Quite a few minor ones but massive brief juddering fever was the first - spasming so hard I couldn’t hold a phone - and also nearly fainting.
Yet now I feel like I am clearly recovering. But the docs still don’t know what it is and I guess they are being super cautious. In case it if corona
I have already given it to my wife and her mum and her best friend so they have a point about contagion
It’s a fascinating insight into what a bad virus might really do. Coronavirus is relatively benign. A death rate of 2%. Ordinary flu is probably worse.
But imagine if avian flu did take off and become humanly contagious. A death rate of 60%????
We are one viral mutation away from societal breakdown
You think >2% of people who catch flu die?
Yes. Flu is underestimated. It kills the old and weak. Still.
Also we’ve got lazy in saying a bad cold is flu. They are quite different.
My bad. I may have exaggerated the stats. I did google it when I was ill with... weird Asian flu. Influenza is nasty but it seems to range from about 3% mortality to 0.03%, tho the severe outbreaks (eg 1918) are at the much higher end.
Imagine if 1918 happened every year.
That could be the future with Mexicanlagervirus.
One of the characteristics of the Spanish Flu of 1918 was that it wasn't just the old and infirm who succumbed. There was an unusually high mortality of the previously fit and well. There was ne excellent docu-drama on it last year, to be repeated shortly.
I shall look forward to that. One of the Spanish flu issues, AIUI, is that populations of NW & Mid Europe had been weakened by the privations of wartime. Didn't apply to Spain and Portugal, of course.
The "Spanish" bit is a misnomer - there's no obvious linkage with Spain. But it's clear that WWI had a significant impact on both the severity and spread of the disease.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
The bulk of the voters don't watch most of the films is the problem. They would be better off having smaller sections, with the members in those sections required to watch all the films. There's also the weight of numbers. My wife sat out the documentary section this year because there were something like 80 to watch. She couldn't do justice to the films, so felt she couldn't vote.
And much as you would like to think of the membership diligently watching, they mostly just watch the stuff their mates have made. And then compare notes.
A few years back I was probably as diligent as most voters (even though it is the wife who is a member). I watched a lot of movies through to late night. I told her Dallas Buyers Club had two Oscar-winning performances in there. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto. And they duly went on and won the Oscars.
BAFTA didn't even put either in their five nominees. Embarrassing doesn't begin to cover it.
If it has got Maggie Smith or Judy Dench in it, they'll watch it. Anybody else and it is a crap shoot.
She chose to spend money advertising in California while not spending any more advertising in Wisconsin. She chose to do repeated visits in the final weeks to California while never visiting Wisconsin.
As you said only an idiot would do that. She did that.
It was even worse than that - the unions had heard from their local contacts that things weren't going too well in Wisconsin, and were organising a GOTV operation to shore up the Dem vote. Hillary's central campaign stopped them from doing it.
Turned the bus round to Iowa which she had no chance in.
Hilary's Campaign staff were seemingly obsessed with proving that Obama had won in the 'wrong' way. They were obsessed with projecting strength, thus the trips to Arizona and the like. I read the strength and assumed Clinton was a lock so did not green out my position.
So furious with them.
In an alternative universe, Hillary wasn't so stupid and we didn't get Trump and Margaret Beckett didn't vote for Corbyn to go on the ballot, so the alternative Labour leader properly backed staying in the EU and we didn't Brexit. Political chaos theory in practise.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
She chose to spend money advertising in California while not spending any more advertising in Wisconsin. She chose to do repeated visits in the final weeks to California while never visiting Wisconsin.
As you said only an idiot would do that. She did that.
It was even worse than that - the unions had heard from their local contacts that things weren't going too well in Wisconsin, and were organising a GOTV operation to shore up the Dem vote. Hillary's central campaign stopped them from doing it.
Turned the bus round to Iowa which she had no chance in.
Hilary's Campaign staff were seemingly obsessed with proving that Obama had won in the 'wrong' way. They were obsessed with projecting strength, thus the trips to Arizona and the like. I read the strength and assumed Clinton was a lock so did not green out my position.
So furious with them.
In an alternative universe, Hillary wasn't so stupid and we didn't get Trump and Margaret Beckett didn't vote for Corbyn to go on the ballot, so the alternative Labour leader properly backed staying in the EU and we didn't Brexit. Political chaos theory in practise.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
I wonder if the endeavour to impeach Bill Clinton has opened a Pandoras box in American politics, in that it's now a recognised tactic by the opposition.
BBC announces cost of annual TV licence fee will rise from £154.70 to £157.50 from April 1st, and will also see the cost of an annual black and white licence rise from £52.00 to £53.00.
Seriously does anybody really have a B&W telly these days. Like really. I just don't believe it.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
Yes, and that point hasn’t been made, has it?
Much easier to accuse everyone of racism for some cheap points.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
The Unionist parties could really do with Brexit and UKIP not standing as that 3% is wasted with no chance of either party getting a list seat. On that poll could be on a knife edge if SNP and Green get a majority or not.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
What - ALL of it?
LOL...it really should either have been a mini-series or lopped off 30 mins.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
I lasted 30 minutes, it was crap , ancient old guys trying to pretend they were young , garbage. PS: and wooden acting , De Niro is a one trick pony and should have been put out to grass long ago.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
I lasted 30 minutes, it was crap , ancient old guys trying to pretend they were young , garbage.
Is there anything you enjoy? Must be exhausting to hate everything.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
What - ALL of it?
LOL...it really should either have been a mini-series or lopped off 30 mins.
A mini-series would have looked shit in comparison to say The Sopranos.
It just needed a serious pruning. A produer who could take Scorcese to one side and say "Some good stuff in there, getting smothered, Marty....."
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
Whoever directed it, a film about the Teamsters and the Mob is not going to be replete with persons of colour.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
I lasted 30 minutes, it was crap , ancient old guys trying to pretend they were young , garbage.
Is there anything you enjoy? Must be exhausting to hate everything.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
1. He's dependent on youth turnout. Those who believe the young have him on close to 30% in the polling (which will, I'm sure, be enough).
2. Warren is polling a little too highly for him to be comfortable. Bernie's best route to the nomination is if Warren drops out early, and he gets her supporters. If it's a three way A Moderate vs Warren vs Sanders, then it's the left wing vote that gets split.
3. In Iowa, State Delegate Equivalents are rewarded by county, not by vote.
She chose to spend money advertising in California while not spending any more advertising in Wisconsin. She chose to do repeated visits in the final weeks to California while never visiting Wisconsin.
As you said only an idiot would do that. She did that.
It was even worse than that - the unions had heard from their local contacts that things weren't going too well in Wisconsin, and were organising a GOTV operation to shore up the Dem vote. Hillary's central campaign stopped them from doing it.
Turned the bus round to Iowa which she had no chance in.
Hilary's Campaign staff were seemingly obsessed with proving that Obama had won in the 'wrong' way. They were obsessed with projecting strength, thus the trips to Arizona and the like. I read the strength and assumed Clinton was a lock so did not green out my position.
So furious with them.
In an alternative universe, Hillary wasn't so stupid and we didn't get Trump and Margaret Beckett didn't vote for Corbyn to go on the ballot, so the alternative Labour leader properly backed staying in the EU and we didn't Brexit. Political chaos theory in practise.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
I wonder if the endeavour to impeach Bill Clinton has opened a Pandoras box in American politics, in that it's now a recognised tactic by the opposition.
I agree. I think it might need an amendment to the constitution, it really is that serious. On the other hand perhaps those who are not completely brain dead will eventually wake up to the fact that neutral members of society are appalled by the use of judicial process for political ends. There is a lesson for the UK Supreme Court hidden in there somewhere as well.
Trump will really have to fuck up now not to be re-elected.
Toronto-bound so burning off the fuel will take an awfully long time. It is still circling now. A mil jet has flown alongside to inspect damage.
If this was a serious issue (like *properly* serious) then they'd have landed regardless of weight. The fact they're circling for so long is paradoxically a good sign.
She chose to spend money advertising in California while not spending any more advertising in Wisconsin. She chose to do repeated visits in the final weeks to California while never visiting Wisconsin.
As you said only an idiot would do that. She did that.
It was even worse than that - the unions had heard from their local contacts that things weren't going too well in Wisconsin, and were organising a GOTV operation to shore up the Dem vote. Hillary's central campaign stopped them from doing it.
Turned the bus round to Iowa which she had no chance in.
Hilary's Campaign staff were seemingly obsessed with proving that Obama had won in the 'wrong' way. They were obsessed with projecting strength, thus the trips to Arizona and the like. I read the strength and assumed Clinton was a lock so did not green out my position.
So furious with them.
In an alternative universe, Hillary wasn't so stupid and we didn't get Trump and Margaret Beckett didn't vote for Corbyn to go on the ballot, so the alternative Labour leader properly backed staying in the EU and we didn't Brexit. Political chaos theory in practise.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
I wonder if the endeavour to impeach Bill Clinton has opened a Pandoras box in American politics, in that it's now a recognised tactic by the opposition.
I agree. I think it might need an amendment to the constitution, it really is that serious. On the other hand perhaps those who are not completely brain dead will eventually wake up to the fact that neutral members of society are appalled by the use of judicial process for political ends. There is a lesson for the UK Supreme Court hidden in there somewhere as well.
Trump will really have to fuck up now not to be re-elected.
The UK Supreme Court did nothing of the sort. It was clearly a breach of the law, so much so that it was a bloody unanimous decision. Get a grip.
Toronto-bound so burning off the fuel will take an awfully long time. It is still circling now. A mil jet has flown alongside to inspect damage.
If this was a serious issue (like *properly* serious) then they'd have landed regardless of weight. The fact they're circling for so long is paradoxically a good sign.
My Emirates pilot friend would at this point stress that there's nothing so irritating as armchair pilots ...
Circling didn't do SwissAir 111 a lot of good.
As I'm sure you know, it has to dump all the fuel especially if the landing gear is buggered so, no, they would not land regardless.
Anyone in 2020 preferring to see the candidature of Sanders over the ejection of Trump should be ashamed of themselves.
Oh please, do I have to post my explanation that American political parties are Not Like British ones, again? Perhaps I should write a macro.
There's a lot of feeling here that the mainstream "moderate" politicians of either party have failed to make any difference. That's why Trump won, and it's why, when Trump's failure is clear as the economy weakens, Sanders or Warren can win as well.
For the record, when the New York primary swings round at the end of April I will be voting for whichever of Sanders or Warren appears to be best placed, and if neither is clearly ahead, I will vote for Sanders.
Trump won because he won swing states in the Midwest because Hillary ignored them and concentrated on maximising votes in places like New York and California.
Believing Sanders is the solution to that is like believing drinking absinthe will sober you up.
Sanders is a terrible campaigner, I can tell this because he lost to Hilary and Hillary is the worst presidential campaigner of all time.
They knew they were in trouble in the rust belt and deliberately chose not to campaign there. It wasn't accidentally leaving them out, it was deliberate strategy.
It was unforgivable madness. To "save face" and not make it look like Trump was close they let Trump win.
Is that true? Or are the entities with the money the state Democratic parties?
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
Another problem is that people in their sixties, seventies, eighties even, have learnt their craft over decades and just happen to be bloody brilliant at it as a result. Directors, actors, DoPs, costume, music - they are the go-to people as they get bums on seats. And ultimately, it is a bums on seats industry.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
Whoever directed it, a film about the Teamsters and the Mob is not going to be replete with persons of colour.
... and if it was then they'd be accused of racism even more so than if it wasn't.
Toronto-bound so burning off the fuel will take an awfully long time. It is still circling now. A mil jet has flown alongside to inspect damage.
If this was a serious issue (like *properly* serious) then they'd have landed regardless of weight. The fact they're circling for so long is paradoxically a good sign.
My Emirates pilot friend would at this point stress that there's nothing so irritating as armchair pilots ...
Circling didn't do SwissAir 111 a lot of good.
As I'm sure you know, it has to dump all the fuel especially if the landing gear is buggered so, no, they would not land regardless.
Umm no, it has to dump enough fuel to get below its maximum structural landing weight.
How extraordinary that having an Emirates pilot friend does not disqualify one from being an armchair pilot.
She chose to spend money advertising in California while not spending any more advertising in Wisconsin. She chose to do repeated visits in the final weeks to California while never visiting Wisconsin.
As you said only an idiot would do that. She did that.
It was even worse than that - the unions had heard from their local contacts that things weren't going too well in Wisconsin, and were organising a GOTV operation to shore up the Dem vote. Hillary's central campaign stopped them from doing it.
Turned the bus round to Iowa which she had no chance in.
Hilary's Campaign staff were seemingly obsessed with proving that Obama had won in the 'wrong' way. They were obsessed with projecting strength, thus the trips to Arizona and the like. I read the strength and assumed Clinton was a lock so did not green out my position.
So furious with them.
In an alternative universe, Hillary wasn't so stupid and we didn't get Trump and Margaret Beckett didn't vote for Corbyn to go on the ballot, so the alternative Labour leader properly backed staying in the EU and we didn't Brexit. Political chaos theory in practise.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
I wonder if the endeavour to impeach Bill Clinton has opened a Pandoras box in American politics, in that it's now a recognised tactic by the opposition.
I agree. I think it might need an amendment to the constitution, it really is that serious. On the other hand perhaps those who are not completely brain dead will eventually wake up to the fact that neutral members of society are appalled by the use of judicial process for political ends. There is a lesson for the UK Supreme Court hidden in there somewhere as well.
Trump will really have to fuck up now not to be re-elected.
The UK Supreme Court did nothing of the sort. It was clearly a breach of the law, so much so that it was a bloody unanimous decision. Get a grip.
Well, the Supreme Court had to overturn the original decision, so it can't have been that clear.
That's interesting, because (as discussed on here at length) one of the features of caucuses (cauci?) is that people get to change their votes if their first preference doesn;t have enough support to matter. Which means that the "entrance polls" have an added layer of uncertainty, which is magnified in situations like this where the field is very split and different candidates are going to miss the threshold in different areas.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
I wonder if the endeavour to impeach Bill Clinton has opened a Pandoras box in American politics, in that it's now a recognised tactic by the opposition.
I agree. I think it might need an amendment to the constitution, it really is that serious. On the other hand perhaps those who are not completely brain dead will eventually wake up to the fact that neutral members of society are appalled by the use of judicial process for political ends. There is a lesson for the UK Supreme Court hidden in there somewhere as well.
Trump will really have to fuck up now not to be re-elected.
In what way is this the use of judicial process for political ends ? Impeachment is specifically a political process, and was inserted into the Constitution as such. It is supposed to be the ultimate means by which the legislature can keep a corrupt executive in check.
What the framers did not anticipate was a legislature as corrupt as the executive.
"I think it might need an amendment to the constitution..." Good luck with that - a process which is every bit as political as what you're watching now. And considerably harder to achieve.
Anyone in 2020 preferring to see the candidature of Sanders over the ejection of Trump should be ashamed of themselves.
Oh please, do I have to post my explanation that American political parties are Not Like British ones, again? Perhaps I should write a macro.
There's a lot of feeling here that the mainstream "moderate" politicians of either party have failed to make any difference. That's why Trump won, and it's why, when Trump's failure is clear as the economy weakens, Sanders or Warren can win as well.
For the record, when the New York primary swings round at the end of April I will be voting for whichever of Sanders or Warren appears to be best placed, and if neither is clearly ahead, I will vote for Sanders.
Trump won because he won swing states in the Midwest because Hillary ignored them and concentrated on maximising votes in places like New York and California.
Believing Sanders is the solution to that is like believing drinking absinthe will sober you up.
Sanders is a terrible campaigner, I can tell this because he lost to Hilary and Hillary is the worst presidential campaigner of all time.
They knew they were in trouble in the rust belt and deliberately chose not to campaign there. It wasn't accidentally leaving them out, it was deliberate strategy.
It was unforgivable madness. To "save face" and not make it look like Trump was close they let Trump win.
Is that true? Or are the entities with the money the state Democratic parties?
I'll dig out the article about the Hilary Campaign decision making and the infamous bus that was turned back to Iowa.
Well, the Supreme Court had to overturn the original decision, so it can't have been that clear.
Not necessarily, sometimes lower courts feel obliged to follow a precedent that a higher court can overrule or feel it isn't there place to make decisions on wider principles since that's for the higher courts.
I don't know why the High Court judges decided as they did, of course.
My kids used to get very annoyed when my parents and myself started speaking Urdu in front of them.
It depends why people are bothered. If it's because people in a conversation they're not a part of are speaking a different language that's absurd. If it's excluding people in a conversation and everyone speaks English then it's rude.
My wife is a native English and Afrikaans speaker (English first). We once bumped into a couple she knew from South Africa and they spoke briefly in Afrikaans before my wife introduced me in English and explained that I don't speak Afrikaans. The other couple continued to speak in Afrikaans so my wife said bye to them and we left. She was annoyed they'd continued to speak in Afrikaans knowing I didn't speak it when she knew they were fluent English speakers.
In an alternative universe, Hillary wasn't so stupid and we didn't get Trump and Margaret Beckett didn't vote for Corbyn to go on the ballot, so the alternative Labour leader properly backed staying in the EU and we didn't Brexit. Political chaos theory in practise.
In the alternate universe where Clinton becomes president the 2018 mid terms would have been a massacre for the Dems. You'd have been looking at a Republican senate in super majority territory, Nevada, Montana, ARizona would ahve been near guaranteed Republican pickups in the Senate. The wave of Dem pickups in California would not have happened.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
I wonder if the endeavour to impeach Bill Clinton has opened a Pandoras box in American politics, in that it's now a recognised tactic by the opposition.
I agree. I think it might need an amendment to the constitution, it really is that serious. On the other hand perhaps those who are not completely brain dead will eventually wake up to the fact that neutral members of society are appalled by the use of judicial process for political ends. There is a lesson for the UK Supreme Court hidden in there somewhere as well.
Trump will really have to fuck up now not to be re-elected.
The UK Supreme Court did nothing of the sort. It was clearly a breach of the law, so much so that it was a bloody unanimous decision. Get a grip.
Well, the Supreme Court had to overturn the original decision, so it can't have been that clear.
The UK Supreme Court was asked a question that had a highly political context. It had to give an answer that would upset one side. You’ve not actually given a reason why your side should have succeeded, you’re just being mindlessly partisan.
The decision can be summed up in four words: don’t take the piss. Judging by today’s developments, the government appears not to have absorbed this simple concept.
Quite a few minor ones but massive brief juddering fever was the first - spasming so hard I couldn’t hold a phone - and also nearly fainting.
Yet now I feel like I am clearly recovering. But the docs still don’t know what it is and I guess they are being super cautious. In case it if corona
I have already given it to my wife and her mum and her best friend so they have a point about contagion
It’s a fascinating insight into what a bad virus might really do. Coronavirus is relatively benign. A death rate of 2%. Ordinary flu is probably worse.
But imagine if avian flu did take off and become humanly contagious. A death rate of 60%????
We are one viral mutation away from societal breakdown
If the number of cases is anything like the HK model the death rate is nearer 0.2 or maybe even 0.1%. Basically if you don’t have preexisting conditions you’re fine. As you say we got lucky, this time.
Anyone in 2020 preferring to see the candidature of Sanders over the ejection of Trump should be ashamed of themselves.
Oh please, do I have to post my explanation that American political parties are Not Like British ones, again? Perhaps I should write a macro.
There's a lot of feeling here that the mainstream "moderate" politicians of either party have failed to make any difference. That's why Trump won, and it's why, when Trump's failure is clear as the economy weakens, Sanders or Warren can win as well.
For the record, when the New York primary swings round at the end of April I will be voting for whichever of Sanders or Warren appears to be best placed, and if neither is clearly ahead, I will vote for Sanders.
Trump won because he won swing states in the Midwest because Hillary ignored them and concentrated on maximising votes in places like New York and California.
Believing Sanders is the solution to that is like believing drinking absinthe will sober you up.
Sanders is a terrible campaigner, I can tell this because he lost to Hilary and Hillary is the worst presidential campaigner of all time.
They knew they were in trouble in the rust belt and deliberately chose not to campaign there. It wasn't accidentally leaving them out, it was deliberate strategy.
It was unforgivable madness. To "save face" and not make it look like Trump was close they let Trump win.
Is that true? Or are the entities with the money the state Democratic parties?
I'll dig out the article about the Hilary Campaign decision making and the infamous bus that was turned back to Iowa.
I do not have a link but remember a story about a states Governor or Senator calling the campaign saying his State needed more from Hillary or she risked losing the State and the Governor was rebuffed being told they didn't want to make it appear close. She lost the state.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
Except Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 for his full 5 year term as per the Tory manifesto and most Scots oppose indyref2 for 5 years anyway
That's not what the Tory manifesto says.
What it says is "We are opposed to a second independence referendum and stand with the majority of people in Scotland, who do not want to return to division and uncertainty. Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP promised that the 2014 referendum would be a ‘once in a generation’ vote and the result was decisive. We believe that outcome should be respected."
If the SNP + Greens win a majority of seats and voteshare in next May's Holyrood election with a promise of an indyref rerun (and both already backed the s30 request), then there will have to be one, because that will be that "the majority of people in Scotland" want. I am sure Boris is well aware of that and he has not ruled it out. It wouldn't surprise me if Dom is even looking forward to indyref2.
(OK OK, I know a majority in Britain as a whole last month voted for not leaving the EU without another Brexit referendum, but there's PR at Holyrood and also independence is a Yes/No issue so it's different.)
There almost certainly will be one, so we will probably get one.
My kids used to get very annoyed when my parents and myself started speaking Urdu in front of them.
It depends why people are bothered. If it's because people in a conversation they're not a part of are speaking a different language that's absurd. If it's excluding people in a conversation and everyone speaks English then it's rude.
My wife is a native English and Afrikaans speaker (English first). We once bumped into a couple she knew from South Africa and they spoke briefly in Afrikaans before my wife introduced me in English and explained that I don't speak Afrikaans. The other couple continued to speak in Afrikaans so my wife said bye to them and we left. She was annoyed they'd continued to speak in Afrikaans knowing I didn't speak it when she knew they were fluent English speakers.
In some contexts, it’s rude of the speakers.
In other contexts, it’s xenophobic of the listener.
The difference usually depends on whether you’re being addressed directly or indirectly, and why.
Quite a few minor ones but massive brief juddering fever was the first - spasming so hard I couldn’t hold a phone - and also nearly fainting.
Yet now I feel like I am clearly recovering. But the docs still don’t know what it is and I guess they are being super cautious. In case it if corona
I have already given it to my wife and her mum and her best friend so they have a point about contagion
It’s a fascinating insight into what a bad virus might really do. Coronavirus is relatively benign. A death rate of 2%. Ordinary flu is probably worse.
But imagine if avian flu did take off and become humanly contagious. A death rate of 60%????
We are one viral mutation away from societal breakdown
You think >2% of people who catch flu die?
Yes. Flu is underestimated. It kills the old and weak. Still.
Also we’ve got lazy in saying a bad cold is flu. They are quite different.
My bad. I may have exaggerated the stats. I did google it when I was ill with... weird Asian flu. Influenza is nasty but it seems to range from about 3% mortality to 0.03%, tho the severe outbreaks (eg 1918) are at the much higher end.
Imagine if 1918 happened every year.
That could be the future with Mexicanlagervirus.
One of the characteristics of the Spanish Flu of 1918 was that it wasn't just the old and infirm who succumbed. There was an unusually high mortality of the previously fit and well. There was ne excellent docu-drama on it last year, to be repeated shortly.
They both have BAME representation, including Noel Clarke who wrote Kidulthood, and the television one is overwhelmingly female.
Do we think (just possibly) that rather than being all ghastly racists there is something else going on? Like, this year the best nominees won??
Ironically your man did get closer to the issue when saying I’m ashamed to say that I’m part of the problem, because I’ve not ensured that the sets I’ve worked on are inclusive. If there are no Black directors or Asian leading actresses then it is leaving it too late to try and fix it at the awards ceremonies.
Even that is too late. How are such actresses or directors trained up? And, would such training up be genuinely colour-blind or would they be patronisingly confined to films like urban ghetto ones or BAME history ones?
If race is to become irrelevant in awards then we need to get past cultural appropriation and all that nonsense and just train up very good directors, actors and actresses who are able to put themselves to and perform in any role.
That means being so good that they make people forget what colour or race they are at all in their performances, which matters for front stage nominees, and doesn’t matter at all for back stage ones.
off, it will be a problem.
e.g. the Irishman....everybody watches it because of the stellar cast / director. I am not even a massive mob film fan, but I watched it because of that.
I lasted 30 minutes, it was crap , ancient old guys trying to pretend they were young , garbage.
Is there anything you enjoy? Must be exhausting to hate everything.
I enjoy good films , just not a sheep that accepts absolute crap because some arsehole or two happen to be in it, crap is crap. I enjoy life and all it entails, I am just not a brain dead moron that accepts any crap. It is difficult when you are very intelligent and all around are morons who are unable to think for themselves.
My kids used to get very annoyed when my parents and myself started speaking Urdu in front of them.
It depends why people are bothered. If it's because people in a conversation they're not a part of are speaking a different language that's absurd. If it's excluding people in a conversation and everyone speaks English then it's rude.
My wife is a native English and Afrikaans speaker (English first). We once bumped into a couple she knew from South Africa and they spoke briefly in Afrikaans before my wife introduced me in English and explained that I don't speak Afrikaans. The other couple continued to speak in Afrikaans so my wife said bye to them and we left. She was annoyed they'd continued to speak in Afrikaans knowing I didn't speak it when she knew they were fluent English speakers.
As a general rule* my parents (and myself) only speak English in public as we think it is only polite.
We're all strongly in favour of forcing immigrants to learn English, it only helps you fit and do well in the country.
*As befitting my legendary modesty, I like to show off that I can speak six/seven languages.
Half of Iowan caucus goers have yet to make up their minds says Guardian.
Those people aren't going to go.
I don't think that's necessarily true. You see, if you haven't decided between Hillary and Trump, then you aren't going to vote.
But if you haven't decided if Warren or Klobuchar is the best woman, then you might well turn up. It'll be one of them... you just haven't decided which yet.
[Kind of off-topic but...] Why hasn't the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (that will or won't release the Russia report) been appointed yet? The new Commons has already been sitting for a whole month.
Apparently they are awaiting for the Labour (and possibly the Lib Dem) leadership contests to be concluded.
Once the new leader has been installed then the new Chairman (and committee) be announced.
Still, to describe obese Americans as “well-nourished” as Boris does, shows that this government will use clever word-smithing to hide the fact that they intend paying no attention to the science or the interests of British consumers or British farmers.
[Kind of off-topic but...] Why hasn't the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (that will or won't release the Russia report) been appointed yet? The new Commons has already been sitting for a whole month.
Apparently they are awaiting for the Labour (and possibly the Lib Dem) leadership contests to be concluded.
Once the new leader has been installed then the new Chairman (and committee) be announced.
Is that normal when the leader of the opposition party resigns after losing a general election?
Yes, but there's only a small sample size since the reforms/reorganisation of the Justice & Security Act of 2013.
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
Except Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 for his full 5 year term as per the Tory manifesto and most Scots oppose indyref2 for 5 years anyway
That's not what the Tory manifesto says.
What it says is "We are opposed to a second independence referendum and stand with the majority of people in Scotland, who do not want to return to division and uncertainty. Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP promised that the 2014 referendum would be a ‘once in a generation’ vote and the result was decisive. We believe that outcome should be respected."
If the SNP + Greens win a majority of seats and voteshare in next May's Holyrood election with a promise of an indyref rerun (and both already backed the s30 request), then there will have to be one, because that will be that "the majority of people in Scotland" want. I am sure Boris is well aware of that and he has not ruled it out. It wouldn't surprise me if Dom is even looking forward to indyref2.
(OK OK, I know a majority in Britain as a whole last month voted for not leaving the EU without another Brexit referendum, but there's PR at Holyrood and also independence is a Yes/No issue so it's different.)
Yes that makes clear the Tories are opposed to any indyref2 full stop.
More Scottish voters also oppose having indyref2 even if the SNP get a majority at the next Holyrood elections than support one anyway
So 51% Yes 49% No at weekend and now 50%/50% , easy to see why Boris is running scared. Once they start campaigning that will be 60% - 40% for certain.
Except Boris has made clear he will block indyref2 for his full 5 year term as per the Tory manifesto and most Scots oppose indyref2 for 5 years anyway
That's not what the Tory manifesto says.
What it says is "We are opposed to a second independence referendum and stand with the majority of people in Scotland, who do not want to return to division and uncertainty. Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP promised that the 2014 referendum would be a ‘once in a generation’ vote and the result was decisive. We believe that outcome should be respected."
If the SNP + Greens win a majority of seats and voteshare in next May's Holyrood election with a promise of an indyref rerun (and both already backed the s30 request), then there will have to be one, because that will be that "the majority of people in Scotland" want. I am sure Boris is well aware of that and he has not ruled it out. It wouldn't surprise me if Dom is even looking forward to indyref2.
(OK OK, I know a majority in Britain as a whole last month voted for not leaving the EU without another Brexit referendum, but there's PR at Holyrood and also independence is a Yes/No issue so it's different.)
There almost certainly will be one, so we will probably get one.
I’m with HYUFD. The Tories will deny a vote even if the Nats get a maj in Holyrood. They will dare Sturgeon to legally overreach, like the catalunyans.
High stakes.
Will Sturgeon then fly to Brussels and demand to be annexed for the sake of "empathy"? Can none of these idiots see beyond the next two moves?
This is a hostile act and all part of their move to punish the UK for leaving, and encourage others not to do the same.
They will wrap it up in language around defending the interests of member states only, and being neutral on potential new accession member states.
Boris should say he’ll immediately guillotine all talks if they encourage - tacitly or otherwise - dismemberment of the UK.
Why would Boris do that? He has made a great start at breaking up the UK with his non-border border in the Irish Sea.
Yep. Boris has opened up a route to a united Ireland.
Not that it was of course anything that a British Prime Minister could agree to.
No he has not at all, he has just ensured a hard border with the Republic of Ireland is avoided to protect the GFA, which would have increased support for a United Ireland in Northern Ireland far more than the current situation
Quite a few minor ones but massive brief juddering fever was the first - spasming so hard I couldn’t hold a phone - and also nearly fainting.
Yet now I feel like I am clearly recovering. But the docs still don’t know what it is and I guess they are being super cautious. In case it if corona
I have already given it to my wife and her mum and her best friend so they have a point about contagion
It’s a fascinating insight into what a bad virus might really do. Coronavirus is relatively benign. A death rate of 2%. Ordinary flu is probably worse.
But imagine if avian flu did take off and become humanly contagious. A death rate of 60%????
We are one viral mutation away from societal breakdown
You think >2% of people who catch flu die?
Yes. Flu is underestimated. It kills the old and weak. Still.
Also we’ve got lazy in saying a bad cold is flu. They are quite different.
My bad. I may have exaggerated the stats. I did google it when I was ill with... weird Asian flu. Influenza is nasty but it seems to range from about 3% mortality to 0.03%, tho the severe outbreaks (eg 1918) are at the much higher end.
Imagine if 1918 happened every year.
That could be the future with Mexicanlagervirus.
One of the characteristics of the Spanish Flu of 1918 was that it wasn't just the old and infirm who succumbed. There was an unusually high mortality of the previously fit and well. There was ne excellent docu-drama on it last year, to be repeated shortly.
I shall look forward to that. One of the Spanish flu issues, AIUI, is that populations of NW & Mid Europe had been weakened by the privations of wartime. Didn't apply to Spain and Portugal, of course.
Never been sure about that. Especially since rationing in WW 2 was supposed to have enhanced the health of the population. I fear it was just a particularly virulent version and there is a real risk we will get another one day. On the plus side the current virus doesn’t seem to be it.
And much as you would like to think of the membership diligently watching, they mostly just watch the stuff their mates have made. And then compare notes.
A few years back I was probably as diligent as most voters (even though it is the wife who is a member). I watched a lot of movies through to late night. I told her Dallas Buyers Club had two Oscar-winning performances in there. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto. And they duly went on and won the Oscars.
BAFTA didn't even put either in their five nominees. Embarrassing doesn't begin to cover it.
If it has got Maggie Smith or Judy Dench in it, they'll watch it. Anybody else and it is a crap shoot.
Seriously not fit for purpose.
You could have been looking at Clinton impeached and removed by now. What for? Whatever the hell the Republicans wanted.
They also happen to be mostly white guys. And because they have been so good before, and have won so many Oscars/BAFTAs before, their next work is keenly awaited. They have box office. Until they die off, it will be a problem.
BBC announces cost of annual TV licence fee will rise from £154.70 to £157.50 from April 1st, and will also see the cost of an annual black and white licence rise from £52.00 to £53.00.
Seriously does anybody really have a B&W telly these days. Like really. I just don't believe it.
Much easier to accuse everyone of racism for some cheap points.
PS: and wooden acting , De Niro is a one trick pony and should have been put out to grass long ago.
It just needed a serious pruning. A produer who could take Scorcese to one side and say "Some good stuff in there, getting smothered, Marty....."
1. He's dependent on youth turnout. Those who believe the young have him on close to 30% in the polling (which will, I'm sure, be enough).
2. Warren is polling a little too highly for him to be comfortable. Bernie's best route to the nomination is if Warren drops out early, and he gets her supporters. If it's a three way A Moderate vs Warren vs Sanders, then it's the left wing vote that gets split.
3. In Iowa, State Delegate Equivalents are rewarded by county, not by vote.
Trump will really have to fuck up now not to be re-elected.
If this was a serious issue (like *properly* serious) then they'd have landed regardless of weight. The fact they're circling for so long is paradoxically a good sign.
EDIT: some dude is tweeting videos from on-board
Circling didn't do SwissAir 111 a lot of good.
As I'm sure you know, it has to dump all the fuel especially if the landing gear is buggered so, no, they would not land regardless.
How extraordinary that having an Emirates pilot friend does not disqualify one from being an armchair pilot.
Impeachment is specifically a political process, and was inserted into the Constitution as such. It is supposed to be the ultimate means by which the legislature can keep a corrupt executive in check.
What the framers did not anticipate was a legislature as corrupt as the executive.
"I think it might need an amendment to the constitution..."
Good luck with that - a process which is every bit as political as what you're watching now. And considerably harder to achieve.
I don't know why the High Court judges decided as they did, of course.
My wife is a native English and Afrikaans speaker (English first). We once bumped into a couple she knew from South Africa and they spoke briefly in Afrikaans before my wife introduced me in English and explained that I don't speak Afrikaans. The other couple continued to speak in Afrikaans so my wife said bye to them and we left. She was annoyed they'd continued to speak in Afrikaans knowing I didn't speak it when she knew they were fluent English speakers.
The decision can be summed up in four words: don’t take the piss. Judging by today’s developments, the government appears not to have absorbed this simple concept.
Only other example I can think of is those Plaid Cymru pubs where they switch to Welsh once they notice someone English has walked in.
In other contexts, it’s xenophobic of the listener.
The difference usually depends on whether you’re being addressed directly or indirectly, and why.
I enjoy life and all it entails, I am just not a brain dead moron that accepts any crap. It is difficult when you are very intelligent and all around are morons who are unable to think for themselves.
We're all strongly in favour of forcing immigrants to learn English, it only helps you fit and do well in the country.
*As befitting my legendary modesty, I like to show off that I can speak six/seven languages.
But if you haven't decided if Warren or Klobuchar is the best woman, then you might well turn up. It'll be one of them... you just haven't decided which yet.
Once the new leader has been installed then the new Chairman (and committee) be announced.
This is a hostile act and all part of their move to punish the UK for leaving, and encourage others not to do the same.
They will wrap it up in language around defending the interests of member states only, and being neutral on potential new accession member states.
Boris should say he’ll immediately guillotine all talks if they encourage - tacitly or otherwise - dismemberment of the UK.
Still, to describe obese Americans as “well-nourished” as Boris does, shows that this government will use clever word-smithing to hide the fact that they intend paying no attention to the science or the interests of British consumers or British farmers.
It is the second greatest language in the world to swear in, after French.
Buttigieg 19 +3
Bernie 17 +3
Biden 15 -9
Warren 15 -3
Klobuchar 11 nc
The average movement continues to be against Biden.
More Scottish voters also oppose having indyref2 even if the SNP get a majority at the next Holyrood elections than support one anyway
Not that it was of course anything that a British Prime Minister could agree to.
Surely cancelling it would save the jobs of the ministers.
Boris-speak.... no doubt we will all be adept at coping with it
I am sticking with Buttigieg being surprise winner.
Damn the polls and the torpedoes.