No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Have you not read Anthony Crosland''s seminal 1956 book 'The Future of Hard Left Social Democracy'?
No and as Crosland was one of the worst politicians of the last half century through beginning the policy of destroying most of the grammar schools I have no intention to
I thought Thatcher had the honour of closing most grammar schools
More pupils were in grammar schools in 1997 than in 1979 when Thatcher became PM
What about her form as education secretary, what grammar school closing numbers do you have for that period?
Thatcher was not PM then, Heath was and it was mainly Labour local authorities doing the closing after Crosland began the process
So I can still use the line “education secretary who closed most grammar schools, Maggie Thatcher”?
What was her justification at the time for “snatching the milk”?
The milk was the dead cat to distract from the grammar school closures.
"The former candidate's packed media week and her renewed critique of his presidency has rumors swirling that she is looking at potentially entering thee 2020 Democratic primary race – at the same time Biden is losing clout within the party."
When Corbyn made his “stupid woman” remark at May (that he surely did say) it was said up to that point he is always very polite and respectful. Do you think Liz could come to prefer him as her PM in this situation?
The other reason she would, Corbyn is the only politician left with a brexit policy that is about trying to achieve a compromise.
Maybe Jezza will do a Ramsey and become a personal friend and confidante to HMQ.
Wonder what Momentum would think about that?
Paxo tried to skewer him on this during 2017 campaign.
Corbyn - I have met the queen and we got on very well actually.
And the lifelong republican clarified Labour policy as “we are not abolishing the queen, it’s not going to happen”.
The thing that is wrong here, don’t make promises to followers when you are outside the tent you will end up junking inside the tent.
The odd truth, how safe and establishment Corbyn and McD are beginning to look when up against a Boris government.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Have you not read Anthony Crosland''s seminal 1956 book 'The Future of Hard Left Social Democracy'?
No and as Crosland was one of the worst politicians of the last half century through beginning the policy of destroying most of the grammar schools I have no intention to
I thought Thatcher had the honour of closing most grammar schools
More pupils were in grammar schools in 1997 than in 1979 when Thatcher became PM
What about her form as education secretary, what grammar school closing numbers do you have for that period?
Thatcher was not PM then, Heath was and it was mainly Labour local authorities doing the closing after Crosland began the process
So I can still use the line “education secretary who closed most grammar schools, Maggie Thatcher”?
What was her justification at the time for “snatching the milk”?
The milk was the dead cat to distract from the grammar school closures.
But it’s the tag line she became remembered for. Does that mean it worked?
Am I the only one considering emigrating? UK politics is broken, not to mention the fact it is a complete joke... But then again, US politics isn't any better, just look at this site...
Honestly? I don't think I can. My loyalty to the UK is too ingrained to change. Some people can change nationalities, some flit between them to taste, but I'm pretty much boiled. To adopt a modern parlance, I'm cispatriotic. I don't have Hopkins Syndrome and I can't pretend I'm some midatlantic Anglosphere resident: the UK will always be home. I can see myself working in other countries (the way things are going, I might have to) but emigrating? Not really...
Yes - If he has his hand on your inner thigh !! ..
What does “high up inner thigh” actually mean? Up the skirt? Through the clothes?
It means it is somewhere you ought not to be without invitation, obviously.
You mean there are zones of other people's bodies where it is fine to be without invitation, but this happens not to be one of them?
When Jezza high fived Thornberrys booby that was fine
That was hilarious. Certainly not a metaphor in anyway
Who amongst us has not high fived some Islington boob at a dinner party?
You know, he’s clearly looking in the right direction as he does it. Right at the target. And she’s not waiting for a high five, just pointing back. And takes her defences down before the hand makes its move.
Given Amber Rudd stood on a manifesto commitment to deliver Brexit I wouldn’t trust her at all.
She’s voted three times to leave with a deal.
I've said it before, but hasn't virtually every MP voted for atleast one form of Brexit at one point?
Almost every Tory MP voted either for May's Deal or No Deal. The DUP have voted for No Deal. I think every Labour MP except Kate Hoey voted for a Customs Union Brexit atleast once, and most of them also voted for that "Common Market 2.0" in the indicative votes, as did the SNP. Even the Lib Dems voted for a Single Market Brexit in June 2017, in that Chuka Umunna Queen's Speech amendment.
Unless I'm forgetting obvious people, I think it's just a few stragglers like Justine Greening or Dominic Grieve who have never voted for any form of Brexit.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Have you not read Anthony Crosland''s seminal 1956 book 'The Future of Hard Left Social Democracy'?
No and as Crosland was one of the worst politicians of the last half century through beginning the policy of destroying most of the grammar schools I have no intention to
I thought Thatcher had the honour of closing most grammar schools
More pupils were in grammar schools in 1997 than in 1979 when Thatcher became PM
What about her form as education secretary, what grammar school closing numbers do you have for that period?
Thatcher was not PM then, Heath was and it was mainly Labour local authorities doing the closing after Crosland began the process
So I can still use the line “education secretary who closed most grammar schools, Maggie Thatcher”?
What was her justification at the time for “snatching the milk”?
The milk was the dead cat to distract from the grammar school closures.
But it’s the tag line she became remembered for. Does that mean it worked?
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Have you not read Anthony Crosland''s seminal 1956 book 'The Future of Hard Left Social Democracy'?
No and as Crosland was one of the worst politicians of the last half century through beginning the policy of destroying most of the grammar schools I have no intention to
I thought Thatcher had the honour of closing most grammar schools
More pupils were in grammar schools in 1997 than in 1979 when Thatcher became PM
What about her form as education secretary, what grammar school closing numbers do you have for that period?
Thatcher was not PM then, Heath was and it was mainly Labour local authorities doing the closing after Crosland began the process
So I can still use the line “education secretary who closed most grammar schools, Maggie Thatcher”?
What was her justification at the time for “snatching the milk”?
The milk was the dead cat to distract from the grammar school closures.
But it’s the tag line she became remembered for. Does that mean it worked?
Worked too well!
Of course, Thatcher rhymes with snatcher. Like Johnson rhymes with front bottom. Sort of.
Yes - If he has his hand on your inner thigh !! ..
What does “high up inner thigh” actually mean? Up the skirt? Through the clothes?
It means it is somewhere you ought not to be without invitation, obviously.
You mean there are zones of other people's bodies where it is fine to be without invitation, but this happens not to be one of them?
When Jezza high fived Thornberrys booby that was fine
That was hilarious. Certainly not a metaphor in anyway
Who amongst us has not high fived some Islington boob at a dinner party?
You know, he’s clearly looking in the right direction as he does it. Right at the target. And she’s not waiting for a high five, just pointing back. And takes her defences down before the hand makes its move.
Hard Left Social Democracy is a mixed but mainly market economy with high tax & spend, strong regs, benignly active state, no trident, egalitarian social and educational policy, generally woke, anti US until they see sense and ditch Trump.
No contradiction in terms there.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
When Corbyn made his “stupid woman” remark at May (that he surely did say) it was said up to that point he is always very polite and respectful. Do you think Liz could come to prefer him as her PM in this situation?
The other reason she would, Corbyn is the only politician left with a brexit policy that is about trying to achieve a compromise.
He actually said "stupid people". I watched it live and the Tory MPs were behaving like a pantomime crowd as was then PM May. You can criticise Corbyn for many things but the "stupid woman" quote was made up by the Brexit supporting media formally known as the Tory press. The Tories at a time of National crisis were behaving appallingly...
"The former candidate's packed media week and her renewed critique of his presidency has rumors swirling that she is looking at potentially entering thee 2020 Democratic primary race – at the same time Biden is losing clout within the party."
Even if she did run again there is no chance Hillary beats Warren for the Democratic nomination given she only barely beat Sanders for the nomination last time mainly on the grounds of 'electability' then lost the Electoral College and the Presidency to Trump
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
Glad to see you removed that rogue apostrophe @HYUFD
When Corbyn made his “stupid woman” remark at May (that he surely did say) it was said up to that point he is always very polite and respectful. Do you think Liz could come to prefer him as her PM in this situation?
The other reason she would, Corbyn is the only politician left with a brexit policy that is about trying to achieve a compromise.
He actually said "stupid people". I watched it live and the Tory MPs were behaving like a pantomime crowd as was then PM May. You can criticise Corbyn for many things but the "stupid woman" quote was made up by the Brexit supporting media formally known as the Tory press. The Tories at a time of National crisis were behaving appallingly...
No. We can all lip read it with our own eyes.
But my point was it was a rare slip from him, you can imagine the queen having perfectly straightforward relations with PM Corbyn and trust what he is saying to her.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
All true. Yet from 1970 onwards so many GE results have come as a surprise on the day.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
You must be wonderful to sit next to at a dinner party, but at least I doubt you would look for flesh beneath the skirt
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
All true. Yet from 1970 onwards so many GE results have come as a surprise on the day.
Only really Feb 1974, 1992, 2015 and 2017 were real surprises on the day in my view
All true. Yet from 1970 onwards so many GE results have come as a surprise on the day.
that's not entirely true, from my memory. 1992 was a true surprise and a true failure of polling 1997 wasn't a surprise only the scale of the defeat and how much tactical voting imacted the defeat 2001 was no surprise 2005 was no surprise 2010 was a surprise that DC missed out on a majority (probably expectation management issue) 2015 shouldn't have been a surprise 2017 shouldn't have been a surprise it was a case of picking which polls you believed. the YouGov regression polling actually got it quite close I don't remember the others
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
You must be wonderful to sit next to at a dinner party, but at least I doubt you would look for flesh beneath the skirt
I could give Justin a run for his money in boring for England on political stats but unless I am sitting next to a fellow politics geek or it is a political dinner I tend to talk about other things at dinner parties unless politics comes up
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
Glad to see you removed that rogue apostrophe @HYUFD
Utterly dismal crowds at the World Athletics Championships .
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
They've had these world champs (with issues and not just crowd ones) and have the World cup coming up. if it's as bad for crowds as this it'll make sports governing bodies think twice about handing events to places which don't have a sporting pedegree.
Just look at the success of the RWC in Japan. it shows you can take these events to new places but it has to be the right ones.
She could be checking if she can get rid of that dreadful scruffy man who doesnt come to the meetings when invited and wants to abolish her role. If he was ever to become PM.
The funny thing is, these days, if you compare the LOTO and the PM, it's the PM who's scruffier. Boris looks a bit like a farm hand on trial for humping a goat, trying to make a good impression on mlud by wearing a suit for the first time in his life.
"Police investigate 'utterly vile' banner calling for Tory deaths Two effigies hung from the bottom of the banner, which read: "130,000 killed under Tory rule, time to level the playing field."
"Police investigate 'utterly vile' banner calling for Tory deaths Two effigies hung from the bottom of the banner, which read: "130,000 killed under Tory rule, time to level the playing field."
Boris looks a bit like a farm hand on trial for humping a goat, trying to make a good impression on mlud by wearing a suit for the first time in his life.
Utterly dismal crowds at the World Athletics Championships .
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
They've had these world champs (with issues and not just crowd ones) and have the World cup coming up. if it's as bad for crowds as this it'll make sports governing bodies think twice about handing events to places which don't have a sporting pedegree.
Just look at the success of the RWC in Japan. it shows you can take these events to new places but it has to be the right ones.
True . It’s just really sad for the athletes. I fear for the WC .
"Police investigate 'utterly vile' banner calling for Tory deaths Two effigies hung from the bottom of the banner, which read: "130,000 killed under Tory rule, time to level the playing field."
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
You must be wonderful to sit next to at a dinner party, but at least I doubt you would look for flesh beneath the skirt
I could give Justin a run for his money in boring for England on political stats but unless I am sitting next to a fellow politics geek or it is a political dinner I tend to talk about other things at dinner parties unless politics comes up
Utterly dismal crowds at the World Athletics Championships .
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
True. But would you let your sons and daughters to be out there at 1:30 in the morning so that European and US audiences can watch these games "live" at a suitable time for them. Everything is done at the behest of US TV. Luckily, things will change. It's the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and South Asian audience that will demand the world games at times suitable for them. In China, the 100m final was shown at 4:20 am.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
One feature of the FTPA little commented on is that its working is due for review: (4)The Prime Minister must make arrangements— (a)for a committee to carry out a review of the operation of this Act and, if appropriate in consequence of its findings, to make recommendations for the repeal or amendment of this Act, and (b)for the publication of the committee's findings and recommendations (if any). (5)A majority of the members of the committee are to be members of the House of Commons. (6)Arrangements under subsection (4)(a) are to be made no earlier than 1 June 2020 and no later than 30 November 2020.
All true. Yet from 1970 onwards so many GE results have come as a surprise on the day.
that's not entirely true, from my memory. 1992 was a true surprise and a true failure of polling 1997 wasn't a surprise only the scale of the defeat and how much tactical voting imacted the defeat 2001 was no surprise 2005 was no surprise 2010 was a surprise that DC missed out on a majority (probably expectation management issue) 2015 shouldn't have been a surprise 2017 shouldn't have been a surprise it was a case of picking which polls you believed. the YouGov regression polling actually got it quite close I don't remember the others
I don't think 2010 was a surprise really as I remember Cameron and Hague saying getting an overall majority would be a big ask given the base they were working with after 2005. The two main political parties can only effectively target so many seats but they don't let on to the public as it would put voters off. For instance in 2001 and 2005 the Tories had no chance or Labour in 1987 after their terrible result in 1983. I was told that the Tories only had 70 target seats in 2001 for instance and some of those were defence! I laughed! All the bullshit statements about the Tories forming the next Government at that election were just lies but Labour have been as guilty in the past on that score.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
You must be wonderful to sit next to at a dinner party, but at least I doubt you would look for flesh beneath the skirt
I could give Justin a run for his money in boring for England on political stats but unless I am sitting next to a fellow politics geek or it is a political dinner I tend to talk about other things at dinner parties unless politics comes up
Slightly changing the subject, but I take the view that eating dinner* does not constitute a party.
Utterly dismal crowds at the World Athletics Championships .
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
Yes. Sad.
must be getting quite late in Qatar by now. There again athletes keeling over from heat stroke probably not good TV either. The bodies which award these events really need to explain their asinine decisions.
One feature of the FTPA little commented on is that it's working is due for review: (4)The Prime Minister must make arrangements— (a)for a committee to carry out a review of the operation of this Act and, if appropriate in consequence of its findings, to make recommendations for the repeal or amendment of this Act, and (b)for the publication of the committee's findings and recommendations (if any). (5)A majority of the members of the committee are to be members of the House of Commons. (6)Arrangements under subsection (4)(a) are to be made no earlier than 1 June 2020 and no later than 30 November 2020.
Utterly dismal crowds at the World Athletics Championships .
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
Yes. Sad.
must be getting quite late in Qatar by now. There again athletes keeling over from heat stroke probably not good TV either. The bodies which award these events really need to explain their asinine decisions.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
If these days The Telegraph said grass is green I'd tend to look out of the window to check.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Which extremist alliance is this that you have had an email from CCHQ to start describing?
Utterly dismal crowds at the World Athletics Championships .
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
Yes. Sad.
must be getting quite late in Qatar by now. There again athletes keeling over from heat stroke probably not good TV either. The bodies which award these events really need to explain their asinine decisions.
we know how the football world cup was awarded. they paid the most to the people doing the voting.
Whilst I do suspect there are questions to answer about Johnson's conduct, I cannot help but recall Hunter S Thompson's story about a young LBJ.
Faced with a tough challenge for a Texas House seat, he instructed his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign that his opponent (a pig farmer) had enjoyed carnal relations with his sows. "We can't do that Lyndon... nobody will believe the guy's a pig f***er". To which LBJ replies, "I know, but let's just make the son of a bitch DENY it".
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Maybe worth scrolling right back up to the top and reading antifrank's piece.
If Corbyn can get all the ex-Tories to back him then he can probably afford to ignore the LibDems, but can he?
"Police investigate 'utterly vile' banner calling for Tory deaths Two effigies hung from the bottom of the banner, which read: "130,000 killed under Tory rule, time to level the playing field."
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
As another, far better, Johnson once said, the first rule of politics is being able to count. So one can’t ignore Swinson in these circumstances - as much as I am sure many would like to. Those 18 seats are far from paltry in the current Parliament If omen could this would have been sorted by now.
No that is hard left socialism and Corbyn and McDonnell want a nationalised state dominated economy as the end goal and to defeat capitalism in McDonnell's own words, not even a mixed economy
Can they have that and still be remainers?
No which is why in reality they are not but back a Labour magic Brexit Deal
Unblushing state ownership and control and rules of the EU club would be at odds. So how much of the 52% in 2016 were lefties who want out EU to get a socialist state but never would vote or support Boris or any Tory?
A few, maybe even including Corbyn himself, just as some Remainers are Tories who will never vote for Corbyn Labour
How many of the remainer Tories currently show up as Tory in polling, but will vote Lib Dem on the day?
It hard to be confident how much of that Tory lead is down to embarrassed to admit Supporting Labour and still including remain Tories who won’t vote Boris on the day. Pleased to have you around HY to provide that show of confidence.
Ashcroft poll today, Tory Remaidefinitely vote Labour at the next general election.
55% of Tory Remainers by contrast and 70% of Tory Leavers will definitely vote Tory and 60% of LD voters will definitely vote LD, utterly devastating for Corbyn Labour.
You are right. If the actual GE matches that polling you have every right to be confident. You don’t need it shifting after starting gun fired like 2017, which was blamed on May and and dementia tax, not voters lying to pollsters because copeland and locals matched the polls. Except Copeland, locals and polls aren't a GE.
Wrong, Tories got 38% in the 2017 locals, below the 42% they got in the GE, the main difference was Labour got 27% in the locals and the LDs 18% and over half the LD local vote went Labour in the GE. That will not happen this time for as the Ashcroft poll shows the LD vote is now more solid than the Labour vote. The Tories also held Copeland in the GE too.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
You must be wonderful to sit next to at a dinner party, but at least I doubt you would look for flesh beneath the skirt
He doesn't talk politics in dinner parties. He shows his graphs on the ipad.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
I would not believe everything emanating from Boris Pravda! Or for that matter Daily Mail, Daily Express or the Sun. They have their pro-Brexit agenda and assisting Boris Johnson is key to that at the moment. The Brexit supporting media IMO are not playing a long game. If Brexit is executed and the results are not as expected by those they brainwash. People are going to stop reading their newspapers faster than the current rate of readership attrition due to technological change...
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Maybe worth scrolling right back up to the top and reading antifrank's piece.
If Corbyn can get all the ex-Tories to back him then he can probably afford to ignore the LibDems, but can he?
If he can’t get the LDs to back him I think the odds on the ex Tories doing so are negligible.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Suspect Swinson will have to back down and support Jezza for Prime Minister.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Classic desperate shit from. Labour whomhave lost 1/3 of their vote to the Lib Dems your sounding like a pound shop fire sale if you carry on like that.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
She has to. The received wisdom now is to absolutely make sure the extension letter is sent and that can only be guaranteed is to have a government which will do it. Even negotiate a longer extension. Corbyn is the LoTO.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
As another, far better, Johnson once said, the first rule of politics is being able to count. So one can’t ignore Swinson in these circumstances - as much as I am sure many would like to. Those 18 seats are far from paltry in the current Parliament If omen could this would have been sorted by now.
So you are saying that No Deal holds no fear for her. I thought she was the Remainer and Corbyn the Brexiteer. Doesn't look like that now, if these reports are even half true. Corbyn is the LoTO as the SNP has correctly acknowledged.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Why would that piss off Tory Remain voters?
Tory Remain voters prefer Boris to Corbyn as PM 59% to 4%
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Suspect Swinson will have to back down and support Jezza for Prime Minister.
Going to be an interesting week...
Any VONC this week is premature spaffing wait until he brings back his non deal and fails to seek an extension
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Why would that piss off Tory Remain voters?
Tory Remain voters prefer Boris to Corbyn as PM 59% to 4%
She could be checking if she can get rid of that dreadful scruffy man who doesnt come to the meetings when invited and wants to abolish her role. If he was ever to become PM.
The funny thing is, these days, if you compare the LOTO and the PM, it's the PM who's scruffier. Boris looks a bit like a farm hand on trial for humping a goat, trying to make a good impression on mlud by wearing a suit for the first time in his life.
Boris really is a bloody slob. Corbo has a personal stylist these days it would appear - whoever she is (I’m assuming it is a she, it might not be) she deserves a medal.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
She has to. The received wisdom now is to absolutely make sure the extension letter is sent and that can only be guaranteed is to have a government which will do it. Even negotiate a longer extension. Corbyn is the LoTO.
She will not do so under any circumstances whatsoever, Swinson is not going to commit political suicide in Tory Remain voting marginals the LDs are targeting just to make Corbyn PM
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Why would that piss off Tory Remain voters?
Tory Remain voters prefer Boris to Corbyn as PM 59% to 4%
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Classic desperate shit from. Labour whomhave lost 1/3 of their vote to the Lib Dems your sounding like a pound shop fire sale if you carry on like that.
Let the squeeze begin in a proper election where power is delivered.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Why would that piss off Tory Remain voters?
Tory Remain voters prefer Boris to Corbyn as PM 59% to 4%
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
She has to. The received wisdom now is to absolutely make sure the extension letter is sent and that can only be guaranteed is to have a government which will do it. Even negotiate a longer extension. Corbyn is the LoTO.
Don’t be ridiculous unless a significant number of the 21 are willing to vote for corbyn then why bother. She will only back corbyn if there are numbers to make it work.
All true. Yet from 1970 onwards so many GE results have come as a surprise on the day.
Only really Feb 1974, 1992, 2015 and 2017 were real surprises on the day in my view
If you look at the newspaper and BBC coverage of the 1970 election, that was also a shock. Times' coverage of the final days depicted a tired Heath, with grandees discussing deposing him when he lost. Labour was a solid favourite throughout the campaign. But the swings on the day was so big Bob McKenzie said it exceeded his swingometer and Con won.
The way I read this the SNP aren't going to bring a confidence vote unless the opposition can first agree a replacement:
Stewart Hosie said the plan – to put in place an interim government to secure a Brexit extension – appeared to be the only way to ensure the UK does not "crash out" of the EU on October 31.
However, he acknowledged that in order to succeed, it would require all the opposition parties to get behind it.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
Am sure Swinson will do well with Remoaners if she fails to back Jezza who represents the best chance of stopping No Deal
Swinson commands 18 votes Max.
THERE ARE MORE THAN 18 LEXIT supporting MPs in Lab. who will never vote for anyone else.
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Swinson has already voted for and helped pass an anti No Deal extension Bill that has received Royal Assent, she has no need to make Corbyn PM and piss off Tory Remain voters in southern and London Tory marginals the LDs are targeting
She has to. The received wisdom now is to absolutely make sure the extension letter is sent and that can only be guaranteed is to have a government which will do it. Even negotiate a longer extension. Corbyn is the LoTO.
She will not do so under any circumstances whatsoever, Swinson is not going to commit political suicide in Tory Remain voting marginals the LDs are targeting just to make Corbyn PM
I and people I know who are "Tory Remain voters" are not fussed if Swinson supports Corbyn as a means of avoiding a No Deal Brexit. Its not like Corbyn will have a majority to implement a socialist agenda. It will be about stopping Brexit. We will still vote LD because the Tories are now extremist. If Corbyn gets a honeymoon and does better at a GE, then the Tories will only have themselves to blame for Brexit being cancelled and then a left-wing Government. It is the Tories who will have brought it on themselves and they should have voted for a deal...
"Police investigate 'utterly vile' banner calling for Tory deaths Two effigies hung from the bottom of the banner, which read: "130,000 killed under Tory rule, time to level the playing field."
It's a 'fact' that was debunked on BBC More or Less in the last week.
I've just listened to that episode and you are totally wrong to say that it "debunks" that claim. "We're not the only people who've looked into the '120,000 austerity deaths' figure; fact checkers at FullFact and Channel 4's Fact Check also reviewed it, and they've reached a similar conclusion: the number itself is plausible, but there are several explanations. It's not unreasonable to conclude that austerity deserves some of the blame, but it's impossible to say with any confidence how much."
Telegraph reporting that the Extremist Alliance have been meeting to decide next steps forward. VONC discussed but Swinson will not back Corbyn. LD and SNP proposed Beckett, Corbyn said no way. The art of compromise alive and well in the HoC.
Swinson should be ignored. She only brings 18 paltry votes. Let her take the responsibility for a No Deal Brexit. She was a member of the Tory coalition. She is a proper Little Tory Helper.
Classic desperate shit from. Labour whomhave lost 1/3 of their vote to the Lib Dems your sounding like a pound shop fire sale if you carry on like that.
Let the squeeze begin in a proper election where power is delivered.
Which in this universe will never deliver a corbyn government. Put Benn in and you will have a majority but you don’t want a benn majority you want a corbyn majority. Dream on
It may not damage Johnson with his own supporters if he extends when it's clear he doesn't want to extend himself; when he's only doing it because other people have made him do it.
But surely not.
Corbyn - I have met the queen and we got on very well actually.
And the lifelong republican clarified Labour policy as “we are not abolishing the queen, it’s not going to happen”.
The thing that is wrong here, don’t make promises to followers when you are outside the tent you will end up junking inside the tent.
The odd truth, how safe and establishment Corbyn and McD are beginning to look when up against a Boris government.
Almost every Tory MP voted either for May's Deal or No Deal. The DUP have voted for No Deal. I think every Labour MP except Kate Hoey voted for a Customs Union Brexit atleast once, and most of them also voted for that "Common Market 2.0" in the indicative votes, as did the SNP. Even the Lib Dems voted for a Single Market Brexit in June 2017, in that Chuka Umunna Queen's Speech amendment.
Unless I'm forgetting obvious people, I think it's just a few stragglers like Justine Greening or Dominic Grieve who have never voted for any form of Brexit.
All good to that point. But His stupid hand gesture to the watching media did prove to be a metaphor.
Plus of course there will be no dementia tax gaffes from Boris unlike May
My coat? So kind...
Read them as a teenager.
Over 10 years ago now so you know ...
But my point was it was a rare slip from him, you can imagine the queen having perfectly straightforward relations with PM Corbyn and trust what he is saying to her.
1992 was a true surprise and a true failure of polling
1997 wasn't a surprise only the scale of the defeat and how much tactical voting imacted the defeat
2001 was no surprise
2005 was no surprise
2010 was a surprise that DC missed out on a majority (probably expectation management issue)
2015 shouldn't have been a surprise
2017 shouldn't have been a surprise it was a case of picking which polls you believed. the YouGov regression polling actually got it quite close
I don't remember the others
This looks like a very bad sign for the World Cup. The athletes really deserve better .
The IAAF have a lot to answer to for allowing Qatar to host these championships.
Just look at the success of the RWC in Japan. it shows you can take these events to new places but it has to be the right ones.
(4)The Prime Minister must make arrangements—
(a)for a committee to carry out a review of the operation of this Act and, if appropriate in consequence of its findings, to make recommendations for the repeal or amendment of this Act, and
(b)for the publication of the committee's findings and recommendations (if any).
(5)A majority of the members of the committee are to be members of the House of Commons.
(6)Arrangements under subsection (4)(a) are to be made no earlier than 1 June 2020 and no later than 30 November 2020.
*And not even at dinner time.
God knows who will be PM by june 2020 though.
Denied it after a whole day of conference.
Which extremist alliance is this that you have had an email from CCHQ to start describing?
Faced with a tough challenge for a Texas House seat, he instructed his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign that his opponent (a pig farmer) had enjoyed carnal relations with his sows. "We can't do that Lyndon... nobody will believe the guy's a pig f***er". To which LBJ replies, "I know, but let's just make the son of a bitch DENY it".
If Corbyn can get all the ex-Tories to back him then he can probably afford to ignore the LibDems, but can he?
Going to be an interesting week...
virus victimsfriends.
His mum would be incredibly proud of what he’s doing . Both Harry and William have been great ambassadors for the country .
Stewart Hosie said the plan – to put in place an interim government to secure a Brexit extension – appeared to be the only way to ensure the UK does not "crash out" of the EU on October 31.
However, he acknowledged that in order to succeed, it would require all the opposition parties to get behind it.
Yes people are talking as if they're just going to VONC and see what happens. Am I missing something?
Swinson commands 18 votes Max.
THERE ARE MORE THAN 18 LEXIT supporting MPs in Lab. who will never vote for anyone else.
"We're not the only people who've looked into the '120,000 austerity deaths' figure; fact checkers at FullFact and Channel 4's Fact Check also reviewed it, and they've reached a similar conclusion: the number itself is plausible, but there are several explanations. It's not unreasonable to conclude that austerity deserves some of the blame, but it's impossible to say with any confidence how much."