politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The extraordinary public battle between two of the men behind the creation and success of YouGov
Once upon a time @PeterKellner1 & @StephanShaxper were the leading lights in YouGov. This morning a Twitter scrap… pic.twitter.com/NBUaGDVjC5
Read the full story here
Pollster Wars!!
YouGov were wrong then.
Stephan Shakespeare @StephanShaxper
A terrible night for us pollsters. I apologise for a poor performance. We need to find out why.
11:17 p.m. - 7 May 2015
Wrong then. Right now.
1. Kellner wrote his article saying that phone polls were more reliable than online for the referendum.
2. Then Yougov posted their article analysing phone vs online for polls the ycpomiisioned for that purpose.
3. Shakespeare was prompted for a reaponse to Kellner's tweet and miaoooo.
1. Yes.
2. I'm "agnostic" on climate change (i.e climate is clearly changing and I'm open all explanations for why that should be)
3. I've always been extremely relaxed about immigration actually. I see Brexit as a sovereignty issue primarily.
4. Not at all. Have always been a big supporter of the NHS and it concerns me greatly to see the Posh Boys bankrupting it.
5. I want sound public finances.
6. I've changed my mind on BBC reform actually. I think they should probably leave it alone.
Someone just didn't know their ARSE from their ELBOW ....
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking 5m5 minutes ago
Turkish parliament approves controversial immunity bill, clearing way for possible prosecution of pro-Kurdish MPs
Reading Leaver comments on here today I am struggling to see where John Major was wrong in his analysis. Where do UKIPers and Tory leavers disagree?
* They want to leave the EU. AGREED
* They are climate change sceptics. SOME DO AND SOME DO NOT
* They want to substantially reduce immigration. SOME CONS 4LEAVE DO AND SOME DO NOT.
* They want to fundamentally change the NHS. A MINORITY WANT CHANGE IN UKIP AND CON LEAVE.
* They want to significantly cut public spending and taxes. SOME IN UKIP DO NOT.
* They want to restructure the BBC. SOME DO, SOME DO NOT.
He really was one of the dumbest PMs we have suffered under.
Labour overstated
Tories understated
Now which is more pro leave.
The truth contained in a Surveymonkey !! poll and a "hidden" survation poll...
I'm very happy with the 15-4 £20 I put on leave earlier. It is only a few % wrong if Stephen Fisher & Matt Singh's models are correct - they're both in essence relying on the polls though...
Seems pretty good to me.
16–17 Sep Survation/Daily Record 1,160 43% 48% 9%
The stupid DC Tessa Jowell photo on Abbey Road about 'creative industries' has already been used as a leave poster, with the tag line 'if only we'd been in the Eu in the sixties, the Beatles might have made it'
and this by YouGov/Kellner in July 2014
The test for us all will come in September. Meanwhile, what can we conclude about the state of the referendum campaign? This blog has necessarily been longer and more technical than normal. However, my conclusion is simple. A number of recent polls have produced widely-reported stories that the contest is close. They are wrong. It isn’t. The No campaign is well ahead. Its lead has held up for some months. Unless things change markedly in the next eleven weeks, Scotland will vote to remain in the United Kingdom, and by a decisive enough margin to settle the matter for many years to come.
'“Scaremongering”, Hitler, Boris (again), and the view from Scotland: referendum focus groups with 34 days to go
..The 2014 vote really had led to new levels of civic engagement (“People on Facebook who used to put up videos of themselves lighting their farts are now talking about politics”)'
Not sure why the two should be mutually exclusive.
I can only assume it is senility that leads him to forget that little matter.
Rumour circulating that Guardian is about to announce closure of print operation. Henceforth digital only. Fits with @arusbridger’s exit.
ho ho ho .......
@MSmithsonPB: . @StephanShaxper Your methodology change trimming back UKIP support in samples seems right as does your current 4% IN lead
One of the reasons I like and respect Bill Cash, even if he has occasional fruitcakey excursions....
After a joyous boat cruise on Loch Ness I come back to find you still griping that you can't convince people to the right of you.
However, I will believe it when I see it, as the Guardian still has reserves to eat into if they want, and their online operation doesn't make money either, so not like they are closing loss making part of the biz to concentrate on the money making one.
Any update on how the monster is planning to vote?
If it were, Ed Miliband would be PM
All parties should accept that PR using STV is the way forward. Stand for what you believe in rather than shoehorning yourself into one of the coalitions that are the Tory and Labour parties.
same spend and borrow, little reform, unbalanced economy all with lashing of spin, bluff and infantile politics.
There's more to life than the referendum as Dave appears to have forgotten.
I suspect you'll find kippers have quite a large range of issues they find important too.
Oh, and we do still have a structural deficit of how much? About £70bn a year isn't it?
And to assuage your doomladen scenario. Not a chance. If Remain win comfortably, then it's quite possible, perhaps probable, that a Leave supporter will become party leader (e.g. if Gove were a candidate, I'd seriously think of giving him my vote). But the condition would have to be that he accepted the result of the referendum - the people's expressed will - and not seek to overturn it for a generation (as they say these days).
Such a PM would have the inestimable advantage of being up to stand robustly for the UK's interests within the EU.
I seem to remember Blair had quite a broad coalition.
He interpreted it as meaning he could do what he damned well liked.
Misplaced optimism Mr N.
"Have you seen that tweet from that tw@t Toby Young about the Guardian closing".
"Well that is clearly bollocks, everybody I know reads it".