I reckon Boris is going to do one at least one of the following
1) Urge the ousting of Mrs May
2) Quit politics, heard for years that he's missing the £250k a year gig at the Telegraph.
Is that still open though? Are people hanging on the every word of an appalling FS and his latest bollocks?
As a conservative I am ashamed by Boris Johnson's recent actions and we are well rid of him
It's always about the Tory party with some on here,I am beginning to think this party should die off.
The only way the Tories die off is if a more right-wing party replaces them. See the Progressive Conservatives in Canada who from 1993 to 2004 were overtaken by the populist right Reform Party/Alliance until the two eventually merged under future PM Harper to form the Canadian Conservative Party
Fair play to Davis and Boris, at least a couple of the Brexiteers has some balls.
May’s toast. What finished her is the bloody difficult woman tag. I lived through the seventies and eighties, and she ain’t no Maggie Thatcher. May is nothing. The embarrassing way she and her team have tried to,spin her as tough leader over the weekend just brings home to everyone of her MPs that she is not PM materiel, hasn’t been from the moment she got the job. When did she demonstrate any command of detail? Three key elections in three years, what campaigning immpression did she leave on them? What are her core beliefs she returns to to avoid just blowing in the wind on a day to day basis? If you are going to be a bloody difficult woman you have to be bloody good at it, tell a minister they are moving in a reshuffle they move, not tell you otherwise and stay put. You have to Turn up to leader debates and tough grillings, and stamp yourself and your policy on it. If you don’t lead like that, you are not leading at all. Her ministers are unsackable becuase she’s too weak to sack or even control them now. Whatever their persuasion on Brexit, whatever wing of the party they are from, this week the tory MPs will vote on the fact this government needs to negoatiate robustly with the EU now, strong on detail and sense of direction, which they all know they won’t get if May and her Turd Way fudge limps on. For the nations sake They cannot vote negatively this time just to block someone else, they need to crown a PM whose grasp of detail and leadership skills are priministerial standard.
Wishful thinking. How does she 'dump' something she got the cabinet to agree to?
According to David Davis 'by two to three to one'?
She has maintained the support of Gove and Raab, who are two major Leave talents. I don't think it's viable she dumps the Chequers agreement, but she clearly can't give anything further away to the EU. They also need to make sure the grey areas of the plan are robust (e.g. the consequences of not adopting new goods regulations leave long time periods for business to adapt).
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
She keeps saying "agreed by the Cabinet". Given this morning's resignations she has a different definition of "agreed" to most people...
Hacker: You've got to learn to come to heel. You've got to learn to 'co-operate'. Bernard: What do you mean 'co-operate'? Hacker: I mean obey my commands! That's what 'co-operate' means when you're Prime minister.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
Do all the PB Brexiters now see how NI is driving substantially all our proposed EU settlement?
its just a big red herring.
It really isn't.
Trade across the NI border is about 1 day of total UK EU trade. You don't negotiate trade deals on the margins except as counters to eventually concede.
The RoI has no plans for a non-deal and it is now too late for them to do anything, if we go down, they do too. They are a hostage in a negotiation they don't control.
there is one version of the coming days where we get a complete leave / remain realignment of British Politics - this looks like an attempt at a coup to me
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
Never thought I'd say this, but Corbyn doing a good job. Theresa trying to show it's water off a ducks back by permanently laughing in a way which makes her look borderline deranged.
Do all the PB Brexiters now see how NI is driving substantially all our proposed EU settlement?
its just a big red herring.
It really isn't.
Trade across the NI border is about 1 day of total UK EU trade. You don't negotiate trade deals on the margins except as counters to eventually concede.
The RoI has no plans for a non-deal and it is now too late for them to do anything, if we go down, they do too. They are a hostage in a negotiation they don't control.
Alan it is surprising that you of all people fail to understand that the NI border is f*ck all to do with trade.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Leave voters = people you don't understand
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
The only way the Tories die off is if a more right-wing party replaces them. See the Progressive Conservatives in Canada who from 1993 to 2004 were overtaken by the populist right Reform Party/Alliance until the two eventually merged under future PM Harper to form the Canadian Conservative Party
Given the Conservatives have now embraced tax-and-spend, there's room for a pro-business, low taxation, small State, socially liberal Party of the centre-Right.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
I thought that was a spoof post – then I realised you were simply deranged and delusional.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Not by the Remainers they weren't. Remainers assured us that Brexit would be doom and gloom so Remainers arguing now that a hard Brexit is doom and gloom should already be factored in.
Never thought I'd say this, but Corbyn doing a good job. Theresa trying to show it's water off a ducks back by permanently laughing in a way which makes her look borderline deranged.
Now going off the rails trying to claim we'll end up deregulating...if only! This is an awful starting position precisely because we can't diverge.
I honestly have no idea where the Tories go and Brexit goes from here. The fear of Tories and DUP of Corbyn should ensure no GE for years yet so I can only imagine we have a 92-97 style mortally wounded administration clinging on with no effective majority or mandate, god knows what sort of Brexit deal but clearly involving vassalage as we bend over whilst Barnier fucks us over good and proper , and a landslide defeat in 2022 putting the Tories out of power for 20 years if not forever.
That said, I have never entirely rescinded my post referendum comment that I couldn't honestly ever see us leaving regardless of the result. It has to look less likely now than 24 hours ago. (Conversely perhaps its now more likely that we get the softest of all possible Brexit??)
Lest we forget, every day of this sorry saga is down to Cameron and his failure to achieve the meaningful tweaks to our relationship with the EU which would have put the EU issue to bed for good. Useless canute.
Never thought I'd say this, but Corbyn doing a good job. Theresa trying to show it's water off a ducks back by permanently laughing in a way which makes her look borderline deranged.
There is nothing to laugh about here. This is a fiasco of historic proportions.
Brexit is now dead in any meaningful sense. The UK will either withdraw article 50 completely or accept vassal status and stay in all the EU economic structure with no say in the political structure.
Do you welcome that?
I see it as the greatest national humiliation in my lifetime and one of the greatest in British history. Only Munich and the fall of Singapore come close in modern history. And Cameron and May are the guilty ones, though others have to take their (much smaller) share of blame.
May has mis-managed to lose her Head of Brexit and her Head of Foreign Relatons. That demonstrates a monumental fuck-up in her handling of Brexit.
She is overseeing the biggest humiliation in British standing since Suez.
For God's sake woman, forty billion quid buys you some concessions from the EU.
Davis and Johnson were the two biggest buffoons in Cabinet. Fox at least had the self awareness to stay quiet. Last Friday was pretty much set up to force Johnson to flounce. May is to be congratulated for finally getting rid of them.
And where do you get the idea that £40bn over many years is a lot of money for a trillion euro economy? Delusional.
Do all the PB Brexiters now see how NI is driving substantially all our proposed EU settlement?
its just a big red herring.
It really isn't.
Trade across the NI border is about 1 day of total UK EU trade. You don't negotiate trade deals on the margins except as counters to eventually concede.
The RoI has no plans for a non-deal and it is now too late for them to do anything, if we go down, they do too. They are a hostage in a negotiation they don't control.
Alan it is surprising that you of all people fail to understand that the NI border is f*ck all to do with trade.
au contraire it is because I have watched an army of shits who don't give a damn about the place spew out their crocodile tears that I am fully convinced it has all to do with money and very little to do with people.
If it was to do with people then the EU and Irish government would have had the common sense to stop weaponizing a dispute that need time to bed in and work constructively for a workable solution.
cnts and I really do hope this blows up in their face.
LOL. Just replace the sorry rabble with other MPs – what a pathetic shower the Tory Right are. Their childish antics are actually serving to unite people behind the PM. I'm with May here.
Ouch. May really shouldn't have mentioned Corbyn's resignations. That's an own goal. As PM you don't put yourself in the same bracket as the LotO. Very weak.
LOL. Just replace the sorry rabble with other MPs – what a pathetic shower the Tory Right are. Their childish antics are actually serving to unite people behind the PM. I'm with May here.
Never thought I'd say this, but Corbyn doing a good job. Theresa trying to show it's water off a ducks back by permanently laughing in a way which makes her look borderline deranged.
The only way the Tories die off is if a more right-wing party replaces them. See the Progressive Conservatives in Canada who from 1993 to 2004 were overtaken by the populist right Reform Party/Alliance until the two eventually merged under future PM Harper to form the Canadian Conservative Party
Given the Conservatives have now embraced tax-and-spend, there's room for a pro-business, low taxation, small State, socially liberal Party of the centre-Right.
There already is a UK Libertarian Party and at most a libertarian party would get about 10% as with the FDP in Germany.
If the Tories are replaced it will be by a populist right party hard on immigration, as with Lega Nord in Italy who have now overtaken Forza Italia, the Front National in France who beat Les Republicains in the presidential election or the Swedish Democrats in Sweden who have overtaken the Moderates in the polls, or in Poland the Law and Justice Party who overtook the Civic Platform or indeed in Northern Ireland where the DUP overtook the UUP.
In Canada Reform was also the populist right-wing alternative to the PCs
If that's true and no further changes are made, then it's a fairly good deal. I'd be on board for it. Just hope I don't get shipped out to work in Luxembourg or Tallinn with a few, err, dozen others!
I have to say I would be reasonably happy with the plan but the suspicion must be that this is our first flag in the ground, and the EU will roll us back to something unpalatable.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
I wonder if that taxi comment will turn out to be the straw that broke the camels back and ultimately lead to her downfall.
Any Spad who was remotely stupid enough to be publically playing petty politics with "taxis" ahead of the Chequers Brexit summit should have their phone and pass taken away - and never be allowed in a Government building ever again. What twats.
This attack on the Brexiteers from Theresa May (right from Friday's taxi nonsense) is actually an attack on the 17.4m people they are in the Cabinet to represent.
OMG. Just heard Boris has gone. It's all out war now!
The government is collapsing.
No it is not
You must admit it is giving a reasonable impression of so doing.
A cull of the Brexiteers is needed
The Brexiteers are representing 17.4m people who WON the referendum.
No they are not. Few voted to lose their jobs. You are getting carried away. Hard Brexit is over
Wrong, we valued our sovereignty and independence and freedom, and we were prepared to accept the short to medium term hit on our economy , for the long term gains brexit would eventually bring once we have managed to unshackle ourselves from the EU prison and make ourselves competitive in the world again
We = I
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Leave voters = people you don't understand
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
I understand that each Leave voter is an individual. As you make clear.
We were all promised a Leave with no downsides. All warnings to the contrary were dismissed as Project Fear. Some of us - on both sides of the divide - chose not to believe what the Leave elite were saying.
This attack on the Brexiteers from Theresa May (right from Friday's taxi nonsense) is actually an attack on the 17.4m people they are in the Cabinet to represent.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
The chlorine wash is to remove campylobacter and salmonella.
Lest we forget, every day of this sorry saga is down to Cameron and his failure to achieve the meaningful tweaks to our relationship with the EU which would have put the EU issue to bed for good. Useless canute.
Not entirely. The first "problem" was the Referendum itself called by Cameron to stem the defections to UKIP - it worked brilliantly. 2015 delivered a Conservative majority but it left Cameron having to fulfil his pledge which wasn't at the time for an IN/OUT referendum but for a referendum on a renegotiated membership package (where NO meant status quo not leaving).
When he came back from his various perorations round Europe with the sum total of bugger all, he was forced to allow the Referendum to be truly IN/OUT.
Even then, he thought that having won the Scottish Referendum and the 2015 GE his own charisma and popularity would carry team REMAIN home.
So you have opportunism, failure and hubris as all part of the package. The other consequence of this failure was the divisions within the Conservative Party, far from being sealed for a generation by a political masterstroke, were left unresolved and this is one of the periodic eruptions.
I do despair at the level of debate....old Fat head was banging on about chlorinated chicken as the reason why we can't Brexit / do a deal with America.
There are lots of reasons why there are lots of complications, but this nonsense on chlorinated chicken is just bollocks. When he was called on it, that we already have products that are chlorinated, but he said but the public are resistant to it....well you massive muppet, the public simply won't buy it will they.
We coat our kids in chlorine everytime they go swimming. Not sure why it's any worse for chicken?
NEWSFLASH: Man hospitalised after drinking four pints of shampoo. "I don't understand. I wash the kids with this every night."
For crying out loud. It doesn't mean we should wash chicken in it. We should be moving towards less food processing, not more. Well reared free-range chicken doesn't need chlorine on it. The reason they chlorinate chicken is because it is utter shite.
My understanding is that the criticism of chlorine washing isn't about the idea that you might consume chlorine. It's that it's a less effective way of preventing food poisoning
Leave voters were promised no downsides and all the benefits of being an EU member state with none of the negatives.
Bernard: What do you mean 'co-operate'?
Hacker: I mean obey my commands! That's what 'co-operate' means when you're Prime minister.
The RoI has no plans for a non-deal and it is now too late for them to do anything, if we go down, they do too. They are a hostage in a negotiation they don't control.
Brilliant line about bus cuts too.
I voted Leave and was promised nothing of the sort, you just make it up
1m1 minute ago
Germany, INSA poll:
AfD-EFDD: 18% (+1)
SPD-S&D: 17% (-2)
FDP-ALDE: 10% (+1)
Field work: 6/07/18 – 9/07/18
Sample size: 2,061"
She is overseeing the biggest humiliation in British standing since Suez.
For God's sake woman, forty billion quid buys you some concessions from the EU.
At this rate we'll be lucky to have her not sign up to us continuing to pay our full membership fees but without a rebate.
I honestly have no idea where the Tories go and Brexit goes from here. The fear of Tories and DUP of Corbyn should ensure no GE for years yet so I can only imagine we have a 92-97 style mortally wounded administration clinging on with no effective majority or mandate, god knows what sort of Brexit deal but clearly involving vassalage as we bend over whilst Barnier fucks us over good and proper , and a landslide defeat in 2022 putting the Tories out of power for 20 years if not forever.
That said, I have never entirely rescinded my post referendum comment that I couldn't honestly ever see us leaving regardless of the result. It has to look less likely now than 24 hours ago. (Conversely perhaps its now more likely that we get the softest of all possible Brexit??)
Lest we forget, every day of this sorry saga is down to Cameron and his failure to achieve the meaningful tweaks to our relationship with the EU which would have put the EU issue to bed for good. Useless canute.
There is nothing to laugh about here. This is a fiasco of historic proportions.
And where do you get the idea that £40bn over many years is a lot of money for a trillion euro economy? Delusional.
If it was to do with people then the EU and Irish government would have had the common sense to stop weaponizing a dispute that need time to bed in and work constructively for a workable solution.
cnts and I really do hope this blows up in their face.
If the Tories are replaced it will be by a populist right party hard on immigration, as with Lega Nord in Italy who have now overtaken Forza Italia, the Front National in France who beat Les Republicains in the presidential election or the Swedish Democrats in Sweden who have overtaken the Moderates in the polls, or in Poland the Law and Justice Party who overtook the Civic Platform or indeed in Northern Ireland where the DUP overtook the UUP.
In Canada Reform was also the populist right-wing alternative to the PCs
The Right of the Tory party are sounding insane from some of these tweets though, especially that last one by Lucy Fisher.
Mr. Max, Mordaunt would be an excellent choice.
This attack on the Brexiteers from Theresa May (right from Friday's taxi nonsense) is actually an attack on the 17.4m people they are in the Cabinet to represent.
But should the ball come lose from the scrum later this evening etc etc
We were all promised a Leave with no downsides. All warnings to the contrary were dismissed as Project Fear. Some of us - on both sides of the divide - chose not to believe what the Leave elite were saying.
Every single EU state has campylobacter in their chickens.
When he came back from his various perorations round Europe with the sum total of bugger all, he was forced to allow the Referendum to be truly IN/OUT.
Even then, he thought that having won the Scottish Referendum and the 2015 GE his own charisma and popularity would carry team REMAIN home.
So you have opportunism, failure and hubris as all part of the package. The other consequence of this failure was the divisions within the Conservative Party, far from being sealed for a generation by a political masterstroke, were left unresolved and this is one of the periodic eruptions.