I am 100% convinced the Olympics boxing “controversy” is manufactured by Russia through their control of the IBA
Fits their playbook !
I don't think so. Played around with this site and I reckon there is a case to answer. The result for Khelif varies depending on what you show it. But when it gets a look at the whole body, it says male.
I put in some women who I know are definitely women, including one I thought it might struggle with, and it was 95% confident of them being women every time.
If you can find one that it gets wrong, I'll accept that it's not infallible.
Literslly took me a minute to put one of the most famous female athletes in the world
You can’t trust AI anyway of things like this one of the open problems in image processing is an accurately detecting different kinds of fish !!
Has it not occurred to you that Britney Grier might actually be a man?
What this discussion demonstrates is that (some) PBers think that a person is a man or woman depending on their visual appearance. Is this a majority PB view?
If you asked someone to say how do we know someone is male or female, they wouldn't be able to explain it. We just know, don't we?
Honestly? I'd say that's a man's voice, but, I'm guessing there is no doubt about her, which has made me stop and think a bit more about the boxing situation.
Khelif's sex needs proper scientific evaluation. The problem is precisely noone is actually interested in the specifics with one side saying how everyone claiming she's a man is a raging transphobe and the other taking the fact she's got a hefty amount of punching power and her looks as positive proof that she's definitely a man. To my mind is simply boils down to does she have testes, internal or otherwise. That is what gives male advantage. And we do not know because noone is actually interested in the truth. Noone that matters anyway
One thing she isn’t is trans. She was born and brought up female. So this is a case of physiological difference- intersex. It’s a shame it’s got caught up in the culture wars over trans.
We don't know if she's intersex. Lots of people are assuming things. The IOC cleared her to compete. The IBA did not, but precisely why is unclear and there were lots of problems with the IBA. There are reports that she had too high testosterone or that she's chromosomally XY, but neither has been confirmed AIUI.
Sparkling wine tip of the day. I’m drinking Prosecco, which is as we all know generally shit, but with a couple of shakes of angostura bitters. Makes it palatable.
Soda water with a couple of drops of Angostura is an old alcoholic's trick for something which tastes like a real drink but has very little alcohol.
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense than "blow jobs"
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Bore off. Only because you want it to not be the whole story because you are a FICTION WRITER.
I can't recall a single "event" where you haven't seen a conspiracy.
The truth is just too boring for you.
Remember lab leak. They told us that was a “racist conspiracy theory”. When in fact it was the entire scientific and political establishment conspiring to crush the most obviously plausible hypothesis for what happened in Wuhan
The conspiracy existed. It was real. And they tried to deflect from it by accusing anyone with “wrongthink” of believing in “racist conspiracy theories” of their own
PB lacks narrative imagination. I try to provide it. Without me all you do is talk about the fucking west coast main line. It is unbelievably dull
Not entirely ready to believe that you are the great saviour from dullness. Nonetheless you've often posted worse theories
I’m probably getting a €500 meal here. Fortunately, not paying
I had a battered cod brioche roll with salad and chips at the Red Lion. Paid for it. Lovely stuff.
I’ve been travelling all year. The two beat dishes I’ve had in that time are
1. A borscht in transnistria which cost £2 with a cold beer
And a
2. “Zama”. A spicy Moldovan broth at a radisson hotel in Kishinev. £5
I misread that as 'a spicy Moldovan brothel at a random hotel in Kishinev.'
It still made sense...
It would be a more fascinating narrative than beetroot soup in a chain hotel.
That’s the whole point. You dummy
A chain hotel like radisson in Chisinau is still sufficiently connected to the Moldovan world around it, they serve serve genuine Moldovan food and it is fab and fresh and unprocessed (and also fucking spicy) not dreary club sandwiches or bland versions of curry
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Bore off. Only because you want it to not be the whole story because you are a FICTION WRITER.
I can't recall a single "event" where you haven't seen a conspiracy.
The truth is just too boring for you.
Remember lab leak. They told us that was a “racist conspiracy theory”. When in fact it was the entire scientific and political establishment conspiring to crush the most obviously plausible hypothesis for what happened in Wuhan
The conspiracy existed. It was real. And they tried to deflect from it by accusing anyone with “wrongthink” of believing in “racist conspiracy theories” of their own
PB lacks narrative imagination. I try to provide it. Without me all you do is talk about the fucking west coast main line. It is unbelievably dull
Not entirely ready to believe that you are the great saviour from dullness. Nonetheless you've often posted worse theories
Except the rule of thumb is 10% max gets intercepted so the bigger the bust the bigger the problem.
More generally I agree. By looking sharp as a pin Joe has nixed any claim they were covering up his drooling vegetable status. If he starts drooling any time after now they just say Yup this is exactly what we feared was coming.
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
Just have a look at the meaning of "getting off at BR Edge Hill".
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
Never had it. They seem to be a similar price. £35 a bottle. Must be a close call
All I can say is that rose I just had is the best I’ve ever had
All colours of Dom. Tempier outstanding.
(Bear in mind that Hedonism is overpriced. "What would happen if we opened a wine shop in Mayfair and had no fucking shame?" being their business model.)
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
It's a bit of a mouthful in fairness.
*perks up ears at the realisation that it is a potential nonuple word in Scrabble*
Isn't the NY Post a Murdoch vehicle? A bit like the print edition of Fox News. Next.
Got the identity of the Olympic Park bomber wrong, got sued, had to settle. Got the Boston Marathon bomber wrong, got sued, had to settle. Compared Obama to a chimpanzee in a cartoon. And this from Wikipedia is wild ride...
In April 2021, the Post published a false front-page story asserting that copies of a book by vice president Kamala Harris were being distributed to migrant children at an intake facility in Long Beach, California.[134] Fox News then published a story about the matter, followed by numerous Republican politicians and pundits commenting on it, in some cases speculating that taxpayers were funding the supposed book handouts for Harris's personal profit.[134][135] Responding to questions from Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, White House press secretary Jen Psaki expressed no knowledge of the matter; the Post then published a new story headlined "Psaki has no answers when asked about Harris' book being given to child migrants."[136] Four days after the original publication, the Post replaced the story with a new version clarifying that just one Harris book had been donated by a community member but maintained that it was an "open-arms gesture by the Biden administration," though there was no evidence of the administration's involvement.[136] Laura Italiano, the author of the story, resigned that day, asserting she had been "ordered" to write it.[57][136]
It comes from a Democrat 'An unearthed 2019 op-ed from professor Terry McAteer published in California newspaper The Union describes the “eye-opening” month his son Gregory spent as an intern for Harris, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.
McAteer, a Democrat with generational political ties to the party, claimed his son was subjected to a “side of Kamala Harris which the general public does not know”'
To be honest I am not surprised, Trump and Harris are the most dislikeable 2 US presidential candidates of my lifetime
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
Just have a look at the meaning of "getting off at BR Edge Hill".
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
And also read up on the trains on the North London Line (I think it was: comes off the WCML very close to you) when it had compartments and no corridors, and a particularly long section between two stops.
“Extraordinary Scenes and Very Important Developments” is:
A. The bittersweet memoirs of an American political journalist operating in Pakistan during the troubled years following partition B. The long awaited sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events C. A threat of retaliation against Israel by the IRG?
Isn't the NY Post a Murdoch vehicle? A bit like the print edition of Fox News. Next.
It has a big readership in New York though
Is New York in play? If Trump has a chance there then Harris may as well give up. But, on Planet Earth, it isn’t. Biden was averaging 8 point leads in the state. Harris has probably added three or four points to that. So the Post, on your own argument, is pissing in the wind.
“Extraordinary Scenes and Very Important Developments” is:
A. The bittersweet memoirs of an American political journalist operating in Pakistan during the troubled years following partition B. The long awaited sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events C. A threat of retaliation against Israel by the IRG?
The title of the North Korea TV knock off of The Thick of It, translated back.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
I am 100% convinced the Olympics boxing “controversy” is manufactured by Russia through their control of the IBA
Fits their playbook !
I don't think so. Played around with this site and I reckon there is a case to answer. The result for Khelif varies depending on what you show it. But when it gets a look at the whole body, it says male.
I put in some women who I know are definitely women, including one I thought it might struggle with, and it was 95% confident of them being women every time.
If you can find one that it gets wrong, I'll accept that it's not infallible.
Literslly took me a minute to put one of the most famous female athletes in the world
You can’t trust AI anyway of things like this one of the open problems in image processing is an accurately detecting different kinds of fish !!
Has it not occurred to you that Britney Grier might actually be a man?
What this discussion demonstrates is that (some) PBers think that a person is a man or woman depending on their visual appearance. Is this a majority PB view?
If you asked someone to say how do we know someone is male or female, they wouldn't be able to explain it. We just know, don't we?
Honestly? I'd say that's a man's voice, but, I'm guessing there is no doubt about her, which has made me stop and think a bit more about the boxing situation.
Khelif's sex needs proper scientific evaluation. The problem is precisely noone is actually interested in the specifics with one side saying how everyone claiming she's a man is a raging transphobe and the other taking the fact she's got a hefty amount of punching power and her looks as positive proof that she's definitely a man. To my mind is simply boils down to does she have testes, internal or otherwise. That is what gives male advantage. And we do not know because noone is actually interested in the truth. Noone that matters anyway
One thing she isn’t is trans. She was born and brought up female. So this is a case of physiological difference- intersex. It’s a shame it’s got caught up in the culture wars over trans.
We don't know if she's intersex. Lots of people are assuming things. The IOC cleared her to compete. The IBA did not, but precisely why is unclear and there were lots of problems with the IBA. There are reports that she had too high testosterone or that she's chromosomally XY, but neither has been confirmed AIUI.
Is this the same issue that the South African runner had a few years ago? A natural difference from the defined parameters?
“Extraordinary Scenes and Very Important Developments” is:
A. The bittersweet memoirs of an American political journalist operating in Pakistan during the troubled years following partition B. The long awaited sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events C. A threat of retaliation against Israel by the IRG?
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I am 100% convinced the Olympics boxing “controversy” is manufactured by Russia through their control of the IBA
Fits their playbook !
I don't think so. Played around with this site and I reckon there is a case to answer. The result for Khelif varies depending on what you show it. But when it gets a look at the whole body, it says male.
I put in some women who I know are definitely women, including one I thought it might struggle with, and it was 95% confident of them being women every time.
If you can find one that it gets wrong, I'll accept that it's not infallible.
Literslly took me a minute to put one of the most famous female athletes in the world
You can’t trust AI anyway of things like this one of the open problems in image processing is an accurately detecting different kinds of fish !!
Has it not occurred to you that Britney Grier might actually be a man?
What this discussion demonstrates is that (some) PBers think that a person is a man or woman depending on their visual appearance. Is this a majority PB view?
If you asked someone to say how do we know someone is male or female, they wouldn't be able to explain it. We just know, don't we?
Honestly? I'd say that's a man's voice, but, I'm guessing there is no doubt about her, which has made me stop and think a bit more about the boxing situation.
Khelif's sex needs proper scientific evaluation. The problem is precisely noone is actually interested in the specifics with one side saying how everyone claiming she's a man is a raging transphobe and the other taking the fact she's got a hefty amount of punching power and her looks as positive proof that she's definitely a man. To my mind is simply boils down to does she have testes, internal or otherwise. That is what gives male advantage. And we do not know because noone is actually interested in the truth. Noone that matters anyway
One thing she isn’t is trans. She was born and brought up female. So this is a case of physiological difference- intersex. It’s a shame it’s got caught up in the culture wars over trans.
We don't know if she's intersex. Lots of people are assuming things. The IOC cleared her to compete. The IBA did not, but precisely why is unclear and there were lots of problems with the IBA. There are reports that she had too high testosterone or that she's chromosomally XY, but neither has been confirmed AIUI.
OK, the latest BBC article has this...
The IBA denied Khelif's testosterone levels had been tested.
In an interview with BBC sports editor Dan Roan on Thursday, IBA chief executive Chris Roberts said XY chromosomes were found in "both cases". [Khelif's and another boxer's]
Roberts said there were "different strands involved in that" and therefore the body could not commit to referring to Khelif as "biologically male".
The IOC has raised doubts over the accuracy of the tests.
"We don't know what the protocol was, we don't know whether the test was accurate, we don't know whether we should believe the test," said IOC spokesperson Adams.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
I noticed that both Starmer and Reeves ratings have dropped since the election and a sensible leader has a chance to make progress but not Jenrick IMHO
Isn't the NY Post a Murdoch vehicle? A bit like the print edition of Fox News. Next.
It has a big readership in New York though
Is New York in play? If Trump has a chance there then Harris may as well give up. But, on Planet Earth, it isn’t. Biden was averaging 8 point leads in the state. Harris has probably added three or four points to that. So the Post, on your own argument, is pissing in the wind.
Not in the EC maybe but it could make a difference in the popular vote given NY is one of the biggest states
For the avoidance of doubt regarding my earlier comment, the act of fellatio was not in progress nor in prospect in or near the kitchen where and when I mispronounced the word "fellatio".
I'm sure that has cheered you all up. 👍
Thats a bit of a blow.
A relative of mine calls them "gob jobs". Which I think makes more sense.
The origin of “blow job” is fascinating
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
And also read up on the trains on the North London Line (I think it was: comes off the WCML very close to you) when it had compartments and no corridors, and a particularly long section between two stops.
Would that have been between Acton Central and Williesden Junction?
Waterloo East caused sexual chaos when it opened. Before it opened trains went from Charing Cross to Cannon St before reversing, which was just enough time.
Then Waterloo East opened and people barged on in the middle of proceedings.
Hopefully will pass through Blyth Bebside on the way to Ashington station within the next couple of months.
Was looking at Ashington station today. Seems ready to use. Looks no different to any other Metro terminus. Less grand than the Airport. You'll be disappointed to hear December is now the plan.
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
Nick Lowles @lowles_nick · 12m For those who say these aren’t far right protests, well, in Sunderland they shouted racist slogans, they attacked an Uber driver’s car because of his colour and they attempted to march on the mosque, only stopped by riot police. Pretty conclusive evidence if you ask me
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
Isn't the NY Post a Murdoch vehicle? A bit like the print edition of Fox News. Next.
It has a big readership in New York though
Is New York in play? If Trump has a chance there then Harris may as well give up. But, on Planet Earth, it isn’t. Biden was averaging 8 point leads in the state. Harris has probably added three or four points to that. So the Post, on your own argument, is pissing in the wind.
Not in the EC maybe but it could make a difference in the popular vote given NY is one of the biggest states
The NY Post runs stories shitting on the Democrats every day. It’s like posting a DM or DT article critical of Starmer or a Guardian article critical of Sunak. Unless it gets traction elsewhere this article will make zero difference.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
Nick Lowles @lowles_nick · 12m For those who say these aren’t far right protests, well, in Sunderland they shouted racist slogans, they attacked an Uber driver’s car because of his colour and they attempted to march on the mosque, only stopped by riot police. Pretty conclusive evidence if you ask me
Hopefully will pass through Blyth Bebside on the way to Ashington station within the next couple of months.
Was looking at Ashington station today. Seems ready to use. Looks no different to any other Metro terminus. Less grand than the Airport. You'll be disappointed to hear December is now the plan.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
That’s an out of context quote from a video that essentially excused attacks on mosques. We know you’re fash curious - you’d do well to finally come out of the closet on this one. If you think what’s happening in Sunderland tonight is excusable say so, and explain why.
I am 100% convinced the Olympics boxing “controversy” is manufactured by Russia through their control of the IBA
Fits their playbook !
I don't think so. Played around with this site and I reckon there is a case to answer. The result for Khelif varies depending on what you show it. But when it gets a look at the whole body, it says male.
I put in some women who I know are definitely women, including one I thought it might struggle with, and it was 95% confident of them being women every time.
If you can find one that it gets wrong, I'll accept that it's not infallible.
Literslly took me a minute to put one of the most famous female athletes in the world
You can’t trust AI anyway of things like this one of the open problems in image processing is an accurately detecting different kinds of fish !!
Has it not occurred to you that Britney Grier might actually be a man?
What this discussion demonstrates is that (some) PBers think that a person is a man or woman depending on their visual appearance. Is this a majority PB view?
If you asked someone to say how do we know someone is male or female, they wouldn't be able to explain it. We just know, don't we?
Honestly? I'd say that's a man's voice, but, I'm guessing there is no doubt about her, which has made me stop and think a bit more about the boxing situation.
Khelif's sex needs proper scientific evaluation. The problem is precisely noone is actually interested in the specifics with one side saying how everyone claiming she's a man is a raging transphobe and the other taking the fact she's got a hefty amount of punching power and her looks as positive proof that she's definitely a man. To my mind is simply boils down to does she have testes, internal or otherwise. That is what gives male advantage. And we do not know because noone is actually interested in the truth. Noone that matters anyway
One thing she isn’t is trans. She was born and brought up female. So this is a case of physiological difference- intersex. It’s a shame it’s got caught up in the culture wars over trans.
We don't know if she's intersex. Lots of people are assuming things. The IOC cleared her to compete. The IBA did not, but precisely why is unclear and there were lots of problems with the IBA. There are reports that she had too high testosterone or that she's chromosomally XY, but neither has been confirmed AIUI.
Is this the same issue that the South African runner had a few years ago? A natural difference from the defined parameters?
We don't know. Caster Semenya has 5α-Reductase 2 deficiency (5-ARD), where she is chromosomally XY and has testes internally (producing testosterone), but is externally female in anatomy, was raised a girl and has always identified as female. Khelif might have the same, but we don't know. Tests were done by the IBA, but we don't have details (they've said she's XY, which could be 5-ARD, but could be other things) and the IOC don't trust the IBA (because they're Russian and because of the Russian doping scandal).
The IOC position is that she is a woman, end of. Her Italian opponent has withdrawn her complaints and apologised to Khelif.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
What are the questions?
Really? REALLY?
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
I'm sure some of my employees would level similar complaints at me.
This too? 'Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning General’...“Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.”
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
I disagree. He would have known that the police are legally prevented from naming an individual under 18. That can only be changed by a magistrate or judge. (Section 49 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933).
Farage played on this to make it seem like something was being hidden on purpose. He knew what he was doing with his 'gentle questions' and got exactly the reaction he was looking for.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
They recruited him because they knew his shooting was so poor the best he could do was hit Trump's ear?
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
I don't think he is marching in London today. He remains out of the country, I believe.
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
I don't think he is marching in London today. He remains out of the country, I believe.
Such a f*cking patriot who loves his country he has to leave it?
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
No warrant was issued - he wasn't required to attend on Monday. If he doesn't turn up in October (next court date) a warrant will be issued.
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
I don't think he is marching in London today. He remains out of the country, I believe.
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
No warrant was issued - he wasn't required to attend on Monday. If he doesn't turn up in October (next court date) a warrant will be issued.
The media report an arrest warrant was issued a few days ago.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
What are the questions?
Really? REALLY?
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
Insane drivel
You're doing my response for me now, I see. That's a good innovation.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
They recruited him because they knew his shooting was so poor the best he could do was hit Trump's ear?
The TDS explanation for the shooting is the most deranged thing I’ve ever heard. And I have heard otherwise intelligent people espouse it irl. ThT Trump staged a shooting by a loser kid, to just miss his head, in order to win sympathy votes. I mean really. I wouldn’t trust that Turkish Olympic gangsta shooter to just graze my ear from 150m, yet alone some incel kid thrown out his high school shooting team.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
What are the questions?
Really? REALLY?
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
Insane drivel
So, your “question” is, in fact, an assertion that the suspect was not born in Wales. What evidence do you have for this assertion. Where should we “dig”?
The evidence we have is that the suspect is a 17 (nearly 18) year old born in South Wales to Rwandan parents. Why do we doubt this? Don’t fuck us around with coy statements about the “mainstream” media (which you work for BTW) can’t be trusted. Just come out and say it.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
They recruited him because they knew his shooting was so poor the best he could do was hit Trump's ear?
"A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?"
I once shared a student flat with a guy in his final year of physics. He was distinctly odd. Almost no interaction with others. Never seemed to sleep. If you did see him in the corridor and tried to interact you would end up after a few seconds feeling utterly bemused and shaking your head thinking he is on another planet.
His room was incredible. Literally like no one lived there.
One day I overheard one of the uni cleaners say to another: 'leave that room Brenda, there's no one living in that one.'
Evening folks, so, moving on from my random drive by comments, a question for the PB brains trust. I assume this has already been addressed but I missed it.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
I don't think he is marching in London today. He remains out of the country, I believe.
The Neds in Sunderland have such "legitimate concerns" they torched the police station...
I have noticed from videos a lot of them don't have Wearside accents. Make of that what you will.
I was considering going along today to spectate (I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear - not in any way join in or support the "cause", wahtever that cause might be, but just to have a bit of fun watching people do things) but sadly decided to do other things as didn't forsee anything like what happened happening. Really regretting that now.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
What are the questions?
Really? REALLY?
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
Insane drivel
A) He's not Muslim. B ) He didn't come over in a small boat.
Sod it, I've laid Jenrick. I'll lay more if price decreases but we seem to be at a bit of an inflection point and I hate him so much.
Based on his launch today Jenrick looked more credible than Ed Miliband and Hague were when they took over leadership of their parties after they lost power. He also speaks more fluently than Starmer does
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
What are the questions?
Really? REALLY?
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
Insane drivel
A) He's not Muslim. B ) He didn't come over in a small boat.
Someone told me before not to speculate, but I'm convinced if this isn't pure mentalism that it's gonna be incel. And I said that before finding out he was autistic. Even more likely now.
Chances of a Rwandan ethnicity kid being muslim are negligible.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
They recruited him because they knew his shooting was so poor the best he could do was hit Trump's ear?
The TDS explanation for the shooting is the most deranged thing I’ve ever heard. And I have heard otherwise intelligent people espouse it irl. ThT Trump staged a shooting by a loser kid, to just miss his head, in order to win sympathy votes. I mean really. I wouldn’t trust that Turkish Olympic gangsta shooter to just graze my ear from 150m, yet alone some incel kid thrown out his high school shooting team.
Unlike you to snub a ludicrous conspiracy theory. It'll be confused and a little hurt.
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
If he hadn't done it before, Farage has definitely jumped the shark on this one.
I think he's been remarkably restrained. Indeed maybe too much so
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
What are the questions?
Really? REALLY?
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
Insane drivel
Peter Hitchens wrote a few years back that until recently the British Police would deal with all demostrators/rioters in the same way.
In contrast, the response of the French police would depend on whether the government politicians sympathised with the demonstrators /rioters. If so then kid gloves time. If not then it would be all truncheons and tear gas.
Alas, our police are now similarly politicised in their response to such matters.
That is the issue.
Really? How?
Seems to me the Police take a fairly consistent approach to rioters and have done since the London riots onwards (if not before): stand back, film it all, round up the perps later.
The Neds in Sunderland have such "legitimate concerns" they torched the police station...
I have noticed from videos a lot of them don't have Wearside accents. Make of that what you will.
I was considering going along today to spectate (I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear - not in any way join in or support the "cause", wahtever that cause might be, but just to have a bit of fun watching people do things) but sadly decided to do other things as didn't forsee anything like what happened happening. Really regretting that now.
Though the seven in court for the Hartlepool riot were all local. (Maybe because they were the ones already known to the Law?).
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
They recruited him because they knew his shooting was so poor the best he could do was hit Trump's ear?
"A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?"
I once shared a student flat with a guy in his final year of physics. He was distinctly odd. Almost no interaction with others. Never seemed to sleep. If you did see him in the corridor and tried to interact you would end up after a few seconds feeling utterly bemused and shaking your head thinking he is on another planet.
His room was incredible. Literally like no one lived there.
One day I overheard one of the uni cleaners say to another: 'leave that room Brenda, there's no one living in that one.'
Yes, some people are like that. Ultra clean and tidy.
Interesting that one factor identified is different agencies being on their own radio networks. This issue of inter-agency communication (and the lack of it) has also been a factor in this country, for instance the Ariana Grande concert bombing.
I just don’t buy this. Not only was the shooter the only 20 year old in America with literally zero internet presence - and no motivation? - but it turns out his home is as “clean as a lab”. Not a speck of evidence either way or anything. A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?
The whole thing is exceptionally suspicious
And, for clarity, I’ve no idea who recruited him or why or how or anything, but I feel pretty sure this is not the whole story
Its fairly obvious who recruited him. He was described as dangerously inaccurate by his schook rifle club. The only people likely to recruit him is the people being shot at.
They recruited him because they knew his shooting was so poor the best he could do was hit Trump's ear?
"A 20 year old guy with a home as “clean as a lab”?"
I once shared a student flat with a guy in his final year of physics. He was distinctly odd. Almost no interaction with others. Never seemed to sleep. If you did see him in the corridor and tried to interact you would end up after a few seconds feeling utterly bemused and shaking your head thinking he is on another planet.
His room was incredible. Literally like no one lived there.
One day I overheard one of the uni cleaners say to another: 'leave that room Brenda, there's no one living in that one.'
Yes, some people are like that. Ultra clean and tidy.
Especially if OCD which can go hand in hand with some autism.
The Neds in Sunderland have such "legitimate concerns" they torched the police station...
I have noticed from videos a lot of them don't have Wearside accents. Make of that what you will.
I was considering going along today to spectate (I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear - not in any way join in or support the "cause", wahtever that cause might be, but just to have a bit of fun watching people do things) but sadly decided to do other things as didn't forsee anything like what happened happening. Really regretting that now.
Though the seven in court for the Hartlepool riot were all local. (Maybe because they were the ones already known to the Law?).
It's incredibly important not to forget Liz Truss, or history might repeat itself.
I hope history does repeat itself, only with the next Liz Truss actually being given a chance to enact her radical programme, instead of being hamstrung and hogtied by frit middle managers and sacrificed on the altar of convenient scapegoatery.
Possibly the Tories should look at how Truss lost her seat while Hunt saved his against the odds.
More likely that they will disappear down the rabbit hole.
By spending 10s of thousands of pounds of his own money campaigning for himself?
Because that's the benchmark.
People presume - as I did - that it comes from notions of blowing or sucking but it’s not true. It comes from late Victorian london prostitute slang and it is a truncation of a “down below job” - a task assigned to the whore that meant she had to lower her mouth below the belt
See. Now I’ve returned we’re talking about sexual etymology not the rerouting of trains via crewe
No idea why you'd be attracted to it.
Don’t wish to knock Tempier. Their white is delicious.
All I can say is that rose I just had is the best I’ve ever had
More generally I agree. By looking sharp as a pin Joe has nixed any claim they were covering up his drooling vegetable status. If he starts drooling any time after now they just say Yup this is exactly what we feared was coming.
(Bear in mind that Hedonism is overpriced. "What would happen if we opened a wine shop in Mayfair and had no fucking shame?" being their business model.)
Is there anyone who doesn't say fuck, sorry, drop an F bomb on most days? The pope perhaps and the very old cardinals. Holly Willoughby.
In April 2021, the Post published a false front-page story asserting that copies of a book by vice president Kamala Harris were being distributed to migrant children at an intake facility in Long Beach, California.[134] Fox News then published a story about the matter, followed by numerous Republican politicians and pundits commenting on it, in some cases speculating that taxpayers were funding the supposed book handouts for Harris's personal profit.[134][135] Responding to questions from Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, White House press secretary Jen Psaki expressed no knowledge of the matter; the Post then published a new story headlined "Psaki has no answers when asked about Harris' book being given to child migrants."[136] Four days after the original publication, the Post replaced the story with a new version clarifying that just one Harris book had been donated by a community member but maintained that it was an "open-arms gesture by the Biden administration," though there was no evidence of the administration's involvement.[136] Laura Italiano, the author of the story, resigned that day, asserting she had been "ordered" to write it.[57][136]
McAteer, a Democrat with generational political ties to the party, claimed his son was subjected to a “side of Kamala Harris which the general public does not know”'
To be honest I am not surprised, Trump and Harris are the most dislikeable 2 US presidential candidates of my lifetime
Think Farage is in danger of speaking to his online audience rather than body of Reform voters here. Speaking to Reform voters since the unrest, there was no “but” just straight out condemnation of rioters and total rejection rioters are standing up for Britain.
Edit: The new tory leader may get very lucky very early if Farage continues down this path.
A. The bittersweet memoirs of an American political journalist operating in Pakistan during the troubled years following partition
B. The long awaited sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events
C. A threat of retaliation against Israel by the IRG?
He is quite fond of F Bombs (of various types)
The IBA denied Khelif's testosterone levels had been tested.
In an interview with BBC sports editor Dan Roan on Thursday, IBA chief executive Chris Roberts said XY chromosomes were found in "both cases". [Khelif's and another boxer's]
Roberts said there were "different strands involved in that" and therefore the body could not commit to referring to Khelif as "biologically male".
The IOC has raised doubts over the accuracy of the tests.
"We don't know what the protocol was, we don't know whether the test was accurate, we don't know whether we should believe the test," said IOC spokesperson Adams.
Waterloo East caused sexual chaos when it opened. Before it opened trains went from Charing Cross to Cannon St before reversing, which was just enough time.
Then Waterloo East opened and people barged on in the middle of proceedings.
You'll be disappointed to hear December is now the plan.
How come Tommy Robinson is marching in London today when a warrent was issued for his arrest a few days ago?
Nick Lowles
For those who say these aren’t far right protests, well, in Sunderland they shouted racist slogans, they attacked an Uber driver’s car because of his colour and they attempted to march on the mosque, only stopped by riot police. Pretty conclusive evidence if you ask me
He made one 90 second video saying “there are questions to be asked, legitimately” and that is clearly true and fair. And that’s it
And who is Holly Willoughby?
#RachelBeeching © @Sunil_Prasannan
The IOC position is that she is a woman, end of. Her Italian opponent has withdrawn her complaints and apologised to Khelif.
Just think for yourself. I don’t want to get banned again for the 19th time in a week but examine the evidence we have and do some digging and then think for yourself rather than relying on pabulum fed you by mainstream media which - remember - told us he was a good Welsh boy of 17 from a nice family and maybe he’s a bit autistic so that’s all it is
Insane drivel
Farage played on this to make it seem like something was being hidden on purpose. He knew what he was doing with his 'gentle questions' and got exactly the reaction he was looking for.
I invented these rules when I was 30 and they remain sound. Indeed they aren’t rules they are guidelines for life. Women SHOULD swear in bed etc
Not his it would seem.
The evidence we have is that the suspect is a 17 (nearly 18) year old born in South Wales to Rwandan parents. Why do we doubt this? Don’t fuck us around with coy statements about the “mainstream” media (which you work for BTW) can’t be trusted. Just come out and say it.
I once shared a student flat with a guy in his final year of physics. He was distinctly odd. Almost no interaction with others. Never seemed to sleep. If you did see him in the corridor and tried to interact you would end up after a few seconds feeling utterly bemused and shaking your head thinking he is on another planet.
His room was incredible. Literally like no one lived there.
One day I overheard one of the uni cleaners say to another: 'leave that room Brenda, there's no one living in that one.'
I was considering going along today to spectate (I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear - not in any way join in or support the "cause", wahtever that cause might be, but just to have a bit of fun watching people do things) but sadly decided to do other things as didn't forsee anything like what happened happening. Really regretting that now.
B ) He didn't come over in a small boat.
Chances of a Rwandan ethnicity kid being muslim are negligible.
Seems to me the Police take a fairly consistent approach to rioters and have done since the London riots onwards (if not before): stand back, film it all, round up the perps later.
(Maybe because they were the ones already known to the Law?).
Call for reinforcements across the NE.
All Police leave cancelled today and tomorrow.