If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well etc.
I feel sorry for all those Tory candidates who have been selling this policy on the doorstep for the past few days and now look like chumps at best.
Nick Timothy's reputation is now lower than crocodile piss, which means Mrs May's government won't function well post election. She might have to sack him.
Who is her Willie? Who's going to sit her down, and explain that she can't run a government the way she ran the Home Office? So that she listens?
Can't think of anyone, tbh. That's troubling.
As an aside, though, is anyone else feeling nostalgic for The Thick of It right now? One can just imagine Malcolm Tucker on current events...
Hague would be ideal but he's writing books in deepest mid Wales.
Still much more of this and it will be irrelevant two weeks Friday.
Actually, I did wonder whether Hague leaving in 2015 was to do with the promise of a referendum. He, better than anyone else, would have been a fantastic reserve PM in case of anything happening to the Tory party.
But then he took a peerage - damn.
He could still serve as her Willie. Indeed, Whitelaw took a peerage during his time in government. Time to return the Lord Chancellor to the Lords?
I don't think Whitelaw was ever Lord Chancellor.
Curse Blair for his constitutional vandalism, it was worse than his Iraq mistake.
But his lack of knowledge of the law isn't surprising considering he did Jurisprudence at Oxford
No, but Whitelaw was Leader of the Lords: the point being that he could still serve as Maggie's deputy while sitting in the Upper House.
Actually, I think that splitting up the Lord Chancellor's role did have good merit to it (though trying to abolish it altogether was wrong). I quite like many parliamentary anachronisms, which often serve subtle purposes or at least provide a sense of continuity. This didn't: judges shouldn't sit in the government, and nor should the equivalent of the Speaker of a House.
But I used to enjoy telling Americans that the Lord Chancellor was the equivalent of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Speaker of the House and the Vice President all rolled into one...
I'm not sticking up for May here (I'm no fan) but what is the actual u-turn?
I heard her say earlier that the £100k cut-off still stands?
I don't know but I assume there will be a maximum amount that any one person has to pay for care, in addition to the £100k cut-off. For instance if you have a house worth £600k you won't have to pay the whole £500k difference.
Yeah, my guess is that they are intending to resurrect the cap from Dilnot, probably at a higher level than he proposed, shunt it off as many years into the future as they think they can get away with, and then endeavour to dodge all questions about how much it would cost or where the money is coming from by saying 'wait for the Green Paper'.
Which, after all, is the same kicking of the can down the road that the Coalition did, and Dave & George did and New Labour did,
I suspect only when the social care system has completely collapsed will the public realiser that it needs some more money to run it.
So why, for such an important policy, did they not properly cost it, think through its presentation, work out how it might be attacked, and agree the cabinet line in defending it in the media - as opposed to doing none of the above, and sending out a poorly prepared Damian Green.... and then witter on about having to work out the "fine details" ?
This was back of a fag packet stuff.
The sensible thing would have been to float it some months ago to test reaction.
I bet Theresa May wishes she hadn't been so gratuitously unpleasant to George Osborne now.
Nah.. even the Mother Theresa would've given done it the opportunity never mind about our great leader.. There's something uniquely loathesome about George Osborne. It's the one thing I can agree on with my Tory friends.
Hmm... What does this mean? I know in films it's normally guilty as hell - but do any lawyers want to offer a view on why you might refuse this?
Could be any number of reasons. Given the extent of prosecutorial zeal in the US, availing oneself of constitutional protections is a sensible thing to do, even if you're as pure as the driven snow. (Which I seriously doubt Flynn is.)
Problem with Corbyn and his apologists now attempting to airbrush his past associations, and everything he is recorded to have said and done.
Did you watch the video?
Hard to disagree with anything he says to be honest. Tells his supporters not to boo a journalist, praises the unionists and republicans for making peace, condemns all violence by all sides...
The worrying thing for me is that the logic of the conservative attacks might be to unpick the good Friday Agreement. Just at the time when Brexit is going to need some deft handling in Northern Ireland.
Yes, and at a time when Stormont has recently been unable to form a powersharing government and with the Irish border being a central Brexit issue.
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
Yep,if this policy gets a full blown media showing ,she will lose thousands more voters.
What on earth made her include this in her manifesto ? So she is on the side of the poachers ? It sounds like that.
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
There is no repeal of the ivory ban in the Tory manifesto...
Bollocks. The manifesto simply fails to mention the 2015 pledge. How does that equate to a 'repeal'?!
Hope your right but mistake not repeating the pledge.
Why pledge to implement a ban already implemented? Should we pledge to ban cockfighting?
Since the ban has now been implemented it would need repealing, which would need a mention if you intended to do that and there is no mention of repeal.
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
There is no repeal of the ivory ban in the Tory manifesto...
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
Yep,if this policy gets a full blown media showing ,she will lose thousands more voters.
What on earth made her include this in her manifesto ? So she is on the side of the poachers ? It sounds like that.
It's BS a repeal of the ban is not in her manifesto.
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
Yep,if this policy gets a full blown media showing ,she will lose thousands more voters.
What on earth made her include this in her manifesto ? So she is on the side of the poachers ? It sounds like that.
Isn't that far too short ? After all, we still think the Tories will win comfortably.
Don't you mean too long? If so, I agree. I think it is good value. A 7% return in 17 days. The chance of Labour actually getting more seats than the Tories must be 100/1 against.
If you enter 47/33/9/4/2 and also tick the Scottish box and put in 43/29/19
the majority is 92. Tories 371, Labour 204, SNP 49, LD 5, PC 3, NI 18
Yes, I thought there was something a bit wrong there - not quite Abbotesque but not exactly Carol Vorderman either.
Fisher had Labour on 178 before the recent run of better polls for them so you would have expected some uplift since. Of course I'm aware that now there has been a U-Turn it's as if nothing ever happened and we all need to calibrate our estimates back to the time before the unfortunate manifesto error happened, but to Baxter on current polling numbers rather than those which will appear soon now that normality has been restored must produce something like your figures above, surely?
Actually, when I entered the national figures only, I also saw 134. However, in the 4th column, Pred. Votes, the 47/33/9/4/2 was not coming up. It became 44.8, 31.4, 8.6....
It was then I realised something may not be correct.
I reckon that your George is deliberately swerving any involvement in Brexit. He can carp from the side lines and, if he seems an opportunity, re-enter Parliament in 2022 to lead a triumphant charge for #10...
Nah, I reckon his strategy is to go for the London Mayor job when Khan quits to fight a safe seat in order to "rescue" Labour post-Corbyn.
Not that I think Corbyn is in any immediate danger but I can see him quitting in a year or so.
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
There is no repeal of the ivory ban in the Tory manifesto...
The repeal of the ivory ban is another completely ludicrous entry in the Tory hamifesto. Now May has a high-profile anti-ivory campaigner in the form of Kevin Pietersen on her ass. It looks like a joke, but it could actually cause her some more problems (and the policy is clearly morally wrong – why FFS?)
There is no repeal of the ivory ban in the Tory manifesto...
Isn't that far too short ? After all, we still think the Tories will win comfortably.
Don't you mean too long? If so, I agree. I think it is good value. A 7% return in 17 days. The chance of Labour actually getting more seats than the Tories must be 100/1 against.
Sorry ! You are right. Sometimes, they seem to give away free money. Of course, the odds should reflect what the punters have put in. Even then, it does seem to make sense.
Hmm... What does this mean? I know in films it's normally guilty as hell - but do any lawyers want to offer a view on why you might refuse this?
It might be a condition of his alleged immunity deal with the Feds.
That's interesting. In that case it's surely a deal to get Trump? He's the only bigger scalp.
My hunch is Trump used surrogates. Of course, it wouldn't save him if Flynn or, heavens, Jared becomes a turncoat.
Is there a market for Pence pardoning Trump ?
Before we get carried away on the Trump impeachment market, remember Contragate where Ollie North was granted immunity and then claimed sole responsibility for everything since the assassination of Abe Lincoln, neatly protecting everyone else including the White House.
Hmm... What does this mean? I know in films it's normally guilty as hell - but do any lawyers want to offer a view on why you might refuse this?
It might be a condition of his alleged immunity deal with the Feds.
That's interesting. In that case it's surely a deal to get Trump? He's the only bigger scalp.
My hunch is Trump used surrogates. Of course, it wouldn't save him if Flynn or, heavens, Jared becomes a turncoat.
Is there a market for Pence pardoning Trump ?
Before we get carried away on the Trump impeachment market, remember Contragate where Ollie North was granted immunity and then claimed sole responsibility for everything since the assassination of Abe Lincoln, neatly protecting everyone else including the White House.
But didn't he go to prison for that ? In any case, this is about RUSSIA.
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
So,if I've missed anything please excuse me. Since becoming PM Mrs May and advisors have given us.. 1 A vague promise to introduce grammar schools that the education sec didn't know about. 2 A bodged NI rise that she had to rapidly reverse and in doing so chuck the chancellor under a bus. 3 Some waffle about repealing the fox hunting ban. 4 A rehashed Labour energy policy 5 A poorly presented social care policy that has sent half her party and supporters into fits. And that she has rapidly reversed. 6 Promised us a red white and blue Brexit. 7 Given hope to big game hunters the world over that the UK is open for business.
With respect to the cost of, and funding for, dementia care does anyone know what happens to long-term prisoners who develop dementia? Beyond how the prisons cope, AIUI the cost of imprisonment is already quite high, so does dementia add much to that cost per head?
Is it just my imagination but I haven't seen any real scrutiny of Labour's policies by the media. They have now scrapped tuition fees from September, this from the party that introduced them. Now that is a U-TURN.
Most of the print media may be to the right, but the broadcast media is overwhelmingly to the right, therefore, the more powerful.
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Am I wrong?
It wasn't corbyn and labour who put the full spotlight on May and the tories,it was the own goal tory manifesto.
Like I mentioned yesterday,any decent tory party should be ripping the labour manifesto to pieces by now.
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Am I wrong?
They wouldn't have any chance if the Tories weren't an utter shambles.
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Am I wrong?
It wasn't corbyn and labour who put the full spotlight on May and the tories,it was the own goal tory manifesto.
Like I mentioned yesterday,any decent tory party should be ripping the labour manifesto to pieces by now.
Yes, I know, but I wasn't referring to the Tory manifesto. I'm talking about the mindset of the Corbynistas and how far they will go in order to get Corbyn into number 10. I think they would consider overt criminality if they seriously thought they could do it.
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Am I wrong?
It wasn't corbyn and labour who put the full spotlight on May and the tories,it was the own goal tory manifesto.
Like I mentioned yesterday,any decent tory party should be ripping the labour manifesto to pieces by now.
Yes, I know, but I wasn't referring to the Tory manifesto. I'm talking about the mindset of the Corbynistas and how far they will go in order to get Corbyn into number 10. I think they would consider overt criminality if they seriously thought they could do it.
Given that I have a postal vote (due tomorrow) I've just got my election leaflets from Theresa and Labour.
The above is explicit as NO mention of the Conservative party can be found on the message from Theresa May Prime Minister.
The labour one covers localish issues with a claim they will fight NHS and Education cuts. No details on how they will do that though... And the NHS issues are currently being increased by local government idiocy - who stated we need A&E as traffic is a nightmare in rush hours - ignoring the fact we are the A&E department for a lot of the Yorkshire Dales who have to battle the same traffic to get people to A&E...
Trying to understand the mindset of Corbyn and his demented followers. In their eyes, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to overthrow the system they say is 'rigged' against them.
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Am I wrong?
It wasn't corbyn and labour who put the full spotlight on May and the tories,it was the own goal tory manifesto.
Like I mentioned yesterday,any decent tory party should be ripping the labour manifesto to pieces by now.
Yes, I know, but I wasn't referring to the Tory manifesto. I'm talking about the mindset of the Corbynistas and how far they will go in order to get Corbyn into number 10. I think they would consider overt criminality if they seriously thought they could do it.
Not more expenses overspending?
I think they'd go a lot further than that if they could.
With respect to the cost of, and funding for, dementia care does anyone know what happens to long-term prisoners who develop dementia? Beyond how the prisons cope, AIUI the cost of imprisonment is already quite high, so does dementia add much to that cost per head?
Re Welsh Poll - how many respondents realise the social care row is only for England healt etc devolved and could there be a slight sympathy vote for Labour following the death of popuar first minster
Re Welsh Poll - how many respondents realise the social care row is only for England healt etc devolved and could there be a slight sympathy vote for Labour following the death of popuar first minster
Isn't that far too short ? After all, we still think the Tories will win comfortably.
Don't you mean too long? If so, I agree. I think it is good value. A 7% return in 17 days. The chance of Labour actually getting more seats than the Tories must be 100/1 against.
Sorry ! You are right. Sometimes, they seem to give away free money. Of course, the odds should reflect what the punters have put in. Even then, it does seem to make sense.
How is Richmond going ?
Still 50/50 in my opinion. Good vibes on the door step and a phenomenal increase in Lib Dem members and activists, particularly young people. But the turnout will be about 15,000 more than in the by election and many of these will be Tories. UKIP are standing this time and may siphon a couple of thousand off Zac. Literally piles of literature - mainly LibDem with some Tory and no Labour or UKIP.
I'm off canvassing in Castelnau with Sarah in 45 minutes on this gloriously warm sunny afternoon. I feel very positive. Optimistic but not confident.
We have a party pushing for Government with a leader that it's own MPs overwhelmingly think is not even up to the job of being their leader.... it certainly is a character thing.
We have a party pushing for Government with a leader that its own MPs overwhelmingly think is not even up to the job of being their leader.... it certainly is a character thing.
Very honest of you to describe the Tory Party like that Scrapheap!
Our new poll was also conducted in the aftermath of the ITV Welsh Leaders’ debate, while much of the fieldwork also occurred in the period after Thursday’s Britain-wide five-party televised debate.
Given the extent of prosecutorial zeal in the US, availing oneself of constitutional protections is a sensible thing to do, even if you're as pure as the driven snow.
(Which I seriously doubt Flynn is.)
Wikipedia is usually the best place to start:
This, while not exactly on point, is pertinent;
Since the ban has now been implemented it would need repealing, which would need a mention if you intended to do that and there is no mention of repeal.
It was then I realised something may not be correct.
Not that I think Corbyn is in any immediate danger but I can see him quitting in a year or so.
In that case it's surely a deal to get Trump? He's the only bigger scalp.
How is Richmond going ?
Is there a market for Pence pardoning Trump ?
The top 4 of 5 policies are actually Tory ones....
So what is to stop them doing everything and anything they possibly can to try and achieve this? Why not sign up to online pollsters en masse to in an attempt to 'game' the polls - granted difficult to do with phone pollsters - or do they have to be registered too?
Why not just be utterly dishonest with the manifesto promises and spend hundreds of billions of pounds that do not exist?
I suggest there is nothing whatsoever they will not try to concoct over the next few weeks to achieve their ultimate aim and bankrupt the capitalist economy (paradoxically wiping out their fantasy promises at the same time).
Am I wrong?
1 A vague promise to introduce grammar schools that the education sec didn't know about.
2 A bodged NI rise that she had to rapidly reverse and in doing so chuck the chancellor under a bus.
3 Some waffle about repealing the fox hunting ban.
4 A rehashed Labour energy policy
5 A poorly presented social care policy that has sent half her party and supporters into fits. And that she has rapidly reversed.
6 Promised us a red white and blue Brexit.
7 Given hope to big game hunters the world over that the UK is open for business.
Quite a portfolio.
Most of the print media may be to the right, but the broadcast media is overwhelmingly to the right, therefore, the more powerful.
Like I mentioned yesterday,any decent tory party should be ripping the labour manifesto to pieces by now.
Labour: 44% (+9)
Tories: 34% (-7)
Plaid: 9% (-2)
Lib Dems: 6% (-1)
UKIP: 5% (+1)
Others: 3% (+1)
The above is explicit as NO mention of the Conservative party can be found on the message from Theresa May Prime Minister.
The labour one covers localish issues with a claim they will fight NHS and Education cuts. No details on how they will do that though... And the NHS issues are currently being increased by local government idiocy - who stated we need A&E as traffic is a nightmare in rush hours - ignoring the fact we are the A&E department for a lot of the Yorkshire Dales who have to battle the same traffic to get people to A&E...
Plaid, Lib Dems down.
The collapse of all the minor parties.
Wait to see the regionals.
Tories Jail your Grannies
I'm off canvassing in Castelnau with Sarah in 45 minutes on this gloriously warm sunny afternoon. I feel very positive. Optimistic but not confident.
We have a party pushing for Government with a leader that it's own MPs overwhelmingly think is not even up to the job of being their leader.... it certainly is a character thing.