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LAB analysis suggests a double-digit bounce for PM Truss –



  • Options
    MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594

    Resolution Foundation
    In summary? There is no escaping the cost-of-living crisis. It will take many months, and much more living standards pain, before inflation starts to ease. The number one priority for the next PM is to offer significant support to help families through a brutal winter and beyond.

    The government's first priority should be cheap, plentiful energy and I wouldn't be surprised if that is what Liz targets.

  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    Does Plan B actually have any currency whatsoever in Conservative circles? I’d assumed it was just the public exposition of HY’s mental health status, but you never know. Perhaps HY is just the tip of the fascist iceberg?
  • Options
    MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594
    Sandpit said:

    Euro back below parity with US$, on the back of rising energy futures.

  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,460

    HYUFD said:

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    So in effect a maximum wage at private companies, not likely to help UK companies attract the best international talent to lead them
    At a certain point - I'm not sure salary becomes the main driver in attracting talent. "You could make £50K instead of £30K" - "ooh, tell me more". "You could make £350K instead of £300K." "Meh." Working conditions and sheer job interest become more important.
    Not sure, given previous descriptions of your lifestyle, that you are really the person they would be marketing such jobs to.

    “So, Dr Palmer, with this salary you could afford a 25m indoor swimming pool at your country mansion”….
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,025

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    Whereas I don't necessarily disagree with that element of Corbyn's levelling up agenda. Remind me where it got him in 2019.
    What are the figures for companies whose 'average workers' are actually based in the UK ?
    I would imagine the FTSE 100 companies on which those stats are based are pretty unrepresentative of the UK - and many of them would be entirely untroubled by a threat of "no government contracts":
    ...The highest paid FTSE 100 CEO, according to the research, was Sebastien De Montessus of Endeavour, which operates goldmines in Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Senegal. He was paid £16.9m...

    Which would have been pretty awkward had it been applied to Astra Zeneca over the last couple of years....
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,796
    MISTY said:

    Sandpit said:

    Euro back below parity with US$, on the back of rising energy futures.

    Don’t start them! Mostly, it’s due to the failure of the ECB to keep pace with the US Fed in raising interest rates, and the US$ being popular with investors in spite of the massive continuing stimulus spending over there.
  • Options
    EndillionEndillion Posts: 4,976

    HYUFD said:

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    So in effect a maximum wage at private companies, not likely to help UK companies attract the best international talent to lead them
    At a certain point - I'm not sure salary becomes the main driver in attracting talent. "You could make £50K instead of £30K" - "ooh, tell me more". "You could make £350K instead of £300K." "Meh." Working conditions and sheer job interest become more important.
    A 67% increase is indeed more attractive than a 17% increase. Well done.

    I don't know how a raise from £300k to £500k compares to going from £30k to £50 - general economic theory tells us there's decreasing marginal utility of returns - but there's not much value in comparing two points that are so obviously not on a like-for-like basis.
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    MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 37,785
    Euro bellow parity with USD. The winter will get messy for the whole continent (us included).
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,460
    Sandpit said:

    MISTY said:

    Sandpit said:

    Euro back below parity with US$, on the back of rising energy futures.

    Don’t start them! Mostly, it’s due to the failure of the ECB to keep pace with the US Fed in raising interest rates, and the US$ being popular with investors in spite of the massive continuing stimulus spending over there.
    The US isn’t going to get hit by the energy supply restriction that is going to hit Europe. Lots of domestic gas production etc…
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    We will see a 20 point lead before the next GE

    For Labour?
    Did you see yesterday’s Scottish poll?

    Seat projection for Scottish Labour = 1 seat (nc).
    You're rapidly becoming one of the worst posters on this site.
    I’m an equal opportunities Unionist irritator.
    You contribute literally nothing of value.
    I annoy you. So that’s something.
    You're so irrelevant I couldn't be annoyed by you.
    You ought to try Liz Truss’s policy of “ignoring” us. That lasted about 5 minutes, but maybe Labour have more stamina?

  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    HYUFD said:

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    So in effect a maximum wage at private companies, not likely to help UK companies attract the best international talent to lead them
    At a certain point - I'm not sure salary becomes the main driver in attracting talent. "You could make £50K instead of £30K" - "ooh, tell me more". "You could make £350K instead of £300K." "Meh." Working conditions and sheer job interest become more important.
    If you a CEO of a top private company though I would expect you are very money motivated as reward for the very long hours you do.

    FTSE 100 CEOs get £2.7 million on average but in the US for instance they could earn even more
  • Options
    MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594
    Sandpit said:

    MISTY said:

    Sandpit said:

    Euro back below parity with US$, on the back of rising energy futures.

    Don’t start them! Mostly, it’s due to the failure of the ECB to keep pace with the US Fed in raising interest rates, and the US$ being popular with investors in spite of the massive continuing stimulus spending over there.

    As I understand it, there isn't much the ECB can do. At least the BoE will have some wiggle room (especially if the tories cut taxes).

  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    I was buying flowers yesterday and the florist slides over. 'Do you reckon thats Michael J. Fox?'
    'Who?!' I ask
    'The guy over there. The one with his back to the fuscia'

    Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone are discussing a new film. Arnie suggests they could both play classical composers. 'Great idea!' says Stallone. 'I'll be Lizst. Who will you be, Arnie?'

    'I'll be Bach.'
  • Options
    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    A pasta joke has been voted as Dave’s funniest joke of the Edinburgh Fringe.

    Masai Graham was the winner, with the joke:

    "I tried to steal spaghetti from the shop, but the female guard saw me and I couldn't get pasta.

    FFS was this the fringe for 6 year olds?
    Its a shit joke, i mean seriously shit. Having to put in 'female guard' makes it so painfully contrived

    You're being too harsh. Why so critical of a guy telling a fusili jokes?
    The trouble is that is 10x better than the original.
  • Options
    LennonLennon Posts: 1,760

    HYUFD said:

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    So in effect a maximum wage at private companies, not likely to help UK companies attract the best international talent to lead them
    At a certain point - I'm not sure salary becomes the main driver in attracting talent. "You could make £50K instead of £30K" - "ooh, tell me more". "You could make £350K instead of £300K." "Meh." Working conditions and sheer job interest become more important.
    At that level, I don't think that a high salary has much of a motivational pull factor to another job - as you say, working conditions and interest etc are important. However, in contrast, I believe that a comparatively low salary is still a very strong push factor to look elsewhere / inherently demotivating (You only think I'm worth X, when all my peers, including that ar*e at our rubbish competitor are getting paid 2X... Grr Grump etc.).
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,796
    Endillion said:

    HYUFD said:

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    So in effect a maximum wage at private companies, not likely to help UK companies attract the best international talent to lead them
    At a certain point - I'm not sure salary becomes the main driver in attracting talent. "You could make £50K instead of £30K" - "ooh, tell me more". "You could make £350K instead of £300K." "Meh." Working conditions and sheer job interest become more important.
    A 67% increase is indeed more attractive than a 17% increase. Well done.

    I don't know how a raise from £300k to £500k compares to going from £30k to £50 - general economic theory tells us there's decreasing marginal utility of returns - but there's not much value in comparing two points that are so obviously not on a like-for-like basis.
    There’s a Ferrari of difference, between £300k and £500k.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,025
    edited August 2022
    MISTY said:

    Resolution Foundation
    In summary? There is no escaping the cost-of-living crisis. It will take many months, and much more living standards pain, before inflation starts to ease. The number one priority for the next PM is to offer significant support to help families through a brutal winter and beyond.

    The government's first priority should be cheap, plentiful energy and I wouldn't be surprised if that is what Liz targets.

    And where is she going to get that ?

    I hope you're not suggesting a deal with Putin ?
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    Tbf they've only locked us in the basement Fritzl style at the mo'. Once HYUFDism takes off, that's when the armed threats will start.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,796
    MISTY said:

    Sandpit said:

    MISTY said:

    Sandpit said:

    Euro back below parity with US$, on the back of rising energy futures.

    Don’t start them! Mostly, it’s due to the failure of the ECB to keep pace with the US Fed in raising interest rates, and the US$ being popular with investors in spite of the massive continuing stimulus spending over there.

    As I understand it, there isn't much the ECB can do. At least the BoE will have some wiggle room (especially if the tories cut taxes).

    There’s not an awful lot that anyone can do at this point, except to try and manage demand over the winter, and bring in as much temporary power as possible by whatever means necessary.

    Raising interest rates is really not the required policy response to imported commodity inflation, but when the only tool you have is a hammer…
  • Options
    EndillionEndillion Posts: 4,976

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    Tbf they've only locked us in the basement Fritzl style at the mo'. Once HYUFDism takes off, that's when the armed threats will start.
    If you actively welcome the armed threats because you get off on them, it's still not rape.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,256
    Driver said:

    Driver said:

    ydoethur said:

    We will see a 20 point lead before the next GE

    For Labour?
    Did you see yesterday’s Scottish poll?

    Seat projection for Scottish Labour = 1 seat (nc).
    You're rapidly becoming one of the worst posters on this site.
    I’m an equal opportunities Unionist irritator.
    You contribute literally nothing of value.
    He spreads Swedeness and light.

    Plus he has a rye sense of humour as befits a Scotch expert.
    He writes the same post over and over again.
    He's not the only poster who does that. At least he doesn't tend to write 10 comments in the span of a few minutes that could all be a single comment.
    At least I don't rejoin the site when I get banned
    When was I banned?
    Tomorrow unless there's an improvement.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    Tbf they've only locked us in the basement Fritzl style at the mo'. Once HYUFDism takes off, that's when the armed threats will start.
    Given Sturgeon has ruled out UDI unlikely, only if she tried that would this Conservative government have to go full Madrid 2017
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146
    Endillion said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    Tbf they've only locked us in the basement Fritzl style at the mo'. Once HYUFDism takes off, that's when the armed threats will start.
    If you actively welcome the armed threats because you get off on them, it's still not rape.
    PB may just have captured the moment when HYUFDism took off.
  • Options
    ClippPClippP Posts: 1,812
    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
  • Options
    MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594
    Nigelb said:

    MISTY said:

    Resolution Foundation
    In summary? There is no escaping the cost-of-living crisis. It will take many months, and much more living standards pain, before inflation starts to ease. The number one priority for the next PM is to offer significant support to help families through a brutal winter and beyond.

    The government's first priority should be cheap, plentiful energy and I wouldn't be surprised if that is what Liz targets.

    And where is she going to get that ?

    I hope you're not suggesting a deal with Putin ?
    No we can't do that.
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146
    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    Tbf they've only locked us in the basement Fritzl style at the mo'. Once HYUFDism takes off, that's when the armed threats will start.
    Given Sturgeon has ruled out UDI unlikely, only if she tried that would this Conservative government have to go full Madrid 2017
    That’s my boy! I love it when you work up a sweat.

  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,796
    Ukranian military admits that their casualties are “Nearly 9000” soldiers, over the past six months.

    Their figure for Russian casualties is 45,400.
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146
    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    If she has any imagination, she’ll hold IndyRef2 and UK GE on the same day in December.

  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,401

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,803

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    If it's unsustainable to go against the view of a small majority, why are you not a unionist?
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    Truss made clear she would never allow indyref2 on her watch as PM
  • Options
    AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670
    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    Alex Salmond, the man kicked out of the SNP for being too socialist, was going to setup a country the Tories approved of?


    It is a view I suppose.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,975
    edited August 2022
    Rishi's best gig he's been to?
    Live Aid.
    He was barely 5.
  • Options
    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,336
    dixiedean said:

    Rishi's best gig he's been to?
    Live Aid.
    He was barely 5.

    Live 8 was in 2005, I’m sure that’s what he meant
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Alistair said:

    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    Alex Salmond, the man kicked out of the SNP for being too socialist, was going to setup a country the Tories approved of?


    It is a view I suppose.
    I didn't realise that being a creepy twat was a form of socialism.
  • Options
    EndillionEndillion Posts: 4,976
    Alistair said:

    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    Alex Salmond, the man kicked out of the SNP for being too socialist, was going to setup a country the Tories approved of?


    It is a view I suppose.
    You should reflect on just how godawful Sturgeon and her agenda needs to be in order to make Salmond appear downright palatable by comparison.

    Whether that makes you warmer or cooler on Sturgeon as a result is of course a separate question.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian military admits that their casualties are “Nearly 9000” soldiers, over the past six months.

    Their figure for Russian casualties is 45,400.

    I think I would have phrased that 'Ukrainian military admits to casualties of nearly 9,000 soldiers.' The true figure might well be higher.

    However, they have been fighting a mostly defensive war, which does generally have lower casualties than an aggressive war.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,975
    moonshine said:

    dixiedean said:

    Rishi's best gig he's been to?
    Live Aid.
    He was barely 5.

    Live 8 was in 2005, I’m sure that’s what he meant
    Oops yes.
    Was incorrectly reported...
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    HYUFD said:

    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    Truss made clear she would never allow indyref2 on her watch as PM
    Don't you think that by disallowing SIndyRef2 Ms Truss not only pisses off rabid Scots Nats to save the Union, she makes matters worse in the end by pissing off the "don't knows" too, and thus guarantees she loses the Union?
  • Options
    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,336
    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055
    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    I thought we were talking about Tory grass roots, but please do expand on 'English people'.

    As I recall Sturgeon regularly polls well in UK wide polls, or at least better than the current custodians of the shitshow known as HMG.
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,061
    moonshine said:

    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.

    I'm currently calling round to look into arranging a battery to backfit to my panels.
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146
    Alistair said:

    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    Alex Salmond, the man kicked out of the SNP for being too socialist, was going to setup a country the Tories approved of?


    It is a view I suppose.
    Modern studies is not their core competence.
  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,883
    edited August 2022

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    HYUFD said:

    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    Truss made clear she would never allow indyref2 on her watch as PM
    Don't you think that by disallowing SIndyRef2 Ms Truss not only pisses off rabid Scots Nats to save the Union, she makes matters worse in the end by pissing off the "don't knows" too, and thus guarantees she loses the Union?
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,401
    moonshine said:

    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.

    I'm currently looking at that Moonshine. How much does a battery add to the cost of your project? And how long do you expect a battery to last?
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    ydoethur said:

    Alistair said:

    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    Alex Salmond, the man kicked out of the SNP for being too socialist, was going to setup a country the Tories approved of?


    It is a view I suppose.
    I didn't realise that being a creepy twat was a form of socialism.
    It's not an exclusive requirement, but it does help.

    Would you want to be alone in a dark cemetery with only someone like Corbyn, Burgon, Galloway, or Chris Williamson for company? No I thought not.
  • Options
    MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594
    ydoethur said:

    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian military admits that their casualties are “Nearly 9000” soldiers, over the past six months.

    Their figure for Russian casualties is 45,400.

    I think I would have phrased that 'Ukrainian military admits to casualties of nearly 9,000 soldiers.' The true figure might well be higher.

    However, they have been fighting a mostly defensive war, which does generally have lower casualties than an aggressive war.
    Its very difficult to criticise the Ukrainian military at all because that's like being in league with Putin, and accords you 'Russian Troll' status.

    A journalist acquaintance recently spent some time in Ukraine and said that serious issues with Western equipment and the black market do exist, but nobody wants to talk about these currently.
  • Options
    EndillionEndillion Posts: 4,976

    HYUFD said:

    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    Truss made clear she would never allow indyref2 on her watch as PM
    Don't you think that by disallowing SIndyRef2 Ms Truss not only pisses off rabid Scots Nats to save the Union, she makes matters worse in the end by pissing off the "don't knows" too, and thus guarantees she loses the Union?
    Yes, we're super concerned that the Don't Knows are going to vote Leave in the referendum we're not going to let them have.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055
    edited August 2022

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    ydoethur said:

    Alistair said:

    Cookie said:

    ydoethur said:

    darkage said:

    HYUFD said:

    Criminal barristers vote to go on indefinite strike from next month

    They came bottom of the 'public support for strikes' table so i'd expect the govt to take the hardlineiest hardline with them
    People can now try and experience a criminal justice system with no barristers. Obviously they work for the prosecution, as well as defence.
    Ultimately, there is a societal reckoning due for society regarding its thinking on the question of justice.
    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.
    It is a bit like Human Rights, people like to think they only benefit terrorists, etc; but whenever there is a question of a vegetative child being resucitated or of some form of police brutality; they 'discover' that of course they do want human rights.
    It just all goes down to whether you want to keep the current criminal justice system or not.
    You can't have a criminal justice system that pays highly specialist and educated participants, with massive levels of responsibility, less than the minimum wage with no job security. It was always going to eventually fail and this is the moment.
    In the end this problem has been made worse by Johnson and his casual 'lefty lawyer' slurs, just blame the blob, cut it to the bone and beyond, whatever and ever.
    Eventually the chickens come home to roost.
    You want to create a new justice system with no barristers; well good luck with that.

    It is one of these areas where people think that they don't want something and eventually realise that actually, of course they do want it, after all.

    See also Free Movement of Labour.
    We badly need free movement of Labour if we're to save our economy.

    From Opposition to Government...
    I had a response from Alun Cairns. I had accused him of opportunism in his switch from Sunak to Truss. Although he claimed them both to be "strong candidates".

    He explained that the change was necessary because Truss was the candidate most likely to save the Union. You can image my lengthy critique in response to his workings out!

    I suggested that if his main aim was to save the Union, a vote for Starmer's Labour Party at the next GE would be more useful than his current vote for Truss.

    I also suggested that with a Conservative victory at the next GE the Union was f*****, so I pointed him in the direction of HYUFD's plan B (military intervention, and beyond).
    To be honest with you, I have been surprise by the strength of feeling from Tory grass roots towards Sturgeon and SNP - revealed to us by this democratic exercise.

    “I supporting Truss as she will kick Sturgeons butt.” Seems to be the gist again and again. The widespread strength of feeling, hatred and anger there has surprised me to be honest. I havn’t really noticed it in the handful of Conservatives I have been around.
    Loathing goes hand in hand with fear, they hate Sturgeon 'cos she scares them and they can't lay a glove on her. They use to reserve that loathing for Salmond until his fall from grace when he became powerless and without influence, hence those types rallying around him during the Holyrood enquiry where they thought he was going to bring Sturgeon down.
    I think there was also a grudging respect for Salmond - yes, he'll break the union up, but the Scotland he creates will be (to Tory eyes) one of which we approve.
    Whereas Sturgeon seems dead set on creating (to Tory eyes) a hyper-woke socialist dystopia.
    And the experience of Sturgeon during covid didn't really help her image to English people ('stay away, filthy English, especially if you're from Greater Manchester').
    Alex Salmond, the man kicked out of the SNP for being too socialist, was going to setup a country the Tories approved of?


    It is a view I suppose.
    I didn't realise that being a creepy twat was a form of socialism.
    It's not an exclusive requirement, but it does help.

    Would you want to be alone in a dark cemetery with only someone like Corbyn, Burgon, Galloway, or Chris Williamson for company? No I thought not.
    Could be worse. Could be Gavin Williamson.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    MISTY said:

    ydoethur said:

    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian military admits that their casualties are “Nearly 9000” soldiers, over the past six months.

    Their figure for Russian casualties is 45,400.

    I think I would have phrased that 'Ukrainian military admits to casualties of nearly 9,000 soldiers.' The true figure might well be higher.

    However, they have been fighting a mostly defensive war, which does generally have lower casualties than an aggressive war.
    Its very difficult to criticise the Ukrainian military at all because that's like being in league with Putin, and accords you 'Russian Troll' status.

    A journalist acquaintance recently spent some time in Ukraine and said that serious issues with Western equipment and the black market do exist, but nobody wants to talk about these currently.
    I don't think anyone has ever accused you of being Russian.
  • Options
    numbertwelvenumbertwelve Posts: 6,251
    On topic: Truss will not call an election because in the present climate, poll bounce or no poll bounce, she doesn’t stand much chance of winning it.

    The fundamentals just aren’t good enough.

    She needs to advance an argument that the country was falling apart when she took office, and any improvement since then is down to her.

    The only way she stands any chance of running that argument is to go long.

    If people are feeling more financially stable in 2024 then she can try and run on that. If things genuinely are better by then, she has a chance of managing a small majority IMHO.

    But to start off with she needs to get a handle on the energy prices. And I still think there must be a good argument that she’ll freeze or limit the price cap because she will be forced by necessity to take that kind of action. The fact she’s not saying it yet is because she’s got a leadership contest to win.
  • Options
    SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,066
    edited August 2022

    CEO pay now 109 times average worker

    Corbyn Policy no Govt contracts where CEO Pay exceeds 20 times

    SKS shrugs

    One issue that CEO finding pay limited by the lowest paid in company has four options:
    1. limit own pay to 20x current lowest pay
    2. raise current lowest pay, to also get a pay rise
    3. outsource the lowest paid roles to get a pay rise based on lowst now being higher paid group
    4. get another job, possible in another country or sector not interested in gov contracts

    I fear 3 and 4 are the most likely, with 3 the worst (lowest paid get moved from a company with possible progression and some likely universal perks to a likely shitty company with limited progression). For example, I worked in student days in a supermarket on shelf stacking etc. Cleaners got similar/same wage and could switch over easily and then progress (indeed, some people did both shelf stacking and cleaning shifts). Cleaning was moved to outsourced (not for CEO pay reasons) and they lost flexibility and also got worse terms.

    Edit: or is this average worker in the UK across all employment? In which case ignore 2 and 3
  • Options
    Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,323
    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    Instead, you had some blue on blue action.

    Very old-fashioned. These days, we would never dream of doing anything like that.
  • Options
    DriverDriver Posts: 4,567

    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    If she has any imagination, she’ll hold IndyRef2 and UK GE on the same day in December.

    Giving Sturgeon the excuse that the campaign wasn't long enough if she loses again.
  • Options
    Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,323
    Mr. Doethur, did the early Scots paint themselves with woad? I thought that was just the Picts (hence the name).
  • Options
    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    My understanding of modern historiography is that there is zilch evidence of such a “migration”: the Gaelic-speakers were indigenous to both sides of the North Channel.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,989
    Truss: "Let's prosecute strikers!"
    Sir Humphrey: "We can't, the lawyers are on strike."
    Truss: "Then shame them in my favourite tabloid!"
    SH: "We would, but Express journalists are on strike."
    Truss: "So cattle prod them back to work!"
    SH: "The prods are stuck in Felixstowe..."
  • Options
    algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,588

    On topic: Truss will not call an election because in the present climate, poll bounce or no poll bounce, she doesn’t stand much chance of winning it.

    The fundamentals just aren’t good enough.

    She needs to advance an argument that the country was falling apart when she took office, and any improvement since then is down to her.

    The only way she stands any chance of running that argument is to go long.

    If people are feeling more financially stable in 2024 then she can try and run on that. If things genuinely are better by then, she has a chance of managing a small majority IMHO.

    But to start off with she needs to get a handle on the energy prices. And I still think there must be a good argument that she’ll freeze or limit the price cap because she will be forced by necessity to take that kind of action. The fact she’s not saying it yet is because she’s got a leadership contest to win.

    Agree. And there is no mood for an election right now. The mood is to see if another leader can do any good in an emergency. Calling an election feels like an unwanted luxury when you have a working majority and more.

  • Options
    Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,323
    Mr. Dickson, I'm still re-reading Chris Wickham's Inheritance of Rome, which refers to such a movement and the neatly dovetailing approach of Pictish matrilineal and Scottish patrilineal inheritance patterns.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Mr. Doethur, did the early Scots paint themselves with woad? I thought that was just the Picts (hence the name).

    I assumed they just turned blue with cold :smile:
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,803

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    My understanding of modern historiography is that there is zilch evidence of such a “migration”: the Gaelic-speakers were indigenous to both sides of the North Channel.
    What happened to the Picts?
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,025
    ydoethur said:

    Sandpit said:

    Ukranian military admits that their casualties are “Nearly 9000” soldiers, over the past six months.

    Their figure for Russian casualties is 45,400.

    I think I would have phrased that 'Ukrainian military admits to casualties of nearly 9,000 soldiers.' The true figure might well be higher.

    However, they have been fighting a mostly defensive war, which does generally have lower casualties than an aggressive war.
    Sounds fairly plausible to me, FWIW.

    The number is for those killed in action, as opposed to casualties (which would include wounded). Ukraine is pretty open about reporting military deaths - including the much more militarily sensitive reports of pilots killed - so I don't see why they would be lying.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    HYUFD said:

    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    Truss made clear she would never allow indyref2 on her watch as PM
    Don't you think that by disallowing SIndyRef2 Ms Truss not only pisses off rabid Scots Nats to save the Union, she makes matters worse in the end by pissing off the "don't knows" too, and thus guarantees she loses the Union?
    No, she passes off Nats which is fine as they just want indyrefs forever until they get independence.

    The Don't Knows would be Starmer's problem not Truss' if he allowed indyref2 as Truss has made clear she will not allow indyref2 as PM
  • Options
    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,336
    Cookie said:

    moonshine said:

    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.

    I'm currently looking at that Moonshine. How much does a battery add to the cost of your project? And how long do you expect a battery to last?
    I think it will double the capital cost of a circa 5kw system. But it means you a) have grid resilience (important in the sticks), b) can consume as much of your own power as possible rather than dumping summer kwh on the grid for little income, c) can make use of day/night tariff in winter to consume up to 13kwh of power in the daytime at night time prices.

    Battery warranty is 10 years at 80% efficiency with unlimited recycles. The earliest Tesla Model Ss have performed well in excess of their warranties, I’d expect the same for these. The thermal cell management is pretty well managed by the tesla system these days which is the key to longevity, though installing in a garage rather than outside will help.

    The real trick is to make sure you use your own units even when the battery is full. Spend a few hundreds on diverting any further surplus to water immersion heater.

    The zero vat on batteries is I gather only available if ordered at the same time as panels.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Seems unlikely. It was only set up in 1999.

    The Estates of Scotland voted for the union in 1707, but most of them had been bribed into doing so.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,743
    edited August 2022
    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected. As well as being bribed. Your standards, of course, but they do taint your conclusion, though.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,803
    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected.
    It wasn't legitimate?
  • Options
    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,336
    Pulpstar said:

    moonshine said:

    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.

    I'm currently calling round to look into arranging a battery to backfit to my panels.
    I was told Feb by my local supplier. You might get it sooner in your neck of the woods who knows.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected.
    It wasn't legitimate?
    After the Darien scheme failed they were in an absolute bastard of a situation.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    And yet we have Unionists mentioning approvingly the longevity of the Union as a reason for its continuance and people in my own city marching to and fro celebrating centuries of glorious Union.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055
    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    I don't doubt for a minute that you would approve of a parliamentary vote with a mandate from a fraction of 1% of the population.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,025

    Mr. Dickson, I'm still re-reading Chris Wickham's Inheritance of Rome, which refers to such a movement and the neatly dovetailing approach of Pictish matrilineal and Scottish patrilineal inheritance patterns.

    I'm surprised you're dabbling in the works of such a dangerous leftie. :smile:
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    edited August 2022
    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected. As well as being bribed. Your standards, of course, but they do taint your conclusion, though.
    It was democratically elected by the franchise of the time, certainly in terms of the Shire Commissioners
  • Options
    AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670
    ydoethur said:

    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected.
    It wasn't legitimate?
    After the Darien scheme failed they were in an absolute bastard of a situation.
    Would have loved to have been around when the Darien scheme was being pitched. Just trying to imagine the sales brochure, was anyone around going "Hold on, this seems like the dumbest fucking idea since James II stood next to that cannon"?
  • Options
    BurgessianBurgessian Posts: 2,584

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    And yet we have Unionists mentioning approvingly the longevity of the Union as a reason for its continuance and people in my own city marching to and fro celebrating centuries of glorious Union.
    Jeezo. Still going on about this?

    it's pretty clear there is close to zero interest in Scotland in IndyRef2 now and, I suspect, for the forseeable future.

    Sturgeon, as everyone knows who takes any interest, is just going through the motions.

  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,055
    edited August 2022

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    And yet we have Unionists mentioning approvingly the longevity of the Union as a reason for its continuance and people in my own city marching to and fro celebrating centuries of glorious Union.
    Jeezo. Still going on about this?

    it's pretty clear there is close to zero interest in Scotland in IndyRef2 now and, I suspect, for the forseeable future.

    Sturgeon, as everyone knows who takes any interest, is just going through the motions.

    Weird that you keep jumping in with the same nothing-to-see-here point if there's zero interest in it. A bit of interest in Burgessian Towers evidently.

    How's your other repetitive point (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) that Sturgeon's off to pastures new going?
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    edited August 2022
    Their royal highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their family are to move from Kensington Palace to Adelaide Cottage on the Windsor Estate.

    Their children will start at Lambrook prep school near Ascot
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,943
    edited August 2022
    moonshine said:

    Pulpstar said:

    moonshine said:

    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.

    I'm currently calling round to look into arranging a battery to backfit to my panels.
    I was told Feb by my local supplier. You might get it sooner in your neck of the woods who knows.
    The guy who came round to see us last week clearly said only a two-week lead time for a battery. Remains to be seen if that's BS of course.

    We've had 4kW of panels for 9 years now - they've been great. I am not however totally convinced yet that there is a clear case for batteries on top of that. I have just bought and installed one of these so I can model minute by minute how a battery would be charged and discharged through each 24 hours.

    From the first few days (typical sun and cloud summer days, no ASHP heating on) we'd save about £7.00 per day (at 28.5p per kWh).

    If we can get 150 days of that per year then depending on then install cost we will probably go ahead. In the winter, however, I think the battery will save us very little.
  • Options
    BurgessianBurgessian Posts: 2,584

    Mr. Divvie, seems a shade harsh to criticise a nation's founding as not being modern when it occurred in the early 18th century.

    The royal house of Wessex didn't conduct a plebiscite when it founded England.

    And the Scots migrating from Ireland to Pictland, as was, did not do so in the aftermath of an approving vote by the woad-wearing natives.

    And yet we have Unionists mentioning approvingly the longevity of the Union as a reason for its continuance and people in my own city marching to and fro celebrating centuries of glorious Union.
    Jeezo. Still going on about this?

    it's pretty clear there is close to zero interest in Scotland in IndyRef2 now and, I suspect, for the forseeable future.

    Sturgeon, as everyone knows who takes any interest, is just going through the motions.

    Weird that you keep jumping in with the same nothing-to-see-here point if there's zero interest in it. A bit of interest in Burgessian Towers evidently.

    How's your other repetitive point (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) that Sturgeon's off to pastures new going?
    Hadn't been on PB for some time TBH so a sad reaction to the turgid and unchanging content I found.

    I think if she had any sense she would have listened to my advice. Even she must be getting bored, surely.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    Endillion said:

    HYUFD said:

    ClippP said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It is not a forced marriage, Scots voted 55% to stay in the Union in the once in a generation 2014 referendum and even now polls are not vastly different.

    Nationalists of course never accepted the result but Truss will just ignore them as long as she is PM and refuse indyref2
    Of course she will, young HY! Hmmm.... How well do you know Miss Trust? Do you really know her inner thoughts?
    Truss made clear she would never allow indyref2 on her watch as PM
    Don't you think that by disallowing SIndyRef2 Ms Truss not only pisses off rabid Scots Nats to save the Union, she makes matters worse in the end by pissing off the "don't knows" too, and thus guarantees she loses the Union?
    Yes, we're super concerned that the Don't Knows are going to vote Leave in the referendum we're not going to let them have.
    There is a certain inevitability about a Second Indy Ref. My point is when that time comes, those who might currently be minded towards the "Better Together" camp will be minded towards the f*** you English b******* camp if we keep deferring the vote.
  • Options
    Scott_xP said:

    Truss: "Let's prosecute strikers!"
    Sir Humphrey: "We can't, the lawyers are on strike."
    Truss: "Then shame them in my favourite tabloid!"
    SH: "We would, but Express journalists are on strike."
    Truss: "So cattle prod them back to work!"
    SH: "The prods are stuck in Felixstowe..."

    And besides which, that nobhead Schapps keeps insisting that train drivers are on strike when they decline Avanti's kind offer to work on rest days. So even if the Barristers weren't on strike, if they go after the "strikers" they would be in for a horrible surprise...
  • Options
    GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,109
    HYUFD said:

    Their royal highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their family are to move from Kensington Palace to Adelaide Cottage on the Windsor Estate.

    Their children will start at Lambrook prep school near Ascot

    “London is back”.
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    eekeek Posts: 26,573

    moonshine said:

    Pulpstar said:

    moonshine said:

    Had the solar man round. Panels and Tesla battery seem a no brainer economically. A shame the govt wasted the summer rather than negotiating for as big a job lot of batteries as it could get its hand on, to help smooth supply and demand peaks and add some grid resilience. While setting up a UK Gov energy trading co to realise the trading profits to in turn subsidise everyone else in whatever way it could.

    Instead they let chimps like me go and do it myself at zero vat.

    I'm currently calling round to look into arranging a battery to backfit to my panels.
    I was told Feb by my local supplier. You might get it sooner in your neck of the woods who knows.
    The guy who came round to see us last week clearly said only a two-week lead time for a battery. Remains to be seen if that's BS of course.

    We've had 4kW of panels for 9 years now - they've been great. I am not however totally convinced yet that there is a clear case for batteries on top of that. I have just bought and installed one of these so I can model minute by minute how a battery would be charged and discharged through each 24 hours.

    From the first few days (typical sun and cloud summer days, no ASHP heating on) we'd save about £7.00 per day (at 28.5p per kWh).

    If we can get 150 days of that per year then depending on then install cost we will probably go ahead. In the winter, however, I think the battery will save us very little.
    Don't forget that 28.5p per kWh is shortly to become 40p or more....

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    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,975
    edited August 2022

    20% inflation fills me with mortal dread.
    What’s the quote? “I’m fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked.”

    At least with Liz there's a decent chance of being tied, spanked and humiliated first.
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    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,061

    20% inflation fills me with mortal dread.
    What’s the quote? “I’m fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked.”

    I don't think you're fucked, USA has cheap gas I think ?
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    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,336

    20% inflation fills me with mortal dread.
    What’s the quote? “I’m fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked.”

    Indeed. But look at it another way. We are essentially now in a conflict with the Bear that is highly likely to prove existential for the Russian leadership. At any point in our lifetimes if you’d been told the worst we’d have from that is a short sharp period of 20% inflation, you’d never have believed it.

    Roaring 20s just around the corner
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    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,883
    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected. As well as being bribed. Your standards, of course, but they do taint your conclusion, though.
    They were the standards of the time. Not much we can do about that now. And superceded by the 2014 referendum anyway.
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    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771

    20% inflation fills me with mortal dread.
    What’s the quote? “I’m fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked.”

    Who said levelling up couldn't be done?
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    20% inflation fills me with mortal dread.
    What’s the quote? “I’m fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked.”

    The scariest part about 20% inflation is that even if you half it you still have 10% inflation. That suggests we are going to have it hanging over us for quite a while. Even scarier is if the UK's inflation rate stays higher for longer than those of other countries. That will be an absolute killer.

    Someone made an interesting point somewhere recently: for the last decade or so we have been very focused on how identity politics drives voter behaviour. That means a lot of politicians will struggle to cope with a situation in which economic issues are the main driver of ballot box choices.

    Talking about willies and flags might cut the mustard in relatively benign times. Do it as people are struggling to put food on the table and heat their homes and you are going to be laughed at, ignored or actively hated.

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    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Alistair said:

    ydoethur said:

    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    If you want to save the Union you should vote Labour. The only party that will actually level up the country

    What’s the point of “saving” an involuntary union? Even thickos must understand that a forced marriage is unsustainable.

    If one party is holding a gun, it’s just rape.
    It's a voluntary Union. People voted for it. Much though it must pain you to admit it, the Union was endorsed by the voters in 2014. It's not an involuntary Union.
    The Union's inception wasn't voluntary in any modern sense, therefore presumably the only democratic mandate it has is the 2014 referendum. One democratic endorsement in 315 years and Unionists bleat on about the oppression of perpetual indy referendums, sheesh.
    Yes it was, the Scottish Parliament voted for the Union in 1707
    Which was not democratically elected.
    It wasn't legitimate?
    After the Darien scheme failed they were in an absolute bastard of a situation.
    Would have loved to have been around when the Darien scheme was being pitched. Just trying to imagine the sales brochure, was anyone around going "Hold on, this seems like the dumbest fucking idea since James II stood next to that cannon"?
    Hindsight, schmindsight. The English crown was making out like bandits via the Royal African Company (and the Scotland Company was established to trade with "Africa and the Indies") and making it look easy and who knows, but for opposition from RAC and EIC it might have worked? Also Scotland was so fucked at the time that OK it lost all its capital, but that was probably about 15s 6d in proper money.

    mind You, if I set up a trading company I'd write down on a piece of paper What am I going to trade, and who with? at quite an early stage, and maybe not push things too hard till I had an answer
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    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,975
    moonshine said:

    20% inflation fills me with mortal dread.
    What’s the quote? “I’m fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked.”

    Indeed. But look at it another way. We are essentially now in a conflict with the Bear that is highly likely to prove existential for the Russian leadership. At any point in our lifetimes if you’d been told the worst we’d have from that is a short sharp period of 20% inflation, you’d never have believed it.

    Roaring 20s just around the corner
    And what is the guarantee that a successful ousting of the Russian leadership will result in something better?
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