It's fair to say Alex Massie isn't much of a Corbyn fan, but this is quite brutal. "So hapless in fact, he makes Iain Duncan Smith’s stewardship of the Conservative party seem a triumph of Bismarckian proportions. It’s one thing being wrong but quite another to be so inept. And a politician who cannot even appear to stand up for himself is a politician who invites contempt. A party can survive mere unpopularity but it will be sunk by ridicule."
Not just the fact that Corbyn and his ilk are running (ruining?) things.
We have all been shown that Labour even if they get rid of him are susceptible to hard left takeover.
Want to risk that if they put someone allegedly competent and sane in charge?
Nope, not me either.
Very true. Not only do Labour have to get rid of the rabid Corbyn dog, they then have to go into prolonged quarantine, to show that the Hard Lefty infection has gone forever, and will not return. With their membership as it is, that will be very hard.
People want £350 million extra a week for the NHS. They want the railways nationalised. If Labour shocked itself by finding someone to espouse left-wing policies who did not wince in the presence of a Union Jack they might just get a hearing. These are strange and volatile times.
Regarding *that* NHS pledge, it wasn't made either by the Government or this Prime Minister, but I have a funny feeling that the money will be found down the back of Philip Hammond's sofa at some point between now and 2020. As for rail renationalisation, bad idea and irrelevant to the overwhelming majority of voters.
Just been reading that myself. "So hapless in fact, he [Corbyn, of course] makes Iain Duncan Smith’s stewardship of the Conservative party seem a triumph of Bismarckian proportions." Nice.
Southern Labour can probably live on indefinitely as a rump, catering for an unholy alliance of Champagne socialists and the Far Left. But it is bloody vile.
Labour face an awful problem now.
Not just the fact that Corbyn and his ilk are running (ruining?) things.
We have all been shown that Labour even if they get rid of him are susceptible to hard left takeover.
Want to risk that if they put someone allegedly competent and sane in charge?
Nope, not me either.
Very true. Not only do Labour have to get rid of the rabid Corbyn dog, they then have to go into prolonged quarantine, to show that the Hard Lefty infection has gone forever, and will not return. With their membership as it is, that will be very hard.
People want £350 million extra a week for the NHS. They want the railways nationalised. If Labour shocked itself by finding someone to espouse left-wing policies who did not wince in the presence of a Union Jack they might just get a hearing. These are strange and volatile times.
Totally agree SO many would vote for that.There are many on here to complacent to see that .
No one is complacent. One day a leftwing government will return to Westminster. I just can't see it happening before 2025, barring a black swan; the maths (and Scotland) make it almost impossible.
But as SO says, these are strange times. A hideously botched Brexit could change things.
Incidentally I just had lunch with a friend who is, in turn, a friend of Dave Cameron.
My pal saw Dave a couple of months ago, and reports that - far from being downcast - Dave and Sam Cam are in fine fettle, and feel liberated from a role they no longer really wanted.
Seant interesting thought he always wanted to be PM because he would be good at it.
"So hapless in fact, he makes Iain Duncan Smith’s stewardship of the Conservative party seem a triumph of Bismarckian proportions. It’s one thing being wrong but quite another to be so inept. And a politician who cannot even appear to stand up for himself is a politician who invites contempt. A party can survive mere unpopularity but it will be sunk by ridicule."