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There could well be a surprise. After the year we've just been through it would be a surprise for there not to be a surprise.
How can a plane cost $4 Billion ?
Trump's right on this one. It's ridiculous.
I bet it is a cost + contract for Boeing...
The wings are made in the UK
Like your new avatar by the way, very good summary of 2016.
Firstly, is ukip getting its organisation together? Can it mount a campaign and make substantial gains in a by election campaign? I don't expect them to win, but if they were to make progress, that would be a clear sign that they still have a role in post Brexit politics.
Secondly, will Labour crash and burn? Could they slip to fourth? If they go significantly backwards, that's a clear sign that Corbyn continues to go down like a bowl of cold sick.
UKIP 1/4
LDem 11/2
Lab 15/2
Linc Ind 16/1
I have not heard that UKIP have been working on hard , rather the opposite , that their campaign is short of both money and activists on the ground .
By this time, cost estimates had ballooned to more than $13 billion.[9] The Government Accountability Office issued a report in March 2011 that pointed to three sources for the cost overruns. First, asking for development at the same time as production led to extensive retrofitting of built models. Second, a full-scale review of the system's requirements did not occur until four months after production started. Only then was it discovered that the VH-71's design could not meet the system's needs. Third, DOD and the White House asked for excessive combat and communications capabilities.
How *not* to run a project, writ large.
The program is the most expensive military weapons system in history, and it has been the object of much criticism from those inside and outside government—in the US and in allied countries.[17] Critics argue that the plane is "plagued with design flaws," with many blaming the procurement process in which Lockheed was allowed "to design, test, and produce the F-35 all at the same time, instead of ... [identifying and fixing] defects before firing up its production line."[17] By 2014, the program was "$163 billion over budget [and] seven years behind schedule."[18] Critics further contend that the program's high sunk costs and political momentum make it "too big to kill."[19]
Onnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee Hundredddddddddddd and Aiiiiiiiiiiteeeeehhhhhhhh
Some of the techies might like the following about two young girls who have manufactured rovers and other robots. One has been used by the New York Hall of Science, and are building a prototype Lunar rover for a British firm.
Even with some parental help, quite amazing. I'm going to have to up my expectations for the little 'un
SeanT your article on brexit as childbirth:
The success of your premise, and I don't deny there is a prospect of success, is making the lives of people who voted for Brexit better. This will require corporate entities to change their modus operandi. However, I see little evidence that that will happen.
Globalisation has been the driver of the misery that drove Brexit, to a far greater extent than Europe, which was a mere symptom. If May makes business share their spoils then I will applaud. But if she defends the vested interests who fund her at the expense of ordinary people she and the Tories will deserve everything they get.
More likely they only even approached Airbus in the first place to stop them complaining about state aid to Boeing by not allowing AB the opportunity.
Should we even be able to refute Sean T's posts while he doesn't have the right to reply?
Do we need eleven Judge Lords to decide?
It was cancelled in 1991 and the litigation only ended in 2014!
Pretty much only EK are keeping the existing line going at the moment, I think they're hoping for Indian and Chinese demand in the next couple of years before they run out of orders.
Let's face it, these views are simply incompatible with Western liberal democracy.
When we finally canned the 'new Nimrod' in 2010, in favour of an off-the-shelf replacement from the US, pretty much everyone not involved cheered loudly.
Why is it that militaries always feel the need to re-invent the wheel - and then carry on trying to reinvent the wheel again while they're making the new ones? I imagine Trump is going to take a very long look at US mil procurement in the next few years.
"opposed the two-mile long development saying it threatened a rare breed of snail."
As for why military peeps want to reinvent the wheel: money (it feeds the arms companies), pride in the country, slightly differing requirements (even when the requirements are bogus), wanting a differentiatior.
For years I've been saying we ought to look at making weapons systems that are priced so we can actually export the bu**ers better. Some of our kit is top-notch, but too expensive.
and he then became its greatest advocate.
If A50 hasn't been triggered by 31 March, then it will rapidly kick in.
Don't forget that Brexit isn't a matter of party politics. Or life and death. It's more important than that.
Peterborough to Lincoln line in June, and Grantham to Skegness in July
Edit: in fact, does anyone know what the turnout at the referendum was in percentage terms in the constituency?
Easy Tory hold. I doubt many residents are even aware there is a byelection.
One of the main things we’ve learned is that if you can imagine it, then you can do it–whatever it is.
Every time I walk into my office, I wonder why the techs are being so slow about inventing the Tardis technology. We've known about the concept for ages.
(edited to add: good evening, everyone.
I can't see this being anything but an easy Tory hold.
I get the impression that the people who are most keen to talk about Brexit presently are disgruntled Remainers. Most leavers seem pretty content to bide their time and see how things unfold.
There's no reason for a Leave protest vote yet.
Honourable mentions for election information go to:
HYUFD, Plato, Speedy and RodCrosby (if we're allowed to mention him)
For general polite, constructive, non-partisan comments to cyclefree, MBS, ydroether and stodge
Not to be forgotten JackW for talking out of his ARSE, Bob Smithson's certainty that Clinton was going to win Florida and TSE expecting South Yorkshire to vote Remain
And to everyone else at PB - without you all the place would not be the success it is.
I want to sign trade deals that I might be ashamed of
The street from the river to the cathedral / castle has won awards:
The prison in Lincoln castle is remarkable; the lockable pews in the chapel extraordinary.
I would blame the town planners more than the Luftwaffe for heritage destruction.
Fwiw I had it Remain 50.5 / Leave 49.5 on the 23rd.