Carfax on Oxford City (Lab Defence)
Result of last election to council (2014): Labour 33, Liberal Democrats 8, Green 6, Independent 1 (Labour majority of 18)
Result of last election in ward (2012): Labour 288 (32%), Green 235 (26%), Liberal Democrat 207 (23%), Conservative 159 (18%)
Candidates duly nominated:
This week I have held my tongue about the child abuse scandal in Oxford, simply not believing that a council in the South outside London would have no Conservative representation.
Oxford = Rotherham-on-Thames.
Hint: the county council runs the social services. Which is why the blessed Conservative-led council apologised, and the evil Labour-led city council did not have to.
Perhaps you should have held your tongue for longer ...
Ladbrokes Politics @LadPolitics · 3h
@MSmithsonPB Don't panic, back up now although a YES lead is now 9/4.
The two you are thinking of were Ipswich and Thurrock...
Do you have any figures, say going back to 1950 onwards, to see if the Opposition outperforms or underperforms UNS at a General election?
Perils of misremembering things *blush*.
I just wanted to do an analysis working out do oppositions outperform UNS or not.
'This week I have held my tongue about the child abuse scandal in Oxford, simply not believing that a council in the South outside London would have no Conservative representation.'
Oxford is a university town and has been lefty for a long time. Its also been traditionally a big industrial employer with its workers coming from traditional labour areas. Places like south wales.
Both the Oxford and Rotherham crimes have been known about for a while - that is the convictions took place some time ago. I am not sure that they were deliberately ignored by police and the council in Oxford like in Rotherham.
Is Oxford in 'The South'?? South Midlands perhaps.
My own theory is Labour will outperform UNS next year (because of the LD > Lab switchers and the Con > UKIP traitors) but wanted to put it into some context.
8 arrests at Buckimham the other day, apparently going back to 2005.
Geert Wilders speech to the Dutch parlament.
Former Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va., and his wife, Maureen, have been found guilty on multiple counts of conspiracy, corruption and bribery.
That was purely a point about physical geography. Can't bear to get into an argument about anything else.
Friday's i front page - "Cameron prepares for air strikes" #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers (via @olyduff)
The BBC has edited a Doctor Who episode to remove footage where a character is beheaded, after the murder of two US journalists by Islamic State militants.
The price for Oxford eschewing Conservative principles is that it is a dump with various anachronistic college buildings dotted about like currants in a bun.
BTW I think Oxford was just about the only part of the country to vote for AV.
How could anyone do this?
I am treating that as a rhetorical question, and not a request on the methodology of doing it.
Beware the older the rarer and more pricey.,_2011
Man, that page really brings home what a brutal victory for the No side that day was. The area with the highest proportion of YES was...Hackney, for some reason.
It is an omen for 2015.
Well at least 0.56% of our electricity production:
Salmond ''If Mr Farage comes in a blaze of publicity in the next few days, - ignore him, he will go back to Clacton soon.'' Glasgow 2 Sept
Sharon McGonigal @Shazza1uk 1h
@DavidCoburnUKip sounds like someones a bit jealous of the amount of publicity Nigel attracts.
If you run short, Scotland will sell you it.
ISIS militant with an apparent US Army tattoo
So he's even more toxic now.
In the Ipsos-Mori leader ratings in the month before AV referendum, Ed's net rating was plus 1. Now it is minus 29
...disaster for Ed Miliband.
You are a man after my own heart.
Lloyd George had his house bombed by feminists 101 years ago.
This was nearly as brilliant as the time Andrew Neil quoted me on the BBC.
Awesome stuff!
Meanwhile Germany commissioned six new coal fired power stations last year.
It wont surprise me if some muslim US army veterans behaved that way.
Interesting that a key player for NO in that referendum was Dan Hodges..
and here's a pic of her favouriting my tweet
How old are the plants that are getting blown up?
It's so awful, no one deserves to die like that
Black humour Isam, but yes, it is sickening.
''Oxford is in the South East Region''
This shows what is wrong with trying to regionalise England.
UKIP Gain ?
I prefer tidal power and versions of it, they do the same job but the chances of blowing up the country are nil.
You'd have thought there'd at least be one or two professional/middle class pockets in a city of that size in south-east England.
They won because the public was also against coalitions ironically after the bitter experience of this government.
YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Labour lead up one to four points: CON 32%, LAB 36%, LD 7%, UKIP 16%
YouGov/Sun poll tonight - Labour lead up one to four points: CON 32%, LAB 36%, LD 7%, UKIP 16%
Unfortunately not exciting enough to match The Susanna Reid retweeting TSE news
I'm surprised that Nick Clegg didn't demand (multi-member) STV, given that in 2009 he described AV as a miserable little compromise.
I would have voted for STV over FPTP
Harvey Central is difficult to call, though I guess the chances are on Ukip coming from nowhere to win it. There is a possibility that Ukip will split the Tory vote and let Labour in, but I'm sure quite a few Labour voters will vote Ukip.
Finally, my money's on a Labour hold in Camberley. I'm sure the local party will have been all-out canvassing their only ward, and Heather will pick up the Lib Dem votes too.
So: Green, Ukip, Labour.
'Salmond 'politician of the year'
Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has been named politician of the year by men's magazine GQ...
...Burly, charismatic and terrific company, the 59-year-old has taken a hopeless constitutional case and turned it into an electrifying argument about modern Scotland and its 21st-century future.
He has made an art form of the underdog's plight, consistently outshining the "Better Together" pro-Union campaign, turning what was thought to be a fait accompli into a proper punch-up fought according to "Motherwell rules
Win or lose, Salmond has energised his country and bolstered its collective self-confidence.
Even if his country votes against independence - which, as we went to press, was looking likely - the Tartan Pimpernel has been a bright flash of colour on the grey highway of political life: living proof that politics, at its best, is still about brains, wit and courage.'
Am I the only one to notice the LD's are getting gradually lower in yougov?
The exact same people who despise the family and view the State as being able to do no wrong.
The last coal and nuclear power stations were built when Thatcher was prime minister.
Still as long as we don't upset nice Mr Putin and the middle east doesn't fall under the control of people who want to destroy us and the wind blows nice and steady then we'll have secure electricity production.
Another 16% for UKIP on Sun/YouGov tonight. You thought you had seen "peak UKIP" in May? Truth is we are just getting started