politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » TMay’s much repeated assertion that Corbyn becomes PM if CON loses 6 seats doesn’t stand up to scrutiny
@MSmithsonPB IF she lost 6 seats, AND Sinn Fein took its seats AND DUP, UUP & Sylvia Hermon backed Corbyn, he STILL cdn't become PM because @JWoodcockMP
Read the full story here
We are still going to win!
We don't us JCorbyn or TFarron. What is wrong is Mrs May, or even just May? Am I missing something
'May may call a May election'
They still might if Corbyn's Army of the Bribed don't turn up, and even if they do, is there any efficiency in their vote? I say not.
Their lack of support was precisely because they thought he'd probably cost them their seats. A vote for Labour this time round is a vote for Corbyn, @Southam_Observer realises this; hopefully others will too.
I know I'm being pedantic - but it scans awfully...
That's what you Leavers kept on telling us.
I believe Labour will win the seat, but that Mulholland will not suffer a massive loss as you are suggesting (?). The initial premise of this was that Otley was a natural Tory area. That is only true as a notion. In 2015 a lot of Tories held their noses to vote LD. The greater the threat of a Labour win, the more likely that will be - I just don't think it will be quite enough this time compared to the Labour increase.
I remember the good old days when a Tory election disaster was when the PM forgot which football team he supported.
The SNP, SDLP and Greens would certainly support Corbyn
The Shinners have already said last time that there are scenarios where they would be open to voting in a confidence motion
Leanne Wood would have Plaid vote Corbyn
The Lib Dems could be bought every time for PR
Agree the Ulster Unionists would be uphill for Corbyn, but more money and power for the NI Assembly could help them along.
Got a job on a free-sheet I heard?
As for the month context is your friend there.
Honestly for anyone who can read and write English properly I see no reason for confusion.
2) Literally I'm not Mrs May's Christmas card list, I used to get one from her predecessor
3) I'm recklessly honest, which gets me in trouble
Hint: I don't go to the gym.
Find me a report from 2015 where Sir Lynton Crosby criticises the Tory campaign like has done today with the 2017 campaign.
Just imagine that nightmarish coalition. Held together by a 68 year old man who failed his A levels and doffs his cap to terrorists. Jesus wept.
We've used EdM in the past, BoJo etc for brevity in URLs and headlines shortness.
Side note: Radiohead are called Radiohead (after the Talking Heads song) because they used to be called On A Friday and people kept showing up to their gigs on fridays even when they weren't.
his comments post 2015 were scarcely complimentary and all of this on a background where on current figures May will increase the conservative majority to levels Cameron could never reach and see a revival in Scotland
if Cameron hadnt spent so much time pissing off his own supporters hed have had a landslide in 2015
The Tory set up in the area is weak - they usually have to draft candidates in from elsewhere (Wetherby this time, Skipton previously). Brexit may have changed that through, obviously.
Shoreham-by-Sea residents shocked by arrest of young Libyan training to be a pilot at the local airport:
Absolutely complacency or blind panic.
No. None of it bears thinking about, and none of it chimes with reality.
Not too disimilar from Liverpool fans.
The woman I wanted to run the Tory party. Perhaps had we let the democrat process playout and members had the opportunity to choose their leader, we might have more tories in the party tent.
I already know one person who has switched from UKIP to CON when they voted via postal vote!
Apparently a tiger has escaped from its enclosure
the only people who like her are the press barons who got fed barrage of lies.
The more people that see theresa may the less people like her
The more people that see Jeremy Corbyn the more people like her.
May: may May?
One has raised a children vs one who doesn't want them (she could have adopted)
One voted leave vs one voted remain
One has a personality vs one who doesn't
One has worked in a proper job vs one who has always been a career politician.
Theresa May cannot understand the stresses and strains of having children, doing chores and people who work in this country. Andrea Leadsom should have been elected leader against Theresa May.
Mr. Eagles, you also wanted to leave. Only you wanted to wait 10 years for the EU to integrate more and *then* leave. Do you think things would've been easier then?
Mr. JS, I've backed the blues for 350-374 seats at 7. If they get 375 it'll be like Monaco all over again.
Don't presume before making statements. Your presumption is wrong.
Most people in this country get married and have children and if they can't have children they adopt.
Theresa May will never understand the stresses and strains of raising children. Living in a budget, sharing equally so all the children can have things to look forward, going on holiday and one of the kids gets ill. The sleepless nights, the worrying, the nights spent helping the kids with homework, teaching them to drive on a quiet road and worry about the next girlfriend/boyfriend they will bring home.
She's a total disaster and the only people that like her are the hacks, she has zero personality, zero charisma and everything is wooden and scripted.
She's the career politician.
"Most people in this country get married and have children and if they can't have children they adopt."
I don't know Andrea but I do know a lot of people with a similar role which is fairly marginal in the scheme of things
What utter shit.
Her career as a politician was more important. There are lots of men and women that don't enjoy sex and theresa may doesn't look like the kind of person who is up for it. And last time I checked if your not up for sex you can't get pregnant.
It really isn't that great a preparation for being Prime Minister.