politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The Article 50 Supreme Court case betting moves a notch to the government on the first morning – but still behind
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With 35% of the Wisconsin recount done, Trump has EXTENDED his lead by 39 votes.
My heart bleeds...
Nonsense, this is like the OJ Simpson trial on speed.
You couldn't make it up: Swinney bars NO2NP spokesperson from Engagement Process meeting: http://no2np.org/swinney-leaves-no2nps-campaign-spokesman-cold/
The Government doesn’t seem to realise you can have a principled disagreement on an issue and still be capable of making a worthwhile contribution to the debate. That’s the way politics works. It seems rather petty to exclude us like this.
Never seen this before. This man punched a kangaroo in the face to save his dog https://t.co/5YWiOovLQ7
Seemed like an even bout
Go to page 6 of this latest OFCOM publication.
The Pinky Pinky Kanshi Radio, 30 June 2016, 01:59 and 1 September 2016, 00:05 complaint
Contains a lot of NSFW words
On the basis of that + your opinion I'm backing the government...
*Not your actual house of course
Fruitcakes anyone?
I'd love to see Grieve back.
"Secondly, it is right to record that at the direction of the court, the registrar has asked all the
parties involved in these proceedings whether they wish to ask any of the justices to stand down. All parties to the appeal have stated that they have no objection to any of us sitting on this appeal." (bottom of page 1, top of page 2)
Can we now hear no more about the question of whether any of the judges are inappropriately biased?
Even amongst those seriously clever people Sumption stood out. A remarkable man.
If so, May unlikely to be a fan - though lawyers who disagree with you are much more useful than lawyers who agree with you.....
As if any of the parties would risk asking for them to stand down.
I think it was a shameful sop to the Eurosceptics by ditching the ECHR supporters
Edit - the story of the creation of the King James Bible is fascinating - it was created by committees of committees - anything less likely to succeed would be difficult to imagine - and yet it's a triumph of English literature......and obviously jolly prescient when it comes to BREXIT...
What also spoke volumes was Carney telling the EU that it faces a huge cash crunch if there is a hard Brexit. Some of us have been saying it for a while, but London's deep capital markets finance European industries and governments, without unfettered access there would be a massive credit crunch for Europe as they struggle to build a Eurozone capital market out of basically zero. Investment here would be damped by hard Brexit, but European companies who raise money in London will find it tough to fund investments in the short term until either a workaround is found or capital markets adjust and some activity moves to the EMU.
Hard Brexit will be as bad for the EU as it would be for us, hurrah to Carney for telling it how it is to the EU and our JRM/IDS wing.
I once went on a date with a New Zeeland Girl who it turned out believed in 'British Isralisum' - not the best date I've ever been on, but not the worst ether.
I will summon all the peoples of the north under Nigel Farage of Britain, whom I have appointed as my deputy.," declares the LORD, "and I will bring them against this superstate and its inhabitants and against all the surrounding nations. I will completely destroy them and make them an object of horror and scorn, and an everlasting ruin.
I would read a lot more into the answers that the barristers give to those questions.
Draft transcript from this morning now online - we'll endeavour to get these up as soon as poss throughout the week https://t.co/4ZvLBZNLmE
- Pass.
Oh dear...
If the parties thought a judge was biased or had an actual or potential conflict of interest they would be under a duty to bring that to the court's attention. Indeed, the judges themselves should consider in any case whether there is any conflict and, therefore, whether they should recuse themselves. They should certainly be transparent to the parties.
The fact that this statement has been made should put paid to some of the wilder theories around about the basis for the Court's decision. Whatever the outcome the judgment will consist of legal reasoning, with which others may or may not agree, of course. But that does not mean - without some specific evidence to support this - that the judges will have come to that legal decision because of their personal preference in relation to the question of whether or not the UK should remain in the EU.
Interpretation of the law is something rather more subtle, intelligent and beautiful than the rather crude ad hominem caricature presented by some of our dimmer journalists.
The lack of robes is a disgrace - our Justices have much cooler robes than the american justices, and how often do they get to wear them?
Not only no robes, no wigs. Humbug! As poor a show as when Bercow decided the appropriate dress for Speaker was the outfit of a supply teacher.
Used to sometimes have honey on toast. It's rather nice (don't have toast often, though).