Last thread: Trump wants Farage because he thinks rest of world does what America does and appoint political ambassadors. Trump will choose a mate for London, and this will be normal. We don't. Nor do any other western countries.
Corbyn needs to start quoting from the Moody Blues as well. Chant the word Om.....
This garden universe vibrates complete Some may get a sound so sweet Vibrations reach on up to become light And then through gamma, out of sight
Between the eyes and ears there lie The sounds of color and the light of a sigh And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe
But it's all around if we could but perceive To know ultra violet, infra-red and X-rays Beauty to find in so many ways
Two notes of the chord, that's our full scope But to reach the chord is our life's hope And to name the chord is important to some So they give a word and the word is Om
Ok so I have now googled cyber physical systems but I am none the wiser. Hands up who thinks Corbyn understands these things. Anybody? .... Anybody at all?
But how long before Trump endorses Corbyn? ('A great man with some truly great ideas. Visionary. Great, great man.') From the humiliation being poured on May, we surely can't rule it out.
Corbynites have been having a go at me for highlighting "cyber physical systems" and "the internet of things".
I don't doubt these are real things. But when you have to forward me a link to a vague article explaining these often ambigious concepts, then your messaging is utterly crap.
According to LabourList - 'Jeremy will commit Labour to backing the “innovators, entrepreneurs and investors” but add a reminder that businesses must “live up to their side of the deal” on issues such as workers’ rights and the payment of tax.
“Labour is setting out the path to a better alternative that’s about good intervention. In fact, it’s intervention for the common good,” he is due to say.'
Big words for a guy who lacks the support of 70% of his own PLP and can't fill his frontbench.
Corbynites have been having a go at me for highlighting "cyber physical systems" and "the internet of things".
I don't doubt these are real things. But when you have to forward me a link to a vague article explaining these often ambigious concepts, then your messaging is utterly crap
"Internet of Things"
The ability for your fridge to accidentally order one hundred punnets of strawberries to be delivered next door, then run a Distributed Denial of Service on the US Department of Defence.
Corbynites have been having a go at me for highlighting "cyber physical systems" and "the internet of things".
I don't doubt these are real things. But when you have to forward me a link to a vague article explaining these often ambigious concepts, then your messaging is utterly crap.
This is the other end of the spectrum (To Trump) where your social media presence has zero input from yourself. It drags down that one quality Corbyn actually had - authenticity.
Does anyone believe Corbyn himself is coming up with this guff ?
Am I the only one who thinks The Internet of Things sounds like a term created for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
It's a real thing. If you attach the right chips to everything (toasters, cows, your mother) and allow those chips to talk to each other, then you have a great deal of control (or more realistically you have enormous data). Real-life applications include:
* You can now switch your heating/boiler on/off remotely with your phone * Your car can send out a large amount of data, enabling you to reduce your insurance * The inventor of Candy Crush receives an enormous amount of data per second from all the people worldwide
Am I the only one who thinks The Internet of Things sounds like a term created for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
It's a real thing. If you attach the right chips to everything (toasters, cows, your mother) and allow those chips to talk to each other, then you have a great deal of control (or more realistically you have enormous data). Real-life applications include:
* You can now switch your heating/boiler on/off remotely with your phone * Your car can send out a large amount of data, enabling you to reduce your insurance * The inventor of Candy Crush receives an enormous amount of data per second from all the people worldwide
I FEEL what Jeremy is trying to say (as we've discussed here) is that he favours massive Government spending (as all Labour Governments do) but he wants this massive Government spending to go on stuff like autobahns, 3D printers and fibre optic broadband, and other useful things with supposedly lasting benefits rather than down the NHS' insatiable gullet or providing schools with shitty electronic whiteboards.
Which as a shift in policy I find a marginal improvement.
I FEEL what Jeremy is trying to say (as we've discussed here) is that he favours massive Government spending (as all Labour Governments do) but he wants this massive Government spending to go on stuff like autobahns, 3D printers and fibre optic broadband, and other useful things with supposedly lasting benefits rather than down the NHS' insatiable gullet or providing schools with shitty electronic whiteboards.
Which as a shift in policy I find a marginal improvement.
Whatever Labour does, it will never, ever be at the expense of the NHS. It will always be as well as.
Am I the only one who thinks The Internet of Things sounds like a term created for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
It's a real thing. If you attach the right chips to everything (toasters, cows, your mother) and allow those chips to talk to each other, then you have a great deal of control (or more realistically you have enormous data). Real-life applications include:
* You can now switch your heating/boiler on/off remotely with your phone * Your car can send out a large amount of data, enabling you to reduce your insurance * The inventor of Candy Crush receives an enormous amount of data per second from all the people worldwide
If my mother gets to talk to my toaster instead of me, that might sway my vote.....
I FEEL what Jeremy is trying to say (as we've discussed here) is that he favours massive Government spending (as all Labour Governments do) but he wants this massive Government spending to go on stuff like autobahns, 3D printers and fibre optic broadband, and other useful things with supposedly lasting benefits rather than down the NHS' insatiable gullet or providing schools with shitty electronic whiteboards.
Which as a shift in policy I find a marginal improvement.
Really? What I take from the first one is that we are going to "invest" in business and manufacturing again but unlike all those other occasions where it was a bit of a disaster this time we are going to get it right. Because we are smart. Or something.
I am reminded of Brown in one of the 2010 town halls when in between berating an obviouly Labour leaning anesthesiologist about how she was "quite wrong" he started to rant about "digital manufacturing". I remember hoping that someone would ask him "what is digital manufacturing"?
Last thread: Trump wants Farage because he thinks rest of world does what America does and appoint political ambassadors. Trump will choose a mate for London, and this will be normal. We don't. Nor do any other western countries.
Not entirely true. Examples of political appointees as UK ambassadors to the USA in the last 100 years include: 1918–1919: The Earl of Reading 1919–1920: Viscount Grey of Fallodon 1940–1946: Viscount Halifax 1977–1979: Peter Jay (son-in-law of the PM at the time)
White heat of the technological revolution - worked for Wilson. Callaghan encouraged InMos So maybe that's Corbyn's inspiration.
Am I the only one who thinks The Internet of Things sounds like a term created for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
It's a real thing. If you attach the right chips to everything (toasters, cows, your mother) and allow those chips to talk to each other, then you have a great deal of control (or more realistically you have enormous data). Real-life applications include:
* You can now switch your heating/boiler on/off remotely with your phone * Your car can send out a large amount of data, enabling you to reduce your insurance * The inventor of Candy Crush receives an enormous amount of data per second from all the people worldwide
So the style of cyber warfare in the next severe winter will be everyone's heating systems being turned off, leaving the population to freeze?
Anything you can do like that, someone else can hack & destroy.
I'm a bit annoyed by the British Gas advert saying you can add the equivalent of Hive for £9/month. Who can save £9/month by using a remote heating control?
Corbynites have been having a go at me for highlighting "cyber physical systems" and "the internet of things".
I don't doubt these are real things. But when you have to forward me a link to a vague article explaining these often ambigious concepts, then your messaging is utterly crap.
It's an appeal to the kind of people who describe themselves as "cyberpunks" - who think that being on the latest alternative to Facebook is being cutting edge "with computers"
One can only hope they live long enough into the future to meet Rose Kolodny....
I am reminded of Brown in one of the 2010 town halls when in between berating an obviouly Labour leaning anesthesiologist about how she was "quite wrong" he started to rant about "digital manufacturing". I remember hoping that someone would ask him "what is digital manufacturing"?
Barcelona will still go ahead, but I get the feeling its days are numbered, it's at the wrong time of year for Samsung, HTC, Sony and all of the Chinese brands, smartphone sales are still booming in Asia while they have plateaued in Europe and we don't really have a Europe based smartphone manufacturer now that Sony Ericsson and Nokia no longer exist (they used to hold 60% market share between them at one point).
I am reminded of Brown in one of the 2010 town halls when in between berating an obviouly Labour leaning anesthesiologist about how she was "quite wrong" he started to rant about "digital manufacturing". I remember hoping that someone would ask him "what is digital manufacturing"?
Obvious. Making things with digits.
I thought making digits. But I couldn't work out if he meant ones and zeros or fingers and toes. I remain unenlightened.
It connects everything from urban transport to medical devices to household devices. So, to use a completely ridiculous example, were someone to have two kitchens they'll be able to control both fridges from the same mobile phone.
If Corbyn went one step further and set some sort of an actual goal, rather than just rhetoric I'd have some sympathy with his position. Big wars and the like, or perhaps more obviously the US space programme sort of suggest that some sort of massive commitment of a state to some goal or other might have some benefits.
HS2 doesn't cut it, but a permanent GB community on Mars would
I made some green leds with vibration sensors and photo diode things for my garden - I put in quite a lot of them a few years ago. They had a simple ripple effect that, in the dusk, made it look as though you were walking on water. I did think to hang some in the air, I am surrounded by trees, with a flight of swallows effects but I thought it would make me look too eccentric.
It connects everything from urban transport to medical devices to household devices. So, to use a completely ridiculous example, were someone to have two kitchens they'll be able to control both fridges from the same mobile phone.
A Mr Miliband from North London asks "will it work with three kitchens?"
It connects everything from urban transport to medical devices to household devices. So, to use a completely ridiculous example, were someone to have two kitchens they'll be able to control both fridges from the same mobile phone.
Will it work on my £6.99 Tesco Value toaster? Or my Economy 7 storage heaters?
I was told these home controls don't work for all companies, so if you get an EDF smart meter , it ONLY works for EDF.. Therefore you are stuck or in a lot of aggro if you want to switch. I know SFA about HIVE, but I would similarly avoid till its got a proven track record. Its the same principle as never buy a "new" car model from a manufacturer. WAIT 2 yrs till all the bugs have been ironed out....
Barcelona will still go ahead, but I get the feeling its days are numbered, it's at the wrong time of year for Samsung, HTC, Sony and all of the Chinese brands, smartphone sales are still booming in Asia while they have plateaued in Europe and we don't really have a Europe based smartphone manufacturer now that Sony Ericsson and Nokia no longer exist (they used to hold 60% market share between them at one point).
They are doing one in San Francisco too, in September.
We tried to get a deal done with the Spanish government and the Barcelona MWC people. They were not exactly entrepreneurial or far-sighted - we had so many painful meetings before just giving up. I am not surprised GSMA are sniffing around elsewhere, though I think they are contracted to Barcelona for a few more years.
All the European companies are now licensors to the manufacturers. You should watch out for this Ericsson spin-out:
Is the new message designed to be understood by anyone without subscriptions to the new statesman?
That may be part of the problem. I spent years struggling to understand the vocabulary used by left-wing people. Perhaps, in a similar way, Mr Corbyn's advisers know what they mean and don't realise that non-left-wing people can't understand them. (Assuming that people who do speak left-wing lingo can understand it, that is.)
If Corbyn went one step further and set some sort of an actual goal, rather than just rhetoric I'd have some sympathy with his position. Big wars and the like, or perhaps more obviously the US space programme sort of suggest that some sort of massive commitment of a state to some goal or other might have some benefits.
HS2 doesn't cut it, but a permanent GB community on Mars would
There's no need to go that far. It might be best to try a policy that's been used, but for some reason dropped, in the past. One where the negatives have been thoroughly addressed so that they can be spun against. A policy that will be popular amongst young and old, the pleb and the gentrified.
I am reminded of Brown in one of the 2010 town halls when in between berating an obviouly Labour leaning anesthesiologist about how she was "quite wrong" he started to rant about "digital manufacturing". I remember hoping that someone would ask him "what is digital manufacturing"?
Obvious. Making things with digits.
I thought making digits. But I couldn't work out if he meant ones and zeros or fingers and toes. I remain unenlightened.
I always thought digits were what we called fingers in the analogue age. Maybe I am missing something.
If Corbyn went one step further and set some sort of an actual goal, rather than just rhetoric I'd have some sympathy with his position. Big wars and the like, or perhaps more obviously the US space programme sort of suggest that some sort of massive commitment of a state to some goal or other might have some benefits.
HS2 doesn't cut it, but a permanent GB community on Mars would
There's no need to go that far. It might be best to try a policy that's been used, but for some reason dropped, in the past. One where the negatives have been thoroughly addressed so that they can be spun against. A policy that will be popular amongst young and old, the pleb and the gentrified.
White heat of technology, Labour isn't working, things can only get better ( to music ), take back control, make America great again: snappy, simple, rhythmic, these we can remember. This drivel makes the Ed Stone look like Saatchi and Saatchi at their laser focussed best.
To be fair though if you are going to be rightly laughed at for trying to garner votes for "the Internet of things", best test it out on a wet Wednesday in November miles away from an election and learn from it. I hope Jezza's team don't of course and the track record is about on par with Crewe Alexandra's in the Champions' League, but it will all matter nought if a zinger comes out in early April 2020, from the same bunch bombarded by hoots of derision now.
Androids and robots are now labour's target voters
Vote for me I'll replace your jobs with robots....a real vote winner I'm sure....
On a serious note If Corbyn wants to win he has to do with much better language than that, and will need a better vision aswell not everybody out of work can be retrained as computer programmers. The question is what are the jobs non academic men (mostly, as women will find plenty of jobs caring for the elderly) going to do as more and more good paying jobs either require degrees or become redundant?
If he is able to persuade enough voters he has the answer to terrible employment rights/practices, proposes to controll immigration in any meaningful way AND is able to articulate an answer and vision for the above, I seriously think he can win.....Don't laugh..I really mean it...
But he seems to think ANY talk of controllng migration is just too abhorent so he won't.
I am reminded of Brown in one of the 2010 town halls when in between berating an obviouly Labour leaning anesthesiologist about how she was "quite wrong" he started to rant about "digital manufacturing". I remember hoping that someone would ask him "what is digital manufacturing"?
Obvious. Making things with digits.
I thought making digits. But I couldn't work out if he meant ones and zeros or fingers and toes. I remain unenlightened.
I always thought digits were what we called fingers in the analogue age. Maybe I am missing something.
Androids and robots are now labour's target voters
Vote for me I'll replace your jobs with robots....a real vote winner I'm sure....
On a serious note If Corbyn wants to win he has to do with much better language than that, and will need a better vision aswell not everybody out of work can be retrained as computer programmers. The question is what are the jobs non academic men (mostly, as women will find plenty of jobs caring for the elderly) going to do as more and more good paying jobs either require degrees or become redundant?
If he is able to persuade enough voters he has the answer to terrible employment rights/practices, proposes to controll immigration in any meaningful way AND is able to articulate an answer and vision for the above, I seriously think he can win.....Don't laugh..I really mean it...
But he seems to think ANY talk of controllng migration is just too abhorent so he won't.
I daresay the answer to unemployment lies in a citizen's income, so that no-one actually needs to work in order to live at a basic level.
Many people seem to live fulfilled lives by spending most of their time gaming or similar, so whatever career paths remain open or open up in future will only be pursued by those who really want to follow them.
And if the money the country needs to live on can be earned by robots, why not let them do it?
In all fairness, it's trite pablum, yes, but it is the sort of thing politicians say all the time, albeit not usually tweeted out with a picture of their leader looking all meaningful.
I've just realised that 'cyber physical systems' might mean teledildonics.
If you don't want to sleep, imagine Corbyn, Abbott and teledildonics.
Word of the day.
So the Internet of Things means that you can pre-shag the missus while still on the train? Bona!
It also means that her dildo is transmitting usage patterns back to its manufacturer for them to build up a marketing database - including ambient temperature and intensity settings.
Sounds logical - if you have a death wish.
This garden universe vibrates complete
Some may get a sound so sweet
Vibrations reach on up to become light
And then through gamma, out of sight
Between the eyes and ears there lie
The sounds of color and the light of a sigh
And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe
But it's all around if we could but perceive
To know ultra violet, infra-red and X-rays
Beauty to find in so many ways
Two notes of the chord, that's our full scope
But to reach the chord is our life's hope
And to name the chord is important to some
So they give a word and the word is Om
I don't doubt these are real things. But when you have to forward me a link to a vague article explaining these often ambigious concepts, then your messaging is utterly crap.
And if recent stories are true, the Internet of Insecure Tat.
“Labour is setting out the path to a better alternative that’s about good intervention. In fact, it’s intervention for the common good,” he is due to say.'
Big words for a guy who lacks the support of 70% of his own PLP and can't fill his frontbench.
Sounds like a surefire route to obesity and unemployment.
The ability for your fridge to accidentally order one hundred punnets of strawberries to be delivered next door, then run a Distributed Denial of Service on the US Department of Defence.
Does anyone believe Corbyn himself is coming up with this guff ?
* You can now switch your heating/boiler on/off remotely with your phone
* Your car can send out a large amount of data, enabling you to reduce your insurance
* The inventor of Candy Crush receives an enormous amount of data per second from all the people worldwide
And that's already happened:
Which as a shift in policy I find a marginal improvement.
1918–1919: The Earl of Reading
1919–1920: Viscount Grey of Fallodon
1940–1946: Viscount Halifax
1977–1979: Peter Jay (son-in-law of the PM at the time)
Callaghan encouraged InMos
So maybe that's Corbyn's inspiration.
Anything you can do like that, someone else can hack & destroy.
(edited to add: good evening, everyone)
I'm a bit annoyed by the British Gas advert saying you can add the equivalent of Hive for £9/month. Who can save £9/month by using a remote heating control?
One can only hope they live long enough into the future to meet Rose Kolodny....
Well, it's a view.
Barcelona will still go ahead, but I get the feeling its days are numbered, it's at the wrong time of year for Samsung, HTC, Sony and all of the Chinese brands, smartphone sales are still booming in Asia while they have plateaued in Europe and we don't really have a Europe based smartphone manufacturer now that Sony Ericsson and Nokia no longer exist (they used to hold 60% market share between them at one point).
If you don't want to sleep, imagine Corbyn, Abbott and teledildonics.
HS2 doesn't cut it, but a permanent GB community on Mars would
We tried to get a deal done with the Spanish government and the Barcelona MWC people. They were not exactly entrepreneurial or far-sighted - we had so many painful meetings before just giving up. I am not surprised GSMA are sniffing around elsewhere, though I think they are contracted to Barcelona for a few more years.
All the European companies are now licensors to the manufacturers. You should watch out for this Ericsson spin-out:
Yes, it's time to bring back Free Owls For all!
To be fair though if you are going to be rightly laughed at for trying to garner votes for "the Internet of things", best test it out on a wet Wednesday in November miles away from an election and learn from it. I hope Jezza's team don't of course and the track record is about on par with Crewe Alexandra's in the Champions' League, but it will all matter nought if a zinger comes out in early April 2020, from the same bunch bombarded by hoots of derision now.
On a serious note If Corbyn wants to win he has to do with much better language than that, and will need a better vision aswell not everybody out of work can be retrained as computer programmers. The question is what are the jobs non academic men (mostly, as women will find plenty of jobs caring for the elderly) going to do as more and more good paying jobs either require degrees or become redundant?
If he is able to persuade enough voters he has the answer to terrible employment rights/practices, proposes to controll immigration in any meaningful way AND is able to articulate an answer and vision for the above, I seriously think he can win.....Don't laugh..I really mean it...
But he seems to think ANY talk of controllng migration is just too abhorent so he won't.
It means that - however improbable this may seem - Milne and Corbyn are actually as stupid as they look.
Corbyn is so dense he may not have realised that it was Hilary's slogan...
Many people seem to live fulfilled lives by spending most of their time gaming or similar, so whatever career paths remain open or open up in future will only be pursued by those who really want to follow them.
And if the money the country needs to live on can be earned by robots, why not let them do it?
This already happens. Nice.
Both (c) Harold Wilson 1963 I think.