There has been a fair bit of talked about a possible “Bradley effect in the London mayoral election on May 5th. This refers to the well observed effect of people telling pollsters that they will support a non-white candidate when in fact they don’t end up doing so.
I mean in the not so distant future we could see the Tory Party led by Sajid Javid and Labour led by Sadiq Khan
You've quite rightly said how disgusting Phil Woolas's campaign was, but I don't see how Goldsmith's is any different.
Bet365 are giving half stake back on all Grand National bets up to £125 refund again !
But I don't think it is racist or Islamophobic.
Voter groups aren't homogeneous, you target them differently.
Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have heavily focussed on African American voters, you wouldn't call them racists.
Nor is Sadiq Khan when he produced a leaflet in Hebrew
Goldsmith fit the profile for a Tory who could win: Londoners clearly like someone who isn't afraid to ruffle feathers and has the balls to speak out against the party line when necessary, which Goldsmith has shown much more willingness to do than the ultra-loyalist Khan. But a race-baiting campaign was surely always likely to just fire up Muslim voters and "right-on" Millennials (who otherwise might not have bothered turning out).
Don't assume that Khan gets a boost from his ethnicity/religion among Hindu & Sikh voters. The Zac camp are well aware of this, and are playing to it.
Lumping all voters from a south-asian background together can result in some very wrong assumptions. Let's see how Sadiq's vote in Southall compares with Ken's from last time, for example.
But I stand by that the stuff about him being "divisive and dangerous", and bringing up the most tenuous links to dodgy Islamists, is.
That said, it's hard to see past a Sadiq Khan victory.
Last year we customised our approach to different voters.
If family A's main priority was education, we banged on about education.
If family B's main priority was the NHS, we banged on about the NHS.
If family C's main priority was immigration, we banged on about how a vote for UKIP would allow Ed Miliband and the SNP to take power.
You've picked the wrong subsample in your "some" to "all" refutation.
“More than four minutes,” gasped one Chinese fan after seeing two pandas mate on the popular livestreaming channel “That’s longer than me”
IMO Khan should never have made his Muslimness or, indeed, his background an issue. They say nothing about his talents or qualifications or ability to be a Mayor. It would be like saying that the fact that my parents were born abroad and I belong to a religious minority somehow qualified me to be Mayor.
If Labour want to play the identity politics card then they have to expect their opponents to play it against them.
But Goldsmith has been feeble about this and generally a bit feeble about everything. He's simply too disengaged - or that is the appearance he gives.
It is only because Cameron has his own difficulties, which he has handled badly and all the papers are focused on it / going for him (for different reasons) that it makes it seem like Corbyn hasn't gaffed.
And the budget was self inflicted by Osborne trying to be to Brownian.
I can't remember the Red Leicester leavers derevation - but it is rather cute!
As for the thread, the graph shows why Zac is still in the running, with Khan's support coming so heavily from BME backgrounds, there is no guarantee they will turn out to vote on the day.
SNP election agent is condemned as 'a disgrace' after comparing David Cameron and Boris Johnson to child killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley
I'm not seeing many RT's either.
Personally, I can't say I'm enthused by either candidate. Zac's extreme anti-Heathrow position is a problem. I'm distinctly unimpressed by Sadiq's unrealistic stance on freezing fares - he was doing OK until he came out with that.
Incidentally, hasn't Exeter broken up for Easter hols? Wonder who the audience are...
Bit like the Yougov surveys, the PM is talking to the politically interested (Mostly remain) young converted already.
Labour has a lot more foot soldiers in London and the Khan campaign is more focused on things that most people care about (housing in particular), but the usual issues of registration and commitment arise with particular force here. I think Khan will win but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
A serious answer, they could be anybody really couldn't they. Not exactly a big turn-out whoever they are.
“Goldsmith assumed all the 120,000 Sikhs were middle-class Hindus, running family businesses, concerned about burglaries and possessions whilst welcoming to Modi’s UK visit last year.”
One Tory source tells me it is as if the campaign has “found a bumper book of surnames” and just spewed mailouts to them without much nuance.
The 'wascism' suggestions seem to be more the activist/media storm than any sort of reality in voters' minds...
I agree with you on all of those.
did you use race to help determine which was their likely main priority?
Target 18 for the Tories in 2020.
My vote will actually count ! I never like that.
But, are these Khan supporters registered? Since the last London Mayor elections the voter register has tightened. There have also been large movements of people which probably result in as many as 15% of adults unregistered. Most of these would be Khan supporters (younger, BME etc). The gap between them may therefore be very small and the scale of leads shown for Khan.
Does Dave always have to stand in front of a spiral staircase?
When I ran Bristol University branch we'd be lucky to get two dozen for a political speaker from a society of about 120.
For the PM, you'd advertise more widely and get a much better turnout from a much broader range of students.
Anyway, @MikeSmithson, what links their opposition to Uber, HS2 and Heathrow expansion is an intense small c conservativism, a fear of a changing world. A radical forward-looking candidate would be able to vigorously make the case to the public for these as part of a wider pitch for developing London into the 2020s (full disclosure, I'm personally sceptical about both HS2 and Heathrow expansion, but that's not the point).
A great PR photo for Remain activists - probably changes fewer than 10 votes....
Market stall in Exeter centre would be a much more useful event for the PM - but he doesn't seem to have the Major soapbox touch does he....
With other browsers, logging out, clearing cookies and history and logging back in fixes it.
I've never seen anything like it.
We led collection of signatures against the EU constitution in 2003-2004 and got over 1,500 signatures for a referendum.
As the government prepares to dispatch tens of millions of glossy REMAIN leaflets the Brexit campaign is ready to up their momentum ....
Elements of the English, Cameroonian, non-pensioner middle classes have become the vanguard of radical progress.
The elite and working classes have become natural 60s Conservatives.
To hark back to the last thread; that is a recipe for realignment if ever I saw one.
*Actually, that's not entirely fair. My MP, Emily Thornberry, has been assiduous in the last few years about sending leaflets regularly updating me on what she is doing.
Ahem. Misheard. They're doing a news recap from a few years ago ...
I'm in a fairly safe Labour seat now (Ellesmere Port & Neston), but I've got some of the posher parts of the Wirral to the left of me and Tory Cheshire to the right.
“David Cameron and his right-wing Tory government were elected by a minority of the electorate."
“Zero students voted Tory. Therefore, we must make a stand against this undemocratic regime by banning David Cameron and his Tory government from our democratic Students’ Union and our university campus."
“In addition, David Cameron has continually violated the safe-space policy by implementing changes to junior doctors’ NHS contracts."
“We must fight back against the Tory steamroller which is destroying the NHS and destroying the United Kingdom and also Europe."
“Also David Cameron has said we should vote to stay in the EU, but he is a Tory and therefore he must have lied."
Will someone be opposing the motion, or is that not allowed under "safe space" policies ?
Ilford North is now number 7 on the list!
Anyroad up, looks like Labour's anti-semitism problem isnt going away:
Anyone who has applied for a visa to travel to the US in the last 20 years probably has information stored in the vulnerable database. It currently contains 290 million passport-related records and 184 million visa records.
There is nothing interesting or imaginative or intelligent about a person who thinks that the best way of describing themselves is to add up a series of characteristics about themselves with an added sprinking of what their parents did. That's how you describe someone in a police or medical report. It's not how a politician or leader should present themselves.
Yet how did BBC2’s Newsnight — the Corporation’s flagship TV current affairs programme, which has been accused of dumbing down over recent months — fill 11 minutes of airtime on Tuesday night? By inviting an obscure Irish-Nigerian Left-winger called Emma Dabiri to discuss the politically correct theory of ‘cultural appropriation’.
Ms Dabiri claimed that white celebrities, such as pop singer Justin Bieber, who wear Rastafarian-style braids are guilty of ‘erasing’ black African culture.
And they wonder why nobody watches it anymore...
I would have voted for Tessa Jowell, as would a lot of others I think. She would have been a more energetic candidate than both, and probably a better mayor. Plus she was in favoue of Heathrow and from what I can tell doesn't have an issue with Uber.
Don't know how true that is.