I see Harriet Harman is sticking the knife into Zac G. Some of these Labour women have a real nasty edge. Oh my, Colonel Bucket is on SKY now - just pressed the 'mute' button, I can't stand any more.
Did you notice her 'wince' when Adam Boulton said that labour would be denied a majority by a list conservative and a list UKIP. She really cannot stand the thought of UKIP and cannot hide her revulsion
Last night the BBC were saying Labour were up by 3 or 4 points compared to last year but now they're projecting Labour on 31% which is the same as last year. Not sure what caused the change.
Projections based on last night's national voteshare for 2020 election
I see Harriet Harman is sticking the knife into Zac G. Some of these Labour women have a real nasty edge. Oh my, Colonel Bucket is on SKY now - just pressed the 'mute' button, I can't stand any more.
Did you notice her 'wince' when Adam Boulton said that labour would be denied a majority by a list conservative and a list UKIP. She really cannot stand the thought of UKIP and cannot hide her revulsion
And yet... Labour are going to need to find a way of regaining those erstwhile Labour voters who have turned to Ukip.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Can there be a celebrity sub-category? Emma Thompson for me.
There was a fantastic letter in The Times recently, along the lines of "I see Emma Thompson has decided X. I am grateful to her because usually after careful thought and analysis, I come to the opposite conclusion to her so it is useful that she has opined early and saved me time in choosing the opposite position."
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
LOL! For all the good it did! Too many happy idiots in my party to prevent Corbyn in any case. I only wish I had more time to post here.
Fair enough - don't go, though! I got Broxtowe wrong last year in exactly the same way, had to put up with some teasing but we've all move on. In reality nobody can really tell the overall picture from personal impressions.
Has anybody commented on the unexpected rise across the board in the turnout for the PCC elections?
Were they stand-alone elections last time?
Yes, they were in November, 2013. I suspect that's why so many independents won last time out - people who are inclined to vote for an independent are more likely to turn out on a cold night in November. This time there were more casual voters who turned up and voted for the donkey with the blue or red rosette.
Edit: By the looks of things the independents have been beaten by Tories. So perhaps they suffered because November, 2012 was not a particularly good time for the Tories.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
LOL! For all the good it did! Too many happy idiots in my party to prevent Corbyn in any case. I only wish I had more time to post here.
It done even less good than you hoped. The voting form came through and I posted it back as a vote for Liz as my 1st choice.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Can there be a celebrity sub-category? Emma Thompson for me.
There was a fantastic letter in The Times recently, along the lines of "I see Emma Thompson has decided X. I am grateful to her because usually after careful thought and analysis, I come to the opposite conclusion to her so it is useful that she has opined early and saved me time in choosing the opposite position."
May I add Charlotte Church for similar reasons? I liked her when she stuck to singing.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
LOL! For all the good it did! Too many happy idiots in my party to prevent Corbyn in any case. I only wish I had more time to post here.
It done even less good than you hoped. The voting form came through and I posted it back as a vote for Liz as my 1st choice.
Bless you. I may well vote for Liz if she stood again. I thought you said you would vote Corbyn to cause mischief. Was I wrong or did you change your mind?
Kudos to Sadiq Khan. He fought a decent campaign and won well, and now we honour the people's choice of a double-dealing jihadonazi apologist for Islamorape who
Only joking. I don't like Khan's choice of friends and aides. But he won. Maybe it will be a good thing. Maybe a Muslim Mayor will unite rather than divide. I doubt it. But he has his chance.
I have no doubt he will be more careful as to who he is seen with!
Has anybody commented on the unexpected rise across the board in the turnout for the PCC elections?
Were they stand-alone elections last time?
In 2012 the elections were held in mid-November. Turnout was unsurprisingly dreadful. But since then, the notion of the PCC has hardly proved a poster boy for democracy. Yesterday we were being told of turnout in low single figures at some polling stations. And yet.....even in Tory shires with very limited elections, the turnout has been in the mid-20's.
I feel very sorry for him. It seems he was traduced by a vulgarian Australian and his only failing was weakness. That doesn't excuse Cameron's two interventions at PMQs
They're taking a long time to count these second preferences, especially given that the computerised scanners are supposed to count first and second preferences at the same time.
Has anybody commented on the unexpected rise across the board in the turnout for the PCC elections?
Were they stand-alone elections last time?
In 2012 the elections were held in mid-November. Turnout was unsurprisingly dreadful. But since then, the notion of the PCC has hardly proved a poster boy for democracy. Yesterday we were being told of turnout in low single figures at some polling stations. And yet.....even in Tory shires with very limited elections, the turnout has been in the mid-20's.
Has anybody commented on the unexpected rise across the board in the turnout for the PCC elections?
Were they stand-alone elections last time?
In 2012 the elections were held in mid-November. Turnout was unsurprisingly dreadful. But since then, the notion of the PCC has hardly proved a poster boy for democracy. Yesterday we were being told of turnout in low single figures at some polling stations. And yet.....even in Tory shires with very limited elections, the turnout has been in the mid-20's.
Congratulations to the Conservatives in Scotland ,hope Scottish Conservatives can now vote for what they believe in rather than the SNP. Labour in Scotland will have to make their mind up ,wether they are a Unionist party or an Independence party.
Congratulations to the Conservatives in Scotland ,hope Scottish Conservatives can now vote for what they believe in rather than the SNP. Labour in Scotland will have to make their mind up ,wether they are a Unionist party or an Independence party.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
LOL! For all the good it did! Too many happy idiots in my party to prevent Corbyn in any case. I only wish I had more time to post here.
It done even less good than you hoped. The voting form came through and I posted it back as a vote for Liz as my 1st choice.
Bless you. I may well vote for Liz if she stood again. I thought you said you would vote Corbyn to cause mischief. Was I wrong or did you change your mind?
However, as it was a potential PM I was voting for. Liz got the first vote as she was by far the only sensible candidate standing and I wanted send a message (all 4% of it).
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
LOL! For all the good it did! Too many happy idiots in my party to prevent Corbyn in any case. I only wish I had more time to post here.
It done even less good than you hoped. The voting form came through and I posted it back as a vote for Liz as my 1st choice.
Bless you. I may well vote for Liz if she stood again. I thought you said you would vote Corbyn to cause mischief. Was I wrong or did you change your mind?
However, as it was a potential PM I was voting for. Liz got the first vote as she was by far the only sensible candidate standing and I wanted send a message (all 4% of it).
Ok, I understand that. I still don't think you should have voted in an opponent's election but I blame Labour's election system for that more than you.
I feel we are close to a fracturing and subsequent realignment of politics over the next ten years. It'll be interesting to see where we all end up.
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Yes, I wondered if they were playing the long game. There's a lot of gnashing of teeth in London, but it might help to strengthen the view that London is different and that the rest of the country doesn't like what it sees.
Poor old Wales. It is just like battered wife syndrome.For a hundred years Labour has said:" I will be better in future. I promise. Trust me." Since 1919 Wales has believed it. There must now be over 30 all-Wales elections-GEs, Assembly and European in a century. In all but one- the Euros in 2009 at the height of the Brown Terror- Labour has finished top of the poll. It is so depressing.The Welsh people have low expectations. They are about to be fulfilled -again. The Labour government will drive down our standards in education,health and anything else that they can get their hands on. Then in 2020 they will say:"Sorry love didn't mean to hurt you. I will be better next time. Honest."
I'm a dyed in the wool Valleyboy. I'm (very) socially liberal, but a teeny bit to the centre right on the economy (big believer that spending lots more than you earn is immoral; therefore I wanted to throttle Gordon Brown).
I've tried arguing for common sense on Facebook among my friends but the responses from the usual hardliners (usually those round here from pit-working families) are vicious. I've been called a Tory C*nt on numerous occasions. Even when I'm lighthearted or throwing the banter out the hardliners here won't tolerate it. It's us or them.
It would take a very brave man or woman to canvass for the Tories in the valleys. I honestly think UKIP would be the better option here. They have less baggage, however unpalatable their views.
Wales elected Neil fecking Hamilton and Mark fecking Reckless yesterday! Even that pair would have more hope in the valleys than a Tory.
Congratulations to the Conservatives in Scotland ,hope Scottish Conservatives can now vote for what they believe in rather than the SNP. Labour in Scotland will have to make their mind up ,wether they are a Unionist party or an Independence party.
They are Scotland's biggest centre-left party, so that's something to start again from.
Kudos to Sadiq Khan. He fought a decent campaign and won well, and now we honour the people's choice of a double-dealing jihadonazi apologist for Islamorape who
Only joking. I don't like Khan's choice of friends and aides. But he won. Maybe it will be a good thing. Maybe a Muslim Mayor will unite rather than divide. I doubt it. But he has his chance.
I have no doubt he will be more careful as to who he is seen with!
Still can't believe we've elected a Muslim mayor who thinks moderate Muslims are "uncle Toms". Depressing.
But maybe Khan will prove my skepticism unfounded. I sincerely hope so.
Looking back the Zac Goldsmith campaign want wrong at the precise moment the Tories selected him. The wrong candidate for the wrong city at the wrong time with largely wrong or irrelevant policies.
Must Do Better.
The Tories need an exceptional candidate to win Labour London. Boris was exceptional, Zac? Not so much....
I hope Khan uses his role as one of our most prominent Muslims for lasting good. Something like making London an FGM-free city would be a worthy aim.
Poor old Wales. It is just like battered wife syndrome.For a hundred years Labour has said:" I will be better in future. I promise. Trust me." Since 1919 Wales has believed it. There must now be over 30 all-Wales elections-GEs, Assembly and European in a century. In all but one- the Euros in 2009 at the height of the Brown Terror- Labour has finished top of the poll. It is so depressing.The Welsh people have low expectations. They are about to be fulfilled -again. The Labour government will drive down our standards in education,health and anything else that they can get their hands on. Then in 2020 they will say:"Sorry love didn't mean to hurt you. I will be better next time. Honest."
I'm a dyed in the wool Valleyboy. I'm (very) socially liberal, but a teeny bit to the centre right on the economy (big believer that spending lots more than you earn is immoral; therefore I wanted to throttle Gordon Brown).
I've tried arguing for common sense on Facebook among my friends but the responses from the usual hardliners (usually those round here from pit-working families) are vicious. I've been called a Tory C*nt on numerous occasions. Even when I'm lighthearted or throwing the banter out the hardliners here won't tolerate it. It's us or them.
It would take a very brave man or woman to canvass for the Tories in the valleys. I honestly think UKIP would be the better option here. They have less baggage, however unpalatable their views.
Wales elected Neil fecking Hamilton and Mark fecking Reckless yesterday! Even that pair would have more hope in the valleys than a Tory.
Tories in Wales should vote for Plaid Cymru to knacker Labour. Take your lead from Conservatives voting SNP in Scotland. Then when Independence is nearly there revert .
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
An Etonian will always put the country first. Is there much evidence that Crosby was personally involved in the campaign.
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
Fenster..maybe you should ask those hardliners in the Valleys to stick their head out of the door..look up and own the street..see what is missing..most things..and then ask them what Labour has done for them over the last seven decades....answer..zilch.. They are where Labour want them..impoverished and bitter.
Poor old Wales. It is just like battered wife syndrome.For a hundred years Labour has said:" I will be better in future. I promise. Trust me." Since 1919 Wales has believed it. There must now be over 30 all-Wales elections-GEs, Assembly and European in a century. In all but one- the Euros in 2009 at the height of the Brown Terror- Labour has finished top of the poll. It is so depressing.The Welsh people have low expectations. They are about to be fulfilled -again. The Labour government will drive down our standards in education,health and anything else that they can get their hands on. Then in 2020 they will say:"Sorry love didn't mean to hurt you. I will be better next time. Honest."
I'm a dyed in the wool Valleyboy. I'm (very) socially liberal, but a teeny bit to the centre right on the economy (big believer that spending lots more than you earn is immoral; therefore I wanted to throttle Gordon Brown).
I've tried arguing for common sense on Facebook among my friends but the responses from the usual hardliners (usually those round here from pit-working families) are vicious. I've been called a Tory C*nt on numerous occasions. Even when I'm lighthearted or throwing the banter out the hardliners here won't tolerate it. It's us or them.
It would take a very brave man or woman to canvass for the Tories in the valleys. I honestly think UKIP would be the better option here. They have less baggage, however unpalatable their views.
Wales elected Neil fecking Hamilton and Mark fecking Reckless yesterday! Even that pair would have more hope in the valleys than a Tory.
I think putting, Neil Hamilton and Mark Reckless, as their candidates was a big mistake for UKIP. they will associate the UKIP brand with the Tory's, in a way that will put off many Lab voters, without attracting many Con voters.
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
James Kirkup - one of my favourite political commentators - had a good piece in the Telegraph. Apparently some Tories, including ministers, were not happy with the campaign and may speak out. What I find of particular interest though is that some Tories thought that once they were facing Khan rather than Blairite Jowell they would win with a candidate like Goldsmith. Khan was too close to Ed Miliband, nominated Corbyn and wouldn't understand London's aspirational voters, so they believed. The direction of Goldsmith's campaign suggests they might have lost faith in such a narrative.
Amir Khan and Saul “Canelo” Alvarez will face off in their middleweight championship bout on Saturday in Las Vegas, and Khan hopes that it isn’t his last.
Khan spoke to the media Wednesday, and he mentioned that Donald Trump’s potential election could keep Canelo and himself out of the U.S. The British-born Khan is a Muslim and was referencing Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim travel to the U.S.
Will Sadiq Khan the new London Mayor have to wait if he becomes potus.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said.
Poor old Wales. It is just like battered wife syndrome.For a hundred years Labour has said:" I will be better in future. I promise. Trust me." Since 1919 Wales has believed it. There must now be over 30 all-Wales elections-GEs, Assembly and European in a century. In all but one- the Euros in 2009 at the height of the Brown Terror- Labour has finished top of the poll. It is so depressing.The Welsh people have low expectations. They are about to be fulfilled -again. The Labour government will drive down our standards in education,health and anything else that they can get their hands on. Then in 2020 they will say:"Sorry love didn't mean to hurt you. I will be better next time. Honest."
I'm a dyed in the wool Valleyboy. I'm (very) socially liberal, but a teeny bit to the centre right on the economy (big believer that spending lots more than you earn is immoral; therefore I wanted to throttle Gordon Brown).
I've tried arguing for common sense on Facebook among my friends but the responses from the usual hardliners (usually those round here from pit-working families) are vicious. I've been called a Tory C*nt on numerous occasions. Even when I'm lighthearted or throwing the banter out the hardliners here won't tolerate it. It's us or them.
It would take a very brave man or woman to canvass for the Tories in the valleys. I honestly think UKIP would be the better option here. They have less baggage, however unpalatable their views.
Wales elected Neil fecking Hamilton and Mark fecking Reckless yesterday! Even that pair would have more hope in the valleys than a Tory.
I think putting, Neil Hamilton and Mark Reckless, as their candidates was a big mistake for UKIP. they will associate the UKIP brand with the Tory's, in a way that will put off many Lab voters, without attracting many Con voters.
But they are politically experienced. I hope they will make a demonstrably valuable contribution and benefit UKIP that way.
Kudos to Sadiq Khan. He fought a decent campaign and won well, and now we honour the people's choice of a double-dealing jihadonazi apologist for Islamorape who
Only joking. I don't like Khan's choice of friends and aides. But he won. Maybe it will be a good thing. Maybe a Muslim Mayor will unite rather than divide. I doubt it. But he has his chance.
I have no doubt he will be more careful as to who he is seen with!
Still can't believe we've elected a Muslim mayor who thinks moderate Muslims are "uncle Toms". Depressing.
But maybe Khan will prove my skepticism unfounded. I sincerely hope so.
Looking back the Zac Goldsmith campaign want wrong at the precise moment the Tories selected him. The wrong candidate for the wrong city at the wrong time with largely wrong or irrelevant policies.
Must Do Better.
The Tories need an exceptional candidate to win Labour London. Boris was exceptional, Zac? Not so much....
I hope Khan uses his role as one of our most prominent Muslims for lasting good. Something like making London an FGM-free city would be a worthy aim.
I liked Zac before this campaign thought he was an independent minded man, as he could not be bought due to his own personal wealth. What will he do now , when Cameron does another u turn and approves the new runway at Heathrow ?
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
James Kirkup - one of my favourite political commentators - had a good piece in the Telegraph. Apparently some Tories, including ministers, were not happy with the campaign and may speak out. What I find of particular interest though is that some Tories thought that once they were facing Khan rather than Blairite Jowell they would win with a candidate like Goldsmith. Khan was too close to Ed Miliband, nominated Corbyn and wouldn't understand London's aspirational voters, so they believed. The direction of Goldsmith's campaign suggests they might have lost faith in such a narrative.
The Tories clearly misjudged Khan from Day One. To be fair, it took me a while to see he is not what I thought he was. Attacking Labour nationally for being obssessed by peripheral issues and not getting aspiration makes complete sense and would be totally fair, but that was not Khan; while it quickly became obvious he is not a radical Moslem. You only had to see him going to vote with his family yesterday to get that immediately.
There's far too much hysteria and self-flagellation here in Wales from liberals about Ukip which bizarrely looks a little parochial for people who see themselves as outward looking. Have they SEEN some of the politicians in other countries? If France gets Le Pen, America gets Trump, the Netherlands gets Wilders and we get Neil Hamilton we should consider ourselves lucky.
Kudos to Sadiq Khan. He fought a decent campaign and won well, and now we honour the people's choice of a double-dealing jihadonazi apologist for Islamorape who
Only joking. I don't like Khan's choice of friends and aides. But he won. Maybe it will be a good thing. Maybe a Muslim Mayor will unite rather than divide. I doubt it. But he has his chance.
I have no doubt he will be more careful as to who he is seen with!
Still can't believe we've elected a Muslim mayor who thinks moderate Muslims are "uncle Toms". Depressing.
But maybe Khan will prove my skepticism unfounded. I sincerely hope so.
Looking back the Zac Goldsmith campaign want wrong at the precise moment the Tories selected him. The wrong candidate for the wrong city at the wrong time with largely wrong or irrelevant policies.
Must Do Better.
The Tories need an exceptional candidate to win Labour London. Boris was exceptional, Zac? Not so much....
I hope Khan uses his role as one of our most prominent Muslims for lasting good. Something like making London an FGM-free city would be a worthy aim.
I liked Zac before this campaign thought he was an independent minded man, as he could not be bought due to his own personal wealth. What will he do now , when Cameron does another u turn and approves the new runway at Heathrow ?
You've got it! Perhaps Cameron wanted to destroy Goldsmith because of the Heathrow issue.
There's far too much hysteria and self-flagellation here in Wales from liberals about Ukip which bizarrely looks a little parochial for people who see themselves as outward looking. Have they SEEN some of the politicians in other countries? If France gets Le Pen, America gets Trump, the Netherlands gets Wilders and we get Neil Hamilton we should consider ourselves lucky.
Perhaps we could have a thread inviting PBers to name a politician, media person or whatever whom they intensely dislike, with or without giving reasons, but obviously omitting any libelous content. To start the ball rolling, I'd like to nominate without the least hesitation Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, someone I greatly wish never to see or hear of ever again.
Boris Johnson. Untrustworthy. Don't believe he has any actual friends. Just acquaintances on the path to power.
Monty! My purger, good to see you back on the board.
LOL! For all the good it did! Too many happy idiots in my party to prevent Corbyn in any case. I only wish I had more time to post here.
It done even less good than you hoped. The voting form came through and I posted it back as a vote for Liz as my 1st choice.
Bless you. I may well vote for Liz if she stood again. I thought you said you would vote Corbyn to cause mischief. Was I wrong or did you change your mind?
However, as it was a potential PM I was voting for. Liz got the first vote as she was by far the only sensible candidate standing and I wanted send a message (all 4% of it).
Ok, I understand that. I still don't think you should have voted in an opponent's election but I blame Labour's election system for that more than you.
I feel we are close to a fracturing and subsequent realignment of politics over the next ten years. It'll be interesting to see where we all end up.
Completely understand where you are coming from. I look at it as the same as all the fuss about tax avoidance. They (whoever that is) create the system. Don't complain when people game the system. Change it.
Fenster..maybe you should ask those hardliners in the Valleys to stick their head out of the door..look up and own the street..see what is missing..most things..and then ask them what Labour has done for them over the last seven decades....answer..zilch.. They are where Labour want them..impoverished and bitter.
I went to a Labour party meeting and it was admitted that the Welsh NHS is a mess. A Lab councillor announced that it didn't matter because most Welsh voters blamed the Tory government for it anyway.
Caroline Jones (South West Wales) Nathan Gill MEP (North Wales) Michelle Brown (North Wales) Mark Reckless (South Waled East) David Rowlands (South Waled East) Neil Hamilton (Mid and West Wales) Gareth Bennett (South West Central)
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
James Kirkup - one of my favourite political commentators - had a good piece in the Telegraph. Apparently some Tories, including ministers, were not happy with the campaign and may speak out. What I find of particular interest though is that some Tories thought that once they were facing Khan rather than Blairite Jowell they would win with a candidate like Goldsmith. Khan was too close to Ed Miliband, nominated Corbyn and wouldn't understand London's aspirational voters, so they believed. The direction of Goldsmith's campaign suggests they might have lost faith in such a narrative.
The Tories clearly misjudged Khan from Day One. To be fair, it took me a while to see he is not what I thought he was. Attacking Labour nationally for being obssessed by peripheral issues and not getting aspiration makes complete sense and would be totally fair, but that was not Khan; while it quickly became obvious he is not a radical Moslem. You only had to see him going to vote with his family yesterday to get that immediately.
Southam Surely the Khan story from a humble start to London Mayor and his support for gay marriage is a great example for London and the rest of the world. It shows Britain at its best a democratic beacon in a troubled world. London should be very proud tonight.
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
James Kirkup - one of my favourite political commentators - had a good piece in the Telegraph. Apparently some Tories, including ministers, were not happy with the campaign and may speak out. What I find of particular interest though is that some Tories thought that once they were facing Khan rather than Blairite Jowell they would win with a candidate like Goldsmith. Khan was too close to Ed Miliband, nominated Corbyn and wouldn't understand London's aspirational voters, so they believed. The direction of Goldsmith's campaign suggests they might have lost faith in such a narrative.
The Tories clearly misjudged Khan from Day One. To be fair, it took me a while to see he is not what I thought he was. Attacking Labour nationally for being obssessed by peripheral issues and not getting aspiration makes complete sense and would be totally fair, but that was not Khan; while it quickly became obvious he is not a radical Moslem. You only had to see him going to vote with his family yesterday to get that immediately.
Southam Surely the Khan story from a humble start to London Mayor and his support for gay marriage is a great example for London and the rest of the world. It shows Britain at its best a democratic beacon in a troubled world. London should be very proud tonight.
Yep, it's great to see. But now he has to deliver.
I feel very sorry for him. It seems he was traduced by a vulgarian Australian and his only failing was weakness. That doesn't excuse Cameron's two interventions at PMQs
I was mostly happy with Zac's campaign, you'll be surprised to hear. It's perfectly fair to question Khan's links. He has some very strange and suspicious friends and assistants. And then there's "Uncle Tom"? WTF.
Where the Goldsmith campaign crossed the line was that Mail article with the image of the 7/7 bus. That was downright offensive (and I'm not easily offended): clearly linking Khan with the 7/7 bombs because he's a Muslim with associations. Very ugly and unfair.
But a candidate for mayor doesn't get to choose how the Mail runs an article.
Agreed - the attempt by The 'rogers' et al in the Labour party to scream rrraaaccciiisssmmm every time one of their ethnic candidates is tested is extremely unhealthy and one of several reasons why the 'race ' issue is such a continuing problem. Ironically it is damaging them overall far more than their opponents.
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
James Kirkup - one of my favourite political commentators - had a good piece in the Telegraph. Apparently some Tories, including ministers, were not happy with the campaign and may speak out. What I find of particular interest though is that some Tories thought that once they were facing Khan rather than Blairite Jowell they would win with a candidate like Goldsmith. Khan was too close to Ed Miliband, nominated Corbyn and wouldn't understand London's aspirational voters, so they believed. The direction of Goldsmith's campaign suggests they might have lost faith in such a narrative.
The Tories clearly misjudged Khan from Day One. To be fair, it took me a while to see he is not what I thought he was. Attacking Labour nationally for being obssessed by peripheral issues and not getting aspiration makes complete sense and would be totally fair, but that was not Khan; while it quickly became obvious he is not a radical Moslem. You only had to see him going to vote with his family yesterday to get that immediately.
Southam Surely the Khan story from a humble start to London Mayor and his support for gay marriage is a great example for London and the rest of the world. It shows Britain at its best a democratic beacon in a troubled world. London should be very proud tonight.
Yep, it's great to see. But now he has to deliver.
There's far too much hysteria and self-flagellation here in Wales from liberals about Ukip which bizarrely looks a little parochial for people who see themselves as outward looking. Have they SEEN some of the politicians in other countries? If France gets Le Pen, America gets Trump, the Netherlands gets Wilders and we get Neil Hamilton we should consider ourselves lucky.
Agree. We are commendably un-extreme here.
I often see George and Dave depicted as right wing ideologues and then I see the Trump attack videos "I'll get rid of gun free zones in schools" and think... well, we are incredibly civilised in comparison.
Even commie-sympathising, Hamas befriending, tax raising Jezza is unfailingly polite and nice to everyone. And even bicycles to work with a safety helmet on ☺
If I haven't missed anyone, 9 Welsh Assembly members are in Cardiff Bay without interruption since the first Assembly in 1999
Elin Jones (Plaid) Dafydd Elis-Thomas (Plaid) Kirsty Williams (LD) Carwyn Jones (Lab) Ann Jones (Lab) Jane Hutt (Lab) John Griffiths (Lab) Lynne Neagle (Lab) David Melding (Con)
Apparently the police are now investigating Ch 4's story about overspending. I can't be the only person who thinks this is a ridiculous waste of police time. They're talking about re running the election in several seats. The only good news is that Anna Soubry is one of them so Nick might get his seat back
Labour, Lib Dems, PC, SNP seem rather unwilling to say much on this. Reminds me of phone hacking tabloids, all at it but only one seemed to incur the flak.
Congratulations to the Conservatives in Scotland ,hope Scottish Conservatives can now vote for what they believe in rather than the SNP. Labour in Scotland will have to make their mind up ,wether they are a Unionist party or an Independence party.
There's still space for Labour: as THE centre left unionist party in Scotland. They will never return to their previous Scottish hegemony, but there will always be room for a "progressive" party that also believes in the UK. They could get 10 or even 15 Scottish MPs on a very good day.
They need to let the dream of Indy die out, for now, and slowly watch the SNP bubble deflate. Then they can step In.
We could be at the high point of SNP , especially if conservatives have new confidence . However I am not sure independence will die out without another referndum. The SNP will not go for one unless the polls show a certain victory.. In the meantime they will keep their support hanging on. It will be a very slow puncture, with no high speed blow out.
Fenster..maybe you should ask those hardliners in the Valleys to stick their head out of the door..look up and own the street..see what is missing..most things..and then ask them what Labour has done for them over the last seven decades....answer..zilch.. They are where Labour want them..impoverished and bitter.
It's a good point but still they vote for the donkey in the red rosette up there. Wales has to get away from the branch office/begging bowl/public sector heavy economy. Oddly even Ms Wood has shown recent signs I think that independence will remain an "aspiration" until the economy improves. Of course zilch that Plaid espouses will solve that so they're a bit stuffed strategically really.
Oddly Wales' permafrost politics with three or four parties orbiting the Labour monolith permanently in govt is probably what Labour intended for Scotland, (Wales being a mere after thought). That of course has not gone to plan and seems to be getting ever worse.
I feel very sorry for him. It seems he was traduced by a vulgarian Australian and his only failing was weakness. That doesn't excuse Cameron's two interventions at PMQs
I was mostly happy with Zac's campaign, you'll be surprised to hear. It's perfectly fair to question Khan's links. He has some very strange and suspicious friends and assistants. And then there's "Uncle Tom"? WTF.
Where the Goldsmith campaign crossed the line was that Mail article with the image of the 7/7 bus. That was downright offensive (and I'm not easily offended): clearly linking Khan with the 7/7 bombs because he's a Muslim with associations. Very ugly and unfair.
But a candidate for mayor doesn't get to choose how the Mail runs an article.
Agreed - the attempt by The 'rogers' et al in the Labour party to scream rrraaaccciiisssmmm every time one of their ethnic candidates is tested is extremely unhealthy and one of several reasons why the 'race ' issue is such a continuing problem. Ironically it is damaging them overall far more than their opponents.
Zac probably gave Sadiq an additional 2%. Ironically, I would not have put Zac in the racist camp myself. Even his sister didn't seem very pleased today - after the event.
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Yes a repeat of the 80s loony left council routine.
Seat trending Labour demographically. Hence being a 12% Labour majority in 2015 while being Tory in 1992.
First term MP. Typical Labour CV: Labour Women Network Chair, worked for Oxfam, Baroness Kinnock and Sarah Brown.
In the 1997-2015 period her seat was represented by a left wing MP (campaign manager for McDonnell in his failed attempt to get nominated for a leadership contest). He didn't back her for the nomination (he was actively supporting a Leeds Cllr....possibly just because pissed off that his male researcher couldn't run as it was declared an AWS and he thought NEC did so to favour Cox ). Cox was heavily backed by Reeves IIRC.
It's interesting how party leaders ruin colleagues reputations and careers without a backward glance. Usually to enhance their own. Blair was notable for doing it. Remember that minister Alun Michael prospective first Minister in Wales? He ended up losing because no one wanted a Blair apointee and was sacked for his trouble.
Then there was the hapless frank Dobson for mayor of London. Ken saw him off and Frank was history.
And what about Ed's Scottish first Minister designate. Jim Murphy? Didn't win and lost everything including his Westminster seat. Thatcher had several and now Cameron's just screwed Zak. It's very Machiavellian but I suppose that's what makes leaders leaders
I feel very sorry for him. It seems he was traduced by a vulgarian Australian and his only failing was weakness. That doesn't excuse Cameron's two interventions at PMQs
I was mostly happy with Zac's campaign, you'll be surprised to hear. It's perfectly fair to question Khan's links. He has some very strange and suspicious friends and assistants. And then there's "Uncle Tom"? WTF.
Where the Goldsmith campaign crossed the line was that Mail article with the image of the 7/7 bus. That was downright offensive (and I'm not easily offended): clearly linking Khan with the 7/7 bombs because he's a Muslim with associations. Very ugly and unfair.
But a candidate for mayor doesn't get to choose how the Mail runs an article.
Agreed - the attempt by The 'rogers' et al in the Labour party to scream rrraaaccciiisssmmm every time one of their ethnic candidates is tested is extremely unhealthy and one of several reasons why the 'race ' issue is such a continuing problem. Ironically it is damaging them overall far more than their opponents.
Zac probably gave Sadiq an additional 2%. Ironically, I would not have put Zac in the racist camp myself. Even his sister didn't seem very pleased today - after the event.
Nor me Zac could not do the attack dog, his heart was not in it. Cameron does a better job at PMQ`S
Mark Burns-Williamson re-elected as West Yorkshire PCC
PPCs finished for today. Only the 4 Welsh PCCs left to be elected but they were counting today
I was interested to see in Leics that Labour took the PCC from Con on a 19% turnout with no other elections. UKIP were in 4th and about 20% of voters included no second preference.
What to take from this?
1) low turnout doesn't help UKIP much, if at all.
2) Labour voters turn out even for fairly obscure elections
I am not convinced that low turnout will help Leave much.
Yebbut, factor in swingback, and Labour will go backwards on 2015...
The UKIP and SNP votes make a hung parliament likely in 2020, especially after EU ref
We were told that in 2015 also.
Middle England will stick pins in their eyes before entertaining a Corbyn government propped up by the SNP.
If the 2016 NEV is anything like what I've been hearing, it's an atrocious result for Labour...
The difference in 2020 to 2015 will be EU ref, if, as is likely, it is a narrow Remain at least 3-5% having voted Leave will switch from Tory to UKIP in protest, they will not vote for Corbyn but that would be enough to ensure a hung parliament
I wonder if it could be that Lynton Crosby had no intention of winning the mayoral race, and that the entire exercise was a huge dog whistle to the wider nation about Muslim extremists.
Interesting theory. Zac was sacrificed for the greeter good. Nice.
Surely the Tories do not want to win like that. There's no need for such a strategy and it is not conducive to good, effective government.
On the London elects website there is just a list of winners and 8 random PDFs at the bottom.
Who gains how much here, Andy?
There was a fantastic letter in The Times recently, along the lines of "I see Emma Thompson has decided X. I am grateful to her because usually after careful thought and analysis, I come to the opposite conclusion to her so it is useful that she has opined early and saved me time in choosing the opposite position."
Con well ahead despite all problems.
Remember Peter Snow "bit of fun" projections showing governing party reduced to almost nothing.
Top up seats haven't been allocated yet (I think).
I only wish I had more time to post here.
How do you get the actual result in each seat?
ie Votes for each candidate.
Edit: By the looks of things the independents have been beaten by Tories. So perhaps they suffered because November, 2012 was not a particularly good time for the Tories.
The voting form came through and I posted it back as a vote for Liz as my 1st choice.
I thought you said you would vote Corbyn to cause mischief. Was I wrong or did you change your mind?
The Conservative implosion in Dore is quite impressive:
2008 43.6%
2010 33.4%
2011 32.0%
2012 34.0%
2014 25.9%
2015 24.8%
2016 17.7%
Labour in Scotland will have to make their mind up ,wether they are a Unionist party or an Independence party.
West Yorkshire PCC still be declared. If they haven't fell asleep at the counting hall
I was going to vote for JC using the awesome AV voting system (©TSE).
However, as it was a potential PM I was voting for.
Liz got the first vote as she was by far the only sensible candidate standing and I wanted send a message (all 4% of it).
I still don't think you should have voted in an opponent's election but I blame Labour's election system for that more than you.
I feel we are close to a fracturing and subsequent realignment of politics over the next ten years.
It'll be interesting to see where we all end up.
This seems totally bizarre - is there really nowhere with the actual results?
I've tried arguing for common sense on Facebook among my friends but the responses from the usual hardliners (usually those round here from pit-working families) are vicious. I've been called a Tory C*nt on numerous occasions. Even when I'm lighthearted or throwing the banter out the hardliners here won't tolerate it. It's us or them.
It would take a very brave man or woman to canvass for the Tories in the valleys. I honestly think UKIP would be the better option here. They have less baggage, however unpalatable their views.
Wales elected Neil fecking Hamilton and Mark fecking Reckless yesterday! Even that pair would have more hope in the valleys than a Tory.
I hope Khan uses his role as one of our most prominent Muslims for lasting good. Something like making London an FGM-free city would be a worthy aim.
Take your lead from Conservatives voting SNP in Scotland.
Then when Independence is nearly there revert .
Lab -14.3%
Con +1.4%
UKIP +13.7%
Greens +4.1%
Tories gained 3 seats from Labour: Arbury, Galley Common, Slough.
It took forever last time too. IIRC in Brent they couldn't find a box anymore....and it was under a table
Actually they are on your Wiki page - if you click on each constituency it then takes you to the result on a separate page.
Thanks again!
PPCs finished for today. Only the 4 Welsh PCCs left to be elected but they were counting today
Khan spoke to the media Wednesday, and he mentioned that Donald Trump’s potential election could keep Canelo and himself out of the U.S. The British-born Khan is a Muslim and was referencing Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim travel to the U.S.
Will Sadiq Khan the new London Mayor have to wait if he becomes potus.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said.
What will he do now , when Cameron does another u turn and approves the new runway at Heathrow ?
I look at it as the same as all the fuss about tax avoidance.
They (whoever that is) create the system.
Don't complain when people game the system. Change it.
Sums it all up really.
Caroline Jones (South West Wales)
Nathan Gill MEP (North Wales)
Michelle Brown (North Wales)
Mark Reckless (South Waled East)
David Rowlands (South Waled East)
Neil Hamilton (Mid and West Wales)
Gareth Bennett (South West Central)
Surely the Khan story from a humble start to London Mayor and his support for gay marriage is a great example for London and the rest of the world.
It shows Britain at its best a democratic beacon in a troubled world.
London should be very proud tonight.
I often see George and Dave depicted as right wing ideologues and then I see the Trump attack videos "I'll get rid of gun free zones in schools" and think... well, we are incredibly civilised in comparison.
Even commie-sympathising, Hamas befriending, tax raising Jezza is unfailingly polite and nice to everyone. And even bicycles to work with a safety helmet on ☺
He's not exactly Kim Jung! !
Elin Jones (Plaid)
Dafydd Elis-Thomas (Plaid)
Kirsty Williams (LD)
Carwyn Jones (Lab)
Ann Jones (Lab)
Jane Hutt (Lab)
John Griffiths (Lab)
Lynne Neagle (Lab)
David Melding (Con)
Clearly she was sent out as an outrider by her masters and then they slipped away when the results were not so bad.
Sad, there are Labour Party people who wants Labour to do badly.
"Sadiq Khan: There are too many white men on Transport for London"
Khan seems obsessed about the colour of peoples' skin. Whatever happened to hiring the best candidates for the job.
However I am not sure independence will die out without another referndum.
The SNP will not go for one unless the polls show a certain victory..
In the meantime they will keep their support hanging on.
It will be a very slow puncture, with no high speed blow out.
Oddly Wales' permafrost politics with three or four parties orbiting the Labour monolith permanently in govt is probably what Labour intended for Scotland, (Wales being a mere after thought). That of course has not gone to plan and seems to be getting ever worse.
I think I read she put Corbyn on the ballot for a greater discussion.
First term MP. Typical Labour CV: Labour Women Network Chair, worked for Oxfam, Baroness Kinnock and Sarah Brown.
In the 1997-2015 period her seat was represented by a left wing MP (campaign manager for McDonnell in his failed attempt to get nominated for a leadership contest). He didn't back her for the nomination (he was actively supporting a Leeds Cllr....possibly just because pissed off that his male researcher couldn't run as it was declared an AWS and he thought NEC did so to favour Cox ). Cox was heavily backed by Reeves IIRC.
Does he count as a Blairite ?
Obviously has a "women problem"...
Then there was the hapless frank Dobson for mayor of London. Ken saw him off and Frank was history.
And what about Ed's Scottish first Minister designate. Jim Murphy? Didn't win and lost everything including his Westminster seat. Thatcher had several and now Cameron's just screwed Zak. It's very Machiavellian but I suppose that's what makes leaders leaders
Cameron does a better job at PMQ`S
What to take from this?
1) low turnout doesn't help UKIP much, if at all.
2) Labour voters turn out even for fairly obscure elections
I am not convinced that low turnout will help Leave much.