Just as the first TV debate on the Labour leadership was in a seat that the party has to win if it is to succeed in a general election so Fox has chosen Cleveland in the key swing state of Ohio for the first TV debate of the Republican Party White House nomination race.
Pretty sure if Mr Dancer funded a charity to pay his expenses as he gadded around the world enlightening people on the novel uses of various siege weapons that HMRC would take more than a passing interest in his tax affairs.
So somehow a murder which happened on Labour's watch, the investigation of which was botched on Labour's watch by a police force which no longer exists is causing the SNP to somehow instruct the police (in a way they have no power to do) to spy on journalists.
True Turnipacy at its finest.
Just seen the previous thread. I agree it's a weakness for Burnham but that only matters if he wins, and if he does I think he'll consider it a worthwhile price.
On-topic: why the reticence to resume your previously winning strategy? Think Bush might just remain in the lead or merely awaiting the debate?
Frustration with the limitations of the real world as demonstrated by conventional politics is resulting in a desperate reach for fantasy all over. Whether it is Syrizia in Greece, Corbyn in the UK, the SNP in Scotland or Trump in the States a significant percentage of the people seem to think that reality is overrated.
Dave is deffo the PM of Rubicund.
Donald Trump ? – I don’t get it, must be an American thing.
England have a crap spinner who couldn't bowl out a rice pudding - a draw is possible.
Saudi heading towards a 20% budget deficit. Wow! Of course it would be different in Scotland...
@1jamiefoster: So Camila's point is that the only way to save children is to give her all the public money #r4today
I particularly enjoyed the headline, but I was particularly worried by the 'second group' of Corbyn supporters:
'A second group believe that Corbyn’s policies are so obviously right, and so manifestly appealing to the electorate , that it is inconceivable that he could ever lose... One told me that as a middle class lawyer, I clearly didn’t understand the depth of poverty and despair in the UK.'
My experience of Labour members today - not forgetting exceptions like Dennis Skinner, who is a former miner - is that they are actually from very comfortable backgrounds and have very comfortable jobs, and simply do not understand poverty themselves. I don't think any of them have had to choose between being warm and having enough to eat, as I did in a period of unemployment a couple of years back (that was the winter of 2010-11 - believe me, I was very cold as a result). I never see any of them in old clothes that have been repeatedly patched, rather inexpertly, because you can't afford new ones even in discount shops - sometimes, even in charity shops. I hear them talking endlessly about food banks, without understanding that, actually, the real scandal of food banks is not that they are needed now, but that they have been badly needed by many people for years (even the most thrifty person on benefits can be mugged and need temporary support, or more usually be sued by HMRC in a major cock-up over tax credits) and that it was near-impossible to set them up and operate them under the Labour governments.
I'm going to stick with the obvious until we see the pitch, if it's batting heaven then may re-evaluate later...
The reason this concerns me is simple. Such Labour members are convinced that their policies will help these people. But they don't understand that when you are in that position, the only thing you want is work. Work makes it possible to keep the heating on - even if it's on low, and still have something to eat. It means you can buy clothes, without thinking of how you will replace the money you are spending. It means you can buy food in the normal way, rather than begging it from a local church.
And this is the paradox. Most people in that situation are not interested in politics, largely because even if politicians do talk to them, rather than at them, there is no common reference point and politicians simply don't get what their life is like. But even if they were, why would they vote for a party whose avowed aim is to ameliorate the condition of being unemployed, rather than to sort out the economy and get them into work? Why would you vote for a party that will get rid of the crucial zero-hours contracts that allow you to earn at least a but of money and develop the all-important track record of employment that allows you to get a better job? Why would you vote, indeed, at all - because it's not voting, as far as they can see, that will make a difference?
I think Labour is a party that has completely lost any sense of self-awareness. Voting for Corbyn, a former union official and civil servant from a very middle-class background representing what is actually a pretty middle-class seat, would be the final nail in the coffin of their credibility. Which is bad news for anyone who wants good government.
This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly" - as Batman attempts to blame everyone but herself for bankrupting her charity.
Buckhaven to Edinburgh - 34.5 miles
Selkirk to Edinburgh - 46.9 miles
Glasgow to Edinburgh - 47.4 miles
I believe the extra 0.5 miles of proximity to Selkirk was what swung it for Ruthie.
In short, substantial weather aside, I simply do not see a draw between these teams. It is unlikely that the Test will even last 5 days. Who wins is something more of a lottery.
Admittedly, Michael Clarke has said he will be playing, which makes it a bit easier, but it still seems a tall order with such a very inexperienced attack.
It didn't work then.
And the reason it didn't work is that once the capital has been committed (i.e., money has been spent on pipelines, pumps, drilling, BOPs, etc. etc.) then fields will run at full capacity irrespective of price, because the marginal cost of production is negligible.
On Saudi I have heard from a few people who work in the Kingdom that the overthrow of the Saud family is an active ongoing discussion. There is no guarantee that their replacements (if this happens) will be any better though.
As Alan Johnson wrote yesterday, Vote Cooper and save us from this madness.
What's interesting in this case is that it is the Government that is coming across as reasonable (though careless for giving them money in the first place). It's Batman woman who is coming across as unhinged, and that everyone involved is getting themselves incredibly fat, gorging themselves on the public grant buffet.
Her pleas that everything was fine, and no one has ever raised concerns is clearly a falsehood. When the most senior civil servant tells the Prime Minister that he doesnt feel the PM's favourite charity is spending its money wisely and not 'providing value for money', and insists on a direction from a government minister before he will approve payment, you know something is seriously wrong.
With the SNP winning in Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk the whole plan was scuppered and now in desperation, the Tories are realising that a split ticket could well see Ruthie out of Holyrood.
The sheer desperation of this branch of failed loyalism is plain for all to see.
When they realise that they'll need to work for a living how many will become aligned with the nutcases of ISIS?
When you can't use the fridge because you can't afford to power to run it, wash things in the sink with cold water et al - it's beyond their comprehension. My single luxury was keeping my phone line.
Without getting all Yorkshireman about it - being out of touch is terribly easy, if you haven't been there. My friends used to kid me about my 1950s attitude to thrift when I earned a small fortune too
Of course, since his defenestration his former Shadow Cabinet have been criticising his rubbishness.
Bush will be running as an outsider: the traditional route of the state governor: "I cleaned up my state and can do the same in Washington." The task of the other candidates is to paint Bush as the ultimate insider, via his family.
Not exactly events, dear boy, events, but I do wonder if there will be a defining issue of the Americans' 2016 election, as healthcare was most recently. It may be that some hitherto dormant issue takes off, but whether it will be domestic surveillance, or perhaps the war on drugs, now that a couple of states have legalised dope without the sky falling in, or something else, I do not know, and am not anxious to get involved in betting until I've at least got an opinion.
Your ugly use of sectarian language is starting to make this site unpleasant to view. Im going to ask you nicely not to. Then i'll just click 'ignore' and hope others will also.
From memory, it's an Islamic duty to perform hajj/pilgrimage and visit the city at least once during your life.
'“The world is consuming more oil than it is producing.” --The Economist, July 14-20 print edition.' Wow, that’s a shockingly foolish statement. Each day approximately 84 million barrels of oil are extracted from the earth, and approximately the same amount is consumed.
It is brilliantly illogical to suggest that we are using more than we have of something. What were they thinking of?
It's even better than the recent line, much highlighted in the media, that Cecil's brother Jericho, who is also a lion, has been killed.
Most of them hold good even if they win at Trent Bridge and then lose at the Oval.
Can anyone remind me who was running that at the time?
George Galloway?
This is typical.
It takes some doing to spend £2.2 mio in week. What on? And if it hasn't been spent then it can be used to help those needing help but through organisations which are rather better run than this one seems to have been.
The Fatwoman was talking about "facts" this morning on the Today programme. I only caught the end. Did Humphreys ask her where that £2.2 mio is?
You should be angry. But you should be angry that one high profile charity seems to have hoovered up a lot of money which has - apparently - vanished into thin air while more deserving and well run entities may have lost out.
Its management council seems composed of ex/current union/ists and charity professionals.
I can tell you where that money has gone, it would be gone into pensions and securing redundancy payments.
The original one went bust in the mid 1980s...
Blair being superficial. Brown needing a halo. Cameron possessing a soft nose.
Is this BBC story wrong? They are now saying:-
"Kids Company closed on Wednesday after ministers said they wanted to recover a £3m grant given to the charity."
Which implies that the government caused it to close; when actually they only wanted recovery after KC had closed. Is this the new spin line?
LOL, Top Cuckoo of the day award.
One wonders how many of those are doing anything useful versus the rackets, employment schemes and tax dodges.
It has other people's land as well
More than two years after Galloway stepped down as General Secretary after being elected as a Labour MP, the British Government's Charity Commission investigated War on Want, finding accounting irregularities including that the financial reports were "materially mis-stated"[4] from 1985 to 1989, but little evidence that money was used for non-charitable purposes. .....The commission said responsibility lay largely with auditors and did not single out individuals for blame. War On Want was found to have been insolvent, and subsequently dismissed all its staff and went into administration. It was rescued and relaunched in 1991.
In the 1990s, it focused on issues that resulted from globalisation, including workers' rights and a call to set up a Tobin tax on currency speculation. The charity set up the Tobin tax Network (now a separate charity called Stamp Out Poverty) to develop the proposal and press for its introduction.
In 2006 War on Want launched a campaign for Palestinian human rights, including a report titled Profiting from the Occupation, which looked at European corporations who the charity claim are profiting from Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories."
So unless you take Northern Ireland with you on independence, there would still be a 'United Kingdom' left behind.