When Boris wins on Friday morning...green light for all Tory voters to call Muslims "letterboxes" gaymen "bumboys" single mothers "illegitimate"
The British people have spoken..if Boris Johnson can say it and be prime minister why can't you as a Tory voter say it to your work colleagues? The daily mail is the biggest selling newspaper in the UK and they use racist, homophobic language everyday and reflect britain. The daily mail reflects British views and if the daily mail says it...why can't you??
As Tory voters, you have the right to end the political correctness crusade and can express your views however you like. If you are questioned remind your PC friends..Boris Johnson is prime minister if he can say it why cant I?
Boris ain't gonna win. Even if he gets a slim majority, his own Tories will eventually push him under his 350 million £ bus and then reverse too and fro, till they 'Get Boris Done' His route to the PMs chair was filled with deceit, skullduggery and backstabbing friends. His exit will be in a similar fashion. He could have waited 5 years and been leader, in a honourable fashion. However, some have to lie and manipulate, they are just slaves of in born habits and history.
There is an eery quietness about the situation on the ground. I would like more reports from Northern/Midlands leave seats, where the majority will be won or lost.
Theres a bit of talk about Labour struggling, but not a huge amount to go on.
Quiet and confused. No one knows, I think. It's a cliche, but I've heard more people talking of last-minute decisions than ever before.
Mr Farage revealed that he’s already registered a new political group – the Reform Party – to replace the Brexit Party if the UK leaves the EU.
Is he going for a record or something?
It is a times like this it is nice to raise the record of Robert McIntyre who was the first SNP MP. He was elected at a by-election in 1945 but lost his seat 3 months later at the GE. Between 1950 and 1974 he then made 9 further attempts to become an MP again, all without success.
Got to love the corrupt press campaigning for Boris Johnson. - Sophie Ridge (laugh and giggle) - Tory - Laura Kuennsburg BBC Chief Political Correspondent - Tory Unionist - Tom Bradby ITV - Tory - Nick Ferrari LBC - Tory - Nick Robinson (debate moderator BBC) Tory - Iain Dale LBC Tory - Chuck in the billionaire tax avoiding press barons hitmen - daily mail, sun , times, Sunday times, mail on Sunday, daily express, su day express, the star, Sunday star telegraph, Sunday telegraph and this is why we have Boris Johnson
Simple question I want answer to How many children do you have Boris?
Why? What is its political relevance? It seems to me no more relevant than does the fact that Corbyn is onto his third marriage.
Sending foot soldiers to Plymouth Sutton and Devonport makes sense for a party that has no chance of picking up seats in the SW, where (presumably) safe Ben Bradshaw in Exeter is the only other seat they hold until you get to Bristol - and where maybe Brexit Party's Ann Widdecombe is proving weirdly attractive to some Labour voting/Strictly loving cross-over group.
They'd be better utilised sending them to Totnes town, to try and keep Dr. Sarah from getting the second place they had last time. Although I'm told the Green vote (over 2,000 in 2017) is not going to Wollaston as planned when they stood down, but is shifting en masse to Labour instead.
Had a ridiculously good canvass for the Blues yesterday. Like, North Korean leader good.
North Korea would approve of Boris’s Brexit.
Brexit is fundamentally a juche project.
Very good! But even North Korea didn't trade-blockade itself.
I think you could be a bit more balanced. Try: Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher Narrow Tory victory under Major Blair Blair Blair Hung Parliament Narrow Tory Victory under Cameron Hung Parliament ?
Thatcher - fucked working people (killed some) Major - fucked working people (killed some) Blair - fucked working people Brown - fucked working people (can pay for a war\bank bailout) cameron\clegg - fucked working people (killed some) May - fucked working people Johnson fucked working people (wants to kill the feckless and illegitimate if given opportunity)
All politicians sponsored and endorsed by Rupert Murdoch and corrupt neo liberals for profit.
Who dare says that the quality of debate has gone downhill?
Stop buying the corrupt media and voting for neo liberals and guess what the corruption stops.
Can I suggest you do some research on whether there is/was corruption (in the media and elsewhere) in 'Socialist' states? Regardless of policies, a Corbyn government won't stop corruption. Indeed the centralisation of power is likely to increase it; history tells us this.
You turn your back on children in poverty, homelessness, workers with zero rights, foreign wars, bank bailouts, privatisation of services to increase profits of the few.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
I think you could be a bit more balanced. Try: Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher Narrow Tory victory under Major Blair Blair Blair Hung Parliament Narrow Tory Victory under Cameron Hung Parliament ?
Thatcher - fucked working people (killed some) Major - fucked working people (killed some) Blair - fucked working people Brown - fucked working people (can pay for a war\bank bailout) cameron\clegg - fucked working people (killed some) May - fucked working people Johnson fucked working people (wants to kill the feckless and illegitimate if given opportunity)
All politicians sponsored and endorsed by Rupert Murdoch and corrupt neo liberals for profit.
Who dare says that the quality of debate has gone downhill?
Stop buying the corrupt media and voting for neo liberals and guess what the corruption stops.
Can I suggest you do some research on whether there is/was corruption (in the media and elsewhere) in 'Socialist' states? Regardless of policies, a Corbyn government won't stop corruption. Indeed the centralisation of power is likely to increase it; history tells us this.
You turn your back on children in poverty, homelessness, workers with zero rights, foreign wars, bank bailouts, privatisation of services to increase profits of the few.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
We're going to be wearing badges, remember? No need to tell anyone.
One thing that strikes me as odd - if this election is all about how terrible Corbyn is, why is it that the Mori leader satisfaction ratings point to a Tory lead of 6-7 points, at the bottom of the polling? If Corbyn was the main problem, you'd expect Labour to be polling above the level suggested by the leader ratings, not below. Something doesn't add up.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
Your linguistic use is very similar to miss scarlet. Are you related?
I don't trust anyone who puts the pound symbol after the cash amount.
I've just heard the BBC report that Sturgeon thinks the Scottish people should determine whether there is another Indyref, rather than Westminister. Isn't that a referendum to decide whether to have a referendum? The only way out of that is to have another referendum.
Any referendum can only be considered after Holyrood 2021
That Holyrood election will provide a mandate or otherwise to request a referendum and HMG will need to consider it carefully
It is interesting to note that in the latest Scots opinion poll SNP = 39% Pro Union = 60%
Food for thought there
Why 2021, why not 2016 when pro indy parties got a majority.
Exactly my point Alistair, just made up as they go along. In 2021 it will be the wrong type of majority. Roll on Brexit and then get the beggars into court tout suite.
One thing that strikes me as odd - if this election is all about how terrible Corbyn is, why is it that the Mori leader satisfaction ratings point to a Tory lead of 6-7 points, at the bottom of the polling? If Corbyn was the main problem, you'd expect Labour to be polling above the level suggested by the leader ratings, not below. Something doesn't add up.
Labour's asking its base to accept Brexit being flushed down the toilet, and asking the rest of the country to accept the same for capitalism.
There is an eery quietness about the situation on the ground. I would like more reports from Northern/Midlands leave seats, where the majority will be won or lost.
Theres a bit of talk about Labour struggling, but not a huge amount to go on.
There always has been talk since 2017. In 2017, Wrexham and Grimsby were firmly in Tories bag, until counting started and let the cat out of the bag. In 2019, even 'polls'confirm the same. However the people I spoke to in the North are three types. One, get brexit done, second austerity affected and third who don't seem 'botherwered' To presume a lying, Etonian Bojo is going to charm the panties off the Northern leave voters,with his oversized buns in the Brexit oven, is frankly wishful thinking. I calculated roughly 10-30 seats are at risk. Hower only after counting we shall know For the betters, Scunthorpe,Lincoln, Vale of Clywd are still RED, as of today. Wrexham and Grimsby are a toss up, with 5% margin. However, I am sure all 5 are currently safely in the Tory bag?? Dream on
Was delivering pledge letters for David Burrowes in Enfield Southgate this morning and plenty of Burrowes posters up, in fact more than Labour.
While most of the North London Labour activists and Momentum are in Chingford and Woodford Green or Hendon, it seems they might be neglecting Enfield Southgate
I understood it as rate education, occupation & finances (as one) 1, 2 or 3 for each of the three generations, then multiply the score for grandparents by 1, for parents by 2, and for self by 3.
So if (like @Charles is bound to) you score all three generations as '3' points your overall score is 3x1 + 3x2 + 3x3, so 18 in total.
Mine was 1x1 + 1x2 + 2x3 (let down by education), so 9 overall.
When I consider my grandparents and my own situation scale of 1 to 3 for education, occupation & finances is not enough imo. 1 to 5 required at least.
Spot on. But rather than expand to 1/5 you can just go to 1 dec point with the 1/3.
So you are (just) working class.
Charles (if he truly was an 18) would be full monty aristo.
OK, serious question. I've been trawling through the parties' list of candidates on their own websites (don't ask) and have discovered that:
- Safia Ali, Labour candidate for Falkirk; and - Waheed Rafiq, Lib Dem candidate for Birmingham, Hodge Hill,
are both listed as official candidates for their respective parties, despite having supposedly been struck off for anti-Semitism.
Anyone know why they might have been let back in, or is this just incompetence? If not does anyone have some email addresses I can issue complaints to, or should I just use their complaint forms and hope?
Also any other suspended candidates I've forgotten about?
Do you really think that if either of them (or the former Tory in ?Aberdeen) won they wouldn’t take the party whip?
I have no idea, although it seems like probably a moot point in all cases.
The SNP seem to have followed through on the disowning of their candidate in Kirkcaldy and Caldenbeath, which is most definitely not a moot point. Kudos to them.
I think you could be a bit more balanced. Try: Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher Narrow Tory victory under Major Blair Blair Blair Hung Parliament Narrow Tory Victory under Cameron Hung Parliament ?
Thatcher - fucked working people (killed some) Major - fucked working people (killed some) Blair - fucked working people Brown - fucked working people (can pay for a war\bank bailout) cameron\clegg - fucked working people (killed some) May - fucked working people Johnson fucked working people (wants to kill the feckless and illegitimate if given opportunity)
All politicians sponsored and endorsed by Rupert Murdoch and corrupt neo liberals for profit.
Who dare says that the quality of debate has gone downhill?
Stop buying the corrupt media and voting for neo liberals and guess what the corruption stops.
Can I suggest you do some research on whether there is/was corruption (in the media and elsewhere) in 'Socialist' states? Regardless of policies, a Corbyn government won't stop corruption. Indeed the centralisation of power is likely to increase it; history tells us this.
You turn your back on children in poverty, homelessness, workers with zero rights, foreign wars, bank bailouts, privatisation of services to increase profits of the few.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
You really are determined to be offensive aren't you? Observing that corruption is prevalent in left-wing states has nothing to do with poverty, homelessness or the rest. I think if you re-read some of your own posts you will see exactly what 'hate speech' looks like.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
Your linguistic use is very similar to miss scarlet. Are you related?
I don't trust anyone who puts the pound symbol after the cash amount.
definitely dodgy
Odd for sure. I do worry about potential Russian interference in our electoral processes.
Maybe The House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee could conduct an investiation into these allegations?
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
Further off-the-wall thought: what if we paid attention to where leadership favourability is concentrated, just as we do with voting intention? Of course there will be huge overlap between the two, but I suspect that the areas where people feel really positive about Corbyn are especially geographically-concentrated, which lessens their electoral significance and thus the salience of the positive ratings he has.
Mr Farage revealed that he’s already registered a new political group – the Reform Party – to replace the Brexit Party if the UK leaves the EU.
Is he going for a record or something?
It is a times like this it is nice to raise the record of Robert McIntyre who was the first SNP MP. He was elected at a by-election in 1945 but lost his seat 3 months later at the GE. Between 1950 and 1974 he then made 9 further attempts to become an MP again, all without success.
According to wikipedia, this election is the 9th time Lindsay Whittle has tried to be the Plaid MP for Caerphilly. First attempt in 1983, and all subsequent elections apart from 2015. His best result was 21% in 2001, and 14% in 2017. Have to admire his perseverance if nothing else!
If half of these anecdotes are in the vicinity of reality, then Labour could be headed for an unprecedented meltdown. Their people just won't come out and vote for Corbyn. They might not switch to Boris, Farage or Swinson, but they won't give the anti-semite their support, either.
Labour could lose many dozens of seats. Maybe a hundred?
It will be a bloodbath for Labour in the Midlands. Corbyn's support for the IRA may not resonate so much in other parts of the country, but here it is utterly toxic.
You said that in 2017 and it made no difference. I doubt it will this year either. The Birmingham pub bombings were 45 years ago. How many voters even remember them let alone feel that strongly?
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
If half of these anecdotes are in the vicinity of reality, then Labour could be headed for an unprecedented meltdown. Their people just won't come out and vote for Corbyn. They might not switch to Boris, Farage or Swinson, but they won't give the anti-semite their support, either.
Labour could lose many dozens of seats. Maybe a hundred?
It will be a bloodbath for Labour in the Midlands. Corbyn's support for the IRA may not resonate so much in other parts of the country, but here it is utterly toxic.
You said that in 2017 and it made no difference. I doubt it will this year either. The Birmingham pub bombings were 45 years ago. How many voters even remember them let alone feel that strongly?
Normally, I'd agree. But the Tories are hammering it on social media, according to LABOUR canvassers on Twitter, and it is getting through.
Johnson - get brexit done. Melanie (labour mp) - I voted for the bill and it passed. Why did you call an election? Johnson - I want brexit done. Vote conservative in Grimsby. Melanie (labour mp) - I voted for the brexit bill more times than you did. Johnson - the labour party stopped brexit. Melanie (labour mp) - no your MPs stopped it. Twice you rebelled against mays deal and on your bill your MPs voted against it so it failed. I voted for it your MPs in the south voted against it. Johnson - waffles...blusters..get brexit done vote Tory in Grimsby. Melanie - replace my vote for brexit for a Tory voting for brexit. Makes total sense!!!!
Yes it does
Melanie was trailing in Grimsby, for a couole of weeks. Seems to have just pulled ahead, in the last few days. Overall, a repeat of 2017. Same story in neighbouring Scunthorpe. In Lincoln, Karen Lee has always been ahead, from start
Opposed by the Sun newspaper. Opposed. Opposed. Opposed. Supported. Supported. Supported. Opposed. Opposed. Opposed.
An exact match.
But we get the same if we use the Financial Times - at least back to 1997; not sure about before then. And this time the FT aren't backing the Tories.
Tories 310 +/- 25. And if there is a HP, surely there will have to be a EUref rerun?
The power of the newspapers is overstated. Possibly in the past, certainly now. It's arguable that the Murdoch press merely changed sides to back the winner once the public tired of the Conservatives. Or, to put it another way, would the backing of The Sun have made much difference to Michael Foot's chances in 1983? Possibly not...
Anyway, if there's an upset and we do have another Hung Parliament then yes, one has to assume that this would lead to another EU referendum, regardless of the exact arithmetic.
Johnson - get brexit done. Melanie (labour mp) - I voted for the bill and it passed. Why did you call an election? Johnson - I want brexit done. Vote conservative in Grimsby. Melanie (labour mp) - I voted for the brexit bill more times than you did. Johnson - the labour party stopped brexit. Melanie (labour mp) - no your MPs stopped it. Twice you rebelled against mays deal and on your bill your MPs voted against it so it failed. I voted for it your MPs in the south voted against it. Johnson - waffles...blusters..get brexit done vote Tory in Grimsby. Melanie - replace my vote for brexit for a Tory voting for brexit. Makes total sense!!!!
Yes it does
Melanie was trailing in Grimsby, for a couole of weeks. Seems to have just pulled ahead, in the last few days. Overall, a repeat of 2017. Same story in neighbouring Scunthorpe. In Lincoln, Karen Lee has always been ahead, from start
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
Your linguistic use is very similar to miss scarlet. Are you related?
I don't trust anyone who puts the pound symbol after the cash amount.
definitely dodgy
Yep, 'trust and dodgy' . However, trust vote for a pathological liar, who was sacked from two jobs for lying, a serial philanderer, a back stabber and a man who cheated on his cancer stricken wife. Also a well known racist and homophobe. Hmm may be we like him, because he represents us??
I think you could be a bit more balanced. Try: Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher Narrow Tory victory under Major Blair Blair Blair Hung Parliament Narrow Tory Victory under Cameron Hung Parliament ?
Thatcher - fucked working people (killed some) Major - fucked working people (killed some) Blair - fucked working people Brown - fucked working people (can pay for a war\bank bailout) cameron\clegg - fucked working people (killed some) May - fucked working people Johnson fucked working people (wants to kill the feckless and illegitimate if given opportunity)
All politicians sponsored and endorsed by Rupert Murdoch and corrupt neo liberals for profit.
Who dare says that the quality of debate has gone downhill?
Stop buying the corrupt media and voting for neo liberals and guess what the corruption stops.
Can I suggest you do some research on whether there is/was corruption (in the media and elsewhere) in 'Socialist' states? Regardless of policies, a Corbyn government won't stop corruption. Indeed the centralisation of power is likely to increase it; history tells us this.
You turn your back on children in poverty, homelessness, workers with zero rights, foreign wars, bank bailouts, privatisation of services to increase profits of the few.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
But corbyn is the best enabler for a Tory government, get rid of him and nationalization’s and stop trying to give power back to corrupt trade unions then people may take you seriously and don’t forget to clean out the antisemites then you might, just start to be electable. This is from an almost life long anti Tory who has spent 25 years on the doorsteps fighting them in the past.
If the Conservatives hit 29%in Scotland as suggested by Panelbase am I right in thinking that that is their highest share since 1979. Remarkable if so.
Exceedingly unlikely , but would not be remarkable. The Labour voters who hate SNP, and majority of the bigots loving bands and the union jack will likely go to Tories. LibDems are useless and those types will not be interested in Greens. Morons vote for Johnson et al down south despite their nastiness and we have our share of morons and bigots up here as well unfortunately.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
Your linguistic use is very similar to miss scarlet. Are you related?
I don't trust anyone who puts the pound symbol after the cash amount.
definitely dodgy
Yep, 'trust and dodgy' . However, trust vote for a pathological liar, who was sacked from two jobs for lying, a serial philanderer, a back stabber and a man who cheated on his cancer stricken wife. Also a well known racist and homophobe. Hmm may be we like him, because he represents us??
Come clean then @melcf why did you put the £ sign after the amount?
Fun fact North Cornwall has the highest child poverty in the country at 33%. North Cornwall has the fastest average property rise in the country. Average houses prices in padstow are now 472k (majority second homes)
Tories don't care about child poverty but they do care about thecworthbof their second third homes...
Got to love the corrupt press campaigning for Boris Johnson. - Sophie Ridge (laugh and giggle) - Tory - Laura Kuennsburg BBC Chief Political Correspondent - Tory Unionist - Tom Bradby ITV - Tory - Nick Ferrari LBC - Tory - Nick Robinson (debate moderator BBC) Tory - Iain Dale LBC Tory - Chuck in the billionaire tax avoiding press barons hitmen - daily mail, sun , times, Sunday times, mail on Sunday, daily express, su day express, the star, Sunday star telegraph, Sunday telegraph and this is why we have Boris Johnson
Simple question I want answer to How many children do you have Boris?
Why? What is its political relevance? It seems to me no more relevant than does the fact that Corbyn is onto his third marriage.
It's one of those tactics that I really think does not work. I get there is a question people raise about 'if his wife/wives cannot trust him, how can we?', but it's not necessary with Boris as there's so much else that is more important, and in any case we will all know some great politicians who were not admirable in their personal lives.
Opposed by the Sun newspaper. Opposed. Opposed. Opposed. Supported. Supported. Supported. Opposed. Opposed. Opposed.
An exact match.
But we get the same if we use the Financial Times - at least back to 1997; not sure about before then. And this time the FT aren't backing the Tories.
Tories 310 +/- 25. And if there is a HP, surely there will have to be a EUref rerun?
The power of the newspapers is overstated. Possibly in the past, certainly now. It's arguable that the Murdoch press merely changed sides to back the winner once the public tired of the Conservatives. Or, to put it another way, would the backing of The Sun have made much difference to Michael Foot's chances in 1983? Possibly not...
Anyway, if there's an upset and we do have another Hung Parliament then yes, one has to assume that this would lead to another EU referendum, regardless of the exact arithmetic.
The internet has of course changed things immensely . I also think people are much more cynical about newspapers in general. And tend to not believe much of what they have to say .
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
Johnson - get brexit done. Melanie (labour mp) - I voted for the bill and it passed. Why did you call an election? Johnson - I want brexit done. Vote conservative in Grimsby. Melanie (labour mp) - I voted for the brexit bill more times than you did. Johnson - the labour party stopped brexit. Melanie (labour mp) - no your MPs stopped it. Twice you rebelled against mays deal and on your bill your MPs voted against it so it failed. I voted for it your MPs in the south voted against it. Johnson - waffles...blusters..get brexit done vote Tory in Grimsby. Melanie - replace my vote for brexit for a Tory voting for brexit. Makes total sense!!!!
Yes it does
Melanie was trailing in Grimsby, for a couole of weeks. Seems to have just pulled ahead, in the last few days. Overall, a repeat of 2017. Same story in neighbouring Scunthorpe. In Lincoln, Karen Lee has always been ahead, from start
For those that are interested, the live scraping of BBC website is now much more efficient, so less concerned about the ban hammer.
Still might take me a little while after the first result on election night to get up and running as it depends on how much the BBC change their results pages.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
For those that are interested, the live scraping of BBC website is now much more efficient, so less concerned about the ban hammer.
Still might take me a little while after the first result on election night to get up and running as it depends on how much the BBC change their results pages.
I look forward to it... even though I doubt I'll like what it says
Got to love the corrupt press campaigning for Boris Johnson. - Sophie Ridge (laugh and giggle) - Tory - Laura Kuennsburg BBC Chief Political Correspondent - Tory Unionist - Tom Bradby ITV - Tory - Nick Ferrari LBC - Tory - Nick Robinson (debate moderator BBC) Tory - Iain Dale LBC Tory - Chuck in the billionaire tax avoiding press barons hitmen - daily mail, sun , times, Sunday times, mail on Sunday, daily express, su day express, the star, Sunday star telegraph, Sunday telegraph and this is why we have Boris Johnson
Simple question I want answer to How many children do you have Boris?
Why? What is its political relevance? It seems to me no more relevant than does the fact that Corbyn is onto his third marriage.
Its important because Johnson called single mothers feckless and illegitimate. If Boris Johnson is having children with women and making a woman raise his child due to the complicated circumstances then we have a right to know.
I agree with the British press that there was no reason to report that prince William cheated on Kate Middleton when she was pregnant with his third child. Americans disagreed because of how Meghan has been badly treated so they reported it. With Johnson its different, he has used words to describe single mothers and we have a right to know if he has more children which byb all accounts he does but doesn't want to talk about it because embarrassing to his reputation.
Opposed by the Sun newspaper. Opposed. Opposed. Opposed. Supported. Supported. Supported. Opposed. Opposed. Opposed.
An exact match.
But we get the same if we use the Financial Times - at least back to 1997; not sure about before then. And this time the FT aren't backing the Tories.
Tories 310 +/- 25. And if there is a HP, surely there will have to be a EUref rerun?
The power of the newspapers is overstated. Possibly in the past, certainly now. It's arguable that the Murdoch press merely changed sides to back the winner once the public tired of the Conservatives. Or, to put it another way, would the backing of The Sun have made much difference to Michael Foot's chances in 1983? Possibly not...
Anyway, if there's an upset and we do have another Hung Parliament then yes, one has to assume that this would lead to another EU referendum, regardless of the exact arithmetic.
The internet has of course changed things immensely . I also think people are much more cynical about newspapers in general. And tend to not believe much of what they have to say .
Up to a point Lord Copper.
My mum is a regular Sun reader and, never historically a Tory voter, she seems to have taken on board their portrayal of Corbyn.
Then again so have many of non-Sun readers I guess.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
Pound has fallen 15-20%since 2016. Britain imports a large amount of it's food stuff So elementary Mr Watson
Some food items have risen due to the XR it`s true, but this effect is nowhere near sufficient to justify the claim that you made.
Unless all you buy is avocados
plus £20 would only buy you a days food at very best
How fat are you?
Not very , far from skinny but not obese either. Just like good food and a nice refreshment. My organic roast chicken today was £14 on its own, assorted vegetables £4-5 pounds , roast potato's , gravy , trimmings a small amount. so it is gone and no starter or dessert and no nice wine to wash it down. To be fair as only two of us the chicken will do more than one meal.
Got to love the corrupt press campaigning for Boris Johnson. - Sophie Ridge (laugh and giggle) - Tory - Laura Kuennsburg BBC Chief Political Correspondent - Tory Unionist - Tom Bradby ITV - Tory - Nick Ferrari LBC - Tory - Nick Robinson (debate moderator BBC) Tory - Iain Dale LBC Tory - Chuck in the billionaire tax avoiding press barons hitmen - daily mail, sun , times, Sunday times, mail on Sunday, daily express, su day express, the star, Sunday star telegraph, Sunday telegraph and this is why we have Boris Johnson
Simple question I want answer to How many children do you have Boris?
Why? What is its political relevance? It seems to me no more relevant than does the fact that Corbyn is onto his third marriage.
Its important because Johnson called single mothers feckless and illegitimate. If Boris Johnson is having children with women and making a woman raise his child due to the complicated circumstances then we have a right to know.
I agree with the British press that there was no reason to report that prince William cheated on Kate Middleton when she was pregnant with his third child. Americans disagreed because of how Meghan has been badly treated so they reported it. With Johnson its different, he has used words to describe single mothers and we have a right to know if he has more children which byb all accounts he does but doesn't want to talk about it because embarrassing to his reputation.
"...William cheated on Kate Middleton..."?! Are you sure??
Seems unlikely to me - but maybe I take the idea of marriage being about trust and commitment more seriously than the royals do?
The inclusion of additional recent Scottish, English regional, and local opinion poll data in this forecast results in a noticeable increase in the size of the forecast Conservative majority.
Got to love the corrupt press campaigning for Boris Johnson. - Sophie Ridge (laugh and giggle) - Tory - Laura Kuennsburg BBC Chief Political Correspondent - Tory Unionist - Tom Bradby ITV - Tory - Nick Ferrari LBC - Tory - Nick Robinson (debate moderator BBC) Tory - Iain Dale LBC Tory - Chuck in the billionaire tax avoiding press barons hitmen - daily mail, sun , times, Sunday times, mail on Sunday, daily express, su day express, the star, Sunday star telegraph, Sunday telegraph and this is why we have Boris Johnson
Simple question I want answer to How many children do you have Boris?
Why? What is its political relevance? It seems to me no more relevant than does the fact that Corbyn is onto his third marriage.
Its important because Johnson called single mothers feckless and illegitimate. If Boris Johnson is having children with women and making a woman raise his child due to the complicated circumstances then we have a right to know.
I agree with the British press that there was no reason to report that prince William cheated on Kate Middleton when she was pregnant with his third child. Americans disagreed because of how Meghan has been badly treated so they reported it. With Johnson its different, he has used words to describe single mothers and we have a right to know if he has more children which byb all accounts he does but doesn't want to talk about it because embarrassing to his reputation.
"...."?! Are you sure??
Seems unlikely to me - but maybe I take the idea of marriage being about trust and commitment more seriously than the royals do?
With the increased use of social media and micro-targeted adverts, I'd be surprised if CCHQ is not sending the IRA and Jewish stuff to appropriate recipients, while Labour does likewise with Boris's unfortunate past statements. Unless you are a Black Jewish Muslim whose granny suffers dementia and whose daughter needs a school place near the hospital in a marginal constituency, you will not see all the messages.
I'm not at all sure this below-the-radar campaigning is good for democracy but we are where we are. For one thing, if Jo Swinson does not even know what Plaid Cymru says about her, she can hardly refute it.
I am pretty confident that CCHQ is not actively targeting Jews with ads on Labour's anti-Semitism. Firstly, they don't need to; secondly; there aren't that many people who can be easily targeted; and thirdly, they've been pretty quiet on the issue over the past few years, preferring to let the media and Labour backbenchers make the running on what is, essentially, an internal Labour problem.
Wow this video really brings home what Corbyn’s antisemitism has brought about in our society. We’ve all become weary, maybe even tired, of talking about Labour Antisemitism, but it is an utter poison. https://t.co/Ms3iNys9bj
With the increased use of social media and micro-targeted adverts, I'd be surprised if CCHQ is not sending the IRA and Jewish stuff to appropriate recipients, while Labour does likewise with Boris's unfortunate past statements. Unless you are a Black Jewish Muslim whose granny suffers dementia and whose daughter needs a school place near the hospital in a marginal constituency, you will not see all the messages.
I'm not at all sure this below-the-radar campaigning is good for democracy but we are where we are. For one thing, if Jo Swinson does not even know what Plaid Cymru says about her, she can hardly refute it.
I am pretty confident that CCHQ is not actively targeting Jews with ads on Labour's anti-Semitism. Firstly, they don't need to; secondly; there aren't that many people who can be easily targeted; and thirdly, they've been pretty quiet on the issue over the past few years, preferring to let the media and Labour backbenchers make the running on what is, essentially, an internal Labour problem.
Were the Tory leadership wise they would follow my advice. As it is ........
Yes. I think we all would like to believe it is not as severe a problem, if only because we hope no party has such a problem to begin with, but some of these 'only one party is being reviewed' comments might end up being a little premature, we shall see, it might pay to be cautious.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
Pound has fallen 15-20%since 2016. Britain imports a large amount of it's food stuff So elementary Mr Watson
Some food items have risen due to the XR it`s true, but this effect is nowhere near sufficient to justify the claim that you made.
Unless all you buy is avocados
plus £20 would only buy you a days food at very best
How fat are you?
Not very , far from skinny but not obese either. Just like good food and a nice refreshment. My organic roast chicken today was £14 on its own, assorted vegetables £4-5 pounds , roast potato's , gravy , trimmings a small amount. so it is gone and no starter or dessert and no nice wine to wash it down. To be fair as only two of us the chicken will do more than one meal.
Ah well it's a day's food but for two. You could get by on UC provided you only ate one meal a day, wear no clothes, require no heating or electricity (so that's raw chicken) and can walk to the shops.
When Boris wins on Friday morning...green light for all Tory voters to call Muslims "letterboxes" gaymen "bumboys" single mothers "illegitimate"
The British people have spoken..if Boris Johnson can say it and be prime minister why can't you as a Tory voter say it to your work colleagues? The daily mail is the biggest selling newspaper in the UK and they use racist, homophobic language everyday and reflect britain. The daily mail reflects British views and if the daily mail says it...why can't you??
As Tory voters, you have the right to end the political correctness crusade and can express your views however you like. If you are questioned remind your PC friends..Boris Johnson is prime minister if he can say it why cant I?
Boris ain't gonna win. Even if he gets a slim majority, his own Tories will eventually push him under his 350 million £ bus and then reverse too and fro, till they 'Get Boris Done' His route to the PMs chair was filled with deceit, skullduggery and backstabbing friends. His exit will be in a similar fashion. He could have waited 5 years and been leader, in a honourable fashion. However, some have to lie and manipulate, they are just slaves of in born habits and history.
You write like English is a second language. To Russian.
The inclusion of additional recent Scottish, English regional, and local opinion poll data in this forecast results in a noticeable increase in the size of the forecast Conservative majority.
If half of these anecdotes are in the vicinity of reality, then Labour could be headed for an unprecedented meltdown. Their people just won't come out and vote for Corbyn. They might not switch to Boris, Farage or Swinson, but they won't give the anti-semite their support, either.
Labour could lose many dozens of seats. Maybe a hundred?
It will be a bloodbath for Labour in the Midlands. Corbyn's support for the IRA may not resonate so much in other parts of the country, but here it is utterly toxic.
You said that in 2017 and it made no difference. I doubt it will this year either. The Birmingham pub bombings were 45 years ago. How many voters even remember them let alone feel that strongly?
Normally, I'd agree. But the Tories are hammering it on social media, according to LABOUR canvassers on Twitter, and it is getting through.
If the Conservatives hit 29%in Scotland as suggested by Panelbase am I right in thinking that that is their highest share since 1979. Remarkable if so.
Exceedingly unlikely , but would not be remarkable. The Labour voters who hate SNP, and majority of the bigots loving bands and the union jack will likely go to Tories. LibDems are useless and those types will not be interested in Greens. Morons vote for Johnson et al down south despite their nastiness and we have our share of morons and bigots up here as well unfortunately.
Yes, if only the rest of your fellow Scots were as calm, thoughtful and decorously polite as you, Malc
You turn your back on children in poverty, homelessness, workers with zero rights, foreign wars, bank bailouts, privatisation of services to increase profits of the few.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
But corbyn is the best enabler for a Tory government, get rid of him and nationalization’s and stop trying to give power back to corrupt trade unions then people may take you seriously and don’t forget to clean out the antisemites then you might, just start to be electable. This is from an almost life long anti Tory who has spent 25 years on the doorsteps fighting them in the past.
The political class across every party is full of corrupt cronies in politics to fuel their own bellies and corrupt media and special interest groups.
Every labour potential pm has to go through the same shit from the Tory press. Wilson was a spy miliband was a Marxist. Its a fucking sham by corporate neo liberals to smearto Avoid talking about issues.
Poverty..no I want to talk about anti Semitism. Homelessness..no I want to talk about anti Semitism Tax avoidance..no I want to talk about anti Semitism Privatisation.. No I want to talk about anti Semitism Bank bailouts... No I want to talk about anti Semitism Foreign wars...no I want to talk about anti Semitism Education...no I want to talk about anti Semitism Prisons..no I want to talk about anti Semitism Healthcare..no I want to talk about antisemitism Housing...no I want to talk about antisemitism
Vote for what you value in society not what your against. If your voting Tory because you don't like someone shame on you. Look at your soul..your ticking a box for enables of child poverty, homelessness, privatisation for services to be profited for the few. Vote for what you believe not against.
Gutter politics for neo liberals that dnomt want any political debate or exposure to their failure to make Britain a better place. Westminster and their media cronies across every party have failed us
Exciting election poster update from the streets of Finchley!
I counted LD 10, Labour 8, Tory 0 on my stroll this morning. Shows how much it tells you..I expect the Tories to hold the seat
In fact I havent seen a Tory election poster in London yet
Same round my way. Scattered Labour rectangles and Lib Dem diamonds, not a blue poster in sight.
Sitting Tory has a 16.5k majority.
EDIT: there obviously has to be some print cost to these posters. Have the Tories simply decided that they are useless and no longer bothering to waste the money?
The inclusion of additional recent Scottish, English regional, and local opinion poll data in this forecast results in a noticeable increase in the size of the forecast Conservative majority.
Tories only 3 seats shy of my premonition.
It’s certainly interesting to see the difference in assumed outcomes from a similar fact pattern between the professionals (whose reputation goes with results) and enthusiastic amateurs and their “models”.
In 2010, 20£ at Tesco could buy my stuff worth 3-4 carrier bags. After 2016, that went down below Now I can barely fill one. Don't worry, I always have oven ready Brexit to eat!!
What the bloody hell are you on about? Prices have been going down for years in Tesco. And the other supermarkets too.
Pound has fallen 15-20%since 2016. Britain imports a large amount of it's food stuff So elementary Mr Watson
Some food items have risen due to the XR it`s true, but this effect is nowhere near sufficient to justify the claim that you made.
Unless all you buy is avocados
plus £20 would only buy you a days food at very best
How fat are you?
Not very , far from skinny but not obese either. Just like good food and a nice refreshment. My organic roast chicken today was £14 on its own, assorted vegetables £4-5 pounds , roast potato's , gravy , trimmings a small amount. so it is gone and no starter or dessert and no nice wine to wash it down. To be fair as only two of us the chicken will do more than one meal.
Ah well it's a day's food but for two. You could get by on UC provided you only ate one meal a day, wear no clothes, require no heating or electricity (so that's raw chicken) and can walk to the shops.
Would be a bit of a shock to the public having to see me shopping in the buff.
Exciting election poster update from the streets of Finchley!
I counted LD 10, Labour 8, Tory 0 on my stroll this morning. Shows how much it tells you..I expect the Tories to hold the seat
In fact I havent seen a Tory election poster in London yet
Same round my way. Scattered Labour rectangles and Lib Dem diamonds, not a blue poster in sight.
Sitting Tory has a 16.5k majority.
EDIT: there obviously has to be some print cost to these posters. Have the Tories simply decided that they are useless and no longer bothering to waste the money?
Shouldn't think so...the paper posters in the windows cant cost much
If the Conservatives hit 29%in Scotland as suggested by Panelbase am I right in thinking that that is their highest share since 1979. Remarkable if so.
Exceedingly unlikely , but would not be remarkable. The Labour voters who hate SNP, and majority of the bigots loving bands and the union jack will likely go to Tories. LibDems are useless and those types will not be interested in Greens. Morons vote for Johnson et al down south despite their nastiness and we have our share of morons and bigots up here as well unfortunately.
Yes, if only the rest of your fellow Scots were as calm, thoughtful and decorously polite as you, Malc
I think we all know what 'neo liberals' is code for
I actually don't know that it is code - for years and years it seems to be used to mean just about anything, as is the case with a lot of 'neo-somethings'.
You turn your back on children in poverty, homelessness, workers with zero rights, foreign wars, bank bailouts, privatisation of services to increase profits of the few.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
But corbyn is the best enabler for a Tory government, get rid of him and nationalization’s and stop trying to give power back to corrupt trade unions then people may take you seriously and don’t forget to clean out the antisemites then you might, just start to be electable. This is from an almost life long anti Tory who has spent 25 years on the doorsteps fighting them in the past.
The political class across every party is full of corrupt cronies in politics to fuel their own bellies and corrupt media and special interest groups.
Every labour potential pm has to go through the same shit from the Tory press. Wilson was a spy miliband was a Marxist. Its a fucking sham by corporate neo liberals to smearto Avoid talking about issues.
Poverty..no I want to talk about anti Semitism. Homelessness..no I want to talk about anti Semitism Tax avoidance..no I want to talk about anti Semitism Privatisation.. No I want to talk about anti Semitism Bank bailouts... No I want to talk about anti Semitism Foreign wars...no I want to talk about anti Semitism Education...no I want to talk about anti Semitism Prisons..no I want to talk about anti Semitism Healthcare..no I want to talk about antisemitism Housing...no I want to talk about antisemitism
Vote for what you value in society not what your against. If your voting Tory because you don't like someone shame on you. Look at your soul..your ticking a box for enables of child poverty, homelessness, privatisation for services to be profited for the few. Vote for what you believe not against.
Gutter politics for neo liberals that dnomt want any political debate or exposure to their failure to make Britain a better place. Westminster and their media cronies across every party have failed us
There aren't really any floating voters here I don't think. I would take this to DM comments or similar.
Exciting election poster update from the streets of Finchley!
I counted LD 10, Labour 8, Tory 0 on my stroll this morning. Shows how much it tells you..I expect the Tories to hold the seat
In fact I havent seen a Tory election poster in London yet
Same round my way. Scattered Labour rectangles and Lib Dem diamonds, not a blue poster in sight.
Sitting Tory has a 16.5k majority.
EDIT: there obviously has to be some print cost to these posters. Have the Tories simply decided that they are useless and no longer bothering to waste the money?
Christmas decorations take priority at this time of year.
Long-time lurker and first time poster here. Having spent my whole life in Grimsby I've never seen it mentioned so many times during an election campaign - usually it's one of those seats that gets forgotten about in the rush - but it's never been a VERY safe Labour seat (although they've held it since 1945) and I can't see them holding it this time; a combination of being a very pro-Brexit area and a general mistrust and distaste for Jeremy Corbyn.
A previous comment about Melanie Onn being back in the lead is, I'm afraid, pie in the sky; I wonder what evidence (anecdotal or otherwise) the commenter had to back that up?
Love the cut and thrust on the site though - long may it continue!
Got to love the corrupt press campaigning for Boris Johnson. - Sophie Ridge (laugh and giggle) - Tory - Laura Kuennsburg BBC Chief Political Correspondent - Tory Unionist - Tom Bradby ITV - Tory - Nick Ferrari LBC - Tory - Nick Robinson (debate moderator BBC) Tory - Iain Dale LBC Tory - Chuck in the billionaire tax avoiding press barons hitmen - daily mail, sun , times, Sunday times, mail on Sunday, daily express, su day express, the star, Sunday star telegraph, Sunday telegraph and this is why we have Boris Johnson
Simple question I want answer to How many children do you have Boris?
Why? What is its political relevance? It seems to me no more relevant than does the fact that Corbyn is onto his third marriage.
Its important because Johnson called single mothers feckless and illegitimate. If Boris Johnson is having children with women and making a woman raise his child due to the complicated circumstances then we have a right to know.
I agree with the British press that there was no reason to report that [SNIP] With Johnson its different, he has used words to describe single mothers and we have a right to know if he has more children which byb all accounts he does but doesn't want to talk about it because embarrassing to his reputation.
"...."?! Are you sure??
Seems unlikely to me - but maybe I take the idea of marriage being about trust and commitment more seriously than the royals do?
Be careful about repeating libel
Fair point - although I did question it. For the avoidance of doubt I do not believe it.
The inclusion of additional recent Scottish, English regional, and local opinion poll data in this forecast results in a noticeable increase in the size of the forecast Conservative majority.
Long-time lurker and first time poster here. Having spent my whole life in Grimsby I've never seen it mentioned so many times during an election campaign - usually it's one of those seats that gets forgotten about in the rush - but it's never been a VERY safe Labour seat (although they've held it since 1945) and I can't see them holding it this time; a combination of being a very pro-Brexit area and a general mistrust and distaste for Jeremy Corbyn.
A previous comment about Melanie Onn being back in the lead is, I'm afraid, pie in the sky; I wonder what evidence (anecdotal or otherwise) the commenter had to back that up?
Love the cut and thrust on the site though - long may it continue!
Welcome to PB and thanks for your local insight. Keep posting!
Long-time lurker and first time poster here. Having spent my whole life in Grimsby I've never seen it mentioned so many times during an election campaign - usually it's one of those seats that gets forgotten about in the rush - but it's never been a VERY safe Labour seat (although they've held it since 1945) and I can't see them holding it this time; a combination of being a very pro-Brexit area and a general mistrust and distaste for Jeremy Corbyn.
A previous comment about Melanie Onn being back in the lead is, I'm afraid, pie in the sky; I wonder what evidence (anecdotal or otherwise) the commenter had to back that up?
Love the cut and thrust on the site though - long may it continue!
Welcome, lurker, why not stay and try the mincepies of proper debate? Have some eggnog of irrelevance after the lagershed! It's a non stop shindig.
His route to the PMs chair was filled with deceit, skullduggery and backstabbing friends. His exit will be in a similar fashion. He could have waited 5 years and been leader, in a honourable fashion. However, some have to lie and manipulate, they are just slaves of in born habits and history.
But even North Korea didn't trade-blockade itself.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
I'm amazed Labour's polling as high as it is.
However the people I spoke to in the North are three types. One, get brexit done, second austerity affected and third who don't seem 'botherwered'
To presume a lying, Etonian Bojo is going to charm the panties off the Northern leave voters,with his oversized buns in the Brexit oven, is frankly wishful thinking.
I calculated roughly 10-30 seats are at risk. Hower only after counting we shall know
For the betters, Scunthorpe,Lincoln, Vale of Clywd are still RED, as of today.
Wrexham and Grimsby are a toss up, with 5% margin. However, I am sure all 5 are currently safely in the Tory bag?? Dream on
While most of the North London Labour activists and Momentum are in Chingford and Woodford Green or Hendon, it seems they might be neglecting Enfield Southgate
So you are (just) working class.
Charles (if he truly was an 18) would be full monty aristo.
The SNP seem to have followed through on the disowning of their candidate in Kirkcaldy and Caldenbeath, which is most definitely not a moot point. Kudos to them.
Maybe The House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee could conduct an investiation into these allegations?
Opposed by the Sun newspaper.
An exact match.
But we get the same if we use the Financial Times - at least back to 1997; not sure about before then. And this time the FT aren't backing the Tories.
Tories 310 +/- 25. And if there is a HP, surely there will have to be a EUref rerun?
She won't win the election of course. Why would she want to do that.
Universal Credit allows a single person unable to work £73.34 per week for all non-housing expenses (£58.10 for under-25s).
So the government thinks you can mange on circa £10 per day for food, heating, electricity, water, clothes, transport, etc....
See my posts below.
Anyway, if there's an upset and we do have another Hung Parliament then yes, one has to assume that this would lead to another EU referendum, regardless of the exact arithmetic.
North Cornwall has the highest child poverty in the country at 33%.
North Cornwall has the fastest average property rise in the country. Average houses prices in padstow are now 472k (majority second homes)
Tories don't care about child poverty but they do care about thecworthbof their second third homes...
Still might take me a little while after the first result on election night to get up and running as it depends on how much the BBC change their results pages.
I agree with the British press that there was no reason to report that prince William cheated on Kate Middleton when she was pregnant with his third child. Americans disagreed because of how Meghan has been badly treated so they reported it. With Johnson its different, he has used words to describe single mothers and we have a right to know if he has more children which byb all accounts he does but doesn't want to talk about it because embarrassing to his reputation.
My mum is a regular Sun reader and, never historically a Tory voter, she seems to have taken on board their portrayal of Corbyn.
Then again so have many of non-Sun readers I guess.
Seems unlikely to me - but maybe I take the idea of marriage being about trust and commitment more seriously than the royals do?
Forecast here: UK-Elect Forecast December 8th 2019
Details as CSV file here: UK-Elect Forecast Details December 8th 2019
The inclusion of additional recent Scottish, English regional, and local opinion poll data in this forecast results in a noticeable increase in the size of the forecast Conservative majority.
Am going to repost this. http://www2.politicalbetting.com/index.php/archives/2019/03/08/what-might-the-tories-learn-from-labour/
Were the Tory leadership wise they would follow my advice. As it is ........
I counted LD 10, Labour 8, Tory 0 on my stroll this morning. Shows how much it tells you..I expect the Tories to hold the seat
In fact I havent seen a Tory election poster in London yet
Let’s see. I’m still in the Hung Parliament camp.
Tel your workers tomorrow who you really are and you support boris Johnson hate speech.
But corbyn is the best enabler for a Tory government, get rid of him and nationalization’s and stop trying to give power back to corrupt trade unions then people may take you seriously and don’t forget to clean out the antisemites then you might, just start to be electable. This is from an almost life long anti Tory who has spent 25 years on the doorsteps fighting them in the past.
The political class across every party is full of corrupt cronies in politics to fuel their own bellies and corrupt media and special interest groups.
Every labour potential pm has to go through the same shit from the Tory press. Wilson was a spy miliband was a Marxist. Its a fucking sham by corporate neo liberals to smearto Avoid talking about issues.
Poverty..no I want to talk about anti Semitism.
Homelessness..no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Tax avoidance..no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Privatisation.. No I want to talk about anti Semitism
Bank bailouts... No I want to talk about anti Semitism
Foreign wars...no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Education...no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Prisons..no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Healthcare..no I want to talk about antisemitism
Housing...no I want to talk about antisemitism
Vote for what you value in society not what your against. If your voting Tory because you don't like someone shame on you. Look at your soul..your ticking a box for enables of child poverty, homelessness, privatisation for services to be profited for the few. Vote for what you believe not against.
Gutter politics for neo liberals that dnomt want any political debate or exposure to their failure to make Britain a better place. Westminster and their media cronies across every party have failed us
The political class across every party is full of corrupt cronies in politics to fuel their own bellies and corrupt media and special interest groups.
Every labour potential pm has to go through the same shit from the Tory press. Wilson was a spy miliband was a Marxist. Its a fucking sham by corporate neo liberals to smearto Avoid talking about issues.
Poverty..no I want to talk about anti Semitism.
Homelessness..no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Tax avoidance..no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Privatisation.. No I want to talk about anti Semitism
Bank bailouts... No I want to talk about anti Semitism
Foreign wars...no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Education...no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Prisons..no I want to talk about anti Semitism
Healthcare..no I want to talk about antisemitism
Housing...no I want to talk about antisemitism
Vote for what you value in society not what your against. If your voting Tory because you don't like someone shame on you. Look at your soul..your ticking a box for enables of child poverty, homelessness, privatisation for services to be profited for the few. Vote for what you believe not against.
Gutter politics for neo liberals that dnomt want any political debate or exposure to their failure to make Britain a better place. Westminster and their media cronies across every party have failed us
There aren't really any floating voters here I don't think. I would take this to DM comments or similar.
A previous comment about Melanie Onn being back in the lead is, I'm afraid, pie in the sky; I wonder what evidence (anecdotal or otherwise) the commenter had to back that up?
Love the cut and thrust on the site though - long may it continue!