politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » It’s like back to the 90s for the Tories on what is turning out to be Cameron’s Black Saturday
First up was Mark Reckless’ defection to UKIP and in the last hour or so, Brooks Newmark, the Conservative minister for civil society, resigns after being caught sending explicit photographs of himself to women over the internet.
How does the EU rate more highly than even this crop of politicians?
Why is Cameron's rating down so much in the run up to the conference? He's barely doing better than Ed M, and not to a degree that means anyone should assume it will help him much. Apparently he's not much of an asset thesedays, according to this one poll at least.
I don't believe the Greens rating. Or rather, most people do not even think of them enough to be negative. Otherwise they'd have been picking up Labour and LD votes, not UKIP.
But don't worry Tories - Ed M being weird will reverse all the other reasons Labour are set to win in 2015, right?
Tories do an electoral pact with UKIP would be the best thing ever for Labour. We wouldn't have a 10 point lead in Rotherham we would have a 40 point lead.
I was in Durban when the BBC World Service broke the news of Milligan's death. The BBC put on a program where they stopped people in the street all over the world to ask what they thought of it - one of the BBC's own of course but I suppose the knock at a conservative was too tempting.
With UKIP going after the Labour vote, what benefit to them going into an electoral pact with the Tories? It undermines that whole effort, and while they are continuing to court that vote much more directly, officially allying with the Tories on something seems counter-productive to that strategy, and so for the moment UKIP are an opponent to be defeated it seems, as they are no interested in allying with the Tories.
How did The Mirror get wind of the pics and when, or did the unruly Braintree member end up in the wrong inbox?
Good timing helps bash The Tories after a crap week for Labour, Ed's non leadership and a big slide in Trinity Mirrors share price and future cash flows. Good day to bury bad news.
Regardless of whether people think he is OK as a Prime Minister, people must see how Cameron is a disaster as Tory party leader.
Yes. There are many factors with regards his period as PM and Leader of the Tories which are outside his control and very tough to deal with, but with the latter at the least I do not see how it could be argued he has done a good job (there are times where trying to be a good PM might conflict with leadership of the Tories as well I suppose), when no divisions have been healed, they have only gotten worse. After so long as leader, the various parts of his party should not be so bitterly divided, with bits of it in near constant revolt and hatred of him.
When Ed calls Nigel on Friday 8th May 2015 to thank him for making it all possible, will he be puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiing down the phone?
The value bet is any bet where you can get good odds on UKIP.
The election campaign will start after Christmas, the more the public see of Miliband the more the Labour party ratings will drop. The LibDems are dead, defunct a Norwegian blue, not forgetting conservative disenfranchisement with the Tories.
If you didn't watch any of the UKIP conference then you won't appreciate the above.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Only because Cameron lets them! Cameron is a terrible man manger. He has never felt it was his job. It was below him. Say what you like about Miliband but he has done incredibly well at keeping the party united.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Might be a touch of overreaction, Reckless is by no means a given to win the by election. Osborne could pull something out the bag, Cameron is best when he's under pressure. Newmark will be forgotten within days, Labour got a margin of error bounce following a conference when they release a load of populist policies that will unravel.
True, although to make defecting likely surely you need not only a terrible leader (or particularly terrible MPs), but for them to have a viable and attractive option to defect to - the Greens are far from being a genuine threat to make defecting seem viable for any Labour MP.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
1) You can't guarantee Kippers will follow orders (see Wells 2010 as an example)
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
But how does that work when UKIP are trying hard not to be seen as merely being purple Tories in order to break into the Labour heartlands? Are you anticipating that post 2015 they will refocus at some point to stop presenting as equally against the Tories and Labour, and back toward the Tories being their natural allies? At present, their own language and approach makes it easy for those in the Tories who desperately want to ally with UKIP to be shot down.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
I think in reality what we will see is in a month, assuming no earthquake (and a minor minister resigning for sending a nude selfie doesn't count as that these days*) back to the 3-4% lead for Labour, and it fairly likely that Labour will stagger over the line come the GE.
* but who knows how many more Tories might jump ship to UKIP.
So what are the odds on Reckless winning the by-election?
He must be pretty confident to defect - and seems to have taken a councillor or 2 with him but my hunch is to bet against.
Anyone fancy a bet?
We're waiting for the bookies to price this up.
Mike has the theory, that UKIP polled the constituency, and it shows the Reckless will hold it.
To be honest, Pong, the way things are running I can see UKIP winning a dozen or more seats at the GE.
Reckless and Carswell are safe as houses.
They haven't even won the seats back yet. I know the received wisdom is that Carswell will take 98% of the vote, but the electorate can do funny things when forced to vote when it wasn't necessary:
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
1) You can't guarantee Kippers will follow orders (see Wells 2010 as an example)
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
I imagine you put yourself in the second category?
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
So what are the odds on Reckless winning the by-election?
He must be pretty confident to defect - and seems to have taken a councillor or 2 with him but my hunch is to bet against.
Anyone fancy a bet?
We're waiting for the bookies to price this up.
Mike has the theory, that UKIP polled the constituency, and it shows the Reckless will hold it.
To be honest, Pong, the way things are running I can see UKIP winning a dozen or more seats at the GE.
Reckless and Carswell are safe as houses.
Whoa there.
I'm serious, Corporeal.
I've been mocked on here before for suggesting the prices on them winning one let alone five seats were way too high. Those who took my advice now have very nice looking UKIP portfolios.
The pity is there is no spread available. I'd be a buyer at 6.
This demonstrates Cameron's biggest weaknesses: his laziness and his aloofness. He simply hasn't been bothered to do the kind of conciliatory listening to the concerns of his backbenchers that all successful leaders have to do. It's an object lesson in how important that kind of stuff is.
But the reason the greens aren't a viable threat is because Miliband has kept the left around him.
Only partly. UKIP have not risen solely because Cameron has been a poor Tory leader, through their own tactics they have tapped into larger support and been able to pressure first Cameron, then to a lesser extent Miliband. Going after Labour votes is a key example of that change in approach in order to be more of a force against the left as well as the right. The Greens have not had the same ambitions or approach, so they put no pressure on Labour other than weak rhetoric. That said, clearly Labour's base has been pretty disciplined since 2010. No matter how poor Ed M might or might not do, a lot more of Labour support and members hate the Tories more and will still turn out for the reds.
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
The democratic world is shifting Right - but the Right has fragmented. In this poll, the Right-wing vote is 48%, up from 40% in 2010. Either Conservatives and UKIP will stand down for each other in various constituencies, or each party's supporters will Vote tactically for whichever can beat Labour.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Rather dull by the standards of political sex scandals.
What is interesting is that it was clearly a setup. He thought he was sexting with a hot young FEMALE and it was actually an undercover MALE reporter.
Have the Mirror been on a fishing exercise looking to catch pervy old male politicians (given it is the Mirror, they would only set up Tories), or was there some specific intell on this guy.
If it was a fishing exercise, you have to think more than one MP, would get in involved in this, if they thought they could bonk a hot young reporter.
There's no way back for the Tories between now and 2015. Ed will hang on to enough red liberals to prop his vote up to 35% and UKIP will stop the Tories winning any vaguely marginal seats back.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
So what are the odds on Reckless winning the by-election?
He must be pretty confident to defect - and seems to have taken a councillor or 2 with him but my hunch is to bet against.
Anyone fancy a bet?
We're waiting for the bookies to price this up.
Mike has the theory, that UKIP polled the constituency, and it shows the Reckless will hold it.
To be honest, Pong, the way things are running I can see UKIP winning a dozen or more seats at the GE.
Reckless and Carswell are safe as houses.
They haven't even won the seats back yet. I know the received wisdom is that Carswell will take 98% of the vote, but the electorate can do funny things when forced to vote when it wasn't necessary:
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
1) You can't guarantee Kippers will follow orders (see Wells 2010 as an example)
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
Re 1. irrelevant
Re 2. who cares. Power is power. The British people already want a rightwing government - trouble is, some want Tories, some want UKIP. After 5 years of utterly feeble Milibandism (an exact copy of Hollande) we will get a Tory-UKIP Coalition government that delivers what the votets request.
Effete Tories who would rather remain in Opposition FOREVER, than contemplate this, will either leave, or wise up.
1) Is very relevant
2) For better part of two decades, a significant strand of the Tory party, usually on the socially conservative right wing of the party have preferred the purity of opposition to power.
Right now it is undoubtedly a problem but in the long run offloading these sad obsessives to UKIP is probably the best thing that can happen to the Conservative party. The future of the Conservatives is the Cameroons and we should all be grateful for that.
There's no way back for the Tories between now and 2015. Ed will hang on to enough red liberals to prop his vote up to 35% and UKIP will stop the Tories winning any vaguely marginal seats back.
Fact. Or as close to it as you can get. There are many uncertainties when it comes to this GE, but both these factors have the ability to be key to the outcome, and neither have gotten better for the Tories in all these years, in fact they have been getting worse, with only a slight decline for Labour to go against that. But Tory weaknesses are outstripping Labour weaknesses.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Rather dull by the standards of political sex scandals.
What is interesting is that it was clearly a setup. He thought he was sexting with a hot young FEMALE and it was actually an undercover MALE reporter.
Have the Mirror been on a fishing exercise looking to catch pervy old male politicians (given it is the Mirror, they would only set up Tories), or was there some specific intell on this guy.
If it was a fishing exercise, you have to think more than one MP, would get in involved in this, if they thought they could bonk a hot young reporter.
I like the line about a high flying role in Lehman's just before the crash. Ouch.
There's no way back for the Tories between now and 2015. Ed will hang on to enough red liberals to prop his vote up to 35% and UKIP will stop the Tories winning any vaguely marginal seats back.
If any Eurosceptic Tory MP's take that view then expect quite a few more defections very soon.
I's be betting against Reckless holding his seat. Carswell seems to generate warmth and is principled. Reckless's most famous moment was being too hammered to vote on the budget when he couldn't open the door into Strangers bar and according to a story I heard ended up in Kent rather than London afterwards because the taxi driver took him to the wrong house.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
How many Tory MPs defecting would end Cameron's leadership of the Tory party?
None, it's too close to the election now. Only if there is a chance of the government losing it's majority, but it is unlikely that there will be so many defectors.
Oh please! “The government has more important questions to deal with than whether or not Scottish MPs vote on English laws” is a blatantly slanted question. And a wrong headed one.
If the govt had done nothing and the question was ''In the light of greater devolved powers for Scotland is the govt decision to do nothing about English devolution acceptable'' then the result would have been just the same if not worse.
Of course there are 'more important questions' - this does not invalidate all the others it is dealing with and it does not mean the govt is not properly prioritising the issues.
All this does is confirm me in the belief that polls are used disgracefully and the people who commission them have their own axe to grind.
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
1) You can't guarantee Kippers will follow orders (see Wells 2010 as an example)
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
Re 1. irrelevant
Re 2. who cares. Power is power. The British people already want a rightwing government - trouble is, some want Tories, some want UKIP. After 5 years of utterly feeble Milibandism (an exact copy of Hollande) we will get a Tory-UKIP Coalition government that delivers what the votets request.
Effete Tories who would rather remain in Opposition FOREVER, than contemplate this, will either leave, or wise up.
1) Is very relevant
2) For better part of two decades, a significant strand of the Tory party, usually on the socially conservative right wing of the party have preferred the purity of opposition to power.
Well the gloating from the Labour supporters will be short lived...
I think the reality is Ed hasn't done his chances any really good this past week (even the positive poll, Labour are hardly up / or his personal ratings), but he doesn't need to be. 35% strategy will have Labour over the line, thanks to fragmented right, Cameron being poor, Scotland and the electoral system being in Labour's favour.
I think we probably end up with around 35/35 or 34/36, but it will be enough to scrap Labour over the line.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Just checking in after a day of DIY and golf. No libertarian, left or right, should take any pleasure from this purile sting by the papers. Live and let live.
Well the gloating from the Labour supporters will be short lived...
I think the reality is Ed hasn't done his chances any really good this past week (even the positive poll, Labour are hardly up / or his personal ratings), but he doesn't need to be. 35% strategy will have Labour over the line, thanks to fragmented right, Cameron being poor, Scotland and the electoral system being in Labour's favour.
I think we probably end up with around 35/35 or 34/36, but it will be enough to scrap Labour over the line.
Possibly. But I'm still not convinced. Once we get into heat of GE campaign and its all about economy and Ed's fitness to govern - it will all look very very different to today.
After a generation the Tories are finally paying the price for betraying Thatcher's legacy to aspiring blue collar workers. It does not surprise me that Essex and Kent are going purple first and quickest. Labour betrayed their own WWC vote too, bit handily have replaced the need for them with copious immigration.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
I really am amazed that in 2014 a politician has to resign over rubbish like this?
Agreed! Is that it? Gay selfies in jim-jams? WTF???
There must be more. I cannot see how this is a resignation issue in 2014.
Except it wasn't gay selfies. The male reporter was pretending to be a female activist.
Sounds like a classic honey trap. The poor fellow was tricked into a bit of online flirting and then into doing something risqué.
Family too, entrapment. Mirror are scum.
I wonder what some would say if it had been the News of the Screws doing this?
Regardless, it is just so stupid. If you are an married MP, keep you bits in your trousers, don't send dodgy texts / emails, just don't. After phone hacking, NSA / Snowdon, you would think they would learn.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Rather dull by the standards of political sex scandals.
What is interesting is that it was clearly a setup. He thought he was sexting with a hot young FEMALE and it was actually an undercover MALE reporter.
Have the Mirror been on a fishing exercise looking to catch pervy old male politicians (given it is the Mirror, they would only set up Tories), or was there some specific intell on this guy.
If it was a fishing exercise, you have to think more than one MP, would get in involved in this, if they thought they could bonk a hot young reporter.
Another bullshit sting by the Mirror - the paper that got Will Straw to buy an eighth of weed to try to get into a hot girl's knickers. I despair if this is what sets the agenda these days. Hope this guy can save his family.
Well the gloating from the Labour supporters will be short lived...
I think the reality is Ed hasn't done his chances any really good this past week (even the positive poll, Labour are hardly up / or his personal ratings), but he doesn't need to be. 35% strategy will have Labour over the line, thanks to fragmented right, Cameron being poor, Scotland and the electoral system being in Labour's favour.
I think we probably end up with around 35/35 or 34/36, but it will be enough to scrap Labour over the line.
Anything over the 29% of 2010 is likely to result in net gains. 35% is for the gold medal, but 32-33% would make for a minority government.
There's no way back for the Tories between now and 2015. Ed will hang on to enough red liberals to prop his vote up to 35% and UKIP will stop the Tories winning any vaguely marginal seats back.
It's highly unlikely Miliband will get 35%.
Look at the Survation marginal polls. Labour is nowhere near it's 2005 vote share (of 35%) in those constituencies.
What's more, Comres have the SNP 8 points in front in Scotland, though admittedly that's more optimistic for Ed than yesterday's 16 point lead in YG.
If Ed can't hold Scotland, he has no hope of getting 35%, or of forming a majority
I think the future that awaits him is the role of PM, with an impossibly weak minority mandate.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
1) You can't guarantee Kippers will follow orders (see Wells 2010 as an example)
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
I imagine you put yourself in the second category?
ukip are pure opportunists. Their 2010 manifesto (google it) proposed 3 High Speed railway lines but when they saw the opposition to HS2 they thought they would catch some votes by changing the policy.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
This demonstrates Cameron's biggest weaknesses: his laziness and his aloofness. He simply hasn't been bothered to do the kind of conciliatory listening to the concerns of his backbenchers that all successful leaders have to do. It's an object lesson in how important that kind of stuff is.
You really think the fruit loops are interested in listening? The EU is quickly dissappearing into the distance for UKIP. It has learned it can peddle a racist homophobic anti outsider agenda. I'm right wing but I'm not a bigot. The real issue is the parking of an underclass on benefits its the lack of preparation for work of our young. The issue of immigration is because of the success of our economy and the need to serve it and the unwillingness and unfitness of some Brits to take part. UKIP simply blame the hardworking Poles and smear everyone with a dark skin.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
I's be betting against Reckless holding his seat. Carswell seems to generate warmth and is principled. Reckless's most famous moment was being too hammered to vote on the budget when he couldn't open the door into Strangers bar and according to a story I heard ended up in Kent rather than London afterwards because the taxi driver took him to the wrong house.
In parts of Essex, Woody, such boozy behaviour would endear you to your constituents.
But not as much as flashing your dick in a selfie.
The Tories will be forced to do an electoral pact with UKIP. Simple as. Either now (unlikely) or in 2020.
All the Tories who affect to be scandalised by this need to grow up.
Any electoral pact with UKIP will cost the Tories more voters than it gains.
Utter nonsense. Tories will vote for Tories, kippers will vote for kippers, each side will hold noses and agree to disagree. This is how Coalitions work. Britain is headed for European style government, where "decent" right wing parties govern with the aid of unsavoury hard-right parties.
1) You can't guarantee Kippers will follow orders (see Wells 2010 as an example)
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
Re 1. irrelevant
Re 2. who cares. Power is power. The British people already want a rightwing government - trouble is, some want Tories, some want UKIP. After 5 years of utterly feeble Milibandism (an exact copy of Hollande) we will get a Tory-UKIP Coalition government that delivers what the votets request.
Effete Tories who would rather remain in Opposition FOREVER, than contemplate this, will either leave, or wise up.
1) Is very relevant
2) For better part of two decades, a significant strand of the Tory party, usually on the socially conservative right wing of the party have preferred the purity of opposition to power.
1. isn't
2. they'll get over it, after 5 years of Miliband
1) Oh yes it is.
2) No they won't
What happened to the Progressive Canadian Party (the Progressive Conservatives who couldn't stomach merger with Reform?)
Come the day, most Conservatives and UKIP will collaborate with each other.
Married father-of-five Brooks Newmark, 56, said he was “so sorry” after the investigation found he had contacted the freelance male reporter online before swapping sexually explicit images.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
I really am amazed that in 2014 a politician has to resign over rubbish like this?
Agreed! Is that it? Gay selfies in jim-jams? WTF???
There must be more. I cannot see how this is a resignation issue in 2014.
Except it wasn't gay selfies. The male reporter was pretending to be a female activist.
Sounds like a classic honey trap. The poor fellow was tricked into a bit of online flirting and then into doing something risqué.
Family too, entrapment. Mirror are scum.
Just be thankful it was The Mirror rather than foreign intelligence services doing the entrapping.
I bet the Chinese and Russian already have got hard drives full of interesting images /texts / emails of famous individuals. Again, think this past month, the whole celeb iCloud hack, releasing all their private photos / videos on the net, when will people learn.
I's be betting against Reckless holding his seat. Carswell seems to generate warmth and is principled. Reckless's most famous moment was being too hammered to vote on the budget when he couldn't open the door into Strangers bar and according to a story I heard ended up in Kent rather than London afterwards because the taxi driver took him to the wrong house.
He did increase his majority by 6% in 2010 though.
It's a tough one to price up. I'd guess the bookies would probably look at the Clacton odds as a guide - they'll be expecting most punters to bet on UKIP and set the price accordingly.
A random stab in the dark guess at the bookies opening offer would be something like;
Just checking in after a day of DIY and golf. No libertarian, left or right, should take any pleasure from this purile sting by the papers. Live and let live.
Could this be the Mirror's equivalent to Gordon's letter-of-condolence brouhaha by The Sun? Gordon gained a lot of sympathy from that (even with me) and Labour's fortunes just started to turn thereafter. Bad news for Ed Miliband?
This demonstrates Cameron's biggest weaknesses: his laziness and his aloofness. He simply hasn't been bothered to do the kind of conciliatory listening to the concerns of his backbenchers that all successful leaders have to do. It's an object lesson in how important that kind of stuff is.
You really think the fruit loops are interested in listening? The EU is quickly dissappearing into the distance for UKIP. It has learned it can peddle a racist homophobic anti outsider agenda. I'm right wing but I'm not a bigot. The real issue is the parking of an underclass on benefits its the lack of preparation for work of our young. The issue of immigration is because of the success of our economy and the need to serve it and the unwillingness and unfitness of some Brits to take part. UKIP simply blame the hardworking Poles and smear everyone with a dark skin.
You should work in sales Flightpath. You'd clean up.
Why is Cameron's rating down so much in the run up to the conference? He's barely doing better than Ed M, and not to a degree that means anyone should assume it will help him much. Apparently he's not much of an asset thesedays, according to this one poll at least.
I don't believe the Greens rating. Or rather, most people do not even think of them enough to be negative. Otherwise they'd have been picking up Labour and LD votes, not UKIP.
But don't worry Tories - Ed M being weird will reverse all the other reasons Labour are set to win in 2015, right?
He must be pretty confident to defect - and seems to have taken a councillor or 2 with him but my hunch is to bet against.
Anyone fancy a bet?
Tory MP Mark Reckless has said he is leaving his party to join UKIP, announcing his decision on the eve of the Conservatives' conference.
Opinion Polls show increase in Lab lead and show massive support for newly announced policies such as mansion tax.
Only on PB and in DH head does that translate into a disaster for Ed
Mike has the theory, that UKIP polled the constituency, and it shows the Reckless will hold it.
UKIP more favourable than Tories.
The whole anti-UKIP tactical voting premise collapses.
LAB fav: 30%
UKIP fav: 27%
CON fav: 25%
LAB unfav: 43%
UKIP unfav: 43%
CON unfav: 48%
He is on his way to destroying the party.
No betting market yet though.
(plus a bit of a risk isn't it, calling up a load of people and asking about such a loaded hypothetical)
Good timing helps bash The Tories after a crap week for Labour, Ed's non leadership and a big slide in Trinity Mirrors share price and future cash flows. Good day to bury bad news.
To be honest, Pong, the way things are running I can see UKIP winning a dozen or more seats at the GE.
Reckless and Carswell are safe as houses.
Can Sunday morning be any better, as the Sunday Papers front pages splash the doings of UKIP?
Also How will "Marr" deal with it?
And will "This Week" take the piss?
Cameron has reduced the Tory party membership by two thirds.
Cameron has split the right wing.
Cameron is a disaster as Tory leader.
The election campaign will start after Christmas, the more the public see of Miliband the more the Labour party ratings will drop. The LibDems are dead, defunct a Norwegian blue, not forgetting conservative disenfranchisement with the Tories.
If you didn't watch any of the UKIP conference then you won't appreciate the above.
The new Minister for Civil Society, who co-founded the campaign group Women2Win, initiated a private message conversation on a social networking site and as part of a series of exchanges sent a graphic picture exposing himself while wearing a pair of paisley pyjamas
Much as all this amuses I don't think Reckless is nailed on to hold his seat.
Only because Cameron lets them! Cameron is a terrible man manger. He has never felt it was his job. It was below him. Say what you like about Miliband but he has done incredibly well at keeping the party united.
You don't see Labour MPs defecting to the greens.
Amusing to see Farage refer to the EU for about 5 seconds in his speech the other day.
It's not all over yet
But the reason the greens aren't a viable threat is because Miliband has kept the left around him.
2) I know of several Tories, activists, MPs, members, who will not remain part of the party, if we form a pact with UKIP, in its current form.
Where are the good old Tories wearing women's lingerie suspenders during sex scandals?
* but who knows how many more Tories might jump ship to UKIP.
Makes a change from stories of wayward staff at a national broadcaster.
Meanwhile an @OpiniumResearch poll has it Lab 34 (-3) Con 32 (+3) UKIP 17 (-1) LD 7 (nc) Greens 4 (nc)
I'm serious, Corporeal.
I've been mocked on here before for suggesting the prices on them winning one let alone five seats were way too high. Those who took my advice now have very nice looking UKIP portfolios.
The pity is there is no spread available. I'd be a buyer at 6.
Eventually there will reach a tipping point. You can't keep losing members.
What is interesting is that it was clearly a setup. He thought he was sexting with a hot young FEMALE and it was actually an undercover MALE reporter.
Have the Mirror been on a fishing exercise looking to catch pervy old male politicians (given it is the Mirror, they would only set up Tories), or was there some specific intell on this guy.
If it was a fishing exercise, you have to think more than one MP, would get in involved in this, if they thought they could bonk a hot young reporter.
How many Tory MPs defecting would end Cameron's leadership of the Tory party?
Its all just a bit stupid of Nomark.
2) For better part of two decades, a significant strand of the Tory party, usually on the socially conservative right wing of the party have preferred the purity of opposition to power.
Only if there is a chance of the government losing it's majority, but it is unlikely that there will be so many defectors.
“The government has more important questions to deal with than whether or not Scottish MPs vote on English laws” is a blatantly slanted question. And a wrong headed one.
If the govt had done nothing and the question was ''In the light of greater devolved powers for Scotland is the govt decision to do nothing about English devolution acceptable'' then the result would have been just the same if not worse.
Of course there are 'more important questions' - this does not invalidate all the others it is dealing with and it does not mean the govt is not properly prioritising the issues.
All this does is confirm me in the belief that polls are used disgracefully and the people who commission them have their own axe to grind.
2) No they won't
I think the reality is Ed hasn't done his chances any really good this past week (even the positive poll, Labour are hardly up / or his personal ratings), but he doesn't need to be. 35% strategy will have Labour over the line, thanks to fragmented right, Cameron being poor, Scotland and the electoral system being in Labour's favour.
I think we probably end up with around 35/35 or 34/36, but it will be enough to scrap Labour over the line.
Regardless, it is just so stupid. If you are an married MP, keep you bits in your trousers, don't send dodgy texts / emails, just don't. After phone hacking, NSA / Snowdon, you would think they would learn.
Look at the Survation marginal polls. Labour is nowhere near it's 2005 vote share (of 35%) in those constituencies.
What's more, Comres have the SNP 8 points in front in Scotland, though admittedly that's more optimistic for Ed than yesterday's 16 point lead in YG.
If Ed can't hold Scotland, he has no hope of getting 35%, or of forming a majority
I think the future that awaits him is the role of PM, with an impossibly weak minority mandate.
Mr Newark is the bad egg here.
I'm right wing but I'm not a bigot. The real issue is the parking of an underclass on benefits its the lack of preparation for work of our young. The issue of immigration is because of the success of our economy and the need to serve it and the unwillingness and unfitness of some Brits to take part. UKIP simply blame the hardworking Poles and smear everyone with a dark skin.
But not as much as flashing your dick in a selfie.
Come the day, most Conservatives and UKIP will collaborate with each other.
It's a tough one to price up. I'd guess the bookies would probably look at the Clacton odds as a guide - they'll be expecting most punters to bet on UKIP and set the price accordingly.
A random stab in the dark guess at the bookies opening offer would be something like;
1/3 UKIP
3/1 Con
8/1 Lab