The survey also looks at Holyrood voting intention for the first time since the Scottish Parliament elections in May, which provides better news for the SNP. At 52%, the party can boast a five point improvement on the 2016 Holyrood elections. The Conservative party has firmly secured its position as the second place party in Scotland, now standing five points ahead of the Labour party.
We have had four continuous years of constitutional wrangling in Scotland. I think most people will want to move on to other things now. So no short term risk of a break in the Union, but Brexit does, I think, store up problems for the future. Brexit will be an exercise in damage limitation and spin. Theresa May might be able to present whatever comes out as a success in E&W, but it won't play in Scotland where people voted against in large numbers.
The SNP's position as the Fianna Fail of Scotland is assured. It will be the dominant party pitching to rightwingers like our Malcolm as well as unreconstructed communists with a vague pro-Scottishness. It won't have any policies because any particular policy will upset one faction of the Party or the other. In any case they are not really interested. As with Fianna Fail, the SNP is likely to lapse into cronyism - that environment will encourage it. The opposition will be limited to trying to deny the SNP a majority and at some point scratching together a coalition.
She should take heart though, the Tories don't think she's doing as badly as Corbyn is.
"Why the Remainers are still clinging on to dreams of overturning Brexit...and how they hope to do it"
Basically one of the characters looked at her hair and said she had more roots than the lead character of a 70s TV series set in the days of slavery who I had never heard of which was apparently called Roots.
All sorts of racism investigations are going on, 300 complaints to Ofcom and there is a pious article in the Guardian warning how we Brits have so much to learn about Race.
Of course this sort of thing is rife in the USA too. Then people wonder why when someone wealthy and rather right wing says vote for me and I will strip the clothes from this bogus emperor he is within striking distance of the presidency.
Trump, as Brexit did here, is showing that there is a yawning chasm between the views and values of the metropolitan elite and the ordinary working people.
Long-standing content makers are finding their videos being de-monetized (awful word, I know) because they are not 'advertiser friendly' - and the channels being targeted for this are those that are primarily critical of the SJW mindset.
Thought police writ large.
Then you look at what is happening at major US universities - with Brown actively considering giving preferential treatment to people who can show descent from slaves and Harvard banning the use of the word 'Master' as it is a reference to slave owners (when it absolutely isn't)
The world has gone mad. Well significant chunks of it.
FPT: Mr. Jessop, that's very credible, although some think Perez may go to Williams.
In this country principally the EU and the Labour Party. They fed the troll.
Britain is leaving the European Union, and Sweden is joining the Euro.
Clegg: Osborne casually cut welfare for poorest to boost Tory popularity
Exclusive: Former deputy PM says ‘cynical’ ex-chancellor was not bothered about human consequences
And then look at Breitbart. Thirty one million unique hits, according to them.
And look at the demise of the Indie, and maybe soon the Guardian. That latter is working through that cash pile at a rate of knots.
Incidentally, Explorations: Through the Wormhole, the sci-fi anthology including my story [Dead Weight], is now out:
Toni Saad"
Matthew Parker's very readable 'Sugar Barons' book suggests that some very nice bits of certain Oxford colleges owe their construction to the West Indies plantation trade.
Hashtag awkward...
Given the parlous state of the public finances in 2010, "something had to be done" - I would argue the public finances are still in a mess in 2016 but no one seems that bothered anymore.
I suspect Clegg's line had an element of quid pro quo about it (it was a coalition after all) and the raising of personal allowances did help the poorest tax payers (while the freezing of them didn't help other tax payers).
To be fair, it's never been my impression Conservatives ever want to hurt those genuinely and acutely in need though the "system" they lead politically is labyrinthine and replete with unintended consequences but that's another story. That there has been created an impression of a large underclass of "scroungers", i.e: people who prefer to live off benefits rather than work, is also undeniable.
The truth is there are individuals who choose to live that way and there are pockets of relative poverty which remain stubbornly resistant to improvement. The former is one issue, the latter has been recognised as a problem by successive Governments but solutions are much harder to find.
But it will take a lot more to start seeing proper academic freedoms and standards becoming the norm again in US institutions.
Even Oxford has fallen into the SJW trap with students being given trigger warnings in Criminal Law lectures. FFS if you are doing law, you have to deal with the bad stuff in life - that is really rather the point of it!
Presumably, it must also involve a right to be offended.
I find it hard to justify legislation against "hate speech" not because I condone in any way what is being said but because if I only want to hear what I want to hear, I am implicitly and explicitly closing my mind.
To hear what is painful, unpleasant and personally offensive is, I would argue, my right. I don't want the State or society or anyone else telling me where my lines are or should be.
If crime scares you, don't train to be a criminal lawyer...
Mr. Max, indeed (just written some of the pre-qualifying piece and mentioned Force India are a shade slower than expected).
Mr. Stodge, is that no one is bothered or is it that running a £70bn p.a. structural deficit is seen as the best option at the moment?
Websites, forums (Such as this and youtube) are not state controlled media, and the rules (For what can be said, and what can be paid to say) can be set by whoever is in charge whether it is Jeff Bezos or OGH
Some think this is designed to try and encourage more Red Tube (or whatever subscription Youtube is called) channels.
Patreon means some may prefer to try and replace ad revenue with direct donations/subscriptions.
On F1: McLaren may go down the order, but it's still better than expected. I wonder how Wehrlein might do.
Fill your boots at 1.37 on BF. Better than the bank rate (isn't everything?).
We cannot change our shared history. It would be good if we can learn from it - but trying to pretend it didn't happen is just infantile thinking.
There should also be some honesty in the debate - not all slave masters/traders were white (a fact that gets ignored all too often)
If it still required huge resources of labour for the very wealthy to maintain their lifestyle slavery (certainly in its wider sense eg domestic servants working 100 hour weeks for a pittance) would still be with us.
Oxford Uni in its various guises were the moral cowards who gave currency to Rhodes Must Fall.
I just didn't want to take the risk of voting for Clegg to go into coalition with Ed and the Nats.
I would have felt sicker than a cyclist with piles.
There's always the Battlestar Galactica/Farscape option of inventing words where the meaning is obvious but they aren't actually proper swear words. [I had to do this with Dead Weight. It's pretty obvious where I initially had all the F-words].
*Edited extra bit: I might be wrong, but I think I read some of the new stupid policy applies to titles [ie effectively front matter, but for video] and maybe channel name, rather than the whole video.
Torygraph 11th September 2008:
'David Cameron is heading for a landslide election victory after a new opinion poll shows a dramatic 12 per cent shift to the Conservatives in the key marginals'
NBC News chief anchor Lester Holt will moderate the first scheduled presidential debate on Sept. 26:
This is why I could never support either the Conservatives or Labour, my friend. In many ways, they are two sides of the same coin.
British reading of the dynamics of American politics is woeful, and far too coloured by the spin our media puts on it.
I think Hillary will win but I certainly won't bet the farm on it.
@patrick_kidd: Virgin guard goes on: "If you can't find an empty seat, may I suggest you try walking through more than one carriage before complaining"
Weird. I initially read "will moderate" in the sense of an online blog - i.e. moderates what Trump is allowed to say...