It does seem as though Budweiser has missed a celebrity endorsement opportunity.
Something I recall with Kavanagh was not so much the beer but the observation (offered in his defence to supposedly prove what a feminist he was) that he made a point of hiring female clerks.
Mmm, I bet he did. Especially since all of them were very 'well groomed' apparently.
No they've not been played and Jenkyns needs to STFU. They did say that the deal would be ratified if the backstop was dealt with that is literally what the amendment said.
Yes there are other issues with the deal but they're not deal breakers. The backstop is.
Jenkyns and Baker are fools - I think there are a dozen or so at least who are angling solely for a No Deal scenarion. There may be up to 10 on the extreme right who may split off to the new party. This is why the final deal may well end up as a CU with a lot of cross-party support and recriminations in both of the main parties. After that who knows - we'll probably eventually settle back to a centre left and centre right party which will hoover up between them most voters. It's the way things tend to end up in most representative democracies becuase the alternatives are too Venezuela to contemplate.
The correct attitude to student high jinks, fancy dress parties, thoughtlessness and antics is one of thankfulness.
Most (all?) students do something stupid or careless or immature during the years at University. It is part of growing up.
We’re just thankful we are lucky that our pasts are not trawled through in such fantastic detail by the professionally offended.
This applies to Cameron and pigs, Balls and Nazi uniform, Clegg and cacti, US pols and pictures in stupid yearbooks.
But Clegg destroying a Professor's collection of rare cacti that was part of his life's work should have been taken as a warning: Clegg was capable of destroying the life's work of thousands of activists....
A technical point. Apparently even if the deal (or any deal) passes, there still needs to be a chunk of legislation passed before Brexit day.
What happens in the hypothetical scenario that May's deal (or version of) passes against the wishes of the DUP and Corbyn calls a VoNC the next day, which passes. That then either results in a General Election, or a Govt that doesn't support the deal and won't enact the legislation.
What then???
The general election version is that there's still a government despite the VoNC and it's there until the new one takes over after the election, so they ask for, and almost certainly get, an Article 50 extension.
Sure, there have been some outliers, but far more polls that are unchanged. Only polls showing change are deemed newsworthy. Considering how the polls have remained neck and neck through 18 months of turmoil, I cannot see why a sudden shift now. People are pissed off with politicians generally and I sense no desire for a GE from the public, though the Politicians may want one for a displacement activity.
My guess is that instead of being even the Tories have an underlying 1-2pt lead now and what we are seeing on these 4 polls is testing of the upper bound. It might break through or might not.
Boris Johnson dumps Brexit parliamentary paperwork in fuel station bin EXCLUSIVE: The king of gaffes dumped 70 pages of work into a petrol station trash can - including handwritten memos on the economy
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
Sure, there have been some outliers, but far more polls that are unchanged. Only polls showing change are deemed newsworthy. Considering how the polls have remained neck and neck through 18 months of turmoil, I cannot see why a sudden shift now. People are pissed off with politicians generally and I sense no desire for a GE from the public, though the Politicians may want one for a displacement activity.
My guess is that instead of being even the Tories have an underlying 1-2pt lead now and what we are seeing on these 4 polls is testing of the upper bound. It might break through or might not.
I still think there is a very real likelihood that Corbyn's Brexit no-show is turning legions of bright young believers in a new kind of politics into hardened can't-be-arsed cynics.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
That is a much simpler route that does not entail her breaking a past promise.
TSE, I really don't see any normal life scenario where these figures improve for Trump. Those who leave him are not coming back, and every month he comes up with a new way to test his base's loyalty to him - be they farmers or steelworkers or coalworkers.
Short of a spectacularly successful and necessary war, I don't see this turning around. Thank god.
You may be underestimating the Democrats' ability to bollocks this thing up
But I suspect even Warren, who is very unlikely to get the nomination, would beat Trump.
Was Northam the Klansman or the black and white minstrel in the photo?
It might be a minority view, but I don’t get this.
This was over 35 years ago when he was in his early 20s and mucking around with his mates.
If his political opponents have evidence of unchanged racist attitudes that are affecting his politics today, then fine, but I don’t see why he should resign just because this photo has been discovered.
It's his own side who have turned on him.
Yes, I don’t understand that either.
He ran a lot of attack ads that branded his Republican opponent as a white nationalist in 2017. So, the Republicans are happy to put the boot in, while the Democrats find him an embarrassment.
It's evidence of something else, though, something we've discussed in the past. Given how easy it is to dig up youthful indiscretions a candidate, especially in the US, has to have none, or at least none where there's any evidence whatsoever of damn-foolery. Or even, as with Cameron and the pig business, 'sort of credible' allegations.
Which tends to mean squeaky clean apparatchiks.
And what’s going to happen a decade (or less) from now, when those seeking public office were routinely posting every university night out on social media for all to see?
People born in 2001 are now eligible to stand for Parliament, sorry to make everyone feel old.
It will be more significant when we get politicians who don’t remember 9/11
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
Boris Johnson dumps Brexit parliamentary paperwork in fuel station bin EXCLUSIVE: The king of gaffes dumped 70 pages of work into a petrol station trash can - including handwritten memos on the economy
Sure, there have been some outliers, but far more polls that are unchanged. Only polls showing change are deemed newsworthy. Considering how the polls have remained neck and neck through 18 months of turmoil, I cannot see why a sudden shift now. People are pissed off with politicians generally and I sense no desire for a GE from the public, though the Politicians may want one for a displacement activity.
My guess is that instead of being even the Tories have an underlying 1-2pt lead now and what we are seeing on these 4 polls is testing of the upper bound. It might break through or might not.
I still think there is a very real likelihood that Corbyn's Brexit no-show is turning legions of bright young believers in a new kind of politics into hardened can't-be-arsed cynics.
But where will they go next? They've got a set of beliefs, an agenda for action and the Labour Party has a nationwide organisation which they can join. I have a feeling Labour will be unrecognisable in five years. I'm quite looking forward to how it turns out.
He ran a lot of attack ads that branded his Republican opponent as a white nationalist in 2017. So, the Republicans are happy to put the boot in, while the Democrats find him an embarrassment.
It's evidence of something else, though, something we've discussed in the past. Given how easy it is to dig up youthful indiscretions a candidate, especially in the US, has to have none, or at least none where there's any evidence whatsoever of damn-foolery. Or even, as with Cameron and the pig business, 'sort of credible' allegations.
Which tends to mean squeaky clean apparatchiks.
And what’s going to happen a decade (or less) from now, when those seeking public office were routinely posting every university night out on social media for all to see?
People born in 2001 are now eligible to stand for Parliament, sorry to make everyone feel old.
Quite. Although Nick Clegg's admission of practicing free love, or something like it, didn't seem to affect him. I hope that we'll all return to a more tolerant 'you're allowed to be a bit daft when you're young' attitude.
It would be good to think so, but sadly all the evidence is pointing the other way.
Remember that last year we saw the spectacle of a nominee for the Supreme Court being questioned for days about how much he loved beer at college more than thirty years ago.
Hopefully, as it becomes more obvious that pretty much everyone did silly things as students, society will become somewhat more tolerant of these things provided no-one got hurt at the time.
Someone referred to Ed Balls and the Nazi uniform up thread, I wonder how that story would have gone down now, seven years later, with all that’s happened in the meantime. I suspect he’d not have get away with it as easily as he did back in 2012.
To be fair, the Supreme Court brouhaha, wasn't so much about the guy's beer drinking but sexual predation. If he'd said that he'd been silly, and on reflection sometimes rather unpleasant, in his youth, and apologised to the woman he might well have got away with it.
“Got away with it” implies he did something. I do t believe that was ever proved
Boris Johnson dumps Brexit parliamentary paperwork in fuel station bin EXCLUSIVE: The king of gaffes dumped 70 pages of work into a petrol station trash can - including handwritten memos on the economy
He ran a lot of attack ads that branded his Republican opponent as a white nationalist in 2017. So, the Republicans are happy to put the boot in, while the Democrats find him an embarrassment.
It's evidence of something else, though, something we've discussed in the past. Given how easy it is to dig up youthful indiscretions a candidate, especially in the US, has to have none, or at least none where there's any evidence whatsoever of damn-foolery. Or even, as with Cameron and the pig business, 'sort of credible' allegations.
Which tends to mean squeaky clean apparatchiks.
People born in 2001 are now eligible to stand for Parliament, sorry to make everyone feel old.
Quite. Although Nick Clegg's admission of practicing free love, or something like it, didn't seem to affect him. I hope that we'll all return to a more tolerant 'you're allowed to be a bit daft when you're young' attitude.
It would be good to think so, but sadly all the evidence is pointing the other way.
Remember that last year we saw the spectacle of a nominee for the Supreme Court being questioned for days about how much he loved beer at college more than thirty years ago.
Hopefully, as it becomes more obvious that pretty much everyone did silly things as students, society will become somewhat more tolerant of these things provided no-one got hurt at the time.
Someone referred to Ed Balls and the Nazi uniform up thread, I wonder how that story would have gone down now, seven years later, with all that’s happened in the meantime. I suspect he’d not have get away with it as easily as he did back in 2012.
To be fair, the Supreme Court brouhaha, wasn't so much about the guy's beer drinking but sexual predation. If he'd said that he'd been silly, and on reflection sometimes rather unpleasant, in his youth, and apologised to the woman he might well have got away with it.
“Got away with it” implies he did something. I do t believe that was ever proved
'I don't think it was me, but if it was I'm very sorry.'
Boris Johnson dumps Brexit parliamentary paperwork in fuel station bin EXCLUSIVE: The king of gaffes dumped 70 pages of work into a petrol station trash can - including handwritten memos on the economy
The DUP are not going to support the Deal with the backstop and indeed it is the fact they have promised to VONC the government and force a general election if the Deal with the backstop is passed which is making May think she may have to call a general election in a few months time if her Deal passes, which almost certainly would be due to Labour rebel votes with those same Labour rebels then backing a VONC in the government.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
That's a possibility, but would SNP and LDs support a CU Brexit and give Corbyn confidence and supply on that basis? They'd prefer a second referendum or never-ending A50 extension kick the can.
Whilst I don't want no deal and was supportive of the Cooper amendment it does make you relieved that there is some kind of time limit on making a decision, nothing has changed could go on for a while.
A technical point. Apparently even if the deal (or any deal) passes, there still needs to be a chunk of legislation passed before Brexit day.
What happens in the hypothetical scenario that May's deal (or version of) passes against the wishes of the DUP and Corbyn calls a VoNC the next day, which passes. That then either results in a General Election, or a Govt that doesn't support the deal and won't enact the legislation.
What then???
A really good question - a VONC would be an interesting challenge for the Labour MPs who had supported the Deal.
Regarding youthful antics, I went to a '1960s' fancy dress party about 25 years ago (it was good - might go to another one at some point) and there was a girl there who came as Jackie Kennedy post assassination, pink Chanel suit, fake bloodstains, the works. It split opinion IIRC. Many people were offended whereas some loved it.
If that girl was now Stella Creasy, would she (and should she) be in trouble?
I think on balance not - and no - but I'm sure not everybody would agree.
A couple of years ago, one Consrvative student group had a party with a Jimmy Saville theme.
The whole point of such parties is to break strong social taboos. It provides a forum for rebellion and conspiring with your friends, which enhances social bonds, and the black humour can be liberating and enjoyable.
That’s all it is. Only an idiot would read a predilection for lifelong bigotry into it.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
That's a possibility, but would SNP and LDs support a CU Brexit and give Corbyn confidence and supply on that basis? They'd prefer a second referendum or never-ending A50 extension kick the can.
Yes, Sturgeon has said she would back permanent CU and SM as a compromise and the SNP would certainly prefer permanent CU with SM elements to No Deal or May's Deal, the LDs also voted for a permanent Customs Union last year and although they would prefer EUref2 with a Remain option it would be the next best thing.
No they've not been played and Jenkyns needs to STFU. They did say that the deal would be ratified if the backstop was dealt with that is literally what the amendment said.
Yes there are other issues with the deal but they're not deal breakers. The backstop is.
I’d be surprised if Jenkyns voted for it regardless of what the concessions were. Steve Baker has been making similar noises this morning.
I guess she'd pitch it in the same way as she is pitching the deal. She'd say that IHO it was the best and only way now to deliver a tory brexit, and that if there was a majority in cabinet for any single feasible alternative way to do that, then she was all ears.
Errh, that isn't new information. That was announced ages ago including the introduction of a £7 fee. I guess it depends if you see the introduction of a fee as reasonable. Canadians don't need an ESTA for US and vice versa, that would seem the most reasonable approach re UK / EU travel.
British travellers will have to pay €7 to visit the EU after Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed. From 2021, UK citizens will have to pay the fee every three years to pre-register for an electronic visa waiver, a system similar to the Esta scheme used by the US
Whilst I don't want no deal and was supportive of the Cooper amendment it does make you relieved that there is some kind of time limit on making a decision, nothing has changed could go on for a while.
Regarding Option B, the annotation claims that a hard border would violate the Good Friday Agreement. I think that’s a questionable claim. And it’s still not clear who would erect the hard border.
The correct attitude to student high jinks, fancy dress parties, thoughtlessness and antics is one of thankfulness.
Most (all?) students do something stupid or careless or immature during the years at University. It is part of growing up.
We’re just thankful we are lucky that our pasts are not trawled through in such fantastic detail by the professionally offended.
This applies to Cameron and pigs, Balls and Nazi uniform, Clegg and cacti, US pols and pictures in stupid yearbooks.
While I 100% agree I do believe that (if it was his choice) putting down something that stupid in a yearbook is another level of stupid above and beyond doing so as part of a drunken night of hijinks.
Doing something in a night once is one thing but the yearbook is how you've chosen to represent yourself for posterity.
The correct attitude to student high jinks, fancy dress parties, thoughtlessness and antics is one of thankfulness.
Most (all?) students do something stupid or careless or immature during the years at University. It is part of growing up.
We’re just thankful we are lucky that our pasts are not trawled through in such fantastic detail by the professionally offended.
This applies to Cameron and pigs, Balls and Nazi uniform, Clegg and cacti, US pols and pictures in stupid yearbooks.
But Clegg destroying a Professor's collection of rare cacti that was part of his life's work should have been taken as a warning: Clegg was capable of destroying the life's work of thousands of activists....
I am more critical of what Clegg has done since leaving Parliament.
He has not yet taken the shilling of ferocious tyrants (like Blair) but he has certainly sullied his reputation by working for the international tax avoiders.
My guess is Clegg will go the way of Blair, gradually getting dirtier and dirties as he rolls in the sh1t.
I am not convinced Clegg ever really believed in anything other than middle-of-the road mushiness.
Regarding youthful antics, I went to a '1960s' fancy dress party about 25 years ago (it was good - might go to another one at some point) and there was a girl there who came as Jackie Kennedy post assassination, pink Chanel suit, fake bloodstains, the works. It split opinion IIRC. Many people were offended whereas some loved it.
If that girl was now Stella Creasy, would she (and should she) be in trouble?
I think on balance not - and no - but I'm sure not everybody would agree.
It’s very likely that different standards would apply to a Labour MP next to a Conservative MP.
The Labour MP would be excused a youthful indiscretion because their heart is in the right place.
The Conservative MP would be condemned for it for the rest of their life and it’d be argued it was evidence of their true feelings.
The correct attitude to student high jinks, fancy dress parties, thoughtlessness and antics is one of thankfulness.
Most (all?) students do something stupid or careless or immature during the years at University. It is part of growing up.
We’re just thankful we are lucky that our pasts are not trawled through in such fantastic detail by the professionally offended.
This applies to Cameron and pigs, Balls and Nazi uniform, Clegg and cacti, US pols and pictures in stupid yearbooks.
While I 100% agree I do believe that (if it was his choice) putting down something that stupid in a yearbook is another level of stupid above and beyond doing so as part of a drunken night of hijinks.
Doing something in a night once is one thing but the yearbook is how you've chosen to represent yourself for posterity.
Don’t be so daft.
No-one normal is endlessly worrying about how they “represent themselves for posterity” in a piece of ephemera like a student yearbook.
In fact, no-one normal is endlessly worrying about how they “represent themselves for posterity” full stop.
Posterity is very forgiving, we’ll all be forgotten.
The correct attitude to student high jinks, fancy dress parties, thoughtlessness and antics is one of thankfulness.
Most (all?) students do something stupid or careless or immature during the years at University. It is part of growing up.
We’re just thankful we are lucky that our pasts are not trawled through in such fantastic detail by the professionally offended.
This applies to Cameron and pigs, Balls and Nazi uniform, Clegg and cacti, US pols and pictures in stupid yearbooks.
But Clegg destroying a Professor's collection of rare cacti that was part of his life's work should have been taken as a warning: Clegg was capable of destroying the life's work of thousands of activists....
I am more critical of what Clegg has done since leaving Parliament.
He has not yet taken the shilling of ferocious tyrants (like Blair) but he has certainly sullied his reputation by working for the international tax avoiders.
My guess is Clegg will go the way of Blair, gradually getting dirtier and dirties as he rolls in the sh1t.
I am not convinced Clegg ever really believed in anything other than middle-of-the road mushiness.
But middle of the road mushiness was the perceived "correct" answer, hence why Blair, Cameron etc.
Regarding youthful antics, I went to a '1960s' fancy dress party about 25 years ago (it was good - might go to another one at some point) and there was a girl there who came as Jackie Kennedy post assassination, pink Chanel suit, fake bloodstains, the works. It split opinion IIRC. Many people were offended whereas some loved it.
If that girl was now Stella Creasy, would she (and should she) be in trouble?
I think on balance not - and no - but I'm sure not everybody would agree.
Vince Cable says he’s been in discussions for months with large groups of Labour MPs (and some Conservatives) about breaking away to form a new third party, although he’s vague about how it would actually work.
They can use the factory to make the "Brex-Trail". It will eschew foreign nonsense like electronic ignition (American) and fuel injection (German). It'll be powered by a BL A series with an SU carb and mechanical points. If you don't buy one you are a fucking traitor.
I thought this was interesting, does this seem a fair assessment?
Maybe with some arguing option D does exist with technology or the EU not being stupid etc.
There's already a border across Ireland and one which the Republic made harder since the GFA.
How did they make it harder since the GFA?
As was explained to you last week:
' road speed limits were in miles per hour until January 2005, when they were finally changed to kilometres per hour. Since 2005 all new cars sold in Ireland have speedometers that display only kilometres per hour '
Whether you are for brexit, uncertainty increases risk. We might have a case of everything is casued by Brexit (or Trump if you live in america), rather than massive turmoil in the car industry with the discrediting of diesel.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
They can use the factory to make the "Brex-Trail". It will eschew foreign nonsense like electronic ignition (American) and fuel injection (German). It'll be powered by a BL A series with an SU carb and mechanical points. If you don't buy one you are a fucking traitor.
Vince Cable says he’s been in discussions for months with large groups of Labour MPs (and some Conservatives) about breaking away to form a new third party, although he’s vague about how it would actually work.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
That's a possibility, but would SNP and LDs support a CU Brexit and give Corbyn confidence and supply on that basis? They'd prefer a second referendum or never-ending A50 extension kick the can.
Yes, Sturgeon has said she would back permanent CU and SM as a compromise and the SNP would certainly prefer permanent CU with SM elements to No Deal or May's Deal, the LDs also voted for a permanent Customs Union last year and although they would prefer EUref2 with a Remain option it would be the next best thing.
No-one’s going to dance to the tune of the LDs.
They are politically irrelevant in the national debate and with only 11 MPs in play there are far better targets to go for on the Labour and Conservative backbenches.
Whether you are for brexit, uncertainty increases risk. We might have a case of everything is casued by Brexit (or Trump if you live in america), rather than massive turmoil in the car industry with the discrediting of diesel.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
Should have bought the Hyundai Kona electric. Thats the future.
Whether you are for brexit, uncertainty increases risk. We might have a case of everything is casued by Brexit (or Trump if you live in america), rather than massive turmoil in the car industry with the discrediting of diesel.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
If they had announced they were pulling the Qashqai deal that would have been huge. It is the #1 seller in its class in Europe and unlike the X-Trail is a) already based here and b) isn't primarily a diesel.
Vince Cable says he’s been in discussions for months with large groups of Labour MPs (and some Conservatives) about breaking away to form a new third party, although he’s vague about how it would actually work.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
The DUP are not going to support the Deal with the backstop and indeed it is the fact they have promised to VONC the government and force a general election if the Deal with the backstop is passed which is making May think she may have to call a general election in a few months time if her Deal passes, which almost certainly would be due to Labour rebel votes with those same Labour rebels then backing a VONC in the government
Can you produce any quote from the DUP saying they 'will' vonc the government and force an election
TM and Downing Street have categorically denied the election story this morning and I doubt she would get it past the cabinet
Whether you are for brexit, uncertainty increases risk. We might have a case of everything is casued by Brexit (or Trump if you live in america), rather than massive turmoil in the car industry with the discrediting of diesel.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
Should have bought the Hyundai Kona electric. Thats the future.
At £180 a month for 20,000 a year mileage least, couldn't say no!
It’s very likely that different standards would apply to a Labour MP next to a Conservative MP.
The Labour MP would be excused a youthful indiscretion because their heart is in the right place.
The Conservative MP would be condemned for it for the rest of their life and it’d be argued it was evidence of their true feelings.
There does seem to be this mad idea that fancy dress, which is what we are talking about in most cases, constitutes an endorsement of the views held by the character. In which case the public must be a hell of lot more pro-piracy than I would have expected.
I don't know what sort of fancy dress would never offend, never break taboos, and never violate whatever is considered politically correct nowadays. Even going dressed as yourself might offend someone, perhaps it's simply safer to stay home.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
The DUP are not going to support the Deal with the backstop and indeed it is the fact they have promised to VONC the government and force a general election if the Deal with the backstop is passed which is making May think she may have to call a general election in a few months time if her Deal passes, which almost certainly would be due to Labour rebel votes with those same Labour rebels then backing a VONC in the government
Can you produce any quote from the DUP saying they 'will' vonc the government and force an election
TM and Downing Street have categorically denied the election story this morning and I doubt she would get it past the cabinet
In addition, Arlene Foster is on record as saying that Corbyn is “beyond the pale”.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
Corbyn with confidence and supply from the DUP and without an election. Well it is a view !!!!!!
Regarding youthful antics, I went to a '1960s' fancy dress party about 25 years ago (it was good - might go to another one at some point) and there was a girl there who came as Jackie Kennedy post assassination, pink Chanel suit, fake bloodstains, the works. It split opinion IIRC. Many people were offended whereas some loved it.
If that girl was now Stella Creasy, would she (and should she) be in trouble?
I think on balance not - and no - but I'm sure not everybody would agree.
In a world with consistently and fairly applied standards the answers would be yes and no.
In the world as it exists the answers would be no and no.
The outrage bus is selectively targeted at political opponents
They can use the factory to make the "Brex-Trail". It will eschew foreign nonsense like electronic ignition (American) and fuel injection (German). It'll be powered by a BL A series with an SU carb and mechanical points. If you don't buy one you are a fucking traitor.
Not all brexiteers are nativist in their economic outlook and actively want free trade of goods and services across the world.
Regarding youthful antics, I went to a '1960s' fancy dress party about 25 years ago (it was good - might go to another one at some point) and there was a girl there who came as Jackie Kennedy post assassination, pink Chanel suit, fake bloodstains, the works. It split opinion IIRC. Many people were offended whereas some loved it.
If that girl was now Stella Creasy, would she (and should she) be in trouble?
I think on balance not - and no - but I'm sure not everybody would agree.
It’s very likely that different standards would apply to a Labour MP next to a Conservative MP.
The Labour MP would be excused a youthful indiscretion because their heart is in the right place.
The Conservative MP would be condemned for it for the rest of their life and it’d be argued it was evidence of their true feelings.
That is manifestly not the case for the corresponding parties in the US.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply.
Possible. And that means an election later in the year, I would have thought. Difficult to see that 'government' lasting more than a few months.
Regarding youthful antics, I went to a '1960s' fancy dress party about 25 years ago (it was good - might go to another one at some point) and there was a girl there who came as Jackie Kennedy post assassination, pink Chanel suit, fake bloodstains, the works. It split opinion IIRC. Many people were offended whereas some loved it.
If that girl was now Stella Creasy, would she (and should she) be in trouble?
I think on balance not - and no - but I'm sure not everybody would agree.
In a world with consistently and fairly applied standards the answers would be yes and no.
In the world as it exists the answers would be no and no.
The outrage bus is selectively targeted at political opponents
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply.
Possible. And that means an election later in the year, I would have thought. Difficult to see that 'government' lasting more than a few months.
The 'one job' government I floated here months ago. But the problem is Corbyn; the other parties would never make him PM even to do just the one job.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
The DUP are not going to support the Deal with the backstop and indeed it is the fact they have promised to VONC the government and force a general election if the Deal with the backstop is passed which is making May think she may have to call a general election in a few months time if her Deal passes, which almost certainly would be due to Labour rebel votes with those same Labour rebels then backing a VONC in the government
Can you produce any quote from the DUP saying they 'will' vonc the government and force an election
TM and Downing Street have categorically denied the election story this morning and I doubt she would get it past the cabinet
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
Corbyn with confidence and supply from the DUP and without an election. Well it is a view !!!!!!
The DUP put the integrity of the UK first, if May's Deal passes the Commons to prevent it becoming law they could well do a Deal with Labour in return for permanent CU and SM elements for the whole UK so the full backstop terms are not restricted to NI alone
Whether you are for brexit, uncertainty increases risk. We might have a case of everything is casued by Brexit (or Trump if you live in america), rather than massive turmoil in the car industry with the discrediting of diesel.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
Should have bought the Hyundai Kona electric. Thats the future.
Literally the future - about 9 months into the future which is how long you'd have to wait to get one
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply.
Possible. And that means an election later in the year, I would have thought. Difficult to see that 'government' lasting more than a few months.
Possibly but if Corbyn has confidence and supply from all non Tory parties in the Commons he could last beyond the end of the year while May would likely be replaced by a hard Brexit backing Tory leader by the end of the year
It’s very likely that different standards would apply to a Labour MP next to a Conservative MP.
The Labour MP would be excused a youthful indiscretion because their heart is in the right place.
The Conservative MP would be condemned for it for the rest of their life and it’d be argued it was evidence of their true feelings.
A not totally unfair comment.
But it does work both ways.
Conservative MPs can do things like making tons of money, owning more than one house, sending their kids to private schools, just generally have themselves a high old time in this capitalist world of ours, without being called a 'hypocrite'.
Errh, that isn't new information. That was announced ages ago including the introduction of a £7 fee. I guess it depends if you see the introduction of a fee as reasonable. Canadians don't need an ESTA for US and vice versa, that would seem the most reasonable approach re UK / EU travel.
British travellers will have to pay €7 to visit the EU after Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed. From 2021, UK citizens will have to pay the fee every three years to pre-register for an electronic visa waiver, a system similar to the Esta scheme used by the US
I do have to say it is most generous of the EU to confirm that UK citizens will have visa free access if they want to visit countries in the Schengen area for tourism/short holidays for up to 90 days. Such generousity they already extend for example to citizens of Nicaragua and Colombia! And lets face it I doubt the Spanish government could cope with visa applications from 10 million people a year - as Britain is on most figures their largest single source of tourists.
Brits have visa free access for tourism to around 140 non EU member states - so its no big deal and no big concession! We would presumably reciprocate anyway if they did.
You already have to pre register your details to fly to Spain anyway - for every flight you take there. So a 7 euro charge to grant you access to Schengen for 3 years again is hardly a big deal. Its less than the price of an allocated seat on a Ryanair flight - and two thirds of the price of a preallocated seat on British airways i.e. no big deal if you can afford a holiday in the first place! Ryanair requires most of the info you submit on USA esta application in terms of personal data now just so you can generate a boarding card.
Lets not pretend concessions that are in place for Nicaraguans and Colombians are somehow 'being generous' to UK nationals. Spain's tourist industry would be in meltdown if Brits didn't go their for their two week annual summer hols.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
The DUP are not going to support the Deal with the backstop and indeed it is the fact they have promised to VONC the government and force a general election if the Deal with the backstop is passed which is making May think she may have to call a general election in a few months time if her Deal passes, which almost certainly would be due to Labour rebel votes with those same Labour rebels then backing a VONC in the government
Can you produce any quote from the DUP saying they 'will' vonc the government and force an election
TM and Downing Street have categorically denied the election story this morning and I doubt she would get it past the cabinet
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
Corbyn with confidence and supply from the DUP and without an election. Well it is a view !!!!!!
The DUP put the integrity of the UK first, if May's Deal passes the Commons to prevent it becoming law they could well do a Deal with Labour in return for permanent CU and SM elements for the whole UK so the full backstop terms are not restricted to NI alone
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
How does she get it past her Cabinet?
If the GE is about endorsing her Deal (with backstop) she'll get Cabinet approval as they all support her deal. About 210 Tory MPs also support her deal plus say 240 Labour MPs who will support a GE. This takes her above a 2/3rd majority.
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
May should call in the ERG and say you either vote for the deal or I will call for a 2nd referendum.
They'd probably prefer a second referendum than a deal that splits off NI.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Not impossible the DUP could back Corbyn if he promises his permanent Customs Union plan for the whole UK will have Single Market elements that mirror those in May's backstop for NI only.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
Corbyn with confidence and supply from the DUP and without an election. Well it is a view !!!!!!
That's fitting as the Qashqai is the car for people who have completely given up on life.
Who actually buys a Nissan?
Cars like the Duke, Lead and Qashqai are absolutely dire. Like a Japanese British Leyland.
Quite right. F*ck em! They only produce crap and we never wanted their business anyway.
I’m not interested in the Brexit politics of Nissan. I just don’t understand why anyone would buy one. Period.
Minis, Jaguars, and Rangerovers I understand.
Let them all drive Jags...
You putting in a bid to be the Marie Antoinette of Brexit ?
I know this is difficult for you but I’m commenting solely on the merits of Nissan as a car manufacturer, and its marques, for which i don’t understand the mass market appeal.
I agree that the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit is a factor in its investment decisions at Sunderland, at present.
Can we get back to discussing the cars now please?
The no dealers will see this as their final chance to force a crash out.
The only realistic reaction from government is to be prepared to revoke if we can't leave on the terms of the deal that by that stage would have already been agreed by Parliament.
They can use the factory to make the "Brex-Trail". It will eschew foreign nonsense like electronic ignition (American) and fuel injection (German). It'll be powered by a BL A series with an SU carb and mechanical points. If you don't buy one you are a fucking traitor.
Not all brexiteers are nativist in their economic outlook and actively want free trade of goods and services across the world.
Please tell me it was Creasy. Please let it be so.
It's quite a thought, I must admit. Her main downside, so I gather, is that people find her a little sanctimonious. If so, something mad and bad from her youth might boost her career no end.
That's fitting as the Qashqai is the car for people who have completely given up on life.
Who actually buys a Nissan?
Cars like the Duke, Lead and Qashqai are absolutely dire. Like a Japanese British Leyland.
Quite right. F*ck em! They only produce crap and we never wanted their business anyway.
I’m not interested in the Brexit politics of Nissan. I just don’t understand why anyone would buy one. Period.
Minis, Jaguars, and Rangerovers I understand.
Let them all drive Jags...
You putting in a bid to be the Marie Antoinette of Brexit ?
I know this is difficult for you but I’m commenting solely on the merits of Nissan as a car manufacturer, and its marques, for which i don’t understand the mass market appeal.
I agree that the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit is a factor in its investment decisions at Sunderland, at present.
Can we get back to discussing the cars now please?
Grumpy today. Perhaps I should have added a smiley ?
I wouldn’t drive a Quashcow myself, but not everyone can afford a Range Rover.
Errh, that isn't new information. That was announced ages ago including the introduction of a £7 fee. I guess it depends if you see the introduction of a fee as reasonable. Canadians don't need an ESTA for US and vice versa, that would seem the most reasonable approach re UK / EU travel.
British travellers will have to pay €7 to visit the EU after Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed. From 2021, UK citizens will have to pay the fee every three years to pre-register for an electronic visa waiver, a system similar to the Esta scheme used by the US
I do have to say it is most generous of the EU to confirm that UK citizens will have visa free access if they want to visit countries in the Schengen area for tourism/short holidays for up to 90 days. Such generousity they already extend for example to citizens of Nicaragua and Colombia! And lets face it I doubt the Spanish government could cope with visa applications from 10 million people a year - as Britain is on most figures their largest single source of tourists.
Brits have visa free access for tourism to around 140 non EU member states - so its no big deal and no big concession! We would presumably reciprocate anyway if they did.
You already have to pre register your details to fly to Spain anyway - for every flight you take there. So a 7 euro charge to grant you access to Schengen for 3 years again is hardly a big deal. Its less than the price of an allocated seat on a Ryanair flight - and two thirds of the price of a preallocated seat on British airways i.e. no big deal if you can afford a holiday in the first place! Ryanair requires most of the info you submit on USA esta application in terms of personal data now just so you can generate a boarding card.
Lets not pretend concessions that are in place for Nicaraguans and Colombians are somehow 'being generous' to UK nationals. Spain's tourist industry would be in meltdown if Brits didn't go their for their two week annual summer hols.
The real issue here is the position for Brits who wish to spend more than 90 days living in the EU
Whether you are for brexit, uncertainty increases risk. We might have a case of everything is casued by Brexit (or Trump if you live in america), rather than massive turmoil in the car industry with the discrediting of diesel.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
Should have bought the Hyundai Kona electric. Thats the future.
Literally the future - about 9 months into the future which is how long you'd have to wait to get one
Having a waiting list in a slumping car market is impressive. I prefer the Ioniq myself, not so keen on SUV styling, and the whole Chelsea Tractor schtick.
Mechanically, how do you think she could call a general election?
I'm thinking the 2/3 route. But I'm also wondering whether just the threat of it might be sufficient incentive for the DUP and most of the ERG to end up, at the death and under severe pressure, supporting the deal - and thus with the help of some 'rebel' Labour MPs, that it will squeak over the line.
In which case, the parliamentary situation will remain highly unstable and there must be a good chance of a GE later in the year.
So, all in all, I quite like the 2.6 on Betfair for an election in 2019.
The DUP are not going to support the Deal with the backstop and indeed it is the fact they have promised to VONC the government and force a general election if the Deal with the backstop is passed which is making May think she may have to call a general election in a few months time if her Deal passes, which almost certainly would be due to Labour rebel votes with those same Labour rebels then backing a VONC in the government
Can you produce any quote from the DUP saying they 'will' vonc the government and force an election
TM and Downing Street have categorically denied the election story this morning and I doubt she would get it past the cabinet
It’s very likely that different standards would apply to a Labour MP next to a Conservative MP.
The Labour MP would be excused a youthful indiscretion because their heart is in the right place.
The Conservative MP would be condemned for it for the rest of their life and it’d be argued it was evidence of their true feelings.
A not totally unfair comment.
But it does work both ways.
Conservative MPs can do things like making tons of money, owning more than one house, sending their kids to private schools, just generally have themselves a high old time in this capitalist world of ours, without being called a 'hypocrite'.
Well that's because we are the party of free enterprise.
Oh Mike. OGH. It’s not a shock poll. What makes anyone think its a shock poll? Does it not tie perfectly with other klaxons, like leadership satisfaction ratings or best PM? Or Labour whip melting in the commons as power ebbs away from Corbyns nebulous brexit handling.
What gave Labour last GE result and kept them at high levels was the belief giving support to Labour would prevent / soften brexit. That bubble has burst. That’s the key bit.
Simultaneously voters have a different measure of Corbyn and the crew around him. Another bubble has burst, and can’t be reversed.
The Tories will now comfortably
Don’t need polls. Put your hand out the window and feel the change.
The People’s vote ship has been scuttled by team Corbyn. They are completely boxed in by their own sequencing to whatever route May wants out of the impasse.
voters have a different measure of Corbyn and the crew around him compared to two years ago. What gave Labour last GE result and kept them at high levels was a belief giving support to Labour would prevent / soften brexit. That bubble has burst.
IF brexit impasse continues, GE is number 10s preferred out, because they are rightly confident of a working majority. The coming election is not about May, nor governments performance not even Brexit. It’s is about Corbyn and his crew fit for office. In the crisis and the negotiation, who do you want to battle for Britain? That’s the coming election.
you are saying I don’t have enough evidence to support this? The whole point of a market, betting or otherwise is to be ahead of the game. its that easy to call it this morning, i can see it all lit up in bright colours.
I see no change. While Corbyn is equivocating, the vast majority of Labour MPs are anti Brexit, and open about it. Aggrieved Remainers may not turn out for a few, but are certain to vote against the Tories, and like the anti Trump voters in the header are very motivated. May will leave the next election as long as she can, so the current Brexistentialist shambles is as distant as possible.
Well i can sense a bubble bursting around us. A Ceaușescu moment.
Let’s park this but keep this thread, continue again where we left off about two three weeks down the line, more polling more commons votes?
That's fitting as the Qashqai is the car for people who have completely given up on life.
Who actually buys a Nissan?
Cars like the Duke, Lead and Qashqai are absolutely dire. Like a Japanese British Leyland.
Quite right. F*ck em! They only produce crap and we never wanted their business anyway.
I’m not interested in the Brexit politics of Nissan. I just don’t understand why anyone would buy one. Period.
Minis, Jaguars, and Rangerovers I understand.
Let them all drive Jags...
You putting in a bid to be the Marie Antoinette of Brexit ?
I know this is difficult for you but I’m commenting solely on the merits of Nissan as a car manufacturer, and its marques, for which i don’t understand the mass market appeal.
I agree that the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit is a factor in its investment decisions at Sunderland, at present.
Can we get back to discussing the cars now please?
Grumpy today. Perhaps I should have added a smiley ?
I wouldn’t drive a Quashcow myself, but not everyone can afford a Range Rover.
That's fitting as the Qashqai is the car for people who have completely given up on life.
Who actually buys a Nissan?
Cars like the Duke, Lead and Qashqai are absolutely dire. Like a Japanese British Leyland.
Quite right. F*ck em! They only produce crap and we never wanted their business anyway.
I’m not interested in the Brexit politics of Nissan. I just don’t understand why anyone would buy one. Period.
Minis, Jaguars, and Rangerovers I understand.
Let them all drive Jags...
You putting in a bid to be the Marie Antoinette of Brexit ?
I know this is difficult for you but I’m commenting solely on the merits of Nissan as a car manufacturer, and its marques, for which i don’t understand the mass market appeal.
I agree that the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit is a factor in its investment decisions at Sunderland, at present.
Can we get back to discussing the cars now please?
Grumpy today. Perhaps I should have added a smiley ?
I wouldn’t drive a Quashcow myself, but not everyone can afford a Range Rover.
I agree, but there are plenty of low-mid range cars that are better.
Mmm, I bet he did. Especially since all of them were very 'well groomed' apparently.
EXCLUSIVE: The king of gaffes dumped 70 pages of work into a petrol station trash can - including handwritten memos on the economy
Her problem will be with Tory members, particularly activists. They'll have to choose between helping her win the election or letting Corbyn win. She loves blackmail.
I thought this was interesting, does this seem a fair assessment?
Maybe with some arguing option D does exist with technology or the EU not being stupid etc.
A better threat would be either vote for the deal or I'll go for general election. They won't like that. A GE would castrate them.
Juncker has said he would renegotiate for a permanent Customs Union so we would Brexit on that basis and Corbyn could be PM without a general election by the end of March with DUP confidence and supply
As I say, the 2.6 on Betfair looks juicy.
I have grown quite fond of them.
That’s all it is. Only an idiot would read a predilection for lifelong bigotry into it.
They’re too far gone.
I hope I’m wrong.
I guess she'd pitch it in the same way as she is pitching the deal. She'd say that IHO it was the best and only way now to deliver a tory brexit, and that if there was a majority in cabinet for any single feasible alternative way to do that, then she was all ears.
British travellers will have to pay €7 to visit the EU after Brexit, the European Commission has confirmed. From 2021, UK citizens will have to pay the fee every three years to pre-register for an electronic visa waiver, a system similar to the Esta scheme used by the US
Doing something in a night once is one thing but the yearbook is how you've chosen to represent yourself for posterity.
He has not yet taken the shilling of ferocious tyrants (like Blair) but he has certainly sullied his reputation by working for the international tax avoiders.
My guess is Clegg will go the way of Blair, gradually getting dirtier and dirties as he rolls in the sh1t.
I am not convinced Clegg ever really believed in anything other than middle-of-the road mushiness.
The Labour MP would be excused a youthful indiscretion because their heart is in the right place.
The Conservative MP would be condemned for it for the rest of their life and it’d be argued it was evidence of their true feelings.
No-one normal is endlessly worrying about how they “represent themselves for posterity” in a piece of ephemera like a student yearbook.
In fact, no-one normal is endlessly worrying about how they “represent themselves for posterity” full stop.
Posterity is very forgiving, we’ll all be forgotten.
' road speed limits were in miles per hour until January 2005, when they were finally changed to kilometres per hour. Since 2005 all new cars sold in Ireland have speedometers that display only kilometres per hour '
(i) Both the ERG and the DUP would prefer a 2nd referendum to a GE, so the threat would not be so potent.
(ii) May herself sees a 2nd referendum as a (probable) reversal and therefore betrayal of the 1st one.
(iii) A 2nd referendum would be more unpopular in the tory party generally than a GE.
(iv) Only an election offers her personal redemption - the chance to wipe out 2017.
Just got myself a new diesel qashqui, a bit like driving a lumpy hairdryer. Not that impressed, but a 60mpg average on the 2500 mils have done so far is pleasing.
Q: Why do the British drink warm beer?
A: Because Lucas also make refrigerators...
They are politically irrelevant in the national debate and with only 11 MPs in play there are far better targets to go for on the Labour and Conservative backbenches.
TM and Downing Street have categorically denied the election story this morning and I doubt she would get it past the cabinet
I don't know what sort of fancy dress would never offend, never break taboos, and never violate whatever is considered politically correct nowadays. Even going dressed as yourself might offend someone, perhaps it's simply safer to stay home.
Cars like the Juke, Leaf and Qashqai are absolutely dire. Like a Japanese British Leyland.
In the world as it exists the answers would be no and no.
The outrage bus is selectively targeted at political opponents
And that is Amber's and Annie’s career as pols over.
And I loved the comment attributed to the mealy-mouthed w@nker at the end: “Never seen such disgusting behaviour by anyone.”
Minis, Jaguars, and Rangerovers I understand.
You putting in a bid to be the Marie Antoinette of Brexit ?
But it does work both ways.
Conservative MPs can do things like making tons of money, owning more than one house, sending their kids to private schools, just generally have themselves a high old time in this capitalist world of ours, without being called a 'hypocrite'.
I do have to say it is most generous of the EU to confirm that UK citizens will have visa free access if they want to visit countries in the Schengen area for tourism/short holidays for up to 90 days. Such generousity they already extend for example to citizens of Nicaragua and Colombia! And lets face it I doubt the Spanish government could cope with visa applications from 10 million people a year - as Britain is on most figures their largest single source of tourists.
Brits have visa free access for tourism to around 140 non EU member states - so its no big deal and no big concession! We would presumably reciprocate anyway if they did.
You already have to pre register your details to fly to Spain anyway - for every flight you take there. So a 7 euro charge to grant you access to Schengen for 3 years again is hardly a big deal. Its less than the price of an allocated seat on a Ryanair flight - and two thirds of the price of a preallocated seat on British airways i.e. no big deal if you can afford a holiday in the first place! Ryanair requires most of the info you submit on USA esta application in terms of personal data now just so you can generate a boarding card.
Lets not pretend concessions that are in place for Nicaraguans and Colombians are somehow 'being generous' to UK nationals. Spain's tourist industry would be in meltdown if Brits didn't go their for their two week annual summer hols.
Yet, bizarrely, they seem popular and hold their value well. I’m at a total loss as to why.
I agree that the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit is a factor in its investment decisions at Sunderland, at present.
Can we get back to discussing the cars now please?
The only realistic reaction from government is to be prepared to revoke if we can't leave on the terms of the deal that by that stage would have already been agreed by Parliament.
Perhaps I should have added a smiley ?
I wouldn’t drive a Quashcow myself, but not everyone can afford a Range Rover.
Let’s park this but keep this thread, continue again where we left off about two three weeks down the line, more polling more commons votes?
All together now..
I’d chose a Skoda well before that, for example.