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  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    The real damage was done to Kezia Dugdale, a round directly to the foot. The First Minister revealed that after the EU referendum Miss Dugdale confided in her that Scottish Labour might ditch its opposition to independence. The Labour leader mugged and gasped but didn’t explicitly, definitively deny the allegation. If Miss Dugdale did say it, it was rank amateurism but it also tells you something about the character of Nicola Sturgeon that she would disclose a private phone conversation on a television broadcast. Class, unlike her slinky shoes, comes cheap.
  • TGOHFTGOHF Posts: 21,633

    Here is my prediction:

    None of May, Corbyn, Nuttall and Farron will lead their party into the next GE.

    You can all laugh at me in 2022 (or maybe this autumn).

    Nor Sturgeon .
  • pbr2013pbr2013 Posts: 649

    pbr2013 said:

    Cyan said:

    Cyan said:

    Tories of course will "explain", from their colonialist supposed understanding of the "swarthy mind", that aktchewally the jihadist murderers were operating wholly within "Muslim culture", albeit in an "extreme" part of it, in the hope of pronging more "virgins" than a Tory "financial services provider" on a jolly in Riyadh could get through in a month.

    Link? Or just feeble trolling?
    Several Tory commenters here have "explained" that jihadists are in fact "extreme" Muslims and that the core problem is the character or present character of Islam. I am willing to concede that not all Tories think that way, but many certainly do.
    You are not really up to date with current debates about the extent to which ISIS and the like represent a "real" strand of Islam are you?
    Last nite I watched The Jihadis Next Door.

    It is a fascinating programme and I strongly recommend it. If you cannot find the time, just take it from me they do not represent a 'real' strand of Islam. In fact one of the biggest takeaways from the programme is the hostility towards them from real Muslims, and their rejection by the Muslim community as a whole.

    In fact we non-Muslims could learn a lot from the way real Muslims treat them. We are inclined to placate and pussyfoot around. Real Muslims smack into them head on, quite literally in some cases. Perhaps they are less inhibited by PC, but we could help more anyway by following their example and definitely by giving them greater credit for the efforts to confront them.
    Did you watch Tom Holland's recent documentary? And take on board the recent stat about 23k jihadi exrremists on MI5's radar - 1% of the muslim population right there. Oh, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has a PhD in islamic studies from Baghdad University. He may take a different view to you and, with respect, know more about islamic theology than you.
  • pbr2013pbr2013 Posts: 649

    DavidL said:

    Pulpstar said:

    AndyJS said:

    Does anyone think Cities of London & Westminster (Con maj 26.7%) is a "toss up"? YouGov's election model does.

    It might be, some people there are rich enough to vote for Labour's madness I guess.
    (snip}...nd which harbours a number of close advisers from various Stalinist and other Communist political cultures, could easily be removed from office by electoral defeat in 2022 if it won tomorrow?

    Just as a matter of interest, why does anyone assume that would happen?
    Because this is Britain. We would even survive Corbyn. Poorer, more ragged and divided perhaps but we would survive.
    I'm not so sure. We have lately heard demands, for the first time in my experience, that old people should be disenfranchised because they voted for Brexit and won't live to see the consequences.

    McDonnell calls for riots whenever something he disapproves of occurs. Corbyn admires Venezuela and thugs generally. Why would he not use a majority to abolish general elections?

    Nothing in Kinnock's or Brown's past suggested that they'd contemplate this. But Corbyn's? Really? He'd relinquish power just like that?
    What support did you give Kinnock or Brown, Alice? Or Blair or Miliband for that matter.

    I'm a Centreist, you see, and I need to understand why the centre in British politics has collapsed. My recollection is that the Conservative Party and most of its supporters were every bit as vituperative towards them as they are now towards Corbyn.
    Indeed so. There is a whole load of pious rubbish written about this, from our Tory friends. Now Corbyn might 'deserve' what he's getting from Crosby/Murdoch/Dacre etc. But were he not in charge, they would sling the mud regardless. Remember the London mayoral campaign? The attacks on Khan were disgusting. Remember the Daily Mail featuring a picture of Ralph Miliband's grave? The idea that the nasty rightwing press and the odious Crosby would let up in the face of a moderate Labour leader simply isn't borne out by the reality of past races.
    Yes, that is certainly the case with the Press. You kind of expect something a bit better on though.

    I notice I haven't had a reply from Alice, the lady I addressed. Or indeed from any any regular Conservative poster.
    I cannot really improve on @yokal's charecterisation of the loathesome creature.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    New thread....
  • Test

    New poll update. In my model, 98% turnout for 18-24 year olds electrified by Corbyn and 60% turnout for over 65’s losing faith in May. #GE17

    — CorbynFan (@CorbynSuperFan) 30 May 2017
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