May has mis-managed to lose her Head of Brexit and her Head of Foreign Relatons. That demonstrates a monumental fuck-up in her handling of Brexit.
She is overseeing the biggest humiliation in British standing since Suez.
For God's sake woman, forty billion quid buys you some concessions from the EU.
There is little doubt that the BREXIT shambles presently inflicted upon the nation by Mrs May's government is greatly of her making but also in no small measure through the utter incompetence of David Davis and Boris Johnson.
Rarely has the country been so ill served by a government in peace time.
As for the £40bn. It buys us very little. The EU holds all the aces. We have no cards that the EU does not hold a card of higher value and that will remain the case whomsoever the Queen appoints as Prime Minister.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
where have you been most of your adult life ?
the trend right across Europe is towards more processed food not less. Being in the EU didn't stop big corporations adding donkey meat to lasagne or using chemically tainted eggs in mayonnaise. If you are really that concerned about health, chlorine wash is the least of your problems.
The key question is whether 42 Conservative MPs have sought a challenge to the leader of the Conservative party and whether she would win that challenge.
Might be an error, but I've redded out Mayxit 2018 (For a loss of £40). Also laid Corbyn to zero for next PM - he's still 6.6 to lay in that market - surely surely May will go before the next GE now.
The key question is whether 42 Conservative MPs have sought a challenge to the leader of the Conservative party and whether she would win that challenge.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Leave voters = people you don't understand
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
I understand that each Leave voter is an individual. As you make clear.
We were all promised a Leave with no downsides. All warnings to the contrary were dismissed as Project Fear. Some of us - on both sides of the divide - chose not to believe what the Leave elite were saying.
This attack on the Brexiteers from Theresa May (right from Friday's taxi nonsense) is actually an attack on the 17.4m people they are in the Cabinet to represent.
Ah yeah, when we had that referendum on which type of Brexit we wanted.
The key question is whether 42 Conservative MPs have sought a challenge to the leader of the Conservative party and whether she would win that challenge.
If there's not 42 letters by the end of the day I'll be amazed.
The logical conclusion of resigning and the only way surely to overturn Chequers is to send in a letter.
A lot of people say that Boris is a busted flush, but DD resigns and gets 10min interview on Today prog. Boris resigns and there are camera teams and reporters waiting outside the gates for a statement. Boris on the backbenches is very dangerous to May.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
Not so much husbandry as slaughterhouse practice. There is a lot of faecal contamination because of the rate of slaughter lines in the USA. Coordination is to kill off surface contamination, so that microbiological tests are passed. It does not deal with deeper contamination.
One of the good things about May's proposal is that the EU will continue to regulate our food standards.
Mr. Pulpstar, if you find yourself attacked by a large land-walking fish of surpassing intelligence and military prowess, know that you brought it upon yourself.
Melanie Phillips has called for Farage to be given a peerage and appointed as prime minister. (Unless someone has hacked her twitter account).
I had dinner with some Jewish friends in London about 18 months ago. Among the guests was a stocky ex-IDF guy. The conversation ended up on Israel and the Palestinians, and I could not believe the vitriol the IDF guy had for Melanie Philips. He basically shat on her for 20 minutes about how she had never laid her life on the line for Israel, and how she misundserstood everything.
Edit to add: he was no Labour or Palestinian supporter. He just thought she was scum of the earth.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Leave voters = people you don't understand
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
I understand that each Leave voter is an individual. As you make clear.
We were all promised a Leave with no downsides. All warnings to the contrary were dismissed as Project Fear. Some of us - on both sides of the divide - chose not to believe what the Leave elite were saying.
on that basis" we" were promised a deep recession, 5 million unemployed and huge tax rises.
all statements to the contrary were dismissed a pipedream optimism
I really don't see what ramping old mistruths from either side adds to the overall well being of the site.
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
The only way the Tories die off is if a more right-wing party replaces them. See the Progressive Conservatives in Canada who from 1993 to 2004 were overtaken by the populist right Reform Party/Alliance until the two eventually merged under future PM Harper to form the Canadian Conservative Party
Given the Conservatives have now embraced tax-and-spend, there's room for a pro-business, low taxation, small State, socially liberal Party of the centre-Right.
There already is a UK Libertarian Party and at most a libertarian party would get about 10% as with the FDP in Germany.
If the Tories are replaced it will be by a populist right party hard on immigration, as with Lega Nord in Italy who have now overtaken Forza Italia, the Front National in France who beat Les Republicains in the presidential election or the Swedish Democrats in Sweden who have overtaken the Moderates in the polls, or in Poland the Law and Justice Party who overtook the Civic Platform or indeed in Northern Ireland where the DUP overtook the UUP.
In Canada Reform was also the populist right-wing alternative to the PCs
Of course Trump has now effectively taken over the GOP on a populist anti immigration and anti globalisation ticket too.
Boris may now fancy himself as a British cross between Trump and Berlusconi, a bit more liberal than the former and less pro EU than the latter
May has mis-managed to lose her Head of Brexit and her Head of Foreign Relatons. That demonstrates a monumental fuck-up in her handling of Brexit.
She is overseeing the biggest humiliation in British standing since Suez.
For God's sake woman, forty billion quid buys you some concessions from the EU.
There is little doubt that the BREXIT shambles presently inflicted upon the nation by Mrs May's government is greatly of her making but also in no small measure through the utter incompetence of David Davis and Boris Johnson.
Rarely has the country been so ill served by a government in peace time.
As for the £40bn. It buys us very little. The EU holds all the aces. We have no cards that the EU does not hold a card of higher value and that will remain the case whomsoever the Queen appoints as Prime Minister.
Correct but we must not forget the role played by D Cameron in all this. Even if May had the wisdom of. Solomon and the leadership skills of Moses - which she patently does not - it would have been very hard for her to piece together the shattered fragments of the the party and the country so casually destroyed by Cameron.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
They use it to clean toilets and to disinfect piss in swimming pools.
If anyone wants to pretend it's 2003, Federer and Serena Williams are crushing all opposition at Wimbledon.
It's a shame noone has been able to really consistently challenge Williams seriously in a H2H situation, it's one of the reasons Federer has the greater legacy - it's astonishing that Nadal and Djokovic have been around at the same time as him, the women's equivalent would have been something like Billy Jean King and Navratilova.
Might be an error, but I've redded out Mayxit 2018 (For a loss of £40). Also laid Corbyn to zero for next PM - he's still 6.6 to lay in that market - surely surely May will go before the next GE now.
I'm heavily red on both Jeremy Corbyn and Jacob Rees-Mogg for next Prime Minister. I'm happy enough with that as of right now.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
The chlorine wash is to remove campylobacter and salmonella.
And yet the hospitals are notably empty of those suffering from it.
You have to refrigerate American eggs because they put them through a chlorine bath. This is mandatory, and yet it removes the impermeable layer that eggs naturally have and which means that eggs in all *our* supermarkets are happily stored at room temperature.
Americans do a lot of questionable stuff to food because of rules that are basically nonsense.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
Not so much husbandry as slaughterhouse practice. There is a lot of faecal contamination because of the rate of slaughter lines in the USA. Coordination is to kill off surface contamination, so that microbiological tests are passed. It does not deal with deeper contamination.
One of the good things about May's proposal is that the EU will continue to regulate our food standards.
Although (as Nick I am sure will confirm) British animal welfare standards are higher than in the EU
Reaminers love Theresa's Chequers deal. Tells you exactly why Leavers (who won the referendum and with who May owe's her job to) are currently pulling the plug on her government.
Mr. Pulpstar, aye. Federer's record is an order of magnitude more impressive than Serena Williams'. She's very good, but who's her rival? She has a crushingly strong record against Sharapova. Henin and Clijsters retired fairly early, I think, into Williams' career.
Federer's been there with Nadal, Djokovic and Murray. Before them Roddick (no mean player) was perhaps his greatest challenger.
I hope whichever leaver becomes PM (and I reckon it will be a leaver) gets the same shitty 'loyalty' they've shown May. It's all they deserve; some of them have helped bring down three Conservative PMs over Europe.
The disloyal cannot expect loyalty.
And where does this all end up? A Corbyn government ...
Bone getting to the point - May is betraying the bulk of her party and this will have a devastating impact on Tory campaigning and electoral enthusiasm
One way May could get no confidenced is if Leavers agree with Remainers in advance of the vote to annoint Javid. He's the only person I can think of at the moment who's possibly acceptable to both sides
I hope whichever leaver becomes PM (and I reckon it will be a leaver) gets the same shitty 'loyalty' they've shown May. It's all they deserve; some of them have helped bring down three Conservative PMs over Europe.
The disloyal cannot expect loyalty.
And where does this all end up? A Corbyn government ...
That being the same Corbyn who was utterly disloyal to Kinnock, Blair, Brown and Ed Miliband you mean and most of whose backbenchers are utterly disloyal to him?
Pretty average I thought Chuka Umuna spoke immediately after the news came through and he was career destroying. Think Robin Cook. Corbyn's problem is that his history on Brexit is so mixed that all the 'killer' lines made him look like a hypocrite
If May asks a Leave minister to take over as Foreign Sec and they decline, she knows they are going to resign from their current post shortly.
All very awkward given we now know she announces people's resignations for them when they provide courtesy forward notice to allow for an exchange of letters.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Leave voters = people you don't understand
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
I understand that each Leave voter is an individual. As you make clear.
We were all promised a Leave with no downsides. All warnings to the contrary were dismissed as Project Fear. Some of us - on both sides of the divide - chose not to believe what the Leave elite were saying.
on that basis" we" were promised a deep recession, 5 million unemployed and huge tax rises.
all statements to the contrary were dismissed a pipedream optimism
I really don't see what ramping old mistruths from either side adds to the overall well being of the site.
This is my argument every time and I supported remain, but believe we should respect the vote.
Leave told lies / Remain told lies Leave was not transparent on funding / Remain not transparent on funding Leave didn’t do enough work to develop Brexit / RemAin (Cameron) didn’t let them or give the civil servants to do it
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Leave voters = people you don't understand
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
I understand that each Leave voter is an individual. As you make clear.
We were all promised a Leave with no downsides. All warnings to the contrary were dismissed as Project Fear. Some of us - on both sides of the divide - chose not to believe what the Leave elite were saying.
on that basis" we" were promised a deep recession, 5 million unemployed and huge tax rises.
all statements to the contrary were dismissed a pipedream optimism
I really don't see what ramping old mistruths from either side adds to the overall well being of the site.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
Not so much husbandry as slaughterhouse practice. There is a lot of faecal contamination because of the rate of slaughter lines in the USA. Coordination is to kill off surface contamination, so that microbiological tests are passed. It does not deal with deeper contamination.
One of the good things about May's proposal is that the EU will continue to regulate our food standards.
Although (as Nick I am sure will confirm) British animal welfare standards are higher than in the EU
No problem with UK ones being higher, the objection is allowing in lower standards US chicken.
Peter Bone getting shouted at by conservatives on the green benches
Maybe an indication that May has the support she needs
Maybe an indication that the one achievement of her premiership so far has been to plunge her own party into a self-destructive clusterfuck that nobody, least of all her, can see a way out of.
I hope whichever leaver becomes PM (and I reckon it will be a leaver) gets the same shitty 'loyalty' they've shown May. It's all they deserve; some of them have helped bring down three Conservative PMs over Europe.
The disloyal cannot expect loyalty.
And where does this all end up? A Corbyn government ...
Theresa May was threatening her Cabinet with humiliation in order to force them to agree to her deal on Friday...
I hope whichever leaver becomes PM (and I reckon it will be a leaver) gets the same shitty 'loyalty' they've shown May. It's all they deserve; some of them have helped bring down three Conservative PMs over Europe.
The disloyal cannot expect loyalty.
And where does this all end up? A Corbyn government ...
It works both ways. May should have treated them with more respect - see Chequers for example: phones confiscated, taxis for resignees, papers shared with Berlin before the cabinet etc.
Mr. Maaaarsh, a good point. She gets a small advantage now, but it's petty and means she won't find out, probably, in future until the deed is done. Short term advantage for long term loss. The Way of May.
May has mis-managed to lose her Head of Brexit and her Head of Foreign Relatons. That demonstrates a monumental fuck-up in her handling of Brexit.
She is overseeing the biggest humiliation in British standing since Suez.
For God's sake woman, forty billion quid buys you some concessions from the EU.
There is little doubt that the BREXIT shambles presently inflicted upon the nation by Mrs May's government is greatly of her making but also in no small measure through the utter incompetence of David Davis and Boris Johnson.
Rarely has the country been so ill served by a government in peace time.
As for the £40bn. It buys us very little. The EU holds all the aces. We have no cards that the EU does not hold a card of higher value and that will remain the case whomsoever the Queen appoints as Prime Minister.
Correct but we must not forget the role played by D Cameron in all this. Even if May had the wisdom of. Solomon and the leadership skills of Moses - which she patently does not - it would have been very hard for her to piece together the shattered fragments of the the party and the country so casually destroyed by Cameron.
With the exception of nation building (the Scottish referendum) I utterly abjure the use of national plebiscites. That said David Cameron honoured a manifesto pledge and carried it through.
The voters had a perfect right to throw a "V" at the EU. What the electorate may not have expected was the new Prime Minister calling a completely unnecessary general election, losing her majority and then throwing a "V" back at the nation by her administrations utter shambolic handling of the process.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
Not so much husbandry as slaughterhouse practice. There is a lot of faecal contamination because of the rate of slaughter lines in the USA. Coordination is to kill off surface contamination, so that microbiological tests are passed. It does not deal with deeper contamination.
One of the good things about May's proposal is that the EU will continue to regulate our food standards.
Although (as Nick I am sure will confirm) British animal welfare standards are higher than in the EU
No problem with UK ones being higher, the objection is allowing in lower standards US chicken.
Geez are people still going on about US chicken?
We're continually told how great free trade in the EU is, but for some reason the same with the US is a terrible idea because of their (completely safe to eat) chicken.
I hope whichever leaver becomes PM (and I reckon it will be a leaver) gets the same shitty 'loyalty' they've shown May. It's all they deserve; some of them have helped bring down three Conservative PMs over Europe.
The disloyal cannot expect loyalty.
And where does this all end up? A Corbyn government ...
Theresa May was threatening her Cabinet with humiliation in order to force them to agree to her deal on Friday...
I said it wouldn't end well for her.
Much as I know you're a hardcore leaver and so would wish it to be so, I think you're right.
Rarely has the country been so ill served by a government in peace time.
As for the £40bn. It buys us very little. The EU holds all the aces. We have no cards that the EU does not hold a card of higher value and that will remain the case whomsoever the Queen appoints as Prime Minister.
the trend right across Europe is towards more processed food not less. Being in the EU didn't stop big corporations adding donkey meat to lasagne or using chemically tainted eggs in mayonnaise. If you are really that concerned about health, chlorine wash is the least of your problems.
Start with diesel fumes
The logical conclusion of resigning and the only way surely to overturn Chequers is to send in a letter.
Boris on the backbenches is very dangerous to May.
One of the good things about May's proposal is that the EU will continue to regulate our food standards.
Edit to add: he was no Labour or Palestinian supporter. He just thought she was scum of the earth.
So it's a power game between May and those who want to Leave.
Assuming this administration has another Cabinet meeting.
all statements to the contrary were dismissed a pipedream optimism
I really don't see what ramping old mistruths from either side adds to the overall well being of the site.
Boris may now fancy himself as a British cross between Trump and Berlusconi, a bit more liberal than the former and less pro EU than the latter
Are they still traitors?
Remmber Heseltine. Show loyalty to the PM and let someone else make the challenge. Then step in at the last moment as a challenger.
You have to refrigerate American eggs because they put them through a chlorine bath. This is mandatory, and yet it removes the impermeable layer that eggs naturally have and which means that eggs in all *our* supermarkets are happily stored at room temperature.
Americans do a lot of questionable stuff to food because of rules that are basically nonsense.
Federer's been there with Nadal, Djokovic and Murray. Before them Roddick (no mean player) was perhaps his greatest challenger.
Penny Mordaunt is available with Coral at 66/1
The disloyal cannot expect loyalty.
And where does this all end up? A Corbyn government ...
(I'm too cheap to buy some more.)
And of course he’s bigging up Blair....
Maybe an indication that May has the support she needs
Next Prime Minister
Penny Mordaunt
Next Prime Minister
Odds: 80/1
Total Stake
Total Potential Returns
Ho ho
Theresa May has got to go
Leave told lies / Remain told lies
Leave was not transparent on funding / Remain not transparent on funding
Leave didn’t do enough work to develop Brexit / RemAin (Cameron) didn’t let them or give the civil servants to do it
[Backed her at 81].
Theresa May was threatening her Cabinet with humiliation in order to force them to agree to her deal on Friday...
I said it wouldn't end well for her.
Another indication the Brexiteers are isolated
The voters had a perfect right to throw a "V" at the EU. What the electorate may not have expected was the new Prime Minister calling a completely unnecessary general election, losing her majority and then throwing a "V" back at the nation by her administrations utter shambolic handling of the process.
We're continually told how great free trade in the EU is, but for some reason the same with the US is a terrible idea because of their (completely safe to eat) chicken.