Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
Diane Abbott has learned from Trump.
Get your agenda story top of the news.
The plebs will not understand the detail but take away a general impression that Diane Abbott wants more police.
She has got her message over to the people who might vote Labour.
Genius - like Trump.
If serious, I think Trump had advantages that meant a certain level of policy confusion would not undermine the feeling he wanted to create. Being charitable, I am not sure Abbot has those advantages.
If we are happy to do what the EU wants surely we should just confirm that EU citizens currently residing in the UK will keep what they have now: full equality of treatment with UK citizens, outside of certain very limited and defined areas. Both sides have made clear this is a first priority issue, so the UK government would calm a lot of nerves and shut a lot of people up by demonstrating clearly this is all about the EU playing silly buggers.
I said several months ago that we should unilaterally do that and I have been shot down for it regularly. It is the right thing to do and would give us a large wedge of moral high ground in negotiations. It is what is going to happen anyway in the end so we might as well just do it now and reap the benefits.
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She first said that 10,000 cops would cost £300,000, when this was pointed out as being absurd, she said they would cost £80 million; when Ferrari pointed out that this meant the cops would be on £8000 a year, she then said they were going to recruit 25,000 officers, not 10,000.
When again she was pressed on the fact these 10,000 new officers - or 25,000 new officers - were only going to be paid £8000 a year at most, on her figures, she suggested that Labour intended to recruit 250,000 new officers.
When this new figure was questioned, a quarter of a million new policemen and women, she said in actual fact Labour intended to recruit 2000 new officers, and also 250, making 2250.
When asked why she'd said they intended to recruit 250,000 new officers, she then claimed that she'd never said this, despite just saying it on live radio.
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
I was incredibly impressed by Ferrari doing his sums on the fly - obviously I can divide 80m by 10,000, but I have to write the numbers down and cross off the 0s.
If you watch the video, you can see him quietly doing sums on paper, as he lets her waffle on, digging herself deeper.
Expert interviewing.
Can Newnham College, Cambridge explain how Abbott managed to gain entry, let alone graduate.
Cambridge, well, there you are. May went to the other place....
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
Diane Abbott has learned from Trump.
Get your agenda item top of the news by giving them a story to run.
The plebs will not understand the detail but take away a general impression that Diane Abbott wants more police.
She has got her message over to the people who might vote Labour.
Genius - like Trump.
The one takeaway from the Abbott announcement today (the Today one not LBC...) was that 10k more police is the equivalent of one more officer per council ward. Where I live the police cuts and resulting crime/ASB issue has been high profile. Labour will double the current police resource (locally vs current) is massive
Another weekend of canvassing and, although it should be bl**dy obvious, it is increasingly hitting me how fundamentally our society is about to change with Brexit (and I a hitherto remainer who expected challenges).
Naively on my part, it didn't really sink in, all this debate about "EU Nationals" what it meant on an individual level until all these conversations.
I felt and feel embarrassed.
No you
You are right to be embarrassed but not for the reasons you claim.
You are either an idiot (can't rule it out), or have never canvassed (a liability to whichever party you express loyalty to, if any, so no surprise there either).
The process includes asking people on the doorstep or on the telephone what they think are the key issues in the forthcoming election. Hence they tend to tell you unprovoked.
The only "steer" is the fact that I say I am from the Conservative Party.
I've encouest vote in British history.
But perhaps these alienated British people, in poorer areas, matter less to you than middle class Spanish surgeons and affluent French bankers.
Nevertheless if younger EU nationals feel unwelcome and progressively less interested in studying, working or staying here, and the steady trickle of relocations of more senior positions from the Uk to Eu continues, on top of the flow of white middle-aged people moving out of Outer London that's been apparent now for some years, we can be reasonably confident in calling a top in the London property market. And that's before considering the impact of buy-to-let becoming less attractive and possible restrictions on overseas buyers.
I agree, which is why I proposed a Young Europeans Visa: two year visas for 18-30 year old Europeans to do whatever they like in the UK, whatever job they want. But no benefits. If, at the end of the two years, they get a higher tier job, or start a business that does well, they get to stay if they want. Hopefully the EU would reciprocate.
We must be welcoming and open. The Tories do understand this.
Sean, I am sure that you would be 'welcoming and open' to 18-30 year old Europeans. The female ones, anyway.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Scott seems to be labouring under the illusion that the UK government is going to go round the houses of Ealing, ripping away EU passports from weeping Dutchwomen, forcing them to stay in the UK forever.
Oh dear.
If you and Richard are really suggesting that Brexit will mean "no change" in freedom of movement for EU Nationals, then WHAT THE FUCK were you voting for?
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
Is anyone keeping a tally of 'car crash' interviews so far this GE by shadow Cabinet?
The thing that is worse is everybody can misspeak but these morons are totally ignorant. Ignorant of facts but also ignorant if something even sounds about right. They are the perfect people to negotiate with as they won't have any comphresion if something seems about right.
As soon as I heard £300 million for 10k my bullshit detector went off. But then I employ people and pay their wages so I have a concept of cost of things like hiring, training, NI, pensions.
The EU said it would not negotiate until Article 50, then they said they would not negotiate until they'd agreed their plan. The UK has taken them at their word and kept its own plans under wraps. The EU has not. It has been laying out red lines, making threats, briefing insults and posturing. Juncker's team asked: Who do we deal with in the UK? It's fairly clear they know the answer; it's Mrs May, so they set out to undermine her - counterproductively it has to be said. We might ask the same question. Juncker, Barnier, Verhofstadt, Tusk or Merkel? We're getting different guff from each, but what we aren't getting is pre-negotiation silence.
Well, most memes are bullcrap anyway, but it hardly matters if true or not, if it fits what people think is true, which it does, it can have some impact.
All these links, so far, are to an outfit called Cornwalllive.com so "Never known a visit like this" must be read as saying "Never seen a minister in the flesh before" except possibly a junior bod from DEFRA mooching about at the Royal Cornwall Show. Will be interesting to see if it's echoed by real journalists.
Another weekend of canvassing and, although it should be bl**dy obvious, it is increasingly hitting me how fundamentally our society is about to change with Brexit (and I a hitherto remainer who expected challenges).
Naively on my part, it didn't really sink in, all this debate about "EU Nationals" what it meant on an individual level until all these conversations.
I felt and feel embarrassed.
No you
You are right to be embarrassed but not for the reasons you claim.
You are either an idiot (can't rule it out), or have never canvassed (a liability to whichever party you express loyalty to, if any, so no surprise there either).
The process includes asking people on the doorstep or on the telephone what they think are the key issues in the forthcoming election. Hence they tend to tell you unprovoked.
The only "steer" is the fact that I say I am from the Conservative Party.
I've encouest vote in British history.
But perhaps these alienated British people, in poorer areas, matter less to you than middle class Spanish surgeons and affluent French bankers.
Nevertheless if younger EU nationals feel unwelcome and progressively less interested in studying, working or staying here, and the steady trickle of relocations of more senior positions from the Uk to Eu continues, on top of the flow of white middle-aged people moving out of Outer London that's been apparent now for some years, we can be reasonably confident in calling a top in the London property market. And that's before considering the impact of buy-to-let becoming less attractive and possible restrictions on overseas buyers.
I agree, which is why I proposed a Young Europeans Visa: two year visas for 18-30 year old Europeans to do whatever they like in the UK, whatever job they want. But no benefits. If, at the end of the two years, they get a higher tier job, or start a business that does well, they get to stay if they want. Hopefully the EU would reciprocate.
We must be welcoming and open. The Tories do understand this.
Sean, I am sure that you would be 'welcoming and open' to 18-30 year old Europeans. The female ones, anyway.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Andrew Neil as Peter Kay yes, but Diane as his kayleigh?
@George_Osborne: Also in @EveningStandard: new immigration poll; Abbott's car crash interview;Bloomberg on air pollution & exclusive column by Anthony Joshua
Lets take Eastern England as an example. Our agricultural and food manufacturing industry is almost entirely reliant on EU labour because the locals don't want that kind of work. It sounds like they don't want the EU labour either but as we leave the choice will be simple - do you want to do it? No? Then shut up and let the workforce stay.
Nothing will change after Brexit. The "foreigners" will stay right where they are doing the jobs our own people are too lazy/up themselves to do.
What do they do instead? I mean how do they eat?
You omit to mention that the workers from eastern Europe work for lower wages than the Brits.
Cyan, you are talking nonsense. Such work pays the minimum wage to British or Eastern European workers. The difference is that the Eastern European workers work.
RochdalePioneers said the Brits don't do that work because they're too lazy and up themselves. Assuming they don't all have stonking great private incomes, I'm asking what they do instead.
It does seem that the Tories attempt to keep a tight grip on their message means their message has been usurped by the story about the tightness of the grip.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Well, most memes are bullcrap anyway, but it hardly matters if true or not, if it fits what people think is true, which it does, it can have some impact.
All these links, so far, are to an outfit called Cornwalllive.com so "Never known a visit like this" must be read as saying "Never seen a minister in the flesh before" except possibly a junior bod from DEFRA mooching about at the Royal Cornwall Show. Will be interesting to see if it's echoed by real journalists.
Sounds like they're quite upset that they didn't get their accreditations / security clearances sorted out in time. If it were genuinely tighter than usual it would be noted by the larger media, even if only in passing. "Amid tight security, the PM attended this place today" etc.
If we are happy to do what the EU wants surely we should just confirm that EU citizens currently residing in the UK will keep what they have now: full equality of treatment with UK citizens, outside of certain very limited and defined areas. Both sides have made clear this is a first priority issue, so the UK government would calm a lot of nerves and shut a lot of people up by demonstrating clearly this is all about the EU playing silly buggers.
But the EU wants MORE than that. They want a parallel legal system WITHIN the UK, they want future ECJ decisions to apply to EU citizens inside the UK, which we must enforce. It is palpably absurd.
It wants protections and has made a proposal around this. If both sides agree what rights should be guaranteed, the negotiation is about how to ensure they are protected. There's no deal-breaker there.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Andrew Neil as Peter Kay yes, but Diane as his kayleigh?
Misquoting again Scott. I was referring to the views of the EU nationals on their prospects in the UK, not Brexit overall.
But that is also nonsense.
Right now they have free movement, and in future they won't.
Not even you can describe that as "no change", surely?
The expectation, which I think is entirely probable, is that those already settled here will continue to have free movement - unless of course you are expecting the EU to say they are not allowed to go home once in a while. I mean I know the EU are making a lot of threats but even they wouldn't go that far would they?
Scott seems to be labouring under the illusion that the UK government is going to go round the houses of Ealing, ripping away EU passports from weeping Dutchwomen, forcing them to stay in the UK forever.
But there needs to be considerable clarification. If they go back to their country of origin, say for family reasons, for how long are they entitled to come back? What happens to their health care? Tribunals? The lawyers must be rubbing their hands together!
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
LOL! Even against Jo Coburn she's dying on her lardy arse again.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Abbott has always been appalling with facts, figures and err, reality. Brillo will silently watch her dig her own grave, then throw in a question that buries her.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Abbott has always been appalling with facts, figures and err, reality. Brillo will silently watch her dig her own grave, then throw in a question that buries her.
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She first said that 10,000 cops would cost £300,000, when this was pointed out as being absurd, she said they would cost £80 million; when Ferrari pointed out that this meant the cops would be on £8000 a year, she then said they were going to recruit 25,000 officers, not 10,000.
When again she was pressed on the fact these 10,000 new officers - or 25,000 new officers - were only going to be paid £8000 a year at most, on her figures, she suggested that Labour intended to recruit 250,000 new officers.
When this new figure was questioned, a quarter of a million new policemen and women, she said in actual fact Labour intended to recruit 2000 new officers, and also 250, making 2250.
When asked why she'd said they intended to recruit 250,000 new officers, she then claimed that she'd never said this, despite just saying it on live radio.
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
Yes, even if you've no idea, and you're making it up on the spot, anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to make it up better than THAT.
I wonder if she is just actively dim. Like Corbyn. And she is the proposed new Home Secretary, in charge of peace and justice throughout the realm. Meanwhile John McDonnell, our proposed Chancellor, who will hold the keys to the coffers of the kingdom, gives speeches under the hammer and sickle.
It's hard to believe it's happening. It's like Labour are throwing animal droppings in our faces, and expecting us to applaud.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
Diane Abbott has learned from Trump.
Get your agenda item top of the news by giving them a story to run.
The plebs will not understand the detail but take away a general impression that Diane Abbott wants more police.
She has got her message over to the people who might vote Labour.
Genius - like Trump.
The one takeaway from the Abbott announcement today (the Today one not LBC...) was that 10k more police is the equivalent of one more officer per council ward. Where I live the police cuts and resulting crime/ASB issue has been high profile. Labour will double the current police resource (locally vs current) is massive
There were 124k police officers in March 2016 in Eng / Wales so it's completely untrue to suggest that 10k more would be anything like 'doubling' resource. Indeed, it's innumeracy of an Abbottesque scale.
What's more, 10k officers wouldn't mean 10k PCs. If allocated pro rata by the current division by rank, it'd mean roughly:
Now, it'd certainly be possible to bottom-weight the new officers but there'd still be a need for additional higher layers to manage and make best use of the PCs, so the front-line impact is again being exaggerated.
And another. Do you ever get the feeling you are being spoon-fed?
The BBC are lapping it up
'11:14 It seems Theresa May's team are keen to keep coverage of her visit to Cornwall today in check. Steve Smith, deputy head of content at @cornwalllive, says his team are coming up against restrictions over how they cover it.
12:06 Earlier we mentioned reports of very tight restrictions around the prime minister's visit to a factory in St Ives. Well, Cornwall Live is keeping us up to date on their sequestration. It seems reporters weren't allowed to film her answering any questions or meeting employees, and for a time they were locked in a room.'
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
It's quite a thing of exquisite beauty....
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
This should be fun, but Diane will be absolutely fine against Andrew Neil - he never does his research and never has his figures to hand when soft-soaping politicians...
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
Andrew Neil as Peter Kay yes, but Diane as his kayleigh?
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
Diane Abbott has learned from Trump.
Get your agenda item top of the news by giving them a story to run.
The plebs will not understand the detail but take away a general impression that Diane Abbott wants more police.
She has got her message over to the people who might vote Labour.
Genius - like Trump.
The one takeaway from the Abbott announcement today (the Today one not LBC...) was that 10k more police is the equivalent of one more officer per council ward. Where I live the police cuts and resulting crime/ASB issue has been high profile. Labour will double the current police resource (locally vs current) is massive
There were 124k police officers in March 2016 in Eng / Wales so it's completely untrue to suggest that 10k more would be anything like 'doubling' resource. Indeed, it's innumeracy of an Abbottesque scale.
What's more, 10k officers wouldn't mean 10k PCs. If allocated pro rata by the current division by rank, it'd mean roughly:
Now, it'd certainly be possible to bottom-weight the new officers but there'd still be a need for additional higher layers to manage and make best use of the PCs, so the front-line impact is again being exaggerated.
Even worse is the idea that throwing money and people at a perceived problem automatically makes it better. She's completely deluded.
'Also causing irritation at the Commission is Downing Street's use of its veto to put the new budget on hold until after the election. '
A shame that Bush couldn't be bothered to check that it's the Italian government that has been blocking the new budget for months.
'Italy blocks EU budget rules revision – POLITICO www.politico.eu/.../italy-blocks-eu-budget-rules-revision-migration-refugees-europe-... 13 Dec 2016 - Italy blocks EU budget rules revision. Rome wants more EU cash to be spent dealing with migration. By Quentin Ariès. 12/13/16, 6:37 PM CET.
And another. Do you ever get the feeling you are being spoon-fed?
Please elaborate on your theory.
Well, my guess is you don't assiduously read cornwalllive.com every day of the week, and that you are passing on a link which someone has spammed you with without checking its credibility. The story is now on the BBC but yet again it is sourced from, and only from, cornwalllive.
Misquoting again Scott. I was referring to the views of the EU nationals on their prospects in the UK, not Brexit overall.
But that is also nonsense.
Right now they have free movement, and in future they won't.
Not even you can describe that as "no change", surely?
The expectation, which I think is entirely probable, is that those already settled here will continue to have free movement - unless of course you are expecting the EU to say they are not allowed to go home once in a while. I mean I know the EU are making a lot of threats but even they wouldn't go that far would they?
Scott seems to be labouring under the illusion that the UK government is going to go round the houses of Ealing, ripping away EU passports from weeping Dutchwomen, forcing them to stay in the UK forever.
But there needs to be considerable clarification. If they go back to their country of origin, say for family reasons, for how long are they entitled to come back? What happens to their health care? Tribunals? The lawyers must be rubbing their hands together!
Tom Watson speech: "People are worried about the risk of robots taking their jobs. I fear with this Prime Minister it’s already happened."
This gag is so clever I suspect Mandelson is behind it. I don't think it will stick throughout the campaign though; one only has to look at Sunday's Marr on iplayer to remind oneself what a competent, sensible and likable person she is, though.
Always interesting to hear the views on the qualities desirable in a leader from the party which pulled off the impressive treble of Brown, Miliband, Corbyn, of course.
I think Theresa May and Gordon Brown have similar "qualities". Control freakery, nervous tics, view any opposition as sabotage, - all based on the insecurity of knowing that they are not up to the job of PM and hoping that not many notice.
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
Diane Abbott car crash now main story on Sky News website LOL
Diane Abbott has learned from Trump.
Get your agenda item top of the news by giving them a story to run.
The plebs will not understand the detail but take away a general impression that Diane Abbott wants more police.
She has got her message over to the people who might vote Labour.
Genius - like Trump.
The one takeaway from the Abbott announcement today (the Today one not LBC...) was that 10k more police is the equivalent of one more officer per council ward. Where I live the police cuts and resulting crime/ASB issue has been high profile. Labour will double the current police resource (locally vs current) is massive
There were 124k police officers in March 2016 in Eng / Wales so it's completely untrue to suggest that 10k more would be anything like 'doubling' resource. Indeed, it's innumeracy of an Abbottesque scale.
What's more, 10k officers wouldn't mean 10k PCs. If allocated pro rata by the current division by rank, it'd mean roughly:
Now, it'd certainly be possible to bottom-weight the new officers but there'd still be a need for additional higher layers to manage and make best use of the PCs, so the front-line impact is again being exaggerated.
And of course every one of those officers above the rank of constable are considerably more expensive, in the latter cases multiple times more.
But everyone knows that Labour simply intends to borrow more money again. Its what they do.
And another. Do you ever get the feeling you are being spoon-fed?
The BBC are lapping it up
'11:14 It seems Theresa May's team are keen to keep coverage of her visit to Cornwall today in check. Steve Smith, deputy head of content at @cornwalllive, says his team are coming up against restrictions over how they cover it.
12:06 Earlier we mentioned reports of very tight restrictions around the prime minister's visit to a factory in St Ives. Well, Cornwall Live is keeping us up to date on their sequestration. It seems reporters weren't allowed to film her answering any questions or meeting employees, and for a time they were locked in a room.'
Without double-sourcing it. Frightening levels of professionalism.
I think Theresa May and Gordon Brown have similar "qualities". Control freakery, nervous tics, view any opposition as sabotage, - all based on the insecurity of knowing that they are not up to the job of PM and hoping that not many notice.
The entire election campaign is structured around preventing the possibility of TMay meeting a real voter and calling them a bigot
But the EU wants MORE than that. They want a parallel legal system WITHIN the UK, they want future ECJ decisions to apply to EU citizens inside the UK, which we must enforce. It is palpably absurd.
Not as absurd as voting to leave the UK and left to the vagaries of English nationalism
Is this the same BBC whose "Fact Check" on housing last week was total bollocks? Talking about how many houses THE government had built with totally incorrect numbers?
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
that post comes over as dangerously close to "Best leave the proper jobs to men".
it does seem as if the UK government is prepared to see British citizens in the EU sold down the river. Its proposals on citizens' rights would deny them many of the ones that they enjoy currently.
Link to proposals please?
I don't know whether he's right or not but I read the French English language newspaper last week and it was wall to wall ex pats worrying about Brexit. Their biggest concern was a reciprocal arrangement with the NHS which they believe they will lose and to replace it could cost £2500 a year.
Though unlikely to bother Sir Philip Green and family there are many others who live and work there for whom it's a major concern.
I don't quite understand this, when I was moving to France it was made very clear to me I had to purchase one of their health schemes.
Scott seems to be labouring under the illusion that the UK government is going to go round the houses of Ealing, ripping away EU passports from weeping Dutchwomen, forcing them to stay in the UK forever.
Oh dear.
If you and Richard are really suggesting that Brexit will mean "no change" in freedom of movement for EU Nationals, then WHAT THE FUCK were you voting for?
Come on Scott, you know perfectly well some leavers never cared much about EU movement. Atypical, certainly, since many remainers care about it too and moSt leavers do, but it cannot be a surprise.
The only example that comes to mind of local elections taking place within a General Election campaign period is 1955 when Anthony Eden went to the country shortly after succeeding Churchill as PM. Polling Day was the last week of May with the local elections two weeks earlier. Worth noting that in 1987 there was a pretty universal expectation that Thatcher would call an election the following week so people are likely to have voted in the local elections with that in mind. 1983 was a bit different in that it did not appear obvious that an election announcement was coming until the 24 hours before it was made - indeed there had been a strong assumption that Thatcher would wait until the Autumn that year.
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
that post comes over as dangerously close to "Best leave the proper jobs to men".
The English Tory party does seem to attract these parochial type off women....
To counter my sexism, Ruth in Scotland is quite superb
@ChristianJMay: Editorial in Osborne's first @standardnews - May's "election campaign amounts to no more than a slogan."
I have always had a very high opinion of George Osborne.
Pissing him off was unnecessary and unwise. There are going to be far more effective attack lines from a broadly Tory supporting paper than the Shadow Cabinet, that is for sure.
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She first said that 10,000 cops would cost £300,000, when this was pointed out as being absurd, she said they would cost £80 million; when Ferrari pointed out that this meant the cops would be on £8000 a year, she then said they were going to recruit 25,000 officers, not 10,000.
When again she was pressed on the fact these 10,000 new officers - or 25,000 new officers - were only going to be paid £8000 a year at most, on her figures, she suggested that Labour intended to recruit 250,000 new officers.
When this new figure was questioned, a quarter of a million new policemen and women, she said in actual fact Labour intended to recruit 2000 new officers, and also 250, making 2250.
When asked why she'd said they intended to recruit 250,000 new officers, she then claimed that she'd never said this, despite just saying it on live radio.
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
Yes, even if you've no idea, and you're making it up on the spot, anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to make it up better than THAT.
I wonder if she is just actively dim. Like Corbyn. And she is the proposed new Home Secretary, in charge of peace and justice throughout the realm. Meanwhile John McDonnell, our proposed Chancellor, who will hold the keys to the coffers of the kingdom, gives speeches under the hammer and sickle.
It's hard to believe it's happening. It's like Labour are throwing animal droppings in our faces, and expecting us to applaud.
I did wonder that about Abbott - yet she read history at Cambridge so presumably she does have (or did have) some latent intelligence in her head.
And another. Do you ever get the feeling you are being spoon-fed?
Please elaborate on your theory.
Well, my guess is you don't assiduously read cornwalllive.com every day of the week, and that you are passing on a link which someone has spammed you with without checking its credibility. The story is now on the BBC but yet again it is sourced from, and only from, cornwalllive.
Also see that link for D. Abbot digging in a hole.
It depends what you think the story is. 'Local news attacks PM' is just a mildly entertaining distraction. I'm surprised you refer me to the Diane Abbott interview, since an appreciation of it requires a sense of humour which is not apparent from your posts.
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
that post comes over as dangerously close to "Best leave the proper jobs to men".
The English Tory party does seem to attract these parochial type off women....
To counter my sexism, Ruth in Scotland is quite superb
Talking of female Tories, can I also put in a good word for Priti Patel.
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
that post comes over as dangerously close to "Best leave the proper jobs to men".
Pretty sure fetes require strong, stable management. Can't imagine Jezza and Diane doing too well. They'd overspend on the cream teas and have to loot the tombola.
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
Snobbery and misogyny from Tuscan Tyson. Che figuraccia.
Lets take Eastern England as an example. Our agricultural and food manufacturing industry is almost entirely reliant on EU labour because the locals don't want that kind of work. It sounds like they don't want the EU labour either but as we leave the choice will be simple - do you want to do it? No? Then shut up and let the workforce stay.
Nothing will change after Brexit. The "foreigners" will stay right where they are doing the jobs our own people are too lazy/up themselves to do.
What do they do instead? I mean how do they eat?
You omit to mention that the workers from eastern Europe work for lower wages than the Brits.
Cyan, you are talking nonsense. Such work pays the minimum wage to British or Eastern European workers. The difference is that the Eastern European workers work.
oh boy, talk down your own country. Classy
If our people will not work for income what do you propose we should do about that?
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She first said that 10,000 cops would cost £300,000, when this was pointed out as being absurd, she said they would cost £80 million; when Ferrari pointed out that this meant the cops would be on £8000 a year, she then said they were going to recruit 25,000 officers, not 10,000.
When again she was pressed on the fact these 10,000 new officers - or 25,000 new officers - were only going to be paid £8000 a year at most, on her figures, she suggested that Labour intended to recruit 250,000 new officers.
When this new figure was questioned, a quarter of a million new policemen and women, she said in actual fact Labour intended to recruit 2000 new officers, and also 250, making 2250.
When asked why she'd said they intended to recruit 250,000 new officers, she then claimed that she'd never said this, despite just saying it on live radio.
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
Yes, even if you've no idea, and you're making it up on the spot, anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to make it up better than THAT.
I wonder if she is just actively dim. Like Corbyn. And she is the proposed new Home Secretary, in charge of peace and justice throughout the realm. Meanwhile John McDonnell, our proposed Chancellor, who will hold the keys to the coffers of the kingdom, gives speeches under the hammer and sickle.
It's hard to believe it's happening. It's like Labour are throwing animal droppings in our faces, and expecting us to applaud.
I did wonder that about Abbott - yet she read history at Cambridge so presumably she does have (or did have) some latent intelligence in her head.
David Lammy read Law at Harvard....
The admission tutors make mistakes from time to time.
And another. Do you ever get the feeling you are being spoon-fed?
Please elaborate on your theory.
Well, my guess is you don't assiduously read cornwalllive.com every day of the week, and that you are passing on a link which someone has spammed you with without checking its credibility. The story is now on the BBC but yet again it is sourced from, and only from, cornwalllive.
Also see that link for D. Abbot digging in a hole.
'Cornwall Live' (and 'Devon Live') is the website of the 'Western Morning News' - the regional daily paper. So, yes, they are 'real' journalists - unwise to 'p*ss' them off I would have thought. The editorial two weeks ago suggested the Conservatives were taking the region for granted again - this rather proves the point.
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She first said that 10,000 cops would cost £300,000, when this was pointed out as being absurd, she said they would cost £80 million; when Ferrari pointed out that this meant the cops would be on £8000 a year, she then said they were going to recruit 25,000 officers, not 10,000.
When again she was pressed on the fact these 10,000 new officers - or 25,000 new officers - were only going to be paid £8000 a year at most, on her figures, she suggested that Labour intended to recruit 250,000 new officers.
When this new figure was questioned, a quarter of a million new policemen and women, she said in actual fact Labour intended to recruit 2000 new officers, and also 250, making 2250.
When asked why she'd said they intended to recruit 250,000 new officers, she then claimed that she'd never said this, despite just saying it on live radio.
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
Yes, even if you've no idea, and you're making it up on the spot, anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to make it up better than THAT.
I wonder if she is just actively dim. Like Corbyn. And she is the proposed new Home Secretary, in charge of peace and justice throughout the realm. Meanwhile John McDonnell, our proposed Chancellor, who will hold the keys to the coffers of the kingdom, gives speeches under the hammer and sickle.
It's hard to believe it's happening. It's like Labour are throwing animal droppings in our faces, and expecting us to applaud.
I did wonder that about Abbott - yet she read history at Cambridge so presumably she does have (or did have) some latent intelligence in her head.
She may not be able to remember or handle numbers. Many intelligent people have this disability. Of course, as punters, all of us can handle numbers so we are probably not sympathetic to number dyslexics.
Macavity May hid during the referendum, she's finding it hard to hide as PM during a GE campaign.
She popped up in Ormskirk yesterday I think. My brother saw her in the flesh, and like any other person, was massively underwhelmed and he's a diehard Tory.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
that post comes over as dangerously close to "Best leave the proper jobs to men".
The English Tory party does seem to attract these parochial type off women....
To counter my sexism, Ruth in Scotland is quite superb
Talking of female Tories, can I also put in a good word for Priti Patel.
You are right to be embarrassed but not for the reasons you claim.
You are either an idiot (can't rule it out), or have never canvassed (a liability to whichever party you express loyalty to, if any, so no surprise there either).
The process includes asking people on the doorstep or on the telephone what they think are the key issues in the forthcoming election. Hence they tend to tell you unprovoked.
The only "steer" is the fact that I say I am from the Conservative Party.
I've encouest vote in British history.
But perhaps these alienated British people, in poorer areas, matter less to you than middle class Spanish surgeons and affluent French bankers.
Nevertheless if younger EU nationals feel unwelcome and progressively less interested in studying, working or staying here, and the steady trickle of relocations of more senior positions from the Uk to Eu continues, on top of the flow of white middle-aged people moving out of Outer London that's been apparent now for some years, we can be reasonably confident in calling a top in the London property market. And that's before considering the impact of buy-to-let becoming less attractive and possible restrictions on overseas buyers.
I agree, which is why I proposed a Young Europeans Visa: two year visas for 18-30 year old Europeans to do whatever they like in the UK, whatever job they want. But no benefits. If, at the end of the two years, they get a higher tier job, or start a business that does well, they get to stay if they want. Hopefully the EU would reciprocate.
We must be welcoming and open. The Tories do understand this.
I thought we decided that something very similar already existed between the UK and various non-EU countries?
And that we'll have the freedom to extend it or not as we wish?
Yes, we have a similar scheme with
Australia Canada Japan Monaco New Zealand Hong Kong Republic of Korea Taiwan
A very sensible list of countries. I'd extend this to the EU, but make it simpler (i.e. no savings requirement), and crucially, allow people to stay if they upgrade their careers, start good businesses etc
Agree, and I'd like to see a more global list too. Purely expanding it to EU countries makes it whiter than the global talent pool would allow us to grow from.
The open-endedness of your "etc" is the only thing that makes me slightly nervous. That risks opening (widening) the doors to fake marriages and the right to a family life here because you buy a cat.
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She firs
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
Yes, even if you've no idea, and you're making it up on the spot, anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to make it up better than THAT.
I wonder if she is just actively dim. Like Corbyn. And she is the proposed new Home Secretary, in charge of peace and justice throughout the realm. Meanwhile John McDonnell, our proposed Chancellor, who will hold the keys to the coffers of the kingdom, gives speeches under the hammer and sickle.
It's hard to believe it's happening. It's like Labour are throwing animal droppings in our faces, and expecting us to applaud.
I did wonder that about Abbott - yet she read history at Cambridge so presumably she does have (or did have) some latent intelligence in her head.
Interesting. I've always presumed she was smart (until that interview) - deluded but smart. She's clever on TV.
In which case she is innumerate, bad under pressure, and terrible at learning a brief.
The thing is, everybody can misspeak / forget a number. But Ferrari gave a whole load of chances to correct herself, it was like a primary school teacher when asking a kid what 7 * 6 is gets the answer 27, no no Johnny have another go, 454, no no have another go, 38....no...hmmmmmm I know I know, I got it, 54....head desk thud.
She may not be able to remember or handle numbers. Many intelligent people have this disability. Of course, as punters, all of us can handle numbers so we are probably not sympathetic to number dyslexics.
Surely it is more about getting briefed properly and knowing what you are going to say before you walk into the studio. When I am doing presentations I usually have an A4 sheet with the key facts in 20 pt text. I set it on the table and glance at it if I need to.
I don't have sound here, but how did the Abbot botch an interview regarding 10k more police ?
Sounds reasonable enough as a policy, if a bit expensive.
She first said that 10,000 cops would cost £300,000, when this was pointed out as being absurd, she said they would cost £80 million; when Ferrari pointed out that this meant the cops would be on £8000 a year, she then said they were going to recruit 25,000 officers, not 10,000.
When again she was pressed on the fact these 10,000 new officers - or 25,000 new officers - were only going to be paid £8000 a year at most, on her figures, she suggested that Labour intended to recruit 250,000 new officers.
When this new figure was questioned, a quarter of a million new policemen and women, she said in actual fact Labour intended to recruit 2000 new officers, and also 250, making 2250.
When asked why she'd said they intended to recruit 250,000 new officers, she then claimed that she'd never said this, despite just saying it on live radio.
At this point the interview concluded, with a painful rustling of papers, as Abbott was audibly handed the "right" figures.
But you have to listen to it, to get the full majesty of excruciating pauses and evasions. It is superb.
Most striking is her clear innumeracy.
I don't expect politicians to be fantastic at maths, but the inability to comprehend even orders of magnitude is surely disqualificatory for senior executive positions ?
Yes, even if you've no idea, and you're making it up on the spot, anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to make it up better than THAT.
I wonder if she is just actively dim. Like Corbyn. And she is the proposed new Home Secretary, in charge of peace and justice throughout the realm. Meanwhile John McDonnell, our proposed Chancellor, who will hold the keys to the coffers of the kingdom, gives speeches under the hammer and sickle.
It's hard to believe it's happening. It's like Labour are throwing animal droppings in our faces, and expecting us to applaud.
I did wonder that about Abbott - yet she read history at Cambridge so presumably she does have (or did have) some latent intelligence in her head.
She may not be able to remember or handle numbers. Many intelligent people have this disability. Of course, as punters, all of us can handle numbers so we are probably not sympathetic to number dyslexics.
It's called discalculia, I think. It does exist and for all I know Diane Abbott may suffer from it. If she does, it begs the question who thought it was a good idea to put someone with the condition up to defend a spending pledge.
She's going on Daily Politics to turn it around so that'll be fine soon.
If she blames the confusion on fake news, when it was her own ineptitude behind it, we'll know for sure they're using the Trump playbook.
LOL! Gets popcorn for Diane Abbot in "Car Crash 2 - Crash Harder".
If you and Richard are really suggesting that Brexit will mean "no change" in freedom of movement for EU Nationals, then WHAT THE FUCK were you voting for?
As soon as I heard £300 million for 10k my bullshit detector went off. But then I employ people and pay their wages so I have a concept of cost of things like hiring, training, NI, pensions.
Juncker's team asked: Who do we deal with in the UK? It's fairly clear they know the answer; it's Mrs May, so they set out to undermine her - counterproductively it has to be said.
We might ask the same question. Juncker, Barnier, Verhofstadt, Tusk or Merkel? We're getting different guff from each, but what we aren't getting is pre-negotiation silence.
What's more, 10k officers wouldn't mean 10k PCs. If allocated pro rata by the current division by rank, it'd mean roughly:
7800 constables
1500 sergeants
450 inspectors
130 chief inspectors
65 superintendents
25 chief superintendents
16 chief officers
Now, it'd certainly be possible to bottom-weight the new officers but there'd still be a need for additional higher layers to manage and make best use of the PCs, so the front-line impact is again being exaggerated.
It seems Theresa May's team are keen to keep coverage of her visit to Cornwall today in check. Steve Smith, deputy head of content at @cornwalllive, says his team are coming up against restrictions over how they cover it.
Earlier we mentioned reports of very tight restrictions around the prime minister's visit to a factory in St Ives. Well, Cornwall Live is keeping us up to date on their sequestration. It seems reporters weren't allowed to film her answering any questions or meeting employees, and for a time they were locked in a room.'
It's a 18 year old local boy. He's overjoyed to have been selected
'Also causing irritation at the Commission is Downing Street's use of its veto to put the new budget on hold until after the election. '
A shame that Bush couldn't be bothered to check that it's the Italian government that has been blocking the new budget for months.
'Italy blocks EU budget rules revision – POLITICO
13 Dec 2016 - Italy blocks EU budget rules revision. Rome wants more EU cash to be spent dealing with migration. By Quentin Ariès. 12/13/16, 6:37 PM CET.
Also see that link for D. Abbot digging in a hole.
I think she'd probably make a very good manager of a tea shop in York...but she has seriously overreached. There is a small part of me that feels sorry for her.
The likes of Theresa May and Angela Leadsome.....the epitome of parochial, little minded, Tory women. They'd be best left to arrange fetes and that is it.
But everyone knows that Labour simply intends to borrow more money again. Its what they do.
But the EU wants MORE than that. They want a parallel legal system WITHIN the UK, they want future ECJ decisions to apply to EU citizens inside the UK, which we must enforce. It is palpably absurd.
Not as absurd as voting to leave the UK and left to the vagaries of English nationalism
Who will check the fact checkers?
.............,He of the long term economic plan
Worth noting that in 1987 there was a pretty universal expectation that Thatcher would call an election the following week so people are likely to have voted in the local elections with that in mind. 1983 was a bit different in that it did not appear obvious that an election announcement was coming until the 24 hours before it was made - indeed there had been a strong assumption that Thatcher would wait until the Autumn that year.
@bbclaurak: PM confronted by voter, 'Prime Minister Brexit isn't the only issue' https://twitter.com/bbclaurak/status/859367775600603139/photo/1
To counter my sexism, Ruth in Scotland is quite superb
If our people will not work for income what do you propose we should do about that?
The admission tutors make mistakes from time to time.
That is what was broadcast on r4 this morning.
The open-endedness of your "etc" is the only thing that makes me slightly nervous. That risks opening (widening) the doors to fake marriages and the right to a family life here because you buy a cat.