As big dog Gromit quits Wallace is who Tory members want to replace him –
Boris Johnson confirms he will appoint a new cabinet and continue as PM until a new Conservative leader is elected.Election timetable will be announced next week.
Martin Lewis @MartinSLewis I would politely urge the Conservative party to a v quick succession process. We need a working administration at speed.
This Winter will be catastrophic, pushing millions into poverty with typical energy bills rising to £3,000/yr. We need leaders in office taking action asap.
Martin Lewis @MartinSLewis I would politely urge the Conservative party to a v quick succession process. We need a working administration at speed.
This Winter will be catastrophic, pushing millions into poverty with typical energy bills rising to £3,000/yr. We need leaders in office taking action asap.
Utterly agree...get it done and get it done quick.
Martin Lewis @MartinSLewis I would politely urge the Conservative party to a v quick succession process. We need a working administration at speed.
This Winter will be catastrophic, pushing millions into poverty with typical energy bills rising to £3,000/yr. We need leaders in office taking action asap.
Utterly agree...get it done and get it done quick.
That's the thing - there are very important issues (mainly energy but even so) that need to be sorted out ASAP.
And Bozo and the rest of the clowns in cabinet are not in a position to make such decisions...
I would like to discuss now, the outcomes of the next election, not as a Labour fanboy but as somebody interested in betting.
I note the YouGov polling this morning which says all leadership candidates bar Wallace, have the public scoring as doing worse than good. A heavy caveat is that many are unknown.
I would support Wallace as PM, he seems a decent guy and has done well in Ukraine. I could not vote for this iteration of the Tory Party whilst people like Nadine are still around but I would have hope for its future with him at the helm. He scores well with the leadership, he surely must be a good contender.
Other than that Penny Morduant, who I confess I know little about, would also seem to be popular with the Tory Party. Perhaps others can speak more.
The next election then, will not be about personalities but instead possibly about policies. The difficulty for any Tory now is that without Johnson they will probably lose a large number of voters anyway who only voted for Johnson (albeit they dwindled). This new PM will have 13 years of Government to defend, a CoL crisis and rising bills and a possibly incoming recession.
I think my central estimate of a Hung Parliament remains fair - but a Labour majority and indeed Tory majority, is also not out of the question. I do not think we will see a large majority on either side.
I would like to discuss now, the outcomes of the next election, not as a Labour fanboy but as somebody interested in betting.
I note the YouGov polling this morning which says all leadership candidates bar Wallace, have the public scoring as doing worse than good. A heavy caveat is that many are unknown.
I would support Wallace as PM, he seems a decent guy and has done well in Ukraine. I could not vote for this iteration of the Tory Party whilst people like Nadine are still around but I would have hope for its future with him at the helm. He scores well with the leadership, he surely must be a good contender.
Other than that Penny Morduant, who I confess I know little about, would also seem to be popular with the Tory Party. Perhaps others can speak more.
The next election then, will not be about personalities but instead possibly about policies. The difficulty for any Tory now is that without Johnson they will probably lose a large number of voters anyway who only voted for Johnson (albeit they dwindled). This new PM will have 13 years of Government to defend, a CoL crisis and rising bills and a possibly incoming recession.
I think my central estimate of a Hung Parliament remains fair - but a Labour majority and indeed Tory majority, is also not out of the question. I do not think we will see a large majority on either side.
It will be a repeat of 2015, or 2010, I think.
Certainly possible. But it depends on how mental the final 2 are.
Martin Lewis @MartinSLewis I would politely urge the Conservative party to a v quick succession process. We need a working administration at speed.
This Winter will be catastrophic, pushing millions into poverty with typical energy bills rising to £3,000/yr. We need leaders in office taking action asap.
Utterly agree...get it done and get it done quick.
That's the thing - there are very important issues (mainly energy but even so) that need to be sorted out ASAP.
And Bozo and the rest of the clowns in cabinet are not in a position to make such decisions...
Summer recess starts two weeks from today. They'll need to be down to two candidates by then - and, of course, there's always the 2016 option of skipping the members' stage.
Timetable announced next week, wants to be leader until election completed.
Both too slow by far.
If the conservatives mps have any sense they will arrange a coronation and new PM in two weeks
Too many people want it. They'd need to agree a caretaker like May, to formally be leader unopposed, and hope she keeps word to stand down for a replacement.
Starring: Hattie Jacques (in reverse drag) as Boris Johnson Sid James as Sir Keir Starmer Kenneth Williams as Jacob Rees-Mogg Barbara Windsor as Nadine Dorries Bernard Bresslaw as Dominic Raab
and anyone else anyone can be bothered to think of
And that resignation speech in full: "Infamy, infamy ..."
I would like to discuss now, the outcomes of the next election, not as a Labour fanboy but as somebody interested in betting.
I note the YouGov polling this morning which says all leadership candidates bar Wallace, have the public scoring as doing worse than good. A heavy caveat is that many are unknown.
I would support Wallace as PM, he seems a decent guy and has done well in Ukraine. I could not vote for this iteration of the Tory Party whilst people like Nadine are still around but I would have hope for its future with him at the helm. He scores well with the leadership, he surely must be a good contender.
Other than that Penny Morduant, who I confess I know little about, would also seem to be popular with the Tory Party. Perhaps others can speak more.
The next election then, will not be about personalities but instead possibly about policies. The difficulty for any Tory now is that without Johnson they will probably lose a large number of voters anyway who only voted for Johnson (albeit they dwindled). This new PM will have 13 years of Government to defend, a CoL crisis and rising bills and a possibly incoming recession.
I think my central estimate of a Hung Parliament remains fair - but a Labour majority and indeed Tory majority, is also not out of the question. I do not think we will see a large majority on either side.
It will be a repeat of 2015, or 2010, I think.
Fair comments Horse. I think a Labour led minority is certain. The only question for me is how many other parties they need to govern. I cannot see a majority either way at this stage
I doubt the UK public even really know who most of the people are. We often over estimate the general public knowledge of politics, especially who does what job and if they are doing it well or not.
There’s a council by-election in my borough today: a traditional Conservative ward, but Labour won 1 councillor at the locals unexpectedly, so he didn’t take up his seat. Both Lab and LD in with a chance. I wonder how it will go in this atmosphere…
As for Wallace as the favourite to replace Johnson… Does anyone know anything about Wallace’s actual views? He seems like a cipher to me, people putting their hopes in him, but who knows how a leadership campaign will test him?
Starring: Hattie Jacques (in reverse drag) as Boris Johnson Sid James as Sir Keir Starmer Kenneth Williams as Jacob Rees-Mogg Barbara Windsor as Nadine Dorries Bernard Bresslaw as Dominic Raab
and anyone else anyone can be bothered to think of
And that resignation speech in full: "Infamy, infamy ..."
Tory MPs queueing up to deliver the eulogies after stabbing him in the back... The chutzpah is incredible.
TBF, most of them in the front, not back.
Though interesting comments from resigned junior ministers that the cabinet seriously let them down by failing (other than Sunak and the Saj) to take a lead.
I thought that was a dull speech. Not dignified, nor appalling, nor interesting. What am I missing?
I was expecting him to leave himself some wriggle room, but he did just enough to convince that he has accepted the inevitability of his position, and so my fears that he would try to play the Populist card to hang on were unfounded. So in some ways it's a bit anticlimactic.
All the whining he put in there was just the self-justification and myth-making that he was stabbed in the back, and the public were robbed of their glorious leader, that he will eat out on for the rest of his days.
I once had a whale pizza (in Iceland, the only country where it is or was legitimately legal). Wasn't much to write home about, wouldn't have it again.
Starring: Hattie Jacques (in reverse drag) as Boris Johnson Sid James as Sir Keir Starmer Kenneth Williams as Jacob Rees-Mogg Barbara Windsor as Nadine Dorries Bernard Bresslaw as Dominic Raab
and anyone else anyone can be bothered to think of
And that resignation speech in full: "Infamy, infamy ..."
Strongly suspect a woman will be seen the best to confront Starmer.
Truss and Pitel would be a disaster for the Tories though. I can't quite put my finger on why I feel Truss would go down like a lead balloon but I think it is her presence. She always seems like a lightweight mimicking a serious politician.
Watching James Daley (Bury) being interviewed on bbc. What a top man. Tories need people like him in front line positions. Amusing, pleasant, sensible. Never seen or heard him before.
Those are extremely good numbers for Wallace, beats Truss, Hunt, Sunak or Mordaunt by double digits and already over 50% with the membership v Hunt or Sunak.
Terrible numbers for the former Chancellor, even beaten by Liz Truss despite being favourite yesterday
@GoncharenkoUa Dear @BorisJohnson ! Ukraine is infinitely grateful to you for everything you have done for us. You will forever remain in our history and will be involved in the future victory. Thank you.
Tory MPs queueing up to deliver the eulogies after stabbing him in the back... The chutzpah is incredible.
Someone here yesterday came up with the perfect epitaph for Boris:
Got the big calls right, treated the small calls with utter contempt.
Got the biggest call (Brexit) wrong. Treated the voters with utter contempt.
You could not be more utterly wrong. The people who treated the voters with contempt were those who tried to overturn Brexit. Foremost amongst them SKS.
Boris listened to the calls to leave the EU - and acted. For that, he was rewarded with an 80 seat majority.
It was his casual relationship with the truth that did for him.
I doubt the UK public even really know who most of the people are. We often over estimate the general public knowledge of politics, especially who does what job and if they are doing it well or not.
I read a quiz yesterday where one of the questions was "who is the current(*) MP for Witham and Home Secretary" and "who is the current MP for South-West Norfolk and Foreign Secretary" - only the first of these was got right at the first attempt (Amber Rudd was suggested for the latter).
(*) the blurb at the start of the quiz confirming the date that the answers were checked as accurate was slightly different...
Boris staying on till later in August will not be a major issue for the electorate and there are only 2 weeks of parliament till recess. Everyone will settle down and let him flump along as a lame duck for 6 weeks crawling past May in time served Edit - he hasnt got time to get anything through of major controversy
Tory MPs queueing up to deliver the eulogies after stabbing him in the back... The chutzpah is incredible.
Someone here yesterday came up with the perfect epitaph for Boris:
Got the big calls right, treated the small calls with utter contempt.
Got the biggest call (Brexit) wrong. Treated the voters with utter contempt.
Implementing the biggest democratic vote in British history is treating the voters with utter contempt? OK then...
Lied to them to win the Brexit vote. Lied to them in 2019 about his deal. Lied to them about levelling up. Lied to them about 40 new hospitals. Lied in the house of commons. Lied to the cabinet. Yeah, he's treated the voters, actually our entire democratic system, with contempt. Good riddance.
@GoncharenkoUa Dear @BorisJohnson ! Ukraine is infinitely grateful to you for everything you have done for us. You will forever remain in our history and will be involved in the future victory. Thank you.
I once had a whale pizza (in Iceland, the only country where it is or was legitimately legal). Wasn't much to write home about, wouldn't have it again.
Just you writing that has brought back memories of the putrified shark (that you may also have had while you were there?) which is one of the most revolting things I've ever eaten.
Watching James Daley (Bury) being interviewed on bbc. What a top man. Tories need people like him in front line positions. Amusing, pleasant, sensible. Never seen or heard him before.
Someone I'd never seen or heard before until yesterday, who I thought was excellent, was Darren Jones the Labour MP.
Best guess, Friday 15th (it is a Commons sitting Friday) or Monday 18th, with a view to being down to two candidates by Thursday 21st latest.
They will 100% be down to 2 by recess and no more than 4 weeks voting. Maximum caretaker run of 6 weeks.
I forget how this is done. Will there by hustings and debates and speeches?
They can change it every time (I am sure they changed it from the previous time) so forgetting is foigivable - if they want there to be time for such things they can do those I think.
I once had a whale pizza (in Iceland, the only country where it is or was legitimately legal). Wasn't much to write home about, wouldn't have it again.
Just you writing that has brought back memories of the putrified shark (that you may also have had while you were there?) which is one of the most revolting things I've ever eaten.
Did I just correctly hear Robert Peston saying that Ben Wallace is unlikely to be a candidate?
He's the favourite in the betting stakes and with the Tory Home survey.
He may have assessed that he doesn't want all the shit that goes with being PM. Could hardly blame him.
He could certainly get a big job with whoever the PM is, by swinging his support behind them. He may think that doing Defence is a very important job and continuity is important.
I once had a whale pizza (in Iceland, the only country where it is or was legitimately legal). Wasn't much to write home about, wouldn't have it again.
Just you writing that has brought back memories of the putrified shark (that you may also have had while you were there?) which is one of the most revolting things I've ever eaten.
I think I may have had that too, yeah not again, thanks.
On the other hand in a random pub/restaurant I had by far the best soup I've ever had in my life. Great mix of seafood in it and the soup was just incredible. My wife found the recipe online afterwards and makes it on special occasions.
Martin Lewis
I would politely urge the Conservative party to a v quick succession process. We need a working administration at speed.
This Winter will be catastrophic, pushing millions into poverty with typical energy bills rising to £3,000/yr. We need leaders in office taking action asap.
the timetable is indefensible, expect SKS to vonc this afternoon
The Government under Boris's leadership had many achievements - delivering Brexit, vaccines and backing Ukraine.
We need calmness and unity now and to keep governing while a new leader is found.
And Bozo and the rest of the clowns in cabinet are not in a position to make such decisions...
What am I missing?
Those who hate Boris will hate the speech, etc etc
I note the YouGov polling this morning which says all leadership candidates bar Wallace, have the public scoring as doing worse than good. A heavy caveat is that many are unknown.
I would support Wallace as PM, he seems a decent guy and has done well in Ukraine. I could not vote for this iteration of the Tory Party whilst people like Nadine are still around but I would have hope for its future with him at the helm. He scores well with the leadership, he surely must be a good contender.
Other than that Penny Morduant, who I confess I know little about, would also seem to be popular with the Tory Party. Perhaps others can speak more.
The next election then, will not be about personalities but instead possibly about policies. The difficulty for any Tory now is that without Johnson they will probably lose a large number of voters anyway who only voted for Johnson (albeit they dwindled). This new PM will have 13 years of Government to defend, a CoL crisis and rising bills and a possibly incoming recession.
I think my central estimate of a Hung Parliament remains fair - but a Labour majority and indeed Tory majority, is also not out of the question. I do not think we will see a large majority on either side.
It will be a repeat of 2015, or 2010, I think.
Strongly suspect a woman will be seen the best to confront Starmer.
Sunak 6
Mordaunt 8
Truss 12
Javid 14.5
Hunt 21
Zahawi 22
Tugendhat 24
Baker 27
Yes. We will. Especially if we get a duffer like Wallace
He's brought down by his own personal flaws, despite great talents; it is sad and it is a waste
The PM has made the right decision.
The Government under Boris's leadership had many achievements - delivering Brexit, vaccines and backing Ukraine.
We need calmness and unity now and to keep governing while a new leader is found.
I think those saying it was great or atrocious could have pre-written those messages before he even opened his mouth and that yawnfest came out.
Johnson isn't.
Got the big calls right, treated the small calls with utter contempt.
It was bizarre
As for Wallace as the favourite to replace Johnson… Does anyone know anything about Wallace’s actual views? He seems like a cipher to me, people putting their hopes in him, but who knows how a leadership campaign will test him?
He's backing Tom Tugendhat.
In his head he thinks he's like Gromit.
Though interesting comments from resigned junior ministers that the cabinet seriously let them down by failing (other than Sunak and the Saj) to take a lead.
All the whining he put in there was just the self-justification and myth-making that he was stabbed in the back, and the public were robbed of their glorious leader, that he will eat out on for the rest of his days.'_vote
He's the favourite in the betting stakes and with the Tory Home survey.
Terrible numbers for the former Chancellor, even beaten by Liz Truss despite being favourite yesterday
(or is it the end...?)
Dear @BorisJohnson ! Ukraine is infinitely grateful to you for everything you have done for us. You will forever remain in our history and will be involved in the future victory. Thank you.
⚡️UK Prime Minister Johnson resigns.
Tangled in scandal back home, he’ll be remembered in Ukraine as a true friend and supporter of the country in its darkest hour.
Boris listened to the calls to leave the EU - and acted. For that, he was rewarded with an 80 seat majority.
It was his casual relationship with the truth that did for him.
(*) the blurb at the start of the quiz confirming the date that the answers were checked as accurate was slightly different...
Edit - he hasnt got time to get anything through of major controversy
Senior government source messages: "That speech was a fucking disgrace."
I forget how this is done. Will there by hustings and debates and speeches?
Don't know much about him, mind.
Then Osbourne screwed up the plan by winning a small majority.
But it's their funeral. (Unless he really starts a nuclear war, in which case ...)
Quite something. Also puffin - yeuchhh
An inconvenient truth for HYUFD.
He could certainly get a big job with whoever the PM is, by swinging his support behind them. He may think that doing Defence is a very important job and continuity is important.
On the other hand in a random pub/restaurant I had by far the best soup I've ever had in my life. Great mix of seafood in it and the soup was just incredible. My wife found the recipe online afterwards and makes it on special occasions.