Completely O/T but I have just been on Amazon and pretty amazed at the lack of any discount for popular titles.
Seems like Amazon has gone the classic predatory pricing route - cut your prices to kill the bookstores and then discontinue the discounts when you have they are mainly out of business.
It is even worse....Amazon have deployed a tactic where a revolving list of popular titles for games, dvds, etc are only available to Prime members.
Stronger In @StrongerIn The Leave Campaign want us to leave Europe and be like Albania. There's nothing British about Brexit. 8:06 PM - 24 Apr 2016
it's actually a bit daft, last time I looked Albania was firmly in Europe.
It actually pleases me as a sign there is a lot of ineptness in the Remain campaign. "Leave Europe and be like Albania"? They are making a mockery of themselves in basic geography, even before you get into the marketing weakness of not playing into a campaign message.
There is no Remain message except scare the shit out of voters. Even their numbers are just made up.
If Leave had a half decent leader they would cause them serious damage.
This is merely an hors d'oeuvre.
The campaign proper starts 9th of May.
You ain't see nothing yet.
Dave blows off Jean claude Junker live on TV while he threatens the UK with a nuclear winter ?
the Treasury runs out of zeros for their next big scary number ?
Guided helicopter tours of the Tory party split since it's now bigger than the Grand canyon ?
I suspect it will be wall to wall 3 million jobs versus 3 million new migrants for the last few weeks, with the Book of Revelation being cited by both sides.
Except now of course the 3 million jobs is a fiction but Remain have confirmed the 3 million immigrants as a fact.
Surely that shoud be FACT
well it is fun. Does Osborne attack his own number and therefore undermine his case or does he keep passing his opponents more ammunition ?
LOL I think Scott P and RN are having an early night.
Nabavi's lying in bed counting 1.7 billion sheep jumping over a cash till.
Completely O/T but I have just been on Amazon and pretty amazed at the lack of any discount for popular titles.
Seems like Amazon has gone the classic predatory pricing route - cut your prices to kill the bookstores and then discontinue the discounts when you have they are mainly out of business.
It is even worse....Amazon have deployed a tactic where a revolving list of popular titles for games, dvds, etc are only available to Prime members.
3 years ago I started scaling down my Amazon purchases for the monopoly reasons. My Xmas spend dropped from almost £1,000 to just over £100 in that period.
Completely O/T but I have just been on Amazon and pretty amazed at the lack of any discount for popular titles.
Seems like Amazon has gone the classic predatory pricing route - cut your prices to kill the bookstores and then discontinue the discounts when you have they are mainly out of business.
It is even worse....Amazon have deployed a tactic where a revolving list of popular titles for games, dvds, etc are only available to Prime members.
3 years ago I started scaling down my Amazon purchases for the monopoly reasons. My Xmas spend dropped from almost £1,000 to just over £100 in that period.
For electrical / computer items there is actually a lot of competition. Amazon certainly isn't my instant go for things like pc components.
Not currently, through no fault of my own, although the rest of my family lives in the West Country with plenty of pleasant Poles around. However I am keeping busy teaching in the third world, which helps pass the time until I can see my immigrant wife and children in the UK again. Have you seen Cameron's polling against Corbyn recently ?
Are you suggesting Cameron would lose to Corbyn in an election? Or are you of the opinion the Tories would do better with a more right wing eurosceptic leader? That worked well before.
I am not suggesting anything, the polls suggest that Cameron is less popular than Corbyn. Being less popular than a marxist takes a bit of talent. The British public still believe in the magic money tree, they have had enough cuts when Osborne has singularly failed to cut anything of substance, we will get another idiotic leftwing government whether you or I like it or not.
As nobody in their right mind desires an idiotic left wing government would it not be eminently sensible for some of the more voluble critics of Mr Cameron showed a little discipline. The frustrating thing to me is that without the naked ambition of Boris and the treachery of Duncan Smith there was a chance of a sensible debate rather than the unseemly melee that's unfolded.
For all my criticism of leave and it's campaign I'm no fan of the EU. However a referendum was promised, it's taking place and because the PM doesn't support leave I don't think he deserves the opprobrium being heaped on him.
Had Cameron not chosen to hose £9 million of taxpayers cash printing leaflets for the Remain campaign, he might have had an easier ride.
Yeah right. When exactly did IDS flounce off into the sunset? And when did Boris suddenly acquire his passion for Brexit?
Stronger In @StrongerIn The Leave Campaign want us to leave Europe and be like Albania. There's nothing British about Brexit. 8:06 PM - 24 Apr 2016
it's actually a bit daft, last time I looked Albania was firmly in Europe.
It actually pleases me as a sign there is a lot of ineptness in the Remain campaign. "Leave Europe and be like Albania"? They are making a mockery of themselves in basic geography, even before you get into the marketing weakness of not playing into a campaign message.
There is no Remain message except scare the shit out of voters. Even their numbers are just made up.
If Leave had a half decent leader they would cause them serious damage.
This is merely an hors d'oeuvre.
The campaign proper starts 9th of May.
You ain't see nothing yet.
Dave blows off Jean claude Junker live on TV while he threatens the UK with a nuclear winter ?
the Treasury runs out of zeros for their next big scary number ?
Guided helicopter tours of the Tory party split since it's now bigger than the Grand canyon ?
I suspect it will be wall to wall 3 million jobs versus 3 million new migrants for the last few weeks, with the Book of Revelation being cited by both sides.
Except now of course the 3 million jobs is a fiction but Remain have confirmed the 3 million immigrants as a fact.
Surely that shoud be FACT
well it is fun. Does Osborne attack his own number and therefore undermine his case or does he keep passing his opponents more ammunition ?
Unfortunately for Leave, Gove has given Remain some ammo on that front
Stronger In @StrongerIn The Leave Campaign want us to leave Europe and be like Albania. There's nothing British about Brexit. 8:06 PM - 24 Apr 2016
it's actually a bit daft, last time I looked Albania was firmly in Europe.
It actually pleases me as a sign there is a lot of ineptness in the Remain campaign. "Leave Europe and be like Albania"? They are making a mockery of themselves in basic geography, even before you get into the marketing weakness of not playing into a campaign message.
There is no Remain message except scare the shit out of voters. Even their numbers are just made up.
If Leave had a half decent leader they would cause them serious damage.
This is merely an hors d'oeuvre.
The campaign proper starts 9th of May.
You ain't see nothing yet.
Dave blows off Jean claude Junker live on TV while he threatens the UK with a nuclear winter ?
the Treasury runs out of zeros for their next big scary number ?
Guided helicopter tours of the Tory party split since it's now bigger than the Grand canyon ?
I suspect it will be wall to wall 3 million jobs versus 3 million new migrants for the last few weeks, with the Book of Revelation being cited by both sides.
Except now of course the 3 million jobs is a fiction but Remain have confirmed the 3 million immigrants as a fact.
Surely that shoud be FACT
well it is fun. Does Osborne attack his own number and therefore undermine his case or does he keep passing his opponents more ammunition ?
LOL I think Scott P and RN are having an early night.
Nabavi's lying in bed counting 1.7 billion sheep jumping over a cash till.
"As nobody in their right mind desires an idiotic left wing government would it not be eminently sensible for some of the more voluble critics of Mr Cameron showed a little discipline" - Corbyn is not a threat to working class or OAP conservatives, if anything he looks more of an EU sceptic. The middle class will have to contribute more. Not going to be a problem, they won't get any consideration from me.
Perhaps the most significant conclusion from the Austrian presidential election is that the polls were completely misleading again. (They are reported on wikipedia).
They repeatedly showed van der Bellen leading, just ahead of Hofer.
This seems to be very different to the result, which is an emphatic lead for Hofer.
If the projection in the Guardian is right (Hofer 36.7 %, van der Bellen 19.7 %), then the pollsters have again screwed up in a big way.
Doesn't this just beg the question "why didn't you accept the offer to call the strike off then?"
That depends what side of the aisle people are on, I'd have thought, as other questions might be begged, but the Doctors still seem to have the public edge on this one.
Perhaps the most significant conclusion from the Austrian presidential election is that the polls were completely misleading again. (They are reported on wikipedia).
They repeatedly showed van der Bellen leading, just ahead of Hofer.
This seems to be very different to the result, which is an emphatic lead for Hofer.
If the projection in the Guardian is right (Hofer 36.7 %, van der Bellen 19.7 %), then the pollsters have again screwed up in a big way.
Yes; and it makes the EU referendum *very* interesting.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Both campaigns really do have some odious people involved don't they.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Cameron, Campbell and Mandelson. Sounds grim. I'd pay £14K not to have dinner with the latter two. Actually, all of them.
I'm guessing that most of the donors were involved with big corporates who stand to gain most from the UK remaining in the EU.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Remain - the side of the loaded? Who would have thought that?
Doesn't this just beg the question "why didn't you accept the offer to call the strike off then?"
Hunt got it wrong all along.
He didn't believe the juniors would vote to strike.
He didn't believe they actually would.
He didn't believe they would have an all-out strike
Once people like junior doctors have been on strike once, they are very likely to do so again. They get the taste for it.
I think that May and June will have further strikes.
Hunt is spot on. Less hours, higher pay, less overtime, a great contract. Unions are b*stards. Let 'em strike. All their faux 'care.' They don't care, they just think about their fat pay packets. F*ck 'em.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Wealthy metropolitans oppose Brexit quelle surprise
Stronger In @StrongerIn The Leave Campaign want us to leave Europe and be like Albania. There's nothing British about Brexit. 8:06 PM - 24 Apr 2016
it's actually a bit daft, last time I looked Albania was firmly in Europe.
It actually pleases me as a sign there is a lot of ineptness in the Remain campaign. "Leave Europe and be like Albania"? They are making a mockery of themselves in basic geography, even before you get into the marketing weakness of not playing into a campaign message.
There is no Remain message except scare the shit out of voters. Even their numbers are just made up.
If Leave had a half decent leader they would cause them serious damage.
This is merely an hors d'oeuvre.
The campaign proper starts 9th of May.
You ain't see nothing yet.
It seems like only a few shorts week ago that you were a Leaver, and now you're privy to everything Remain.
Only a moron like you would think the campaigns aren't going to kick into higher gear after the local, London Mayoral, and the devolved elections are out the way.
You don't need to be Sir Lynton Crosby to know that.
ROFL just what the Tories need - a bit more spite to go with the rancour.
Really this is probably the worst party campaign in ages.
The same party tears itself to bits to the applause of it's opponents laughing on the sidelines.
Cameron seems determined to perform this Samson act. Yes, he will win his referendum. But at what price?
I would never,ever lower myself to meet him again. Utterly disloyal.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Isn't that just the EU doing its job of countering protectionism in order to safeguard the single market?
TBF The only real alternative is to scrap VED and go to tolling.
I say just add it on to fuel duty. As I've been saying for ever. Make MOT certificates displayable in your car with a date, and Bob's your uncle. Not sure whether it helps with foreign lorries as those things have very big tanks.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Remain - the side of the loaded? Who would have thought that?
I'd try to rustle up £14,000 NOT to have to attend a dinner with Peter Mandelson and Bad Al Campbell to be honest.
Isn't that just the EU doing its job of countering protectionism in order to safeguard the single market?
TBF The only real alternative is to scrap VED and go to tolling.
I say just add it on to fuel duty. As I've been saying for ever. Make MOT certificates displayable in your car with a date, and Bob's your uncle. Not sure whether it helps with foreign lorries as those things have very big tanks.
I've known some vehicles with 1000 litre tanks. They can be a bugger to fill up away from base as they trigger the fraud warning on fuel cards.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Remain - the side of the loaded? Who would have thought that?
I'd try to rustle up £14,000 NOT to have to attend a dinner with Peter Mandelson and Bad Al Campbell to be honest.
You could have some fun with the menu cards. 'Main Course - Kelly Surprise', 'Dessert - Baghdad Bombe'. And parking the drinks trolley next to Campbell.
The ST reports today that Cameron attended a fundraiser last Wednesday which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for Britain Stronger in Europe. The highlight of the evening was dinner with 'the kings of spin' Lord Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which one lucky bidder bid £14,000 for. They promised to 'tell all the old stories and if you find them on a good day Alistair may even act out scenes from the Thick of It while Peter may try to perform scenes from Yes Minister.'
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
Remain - the side of the loaded? Who would have thought that?
I'd try to rustle up £14,000 NOT to have to attend a dinner with Peter Mandelson and Bad Al Campbell to be honest.
You could have some fun with the menu cards. 'Main Course - Kelly Surprise', 'Dessert - Baghdad Bombe'. And parking the drinks trolley next to Campbell.
Host the dinner here: Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands
Perhaps the most significant conclusion from the Austrian presidential election is that the polls were completely misleading again. (They are reported on wikipedia).
They repeatedly showed van der Bellen leading, just ahead of Hofer.
This seems to be very different to the result, which is an emphatic lead for Hofer.
If the projection in the Guardian is right (Hofer 36.7 %, van der Bellen 19.7 %), then the pollsters have again screwed up in a big way.
Austrian pollsters possibly don't account for people lying in order to cover up what they may view as embarrassing opinions.
Posh allegedly derives from Port Out, Starboard Home, which posh people used to choose their cabins on transatlantic trips (to be in the sunshine).
No it doesn't, you unbelievably idiotic nincompoop. That is an urban myth which has been comprehensively demolished as a result of extensive research which has never found the slightest scrap of contemporary documentary evidence (in the form of tickets or other booking information).
Posh allegedly derives from Port Out, Starboard Home, which posh people used to choose their cabins on transatlantic trips (to be in the sunshine).
No it doesn't, you unbelievably idiotic nincompoop. That is an urban myth which has been comprehensively demolished as a result of extensive research which has never found the slightest scrap of contemporary documentary evidence (in the form of tickets or other booking information).
Doesn't this just beg the question "why didn't you accept the offer to call the strike off then?"
Hunt got it wrong all along.
He didn't believe the juniors would vote to strike.
He didn't believe they actually would.
He didn't believe they would have an all-out strike
Once people like junior doctors have been on strike once, they are very likely to do so again. They get the taste for it.
I think that May and June will have further strikes.
Do a Reagan and sack them. They clearly don't give a shit about the health service.
And replace them with ... military surgeons?
This isn't like coal which can be bought elsewhere. There is no easy replacement for JDs. Besides contractually it is a really complex arrangement as doctors are employed by the local trusts and kinda seconded to them by deanaries, not by the DoH in any way shape or form. Actually the trusts have an active incentive to NOT fire as they need to then replace them with much more expensive locum doctors.
Good night and have fun.
Refresh my memory.
They repeatedly showed van der Bellen leading, just ahead of Hofer.
This seems to be very different to the result, which is an emphatic lead for Hofer.
If the projection in the Guardian is right (Hofer 36.7 %, van der Bellen 19.7 %), then the pollsters have again screwed up in a big way.
The Posh Boys think everyone must bow down to them... Time to get rid.
He didn't believe the juniors would vote to strike.
He didn't believe they actually would.
He didn't believe they would have an all-out strike
Once people like junior doctors have been on strike once, they are very likely to do so again. They get the taste for it.
I think that May and June will have further strikes.
By contrast a recent Brexit fundraiser raised just £35,000
That's one country where I'd vote centre-right...
I'm guessing that most of the donors were involved with big corporates who stand to gain most from the UK remaining in the EU.
At what point does it become a value bet?
I can't see a discernible change in mood anywhere, just a hardening of previously held convictions.
They can be a bugger to fill up away from base as they trigger the fraud warning on fuel cards.
Polling closes at 22:00 on the 23rd.
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK Den Haag, Netherlands
It's why trade agreements - like NAFTA or the TPP - contain ISDS provisions.
Nice flapping, though.