For the innocents like Miss CycleFree who have no idea about common euphemisms and innuendoes
grab a granny night
social event frequented by more mature women milfs, supposedly on the lookout for casual sex don't go to the club on a Thursday, it is grab a granny night
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
IF this is true you would have thought supporting the UK's position in Europe would have been the central plank of Irish foreign policy since year one. Ditto Poland and some others wailing about us leaving.
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
And Marconi disappeared, plus Ferranti and many others.
I think we tend to by rather myopic about this. I've had dealings with many big US, Canadian and European tech companies over the past thirty years, and I've seen some pretty awful management there as well. Many of them have thrown away world-class leading market positions. I'd cite Apple (in the early 90s, before Steve Jobs came back and totally changed the company's direction), Blackberry, Palm (remember them? they threw away the handheld market out of sheer bone-headedness), Nokia, Alcatel, and Nortel as examples.
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
IF this is true you would have thought supporting the UK's position in Europe would have been the central plank of Irish foreign policy since year one. Ditto Poland and some others wailing about us leaving.
Another good set of results for Lib Dems in council by-elections I see. Held one seat with 60% share, up 16% in Havant and from nothing to 47% in East Dorset.
Towards the end of the 1975 European referendum campaign, someone produced a spoof political broadcast warning of the dire consequences if we voted to leave.
Britain would be invaded by poisonous snakes, many of them millions of miles long, who would creep into our homes in the dead of night and eat our children in their beds.
...I can only assume that someone at this year's Remain campaign has stumbled across this sketch in the archives, failed to realise it was a joke, and has taken it as a blueprint for scaring us to vote to stay in the EU.
This morning I was talking to a non-political friend, who takes little or no interest in politics most of the time, suddenly raised the EU with me. His family own a flat in Spain - he seemed genuinely fearful about what could happen to it if we leave. "I couldn't sell it, all the Brits would be leaving, they would lose free healthcare etc etc". He said the EU ref was desperately important to him and leaving would be a disaster.
Project Fear is working. And there will be more......
Cameron no longer needs the Tory Party - this is about his place in history. He does not want to go down as the PM who destroyed the EU, and potentially broke up the UK. For many people Europe is an issue which transcends party loyalty. Cameron managed to kid many Tories that he put the Party first, but he was dissembling. There was never any possibility he would take the side of Leave.
"For many people Europe is an issue which transcends party loyalty". A diligent reader of PB threads might lean towards: "For many people Europe is an issue which matters little".
The days of mass outsourcing of software writing to India are over. After the early 2000s mania the epxerience that most companies have had is off project failure after project failure.
The notion that you can outsource software writing is founded on the concept that you can nail your requirements document and it will never need revision which we now have enough empirical evidence (as if the previous 60 years+ hadn't been enough) of the 2000s mania to know is falser than a false thing.
Outsourcing will still happen but not in the "entire software engineering department is lai off and Indian company is hired in place" kind of way.
And Marconi disappeared, plus Ferranti and many others.
I think we tend to by rather myopic about this. I've had dealings with many big US, Canadian and European tech companies over the past thirty years, and I've seen some pretty awful management there as well. Many of them have thrown away world-class leading market positions. I'd cite Apple (in the early 90s, before Steve Jobs came back and totally changed the company's direction), Blackberry, Palm (remember them? they threw away the handheld market out of sheer bone-headedness), Nokia, Alcatel, and Nortel as examples.
Blackberry trying to reinvent themselves, their OS is the best in my opinion.
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
A potato famine is next on the list.
Yes! Potato famine meets unprecedented migrant invasion. Good, though, to bring out what a gang of thieves and rogues is in the EU Club.
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
IF this is true you would have thought supporting the UK's position in Europe would have been the central plank of Irish foreign policy since year one. Ditto Poland and some others wailing about us leaving.
But it hasn;t been. So there's no sympathy.
Oh dear - link to where Cameron said the world would burn - Project Fear v project hyperbole.
For the innocents like Miss CycleFree who have no idea about common euphemisms and innuendoes
grab a granny night
social event frequented by more mature women milfs, supposedly on the lookout for casual sex don't go to the club on a Thursday, it is grab a granny night
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
IF this is true you would have thought supporting the UK's position in Europe would have been the central plank of Irish foreign policy since year one. Ditto Poland and some others wailing about us leaving.
But it hasn;t been. So there's no sympathy.
He said it to keep the Tory Party on side. But he was dissembling - it has been blindingly obvious all along that he would never take the UK out of the EU. I find it really hard to understand how so many people appeared to believe that this "renegotiation" was anything more than a smokescreen behind which to hide that intention.
Dan Hannan If you think I'm overdoing these pro-EU scare stories, by the way, listen to Enda Kenny:
Britain leaving the European Union could see the Troubles start again in Northern Ireland, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has said.
Speaking at the CBI conference, Mr Kenny said that the European Union had been an “important, perhaps underestimated, enabler of peace in Northern Ireland”.
IF this is true you would have thought supporting the UK's position in Europe would have been the central plank of Irish foreign policy since year one. Ditto Poland and some others wailing about us leaving.
But it hasn;t been. So there's no sympathy.
Oh dear - link to where Cameron said the world would burn - Project Fear v project hyperbole.
Correct. In fact if we did not get special status and for instance the guarantee that the EU was a multiple currency zone then the best bet was to leave and join EFTA EEA.
I think a lot of British firms would be better run if they out sourced the management... I became a director of a public library software firm after I and the Plessey programmer built them a new system, it was the most successful product of its time (the issue and return desks are a very small part of a public library system, don't judge it from what you see). There was absolutely no interest in the firm's business at any level, we could have been selling cabbages. With the exception of the chairman the other directors were the most lazy, incompetent and vicious people you would ever be likely to meet. The only substantive point was that the software was finished so there should be no resource on it - office politics you understand - and it should be outsourced - but the firm somehow needed 100 employees. If you recognise the firm I should mention it is under new ownership and not a single person of the 100 strong old company is still employed there.
Interesting. I could certainly tell you a thing or two about Plessey management (my first software job). The fact that the company no longer exists gives you a clue.
Psion is always the classic example of what could have been and poor management in Britain. The industrial problems we have are equally caused by short termist management interested in nothing but their bonus as well as inflexible unions. The latter problem is going away as the workforce has privatised massively over the last 30 years, but poor management is something that won't go away until the education system is fixed or foreign managers/owners come and do the job like JLR.
Nothing to do with our education system I believe, its culture. Too many Brit managers seem to be content with building up a business, selling out to others, spending time in their new house in the sun and perhaps getting some minor gong to mark their place in society. They think they've made it. In the States you may be considered to have made it if you become a billionaire.
But it hasn;t been. So there's no sympathy.
I'm just looking forward to Osborne introducing Pension ISAs and ending pension tax relief at the next budget...
It's all cobblers. My disdain grows by the day. IF this is true you would have thought supporting the UK's position in Europe would have been the central plank of Irish foreign policy since year one. Ditto Poland and some others wailing about us leaving.
But it hasn;t been. So there's no sympathy.
"For many people Europe is an issue which transcends party loyalty". A diligent reader of PB threads might lean towards: "For many people Europe is an issue which matters little".
The notion that you can outsource software writing is founded on the concept that you can nail your requirements document and it will never need revision which we now have enough empirical evidence (as if the previous 60 years+ hadn't been enough) of the 2000s mania to know is falser than a false thing.
Outsourcing will still happen but not in the "entire software engineering department is lai off and Indian company is hired in place" kind of way.
Starts at 1min 35 sec in for a laugh.
Yes! Potato famine meets unprecedented migrant invasion. Good, though, to bring out what a gang of thieves and rogues is in the EU Club.
New Thread New Thread
Oh dear - link to where Cameron said the world would burn - Project Fear v project hyperbole.
The url gives the gist.
He said it to keep the Tory Party on side. But he was dissembling - it has been blindingly obvious all along that he would never take the UK out of the EU. I find it really hard to understand how so many people appeared to believe that this "renegotiation" was anything more than a smokescreen behind which to hide that intention.
In fact if we did not get special status and for instance the guarantee that the EU was a multiple currency zone then the best bet was to leave and join EFTA EEA.