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Even Gordon Brown got conference bounces.
so where's Jezza's ?
Well done Gareth
That the Tories can have such a lead when there's obvious fears for the future and the pound is tanking alarmingly shows just how the others have vacated the field. It's an appalling state of affairs.
It would be useful to see how those splits compare with the splits at the general election. Does any kind soul have those to hand?
Scot: SNP +21 (over Con)
Wales: Lab +15 (over Con)
North: Con +12
Mids: Con +23
Sth: Con +28
Eng overall: Con +25
They broke
Con 47%
Lab 23%
Joff Wild for Tory party chairman !
Oh, my mistake.
More Brits definitely believe in Ghosts and UFOs than would vote Labour.
OK, I jest but there will be a floor based on the hard left and oppositionists. It won't be a very high one but it'll be rich pickings for membership.
"A migrant from the so-called Calais "jungle" has died after being run over by a British driver.
The Eritrean migrant was part of a group that were throwing rocks at passing cars on the A16 motorway in a bid to make them slow down so they could climb on top of them"
"A French police spokesman said the driver stopped his vehicle and attempted to the help the group but was forced to flee the scene when they attacked him.
"The driver who was attacked by migrants at the scene of the accident drove off and presented himself spontaneously to border police present at the channel tunnel site," he said, adding that an inquiry had been launched. "
I'd blue hair once - and 17yrs old.
Just like Brexit. It is the teenage scribblers who support Corbyn and Remain.....
(clickbait comment)
PAUL WELLER STEPS BACK into the political arena this winter, assembling a bespoke band featuring Robert Wyatt, Danny Thompson, Steve Pilgrim and Ben Gordelier to play the first of several UK-wide Concerts For Corbyn at Brighton Dome on December 16.
Proceeds from the concert will benefit arts-based initiatives associated with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s policy priorities, say organisers. Tickets go on sale this Friday, October 14.
Other acts on the bill include Temples, Kathryn Williams, Stealing Sheep, The Farm, Jim Jones And The Righteous Mind, Edgar Summertyme and Ghetto Priest. All the artists are waiving their fees.
Based on the little I've gleaned: Corbyn is still crap, his Shadow Front Bench is a collection of crapness, Trump is still crap, worse crap than before, Clinton is crap but less crap than Trump, May may or may not be crap, Brexit may or may not be crap but will certainly be a cluster-fuckness of crapness if Liam Fox is in charge.
Have I missed anything important?
Not a huge surprise - the Conservatives are the last to have their Conference as the Party of Government gets plenty of coverage. Theresa Mail gets eulogised by a number of the newspapers and it all looks rosy.
The background is a benign autumn and all the apocalyptic consequences of voting to LEAVE the EU as meaningful as the fears over Y2K. The world hasn't ended so far but is there a fin de siècle sense out there ?
For non-Conservatives like myself, it's a difficult time but a) nothing lasts forever and b) this Government looks like one which will make more than its fair share of gaffes, blunders and errors that will draw support away but how do non-Conservatives break down the Conservative dominance among older voters ?
The art will be, as Blair demonstrated, to create a non-threatening alternative. Blair turned Labour into a non-socialist party of the centre or centre-left for which ex-Conservative voters could vote safe in the knowledge the fundamentals of the Thatcher revolution would be preserved.
At the moment, no such alternative exists - again, that won't last for ever.
Perhaps in March/April 2017 - just after she invokes article 50 - she asks for a new mandate to pursue her negotiating strategy for Brexit on the terms laid out, as well as her new plan for Britain. It'd also buy her until 2022 in a new 5 year parliament - time to recover from any Brexit based economic setbacks and make progress on the deficit.
It would be on the old boundaries, but that shouldn't matter on these numbers. Also I think she could get c.100 Labour MPs to vote through an early GE through the Commons as they might think it's their last chance to spike Corbyn and save themselves (despite the painful collateral)
Amazingly, the reorganisation of the 3 SOT seats into 2 might actually help Labour, despite outwardly being clearly bad news.
If May goes to the Country on a Brexit manifesto of ending free movement and single market access not membership, surely the likes of Anna Soubry and Nicky Morgan could not stand as Tories?
OK. I'll bite. I don't think teenagers can account for 48% of the electorate.
You ok, hun?
Clinton 45 .. Trump 38
Teenaged scribbles was a Lawson description of city analysts (but presumably by extension all members of the commetariat)
The French police should be patrolling the roads and using water cannon, and even armed with plastic/rubber bullets, if it is getting that nasty.
“If ‘1984’ or ‘The Trial’ had been a children’s book, Mr Messy would be it. No literary character has ever been so fully and categorically obliterated by the forces of social control. Hargreaves may well pay homage to Kafka and Orwell in this work, but he also goes beyond them.
We meet Mr Messy – a man whose entire day-to-day existence is the undiluted expression of his individuality. His very untidiness is a metaphor for his blissful and unselfconscious disregard for the Social Order. Yes, there are times when he himself is a victim of this individuality – as when he trips over a brush he has left on his garden path – but he goes through life with a smile on his face.
That is, until a chance meeting with Mr Neat and Mr Tidy – the archetypal men in suits…The book ends with a dry reminder from Hargreaves that just as with the secret police in some totalitarian regime, our own small expressions of uniqueness and volition may also result in a visit from these sinister suited agents.”
IF the polls were to be like this next Spring I am sure Corbyn will seek to block any chance of an election by forcing May to table a Vote of No confidence in her Govt.
Tories gain Tooting, Wakefield, Mansfield, Darlington, Spen, several seats in Birmingham...
Dromey, Alan J, Danczuk, Creagh, Geraint D all lose their seats.
UKIP (notionally with two seats) wiped out.
Greens don't take a Brighton seat but do win Bristol W
LDs actually gain one (though from a notional base of just four) - Cambridge
SNP more or less unaffected
All (doubly) theoretical of course, but would be a fascinating election night to watch!
Wednesday to Sunday polling - the tapes came out when? Thusday late?
Who interrupted the most during last night's #debate ? The moderators.
Today's statement, from @DavidDavisMP on next steps in leaving the #EU, is expected at approx 4.15pm #Brexit
Today's Guardian/ICM figures would result in a Tory majority of 125 under the new boundaries. Source:
Trump better be prepared for some really bad polls over the week
.@mike_pence on @realDonaldTrump: "I'm proud of the job that he did and proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with him" #debate @foxandfriends
Your call.
The children of Beveridge vote Tory after a lifetime of exposure to the different management teams.
Con and Lab supporters equally likely to worry about NHS in @IpsosMORI issues index - the differences between them are on other issues
I wouldn't worry about this. It's not like the elderly vote. Labour has the crucial 18-24 year old demographic on-side.
Trump is going to ruin Pence's career like he did with Cruz's. Sad!
Keep them coming – endless entertainment from the rattled PB Trumper Morning Shift