Tankie twitter appears to be in meltdown this afternoon, so if you've money riding on a Tory majority it would appear to be safe.
What is Tankie Twitter?
I had to look up "tankie" too. This is the urbandictionary.com top definition:
"A hardline Stalinist. A tankie is a member of a communist group or a "fellow traveller" (sympathiser) who believes fully in the political system of the Soviet Union and defends/defended the actions of the Soviet Union and other accredited states (China, Serbia, etc.) to the hilt, even in cases where other communists criticise their policies or actions. For instance, such a person favours overseas interventions by Soviet-style states, defends these regimes when they engage in human rights violations, and wishes to establish a similar system in other countries such as Britain and America.
The term is used to distinguish the rare individuals with these kinds of beliefs from communists more broadly (including Communist Party members), whose adherence to Soviet doctrine and attachment to existing "socialist" states is somewhat weaker.
It is always more-or-less abusive in the sense that those termed tankies do not use the term themselves, but it doesn't have any particular bite (unlike, say, Trot).
The term derives from the fact that the divisions within the communist movement first arose when the Soviet Union sent tanks into communist Hungary in 1956, to crush an attempt to establish an alternative version of communism which was not embraced by the Russians. Most communists outside the eastern bloc opposed this action and criticised the Soviet Union. The "tankies" were those who said "send the tanks in".
The epithet has stuck because tankies also supported "sending the tanks in" in cases such as Czechoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Bosnia and Kosovo/a (in the case of the Serbian state), and so on (whereas the rest of the communist movement has gravitated towards anti-militarism)."
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
Just switched on the Radio 4 news to hear Jeremy Corbyn talking about the "150 billionaires in Britain". Does anyone else find that sort of talk a bit sinister?
Its certainly negative and outside of political activist land nobody envies billionaires to the extent it sways votes talking about them imo. Blair Labour got in because they concentrated on matters relevant to voters not student politics
Is it just me, or can anyone else hear the silent missing word between "150" and "billionaires"?
Just switched on the Radio 4 news to hear Jeremy Corbyn talking about the "150 billionaires in Britain". Does anyone else find that sort of talk a bit sinister?
That's a good thing right, 150 of them is a lot of money pumped into the UK economy...I have a funny feeling that isn't weirdo Jezza's outlet.
He’s OK with billionaires as long as they run trade unions.
Just switched on the Radio 4 news to hear Jeremy Corbyn talking about the "150 billionaires in Britain". Does anyone else find that sort of talk a bit sinister?
Its certainly negative and outside of political activist land nobody envies billionaires to the extent it sways votes talking about them imo. Blair Labour got in because they concentrated on matters relevant to voters not student politics
Vast and increasing inequalities are not the domain of student politics. Many ardent capitalists themselves, these days, concede that they may illustrate something is not operating correctly within their favoured system.
Corbyn may be strident, but many of the issues he raises are valid.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
I have family living in that area. If Dursley is representative, which it may not be, Drew has blown this. He had a very large personal vote which got him back in in 2017 because his replacement Neil Carmichael was utterly hopeless. But since then he’s been a shouty Corbynista tending to prize London ideas over Stroud’s needs, and this hasn’t gone down too well.
He’s also getting on a bit.
The Greens in Stroud may rally behind him but the general feeling is he’s in trouble.
Surely Stroud is the least labourish labour held constituency in the country?
Stroud (and Stonehouse) and Dursley can be quite gritty and/or green. Villages and towns around it tend to be conservative.
Thanks for the advice all - will have a small punt on Lab as a gut feel and something to make election night more interesting. Having previously lived in mostly safe Con seats the total lack of con signage has been something.of an eye opener.
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
I'd really like to see Luciana Berger get in, sadly I think it will be a stretch for the LDs in F&GG.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
Wasn't a Jonathan Creek episode all about somebody being murdered because of an incorrect placed/read comma?
During the West Wing's latter season, the disgraced Toby entertains himself by considering a misplaced comma in the Bill of Rights (or the Declaration of independence, I forget which).
I do wonder how Corbyn would have done with the support of the media. It's amazing that he has done so well considering the bile that's been thrown at him.
I'm intrigued by what Corbyn, has done that deserves good coverage from the press. Seriously what should have been lauded by the press but wasn't?
You think the press coverage isnt about their Billionaire tax avoiding owners self interest.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
I have family living in that area. If Dursley is representative, which it may not be, Drew has blown this. He had a very large personal vote which got him back in in 2017 because his replacement Neil Carmichael was utterly hopeless. But since then he’s been a shouty Corbynista tending to prize London ideas over Stroud’s needs, and this hasn’t gone down too well.
He’s also getting on a bit.
The Greens in Stroud may rally behind him but the general feeling is he’s in trouble.
Surely Stroud is the least labourish labour held constituency in the country?
Stroud has some very deprived ex-industrial areas in it, both in Stroud itself and in Dursley. It’s also got a very active ecological movement. So actually, I wouldn’t say it’s ‘unlabourish.’
It also has a strong arts/crafts tradition which has melded into a Fairtrade and Co-operative movement culture.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
Just switched on the Radio 4 news to hear Jeremy Corbyn talking about the "150 billionaires in Britain". Does anyone else find that sort of talk a bit sinister?
Don’t worry, Corbyn will make sure we are all billionaires by the time he’s finished!
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
In my experience, no correlation except that Tories put up far fewer posters than all other parties. Warning - the Stroud Labour odds have lengthened since yesterday. I wouldn't bet but it's an unusual seat. The Green candidate is also causing some discontent for standing in such a marginal seat and dividing the anti-Tory vote.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
I have family living in that area. If Dursley is representative, which it may not be, Drew has blown this. He had a very large personal vote which got him back in in 2017 because his replacement Neil Carmichael was utterly hopeless. But since then he’s been a shouty Corbynista tending to prize London ideas over Stroud’s needs, and this hasn’t gone down too well.
He’s also getting on a bit.
The Greens in Stroud may rally behind him but the general feeling is he’s in trouble.
Surely Stroud is the least labourish labour held constituency in the country?
Stroud has some very deprived ex-industrial areas in it, both in Stroud itself and in Dursley. It’s also got a very active ecological movement. So actually, I wouldn’t say it’s ‘unlabourish.’
It also has a strong arts/crafts tradition which has melded into a Fairtrade and Co-operative movement culture.
Also quite lot of lecturers at the Universities of Bristol and the West of England live there. David Drew himself being one.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
Generally, no, there is no correlation. Tories, in particular, tend not to display posters because they are (mostly) conservative and don't like to show their preferences. I used to live in the Stroud constituency and I'd say if the polls are anywhere near correct then it ought to go Tory this time. The Greens have always done well there too.
Tories don't put up posters because lefty scum smash their windows/key their cars if they do.
It is just virtue signalling to put up a LibDem poster. Because we nice Tories just let them get on with it. If they started getting their windows smashed/cars keyed, you wouldn't see "WINNING HERE!" diamond ever again. That they do is a sign of how tolerant the right is in this country.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
I have family living in that area. If Dursley is representative, which it may not be, Drew has blown this. He had a very large personal vote which got him back in in 2017 because his replacement Neil Carmichael was utterly hopeless. But since then he’s been a shouty Corbynista tending to prize London ideas over Stroud’s needs, and this hasn’t gone down too well.
He’s also getting on a bit.
The Greens in Stroud may rally behind him but the general feeling is he’s in trouble.
Surely Stroud is the least labourish labour held constituency in the country?
Stroud has some very deprived ex-industrial areas in it, both in Stroud itself and in Dursley. It’s also got a very active ecological movement. So actually, I wouldn’t say it’s ‘unlabourish.’
It also has a strong arts/crafts tradition which has melded into a Fairtrade and Co-operative movement culture.
Also quite lot of lecturers at the Universities of Bristol and the West of England live there. David Drew himself being one.
Good local intelligence, thank you. I did think a likely Con gain due to rural nature and other factors but not now.
I implore every PB-er in the world to watch that video of Boris in Jewish North London. If you can still vote for Corbyn after that....
And the despicable Johnson is even worse.
Great, innit?
So vote Lib Dem. Green. SNP. Mebyon Kernow. The Brexit Party. Or abstain.
Just don't vote for Corbyn's Labour. A decent person cannot vote for anti-Semitism.
No decent person could ever vote Brexit Party Ltd. If you vote for Claire Fox and the like, you are an enabler of genocide.
I'll be voting Green. And hoping Berger wins in F&GG.
But nothing will improve in the UK until the electoral system changes. 2011 felt like last-chance saloon for the current social contract.
The Tories have absolutely nothing to offer over the next 10 years. The trouble is they will remain in power, failing to address the slow-burning structural issues. When the breaking point comes, I would really like there to be at least one international liberal alternative to fascism.
I do think you have a point - with such a clear out of the grandees and losing the likes of Rory Stewart, etc where is the next next stage of intellectual development of liberal conservatism coming from?
If the parliamentary party tips more towards the north and the working classes, then the party had better come up with answers to the dispossessed and disenfranchised quickly.
I suspect Dominic Cummings has a few (probably good) suggestions.
I think the nature of UK politics and politicians is that there will always be a vacancy for the role of "thoughtful one nation Conservative" who can be relied upon to criticize the leadership. You get praised to the hilt by the media, invited on TV a lot and are welcome at arts events and metropolitan dinner parties. People will make the necessary adjustments to their public political views if there is a clear out and resulting gap in the market. If there is a tiny majority, then it will be even more attractive as the whips will be desperately trying to keep you happy and avoid defections.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
Yes there is. But it's not absolute.
Anyone not wishing a bloody nose on Thursday night better avoid the echo chamber on here. It bears no reality to what's happening.
I don't wish this to sound rude because it's difficult to put it in a polite way but there are a fair number of old men talking to one another on here and convincing one another of the truth of what they think they're hearing, without actually getting out much.
If I'm proved wrong then on Dec 13th I shall apologise. If not, you can.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
Tankie twitter appears to be in meltdown this afternoon, so if you've money riding on a Tory majority it would appear to be safe.
What does Tankie twitter mean? I have no idea.
Do you know what a Tankie is? It was a term coined by British communists to describe the type of communist that cheered the USSR sending tanks in to crush the Hungarian uprising. Stalin can do no wrong type
Tankie Twitter is tweeters who hold that kind of view.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
Wasn't a Jonathan Creek episode all about somebody being murdered because of an incorrect placed/read comma?
Roger Casement after being found guilty of treason and sentenced to death said 'I am being hanged by a comma.'
David Shariatmadari’s article “War of Words” (18 June) brings to mind that Sir Roger Casement, after his conviction and death sentence for treason, said “I am being hanged by a comma”, which was literally (in the traditional sense) true. His offence had been to try to persuade Irish first world war prisoners in Germany to join the Irish uprising. A critical issue was whether the Treason Act of 1351 applied to actions outside the UK, which turned on whether or not a key provision was modified by a comma. Two of the judges had visited the record office to inspect the original of the act and it was not clear whether the mark in question was a comma, bracket or even a fold in the paper. Unfortunately for Casement, they decided that it was a comma.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
Generally, no, there is no correlation. Tories, in particular, tend not to display posters because they are (mostly) conservative and don't like to show their preferences. I used to live in the Stroud constituency and I'd say if the polls are anywhere near correct then it ought to go Tory this time. The Greens have always done well there too.
Tories don't put up posters because lefty scum smash their windows/key their cars if they do.
It is just virtue signalling to put up a LibDem poster. Because we nice Tories just let them get on with it. If they started getting their windows smashed/cars keyed, you wouldn't see "WINNING HERE!" diamond ever again. That they do is a sign of how tolerant the right is in this country.
I take “winning here” diamonds as a signal there’s a decent CAMRA rated pub nearby.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
In local constitutency (Stroud) the ratio is about 10:1 Lab:Con, even in the leafier parts of the constituency (and there are more green than con too). Though it should be a probable Con gain given the margin in 2017 the addition of local factors (remain seat, con candidate seen as an 'outsider' because she comes Witney...) Lab feels worth a punt at 6/4.
Thoughts appreciated..
I have family living in that area. If Dursley is representative, which it may not be, Drew has blown this. He had a very large personal vote which got him back in in 2017 because his replacement Neil Carmichael was utterly hopeless. But since then he’s been a shouty Corbynista tending to prize London ideas over Stroud’s needs, and this hasn’t gone down too well.
He’s also getting on a bit.
The Greens in Stroud may rally behind him but the general feeling is he’s in trouble.
Surely Stroud is the least labourish labour held constituency in the country?
Stroud has some very deprived ex-industrial areas in it, both in Stroud itself and in Dursley. It’s also got a very active ecological movement. So actually, I wouldn’t say it’s ‘unlabourish.’
It also has a strong arts/crafts tradition which has melded into a Fairtrade and Co-operative movement culture.
Also quite lot of lecturers at the Universities of Bristol and the West of England live there. David Drew himself being one.
Good local intelligence, thank you. I did think a likely Con gain due to rural nature and other factors but not now.
I would still expect a Con gain, but I think the swing will be a lot below the average.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
Yes there is. But it's not absolute.
Anyone not wishing a bloody nose on Thursday night better avoid the echo chamber on here. It bears no reality to what's happening.
I don't wish this to sound rude because it's difficult to put it in a polite way but there are a fair number of old men talking to one another on here and convincing one another of the truth of what they think they're hearing, without actually getting out much.
If I'm proved wrong then on Dec 13th I shall apologise. If not, you can.
In fairness you did say Islington South could be a Lib Dem gain only a week or so ago so I’m sceptical you know anymore than the average guy on the street.
It was a common joke in the past that Labour would waste your money on transgender black lesbian theatre productions.
Satire is an indication of how it can go wrong for political parties if they are not carefull and lurch into stereotypes.
I do take the point. I don't want Labour to be the butt of such jokes. But neither do I want us to react by becoming the people telling them. We should stay woke but content ourselves with being ahead of the curve on all this rather than inhabiting a wholly different and more enlightened space that many ordinary people have yet to even glimpse.
The focus needs to be relentlessly on reducing inequality of wealth and opportunity. Identity driven WWC voters can stay with the Tories. They own them now. And vice versa. It's for "Boris" and the Tories to try and keep these folk happy after the sop of Brexit has been delivered. I don't rate their chances, do you? Not without going to the dark side. Right wing populism. All that.
I'm happy to take our chances against that crap with a platform of redistribution and a bearing down on privilege under a vibrant young working class (scores 9 on my PT class model) woman from the North who as she matures and blossoms will jettison the 1970s and Che foreign policy baggage of the Corbyn era.
Landslide for Labour under Laura P in 2024. I'm already more focused on that election than this one.
Right I think Thursday is going to be an absolute blood bath for Labour and well deserved too , with any luck the a Labour Party will purge itself of the extreme left but I don’t hold out much hope . If they perish they perish . We do need an effective opposition in a parliamentary democracy and I say that as a staunch Tory supporter . But what we have with Corbyn is a dangerous , national security risk , we cannot afford for him to remain leader or any of his acolytes . The country deserves better . I hope they are absolutely trounced so they can rebuild a credible party . But if not then someone else will fill the vacuum ( but not Jo Swinson )
I'm no Conservative and part of me hopes you are right but I'm more concerned at what an unchallenged Johnson Government will be able to do and the damage they will be allowed to perpetrate before the credible alternative emerges.
This site will be unbearable for all the Conservatives gloating on here at their success and the failure of the other parties but the fact remains this country is in need of good governance and there are huge problems which have been set aside by Brexit.
Johnson may claim he has the answers and the blueprint for a successful post-EU Britain - I'm simply not convinced and I don't believe him and I will hold him and his Government to account as it is my right so to do.
I'm hoping there won't be gloating on this site, and instead we can engage in an intelligent analysis of the results.
You'll get no gloating from me if the Tories win. Most people here on all sides of the argument are nice and while I would be personally hugely relieved if Corbyn and McDonnell kept out of Downing Street I would take no pleasure in the disappointment of the many excellent people here on the left if that were the case.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
It was a common joke in the past that Labour would waste your money on transgender black lesbian theatre productions.
Satire is an indication of how it can go wrong for political parties if they are not carefull and lurch into stereotypes.
I do take the point. I don't want Labour to be the butt of such jokes. But neither do I want us to react by becoming the people telling them. We should stay woke but content ourselves with being ahead of the curve on all this rather than inhabiting a wholly different and more enlightened space that many ordinary people have yet to even glimpse.
The focus needs to be relentlessly on reducing inequality of wealth and opportunity. Identity driven WWC voters can stay with the Tories. They own them now. And vice versa. It's for "Boris" and the Tories to try and keep these folk happy after the sop of Brexit has been delivered. I don't rate their chances, do you? Not without going to the dark side. Right wing populism. All that.
I'm happy to take our chances against that crap with a platform of redistribution and a bearing down on privilege under a vibrant young working class (scores 9 on my PT class model) woman from the North who as she matures and blossoms will jettison the 1970s and Che foreign policy baggage of the Corbyn era.
Landslide for Labour under Laura P in 2024. I'm already more focused on that election than this one.
I'd say Labour have just as many identity voters. Just a different identity.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
I implore every PB-er in the world to watch that video of Boris in Jewish North London. If you can still vote for Corbyn after that....
And the despicable Johnson is even worse.
Great, innit?
So vote Lib Dem. Green. SNP. Mebyon Kernow. The Brexit Party. Or abstain.
Just don't vote for Corbyn's Labour. A decent person cannot vote for anti-Semitism.
No decent person could ever vote Brexit Party Ltd. If you vote for Claire Fox and the like, you are an enabler of genocide.
I'll be voting Green. And hoping Berger wins in F&GG.
But nothing will improve in the UK until the electoral system changes. 2011 felt like last-chance saloon for the current social contract.
The Tories have absolutely nothing to offer over the next 10 years. The trouble is they will remain in power, failing to address the slow-burning structural issues. When the breaking point comes, I would really like there to be at least one international liberal alternative to fascism.
I do think you have a point - with such a clear out of the grandees and losing the likes of Rory Stewart, etc where is the next next stage of intellectual development of liberal conservatism coming from?
If the parliamentary party tips more towards the north and the working classes, then the party had better come up with answers to the dispossessed and disenfranchised quickly.
I suspect Dominic Cummings has a few (probably good) suggestions.
I think the nature of UK politics and politicians is that there will always be a vacancy for the role of "thoughtful one nation Conservative" who can be relied upon to criticize the leadership. You get praised to the hilt by the media, invited on TV a lot and are welcome at arts events and metropolitan dinner parties. People will make the necessary adjustments to their public political views if there is a clear out and resulting gap in the market. If there is a tiny majority, then it will be even more attractive as the whips will be desperately trying to keep you happy and avoid defections.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
I implore every PB-er in the world to watch that video of Boris in Jewish North London. If you can still vote for Corbyn after that....
And the despicable Johnson is even worse.
Great, innit?
So vote Lib Dem. Green. SNP. Mebyon Kernow. The Brexit Party. Or abstain.
Just don't vote for Corbyn's Labour. A decent person cannot vote for anti-Semitism.
No decent person could ever vote Brexit Party Ltd. If you vote for Claire Fox and the like, you are an enabler of genocide.
I'll be voting Green. And hoping Berger wins in F&GG.
But nothing will improve in the UK until the electoral system changes. 2011 felt like last-chance saloon for the current social contract.
The Tories have absolutely nothing to offer over the next 10 years. The trouble is they will remain in power, failing to address the slow-burning structural issues. When the breaking point comes, I would really like there to be at least one international liberal alternative to fascism.
I do think you have a point - with such a clear out of the grandees and losing the likes of Rory Stewart, etc where is the next next stage of intellectual development of liberal conservatism coming from?
If the parliamentary party tips more towards the north and the working classes, then the party had better come up with answers to the dispossessed and disenfranchised quickly.
I suspect Dominic Cummings has a few (probably good) suggestions.
I think the nature of UK politics and politicians is that there will always be a vacancy for the role of "thoughtful one nation Conservative" who can be relied upon to criticize the leadership. You get praised to the hilt by the media, invited on TV a lot and are welcome at arts events and metropolitan dinner parties. People will make the necessary adjustments to their public political views if there is a clear out and resulting gap in the market. If there is a tiny majority, then it will be even more attractive as the whips will be desperately trying to keep you happy and avoid defections.
Rory Stewart is that man, but he needs Johnson and Brexit to absolutely fail in order to return. For that reason a stonking Johnson victory, which would allow him to compromise on Europe and face off the ERG, would be very bad news for his prospects of ever returning.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
IDS outed sounded rather unlikely, until I reread that.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
What about Alex Salmond or Nick Clegg?
Nope, not nearly big enough. IDS is an absolute tit, and I would raise a glass should he be punted.
I implore every PB-er in the world to watch that video of Boris in Jewish North London. If you can still vote for Corbyn after that....
And the despicable Johnson is even worse.
Great, innit?
So vote Lib Dem. Green. SNP. Mebyon Kernow. The Brexit Party. Or abstain.
Just don't vote for Corbyn's Labour. A decent person cannot vote for anti-Semitism.
No decent person could ever vote Brexit Party Ltd. If you vote for Claire Fox and the like, you are an enabler of genocide.
I'll be voting Green. And hoping Berger wins in F&GG.
But nothing will improve in the UK until the electoral system changes. 2011 felt like last-chance saloon for the current social contract.
The Tories have absolutely nothing to offer over the next 10 years. The trouble is they will remain in power, failing to address the slow-burning structural issues. When the breaking point comes, I would really like there to be at least one international liberal alternative to fascism.
I do think you have a point - with such a clear out of the grandees and losing the likes of Rory Stewart, etc where is the next next stage of intellectual development of liberal conservatism coming from?
If the parliamentary party tips more towards the north and the working classes, then the party had better come up with answers to the dispossessed and disenfranchised quickly.
I suspect Dominic Cummings has a few (probably good) suggestions.
I think the nature of UK politics and politicians is that there will always be a vacancy for the role of "thoughtful one nation Conservative" who can be relied upon to criticize the leadership. You get praised to the hilt by the media, invited on TV a lot and are welcome at arts events and metropolitan dinner parties. People will make the necessary adjustments to their public political views if there is a clear out and resulting gap in the market. If there is a tiny majority, then it will be even more attractive as the whips will be desperately trying to keep you happy and avoid defections.
Rory Stewart is that man, but he needs Johnson and Brexit to absolutely fail in order to return. For that reason a stonking Johnson victory, which would allow him to compromise on Europe and face off the ERG, would be very bad news for his prospects of ever returning.
I thought he was going to be the next Mayor of London. And we all know where that can lead....
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
Yes please = also Bridgen and Francois.... an unlikely treble I grant you but we can hope!
Right I think Thursday is going to be an absolute blood bath for Labour and well deserved too , with any luck the a Labour Party will purge itself of the extreme left but I don’t hold out much hope . If they perish they perish . We do need an effective opposition in a parliamentary democracy and I say that as a staunch Tory supporter . But what we have with Corbyn is a dangerous , national security risk , we cannot afford for him to remain leader or any of his acolytes . The country deserves better . I hope they are absolutely trounced so they can rebuild a credible party . But if not then someone else will fill the vacuum ( but not Jo Swinson )
I'm no Conservative and part of me hopes you are right but I'm more concerned at what an unchallenged Johnson Government will be able to do and the damage they will be allowed to perpetrate before the credible alternative emerges.
This site will be unbearable for all the Conservatives gloating on here at their success and the failure of the other parties but the fact remains this country is in need of good governance and there are huge problems which have been set aside by Brexit.
Johnson may claim he has the answers and the blueprint for a successful post-EU Britain - I'm simply not convinced and I don't believe him and I will hold him and his Government to account as it is my right so to do.
I'm hoping there won't be gloating on this site, and instead we can engage in an intelligent analysis of the results.
You'll get no gloating from me if the Tories win. Most people here on all sides of the argument are nice and while I would be personally hugely relieved if Corbyn and McDonnell kept out of Downing Street I would take no pleasure in the disappointment of the many excellent people here on the left if that were the case.
I have cautioned against any gloating if Boris wins but a degree of humility and understanding that many will feel on the other side. We all need to come together
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
As far as I’m aware, there is no Mrs. MD. And if there were, she would undoubtedly utilise a far more complex and unlikely apparatus.
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
I'd really like to see Luciana Berger get in, sadly I think it will be a stretch for the LDs in F&GG.
I'd agree I think the Con vote has held up. LB will get within 10% but enough tribal Labour vote will stick with them despite the non-existent campaign to see Con back.
LD's lost their last council seat in 2018 what will be of interest is if the LD's can reverse that decline on the back of this performance.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
Yes please = also Bridgen and Francois.... an unlikely treble I grant you but we can hope!
Someone started a rumour a while back that Steve Baker was struggling, but it was too good to be true.
The one that just got banned was clearly a firm believer in the cause, and presumably had links to the party as an activist as she posted knowledge of canvassing activity... so what did she hope to gain spending her time riling up regulars on PBc instead of knocking doors or delivering a few leaflets or manning the phone bank?
It just seems so unfocused a use of her time.
It seems unlikely that her claims were accurate. Indeed, they were in some cases less plausible than Tory Gain Ashton.
So I think it was probably misinformation. Possibly they were over-rating PB’s influence on Tory strategy.
Who got banned?
I haven’t a Cluedo...
Was it Colonel Smithson with the lead piping?
With the misleading letter.
Misleading letters are lethal weapons. FACT
I rather like 'Colonel Smithson with the lead piping' - not as a suspicion, but more as a PB Xmas card theme. Are there PB xmas cards? They'd be great!
'Reverend Meeks with the Candlestick'
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
I misread that momentarily as ‘Mrs RCS1000 with the Pope.’
Using the Pope as a murder weapon would make a great story! If only we had an author of thrillers who read the site regularly.
Right I think Thursday is going to be an absolute blood bath for Labour and well deserved too , with any luck the a Labour Party will purge itself of the extreme left but I don’t hold out much hope . If they perish they perish . We do need an effective opposition in a parliamentary democracy and I say that as a staunch Tory supporter . But what we have with Corbyn is a dangerous , national security risk , we cannot afford for him to remain leader or any of his acolytes . The country deserves better . I hope they are absolutely trounced so they can rebuild a credible party . But if not then someone else will fill the vacuum ( but not Jo Swinson )
I'm no Conservative and part of me hopes you are right but I'm more concerned at what an unchallenged Johnson Government will be able to do and the damage they will be allowed to perpetrate before the credible alternative emerges.
This site will be unbearable for all the Conservatives gloating on here at their success and the failure of the other parties but the fact remains this country is in need of good governance and there are huge problems which have been set aside by Brexit.
Johnson may claim he has the answers and the blueprint for a successful post-EU Britain - I'm simply not convinced and I don't believe him and I will hold him and his Government to account as it is my right so to do.
I'm hoping there won't be gloating on this site, and instead we can engage in an intelligent analysis of the results.
You'll get no gloating from me if the Tories win. Most people here on all sides of the argument are nice and while I would be personally hugely relieved if Corbyn and McDonnell kept out of Downing Street I would take no pleasure in the disappointment of the many excellent people here on the left if that were the case.
I have cautioned against any gloating if Boris wins but a degree of humility and understanding that many will feel on the other side. We all need to come together
It's easy to be magnaminous when you win....
I really don't want Corbyn to be PM- there is no chance of that. But I do not want Boris and Brexit- 2 things Big_G you have said that you didn't want aswell
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
Yes please = also Bridgen and Francois.... an unlikely treble I grant you but we can hope!
Someone started a rumour a while back that Steve Baker was struggling, but it was too good to be true.
Question from occasional poster and even more occasional bettor:
Is there any correlation between the number of candidate posters and the result on election night?
Yes there is. But it's not absolute.
Anyone not wishing a bloody nose on Thursday night better avoid the echo chamber on here. It bears no reality to what's happening.
I don't wish this to sound rude because it's difficult to put it in a polite way but there are a fair number of old men talking to one another on here and convincing one another of the truth of what they think they're hearing, without actually getting out much.
If I'm proved wrong then on Dec 13th I shall apologise. If not, you can.
How do you know it's mainly old men on here? I always assumed it was younger men. (Women are less likely to be political anoraks).
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
What about Alex Salmond or Nick Clegg?
Nope, not nearly big enough. IDS is an absolute tit, and I would raise a glass should he be punted.
Perhaps counterintuitively, I quite like him. His post-leader career reflected well on him in broad, although not in detail (TLDR: he's well-meaning but incompetent). See also Jimmy Carter.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
Yes please = also Bridgen and Francois.... an unlikely treble I grant you but we can hope!
If either of those three lose then the PB thread will read 'Tory Gain as IDS/Bridgen/Francois lose'
A couple of days ago, Mike Smithson headlined a pb.com thread by informing us that that the Tories had slipped five seats on the spreads "following the Andrew Neil interview rumpus" as he chose to explain it. Being the considerate chap I am, I thought I would save him the trouble by pointing out that the Tories have since recovered four of the aforementioned five seats.
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
I'd have no objection to Berger winning but I don't understand why she chose to run in a blue rather than a red seat. The person she's trying to unseat has done nothing wrong.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
Yes please = also Bridgen and Francois.... an unlikely treble I grant you but we can hope!
There's a simple reason why Francois won't lose. His views are probably slightly to the left of those of most of his constituents. 😊
Tory voter I'm voting Tory to increase child poverty (the more children die the better) I'm voting Tory to increase homelessness (the more people homeless the more homes I can have in my portfolio) I'm voting Tory to increase privatisation (always good to see the few drive up costs for profits to pay shareholders I'm voting Tory to get Brexit done (sush I know it was passed but Boris says so) I'm voting Tory because gay people are bumboys, single mothers are feckless and illegitimate and Muslims are letterboxes. It has to be stopped!!!!
Thats really nasrty stuff and a travesty of the truth. You ought to be ashamed for posting it.
I thought that - clearly Ms Scarlett is a troll, paid or unpaid. Can she be banned before the day is out ? She is trying her hardest.
I actually think her posts are perfect meme's, snapshots of this election where under normal circumstances this is what the media would be asking in order to force out the real truth's behind certain policies. Instead these posts are viewed as trolling!? Where is the democracy in that? Many are shameless, they intend to back a Bullingdon get rich quick ploy which is so transparent and so clearly designed to screw the average person on behalf on the elite its madness.
Andrew Neil, she ain't.
At least she's got the balls to go under the spotlight!
When did writing bollocks, anonymously, become brave? Slightly debasing genuine bravery, perhaps.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
What about Alex Salmond or Nick Clegg?
Nope, not nearly big enough. IDS is an absolute tit, and I would raise a glass should he be punted.
Perhaps counterintuitively, I quite like him. His post-leader career reflected well on him in broad, although not in detail (TLDR: he's well-meaning but incompetent). See also Jimmy Carter.
I love the fact that Jimmy Carter became famous as president for being attacked by a rabbit.
By the way, for the record I think the Conservatives are going to win a narrow majority. But that's exactly what it will be. Narrow.
All this talk of big victories and 60 seats+ etc is absolute nonsense. It bears literally no relation to the ground game.
2015. 2016. 2017. I correctly called them all & made money.
How narrow is narrow? I'll be totally happy with a small majority that allows us to govern for 5 years, say 335 or so. Obviously I'd like 400, but I'm not mad enough to think we'll get it.
God there's nothing worse than a privately educated person pretending to be similar to a person educated at a comprehensive.
Daisy Ridley has been criticised over comments about her upbringing.
The Star Wars actress, who attended boarding school, was asked whether privileged aspects of her life has helped her confidence and deal with her celebrity status.
She replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"
In her Guardian interview, she said she did not believe it has benefited her in those ways and compared herself to her co-star John Boyega, who grew up in London as the son of Nigerian immigrants.
"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no," she said.
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
I'd have no objection to Berger winning but I don't understand why she chose to run in a blue rather than a red seat. The person she's trying to unseat has done nothing wrong.
Apart from supporting Brexit and Boris Johnson you mean?
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
I'd have no objection to Berger winning but I don't understand why she chose to run in a blue rather than a red seat. The person she's trying to unseat has done nothing wrong.
Apart from supporting Brexit and Boris Johnson you mean?
I don't view that as wrong, but on the subject of antisemitism is what I mean. She should have stood against someone who was condoning it.
God there's nothing worse than a privately educated person pretending to be similar to a person educated at a comprehensive.
Daisy Ridley has been criticised over comments about her upbringing.
The Star Wars actress, who attended boarding school, was asked whether privileged aspects of her life has helped her confidence and deal with her celebrity status.
She replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"
In her Guardian interview, she said she did not believe it has benefited her in those ways and compared herself to her co-star John Boyega, who grew up in London as the son of Nigerian immigrants.
"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no," she said.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
What about Alex Salmond or Nick Clegg?
Nope, not nearly big enough. IDS is an absolute tit, and I would raise a glass should he be punted.
Perhaps counterintuitively, I quite like him. His post-leader career reflected well on him in broad, although not in detail (TLDR: he's well-meaning but incompetent). See also Jimmy Carter.
I love the fact that Jimmy Carter became famous as president for being attacked by a rabbit. It just summed up his presidency so beautifully.
It was a vicious rabbit !
Carter was a rather better President than generally acknowledged. Just pretty hopeless at getting re-elected.
No decent person could ever vote Brexit Party Ltd. If you vote for Claire Fox and the like, you are an enabler of genocide.
I'll be voting Green. And hoping Berger wins in F&GG.
But nothing will improve in the UK until the electoral system changes. 2011 felt like last-chance saloon for the current social contract.
The Tories have absolutely nothing to offer over the next 10 years. The trouble is they will remain in power, failing to address the slow-burning structural issues. When the breaking point comes, I would really like there to be at least one international liberal alternative to fascism.
I do think you have a point - with such a clear out of the grandees and losing the likes of Rory Stewart, etc where is the next next stage of intellectual development of liberal conservatism coming from?
If the parliamentary party tips more towards the north and the working classes, then the party had better come up with answers to the dispossessed and disenfranchised quickly.
I suspect Dominic Cummings has a few (probably good) suggestions.
I think the nature of UK politics and politicians is that there will always be a vacancy for the role of "thoughtful one nation Conservative" who can be relied upon to criticize the leadership. You get praised to the hilt by the media, invited on TV a lot and are welcome at arts events and metropolitan dinner parties. People will make the necessary adjustments to their public political views if there is a clear out and resulting gap in the market. If there is a tiny majority, then it will be even more attractive as the whips will be desperately trying to keep you happy and avoid defections.
Rory Stewart is that man, but he needs Johnson and Brexit to absolutely fail in order to return. For that reason a stonking Johnson victory, which would allow him to compromise on Europe and face off the ERG, would be very bad news for his prospects of ever returning.
... Or succeed, surely? There's room for him in the party once he apologises - he's already laid some groundwork by admitting he was wrong to suggest Johnson wouldn't be able to renegotiate the EU exit deal. I could see him being adopted as the official Tory candidate for London mayor in 2024, having beaten Bailey into third in 2020.
There are others, as well. Rishi Sunak, Kemi Badenoch, Tom Tugendhat, Jonny Mercer. Shame about Sam Gyimah, but even he could come back one day, I guess.
This is really quite striking. Even extraordinary.
At first I just thought it was a bit of political fun, but watch it til the end, and the very sincere remarks from Jews who are genuinely scared of Corbyn, and think they might have to emigrate if he wins.
They are not joking. I confess I got a bit emotional watching this
We CANNOT allow Corbyn to win. It would be a tragedy for this country.
People think voting for Brexit makes us a laughing stock around the globe.
Voting for Corbyn would make us reviled.
"Save us from that man". Wow.
I think we can safely say Boris has 99% of the Jewish vote.
The irony is that in that constituency Luciana Berger is standing, one person who really deserves to be in Parliament. My brother lives in that constituency and he’s voting for her.
I'd have no objection to Berger winning but I don't understand why she chose to run in a blue rather than a red seat. The person she's trying to unseat has done nothing wrong.
Apart from supporting Brexit and Boris Johnson you mean?
I don't view that as wrong, but on the subject of antisemitism is what I mean. She should have stood against someone who was condoning it.
Nah. One less pro-Brexit and pro-Boris MP is an additional benefit.
God there's nothing worse than a privately educated person pretending to be similar to a person educated at a comprehensive.
Daisy Ridley has been criticised over comments about her upbringing.
The Star Wars actress, who attended boarding school, was asked whether privileged aspects of her life has helped her confidence and deal with her celebrity status.
She replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"
In her Guardian interview, she said she did not believe it has benefited her in those ways and compared herself to her co-star John Boyega, who grew up in London as the son of Nigerian immigrants.
"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no," she said.
By the way, for the record I think the Conservatives are going to win a narrow majority. But that's exactly what it will be. Narrow.
All this talk of big victories and 60 seats+ etc is absolute nonsense. It bears literally no relation to the ground game.
2015. 2016. 2017. I correctly called them all & made money.
Funny you joined in Sept 2018 though.
But your post bears a striking resemblance to IOS who used to post here until the 2015 election.
Was it IOS who was always going on about how the Labour algorithms were going to win them the 2015 election?
IOS kept banging on about the superior Labour ground game.
He told me I was wasting my time in Pudsey, that the 10,000 Lib Dem voters in the seat would break 65% for Labour whilst a third of Tory voters would break for UKIP so it would be an easy Labour gain.
The result, Stuart Andrew increased the Tory majority from 1,600 to 4,500.
God there's nothing worse than a privately educated person pretending to be similar to a person educated at a comprehensive.
Daisy Ridley has been criticised over comments about her upbringing.
The Star Wars actress, who attended boarding school, was asked whether privileged aspects of her life has helped her confidence and deal with her celebrity status.
She replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"
In her Guardian interview, she said she did not believe it has benefited her in those ways and compared herself to her co-star John Boyega, who grew up in London as the son of Nigerian immigrants.
"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no," she said.
Iain Duncan Smith is particularly loathed by anyone who isn't a conservative so I can see more tactical voting against him than average. Will be close I think as Chingford is trending left iirc.
IDS getting ousted would be a proper Portillo moment, and we haven't had one for ages.
What about Alex Salmond or Nick Clegg?
Nope, not nearly big enough. IDS is an absolute tit, and I would raise a glass should he be punted.
Perhaps counterintuitively, I quite like him. His post-leader career reflected well on him in broad, although not in detail (TLDR: he's well-meaning but incompetent). See also Jimmy Carter.
I love the fact that Jimmy Carter became famous as president for being attacked by a rabbit. It just summed up his presidency so beautifully.
It was a vicious rabbit !
Carter was a rather better President than generally acknowledged. Just pretty hopeless at getting re-elected.
God there's nothing worse than a privately educated person pretending to be similar to a person educated at a comprehensive.
Daisy Ridley has been criticised over comments about her upbringing.
The Star Wars actress, who attended boarding school, was asked whether privileged aspects of her life has helped her confidence and deal with her celebrity status.
She replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"
In her Guardian interview, she said she did not believe it has benefited her in those ways and compared herself to her co-star John Boyega, who grew up in London as the son of Nigerian immigrants.
"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no," she said.
Right I think Thursday is going to be an absolute blood bath for Labour and well deserved too , with any luck the a Labour Party will purge itself of the extreme left but I don’t hold out much hope . If they perish they perish . We do need an effective opposition in a parliamentary democracy and I say that as a staunch Tory supporter . But what we have with Corbyn is a dangerous , national security risk , we cannot afford for him to remain leader or any of his acolytes . The country deserves better . I hope they are absolutely trounced so they can rebuild a credible party . But if not then someone else will fill the vacuum ( but not Jo Swinson )
I'm no Conservative and part of me hopes you are right but I'm more concerned at what an unchallenged Johnson Government will be able to do and the damage they will be allowed to perpetrate before the credible alternative emerges.
This site will be unbearable for all the Conservatives gloating on here at their success and the failure of the other parties but the fact remains this country is in need of good governance and there are huge problems which have been set aside by Brexit.
Johnson may claim he has the answers and the blueprint for a successful post-EU Britain - I'm simply not convinced and I don't believe him and I will hold him and his Government to account as it is my right so to do.
I'm hoping there won't be gloating on this site, and instead we can engage in an intelligent analysis of the results.
You'll get no gloating from me if the Tories win. Most people here on all sides of the argument are nice and while I would be personally hugely relieved if Corbyn and McDonnell kept out of Downing Street I would take no pleasure in the disappointment of the many excellent people here on the left if that were the case.
I have cautioned against any gloating if Boris wins but a degree of humility and understanding that many will feel on the other side. We all need to come together
It's easy to be magnaminous when you win....
I really don't want Corbyn to be PM- there is no chance of that. But I do not want Boris and Brexit- 2 things Big_G you have said that you didn't want aswell
I do agree Tyson but when it comes down to it beating Corbyn is all that matters to me now
"A hardline Stalinist. A tankie is a member of a communist group or a "fellow traveller" (sympathiser) who believes fully in the political system of the Soviet Union and defends/defended the actions of the Soviet Union and other accredited states (China, Serbia, etc.) to the hilt, even in cases where other communists criticise their policies or actions. For instance, such a person favours overseas interventions by Soviet-style states, defends these regimes when they engage in human rights violations, and wishes to establish a similar system in other countries such as Britain and America.
The term is used to distinguish the rare individuals with these kinds of beliefs from communists more broadly (including Communist Party members), whose adherence to Soviet doctrine and attachment to existing "socialist" states is somewhat weaker.
It is always more-or-less abusive in the sense that those termed tankies do not use the term themselves, but it doesn't have any particular bite (unlike, say, Trot).
The term derives from the fact that the divisions within the communist movement first arose when the Soviet Union sent tanks into communist Hungary in 1956, to crush an attempt to establish an alternative version of communism which was not embraced by the Russians. Most communists outside the eastern bloc opposed this action and criticised the Soviet Union. The "tankies" were those who said "send the tanks in".
The epithet has stuck because tankies also supported "sending the tanks in" in cases such as Czechoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Bosnia and Kosovo/a (in the case of the Serbian state), and so on (whereas the rest of the communist movement has gravitated towards anti-militarism)."
But most of them don’t.
Corbyn may be strident, but many of the issues he raises are valid.
Thanks for the advice all - will have a small punt on Lab as a gut feel and something to make election night more interesting. Having previously lived in mostly safe Con seats the total lack of con signage has been something.of an eye opener.
And yes, I have no life...
'Mrs Morris Dancer with the Revolver'
'Professor Big John Owls with the Spanner'
'Mrs RCS1000 with the Rope'
It is just virtue signalling to put up a LibDem poster. Because we nice Tories just let them get on with it. If they started getting their windows smashed/cars keyed, you wouldn't see "WINNING HERE!" diamond ever again. That they do is a sign of how tolerant the right is in this country.
Anyone not wishing a bloody nose on Thursday night better avoid the echo chamber on here. It bears no reality to what's happening.
I don't wish this to sound rude because it's difficult to put it in a polite way but there are a fair number of old men talking to one another on here and convincing one another of the truth of what they think they're hearing, without actually getting out much.
If I'm proved wrong then on Dec 13th I shall apologise. If not, you can.
It was a term coined by British communists to describe the type of communist that cheered the USSR sending tanks in to crush the Hungarian uprising. Stalin can do no wrong type
Tankie Twitter is tweeters who hold that kind of view.
David Shariatmadari’s article “War of Words” (18 June) brings to mind that Sir Roger Casement, after his conviction and death sentence for treason, said “I am being hanged by a comma”, which was literally (in the traditional sense) true. His offence had been to try to persuade Irish first world war prisoners in Germany to join the Irish uprising. A critical issue was whether the Treason Act of 1351 applied to actions outside the UK, which turned on whether or not a key provision was modified by a comma. Two of the judges had visited the record office to inspect the original of the act and it was not clear whether the mark in question was a comma, bracket or even a fold in the paper. Unfortunately for Casement, they decided that it was a comma.
The focus needs to be relentlessly on reducing inequality of wealth and opportunity. Identity driven WWC voters can stay with the Tories. They own them now. And vice versa. It's for "Boris" and the Tories to try and keep these folk happy after the sop of Brexit has been delivered. I don't rate their chances, do you? Not without going to the dark side. Right wing populism. All that.
I'm happy to take our chances against that crap with a platform of redistribution and a bearing down on privilege under a vibrant young working class (scores 9 on my PT class model) woman from the North who as she matures and blossoms will jettison the 1970s and Che foreign policy baggage of the Corbyn era.
Landslide for Labour under Laura P in 2024. I'm already more focused on that election than this one.
Literally hundreds and hundreds of viewers will be eagerly tuning in no doubt ... My god, it's 90 minutes long!
Strictly it is for me then...
LD's lost their last council seat in 2018 what will be of interest is if the LD's can reverse that decline on the back of this performance.
I really don't want Corbyn to be PM- there is no chance of that. But I do not want Boris and Brexit- 2 things Big_G you have said that you didn't want aswell
All this talk of big victories and 60 seats+ etc is absolute nonsense. It bears literally no relation to the ground game.
2015. 2016. 2017. I correctly called them all & made money.
Being the considerate chap I am, I thought I would save him the trouble by pointing out that the Tories have since recovered four of the aforementioned five seats.
But your post bears a striking resemblance to IOS who used to post here until the 2015 election.
It just summed up his presidency so beautifully.
Daisy Ridley has been criticised over comments about her upbringing.
The Star Wars actress, who attended boarding school, was asked whether privileged aspects of her life has helped her confidence and deal with her celebrity status.
She replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"
In her Guardian interview, she said she did not believe it has benefited her in those ways and compared herself to her co-star John Boyega, who grew up in London as the son of Nigerian immigrants.
"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no," she said.
I was of course though referring to the eminent man himself and accidentally changing his title.
Carter was a rather better President than generally acknowledged. Just pretty hopeless at getting re-elected.
Certainly better than this guy....
During the Israeli American Council’s 2019 national summit in Hollywood, Fla., Trump told the crowd, “a lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well.”
“You’re brutal killers. Not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me you have no choice,” he continued...
There are others, as well. Rishi Sunak, Kemi Badenoch, Tom Tugendhat, Jonny Mercer. Shame about Sam Gyimah, but even he could come back one day, I guess.
You do realise Luciana is not a Tory?
He told me I was wasting my time in Pudsey, that the 10,000 Lib Dem voters in the seat would break 65% for Labour whilst a third of Tory voters would break for UKIP so it would be an easy Labour gain.
The result, Stuart Andrew increased the Tory majority from 1,600 to 4,500.
As for saying he’s better than Trump, that’s like saying somebody’s more open-minded than Laura Pidcock.
Who cares!