Prepare for the final economic decline of a once great nation, about to be turned into a Marxist republic under PM Jeremy Corbyn, Hard left socialist / Marxist / communist , and we are going to be undemocratically subservient to a rule making unelected EU who will dictate our tariffs and foreign policy for us with no say in the matter. We are so screwed. I will never ever vote Tory again or anyone for that matter
I believe you are a Leaver? In which case you did this. Well done.
No Michael Gove stabbed the one man who could have negotiated a decent brexit in the back. Theresa May is no leaver never has been , she has by stealth and deception subverted the whole brexit process by fully surrendering to her EU masters. The political establishment has betrayed the voters demand to leave the EU. It was never going to be allowed to happen. The civil service would never allow to leave either.
Yes. The man who lost the citizens of our capital a net £300,000 by buying unusable water cannon and selling them at a loss would be perfect for negotiating a decent Brexit. If by “decent” you mean ending up in the Single Market, a customs union, the Euro and Schengen while having no say in the running of any of them of course
Let's hope the UKIP entryism of the Tory party is now at an end. Would love to see Francois et al ultimately f*ck off as well....
Tonight we may have got our party back
And you can enjoy it in glorious opposition to a Marxist government for the next 20 years...
Actually I expect the party to recover somewhat as this will be popular with voters and I simply do not care about the UKIP dominated membership
I want my party back and rid ourselves of the hard right
You're deluding yourself if you think this will wash.
Prepare for the final economic decline of a once great nation, about to be turned into a Marxist republic under PM Jeremy Corbyn, Hard left socialist / Marxist / communist , and we are going to be undemocratically subservient to a rule making unelected EU who will dictate our tariffs and foreign policy for us with no say in the matter. We are so screwed. I will never ever vote Tory again or anyone for that matter
I believe you are a Leaver? In which case you did this. Well done.
No Michael Gove stabbed the one man who could have negotiated a decent brexit in the back. Theresa May is no leaver never has been , she has by stealth and deception subverted the whole brexit process by fully surrendering to her EU masters. The political establishment has betrayed the voters demand to leave the EU. It was never going to be allowed to happen. The civil service would never allow to leave either.
Yes. The man who lost the citizens of our capital a net £300,000 by buying unusable water cannon and selling them at a loss would be perfect for negotiating a decent Brexit. If by “decent” you mean ending up in the Single Market, a customs union, the Euro and Schengen while having no say in the running of any of them of course
Let's hope the UKIP entryism of the Tory party is now at an end. Would love to see Francois et al ultimately f*ck off as well....
Tonight we may have got our party back
And you can enjoy it in glorious opposition to a Marxist government for the next 20 years...
Seems quite a long time. How about 10 years? After 9 years of tory led government that makes sense. 9 years is actually not that bad runin recent history, not everyone can last like Blair and Thatcher.
We have to find consolation where we can, so here is what I found this evening (apart from a very decent claret, natch): the hugely funny bitching by Jacob Rees-Mogg:
You do find that leaders who decide to go with the opposition rather than their own party find their own party doesn’t plainly follow.
I’m not sure this is the way to conciliate people to persuade them if they haven’t moved already to move at this stage.
I think getting the support of a known Marxist is not likely to instil confidence in Conservatives.
That's the same Jacob Rees-Mogg who on multiple occasions has defied three-line whips to go through the lobbies with opposition MPs led by 'a known Marxist' against a Conservative government.
I expected her to side with the no dealers but she has instead taken a decisive step to put the Country first and save us from a no deal armageddon. TM has sided with my part of the conservative party and laid a gauntlet at the door of the absurd ERG
Of course they have been brainless throughout this, not least serving the 48 letters prematurely securing TM in no 10 till December, then she wins a vonc in her government , and finally offers to resign to get brexit on the books
All the above has given her space to act to achieve a consensus brexit and stand down safe in her legacy
The change in mood from the ERG high fives yesterday to their gloom and despair tonight is a sight to behold and while some may split from the party they will not be missed as the party re-establishes it's one nation philosophy
I expect many will be furious but for the first time in months I am content
Yes, Mr G. My reading - which could well turn out to be hopelessly naive - is at the 11th hour Mrs May put her country first. I have to admit I actually felt quite emotional listening to her statement. My worry is that I’m so desperate for good news I’m no longer thinking straight!
I hope they can strike a bargain, but I have my doubts whether anything will come of it.
According to the DT May ignored the will of her cabinet ! Parading the 14 nutjobs who wanted no deal on its cover . I can stomach the Leavers who always wanted to leave but Jeremy Hunt and Javid were willing to throw the country under a bus for their own ambitions. They both deserve contempt .
Sort of confirms the view expressed by quite a few on here that the DUP have gone very luke warm about Brexit. So long as the integrity of the UK is not impact they don't seem to be that bothered.
Careful I think that letters fake. Would coalition partners say contracting brexit out to Jeremy Corbyn?
Prepare for the final economic decline of a once great nation, about to be turned into a Marxist republic under PM Jeremy Corbyn, Hard left socialist / Marxist / communist , and we are going to be undemocratically subservient to a rule making unelected EU who will dictate our tariffs and foreign policy for us with no say in the matter. We are so screwed. I will never ever vote Tory again or anyone for that matter
I believe you are a Leaver? In which case you did this. Well done.
No Michael Gove stabbed the one man who could have negotiated a decent brexit in the back. Theresa May is no leaver never has been , she has by stealth and deception subverted the whole brexit process by fully surrendering to her EU masters. The political establishment has betrayed the voters demand to leave the EU. It was never going to be allowed to happen. The civil service would never allow to leave either.
Yes. The man who lost the citizens of our capital a net £300,000 by buying unusable water cannon and selling them at a loss would be perfect for negotiating a decent Brexit. If by “decent” you mean ending up in the Single Market, a customs union, the Euro and Schengen while having no say in the running of any of them of course
Let's hope the UKIP entryism of the Tory party is now at an end. Would love to see Francois et al ultimately f*ck off as well....
Tonight we may have got our party back
And you can enjoy it in glorious opposition to a Marxist government for the next 20 years...
Actually I expect the party to recover somewhat as this will be popular with voters and I simply do not care about the UKIP dominated membership
I want my party back and rid ourselves of the hard right
You're deluding yourself if you think this will wash.
Parliament will pass something rather than no deal. Would you rather the Tories attempt to shape that something or do nothing?
Prepare for the final economic decline of a once great nation, about to be turned into a Marxist republic under PM Jeremy Corbyn, Hard left socialist / Marxist / communist , and we are going to be undemocratically subservient to a rule making unelected EU who will dictate our tariffs and foreign policy for us with no say in the matter. We are so screwed. I will never ever vote Tory again or anyone for that matter
I believe you are a Leaver? In which case you did this. Well done.
No Michael Gove stabbed the one man who could have negotiated a decent brexit in the back. Theresa May is no leaver never has been , she has by stealth and deception subverted the whole brexit process by fully surrendering to her EU masters. The political establishment has betrayed the voters demand to leave the EU. It was never going to be allowed to happen. The civil service would never allow to leave either.
Yes. The man who lost the citizens of our capital a net £300,000 by buying unusable water cannon and selling them at a loss would be perfect for negotiating a decent Brexit. If by “decent” you mean ending up in the Single Market, a customs union, the Euro and Schengen while having no say in the running of any of them of course
Let's hope the UKIP entryism of the Tory party is now at an end. Would love to see Francois et al ultimately f*ck off as well....
Tonight we may have got our party back
And you can enjoy it in glorious opposition to a Marxist government for the next 20 years...
Seems quite a long time. How about 10 years? After 9 years of tory led government that makes sense. 9 years is actually not that bad runin recent history, not everyone can last like Blair and Thatcher.
If you go by the Corn Laws 20 years of Tory Opposition is actually extremely optimistic for them...
The like for like comparison would be if she refuses to budge for Corbyn too and just demands he comes to her.
She did, many times. It didn't work. Unlike the ERG, he can bring the votes to see something pass though. (Actually the ERG could too now, but refuse to).
May's actions are a sign of desperation and weakness. But people attacking her for at least attempting a compromise is just sad, because it is at least more grown up than people sitting in their corners reassuring themselves that they are the most brexity/remainery of them all.
Sort of confirms the view expressed by quite a few on here that the DUP have gone very luke warm about Brexit. So long as the integrity of the UK is not impact they don't seem to be that bothered.
Careful I think that letters fake. Would coalition partners say contracting brexit out to Jeremy Corbyn?
Sort of confirms the view expressed by quite a few on here that the DUP have gone very luke warm about Brexit. So long as the integrity of the UK is not impact they don't seem to be that bothered.
Careful I think that letters fake. Would coalition partners say contracting brexit out to Jeremy Corbyn?
Thinking about it though I'm fine with a permanent customs union. So long as we have a unilateral exit from it.
It was the lack of an exit from the backstop that was unacceptable.
I mean, I'd be sort of OK with that too - as long as, by "unilateral exit", you mean a vote in Parliament (rather than just a Tory PM's personal position).
Sort of confirms the view expressed by quite a few on here that the DUP have gone very luke warm about Brexit. So long as the integrity of the UK is not impact they don't seem to be that bothered.
Duh. Being suprised by this is like getting suprised that the SNP is on favour of an independent Scotland.
So assuming the EU grant a long extension, which seems plausible, I guess we go into endless negotiations first with Corbyn, then with various anti-Corbyn factions, and the deadline is December, when MPs can do their next leadership challenge?
We have to find consolation where we can, so here is what I found this evening (apart from a very decent claret, natch): the hugely funny bitching by Jacob Rees-Mogg:
You do find that leaders who decide to go with the opposition rather than their own party find their own party doesn’t plainly follow.
I’m not sure this is the way to conciliate people to persuade them if they haven’t moved already to move at this stage.
I think getting the support of a known Marxist is not likely to instil confidence in Conservatives.
That's the same Jacob Rees-Mogg who on multiple occasions has defied three-line whips to go through the lobbies with opposition MPs led by 'a known Marxist' against a Conservative government.
Could it be any funnier?
Yes. Steve Baker was openly hinting he might vote with Corbyn in a vote of no confidence just days ago.
Corbyn has been their ally for months. Now working with him is unacceptable. She hasn't even done that yet, and nothing may come of it.
Seriously though, I do not like Corbyn at all, but people are actually trying to tell me that the PM and LOTO trying to work together on something is unacceptable? That's up there with the lazy argument that oppositions oppose and so of course they always oppose the government, ignoring that sometimes they don't because government's occasionally do things oppositions like.
I'm not sure what the ERG are worried about, May and Corbyn will probably meet for a nice chat tomorrow and both come out blaming the other one for not being able to "compromise" a.k.a. swallow everything I'm asking for without much in return.
Sort of confirms the view expressed by quite a few on here that the DUP have gone very luke warm about Brexit. So long as the integrity of the UK is not impact they don't seem to be that bothered.
Duh. Being suprised by this is like getting suprised that the SNP is on favour of an independent Scotland.
Not surprised about their commitment to the integrity of the UK, but they do seem to have dropped Brexit pretty easily.
There I have to disagree with him depending on what he means. Without them, and their supporters, they will lose any election. Their position, as they have pointed out correctly, is not unpopular with the members, or even necessarily the voters.
What will be really funny is if Jezza wins with a big majority and is able to go full throttled Brexiteer so in the end it turns out the Tory Remainers have done all of this for nothing anyway.
Were the Brexiteers all mouth and trousers all along?
Remember Chequers. It took several days. In some cases more than a week.
I don't doubt those thinking about it will find many willing supporters. Question is how many jump and who goes first. If they want no deal, as reported, how can they stay while May 'attempts' to work with Corbyn?
This page is getting long. Last non Brexit resignation was Tracey Crouch.
I'm not sure what the ERG are worried about, May and Corbyn will probably meet for a nice chat tomorrow and both come out blaming the other one for not being able to "compromise" a.k.a. swallow everything I'm asking for without much in return.
Seems that way to me on first hearing the news. But you never know, maybe these two will surprise us all.
Thinking about it though I'm fine with a permanent customs union. So long as we have a unilateral exit from it.
It was the lack of an exit from the backstop that was unacceptable.
What is good about about ‘a’ customs union where we have no reciprocal rights of tariff free access to third countries and a trade policy dictated by the EU that we voted to leave
Were the Brexiteers all mouth and trousers all along?
Remember Chequers. It took several days. In some cases more than a week.
I don't doubt those thinking about it will find many willing supporters. Question is how many jump and who goes first. If they want no deal, as reported, how can they stay while May 'attempts' to work with Corbyn?
This page is getting long. Last non Brexit resignation was Tracey Crouch.
Were the Brexiteers all mouth and trousers all along?
Remember Chequers. It took several days. In some cases more than a week.
I don't doubt those thinking about it will find many willing supporters. Question is how many jump and who goes first. If they want no deal, as reported, how can they stay while May 'attempts' to work with Corbyn?
This page is getting long. Last non Brexit resignation was Tracey Crouch.
Note her language. 'How we are all feeling'. She doesn't speak for everyone, and most of the party's MPs voted for something they thought delivered what the people voted for, and she didn't. She went against the majority of her party, and that's ok?
Note her language. 'How we are all feeling'. She doesn't speak for everyone, and most of the paty's MPs voted for something they though delivered what the people voted for, and she didn't. She went against the majority of her party, and that's ok?
She is utterly mad. Never realised how much of a loss Ed Balls was
Thinking about it though I'm fine with a permanent customs union. So long as we have a unilateral exit from it.
It was the lack of an exit from the backstop that was unacceptable.
What is good about about ‘a’ customs union where we have no reciprocal rights of tariff free access to third countries and a trade policy dictated by the EU that we voted to leave
Well, it depends on the alternative, doesn't it?
- Compared with being a full member of the EU, not much, except that it meets several of the key campaign lines of the Leave campaigns, so Leavers should support it if they give significant weight to 'controlling our borders' and not being part of the political structures and not being subject to the CFP and CAP.
- Compared with Theresa May's deal, it's obviously worse, for the reason you give.
- Compared with crashing out in chaos, it's clearly massively superior, for the obvious reason that it doesn't involve wrecking significant chunks of the economy.
We haven't had a Cabinet Member resignation in 6 months. How the top level have not fractured in that time while some openly criticised things I do not know.
The erg may as well pull the plug on the government they have nothing to lose . VONC and general election . If corbyn wins the tories will have a new leader who can campaign on real brexit platform
Well, that was all very exciting, I think whether one thinks it a good idea or not it'd be nice to think parliament will actually make some progress this week, after the disappointment of the failure of all indicative votes (or pleasure of their failure for the no deal fans).
A pleasant night to TMay. She may not be serious about her offer, and she may not last to try it seriously, but when there is this much division and you cannot ram something through, seeking compromise is sensible.
Prepare for the final economic decline of a once great nation, about to be turned into a Marxist republic under PM Jeremy Corbyn, Hard left socialist / Marxist / communist , and we are going to be undemocratically subservient to a rule making unelected EU who will dictate our tariffs and foreign policy for us with no say in the matter. We are so screwed. I will never ever vote Tory again or anyone for that matter
I believe you are a Leaver? In which case you did this. Well done.
No Michael Gove stabbed the one man who could have negotiated a decent brexit in the back. Theresa May is no leaver never has been , she has by stealth and deception subverted the whole brexit process by fully surrendering to her EU masters. The political establishment has betrayed the voters demand to leave the EU. It was never going to be allowed to happen. The civil service would never allow to leave either.
Yes. The man who lost the citizens of our capital a net £300,000 by buying unusable water cannon and selling them at a loss would be perfect for negotiating a decent Brexit. If by “decent” you mean ending up in the Single Market, a customs union, the Euro and Schengen while having no say in the running of any of them of course
Let's hope the UKIP entryism of the Tory party is now at an end. Would love to see Francois et al ultimately f*ck off as well....
Tonight we may have got our party back
And you can enjoy it in glorious opposition to a Marxist government for the next 20 years...
Seems quite a long time. How about 10 years? After 9 years of tory led government that makes sense. 9 years is actually not that bad runin recent history, not everyone can last like Blair and Thatcher.
If you go by the Corn Laws 20 years of Tory Opposition is actually extremely optimistic for them...
That is not strictly true, as I said after Peel repealed the Corn Laws in 1846 the Tories won most seats in both the 1847 and 1852 elections under the protectionist Lord Stanley. They did not win an election outright until Disraeli's win in 1874 admittedly but they did form a few short governments in that period even if the Liberals were in power for most of that time, dominated by Palmerston
An awful lot of people are talking about the May-Corbyn Compromise as if it were a done deal already - but all that little address from the podium tonight did was to outline a possible plan of action.
Until said plan yields results, nothing has changed.
The erg may as well pull the plug on the government they have nothing to lose . VONC and general election . If corbyn wins the tories will have a new leader who can campaign on real brexit platform
If that's the case, we can expel the lot of them.....
The erg may as well pull the plug on the government they have nothing to lose . VONC and general election . If corbyn wins the tories will have a new leader who can campaign on real brexit platform
Well, that was all very exciting, I think whether one thinks it a good idea or not it'd be nice to think parliament will actually make some progress this week, after the disappointment of the failure of all indicative votes (or pleasure of their failure for the no deal fans).
A pleasant night to TMay. She may not be serious about her offer, and she may not last to try it seriously, but when there is this much division and you cannot ram something through, seeking compromise is sensible.
That is a really nice comment about TM. I expect many are feeling the same tonight
Corbyn needs to press her very firmly at PMQs. Is CU on the table? Confirmatory referendum? GNU? And get some proper answers. Not just vote for my deal. So prepare for 6 questions about Plymouth food bank usage...
The Tory’s will split and never be in government again . The brexit party will become the home of many tories now and will bring disaffected labour leavers with it too. TM has torched her own party tonight to do a deal with a terrorist sympathising Marxist
No way the May 22 one is going to work, it's going to have to go past the EU elections.
Surely the idea is that we have to commit to holding elections if we are still in the EU by election day. They won't mind us not having elections if we have left!
No doubt this is the reason for the desire to complete all the voting in the Commons this week - so that we can leave before then, even though we have to be ready to hold elections in case the timetable doesn't permit that.
The Tory’s will split and never be in government again . The brexit party will become the home of many tories now and will bring disaffected labour leavers with it too. TM has torched her own party tonight to do a deal with a terrorist sympathising Marxist
Note her language. 'How we are all feeling'. She doesn't speak for everyone, and most of the party's MPs voted for something they thought delivered what the people voted for, and she didn't. She went against the majority of her party, and that's ok?
They are the People's Will made flesh don't you know. Like some charismatic preacher imbued with the Holy Spirit. Only they can discern the collective Brexit unconscious. Idiots.
No way the May 22 one is going to work, it's going to have to go past the EU elections.
When that becomes clear the campaigning for the European elections will get underway and that will kick any decisions on Brexit into the long grass.
I suspect that the 6.1 million people who've signed the Revoke petition may well turn out to vote, realising that it's effectively a referendum on EU membership, even if we don't get a real referendum. So pro-EU parties may do reasonably well, getting >50% of the vote and the UKIP vote share should fall sharply vs. the ~40% they got in 2014.
The erg may as well pull the plug on the government they have nothing to lose . VONC and general election . If corbyn wins the tories will have a new leader who can campaign on real brexit platform
The Tory’s will split and never be in government again . The brexit party will become the home of many tories now and will bring disaffected labour leavers with it too. TM has torched her own party tonight to do a deal with a terrorist sympathising Marxist
No - TM has put the ERG back in their box and hopefully seen the UKIP infiltrators resign on mass
The erg may as well pull the plug on the government they have nothing to lose . VONC and general election . If corbyn wins the tories will have a new leader who can campaign on real brexit platform
The Tory’s will split and never be in government again . The brexit party will become the home of many tories now and will bring disaffected labour leavers with it too. TM has torched her own party tonight to do a deal with a terrorist sympathising Marxist
You do find that leaders who decide to go with the opposition rather than their own party find their own party doesn’t plainly follow.
I’m not sure this is the way to conciliate people to persuade them if they haven’t moved already to move at this stage.
I think getting the support of a known Marxist is not likely to instil confidence in Conservatives.
That's the same Jacob Rees-Mogg who on multiple occasions has defied three-line whips to go through the lobbies with opposition MPs led by 'a known Marxist' against a Conservative government.
Could it be any funnier?
She made her stand then demanded the ERG move to her. When they refused she has turned and moved to Corbyn.
The like for like comparison would be if she refuses to budge for Corbyn too and just demands he comes to her.
The Saj must be considering his options.
Boris Johnson has told the BBC that people want politicians in Westminster “not to focus on themselves, but to focus on the needs of the country”.
If you go by the Corn Laws 20 years of Tory Opposition is actually extremely optimistic for them...
No flowers
It was the lack of an exit from the backstop that was unacceptable.
May's actions are a sign of desperation and weakness. But people attacking her for at least attempting a compromise is just sad, because it is at least more grown up than people sitting in their corners reassuring themselves that they are the most brexity/remainery of them all.
I suspect they will think of a way of still ending up there.
Corbyn has been their ally for months. Now working with him is unacceptable. She hasn't even done that yet, and nothing may come of it.
Seriously though, I do not like Corbyn at all, but people are actually trying to tell me that the PM and LOTO trying to work together on something is unacceptable? That's up there with the lazy argument that oppositions oppose and so of course they always oppose the government, ignoring that sometimes they don't because government's occasionally do things oppositions like.
Were the Brexiteers all mouth and trousers all along?
Time for a new membership and I don't mean Tommy Robinson.
What ever happened to Mortimer’s Golden Rule?
I don't doubt those thinking about it will find many willing supporters. Question is how many jump and who goes first. If they want no deal, as reported, how can they stay while May 'attempts' to work with Corbyn?
This page is getting long. Last non Brexit resignation was Tracey Crouch.
14 may very well accept No Deal if all else fails.
- Compared with being a full member of the EU, not much, except that it meets several of the key campaign lines of the Leave campaigns, so Leavers should support it if they give significant weight to 'controlling our borders' and not being part of the political structures and not being subject to the CFP and CAP.
- Compared with Theresa May's deal, it's obviously worse, for the reason you give.
- Compared with crashing out in chaos, it's clearly massively superior, for the obvious reason that it doesn't involve wrecking significant chunks of the economy.
But people tried to wave it away. It was always about NI. May could never be the PM who destabilised Ireland.
A pleasant night to TMay. She may not be serious about her offer, and she may not last to try it seriously, but when there is this much division and you cannot ram something through, seeking compromise is sensible.
Until said plan yields results, nothing has changed.
And get some proper answers.
Not just vote for my deal.
So prepare for 6 questions about Plymouth food bank usage...
No doubt this is the reason for the desire to complete all the voting in the Commons this week - so that we can leave before then, even though we have to be ready to hold elections in case the timetable doesn't permit that.
All the ERG had to do was walk through the lobby...