lot of lefty liberals, and can think of a few who might be interested in the etymology or the English Breakfast, and might even be curious enough to read an article about the food's origins.
However, I'd be astonished if any of them read your worries and reacted with outrage, rather than just finding it mildly amusing.
I don't get it, what are my "worries"?
I just imagined James O'Brien in a cafe seeing someone in an England shirt describing a full English as a "patriotic" breakfast before a big game and wondered if he would tear a strip off them with a "I'm so bored of having to educate people" sigh
I cant imagine not giving the benefit of the doubt to someone if the roles were reversed
I'm carryin on a bout this a bit now! It doesnt matter really I suppose
You didn't just say you imagined it, but that you believed he would be "quite comfortable" acting that way, and what you described was someone acting in a fairly offensive, and stupid manner.
My reply was clearly lighthearted - but I was suggesting that you're causing yourself offence, even if you're laughing it off at the same time.
I imagined him being comfortable with it, because he did exactly that voluntarily on twitter this morning, and the example I described is the real life version of his tweet.
He mocked a Daily Telegraph article, and then made clear he was joking, and finds it amusing that anyone would care.
You appeared to be suggesting he'd be rude in person to someone he didn't know, and then take offence.
I'll admit I hadn't seen the tweet, so your comment seemed odd but I guess if you're genuine that you don't really care, and just find the whole thing funny, then we all agree
If Joe Biden is your party's answer to all those former Democratic voters in Michigan and Wisconsin.... well, yeah.... Good luck with that.
If African-Americans had turned out at 2012 levels then the Dems would have won Michigan.
Biden is the clear, clear pick of African-American voters.
In Wisconsin the absolute vote was down. Trump got less votes than Romney.
He's the clear pick of the African-American voters in the Democratic primary. And short of George Wallace coming back from the dead, anyone the Democrats run in the general will be their clear pick in the general.
That being said, those states clearly weren't thrilled with the Obama legacy. And now the Dems are going to run his Vice-President.
How many Oamam 2012 - Trump 2016 switxhers were there and how many Obama 2012 - StayingAtHomeNotVotingForHilary voters were there?
Romney got 60 million votes in 2012, Trump got 62 million votes in 2016.
Obama got 65 million 900 000 votes in 2012, Hillary got 65 million 800 000 votes, so there was a small shift of Obama voters to Trump but a bigger turnout overall for Trump than for Romney and only a small case of Obama voters staying at home and not voting for Hillary
The US population is growing more strongly than ours so I suspect that it's more useful to look at such figures in terms of percentage turnout of voting-age adults.
My best guess is that would show the Republicans nearly static in 2016 v 2012 and the Democrats significantly down.
Trump was down on Romney by 1.1 percentage points.
He won because Democratic turnout was masssssively down.
Was that 1.1% drop across the US? I had assumed that it was down considerably in places lick Utah, but up in places lick Michigan, but I have not checked.
That was nationally. Trump was up by tiny amounts in the famed rust belt states. Clinton was down massively.
It has gone from 248 on 5Feb to 10297 on 2 Mar. That is an exponential growth of 17% a day or a doubling every five days.
The increase in the UK from 39 to 51 in a day is a 30% growth in a day, or a doubling every three days.
n seems pretty small to judge it's exponential right now surely?
Look at the log graph. It is a straight line with about 26 datapoints. It is clearly exponential which is what you'd expect from first principles if every case on average causes another infection (in this case every five days). It won't continue to be exponential for a number of reasons (not least you run out of people to infect!) but it might continue on this path for many days yet.
It occured to me, whilst eating a non full English breakfast in the cafe earlier, that James O'Brien and the like are quite comfortable with being the kind of people who, if they saw someone they knew on the day of England playing a big football match eating a full English who happened to say "Having a patriotic breakfast before the game!", would rebuke them, list the countries the ingredients originated from and take offence for implicitly being called a traitor for not eating one.
A right laugh!
Are you actually triggering yourself?
I know a lot of lefty liberals, and can think of a few who might be interested in the etymology or the English Breakfast, and might even be curious enough to read an article about the food's origins.
However, I'd be astonished if any of them read your worries and reacted with outrage, rather than just finding it mildly amusing.
I'm carryin on a bout this a bit now! It doesnt matter really I suppose
You didn't just say you imagined it, but that you believed he would be "quite comfortable" acting that way, and what you described was someone acting in a fairly offensive, and stupid manner.
My reply was clearly lighthearted - but I was suggesting that you're causing yourself offence, even if you're laughing it off at the same time.
I imagined him being comfortable with it, because he did exactly that voluntarily on twitter this morning, and the example I described is the real life version of his tweet.
He mocked a Daily Telegraph article, and then made clear he was joking, and finds it amusing that anyone would care.
You appeared to be suggesting he'd be rude in person to someone he didn't know, and then take offence.
I'll admit I hadn't seen the tweet, so your comment seemed odd but I guess if you're genuine that you don't really care, and just find the whole thing funny, then we all agree
I thought you couldn't have seen the tweet, as if I had just randomly posted what I did and he hadn't tweeted what he did, it would indeed be an incredibly bizarre thing to come out with.
I just find it a bit sad, as in sad for everyone not that he is a sad case, that people are so polarised that they have to make a big song and dance about everything people they disagree with say, to the point where they are prepared to assume the worst and jump feet first into mockery and trolling, ignoring any nuance and never giving the benefit of the doubt.
That's mildly encouraging. No community transmission, all traced.
Come on Britain. Keep it up.
Do we know how may people are being tested in the UK every day? and how does that compare to other contrary's? I know its very low in the US but what about elsewhere?
Trump probably wants testing in the US avoided to some degree because I expect the Dow specifically would be tanking more than it is if the full extent of Corona was known there.
It has gone from 248 on 5Feb to 10297 on 2 Mar. That is an exponential growth of 17% a day or a doubling every five days.
The increase in the UK from 39 to 51 in a day is a 30% growth in a day, or a doubling every three days.
If the first case in the UK was on 31st Jan, then it has been a 17% a day growth to get up to 51 today, or a doubling every five days.
It may be a blip but there was actually a fall in the number of new cases outside China from March 1 to March 2. We may well be reaching the end of exponential growth as more of the bigger players, especially SK, get more on top of this.
It has gone from 248 on 5Feb to 10297 on 2 Mar. That is an exponential growth of 17% a day or a doubling every five days.
The increase in the UK from 39 to 51 in a day is a 30% growth in a day, or a doubling every three days.
If the first case in the UK was on 31st Jan, then it has been a 17% a day growth to get up to 51 today, or a doubling every five days.
It may be a blip but there was actually a fall in the number of new cases outside China from March 1 to March 2. We may well be reaching the end of exponential growth as more of the bigger players, especially SK, get more on top of this.
Except now its in failed states like Iran and the USA which don't have a foggiest who has it.
All 12 identified today came from overseas, that's very good news.
The Singaporeans will be keen to trace where their one came from.....I suspect the others have given up.
I wonder if the drop in the number of tests was driven by contact testing - we're getting better at focussing on those most at risk?
Or paranoid attention seeking freaks who hadn't been anywhere have already called 111 saying they have symptoms so now only those who might be relevant are doing so.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
Tens of stories like this coming from Seattle. Given that best estimations are that there's 700+ cases in WA, you'd think that they'd be testing everyone possible.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It looks like panic and the markets are responding accordingly
It occured to me, whilst eating a non full English breakfast in the cafe earlier, that James O'Brien and the like are quite comfortable with being the kind of people who, if they saw someone they knew on the day of England playing a big football match eating a full English who happened to say "Having a patriotic breakfast before the game!", would rebuke them, list the countries the ingredients originated from and take offence for implicitly being called a traitor for not eating one.
A right laugh!
Are you actually triggering yourself?
I know a lot of lefty liberals, and can think of a few who might be interested in the etymology or the English Breakfast, and might even be curious enough to read an article about the food's origins.
However, I'd be astonished if any of them read your worries and reacted with outrage, rather than just finding it mildly amusing.
I'm carryin on a bout this a bit now! It doesnt matter really I suppose
You didn't just say you imagined it, but that you believed he would be "quite comfortable" acting that way, and what you described was someone acting in a fairly offensive, and stupid manner.
My reply was clearly lighthearted - but I was suggesting that you're causing yourself offence, even if you're laughing it off at the same time.
I imagined him being comfortable with it, because he did exactly that voluntarily on twitter this morning, and the example I described is the real life version of his tweet.
He mocked a Daily Telegraph article, and then made clear he was joking, and finds it amusing that anyone would care.
You appeared to be suggesting he'd be rude in person to someone he didn't know, and then take offence.
I'll admit I hadn't seen the tweet, so your comment seemed odd but I guess if you're genuine that you don't really care, and just find the whole thing funny, then we all agree
I thought you couldn't have seen the tweet, as if I had just randomly posted what I did and he hadn't tweeted what he did, it would indeed be an incredibly bizarre thing to come out with.
I just find it a bit sad, as in sad for everyone not that he is a sad case, that people are so polarised that they have to make a big song and dance about everything people they disagree with say, to the point where they are prepared to assume the worst and jump feet first into mockery and trolling, ignoring any nuance and never giving the benefit of the doubt.
Blimey if we follow your advice that's the end of PB.
That 1 in 733 figure is interesting because so far in 10 countries — Germany, Spain, Singapore, Kuwait, UK, Bahrain, Switzerland, Malaysia, Norway, Canada — there have been 749 cases and no fatalities. I know it's very optimistic to hope that all of those cases result in a full recovery.
Tens of stories like this coming from Seattle. Given that best estimations are that there's 700+ cases in WA, you'd think that they'd be testing everyone possible.
Yet CNN says the US is now geared up to do a million tests this week. Which is a big step up from the 500 or so they have managed so far. If there is a North Italy type outbreak on the west coast, we’ll soon know about it.
Meanwhile trading volumes on the markets are breaking records.
Some good news - CNN says that your dog can’t catch Coronavirus. Probably.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
It occured to me, whilst eating a non full English breakfast in the cafe earlier, that James O'Brien and the like are quite comfortable with being the kind of people who, if they saw someone they knew on the day of England playing a big football match eating a full English who happened to say "Having a patriotic breakfast before the game!", would rebuke them, list the countries the ingredients originated from and take offence for implicitly being called a traitor for not eating one.
A right laugh!
Are you actually triggering yourself?
I know a lot of lefty liberals, and can think of a few who might be interested in the etymology or the English Breakfast, and might even be curious enough to read an article about the food's origins.
However, I'd be astonished if any of them read your worries and reacted with outrage, rather than just finding it mildly amusing.
I'm carryin on a bout this a bit now! It doesnt matter really I suppose
You didn't just say you imagined it, but that you believed he would be "quite comfortable" acting that way, and what you described was someone acting in a fairly offensive, and stupid manner.
My reply was clearly lighthearted - but I was suggesting that you're causing yourself offence, even if you're laughing it off at the same time.
I imagined him being comfortable with it, because he did exactly that voluntarily on twitter this morning, and the example I described is the real life version of his tweet.
He mocked a Daily Telegraph article, and then made clear he was joking, and finds it amusing that anyone would care.
You appeared to be suggesting he'd be rude in person to someone he didn't know, and then take offence.
I'll admit I hadn't seen the tweet, so your comment seemed odd but I guess if you're genuine that you don't really care, and just find the whole thing funny, then we all agree
I thought you couldn't have seen the tweet, as if I had just randomly posted what I did and he hadn't tweeted what he did, it would indeed be an incredibly bizarre thing to come out with.
I just find it a bit sad, as in sad for everyone not that he is a sad case, that people are so polarised that they have to make a big song and dance about everything people they disagree with say, to the point where they are prepared to assume the worst and jump feet first into mockery and trolling, ignoring any nuance and never giving the benefit of the doubt.
Christ - I've just read the replies under his tweet. Some people are really upset.
Wise PB preppers - what's the best way to get enough of the nutrients that would normally come from fresh fruit and vegetables if we enter a long period of self-isolation? Or to put it another way, what deficiencies are likely to result from a diet of rice, pasta, and dried peaches / apricots?
Vitamin D due to lack of sun?
Good business for the tanning shops, but remember to give the sunbed a good wipe.
Tens of stories like this coming from Seattle. Given that best estimations are that there's 700+ cases in WA, you'd think that they'd be testing everyone possible.
And this lady:
Who's gone, er, viral (will we ever say that again?)
It has gone from 248 on 5Feb to 10297 on 2 Mar. That is an exponential growth of 17% a day or a doubling every five days.
The increase in the UK from 39 to 51 in a day is a 30% growth in a day, or a doubling every three days.
If the first case in the UK was on 31st Jan, then it has been a 17% a day growth to get up to 51 today, or a doubling every five days.
It may be a blip but there was actually a fall in the number of new cases outside China from March 1 to March 2. We may well be reaching the end of exponential growth as more of the bigger players, especially SK, get more on top of this.
Except now its in failed states like Iran and the USA which don't have a foggiest who has it.
The complacency and incompetence (and unfit for purpose healthcare system) of the USA could end up being the story of this virus. In which case, laying the Republicans would make sense.
That's mildly encouraging. No community transmission, all traced.
Come on Britain. Keep it up.
Do we know how may people are being tested in the UK every day? and how does that compare to other contrary's? I know its very low in the US but what about elsewhere?
We're the world leader in the number of tests done by nations with sub 1000 cases.
Tens of stories like this coming from Seattle. Given that best estimations are that there's 700+ cases in WA, you'd think that they'd be testing everyone possible.
Yet CNN says the US is now geared up to do a million tests this week. Which is a big step up from the 500 or so they have managed so far. If there is a North Italy type outbreak on the west coast, we’ll soon know about it.
Meanwhile trading volumes on the markets are breaking records.
Some good news - CNN says that your dog can’t catch Coronavirus. Probably.
Apparently the "million tests" thing is yet another lie from the Trump administration.
I was at a livery hall event last night where I saw two 75 year olds unironically bump elbows on meeting. I was halfway between being amused and being impressed at their pragmatic adaptability to changing circumstances.
A lovely smile is perfectly fine. Why the need to touch someone at all?
Update from the front line. Am in Paris for meetings.
Of the three, one cancelled because they are trying to cut down on interactions with travellers, one cancelled because the markets are crazy, and one withdrew his hand as I put mine (newly sanitised) out to shake it.
Uber driver most phlegmatic of the lot.
Given that the French are riddled with it, you should probably take the non-handshake as a generous gesture.
Tens of stories like this coming from Seattle. Given that best estimations are that there's 700+ cases in WA, you'd think that they'd be testing everyone possible.
Yet CNN says the US is now geared up to do a million tests this week. Which is a big step up from the 500 or so they have managed so far. If there is a North Italy type outbreak on the west coast, we’ll soon know about it.
Meanwhile trading volumes on the markets are breaking records.
Some good news - CNN says that your dog can’t catch Coronavirus. Probably.
Apparently the "million tests" thing is yet another lie from the Trump administration.
CNN leading on a Trump lie would be novel.
Trump administration claimed 1,000,000 tests a week could be done. NYT among others have poured cold water on it. There is no evidence of any capability in the near term future for the US to do that number of tests.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
That 1 in 733 figure is interesting because so far in 10 countries — Germany, Spain, Singapore, Kuwait, UK, Bahrain, Switzerland, Malaysia, Norway, Canada — there have been 749 cases and no fatalities. I know it's very optimistic to hope that all of those cases result in a full recovery.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
Yep, that's likely to cause a big inflationary spike. Cutting interest rates will exacerbate that.
Urgh, without warning all of a sudden Sky have removed Stargate from their Boxed Sets. Whats the point of having a boxed set available so you can watch a series if halfway through viewing the series they're just going to drop it without any notice. Grrr!
The ones I've already downloaded and watched are still there, not much use, had they said "this will be available to download until 2 March" then could have downloaded the rest of the series already (or at least what hard drive copes with).
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
Yep, that's likely to cause a big inflationary spike. Cutting interest rates will exacerbate that.
Where the hell do you put money if 1. shares are doomed and 2. inflation is gonna blow up
Gold and INXG
Edit/ you really do need to do some reading about inflation and bonds
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
It's interesting - how much will be inflationary, how much will defer spending and how much will be totally lost. As a simple example we are looking at installing some blinds or shutters in a room at home. Blinds fine, 2 weeks lead time. Shutters are made in China so the normal 10 weeks is now expected 14 weeks 'but we just don't know' to quote the installation bloke. Some people will choose the blinds (inflationary), some will say 'it's fine I'll have the shutters and it doesn't matter how long it takes' (delay) and others will say 'no thanks, I'll keep the old moth-eaten curtains for the time being thanks' (lost spending).
If it is inflationary - what's the best market bet? Linkers but also ??
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
It's interesting - how much will be inflationary, how much will defer spending and how much will be totally lost. As a simple example we are looking at installing some blinds or shutters in a room at home. Blinds fine, 2 weeks lead time. Shutters are made in China so the normal 10 weeks is now expected 14 weeks 'but we just don't know' to quote the installation bloke. Some people will choose the blinds (inflationary), some will say 'it's fine I'll have the shutters and it doesn't matter how long it takes' (delay) and others will say 'no thanks, I'll keep the old moth-eaten curtains for the time being thanks' (lost spending).
If it is inflationary - what's the best market bet? Linkers but also ??
Gold and index linked bonds.
My bedroom shutters took an age to come from China. Doubtless I saw the ship passing by my window. When they arrived, the height had been transposed with the width. So they had to be ordered again. It took about nine months before I finally had them installed.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
Yep, that's likely to cause a big inflationary spike. Cutting interest rates will exacerbate that.
Where the hell do you put money if 1. shares are doomed and 2. inflation is gonna blow up
If you believe your own predictions, I'd buy and few mattresses and get stuffing.
After some initial enthusiasm, markets are becoming sceptical that the surprise US interest rate cut is going to make much difference when we are all holed up indoors.
It's a nonsense cut.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
AFAICS the biggest risk is of an inflationary spike as supply chains are disrupted by the economic standstill in China. We are about to find out how much our economies are intertwined with the Chinese.
It's interesting - how much will be inflationary, how much will defer spending and how much will be totally lost. As a simple example we are looking at installing some blinds or shutters in a room at home. Blinds fine, 2 weeks lead time. Shutters are made in China so the normal 10 weeks is now expected 14 weeks 'but we just don't know' to quote the installation bloke. Some people will choose the blinds (inflationary), some will say 'it's fine I'll have the shutters and it doesn't matter how long it takes' (delay) and others will say 'no thanks, I'll keep the old moth-eaten curtains for the time being thanks' (lost spending).
If it is inflationary - what's the best market bet? Linkers but also ??
Gold and index linked bonds.
My bedroom shutters took an age to come from China. Doubtless I saw the ship passing by my window. When they arrived, the height had been transposed with the width. So they had to be ordered again. It took about nine months before I finally had them installed.
I am in the process of starting the ordering of furnishings and they will all be made locally.
"Venice’s High Tides Receded. Now Tourism Is Running Dry. As Italy battles the coronavirus, tourists are shunning trips and Venice faces a big loss of business"
That's mildly encouraging. No community transmission, all traced.
Come on Britain. Keep it up.
Do we know how may people are being tested in the UK every day? and how does that compare to other contrary's? I know its very low in the US but what about elsewhere?
We're the world leader in the number of tests done by nations with sub 1000 cases.
But behind Austria and Switzerland in tests per million population.
Absolute numbers tested:
South Korea 109,591 Italy 23,345 Austria 2,120 Switzerland 1,850 UK 13,525 Finland 130 Vietnam 1,737 Turkey 940 United States 472
Is this the full list down to 472 tests in one country? If so the lack of testing in Germany and France both with around 200 cases is shockingly low.
FCO should update its travel list to advise against unnecessary travel with the USA.
Now THERE'S an interesting bet
When will the FCO start discouraging travel to the US? With more Covid deaths already than all of non-Italy Europe put together, it must be only days from becoming clear the country's got far more undiscovered cases than anywhere outside Iran and Korea.
So the two countries that were slowing down yesterday - Italy and SKorea - have accelerated once more.
In numerical terms the spread of a virus is a random process. There will be days when there are mot so many new cases and other days when there are many more new cases. You cannot claim that the infection rate is slowing down based on one or two day's data.
The next person to say that to me will get slapped - by a glove on the end of a long stick.
If Italy's death rate of 3.1% comes to pass, and 50% of Brits get infected (mid range scenario) that's a million dead Britons.
I suspect that given the size of the outbreak in Italy, that a lot of people who have cought it and not shown symptoms/ or only miled symptoms have not been tested, and therefor the % may not be meaningful.
The next person to say that to me will get slapped - by a glove on the end of a long stick.
If Italy's death rate of 3.1% comes to pass, and 50% of Brits get infected (mid range scenario) that's a million dead Britons.
Italy has an older population, albeit a healthier one. And this is with a still mostly functioning healthcare system. WHO has just come out with a 3.4% mortality rate estimate.
The next person to say that to me will get slapped - by a glove on the end of a long stick.
If Italy's death rate of 3.1% comes to pass, and 50% of Brits get infected (mid range scenario) that's a million dead Britons.
Italy’s large elderly population poses a challenge in slowing the number of coronavirus deaths in the worst-affected country in Europe, a health specialist has said.
The virus has killed 52 people in Italy, all aged between 63 and 95 with underlying serious illnesses.
The death toll, provided by officials on Monday night, marked an increase of 18 in 24 hours. Twenty-three per cent of the Italian population is over 65, making it the oldest in the world after Japan.
“Italy is a country of old people,” said Prof Massimo Galli, the director of infectious diseases at Sacco hospital in Milan. “The elderly with previous pathologies are notoriously numerous here. I think this could explain why we are seeing more serious cases of coronavirus here, which I repeat, in the vast majority of cases start mildly and cause few problems, especially in young people and certainly in children.
“Our life expectancy is among the highest in the world. But unfortunately, in a situation like this, old people are more at risk of a serious outcome.”
That 1 in 733 figure is interesting because so far in 10 countries — Germany, Spain, Singapore, Kuwait, UK, Bahrain, Switzerland, Malaysia, Norway, Canada — there have been 749 cases and no fatalities. I know it's very optimistic to hope that all of those cases result in a full recovery.
The next person to say that to me will get slapped - by a glove on the end of a long stick.
If Italy's death rate of 3.1% comes to pass, and 50% of Brits get infected (mid range scenario) that's a million dead Britons.
Italy has an older population, albeit a healthier one. And this is with a still mostly functioning healthcare system. WHO has just come out with a 3.4% mortality rate estimate.
I don't believe they have a healthier one. Italians lose far more annually from flu than the UK does. They may have been healthier when they were younger which is how they've reached old age, but now they're far more vulnerable.
The next person to say that to me will get slapped - by a glove on the end of a long stick.
If Italy's death rate of 3.1% comes to pass, and 50% of Brits get infected (mid range scenario) that's a million dead Britons.
I suspect that given the size of the outbreak in Italy, that a lot of people who have cought it and not shown symptoms/ or only miled symptoms have not been tested, and therefor the % may not be meaningful.
Yes that's possible.
It should be noted that the death rate is nothing like that elsewhere: Korea etc
in terms of mortality, Italy is uniquely bad outside Wuhan (if we ignore the ridiculous data coming out of Iran).
Worth pointing out that Italy has one of the oldest populations and given the strong correlation between age and mortality from this virus that will skew their figures.
Indeed. Italy has an average 17,000 deaths from the flu per annum. Currently COVID is running at below 0.5% of that total.
If Italy does average 17,000 deaths from flu per year, that is a lot more than the UK, where it is about 4,000 IIRC, for a similer size population.
It could be for a lot of reasons, highly speculative to say this, but perhaps by extrapolation, the same reasons will kick in and we will also see less deaths for COV19?
Would enplane why Italy has been so much worse than the rest of Europe?
Worth remembering that the UK-EU trade talks have begun in earnest this week and will probably for the long term be more important than a temporarily really bad flu season.
I wonder how the talks are going while absolutely nobody is paying attention to them - and I wonder if the absence of people paying attention will make the talks easier or harder. I suspect easier.
If this gets worse I suspect the talks will be postponed. Or they'll do it via Skype. Literally.
I don't think that would make that much of a difference to be honest.
I actively expect them to do this. The European Parliament is halfway to closing down.
Indeed. Italy has an average 17,000 deaths from the flu per annum. Currently COVID is running at below 0.5% of that total.
If Italy does average 17,000 deaths from flu per year, that is a lot more than the UK, where it is about 4,000 IIRC, for a similer size population.
It could be for a lot of reasons, highly speculative to say this, but perhaps by extrapolation, the same reasons will kick in and we will also see less deaths for COV19?
Would enplane why Italy has been so much worse than the rest of Europe?
It would be interesting to see if Italy has a higher number of smokers than the UK and others
The next person to say that to me will get slapped - by a glove on the end of a long stick.
If Italy's death rate of 3.1% comes to pass, and 50% of Brits get infected (mid range scenario) that's a million dead Britons.
I suspect that given the size of the outbreak in Italy, that a lot of people who have cought it and not shown symptoms/ or only miled symptoms have not been tested, and therefor the % may not be meaningful.
Yes that's possible.
It should be noted that the death rate is nothing like that elsewhere: Korea etc
in terms of mortality, Italy is uniquely bad outside Wuhan (if we ignore the ridiculous data coming out of Iran).
Worth pointing out that Italy has one of the oldest populations and given the strong correlation between age and mortality from this virus that will skew their figures.
Also worth noting that the average (average) age of those who have died of Corona in Italy is over 80.
You appeared to be suggesting he'd be rude in person to someone he didn't know, and then take offence.
I'll admit I hadn't seen the tweet, so your comment seemed odd
I just find it a bit sad, as in sad for everyone not that he is a sad case, that people are so polarised that they have to make a big song and dance about everything people they disagree with say, to the point where they are prepared to assume the worst and jump feet first into mockery and trolling, ignoring any nuance and never giving the benefit of the doubt.
I wonder if the drop in the number of tests was driven by contact testing - we're getting better at focussing on those most at risk?
Tens of stories like this coming from Seattle. Given that best estimations are that there's 700+ cases in WA, you'd think that they'd be testing everyone possible.
That 1 in 733 figure is interesting because so far in 10 countries — Germany, Spain, Singapore, Kuwait, UK, Bahrain, Switzerland, Malaysia, Norway, Canada — there have been 749 cases and no fatalities. I know it's very optimistic to hope that all of those cases result in a full recovery.
Meanwhile trading volumes on the markets are breaking records.
Some good news - CNN says that your dog can’t catch Coronavirus. Probably.
Coronavirus at the moment is not really affecting demand (bar in travel). It's supply that is being impacted big time, and rate cuts won't solve that.
The only thing that stimulating demand while supply shrinks is going to do is cause massive inflation.
In the cases that human leisure activities do drop significantly due to massive disruption, the rate cut will be the difference between shrinking by X.0% or X + not much more%, which will be basically immaterial.
One other signal this does create is the signal of panic. An emergency 50 point rate cut is not a sign of confidence in the market.
I dont think she should have given up myself!
Edit/ My dog Miska agrees. Woof!
The ones I've already downloaded and watched are still there, not much use, had they said "this will be available to download until 2 March" then could have downloaded the rest of the series already (or at least what hard drive copes with).
Edit/ you really do need to do some reading about inflation and bonds
If it is inflationary - what's the best market bet? Linkers but also ??
My bedroom shutters took an age to come from China. Doubtless I saw the ship passing by my window. When they arrived, the height had been transposed with the width. So they had to be ordered again. It took about nine months before I finally had them installed.
Known for its crushing crowds of tourists, Venice is now all but empty, as travelers cancel over coronavirus fears."
"Venice’s High Tides Receded. Now Tourism Is Running Dry.
As Italy battles the coronavirus, tourists are shunning trips and Venice faces a big loss of business"
'It's just another flu'
When will the FCO start discouraging travel to the US? With more Covid deaths already than all of non-Italy Europe put together, it must be only days from becoming clear the country's got far more undiscovered cases than anywhere outside Iran and Korea.
This country has acted far more responsibly than the US and his hero Trump
Although we don't know how many asymptomatic people there are.
The virus has killed 52 people in Italy, all aged between 63 and 95 with underlying serious illnesses.
The death toll, provided by officials on Monday night, marked an increase of 18 in 24 hours. Twenty-three per cent of the Italian population is over 65, making it the oldest in the world after Japan.
“Italy is a country of old people,” said Prof Massimo Galli, the director of infectious diseases at Sacco hospital in Milan. “The elderly with previous pathologies are notoriously numerous here. I think this could explain why we are seeing more serious cases of coronavirus here, which I repeat, in the vast majority of cases start mildly and cause few problems, especially in young people and certainly in children.
“Our life expectancy is among the highest in the world. But unfortunately, in a situation like this, old people are more at risk of a serious outcome.”
It could be for a lot of reasons, highly speculative to say this, but perhaps by extrapolation, the same reasons will kick in and we will also see less deaths for COV19?
Would enplane why Italy has been so much worse than the rest of Europe?
Perfect for our new outward-looking nation.
What The Actual Fuck?
Briefly placing your hand on your heart seems more appropriate to me.
Once we get a vaccine for Corona things will become clearer. and I suggest much calmer.
But this time it really matters.
How heavily discounted are those Cunard cruises?
And do they take (and is it a practical/good idea to take) a toddler?
Don’t want her falling over the side!
Today is a good day to start tiptoeing quietly away from a "lot of fuss about nothing" position.