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Why we will be discussing AV and electoral reform a lot more –



  • Options
    GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,460
    edited June 21

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Another poll with Ref ahead of Con and Lab dropping into the 30s.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,545
    Sandpit said:

    Salt peppers the boundary.

    He's a seasoned batter who cuts the mustard.

    Clearly not.
    He couldn't stand the heat
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    TimSTimS Posts: 11,250
    Scott_xP said:

    TVA4 - the code sending chills down spines of Tory canvass teams.

    It's what their Vote Source software says are Reform waverers.

    But hearing endless reports that when those doors are knocked they are not just wavering but almost always GONE.

    South is very, very bad for the Tories, troops say.

    Not just Reform either... but Liberals.

    Sources say totemic seats like Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells are in "freefall".

    Both Lib Dems and Reform are immune from the “don’t give Labour a supermajority” nonsense, in fact they might even benefit from it if people reply “fair enough, we won’t. But we’re not voting for you lot”.

    Still think Tories end up above 26% though.
  • Options

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,848
    Nigelb said:

    Cookie said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Heathener said:

    3. My more general point, apart from the utter cant from tories about this, is that PR can give undue power to minority fringe groups leading to the tail wagging the dog.

    Do you have examples of where this has happened?

    I've been travelling to Ireland quite often since meeting my wife in 2007, and have talked to her about Irish politics, and it isn't a description that fits the experience of small parties in Ireland.

    To give just one example, the Green Party are the third party in a three-party coalition government at present in Ireland. So weak is their influence over policy that they couldn't even manage to achieve a ban on turf-cutting, probably the most damaging activity to the environment that it is possible to imagine.

    Consequently they will likely be obliterated at the next general election. Just as they were the last time they were in government.
    Looks like the most back breaking activity imaginable too.
    Arguably the Greens in Scotland were more successful in wagging the SNP dog.
    Israel is an example where tiny parties of nutters make and break coalitions….
    You think their current politics would be better with FPTP ?

    That seems hugely optimistic, shading on delusional to me.

    Electoral systems don't decide a nation's politics, but they do affect how representative of sections of the electorate it is.
    Nigelb said:

    Cookie said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Heathener said:

    3. My more general point, apart from the utter cant from tories about this, is that PR can give undue power to minority fringe groups leading to the tail wagging the dog.

    Do you have examples of where this has happened?

    I've been travelling to Ireland quite often since meeting my wife in 2007, and have talked to her about Irish politics, and it isn't a description that fits the experience of small parties in Ireland.

    To give just one example, the Green Party are the third party in a three-party coalition government at present in Ireland. So weak is their influence over policy that they couldn't even manage to achieve a ban on turf-cutting, probably the most damaging activity to the environment that it is possible to imagine.

    Consequently they will likely be obliterated at the next general election. Just as they were the last time they were in government.
    Looks like the most back breaking activity imaginable too.
    Arguably the Greens in Scotland were more successful in wagging the SNP dog.
    Israel is an example where tiny parties of nutters make and break coalitions….
    You think their current politics would be better with FPTP ?

    That seems hugely optimistic, shading on delusional to me.

    Electoral systems don't decide a nation's politics, but they do affect how representative of sections of the electorate it is.
    I think the rise of the religious extremists in Israeli politics could have been blocked in another structure - such as the German minimum vote requirements.

    I am looking forward to the suggestion by the opponents of the nutters in Israel - ok, you don’t have to do military service. But anyone who doesn’t do military service doesn’t get the right to possess weapons.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,602
    edited June 21
    Candace Owens is a strange one because I've heard her say sensible things on some topics, and then she supports conspiracy theories at other times.
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,108
    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Good evening

    I actually support those measures so why isn't Reeves just honest and announce them
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,848
    pigeon said:

    Sandpit said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    Oh great, so half the farm has to be sold off every time one farmer passes on to the next generation. So in three generations, only an eighth of the farm is left, with the rest likely to be some big agri-business set up to take advantage of the situation.

    Is that really what we want?
    I wouldn't jump to conclusions unless or until such proposals are actually published. I am not a tax accountant so don't know if the purchase and gifting of assets are commonly used by the very wealthy as mechanisms to avoid death duties, but it might simply be that the intention is to target that kind of activity, not small family businesses.
    It would be pretty much impossible to separate the two. Even in intention. I can think of a couple of people where death duties and time has eroded the rest of the family holdings, but the land has remained. Is that tax evasion, or keeping the family farm on one piece?
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    Candace Owens is a strange person because I've heard her say sensible things on some topics, and then she supports conspiracy theories at other times.

    She is a nutjob. Andy you're posting and talking about a lot of nutters lately, get help
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,462
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    Andy_JS said:

    Candace Owens is a strange person because I've heard her say sensible things on some topics, and then she supports conspiracy theories at other times.

    She’s a total enigma. I don’t think she actually holds consistent views on anything, but is simply saying what she thinks the audience wants to hear, or whatever will generate more click, likes, views, coverage etc. She’s just playing the ‘new media’ game.
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    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,952

    FPTP prevents extremism?

    Looks at the US.

    But America doesn't have the Westminster system.

    America's extremism is in large part driven by 3 things we don't have.

    1: A directly elected President outside of Congress, not answerable to their Representatives, our PM is part of the Commons.
    2: A directly elected Upper House that often conflicts with their President and or their Representatives, our Upper House knows its place and the Parliament Act can override it.
    3: An appointed for life SCOTUS that can set laws as it deems appropriate that elected Representatives can not change. Our Supreme Court can issue rulings, but our Commons can then change the law if it wants to.

    Our MPs in the Commons are mightily powerful compared America's Representatives. If the PM or the courts get out of line too far, the Commons can (and do) course correct rather than having decades-long battles to corrupt those institutions because elected representatives have no say in them.

    America's separation of powers is its downfall. It is a mistake.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
  • Options
    TheValiantTheValiant Posts: 1,857
    And now I've just ruined my post by going and ordering Ham and Pineapple Pizza from Domino's.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,602

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,545

    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Good evening

    I actually support those measures so why isn't Reeves just honest and announce them
    Agreed. People should just say what it is they're going to vote for. We all know, and they aren't fooling anyone...
  • Options
    ChrisChris Posts: 11,545

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    Oh dear, Johnny Mercer is fucked.

    Fred Thomas’ Certificate of Valediction - signed by the Commanding Officer, Special Forces Support Group

    Wasn't Mercer complaining about claims he was a combatant? He could have had a glorious seven years behind a desk.
    No, senior special forces bods have vouched for Thomas’ service and it wasn’t behind a desk.
    You have to wonder why Mercer is repeating this claim then. Pretty low.
    Firstly he is desperate and secondly he knows that Thomas cannot come out and say, “actually I did this, this and this” etc which is why it’s pretty despicable of Mercer to call him a Walter Mitty as he knows what the rules are.
    Mercer will potentially be in a spot of bother should he win narrowly in July. Many here will recall Phil Woolas being unseated by an election petition in 2010, due to making false statements about a candidate's character and conduct contrary to section 106 of the Representation of the People Act, and the result being close enough conceivably to have been decisive.

    Quite apart from any defamation issues, he's potentially given himself quite a big problem.
    Has Mercer explained how he is in a position to know whether what Thomas says about his service is true or not?
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,108

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
    At least he is consistent
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,662

    If the Conservatives have retargeted their campaigning efforts into seats with majorities of over 20,000 in 2019 to ensure that they come 2nd in the number of seats won, what evidence is there of a shift in the other parties changing their priorities?

    The Greens appear to be focusing on North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, but what about Labour and the Lib Dems?

    At a guess, Labour won't be changing its strategy to pursue ultra-safe Tory seats. Picking up a few more if they're already heading for an immense majority won't be as important to them as keeping the effort going in places that may be vulnerable to a measure of swingback - even if that now feels unlikely.

    The Liberal Democrats will have finite resources so couldn't go on the offensive in 200 seats even if they wanted to.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,545
    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    They are
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541
    Farooq said:

    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Good evening

    I actually support those measures so why isn't Reeves just honest and announce them
    Agreed. People should just say what it is they're going to vote for. We all know, and they aren't fooling anyone...
    Well if we all know, what's the problem?
  • Options

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
    But the moderation team are allowed to call people "low IQ". Okay.
  • Options
    StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 15,474

    Late to the game but On topic.

    More than thirty years ago, a 14 year old me was sat in a Design Technology class (no idea what they'd be called now) and the teacher decided to go well off topic.

    He explained patiently how, with the current situation, it might be possible for there to be 100 seats in the country. Each seat could be even, with 100,000 people in it.

    In 51 of them, 51,000 voted Conservative and the remaining 49,000 voted Labour. In the other 49, all 100,000 people voted Labour.

    He set out the numbers and explained how the Conservatives had just won the election, not just with less votes than Labour but barely more than 25% of the vote.

    Sure, it was a lesson about gerrymandering, as well as PR, but I've never forgot that lesson that day by Mr. Grundy.

    I haven't always voted Lib Dem from 1997, but it's a near clean sheet. It's my number 1 priority and any party that promises reform[1] to the voting system has a chance of getting my vote.

    [1] No pun intended - I'm not voting for Nigel's lot.

    And OK, it's not quite as bad as that here, that's pretty much where the US has ended up, with politicians on both sides fiddling the boundaries to screw over the other lot, and Mr Grundy's model as the ideal.

    This side of the pond, it's gentler and more genteel, but there's still a temptation for politicians to choose their electors (OK, suggest a map to the Boundary Commission) rather than the other way round.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,914
    edited June 21
    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency". ~12000 vehicles per day. 30mph indicated speed limit.

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,108

    Andy_JS said:

    Candace Owens is a strange person because I've heard her say sensible things on some topics, and then she supports conspiracy theories at other times.

    She is a nutjob. Andy you're posting and talking about a lot of nutters lately, get help
    I really find your posts on mental health unnecessary, especially as you of all people should understand the distress mental health causes
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541
    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency".

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

  • Options
    spudgfshspudgfsh Posts: 1,412

    FPTP prevents extremism?

    Looks at the US.

    But America doesn't have the Westminster system.

    America's extremism is in large part driven by 3 things we don't have.

    1: A directly elected President outside of Congress, not answerable to their Representatives, our PM is part of the Commons.
    2: A directly elected Upper House that often conflicts with their President and or their Representatives, our Upper House knows its place and the Parliament Act can override it.
    3: An appointed for life SCOTUS that can set laws as it deems appropriate that elected Representatives can not change. Our Supreme Court can issue rulings, but our Commons can then change the law if it wants to.

    Our MPs in the Commons are mightily powerful compared America's Representatives. If the PM or the courts get out of line too far, the Commons can (and do) course correct rather than having decades-long battles to corrupt those institutions because elected representatives have no say in them.

    America's separation of powers is its downfall. It is a mistake.
    it is possible to override the SCOTUS, it just takes changing the constitution.
  • Options

    And now I've just ruined my post by going and ordering Ham and Pineapple Pizza from Domino's.

    Ban :)
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
    But the moderation team are allowed to call people "low IQ". Okay.
    He was only telling the truth tbf.
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    Yeah I've never heard of them.

    @MarqueeMark you're on the ground, what are you feeling about the Reform surge?

    My parents in East Hants are still predicting it to narrowly stay Tory but people are utterly fed up with them (albeit small sample size).
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,108

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
    But the moderation team are allowed to call people "low IQ". Okay.
    The moderators are allowed to do as they think fit without your attempts to intervene

    They are the guardians of the site, not you
  • Options
    Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 424

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big suprise on July 5th!
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,800

    Late to the game but On topic.

    More than thirty years ago, a 14 year old me was sat in a Design Technology class (no idea what they'd be called now) and the teacher decided to go well off topic.

    He explained patiently how, with the current situation, it might be possible for there to be 100 seats in the country. Each seat could be even, with 100,000 people in it.

    In 51 of them, 51,000 voted Conservative and the remaining 49,000 voted Labour. In the other 49, all 100,000 people voted Labour.

    He set out the numbers and explained how the Conservatives had just won the election, not just with less votes than Labour but barely more than 25% of the vote.

    Sure, it was a lesson about gerrymandering, as well as PR, but I've never forgot that lesson that day by Mr. Grundy.

    I haven't always voted Lib Dem from 1997, but it's a near clean sheet. It's my number 1 priority and any party that promises reform[1] to the voting system has a chance of getting my vote.

    [1] No pun intended - I'm not voting for Nigel's lot.

    They're called Design Technology at our place at least.
    Happy to help. You're welcome.
  • Options

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
    But the moderation team are allowed to call people "low IQ". Okay.
    He was only telling the truth tbf.
    And so was I, the post was tripe and completely unnecessary.
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,900
    Chris said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    Oh dear, Johnny Mercer is fucked.

    Fred Thomas’ Certificate of Valediction - signed by the Commanding Officer, Special Forces Support Group

    Wasn't Mercer complaining about claims he was a combatant? He could have had a glorious seven years behind a desk.
    No, senior special forces bods have vouched for Thomas’ service and it wasn’t behind a desk.
    You have to wonder why Mercer is repeating this claim then. Pretty low.
    Firstly he is desperate and secondly he knows that Thomas cannot come out and say, “actually I did this, this and this” etc which is why it’s pretty despicable of Mercer to call him a Walter Mitty as he knows what the rules are.
    Mercer will potentially be in a spot of bother should he win narrowly in July. Many here will recall Phil Woolas being unseated by an election petition in 2010, due to making false statements about a candidate's character and conduct contrary to section 106 of the Representation of the People Act, and the result being close enough conceivably to have been decisive.

    Quite apart from any defamation issues, he's potentially given himself quite a big problem.
    Has Mercer explained how he is in a position to know whether what Thomas says about his service is true or not?
    It’s funny isn’t it that since Thomas was selected and his military backstory was brought up, including nods to him being SBS in obscure news mongers such as the Guardian, that nobody apart from Mercer has thought to come out and call bullshit.

    That there isn’t one single Marine or Naval officer who would have served with Thomas who is a Tory and would have loved to nobble the Labour candidate especially as lying about service history is a cardinal sin is quite something.

  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,602

    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    Yeah I've never heard of them.

    @MarqueeMark you're on the ground, what are you feeling about the Reform surge?

    My parents in East Hants are still predicting it to narrowly stay Tory but people are utterly fed up with them (albeit small sample size).
    IIRC East Hants was the second safest seat in the country at the 1992 election, behind only John Major's constituency in Huntingdon.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541
    pigeon said:

    If the Conservatives have retargeted their campaigning efforts into seats with majorities of over 20,000 in 2019 to ensure that they come 2nd in the number of seats won, what evidence is there of a shift in the other parties changing their priorities?

    The Greens appear to be focusing on North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, but what about Labour and the Lib Dems?

    At a guess, Labour won't be changing its strategy to pursue ultra-safe Tory seats. Picking up a few more if they're already heading for an immense majority won't be as important to them as keeping the effort going in places that may be vulnerable to a measure of swingback - even if that now feels unlikely.

    The Liberal Democrats will have finite resources so couldn't go on the offensive in 200 seats even if they wanted to.
    How many seats do we reckon the LDs are targeting?
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    Yeah I've never heard of them.

    @MarqueeMark you're on the ground, what are you feeling about the Reform surge?

    My parents in East Hants are still predicting it to narrowly stay Tory but people are utterly fed up with them (albeit small sample size).
    IIRC East Hants was the second safest seat in the country at the 1992 election, behind only John Major's constituency in Huntingdon.
    It is bloody safe. But some MRPs have it going Lib Dem. I don't think it will but the Lib Dems will run a close second.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,602

    Andy_JS said:

    Candace Owens is a strange person because I've heard her say sensible things on some topics, and then she supports conspiracy theories at other times.

    She is a nutjob. Andy you're posting and talking about a lot of nutters lately, get help
    Just because I post something doesn't mean I agree with it.
  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,841
    GIN1138 said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Another poll with Ref ahead of Con and Lab dropping into the 30s.
    Yes. In the heavily postal voting 65+ demographic, the subsample for this poll gives a split of CON-LAB-RFM 31-23-25.

    If that's accurate then it's a mighty swing away from the Tories already on its way back to the returning officers. According to Ipsos, the 65+ age group voted by 64-17 for the Tories over Labour in 2019. A swing of nearly 20%.
  • Options
    Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 424

    FPTP prevents extremism?

    Looks at the US.

    But America doesn't have the Westminster system.

    America's extremism is in large part driven by 3 things we don't have.

    1: A directly elected President outside of Congress, not answerable to their Representatives, our PM is part of the Commons.
    2: A directly elected Upper House that often conflicts with their President and or their Representatives, our Upper House knows its place and the Parliament Act can override it.
    3: An appointed for life SCOTUS that can set laws as it deems appropriate that elected Representatives can not change. Our Supreme Court can issue rulings, but our Commons can then change the law if it wants to.

    Our MPs in the Commons are mightily powerful compared America's Representatives. If the PM or the courts get out of line too far, the Commons can (and do) course correct rather than having decades-long battles to corrupt those institutions because elected representatives have no say in them.

    America's separation of powers is its downfall. It is a mistake.
    America's extremism is driven by the Electoral college which gives smaller states with smaller populations a bigger say than bigger populations
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,952
    spudgfsh said:

    FPTP prevents extremism?

    Looks at the US.

    But America doesn't have the Westminster system.

    America's extremism is in large part driven by 3 things we don't have.

    1: A directly elected President outside of Congress, not answerable to their Representatives, our PM is part of the Commons.
    2: A directly elected Upper House that often conflicts with their President and or their Representatives, our Upper House knows its place and the Parliament Act can override it.
    3: An appointed for life SCOTUS that can set laws as it deems appropriate that elected Representatives can not change. Our Supreme Court can issue rulings, but our Commons can then change the law if it wants to.

    Our MPs in the Commons are mightily powerful compared America's Representatives. If the PM or the courts get out of line too far, the Commons can (and do) course correct rather than having decades-long battles to corrupt those institutions because elected representatives have no say in them.

    America's separation of powers is its downfall. It is a mistake.
    it is possible to override the SCOTUS, it just takes changing the constitution.

    Its an absurd bar.

    Whereas ours takes a General Election. Far more democratic.
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Candace Owens is a strange person because I've heard her say sensible things on some topics, and then she supports conspiracy theories at other times.

    She is a nutjob. Andy you're posting and talking about a lot of nutters lately, get help
    Just because I post something doesn't mean I agree with it.
    Fair point but just be careful to not get sucked in. I've seen my brother recently get sucked into this kind of stuff initially out of interest and now he's started to repeat it.
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 57,754
    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    I think your prediction from earlier smells right: Lab 37%, Con 25%, Ref 17%, LD 14%, Grn 5%.
  • Options
    Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 424
    TimS said:

    Scott_xP said:

    TVA4 - the code sending chills down spines of Tory canvass teams.

    It's what their Vote Source software says are Reform waverers.

    But hearing endless reports that when those doors are knocked they are not just wavering but almost always GONE.

    South is very, very bad for the Tories, troops say.

    Not just Reform either... but Liberals.

    Sources say totemic seats like Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells are in "freefall".

    Both Lib Dems and Reform are immune from the “don’t give Labour a supermajority” nonsense, in fact they might even benefit from it if people reply “fair enough, we won’t. But we’re not voting for you lot”.

    Still think Tories end up above 26% though.
    Based on......? Gut feel, only
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,952
    Nunu5 said:

    FPTP prevents extremism?

    Looks at the US.

    But America doesn't have the Westminster system.

    America's extremism is in large part driven by 3 things we don't have.

    1: A directly elected President outside of Congress, not answerable to their Representatives, our PM is part of the Commons.
    2: A directly elected Upper House that often conflicts with their President and or their Representatives, our Upper House knows its place and the Parliament Act can override it.
    3: An appointed for life SCOTUS that can set laws as it deems appropriate that elected Representatives can not change. Our Supreme Court can issue rulings, but our Commons can then change the law if it wants to.

    Our MPs in the Commons are mightily powerful compared America's Representatives. If the PM or the courts get out of line too far, the Commons can (and do) course correct rather than having decades-long battles to corrupt those institutions because elected representatives have no say in them.

    America's separation of powers is its downfall. It is a mistake.
    America's extremism is driven by the Electoral college which gives smaller states with smaller populations a bigger say than bigger populations
    I'd argue that's a very minor factor compared to those I mentioned.

    Equalise the electoral votes per capita of the states and you'd still have the extremism because of the other things, especially SCOTUS.

    Separation of powers just disenfranchises the electorate.
  • Options
    lintolinto Posts: 34

    Cookie said:

    Off thread: wife and daughters are off to see Taylor Swift in London tomorrow so have 48 hours free of parental responsibility and the nicest weekend of the year so far to do it in.
    The amount of choice has been paralytic. But my decision was sort of made when I noticed there is a train from Manchester Victoria at 8.15 which goes to Ribblehead via Clitheroe, and a nice day with a strong westerly wind forecast.
    I'm going to try to cycle from Ribblehead (or Kirkby Stephen) to Northallerton.
    There is so much that can go wrong. First off, you can't book bikes on Northern, but nor can you board if there are two other bikes there before you.
    Still, feel I'm planning to do three new things I've long wanted to in one day: crossing the Pennines by bike*, going out for a day by bike and train, and going on the Settle and Carlisle railway. Oh, and also going on the secret Clitheroe-Hellifield route.
    I am so far out of my comfort zone it is quite dizzying.

    Amazing. I've done most of those roads - it's glorious all the way to Leyburn and pleasant enough after that.

    This is almost certainly the nicest route, though if you're tired after Bedale you may want to save a few miles and blat it down the main road to Northallerton:,-2.360666&toLL=54.340469,-1.434655&via=ortqfBzqdqB
    In my experience on Northern (over here in Cumbria) they are pretty relaxed about the number of bikes but more concerned with the space they take up. We've managed to fit 6 bikes in the designated space for 2 and they were happy enough.
  • Options
    Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 424
    Scott_xP said:

    TVA4 - the code sending chills down spines of Tory canvass teams.

    It's what their Vote Source software says are Reform waverers.

    But hearing endless reports that when those doors are knocked they are not just wavering but almost always GONE.

    South is very, very bad for the Tories, troops say.

    Not just Reform either... but Liberals.

    Sources say totemic seats like Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells are in "freefall".

    These sorts of reports from the troops are often very apt especially when they are negative
  • Options

    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    I think your prediction from earlier smells right: Lab 37%, Con 25%, Ref 17%, LD 14%, Grn 5%.
    I am thinking Labour 39%, Lib Dems 16%, Reform 15%.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,914

    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Good evening

    I actually support those measures so why isn't Reeves just honest and announce them
    I think it's political strategy, perhaps, and election narratives being so ingrained about tax cuts and individual interest?

    As it is, she can do an arrival in Government, followed by silence until September, then "We have lifted the lid on the can of worms, and OMIGOD it is horrible, therefore we have to consider ...." .
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 57,754

    And now I've just ruined my post by going and ordering Ham and Pineapple Pizza from Domino's.

    I'd rather eat dirt from a feral street in Mogadishu, to be honest.

    But, I hope you enjoy it.
  • Options
    spudgfshspudgfsh Posts: 1,412
    Nunu5 said:

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big surprise on July 5th!

    I'd be surprised if they didn't end up with a lot of 2nd and 3rd places with between 15 and 25% of the vote. they are too far behind to make serious inroads in terms of seats this time around.
  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,841
    Andy_JS said:

    A new poll from Whitestone Insight has been added to wiki (19-20 June; changes on 12-13)
    CON 19 (-)
    LAB 39 (-2)
    LDM 12 (+1)
    GRN 6 (-)
    RFM 20 (+3)

    Are they a member of the British Polling Council?
    Yes. They have been founded by Andrew Hawkins, who previously was in charge of ComRes, before they were bought by Savanta.
  • Options

    And now I've just ruined my post by going and ordering Ham and Pineapple Pizza from Domino's.

    I'd rather eat dirt from a feral street in Mogadishu, to be honest.

    But, I hope you enjoy it.
    Dominoes is just awful. Yuck.

    Now, Pizza Express, Pizza Hut, yum! But hold the pineapple.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541
    England a long way adrift here.
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234

    And now I've just ruined my post by going and ordering Ham and Pineapple Pizza from Domino's.

    Did it land upside-down after the delivery guy put it through the letterbox?
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,900

    And now I've just ruined my post by going and ordering Ham and Pineapple Pizza from Domino's.

    I'd rather eat dirt from a feral street in Mogadishu, to be honest.

    But, I hope you enjoy it.
    KFC’s secret spice and herb mix says “Hi”.
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,662

    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Good evening

    I actually support those measures so why isn't Reeves just honest and announce them
    You might support them, but Labour is terrified of talking about any tax rises outside of the limited package of token measures that they've already announced - simply because the assumption is that solid evidence that Labour's tax take is liable to be much more broad than they're willing to admit will be successfully weaponised by the Conservatives to drive some of their lost supporters back into the fold.

    Inheritance tax, in particular, is loathed by the electorate, and most voters are cakeist: they want lots more money spending on health and other nice things, but the money must on no account come from them because they are special sunflowers (and, indeed, already pay far too much.)

    There's this fiction - that the country won't be obliged to choose between punishing austerity and socking great tax rises, because miraculous economic growth will solve everything - which needs to be maintained between now and polling day. The electorate knows that this is bollocks, but believing really hard in fairies is more appealing than confronting the alternative. It gives everyone a little holiday from reality, before Labour starts doing all the nasty things and the voters then get to moan bitterly about how they were lied to.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,841
    The election betting scandal cuts through with the public: asked which story they have heard most about recently, it comes first on 17%

    Election betting scandal: 17%
    General election: 15%
    Jay Slater missing: 11%
    Euro 2024: 8%
    Election poll results: 4%
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 57,754
    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Why, because it might hinder the deceit Labour are trying to play over their election mandate?

    That said, CCHQ are so shit and in such disarray they'll probably fail to kick the ball anywhere near this massive open goal and just hit themselves in the face again instead.
  • Options
    CiceroCicero Posts: 2,807
    Scott_xP said:

    TVA4 - the code sending chills down spines of Tory canvass teams.

    It's what their Vote Source software says are Reform waverers.

    But hearing endless reports that when those doors are knocked they are not just wavering but almost always GONE.

    South is very, very bad for the Tories, troops say.

    Not just Reform either... but Liberals.

    Sources say totemic seats like Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells are in "freefall".

    IF this is the case, we should see some further pick up in the Lib Dem vote. It is what sems to be out there, but somehow the polls are wavering.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,914
    edited June 21

    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency".

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

    I don't quite get that comment, unless you want a different website (I might be being affected by Friday teatime gin), or are quipping. Here is a Google link:,+Sutton-in-Ashfield/@53.126978,-1.2879198,101m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x4879969f691cd8b7:0xf24eb726f139295a!8m2!3d53.1302336!4d-1.283206!16s/g/1vc6cy5y?entry=ttu

    (You can navigate directly to Streetview from what3words.)

    What3words is going to conquer the world; we have been told.
  • Options
    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,681

    Low IQ Leon was pushing this bullshit a few weeks ago.

    Tripe man is back
    You are very brave.
    Is that a threat? Or more tripe?
    Don't abuse the Mods, Horse - they keep this site going.
    But the moderation team are allowed to call people "low IQ". Okay.
    Hang on, are you suggesting Leon is actually a person and not a very early iteration of AI?
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,250
    Nunu5 said:

    TimS said:

    Scott_xP said:

    TVA4 - the code sending chills down spines of Tory canvass teams.

    It's what their Vote Source software says are Reform waverers.

    But hearing endless reports that when those doors are knocked they are not just wavering but almost always GONE.

    South is very, very bad for the Tories, troops say.

    Not just Reform either... but Liberals.

    Sources say totemic seats like Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells are in "freefall".

    Both Lib Dems and Reform are immune from the “don’t give Labour a supermajority” nonsense, in fact they might even benefit from it if people reply “fair enough, we won’t. But we’re not voting for you lot”.

    Still think Tories end up above 26% though.
    Based on......? Gut feel, only
    Based on many elections as a Lib Dem getting excited about us surging during the campaign and then being disappointed when at the end of the day the big two close ranks and burst our bubble.

    Happened to us in 1983, 2010 and 2019 and to an extent also in 2005.

    Happened to UKIP in 2015, and happens to the Greens every time.
  • Options
    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,898
    Evening all. Reform join the placard wars in Norwich South, spotted my first Reform placard today, so they join the odd Lab and Green seen, no LD or Con yet and just one Lab leaflet
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,952
    edited June 21
    pigeon said:

    MattW said:

    Scott_xP said:

    New: The Guardian has seen internal Labour documents, confirmed by senior sources, which scope radical changes to capital gains and inheritance tax:

    💸The proposals include increases in capital gains tax (CGT), first revealed by the Guardian two weeks ago, that could raise £8bn.

    💰 Also in drafts are BIG potential changes to inheritance tax that could generate £2.3bn a year.

    💳⌛️New measures would make it much more difficult to “gift” money and assets, such as farmland, tax free. It effectively scraps much of the relief used for passing on agricultural and business assets.

    This all sounds positive, and as we were saying the other day they are things that need a long-term service / overhaul.

    It would have been nice if it had not come out now, though.
    Good evening

    I actually support those measures so why isn't Reeves just honest and announce them
    You might support them, but Labour is terrified of talking about any tax rises outside of the limited package of token measures that they've already announced - simply because the assumption is that solid evidence that Labour's tax take is liable to be much more broad than they're willing to admit will be successfully weaponised by the Conservatives to drive some of their lost supporters back into the fold.

    Inheritance tax, in particular, is loathed by the electorate, and most voters are cakeist: they want lots more money spending on health and other nice things, but the money must on no account come from them because they are special sunflowers (and, indeed, already pay far too much.)

    There's this fiction - that the country won't be obliged to choose between punishing austerity and socking great tax rises, because miraculous economic growth will solve everything - which needs to be maintained between now and polling day. The electorate knows that this is bollocks, but believing really hard in fairies is more appealing than confronting the alternative. It gives everyone a little holiday from reality, before Labour starts doing all the nasty things and the voters then get to moan bitterly about how they were lied to.
    I'd rather pay my taxes when dead than when working.

    Workers pay too much tax. Just abolish inheritance tax it and tax any inheritances at the same rate as wages are taxed.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,541
    MattW said:

    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency".

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

    I don't quite get that comment, unless you want a different website (I might be being affected by Friday teatime gin). Here is a Google link:,+Sutton-in-Ashfield/@53.126978,-1.2879198,101m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x4879969f691cd8b7:0xf24eb726f139295a!8m2!3d53.1302336!4d-1.283206!16s/g/1vc6cy5y?entry=ttu

    (You can navigate directly to Streetview from what3words.)
    It was a tongue-in-cheek suggestion that you may be posting this on the wrong website. It was a long and involved post that meant bugger-all to me and seemed to end up as a traffic planning test question.

    Other views are no doubt available.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,545
    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency". ~12000 vehicles per day. 30mph indicated speed limit.

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

    Narrow the road, widen the pavements. Remove the temptation for cars to overtake cycles in that section. Nobody loses, since you can't really overtake safely there anyway.
  • Options
    pigeon said:

    If the Conservatives have retargeted their campaigning efforts into seats with majorities of over 20,000 in 2019 to ensure that they come 2nd in the number of seats won, what evidence is there of a shift in the other parties changing their priorities?

    The Greens appear to be focusing on North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, but what about Labour and the Lib Dems?

    At a guess, Labour won't be changing its strategy to pursue ultra-safe Tory seats. Picking up a few more if they're already heading for an immense majority won't be as important to them as keeping the effort going in places that may be vulnerable to a measure of swingback - even if that now feels unlikely.

    The Liberal Democrats will have finite resources so couldn't go on the offensive in 200 seats even if they wanted to.
    I'd suggest Labour are also just much more likely to have seats fall into their lap than the Lib Dems. If the landslide is at the top end of expectations, they probably will win seats which have had very sparse campaigns, just because they are the default anti-Tory choice, and none of the other anti-Tory choices will have done much either.

    This is partly why I am very sceptical at projections putting the Lib Dems at the higher end of expectations and overtaking the Tories. To get there, they need to win seats they aren't targeting, and it's probably too late in the campaign to turn around now. They'd also probably take 40 odd seats and third place - it makes a big difference to their status and coverage in the next Parliament to surpass the SNP.

    It will be interesting to watch leader visit locations in the next few days, though. I believe the most distant target Starmer has gone to so far is Reading West which they'd get with only just over 200 gains (which would give them a huge majority but not actually that close to the real wipeout territory). He's been to lots that they need to win to get any majority at all.

    Davey has gone perhaps surprisingly far down the list to Chichester (which is outside the top 100), Stratford-upon-Avon (about 80), and Torbay (similar). Arguably there are special reasons, though - Torbay has been Lib Dem in the relatively recent past, and Stratford and Chichester had stellar Lib Dem local election results (although time will tell if it converts).

    My feeling is Starmer will get a bit more adventurous in the sorts of seats he visits and Davey a little less so - but the Davey ones will be particularly revealing in betting terms.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,545
    Farooq said:

    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency". ~12000 vehicles per day. 30mph indicated speed limit.

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

    Narrow the road, widen the pavements. Remove the temptation for cars to overtake cycles in that section. Nobody loses, since you can't really overtake safely there anyway.
    By the way, I think you're mistaken. Hatched areas with a broken lines area areas you CAN drive in if it's safe. It the surrounding line is solid, you must not unless it's an emergency.
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,662

    pigeon said:

    If the Conservatives have retargeted their campaigning efforts into seats with majorities of over 20,000 in 2019 to ensure that they come 2nd in the number of seats won, what evidence is there of a shift in the other parties changing their priorities?

    The Greens appear to be focusing on North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, but what about Labour and the Lib Dems?

    At a guess, Labour won't be changing its strategy to pursue ultra-safe Tory seats. Picking up a few more if they're already heading for an immense majority won't be as important to them as keeping the effort going in places that may be vulnerable to a measure of swingback - even if that now feels unlikely.

    The Liberal Democrats will have finite resources so couldn't go on the offensive in 200 seats even if they wanted to.
    How many seats do we reckon the LDs are targeting?
    There are 75 constituencies where Lib Dems were in second place in the 2019 general election and had more than 20% of the vote, the large bulk of them in Southern England and held by the Tories, either absolutely or nominally based on redrawn boundaries. Some of those won't be realistic (they're not gaining Cambridge off Labour, for example,) but most of them will feel within reach based on the cataclysmic polling data for the Tories. So, maybe looking at concentrating their resources on around 50-60 potential gains?
  • Options
    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,514
    England NOT looking good against the Saffers. 54-3;off 9 overs. Looking for 164!
  • Options
    AugustusCarp2AugustusCarp2 Posts: 215
    Scott_xP said:
    Matt is a genius. Future generations of historians will pore over his work for insights into the British way of life from the 1990s to the 2020s.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,462
    edited June 21
    Nunu5 said:

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big suprise on July 5th!

    I think it's worth looking at the 2019 European elections because it's the last time we had such volatility going into a real election.

    The final Survation had the Conservatives on 14% but they actually got 9%. Perhaps more interestingly, they had Labour on 23%, but they actually got only 14%. Their total for the Brexit Party on the other hand was spot on at 31%.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234

    Sandpit said:

    Ooh, wickets. Too little too late I fear for England. 164 seems like a big ask for the batsmen to chase.

    It's the lowest score at this ground in 5 matches in this tournament.
    About to be the second-lowest score. England way off the pace required and now three down.
  • Options
    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 698
    Chris said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    Oh dear, Johnny Mercer is fucked.

    Fred Thomas’ Certificate of Valediction - signed by the Commanding Officer, Special Forces Support Group

    Wasn't Mercer complaining about claims he was a combatant? He could have had a glorious seven years behind a desk.
    No, senior special forces bods have vouched for Thomas’ service and it wasn’t behind a desk.
    You have to wonder why Mercer is repeating this claim then. Pretty low.
    Firstly he is desperate and secondly he knows that Thomas cannot come out and say, “actually I did this, this and this” etc which is why it’s pretty despicable of Mercer to call him a Walter Mitty as he knows what the rules are.
    Mercer will potentially be in a spot of bother should he win narrowly in July. Many here will recall Phil Woolas being unseated by an election petition in 2010, due to making false statements about a candidate's character and conduct contrary to section 106 of the Representation of the People Act, and the result being close enough conceivably to have been decisive.

    Quite apart from any defamation issues, he's potentially given himself quite a big problem.
    Has Mercer explained how he is in a position to know whether what Thomas says about his service is true or not?
    Yup. He says "I was a minister in the department" (MOD presumably). Though he must have gone looking, to know career details of an obscure junior officer. Which I think is atrocious, using civil service resources to dig political dirt.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,841

    After the humiliation will come something much worse: irrelevance. It is impossible to overstate just how totally irrelevant the Conservatives are about to become. There is no easy way to say this, but nobody will be filling in their wall charts with the runners and riders for the Tory leadership. The tight timetabling for elections to the 1922 Committee matters not. Senior Tory sources will be left to scream into the void.

    The alphabet spaghetti leftovers will be scraped into the bin: ERG, CCHQ, IEA, IDS. Bye bye to the banging of tables. Farewell to the star chambers. Arrivederci to the five families — they will struggle to muster one.

    Nobody will care who Penny Mordaunt has unfollowed on Twitter. Or about the sandwiches at Tom Tugendhat’s launch. Or what Latin phrase Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has had mowed into his front lawn. Or anything that is said in all those WhatsApp groups. Step away from Nadine Dorries’s column, Lee Anderson’s GB News show, Dominic Cummings’s Substack. Think how much free time you’ll now have.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,914
    Nunu5 said:

    FPTP prevents extremism?

    Looks at the US.

    But America doesn't have the Westminster system.

    America's extremism is in large part driven by 3 things we don't have.

    1: A directly elected President outside of Congress, not answerable to their Representatives, our PM is part of the Commons.
    2: A directly elected Upper House that often conflicts with their President and or their Representatives, our Upper House knows its place and the Parliament Act can override it.
    3: An appointed for life SCOTUS that can set laws as it deems appropriate that elected Representatives can not change. Our Supreme Court can issue rulings, but our Commons can then change the law if it wants to.

    Our MPs in the Commons are mightily powerful compared America's Representatives. If the PM or the courts get out of line too far, the Commons can (and do) course correct rather than having decades-long battles to corrupt those institutions because elected representatives have no say in them.

    America's separation of powers is its downfall. It is a mistake.
    America's extremism is driven by the Electoral college which gives smaller states with smaller populations a bigger say than bigger populations
    During the Trump saga, I've quite enjoyed finding out about how Common Law has evolved differently, and how in some ways the USA retains more of the old structures - such as Grand Juries which went here before about 1850.
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    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 116,468
    When did Rishi Sunak become England's batting coach?
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    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,898
    If labour do fall into the 30s on polling day, there are going to be a lot of seats won on a much lower share of the vote than 2019 where it was mostly 40s and up winning seats. That means some unlikely gains but also probably some holds on 'buttons' for the Tories
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 57,754

    Nunu5 said:

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big suprise on July 5th!

    I think it's worth looking at the 2019 European elections because it's the last time we had such volatility going into a real election.

    The final Survation had the Conservatives on 14% but they actually got 9%. Perhaps more interestingly, they had Labour on 23%, but they actually got only 14%. Their total for the Brexit Party on the other hand was spot on at 31%.
    PR though and the European elections were always sort of treated as a giant opinion poll, as nothing that really mattered was at stake.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    Picture of the day: image search keyword ‘unrecoverable’.

  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,952

    Nunu5 said:

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big suprise on July 5th!

    I think it's worth looking at the 2019 European elections because it's the last time we had such volatility going into a real election.

    The final Survation had the Conservatives on 14% but they actually got 9%. Perhaps more interestingly, they had Labour on 23%, but they actually got only 14%. Their total for the Brexit Party on the other hand was spot on at 31%.
    PR though and the European elections were always sort of treated as a giant opinion poll, as nothing that really mattered was at stake.
    I liked that, but the European elections were treated with even less respect than opinion polls, or even local elections.

    They were a bad joke at the best of times, and 2019 was not the best of times.

    This is a real election.
  • Options
    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,898
    Scott_xP said:


    After the humiliation will come something much worse: irrelevance. It is impossible to overstate just how totally irrelevant the Conservatives are about to become. There is no easy way to say this, but nobody will be filling in their wall charts with the runners and riders for the Tory leadership. The tight timetabling for elections to the 1922 Committee matters not. Senior Tory sources will be left to scream into the void.

    The alphabet spaghetti leftovers will be scraped into the bin: ERG, CCHQ, IEA, IDS. Bye bye to the banging of tables. Farewell to the star chambers. Arrivederci to the five families — they will struggle to muster one.

    Nobody will care who Penny Mordaunt has unfollowed on Twitter. Or about the sandwiches at Tom Tugendhat’s launch. Or what Latin phrase Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has had mowed into his front lawn. Or anything that is said in all those WhatsApp groups. Step away from Nadine Dorries’s column, Lee Anderson’s GB News show, Dominic Cummings’s Substack. Think how much free time you’ll now have.

    Ouch indeed. How long until the Starmer drama starts in its place
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,644

    If labour do fall into the 30s on polling day, there are going to be a lot of seats won on a much lower share of the vote than 2019 where it was mostly 40s and up winning seats. That means some unlikely gains but also probably some holds on 'buttons' for the Tories

    Depends what the Tory share is tbh.
  • Options
    No_Offence_AlanNo_Offence_Alan Posts: 4,137

    Nunu5 said:

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big suprise on July 5th!

    I think it's worth looking at the 2019 European elections because it's the last time we had such volatility going into a real election.

    The final Survation had the Conservatives on 14% but they actually got 9%. Perhaps more interestingly, they had Labour on 23%, but they actually got only 14%. Their total for the Brexit Party on the other hand was spot on at 31%.
    PR though and the European elections were always sort of treated as a giant opinion poll, as nothing that really mattered was at stake.
    But so many governments break their promises now, and mainstream parties agree on so much, that voters may well believe that voting is consequence-free.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,841

    Scott_xP said:


    After the humiliation will come something much worse: irrelevance. It is impossible to overstate just how totally irrelevant the Conservatives are about to become. There is no easy way to say this, but nobody will be filling in their wall charts with the runners and riders for the Tory leadership. The tight timetabling for elections to the 1922 Committee matters not. Senior Tory sources will be left to scream into the void.

    The alphabet spaghetti leftovers will be scraped into the bin: ERG, CCHQ, IEA, IDS. Bye bye to the banging of tables. Farewell to the star chambers. Arrivederci to the five families — they will struggle to muster one.

    Nobody will care who Penny Mordaunt has unfollowed on Twitter. Or about the sandwiches at Tom Tugendhat’s launch. Or what Latin phrase Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has had mowed into his front lawn. Or anything that is said in all those WhatsApp groups. Step away from Nadine Dorries’s column, Lee Anderson’s GB News show, Dominic Cummings’s Substack. Think how much free time you’ll now have.

    Ouch indeed. How long until the Starmer drama starts in its place
    2 weeks, 4 hours from now...
  • Options
    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,667
    "Apple Won’t Roll Out AI Tech In EU Market Over Regulatory Concerns" (Bloomberg)

    Apple's fight with the EU on privacy and monopoly concerns not ending any time soon.
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    ChrisChris Posts: 11,545
    edited June 21

    Chris said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    boulay said:

    RobD said:

    Oh dear, Johnny Mercer is fucked.

    Fred Thomas’ Certificate of Valediction - signed by the Commanding Officer, Special Forces Support Group

    Wasn't Mercer complaining about claims he was a combatant? He could have had a glorious seven years behind a desk.
    No, senior special forces bods have vouched for Thomas’ service and it wasn’t behind a desk.
    You have to wonder why Mercer is repeating this claim then. Pretty low.
    Firstly he is desperate and secondly he knows that Thomas cannot come out and say, “actually I did this, this and this” etc which is why it’s pretty despicable of Mercer to call him a Walter Mitty as he knows what the rules are.
    Mercer will potentially be in a spot of bother should he win narrowly in July. Many here will recall Phil Woolas being unseated by an election petition in 2010, due to making false statements about a candidate's character and conduct contrary to section 106 of the Representation of the People Act, and the result being close enough conceivably to have been decisive.

    Quite apart from any defamation issues, he's potentially given himself quite a big problem.
    Has Mercer explained how he is in a position to know whether what Thomas says about his service is true or not?
    Yup. He says "I was a minister in the department" (MOD presumably). Though he must have gone looking, to know career details of an obscure junior officer. Which I think is atrocious, using civil service resources to dig political dirt.
    Well, I was wondering about that as a possibility, but I'm flabbergasted if Mercer has actually admitted he obtained the information through his ministerial office.

    Surely Mercer will be in a lot more than a "spot of bother"? It strikes me as much worse than the shenanigans over Tories having a flutter on the date of the election.

  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,841

    NEW: Nigel Farage says the West "provoked" Vladimir Putin into invading Ukraine.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    edited June 21

    Scott_xP said:


    After the humiliation will come something much worse: irrelevance. It is impossible to overstate just how totally irrelevant the Conservatives are about to become. There is no easy way to say this, but nobody will be filling in their wall charts with the runners and riders for the Tory leadership. The tight timetabling for elections to the 1922 Committee matters not. Senior Tory sources will be left to scream into the void.

    The alphabet spaghetti leftovers will be scraped into the bin: ERG, CCHQ, IEA, IDS. Bye bye to the banging of tables. Farewell to the star chambers. Arrivederci to the five families — they will struggle to muster one.

    Nobody will care who Penny Mordaunt has unfollowed on Twitter. Or about the sandwiches at Tom Tugendhat’s launch. Or what Latin phrase Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has had mowed into his front lawn. Or anything that is said in all those WhatsApp groups. Step away from Nadine Dorries’s column, Lee Anderson’s GB News show, Dominic Cummings’s Substack. Think how much free time you’ll now have.

    Ouch indeed. How long until the Starmer drama starts in its place
    If they win a load of unexpected seats, it’s not going to take long for another Jared O’Mara to come out of the woodwork.

    Look how many clear vetting fails have already come up during the campaign, from all parties.
  • Options
    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,898
    Pulpstar said:

    If labour do fall into the 30s on polling day, there are going to be a lot of seats won on a much lower share of the vote than 2019 where it was mostly 40s and up winning seats. That means some unlikely gains but also probably some holds on 'buttons' for the Tories

    Depends what the Tory share is tbh.
    Not really. If Labour got, say 37, then there will be seats in that 'safest 100' of the Tories where nobody is mustering much. A 37, 22, 18, 14 type result and you've only got so many votes to spread about.
  • Options
    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,463
    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency". ~12000 vehicles per day. 30mph indicated speed limit.

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

    I know this one:

    Reduce the speed limit to 20mph.
  • Options
    MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 50,881
    Nunu5 said:

    I am convinced that REFORM are in second place and we are in for a big suprise on July 5th!

    Only if Labour are in third....
  • Options
    stodgestodge Posts: 13,207
    pigeon said:

    pigeon said:

    If the Conservatives have retargeted their campaigning efforts into seats with majorities of over 20,000 in 2019 to ensure that they come 2nd in the number of seats won, what evidence is there of a shift in the other parties changing their priorities?

    The Greens appear to be focusing on North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, but what about Labour and the Lib Dems?

    At a guess, Labour won't be changing its strategy to pursue ultra-safe Tory seats. Picking up a few more if they're already heading for an immense majority won't be as important to them as keeping the effort going in places that may be vulnerable to a measure of swingback - even if that now feels unlikely.

    The Liberal Democrats will have finite resources so couldn't go on the offensive in 200 seats even if they wanted to.
    How many seats do we reckon the LDs are targeting?
    There are 75 constituencies where Lib Dems were in second place in the 2019 general election and had more than 20% of the vote, the large bulk of them in Southern England and held by the Tories, either absolutely or nominally based on redrawn boundaries. Some of those won't be realistic (they're not gaining Cambridge off Labour, for example,) but most of them will feel within reach based on the cataclysmic polling data for the Tories. So, maybe looking at concentrating their resources on around 50-60 potential gains?
    Targeting strategy, inasmuch as how I would do it, relies on a series of factors of which the 2019 result isn't going to be the most important.

    The LDs will have looked at recent local results, the strength and extent of local organisation, candidate profile, available nearby resources and finances.

    Every LD parliamentary success, apart from by elections, has been built on local organisation based on a robust network of activists and campaigners, supported by deliverers, constituency wide.

    The same will be true of seats won on July 4th - it will be where the party maintains a strong profile all year round across the constituency. Ed Davey's visits will be aimed at seats meeting those criteria. I know all this from the 1990s when I worked in Tom Brake's constituency. We were 10,000 behind but had wiped out the Conservatives and Labour at council level - the worry was not whether we would outpoll the Conservative but whether we could get enough tactical votes from Labour.
  • Options
    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,898
    Scott_xP said:


    NEW: Nigel Farage says the West "provoked" Vladimir Putin into invading Ukraine.

    Very odd thing to say in an election campaign
  • Options
    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 19,952
    MattW said:

    This is my photo quota for the day - a baffling road design from near where I used to live, not far from here. It is like this for quite some distance.

    The highway corridor wall-to-wall is just over 17m. The carriageway is 13m. The central hatchings are just under 4m wide. The solid hatchings are "entering here is an offence unless emergency". ~12000 vehicles per day. 30mph indicated speed limit.

    The pedestrian refuges are 50m apart, and offset sideways in the carriageway by 1m+, so fundamentally different behaviour required from people driving vehicles.

    I cycle up here once or twice a week and have to take a ridiculously positive primary position to prevent dangerous overtakes, since expectations are so unclear.

    The cycle infrastructure is a shared footway, like virtually all of it in my town.

    The pedestrian refuge on the right is at . It is not a haven since those bollards, like nearly all of them, are not designed to protect pedestrians, rather to avoid damage to vehicles that drive into them.

    What would you change?

    Build a cycle track separated from the vehicles.

    Change the speed limit to 40mph.
This discussion has been closed.