Surreal on TW just now - Chuka as nonplussed as the rest of them!
Damn, I've been in the States too long. Automatically read nonplussed in the US sense (unimpressed), rather than the British one, rendering your comment nonplussing (UK sense).
non·plussed nänˈpləst/Submit adjective 1. (of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react. "he would be completely nonplussed and embarrassed at the idea" 2. NORTH AMERICANinformal (of a person) not disconcerted; unperturbed.
Harry Hayfield keeps expecting the Lib Dem to have a high reasonable vote, despite evidence to the contrary. Last night Blacon 2.7%. From what I can see Lib Dems are vastly over optimistic at the moment, I would be suprised if they got 15 MP's, amazed at 20, I would bet on 12-13. Their main gain from the election may well be getting back into a reasonable second place in a lot of seats where they fell back in 2015.
Harry Hayfield keeps expecting the Lib Dem to have a high reasonable vote, despite evidence to the contrary. Last night Blacon 2.7%. From what I can see Lib Dems are vastly over optimistic at the moment, I would be suprised if they got 15 MP's, amazed at 20, I would bet on 12-13. Their main gain from the election may well be getting back into a reasonable second place in a lot of seats where they fell back in 2015.
I think it's just guessing since occasionally they cone from nowhere to win, so worth a hit.
Kenton East Lib Dem vote 2.1% not 21%, if I was Harry I would stop predicting . Conservatives walked it, the omens for June 8th look sensational for them.
(of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react.
"he would be completely nonplussed and embarrassed at the idea"
(of a person) not disconcerted; unperturbed.