politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Fox News poll: Trump’s Republicans facing big set-backs in 2018 mid-terms
Fox News has the Democrats leading by 15 points for 2018 mid-terms Trump's first big electoral test https://t.co/H2f1GtXdbJ
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Not immediately clear that they have much ability at present.
The Republicans can’t seem to agree enough to get stuff done.
Traditionally the Dems have had a poor turnout in the midterms, but that might be different this time. Trump may find it difficult to get much done afterwards. Of course he can still sign his Executive Orders but more substantive stuff may fall by the wayside. He shows little enough inclination to work with Congress already.
3 more years of Trumpism to survivr. On these figures he is not getting re elected.
And if the Dems win the President will declare it as proof of electoral fraud.
Will nobody rid us of the turbulent priest?
As always, I found it hard to answer this kind of binary question. For the majority of them, I thought both options were right.
He could then tell his supporters the reason he's achieved bugger all is because the Dems have kept blocking him.
It would be a lie of course, given even a Republican congress has carefully blocked him on several issues, but that's never stopped him in the past.
Surely if these numbers continue for Trump that's got to increase?
For 2024 it might be significant.
But that's rather irrelevant if the Dems are only considered likely to make three gains!
What makes me laugh is that for all that Trump is a preening self-obsessed paranoid liar, enough voters saw him as the least worst option vs Hillary Clinton. Which is somewhat damning of her...
He is a good tip for the Dems 2020 IMO.
And six months ago there was a serious possibility that Labour might be reduced to around 150 seats.
Politics is crazy. Is the abysmal quality of our politicians - Trump and Clinton being basically similar in crucial respects, and May's weaknesses being exposed by a campaign that played to Corbyn's one strength - anything to do with it? Or is it just delayed reaction from the crash?
Looks like Hunt is trying to blame the councils for some of the coming problems. Leics true blue Nick Rushton doesn't like being made the patsy.
Keeping consumption even at existing levels is proving increasingly difficult as we are seeing with real wages here. The lack of real solutions results in charlatans like Trump and Corbyn getting more of a hearing than they should. After all the alternatives don't seem to have any real ideas either.
Meanwhile on BBC4 a brilliant programme on the Reformation/Cranmer and the Book of Common Prayer.
Oh and Spurs lose. Southam will be even more in the doldrums than usual... if that's possible.
CDU gets lowest poll rating for 5 years
and coalition talks getting heated
We are no longer top dog, with the rest of the world working for us, but we still expect to be.
Merkel will of course eventually form a govt, but she is a much weakened Kanzlerin
If Trump's smart he'll give the UK a fantastic trade deal in return for Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill* going to 'help' the Democrat campaign.
*Think I got her name right...
And that downside is as you point out the EU is completely rudderless. Juncker is a vacuous prima donna, Tusk a nobody, Macron lacks stature and Merkel is is standing on shifting sands.
Bit behind schedule, though.
she has screwed up the last 2 elections - the first by dissing the FDP thus forcing her into a coalition with the main oppostion, and the second by launching the AfD in to Parliament
only coalition politics is letting her remain chancellor
Normally you'd say it was dangerous for a President to be below 40% but T defies normality every day. Even so, I should think if he gets down to 35% he will no longer be able to defy gravity.
and the coalition talks are tough as they always are, but it doesn't sound that critical.
Probably because of the 600th aniiversay of Luther.
The Gunpowder series had several Brexit related phrases - I assume they were deliberate and that I'm not seeing Brexit everywhere.
Ironically though despite all the attacks on him from the establishment wing of the party Trump is actually more popular than the GOP as a whole with an approval rating of 38% in the Fox poll compared to the GOP's rating of 35% for the midterms.
However, an election campaign really isn't the moment to unexpectedly spring controversial ideas on people. Even if they had been correctedly presented, rather than being seized on and twisted round by the opponents, the way to get unpopular but necessary things through is have a long discussion separately from party politics. That way you have a broad agreement that should survive changes of government.
To go after it in an election smacked of complacency in two ways: (1) it (correctly) assumed there was no way Corbyn could win and (2) it wrongly assumed that as a result the Conservatives would be in power for so long nobody would be able to undo their changes later. It wouldn't have gone down well even without the shrill opportunism of Corbyn and Lucas.
So whatever their merits, they were duff campaigners.
Mr. Pong, you don't announce a policy out of the blue with no preparatory work in the middle of an election campaign. Even if the policy's right, the lack of media lines to take and public softening up means it'll get shredded.
Its the strength of German industry and the productivity of the German workforce which gives the country its strength - not the incompetents and lightweights in government.
Making a decision some people dislike is only grounds for death threats if you're completely bloody demented. Some people are off their rockers. *sighs*
I'm not sure whether that's a euphemism or not!
The Bundestag will also have a vote on Brexit terms in all likelihood and it is now far more pro UK than it was before with a significant number of pro Brexit AfD representatives and pro City of London FDP representatives.
The kippers took the bait.
The manifesto pivot almost worked.
But academic malpractice and Lefty campus bias are red herrings in this debate. The Eurosceptic Right is throwing a tantrum because reality is refusing to come quietly and stop making a fuss. They don’t want ‘bias free’ lectures or objective teaching materials. They want a safe space for themselves, where their Brexit fantasies go unchallenged by awkward facts.
Trump would probably sign any bill if he thought it would make him look good.
Rename the Affordable Cate act Trump Care - bung a bit more money in to reduce premiums and job done.
Soon it will be 18 months since the referendum and we’re not through phase one. We’re arguing about how long a transitional arrangement will last, which will take us to a final agreement we haven’t even articulated.
For a thwarted Leaver there are broadly two explanations for this failure: we were wrong about all that, or we were robbed.
We need investment on a significant scale. Big cash-hoarding corporates need to be persuaded of the fact via taxation, and the state investing where the private sector won't. We can restore the balance sheet by gaining higher tax revenues by expanding the economy, doesn't always have to be from the cuts side. A city more interested in long term prosperity and less in quarterly profits and hostile M&A does everyone favour
World's Largest Ro-Ro Ferry to Be Introduced on Dublin Routes Linking Mainland Europe
The simple reality is that we are spending more than we're earning at every level and somehow that has got to be reversed. It's not going to be easy or pleasant, however.
No, I'm not seeking out 'name' bets. I really do think it is value at 12/1, and just thought you might be amused by the coincidence.
There’s probably a million infrastructure jobs directly created by the tax money, plus numerous more from some of America’s largest companies being able to invest domestically in R&D and production.
If Trump can’t get this through, he’s the proverbial cooked bread in 2020 - but if he does get it through his odds of re-election are considerably higher than we’re all thinking now.
I'm expecting lots of Kadets and Black Hundreds...
And now I'm thinking of the Bloodhound piloted by Maldonado
She screwed up on air pollution, nuclear energy, migration, Greece and lied about her banks.
And it’s all funded by donations. From just £15 you can have your name written on the fin of the car, makes a great Christmas or birthday present for the person who has everything or you don’t know what to buy. http://www.bloodhoundssc.com/support-us
Verstappen's reinvigorated interest in the sport and already has a large fanbase, but the problem with fans is that some of them are fanboys. A while ago a CoD developer got death threats (as did his family) because he altered the reload times on guns to try and balance the game better. On the internet, the empty-headed make a lot of noise.
Compared with policing, calling an unnecessary election, immigration, cabinet-making (not the woodwork sort, obviously,) and nuclear energy.
The short answer to this race is 'yes'.
Here is the working.