It would take three parties working together to out vote the Tories from that, which would be insane to get working. This is why I support a change to FPTP.
Right, now I've calmed down a bit - this has to mean large numbers of wins in Scotland for Labour - some of these must be very very close given the huge SNP majorities, so I can see it changing by 10 or so.
Right, now I've calmed down a bit - this has to mean large numbers of wins in Scotland for Labour - some of these must be very very close given the huge SNP majorities, so I can see it changing by 10 or so.
Mmm. But SNP-Lab results wouldn't change the anti-Tory outcome.
The exit polls may not be all they're cracked up to be. In Tory Pembrokeshire they are taking the exit poll in Milford the most Labour part. If that's happening elsewhere my investments are still safe.
Horrendous exit poll. Last two have been very accurate (not perfect but close).
I think I'll stay up until the first couple of seats, see how the swings look.
The weirdest aspect is Scotland. If the SNP are down to 34 (itself rather surprising me) is that mostly losses to Labour? If the Scottish Conservatives *have* made gains, then in England it must be dire to go backwards. Say 8 SCon seats. To go down 12 overall means losing 20 (net) in England/Wales to Labour.
Should have done the debates, and not written her own manifesto.
Kippers must have gone red as much as blue.
I am relieved as the likely outcome is a new conservative leader with a lib dem input accepting 1% tax rise for NHS and a softer Brexit all of which is acceptable to me
Right, now I've calmed down a bit - this has to mean large numbers of wins in Scotland for Labour - some of these must be very very close given the huge SNP majorities, so I can see it changing by 10 or so.
Mmm. But SNP-Lab results wouldn't change the anti-Tory outcome.
No it wouldn't, although let us not get too carried away with that - unless it is very wrong, the Tories are still the most popular party.
Theresa May one of the shortest ever serving PM's?!!!!
They'll start calling her the worse in history. Worse even than Brown. The knives will soon be out for her. What a disaster.
Comparing May to Brown would be an insult to Brown.
That's true, and as much as I dislike Brown, I appologise. And to think, CON were crowing that they were brave enough to call an election when he wasn't. I bet May wishes she'd never have walked up that Welsh mountain.
Glad I backed them in clydeside
How can May hope to govern though....?
This is why I support a change to FPTP.
Bring on the Coalition of Chaos!
Can't see it myself.
Con on 350 my revised projection.
Hard Brexit gone, new Conservative leader and coalition mark 2 with lib dems
She deserved this though. Arrogant, evasive, authoritarian. Horrid campaign.
May out by breakfast?
I told you she was crap.
Should have done the debates, and not written her own manifesto.
Kippers must have gone red as much as blue.
I think I'll stay up until the first couple of seats, see how the swings look.
The weirdest aspect is Scotland. If the SNP are down to 34 (itself rather surprising me) is that mostly losses to Labour? If the Scottish Conservatives *have* made gains, then in England it must be dire to go backwards. Say 8 SCon seats. To go down 12 overall means losing 20 (net) in England/Wales to Labour.
Another election in three months.
76 too close to call means a Lab-SNP coalition could be viable. Or May might increase her majority.