So much for reconciliation and unity. So much for Shadow Cabinet elections. In an act that was at once decisive and divisive, Jeremy Corbyn’s reshuffle this week has made absolutely clear that there is no new start. As he said at the time of his re-election, “sadly for everyone I’ll be the same Jeremy Corbyn.”
More seriously, those of us fortunate to be born in the decade or so after WWII have been enormously fortunate - free University education, before the market was flooded with graduates, devaluing the whole notion of a 'graduate premium' - I have a nephew considering not going to Uni because there are so many graduates in jobs they could have got immediately after leaving school - and without the debt. Before I'd have been all for him going - I was the first person in my family to get to University his father the second - now I'm neutral and just counsel him to think carefully about it...
So yes, the oldies who blocked SindyRef and voted BREXIT look determined to carry on spoiling the party.....(or bringing a welcome degree of common sense, depending on your perspective....)
doesnt he understand from 8 years ago that attacking hillary for what her husband did makes her lool symptathetic???
trumps going full bill clintom scandals. Going negative im a town hall setting. Great one Trump!
Two suicide bombers blow themselves up after being stopped by police.
Around 100 current and former BBC presenters are being investigated over claims they have not paid enough income tax and National Insurance contributions, HMRC has revealed. HMRC is examining the records of freelance staff at the corporation who used controversial personal service companies to reduce bills. Staff may face backdated tax bills if they are found to have incorrectly declared themselves as self-employed, rather than as employees.
The inquiries were revealed in a tax tribunal judgment involving newsreaders Tim Willcox and Joanna Gosling, who have appealed against a ruling by HMRC to pay extra tax and National Insurance contributions
Mere striplings compared to some
JackW is 112 and some ..–2010)
Then it tapers off–present)
as we all drink and smoke less and the doctors start to get to grips with some forms of cancer.
edit: sorry can't make those links work and have to be off out. Ingenuity will get you to the right place.
Still some value in the state betting for a Clinton lanslide.
National Tracker - Lucid/Picayune - Clinton 45 .. Trump 35
National - Fox News - Clinton 48 .. Trump 44
National Tracker - LA Times - Clinton 43.6 .. Trump 46.2
Virginia - Hampton University - Clinton 46 .. Trump 34
Alaska - Moore Information - Clinton 34 .. Trump 37
GOP panics as outrage with Trump boils over
"The Republican Party was in a state of turmoil on Friday night over revelations that Donald Trump once bragged in explicit terms about sexually harassing women, driving GOP leaders to denounce their nominee and even prompting calls that he leave the presidential ticket.
But while Trump and his senior aides huddled to strategize next steps, many Republicans felt paralyzed -- stuck with a candidate few ever wholeheartedly embraced with only 31 days left until Election Day.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has had a lukewarm-at-best relationship with his party’s nominee, said he was “sickened by what I heard today.” And he made it clear that Trump was no longer welcome at a political event the speaker is hosting in his Wisconsin congressional district on Saturday – which was to be the first time the two appeared side-by-side."
"Even within Trump’s own campaign, there was an overriding sense of doom. One aide expressed doubt that the GOP nominee, who has successfully weathered a number of scandals, would be able to ride the current firestorm."
1. Doesn't give a shit - or
2. Knows that something is going to come out in the final days that will destroy Hillary as a candidate.
For that reason alone, I won't be betting on this US election until the morning of the poll. At the earliest.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both older than their respective parties' nominees in 2000 are today. Similarly, Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May are both older than their respective party leaders at the 2001 general election are today.
Meanwhile, last year only one MP elected in mainland Britain in 2015 had a party leader who was aged over 50, and even that party leader had only just passed that milestone.
In Britain at least, this is a sudden change.
Those who Corbyn went on to beat were all significantly younger than he. It's possible that the Labour Party will have a collective fit of madness and nominate a tranche of 500+ very young Momentum members to stand in 2020 - but I doubt it. Corbyn will more likely prove to be the death rattle of the Far Left. (Although he may kill Labour in the process.)
That the US candidates tend to be older is a function of nepotism - their spouse having been President for 8 years some 16 years ago, for example. Or else they have built up such tax-free wealth that they really don't know what else to do with it, beyond fund a run for the top job. But perhaps even they are to be prefered to a young shiny suit with a charming smile and no discernible personal philosophy, other than that which their shadowy wealthy sponsors want to hear.
too old.
The registered Republican voters in Primaries chose him knowing his flaws, indeed relishing them.
The GOP establishment will be concerned with the down-ticket races. Paradoxically it is better from that point of view if Republicans repelled by Trump vote for Hillary than if they stay at home -- as it will be Hillary for president but Republican through the rest of the card.
Ryan was quick off the mark. Maybe reporters got lucky and maybe Ryan is planning his own White House bid for 2020.
I've seen so many men on Twitter asserting they've been in the forces etc and never heard such language blah blah. I heard it working in a sales offices and with blokes down the pub.
There's the whole Sex in the City culture of women too.
Lots of posturing and fauxrage. I think it may knock off a few points for a few days, but it's mostly factored in for someone like Trump.
In the meantime, this is the most creative spin of the night
Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison defends Trump comments, says they "were made when he was a Democrat"
1. Debate 2 television audience on Sunday might be ever so slightly "bigly".
2. How nuclear will Donald go in Deabte 2 ?
3. Slight Pence debate momentum now stone dead.
4. How many down ballot GOP candidates will throw Trump overboard. And related :
5. From now to election day GOP candidates will hounded because of their Trump endorsements
6. How many more CBS tapes and others are there to come ?
7. Clinton is 45th POTUS but by what margin and what of Senate and House implications?
b) The RNC are clearly about to abandon him and just concentrate on other races. He doesnt have his own GOTV
c) so blokes talk about how they grab women's pussy without their permission in a rapey way in your office? Wow!
F1: qualifying's just done so although I'll start the pre-race piece it'll probably take a few hours for the markets to awaken.
blokes mouthing off has been pretty standard for the last couple of millenia
And kept telling us this was about to happen.
Always about to happen.
Anytime now.
Just you wait.
Has Donald touched up Mrs Slocombe's pussy .....
4. Utah's have already said he should resign. if he goes through with 2, the rest of the GOP may go through on ir
6. There is definitely one where he uses a unmitigiated racial slur which will probably be released in a week or so if he somehow gets momentum back going.
1986 - 1994 Local Councillor - 8 years
GE1992 - safe Labour seat - lost
1994 - Bye-election, safe Labour seat - lost
1997 - Selected for safe Tory seat - and won
1999 - Shadow Cabinet
2002 - Chairman of Party
2004 - Shadow Cabinet
2005 - Shadow Leader of House
2010-2016 - Home Secretary
1988-1993 - Conservative Research Dept
1992 - 1994 Special Advisor CoE/Home Secretary
1994 - 2001 Carlton Communications - 7 years
1997 - Stood in 'safe' seat but didn't win (many didn't)
2001-2005 MP,
2005-2016 Leader of Conservatives
2010-2016 PM
Is it any wonder Tory activists think May is 'one of us'? (unless you're a Public Schoolboy with a mancrush on other Public Schoolboys...)
I fear we will then have a Presidency plagued by investigations etc just as her husband's was but with a lot more substance. The damage done to the FBI by political interference in a criminal investigation is frankly shocking and completely the opposite of what our American Tims expected, rightly so given their history. We will no doubt hear a lot more about this.
The problem is even being a crook, corrupt, old and sick does not stop her from being in a completely different class from Trump. What on earth were the Republicans thinking?
Pretty good effort at apologies and pivots onto Bill and Hillary attacking his victims.
And we thought it couldn't get much uglier.
I see there's evidence that Potesto or Hillary colluded over PAC campaigning. I believe that is a felony.
Whilst I do think a small minority of Remain voters are clapping their hands with glee at any prospect of bad news, the vast majority have simply accepted the referendum result and want the best deal between the UK and EU.
However, this isn't a one way street. We've had the woeful misreporting of a murder of a Polish man attributed to the vote, a rise in reported hate crimes [stupid term] but no rise in successful prosecutions, and general doom-mongering.
There's a risk that the more zealous elements on either side proclaim Leavers to be racists and Remainers to be traitors. Again, slightly reminiscent of the intra-city conflicts between those supporting democracy and oligarchy during the Peloponnesian War.
I posted a link earlier, but half those emails from wikileaks are forged.
Trump is losing and needs to reset the campaign. Every event that prevents that happening, even if it only tells us what we already know, is a victory for the front runner not neutral.
Clinton is representing a rerun of the Clinton years, Trump is representing a return to a time when America was great and racism and sexism were acceptable, Corbyn is running on Winter of Discontent Nostalgia, which seems to be more popular with young Labour members than you might expect. Theresa May isn't that old, but her entire pitch is basically Back To The 1950s.
Part of it feels like the inevitable consequence of the electorate getting older, but that doesn't explain Corbyn.
As to what the Republicans were thinking - depends who you mean. Clearly the upper echelons of GOP did not want Trump and at first treated him as a sideshow joke candidate. Enough ordinary, registered GOP voters though thought otherwise. The roots of this probably lie in the Tea Party.
Remind you of anyone?
I mentioned it before, but the needless Athenian expedition to Sicily, when the city had its boot on Sparta's neck, was akin to the pointless Iraq invasion when we should've been focused on Afghanistan.
In both instances, hubris led to failure in two theatres of war rather than success in one.