Agreed, but given the reference was to Swinson we are talking Con/LD seats where Corbyn does not matter.
I thought the whole point of voting tactically for LibDems was to deny the Tories a majority. In which case the only alternative is getting Corbyn as PM.
Logic failure, I think, Mr Rose. Another alternative is to deny an overall majority to both of them. If the Lib Dems do well today, and hold the balance of power, then neither the Tories nor Labour can run amok with their own pet - extremist - policies. This would be good for the country.
I fear that denying an overall majority to both of them will pretty quickly end in us doing all this over again.
These are very specific numbers. Are they from the YouGov MRP or canvassing data ?!
The first 3 are pretty close to the Yougov MRP (it shows a slightly bigger lead but it's still 3% or less), in Derby North though it's a massive 13% lead.
Just heard from my contact in a polling station in Wiltshire. Sounds a bit chaotic: fumbling with elector lists; rain-sodden old dears trudging around; station layout 'all wrong'; Presiding Officer's table 'like a jumble sale'. Turnout level undetermined.
Agreed, but given the reference was to Swinson we are talking Con/LD seats where Corbyn does not matter.
I thought the whole point of voting tactically for LibDems was to deny the Tories a majority. In which case the only alternative is getting Corbyn as PM.
Logic failure, I think, Mr Rose. Another alternative is to deny an overall majority to both of them. If the Lib Dems do well today, and hold the balance of power, then neither the Tories nor Labour can run amok with their own pet - extremist - policies. This would be good for the country.
I fear that denying an overall majority to both of them will pretty quickly end in us doing all this over again.
Is that 'Dr. Eoin'? One of the biggest muppets in all of these islands.
I have a vague recollection of this chap, can you remind me of the background story?
He is (was) a librarian at a university in Northern Ireland, and used to have a blog that was obviously anti-Tory. Over the years has put out a large number of stories that were found to be false / extremely inaccurate and as a result had to make numerous apologises after having legal action taken against him.
If you think Guido is inaccurate, this guy was a totally different level.
NHS patient data for sale according to El Reg Talks to package millions of British medical records into a vast, commercially valuable database that may then be sold on are already underway between NHS England bosses and global giants
What a revolution for the NHS to have a database that actually made sense, huh.
And £10bn a year for it. Amazing. I'll believe it when I see it.
Took 4/1 on 70 - 80% turnout. Feeling hopefull at the moment.
I'd be happy to be sat with that bet.
If I had a load of spare money knocking about I'd put some on Tories to win most seats at 1.04. Haven't spare cash to lose should the unexpected happen and £100 would only net me £4 less commission
He is (was) a librarian at a university in Northern Ireland, and used to have a blog that was obviously anti-Tory. Over the years has put out a large number of stories that were found to be false / extremely inaccurate and as a result had to make numerous apologises after having legal action taken against him.
Just had the LibDem get the vote out crowd come down the street in the driving rain. Fair play to them: they’re putting the work in. (OxWAB if anyone cares.)
Not sure the election itself was a mistake . The problem was the Lib Dems revoke position.
If the EU had really wanted to help stop Brexit they would have rolled the dice and not agreed a deal and then hoped against no deal in an election that Johnson would lose .
Everything changed once a deal was agreed . Because Ireland are very happy with that outcome the EU can rightly say they supported them and stood by what is a smallish country . No one can accuse the EU of not standing by one of their members .
People spent 6 months saying how Labour's policy of a second referendum after creating a plan were we to leave was impossible to sell.
The Lib Dems went for a simple approach but it failed as soon as the election moved away from Brexit.
Labour's position on Brexit could have been easier to sell if the LibDems had been selling it too. Park Brexit as an issue between Labour and the LibDems, allowing the LibDems to savage Labour on its funny money manifesto pledges. Both aspects would have had more chance of attracting Tories.
If Swinson was targeting Tory votes then I think her constant personal attacks on BoJo was a mistake as well. BoJo may well have personal flaws but he is in the Tory Tribe and attack on BoJo is an attack on the Tory Tribe which means ranks will be closed.
May be true of a few, but especially amongst the older group there is a lot more time for Heseltine and Major than Johnson.
That may be true in your bubble but it certainly isn't in mine, particularly with regard to Heseltine (who in my personal opinion is King Tosser). Doesn't mean any of them are particularly well regarded
Heseltine is a colossus. Johnson is a pigmy.
Each to his own - I remember Westland
I also recall Westland. Heseltine resigned on principle as he disagreed with Thatcher selling out to the Americans. So unlike dear Bo - who was sacked by Howard for lying.
You think Heseltine is principled? 🤣
Not usually, but he certainly came out of that episode with more credibility than Thatcher or Brittan (and infinitely more than Boris has).
Agreed, but given the reference was to Swinson we are talking Con/LD seats where Corbyn does not matter.
I thought the whole point of voting tactically for LibDems was to deny the Tories a majority. In which case the only alternative is getting Corbyn as PM.
Logic failure, I think, Mr Rose. Another alternative is to deny an overall majority to both of them. If the Lib Dems do well today, and hold the balance of power, then neither the Tories nor Labour can run amok with their own pet - extremist - policies. This would be good for the country.
I fear that denying an overall majority to both of them will pretty quickly end in us doing all this over again.
That'd be ok if it was after Referendum 2.
I reckon it would be February. Labour and the Tories would both think they had a chance of getting a majority with 'one more push' and so neither would have an incentive to give the LibDems the pleasure of 'the balance of power'.
I also recall Westland. Heseltine resigned on principle as he disagreed with Thatcher selling out to the Americans. So unlike dear Bo - who was sacked by Howard for lying.
Heseltine has no principles beyond fanatical Europhilia.
If the facts disagree with your opinion just spout hot air? Is that your principle?
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
NHS patient data for sale according to El Reg Talks to package millions of British medical records into a vast, commercially valuable database that may then be sold on are already underway between NHS England bosses and global giants
What a revolution for the NHS to have a database that actually made sense, huh.
And £10bn a year for it. Amazing. I'll believe it when I see it.
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
I am going to whisper this... but has anyone here done any work today?
Yes! But it is difficult to concentrate for sure. Luckily following the election obsessively is also part of my job, only downside is I will have to follow it all tonight completely sober...
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
How far away from a polling station do you have to be to be allowed to handout political leaflets? There is some video this morning of Labour campaigners handing out vote Faiza Shaheen leaflets to people going in to vote at the entrance to a polling station in Redbridge.
Agreed, but given the reference was to Swinson we are talking Con/LD seats where Corbyn does not matter.
I thought the whole point of voting tactically for LibDems was to deny the Tories a majority. In which case the only alternative is getting Corbyn as PM.
Logic failure, I think, Mr Rose. Another alternative is to deny an overall majority to both of them. If the Lib Dems do well today, and hold the balance of power, then neither the Tories nor Labour can run amok with their own pet - extremist - policies. This would be good for the country.
I fear that denying an overall majority to both of them will pretty quickly end in us doing all this over again.
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
How far away from a polling station do you have to be to be allowed to handout political leaflets? There is some video this morning of Labour campaigners handing out vote Faiza Shaheen leaflets to people going in to vote at the entrance to a polling station in Redbridge.
If Labour are worried about losing there, they're in deep shit.
"12 November 2012, An apology to Virgin Care for inaccurate articles I have written and published
An apology to Virgin Care given by Dr Eoin Clarke
I, Dr Eoin Clarke, apologise wholly and unreservedly to Virgin Care, its employees, subsidiaries and service users, as well as my readers, for writing over 46 blog entries that contained false, inaccurate and defamatory statements. In light of this, I have decided to remove all of the articles from the internet and shall not publish them again. I sincerely regret this error of judgment and request that my readers take the time to reflect and reconsider any opinions they have formed as a result of reading my blog.
Following a review of The Green Benches, I have decided that from now onwards each entry about Virgin Care or its services shall be thoroughly researched before it is posted on my blog to ensure the accuracy of any claims I make.
For the record, in the course of writing I have regretfully made a number of statements about Virgin Care and its services that are incorrect and misleading. In response to some of my more serious mistakes, I have decided to list the following facts in an attempt to ensure my readers are better informed.
1. Virgin Care does NOT put profit before patient care. Virgin Care has been instrumental in helping to strengthen the NHS by providing high quality services that are valued by patients and improve health outcomes, whilst saving the taxpayer money.
2. The CQC has NOT reported that Virgin Care leaves patients lying in urine.
3. The CQC has NOT reported that Virgin Care put lives at risk in Croydon.
4. Virgin Care is NOT a tax avoider.
5. Virgin Care does NOT have hundreds of “sleeper cells” in Clinical Commissioning Groups. As such, any claim I have made that Virgin Care represents the biggest conflict of interest in the history of the NHS is INCORRECT.
6. Virgin Care has NOT made donations to a political party.
7. Virgin Care has NOT introduced charges for NHS services or limited the number of free physiotherapy sessions it offers.
8. Virgin Care does NOT sack staff with impunity and is bound by the same employment rules and regulations that apply to any company.
9. Virgin Care has NOT taken the NHS to court. A complaint was made by Virgin Care to the Cooperation & Competition Panel which is NOT the same as court proceedings. It is used by many organisations to review decisions made by the NHS.
10. Six months into Virgin Care’s community services contract in Surrey, there are NOT severe patient-safety and financial concerns. "
How far away from a polling station do you have to be to be allowed to handout political leaflets? There is some video this morning of Labour campaigners handing out vote Faiza Shaheen leaflets to people going in to vote at the entrance to a polling station in Redbridge.
I also recall Westland. Heseltine resigned on principle as he disagreed with Thatcher selling out to the Americans. So unlike dear Bo - who was sacked by Howard for lying.
Heseltine has no principles beyond fanatical Europhilia.
If the facts disagree with your opinion just spout hot air? Is that your principle?
What facts? Your postings are fact free zones.
Are you a complete idiot or is it just an act? Heseltine resigned over Westland because Thatcher wanted to gift it to Sikorsky. He resigned - he was not sacked (unlike Boris by Howard). Brittan was then (effectively) sacked (although it was presented as a resignation) for what amounted to misleading the Commons over his manouevreing against Heseltine's preferred solution as Defence Minister.
What do you not undertsand about the facts? How can this make Heseltine less principled than Boris (which was the original claim by another nutter)?
I have respect for most posters on this site, including those with whom I may disagree, but such an approach as yours loses all right to respect.
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
I am going to whisper this... but has anyone here done any work today?
I've written one email!
I work with my wife and have to keep popping out and making excuses to get out the back of our shop , I done bugger all today just have to keep refreshing PB . It’s like being on drugs 😀
Agreed, but given the reference was to Swinson we are talking Con/LD seats where Corbyn does not matter.
I thought the whole point of voting tactically for LibDems was to deny the Tories a majority. In which case the only alternative is getting Corbyn as PM.
Logic failure, I think, Mr Rose. Another alternative is to deny an overall majority to both of them. If the Lib Dems do well today, and hold the balance of power, then neither the Tories nor Labour can run amok with their own pet - extremist - policies. This would be good for the country.
I fear that denying an overall majority to both of them will pretty quickly end in us doing all this over again.
With the same leaders, would you say?
Good question! I'd say Corbyn would stay in those circumstances, Boris would be quickly and quietly replaced by the Saj (or equivalent) and Jo - if the LibDems do well as posited in the earlier question - then she'll be around as well. If the LibDems are sub-20 I think Jo will be gone by about this time tomorrow.
How far away from a polling station do you have to be to be allowed to handout political leaflets? There is some video this morning of Labour campaigners handing out vote Faiza Shaheen leaflets to people going in to vote at the entrance to a polling station in Redbridge.
Outside "a circle with a radius of 250 metres from the main entrance of a polling station."
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
Greta Thunberg and Donald Trump have a similar effect on me. I find, despite their apparent polar opposite views that they are both massively irritating. It similar to Bozo and Corbyn. That said if I had to chose to go for a beer with any of them (tho definately not Greta that would be a bit weird), I would have to chose Bozo, as his insincere bonhomie could at least be entertaining. Couldn't vote for the silly arse though.
Agreed, but given the reference was to Swinson we are talking Con/LD seats where Corbyn does not matter.
I thought the whole point of voting tactically for LibDems was to deny the Tories a majority. In which case the only alternative is getting Corbyn as PM.
Logic failure, I think, Mr Rose. Another alternative is to deny an overall majority to both of them. If the Lib Dems do well today, and hold the balance of power, then neither the Tories nor Labour can run amok with their own pet - extremist - policies. This would be good for the country.
I fear that denying an overall majority to both of them will pretty quickly end in us doing all this over again.
With the same leaders, would you say?
Good question! I'd say Corbyn would stay in those circumstances, Boris would be quickly and quietly replaced by the Saj (or equivalent) and Jo - if the LibDems do well as posited in the earlier question - then she'll be around as well. If the LibDems are sub-20 I think Jo will be gone by about this time tomorrow.
Has the Saj been spotted recently or is he locked in the same cupboard as Jacob Rees-Mogg? The Chief Secretary rather than the Chancellor was at the debate, iirc.
Wandsworth Council which covers the Labour marginal of Battersea, the Tory marginal of Putney, and the safe Labour seat of Tooting, confirms that “unprecedented numbers” of people were voting this morning.
A little bit of weakness in GBP vs USD/EUR but well within a normal days trading range.
If the exit poll shows a HP there will an almighty plunge.
The movement does seem to have mirrored that in the betting markets, but given the fact that the pound has risen by ten cents against the USD dollar since the deal was agreed, the currency movement is tiny by comparison.
Ipsos-Mori is out. There are no more polls until BONG
Turnout anecdotes are meaningless. Could be angry Leavers. The Brexit referendum had a very high turnout. Or maybe it is the youthquare? Or perhaps it is the truly terrible weather.
There is no billionaire banker in Cheapside cackling over his secret data, At best he will have rumours from CCHQ, but they will be rumours.
Turnout, predictably, described as "brisk" when I voted about an hour ago in Harrogate. Ended up voting for the Yorkshire party, because I couldn't face spoiling my ballot, or voting for any of the usual clown shoes masquerading as serious politicians.
I'm sitting in a library opposite a polling station (Brent north) turnout is very high. I honestly haven't seen it so busy in the middle of the day. Labour surge incoming!
All the usual election day excitement and nervousness. Yet I haven't voted (Bury South, straight Lab/Tory fight, predicted red wall Tory gain apparently), and still have no idea who I will vote for later and indeed if I will vote at all.
The lifelong Tory in me getting the pangs of nervousness at queues of Corbynite youths queueing round the block, the appalling weather trapping pensioners and the meek inside, the lead tightening from 11-12 etc to 7/8/9, the thought of my life being in the hands of Jez, McD, Abbott and all their associated hard left interest groups etc etc - and yet I am not even sure I want Mr Get Brexit Done to even win, given I don't actually want to get an increasingly pointless and insane Brexit done myself.
I have contemplated voting Labour, a thought that makes me feel almost physically sick, because that is the best way of me trying to thwart Brexit now in my seat. But would a fairly soft Brexit where we largely have to stay in alignment, followed by the next inevitably Labour govt in 5/10 years (hopefully with a Blair like leader not a Trot) rejoining after a new referendum be so bad if it allows a majority Tory govt to protect the economy and sort out some loose ends like redrawing the boundaries to remove the Labour bias before the next GE, etc?
I think I know what will happen in the sanctity of the polling booth. But in every idle moment I keep coming back to the insanity of Brexit (as the end game looks to have panned out for us) and thinking I just need to be brave and sweep out of power the Brexiteer fools are remain intent on forcing this silly pet project through.
But I actually quite like Boris, the Brexit shitshow aside....
There is a weather window coming into.London at about 5.30 tonight where its clearing up. People even after being knocked up are saying on the doorstep they will wait for the rain to.ease..if it doesnt then the results could be pretty skewed as voters warm and snug in their homes decide to stay there
So it's either their own data or basic GotV BS.
If you think Guido is inaccurate, this guy was a totally different level.
And £10bn a year for it. Amazing. I'll believe it when I see it.
On topic, the polling station I voted at had 4 people in it and another one I went into was totally empty.
That should larn 'em.....
Whither Wales ? One report, from Port Talbot, so far, which sounded vaguely BXP/Boris-ish favourable.
If you're lucky, that's all.
If the exit poll shows a HP there will an almighty plunge.
What do you not undertsand about the facts? How can this make Heseltine less principled than Boris (which was the original claim by another nutter)?
I have respect for most posters on this site, including those with whom I may disagree, but such an approach as yours loses all right to respect.
I love Baby Yoda so much I would use Baby Groot as firewood just to keep Baby Yoda warm.
(for the avoidance of doubt, that was a joke
Y'know finance, oil and gas, hedge funds, fintech and the like?
Probably not
Ipsos-Mori is out. There are no more polls until BONG
Turnout anecdotes are meaningless. Could be angry Leavers. The Brexit referendum had a very high turnout. Or maybe it is the youthquare? Or perhaps it is the truly terrible weather.
There is no billionaire banker in Cheapside cackling over his secret data, At best he will have rumours from CCHQ, but they will be rumours.
Stay calm.
All the usual election day excitement and nervousness. Yet I haven't voted (Bury South, straight Lab/Tory fight, predicted red wall Tory gain apparently), and still have no idea who I will vote for later and indeed if I will vote at all.
The lifelong Tory in me getting the pangs of nervousness at queues of Corbynite youths queueing round the block, the appalling weather trapping pensioners and the meek inside, the lead tightening from 11-12 etc to 7/8/9, the thought of my life being in the hands of Jez, McD, Abbott and all their associated hard left interest groups etc etc - and yet I am not even sure I want Mr Get Brexit Done to even win, given I don't actually want to get an increasingly pointless and insane Brexit done myself.
I have contemplated voting Labour, a thought that makes me feel almost physically sick, because that is the best way of me trying to thwart Brexit now in my seat. But would a fairly soft Brexit where we largely have to stay in alignment, followed by the next inevitably Labour govt in 5/10 years (hopefully with a Blair like leader not a Trot) rejoining after a new referendum be so bad if it allows a majority Tory govt to protect the economy and sort out some loose ends like redrawing the boundaries to remove the Labour bias before the next GE, etc?
I think I know what will happen in the sanctity of the polling booth. But in every idle moment I keep coming back to the insanity of Brexit (as the end game looks to have panned out for us) and thinking I just need to be brave and sweep out of power the Brexiteer fools are remain intent on forcing this silly pet project through.
But I actually quite like Boris, the Brexit shitshow aside....