Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Yeah but .... yeah but .... Trump is already off his trolley ....
Crazy like a fox is how the yanks would put it. I'm mystified by your soft spot for Hillary who has struggled to beat a geriatric communist clown.
Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Yeah but .... yeah but .... Trump is already off his trolley ....
Crazy like a fox is how the yanks would put it. I'm mystified by your soft spot for Hillary who has struggled to beat a geriatric communist clown.
My only soft spot is for Mrs JackW ....
If Trump were the winner I'd say so.
He ain't. Simples.
Right on, Jack ! It is difficult to have a soft spot for HRC. But if anyone deserves to be the first WPOTUS, it is her.
Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Yeah but .... yeah but .... Trump is already off his trolley ....
Crazy like a fox is how the yanks would put it. I'm mystified by your soft spot for Hillary who has struggled to beat a geriatric communist clown.
It's quite amazing, perhaps not, that Politico a respected if Lefty political forum and web site, has been trolling Trump all day. On twitter they have surpassed themselves; it's almost as if the site is having a nervous breakdown.
It's funny, but you know, old codgers like JackW often have crushes on domineering younger women.
@Cyclefree Tweet your displeasure and namecheck @JLcustserv - I had repeated problems last year with a delivery and they did very well sorting it all out. They do monitor their tweets.
I'm not on Twitter. But I have made a formal complaint. Don't worry: they will be left in no doubt of my displeasure!
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Yeah but .... yeah but .... Trump is already off his trolley ....
Crazy like a fox is how the yanks would put it. I'm mystified by your soft spot for Hillary who has struggled to beat a geriatric communist clown.
It's funny, but you know, old codgers like JackW often have crushes on domineering younger women.
Says the recently turned 82 year old UKIP monk ....
Labour Voter: "You are absolutely dreadful; I can't believe what you've done. Corbyn is an absolute joke, his leadership is abysmal and his management of the party an absolute outrage." Canvasser: "Can I count on your vote?" Labour Voter: "Yeah, I always vote Labour."
Funny thing is in many places that is literally what the case may be. That's tribal voting for you, whoever it is for.
I was chatting to a Labour voter at work today. He thought that Ken's comments were historically correct and like some on here only the right capable of racism.
Diplomatically I had to put him right on both scores.
How did you put him right ? I suppose you know more than Mr. Finkelstein whose family died in the holocaust.
Labour Voter: "You are absolutely dreadful; I can't believe what you've done. Corbyn is an absolute joke, his leadership is abysmal and his management of the party an absolute outrage." Canvasser: "Can I count on your vote?" Labour Voter: "Yeah, I always vote Labour."
Funny thing is in many places that is literally what the case may be. That's tribal voting for you, whoever it is for.
You forget that most people vote for a party, not a person unless you are voting for that person. We are still somewhat removed from US politics where party loyalty is very flimsy.
Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Yeah but .... yeah but .... Trump is already off his trolley ....
Crazy like a fox is how the yanks would put it. I'm mystified by your soft spot for Hillary who has struggled to beat a geriatric communist clown.
It's funny, but you know, old codgers like JackW often have crushes on domineering younger women.
Says the recently turned 82 year old UKIP monk ....
Also, is your Euro-arse showing signs of clenching?
No. Clinton will defeat Trump with ease.
Is your Arse4US so firm because Trump's the candidate or do you think Clinton could have had difficulty against Jeb! (or a generic non-toxic Republican)?
Interesting. I stand by my prediction that you will go wobbly around August.
In the head-to-head polling they almost reached crossover last year before the Republicans started going negative against Trump. I think you're underestimating how much the dynamic will change once the party embraces him as the candidate. Trump has outsmarted everyone so far and I'm confident in his ability to pivot away from an 'angry core male WWC strategy'.
The ARSE has no history of "wobbly"
I'm still waiting for McCain and Romney to pivot as I was reliably told would happen .... Trump would need to pivot so much he'd be the envy of Torvill and Dean in their majesty.
McCain pivoted off his trolley by selecting Sarah Palin and Romney was an uncharismatic stiff. I wouldn't make any predictions about Trump based on their failures.
Yeah but .... yeah but .... Trump is already off his trolley ....
Crazy like a fox is how the yanks would put it. I'm mystified by your soft spot for Hillary who has struggled to beat a geriatric communist clown.
It's funny, but you know, old codgers like JackW often have crushes on domineering younger women.
Says the recently turned 82 year old UKIP monk ....
My crushes are on MUCH younger women.
Oh .... woman who have just collected their bus passes? ....
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
I thought Professor O'Hara's words about Oldham were profoundly un-wise because the sort of demographics that provided Labour with their victory there are noticeably absent in most of the rest of the country.
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
Labour Voter: "You are absolutely dreadful; I can't believe what you've done. Corbyn is an absolute joke, his leadership is abysmal and his management of the party an absolute outrage." Canvasser: "Can I count on your vote?" Labour Voter: "Yeah, I always vote Labour."
Funny thing is in many places that is literally what the case may be. That's tribal voting for you, whoever it is for.
You forget that most people vote for a party, not a person unless you are voting for that person. We are still somewhat removed from US politics where party loyalty is very flimsy.
Labour were totally stupid in their response. Having an enquiry was ridiculous. They should have held their ground . Once you give in to this McCarthyism the rest automatically follows. Corbyn is a hopeless leader
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
That is an absolutely fascinating article. It is pretty hard to refute his contentions as well.
I never thought the map thing was especially offensive - there are historical reasons why Jews wanted to flee to Israel but it's possible to argue in some scholarly forum that the USA should have made a large area available to them and it might have worked out well. The problem, though, about talking about the issue in the almost flippant way that she and Livingstone did is that it turns the relatively recent historical catastrophe of the Holocaust into a subject for idle banter and speculation.
I accept that Naz didn't mean to cause offence and think she's taking reasonable steps to make up for it and should in due course be forgiven. Livingstone, however, should know better, and his enjoyment in winding people up with shock-jock chatter was spectacularly inappropriate here.
What time is the count on Thursday? I see somwhere it says that the London result will only be known Friday afternoon - not counting till next day, or just slow with all those ballots to sort and multiple rounds?
That is really a load of nonsense! Counts are declared ward by ward - rather than an authority announcing all its results at a particular time. Wards for a given authority will often be hours apart in terms of when results are announced.
What time is the count on Thursday? I see somwhere it says that the London result will only be known Friday afternoon - not counting till next day, or just slow with all those ballots to sort and multiple rounds?
The Jewish scholar & historian from whom Naz Shah re-posted the 'move Israel to USA' image expresses a view. I'm sure all fans of free speech will approve.
'Finkelstein Breaks His Silence. Tells Holocaust-Mongers, “It is time to crawl back into your sewer!”'
If Trump were the winner I'd say so.
He ain't. Simples.
It's funny, but you know, old codgers like JackW often have crushes on domineering younger women.
In 2011/12, Obama led by 25.
I accept that Naz didn't mean to cause offence and think she's taking reasonable steps to make up for it and should in due course be forgiven. Livingstone, however, should know better, and his enjoyment in winding people up with shock-jock chatter was spectacularly inappropriate here.