I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Its worth noting that until only a few years ago Liverpool and Everton fans would mix in the stadium during the derby. Something that couldn't be said about many other famous derbies.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
A few years back went to the Saracen’s Leinster ERC final in Newcastle. Fabulous day fans mingled and drank together both in and out the ground.
My father in law was surprised as he’s more a football fan.
Liverpool said they were “hugely disappointed” by what had unfolded. “Supporters should not have to experience the scenes we have witnessed tonight,” the club said. “We have officially requested a formal investigation into the causes of these unacceptable issues.”
Liverpool should ask themselves why this happens to them so often.
Now, the organisation last night was probably shambolic, just as it was at Hillsborough. But turning up 20 minutes before kick off is asking for trouble. Get in the ground early. It’s rule number 1 when you go to a big game.
I heard it was trying to get in with fake tickets
At the risk of getting called out, on R5 on Friday morning a Liverpool fan explicitly said he would try to get in without a ticket. On national radio, around 8am. I have no doubt some did try, although apparently locals did too. But in 2022 we should not see this. How are we not capable of managing crowds? Outer ring of steel to screen for those with tickets. Then it’s easy. I am coming to the conclusion that due to Covid and the hiatus in big sporting events with crowds, we’ve forgotten how to manage them. Us, at Wembley and now the french.
Fans without tickets were jumping over the fence which looks about 10 feet tall. You'd need an army to stop them. It looks like mainly Madrid fans. The footage from the clip I posted has gone
France and you are shamelessly trying to deflect from a shocking display of lack of organisation and overreaction by French police which only by the grace of God did not end in tragedy . I do not normally come out on the side of Liverpool fans, but they were not the guilty party here and many walked away to avoid the danger and in one case a young girl and her father who had been directly tear gassed
It is also clear locals were causing trouble, and as far as Real Madrid fans were concerned they accessed the stadium from a very different area and less prone to bottlenecks
You just cannot accept that your beloved France is the guilty party here
Off topic? What a puerile response to a gentle Sunday morning joke.
I don't agree that Beth Rigby is a "nasty piece of work" at all. She's not a client journalist. She asks the telling questions.
She’s also a hypocrite.
Beth Rigby is certainly a hypocrite and is from the school of journalism that is all about gotchas, tripping people up and not really about getting to the heart of the matter. She is not alone there. Many journalists today are cut from the same cloth. We really are not well served or informed by our journalism.
Andrew Rawnsley says: "When that person [at the top of No10] is Mr Johnson, you get a culture of selfish, arrogant, entitled, amoral, narcissistic rule-breaking that combines, in the true spirit of the Bullingdon Club, snobbery with yobbery"
"It was outside Gate Y that I was caught in the pepper spray used indiscriminately by French riot police inside the Stade de France. I was talking to Liverpool fans who were waiting patiently, some for up to three hours, to try and get inside the stadium when it wafted into my face, stinging my eyes, lips and tongue. I saw it being sprayed. I could not quite believe it. One fan closer to the spray than me was bent double, retching, as he struggled to cope.
It was a shock, a complete shock – had what had happened just happened? - and it was utterly disgraceful. This is Uefa’s showpiece event, the biggest and most prestigious match of the season at one of the largest stadiums in Europe which is used to hosting such big matches. And yet the police were, it appeared to me, using pepper spray in the direction of fans who were simply standing patiently holding their tickets and pleading to be allowed in.
And, by the way, there was not a Uefa official to be seen. I did not see anyone in the hour I was outside the stadium trying to find out what was going on. No-one tried to offer any explanation or help the fans. And I only spoke to fans who had tickets. I made sure of that."
Next time, @tlg86, @Leon et. al. CHECK YOUR BLOODY FACTS before dredging up your hate-filled preconceived bile. Grrrrrr.
Hoity toity. Can't stand the heat, don't be the heat correspondent of a national newspaper. A cocaine fueled pig is a cocaine fueled pig however you slice it, and I for one applaud the just and proportionate measures adopted by les garçons en bleu
And who the fuck takes *children* to these ghastly occasions?
Liverpool said they were “hugely disappointed” by what had unfolded. “Supporters should not have to experience the scenes we have witnessed tonight,” the club said. “We have officially requested a formal investigation into the causes of these unacceptable issues.”
Liverpool should ask themselves why this happens to them so often.
Now, the organisation last night was probably shambolic, just as it was at Hillsborough. But turning up 20 minutes before kick off is asking for trouble. Get in the ground early. It’s rule number 1 when you go to a big game.
From the article you link to:
‘In Spanish “security problems” were blamed but the English announcement was clear in pointing the finger at “the late arrival” of fans. That was clearly not the issue, though. If they were late getting into the ground, it was because of disorganisation outside. The former Liverpool CEO, Peter Moore, called it “victim blaming at its very best”.’
The rapidity with which you and other posters started flinging the mud at Liverpool fans last night, with snide references to Hillsborough, was distasteful, to say the least, whether they booed your precious national anthem or not.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
We all know that mismanagement of public funds by local government is not exactly unheard of, and is a common failing of councillors from different parties - the Northamptonshire County Council fiasco immediately springs to mind - but this is something else. The twenty-eight grand on houseplants is bad enough, but how in the name of God is a tinpot local council either able or permitted to rack up debts of three quarters of a billion pounds?
That works out at something like £4,500 for every man, woman and child in the area - all ultimately borrowed at the behest of the governing Labour group of about three dozen volunteer, unpaid local worthies, who give the clear impression of either not knowing how to add up or not caring about the necessity of practicing the skill. Are there no rules and no oversight at all?
Liverpool said they were “hugely disappointed” by what had unfolded. “Supporters should not have to experience the scenes we have witnessed tonight,” the club said. “We have officially requested a formal investigation into the causes of these unacceptable issues.”
Liverpool should ask themselves why this happens to them so often.
Now, the organisation last night was probably shambolic, just as it was at Hillsborough. But turning up 20 minutes before kick off is asking for trouble. Get in the ground early. It’s rule number 1 when you go to a big game.
Your link says problems began two and a half hours beforehand. It also blames thousands of counterfeit tickets, something we speculated on yesterday.
Right, so who is to blame for counterfeit tickets?
Counterfeiters? Touts? Or do you think thousands of fans each fired up Microsoft Word and made their own tickets?
Liverpool said they were “hugely disappointed” by what had unfolded. “Supporters should not have to experience the scenes we have witnessed tonight,” the club said. “We have officially requested a formal investigation into the causes of these unacceptable issues.”
Liverpool should ask themselves why this happens to them so often.
Now, the organisation last night was probably shambolic, just as it was at Hillsborough. But turning up 20 minutes before kick off is asking for trouble. Get in the ground early. It’s rule number 1 when you go to a big game.
From the article you link to:
‘In Spanish “security problems” were blamed but the English announcement was clear in pointing the finger at “the late arrival” of fans. That was clearly not the issue, though. If they were late getting into the ground, it was because of disorganisation outside. The former Liverpool CEO, Peter Moore, called it “victim blaming at its very best”.’
The rapidity with which you and other posters started flinging the mud at Liverpool fans last night, with snide references to Hillsborough, was distasteful, to say the least, whether they booed your precious national anthem or not.
Many still blame the fans for Hillsborough. The 'drunk late ticketless' narrative got embedded before the facts emerged and the long fight for justice was seen as whining by wallowing-in-victimhood scousers - this perhaps being a more comfortable position than recognizing a smear campaign and cover-up by the police and others.
But I used the word "war" for 2 reasons: the material just released shows the use of army battalions to crush the Uighurs and it is also how Uighur representatives have described it - as a war on their people and culture by the Chinese State.
I find the claims of "Never Again" which get trotted out at regular intervals on memorial days increasingly hollow.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Playing every single possible game in a season has to have been tough.
Andrew Rawnsley says: "When that person [at the top of No10] is Mr Johnson, you get a culture of selfish, arrogant, entitled, amoral, narcissistic rule-breaking that combines, in the true spirit of the Bullingdon Club, snobbery with yobbery"
Hero to zero in ten months. From being a harmless clown he now appears to be reviled. I heard an Any Questions and later Any Answers yesterday and an HIGNFY on Friday and the mood of audience and respondents was of a different order to what we've seen before. Jokes at Johnson's expense weren't even considered a laughing matter. I wouldn't bet your house on him being in post till 2024.
Just like Mugabe and Saddam, according to you.
The U.K. under Johnson is like Mugabes Zimbabwe 😂😂😂😂😜
What was your username before you reinvented yourself as TAZ? I notice several Tory posters took the Lazarus route. You, Asian, Bartholomew, Still Waters, Applicant, Boulay etc. It's almost as though you were embarrassed by who you used to be and who you used to give your fulsome support to.
"It was outside Gate Y that I was caught in the pepper spray used indiscriminately by French riot police inside the Stade de France. I was talking to Liverpool fans who were waiting patiently, some for up to three hours, to try and get inside the stadium when it wafted into my face, stinging my eyes, lips and tongue. I saw it being sprayed. I could not quite believe it. One fan closer to the spray than me was bent double, retching, as he struggled to cope.
It was a shock, a complete shock – had what had happened just happened? - and it was utterly disgraceful. This is Uefa’s showpiece event, the biggest and most prestigious match of the season at one of the largest stadiums in Europe which is used to hosting such big matches. And yet the police were, it appeared to me, using pepper spray in the direction of fans who were simply standing patiently holding their tickets and pleading to be allowed in.
And, by the way, there was not a Uefa official to be seen. I did not see anyone in the hour I was outside the stadium trying to find out what was going on. No-one tried to offer any explanation or help the fans. And I only spoke to fans who had tickets. I made sure of that."
Next time, @tlg86, @Leon et. al. CHECK YOUR BLOODY FACTS before dredging up your hate-filled preconceived bile. Grrrrrr.
Hoity toity. Can't stand the heat, don't be the heat correspondent of a national newspaper. A cocaine fueled pig is a cocaine fueled pig however you slice it, and I for one applaud the just and proportionate measures adopted by les garçons en bleu
And who the fuck takes *children* to these ghastly occasions?
I have followed Man Utd since 1953 and have been in crowds of 100,000 or more,not least when Utd beat Bayern in the European Cup final in Barcelona, and it can be very scary
I was trampled on by a police horse outside Old Trafford once, and was at the same end in Hillsborough that the Liverpool disaster happened at a cup semi final and they were passing supporters on that terrace over their heads up to the stand above to avoid the crush
Your comments frankly show a complete ignorance of football and safety at stadiums, and disrespects the thousands of families who enjoy attending matches
One of the problems ticketing these matches (and similar ones like FA Cup final, Playoff finals etc) is that not enough tickets go to the clubs, but rather to UEFA/FA/sponsors approved people, who often then sell them on. This creates a secondary market, and the fake ticket scam.
Actually selling a higher allocation via the clubs would mean the Clubs could vet the people going, and keep out the undesireables. It would knock on the head some low level corruption by UEFA/FA/sponsors etc too.
"It was outside Gate Y that I was caught in the pepper spray used indiscriminately by French riot police inside the Stade de France. I was talking to Liverpool fans who were waiting patiently, some for up to three hours, to try and get inside the stadium when it wafted into my face, stinging my eyes, lips and tongue. I saw it being sprayed. I could not quite believe it. One fan closer to the spray than me was bent double, retching, as he struggled to cope.
It was a shock, a complete shock – had what had happened just happened? - and it was utterly disgraceful. This is Uefa’s showpiece event, the biggest and most prestigious match of the season at one of the largest stadiums in Europe which is used to hosting such big matches. And yet the police were, it appeared to me, using pepper spray in the direction of fans who were simply standing patiently holding their tickets and pleading to be allowed in.
And, by the way, there was not a Uefa official to be seen. I did not see anyone in the hour I was outside the stadium trying to find out what was going on. No-one tried to offer any explanation or help the fans. And I only spoke to fans who had tickets. I made sure of that."
Next time, @tlg86, @Leon et. al. CHECK YOUR BLOODY FACTS before dredging up your hate-filled preconceived bile. Grrrrrr.
Hoity toity. Can't stand the heat, don't be the heat correspondent of a national newspaper. A cocaine fueled pig is a cocaine fueled pig however you slice it, and I for one applaud the just and proportionate measures adopted by les garçons en bleu
And who the fuck takes *children* to these ghastly occasions?
I have followed Man Utd since 1953 and have been in crowds of 100,000 or more,not least when Utd beat Bayern in the European Cup final in Barcelona, and it can be very scary
I was trampled on by a police horse outside Old Trafford once, and was at the same end in Hillsborough that the Liverpool disaster happened at a cup semi final and they were passing supporters on that terrace over their heads up to the stand above to avoid the crush
Your comments frankly show a complete ignorance of football and safety at stadiums, and disrespects the thousands of families who enjoy attending matches
Really? I think your experiences exactly bear out what I was saying.
Hero to zero in ten months. From being a harmless clown he now appears to be reviled. I heard an Any Questions and later Any Answers yesterday and an HIGNFY on Friday and the mood of audience and respondents was of a different order to what we've seen before. Jokes at Johnson's expense weren't even considered a laughing matter. I wouldn't bet your house on him being in post till 2024.
Just like Mugabe and Saddam, according to you.
The U.K. under Johnson is like Mugabes Zimbabwe 😂😂😂😂😜
What was your username before you reinvented yourself as TAZ? I notice several Tory posters took the Lazarus route. You, Asian, Bartholomew, Still Waters, Applicant, Boulay etc. It's almost as though you were embarrassed by who you used to be and who you used to give your fulsome support to.
I’m a labour voter, you mug. I’ve voted Tory once, since 1987 when I first voted, and that was for a hard working local councillor. He lost. Every general election I’ve voted labour. With varying degrees of enthusiasm.
Nice way to deflect the idiocy of your comment comparing Johnson and the U.K. unfavourably to Saddam’s Iraq or Mugabes Zimbabwe. Dense beyond belief.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We all know that mismanagement of public funds by local government is not exactly unheard of, and is a common failing of councillors from different parties - the Northamptonshire County Council fiasco immediately springs to mind - but this is something else. The twenty-eight grand on houseplants is bad enough, but how in the name of God is a tinpot local council either able or permitted to rack up debts of three quarters of a billion pounds?
That works out at something like £4,500 for every man, woman and child in the area - all ultimately borrowed at the behest of the governing Labour group of about three dozen volunteer, unpaid local worthies, who give the clear impression of either not knowing how to add up or not caring about the necessity of practicing the skill. Are there no rules and no oversight at all?
Your overall point is very good - how on earth were the council able to rack up so much debt? (they also, very rarely, had their Chief Exec sacked for misconduct) - but I would note that the councillors are not actually entirely unpaid - the basic allowance at Slough appears to be around £8500, which is lower than some and in any case not a salary, but it's not quite being unpaid local worthies. Cabinet Members are essentially full time in many authorities, and get additional allowances to reflect that (all told it could be anyway from, say, 15-45k total for a leader around the country, including basic).
As for how, the unfortunate confluence of members who don't give a crap about finances, and for whom it is too complicated, with incompetent corporate leadership which it is nigh impossible to fix if that exists. The idea of able cllrs setting direction and monitoring competent officers exists, but there are many many who do not have either.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Playing every single possible game in a season has to have been tough.
No goals scored in 3 cup finals is an interesting stat.
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
I once went on a study tour of the Soviet Union and we did a boat ride on that river. On the boat I managed to leave my camera. When we got back to Moscow it was sitting waiting for me at the hotel. Some in my group who were that way inclined, claimed this was yet more proof of the fabulous efficiency of the Soviet system. My conclusion was that we were being followed even more closely than I thought.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Playing every single possible game in a season has to have been tough.
No goals scored in 3 cup finals is an interesting stat.
Hard to have sympathy for Liverpool after winning two cups, but there will be a sense of failure after missing out on the bigger two trophies.
Hero to zero in ten months. From being a harmless clown he now appears to be reviled. I heard an Any Questions and later Any Answers yesterday and an HIGNFY on Friday and the mood of audience and respondents was of a different order to what we've seen before. Jokes at Johnson's expense weren't even considered a laughing matter. I wouldn't bet your house on him being in post till 2024.
Just like Mugabe and Saddam, according to you.
The U.K. under Johnson is like Mugabes Zimbabwe 😂😂😂😂😜
What was your username before you reinvented yourself as TAZ? I notice several Tory posters took the Lazarus route. You, Asian, Bartholomew, Still Waters, Applicant, Boulay etc. It's almost as though you were embarrassed by who you used to be and who you used to give your fulsome support to.
Oh Roger, wrong as usual. I have been “Boulay” since 2013 and before that from 2008 I was a variation of Boulay but had to start this current incarnation as I am a tech idiot and couldn’t use my old identity.
I’m not entirely sure why it matters to you or who you think I was before but I hope this clarification helps.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Football is pretty much the only sport where fans are still routinely segregated.
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
A historically ignorant comment. In Georgia they remember the great vowel famine of 1902 very keenly, and so make sure to always have a stockpile ready if needed. #NvrFrgt
For those betting on the F1, it’s worth noting that the race director is making good use of the safety car in the support races - in contrast to his predecessor, who preferred the virtual safety car.
Hero to zero in ten months. From being a harmless clown he now appears to be reviled. I heard an Any Questions and later Any Answers yesterday and an HIGNFY on Friday and the mood of audience and respondents was of a different order to what we've seen before. Jokes at Johnson's expense weren't even considered a laughing matter. I wouldn't bet your house on him being in post till 2024.
Just like Mugabe and Saddam, according to you.
The U.K. under Johnson is like Mugabes Zimbabwe 😂😂😂😂😜
What was your username before you reinvented yourself as TAZ? I notice several Tory posters took the Lazarus route. You, Asian, Bartholomew, Still Waters, Applicant, Boulay etc. It's almost as though you were embarrassed by who you used to be and who you used to give your fulsome support to.
I’m a labour voter, you mug. I’ve voted Tory once, since 1987 when I first voted, and that was for a hard working local councillor. He lost. Every general election I’ve voted labour. With varying degrees of enthusiasm.
Nice way to deflect the idiocy of your comment comparing Johnson and the U.K. unfavourably to Saddam’s Iraq or Mugabes Zimbabwe. Dense beyond belief.
You mean people we disagree with aren't always automatically political opponents? Crazy idea.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
And on the subject of where-in-the-world-am-I, good morning from Falmouth, which is bathed in bright sunshine under clear blue skies, is in full bloom and is basically like being in paradise or something. I would post a photo but I suspect you need your own website or something. Anyway, it's glorious. Beauty whichever way you look. A neighbour from home has also come to west Cornwall and while she pronounces herself satisfied, wonders out loud where else she might have got to in the ten hours since leaving her house. But I honestly can't think of anywhere better within ten hours. Helps that the sun is shining, of course. St. Ives this morning. We shall meet friends for elevenses in Carbis Bay and walk from there. Never been to St. Ives before. Very excited.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
Andrew Rawnsley says: "When that person [at the top of No10] is Mr Johnson, you get a culture of selfish, arrogant, entitled, amoral, narcissistic rule-breaking that combines, in the true spirit of the Bullingdon Club, snobbery with yobbery"
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
A historically ignorant comment. In Georgia they remember the great vowel famine of 1902 very keenly, and so make sure to always have a stockpile ready if needed. #NvrFrgt
That would make a Georgian version of countdown interesting.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
The only people who suffer from Boris Derangement Syndrome are those who, despite all the evidence of his venality and lies, still make excuses for him.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Football is pretty much the only sport where fans are still routinely segregated.
It isn't just the tribalism of clubs rooted in a locality with its cultures and traditions, it is the working class grass roots support.
No genteel "well played, sir!" when the opponent scores. Quite right too, I find rugby and cricket crowds rather boring in their support.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
Hero to zero in ten months. From being a harmless clown he now appears to be reviled. I heard an Any Questions and later Any Answers yesterday and an HIGNFY on Friday and the mood of audience and respondents was of a different order to what we've seen before. Jokes at Johnson's expense weren't even considered a laughing matter. I wouldn't bet your house on him being in post till 2024.
Just like Mugabe and Saddam, according to you.
The U.K. under Johnson is like Mugabes Zimbabwe 😂😂😂😂😜
What was your username before you reinvented yourself as TAZ? I notice several Tory posters took the Lazarus route. You, Asian, Bartholomew, Still Waters, Applicant, Boulay etc. It's almost as though you were embarrassed by who you used to be and who you used to give your fulsome support to.
I’m a labour voter, you mug. I’ve voted Tory once, since 1987 when I first voted, and that was for a hard working local councillor. He lost. Every general election I’ve voted labour. With varying degrees of enthusiasm.
Nice way to deflect the idiocy of your comment comparing Johnson and the U.K. unfavourably to Saddam’s Iraq or Mugabes Zimbabwe. Dense beyond belief.
You mean people we disagree with aren't always automatically political opponents? Crazy idea.
Yes, it is madness. We can only be Tories if we disagree with Roger. 🤔🤔
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Football is pretty much the only sport where fans are still routinely segregated.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
Yeah right, after all Johnson never disrespects boundaries or agreed rules does he?
Liverpool said they were “hugely disappointed” by what had unfolded. “Supporters should not have to experience the scenes we have witnessed tonight,” the club said. “We have officially requested a formal investigation into the causes of these unacceptable issues.”
Liverpool should ask themselves why this happens to them so often.
Now, the organisation last night was probably shambolic, just as it was at Hillsborough. But turning up 20 minutes before kick off is asking for trouble. Get in the ground early. It’s rule number 1 when you go to a big game.
They did NOT turn up '20 minutes before kick off'
For the most part they were there 2.5 hours before, as the article itself states.
Please leave aside the hideous Liverpool-bashing and just deal with the facts.
A few posters on here should hang their heads in shame and apologise, including to TSE.
Clearly plenty of Liverpool fans had got in 15 minutes before kick off. But clearly almost every Real fan was in 15 minutes before kick off.
So which is it? Were Liverpool fans treated worse than Real fans or did Liverpool fans do something different to Real fans?
Liverpool fans arrived "with hours to spare" and were pushed through a bottleneck and then entry gates were kept shut. They were then tear gased.
If you don't know what the hell you are talking about don't talk.
"Fans were caught in bottlenecks despite arriving at the stadium with hours to spare, with the organisation around the arena described as "shambolic" as the chaotic situation left many supporters fearing for their safety.
Pepper spray was also used on fans, with UEFA now facing serious questions over safety and policing as many children were left in tears, some after being pepper sprayed."
I suspect the French authorities were aware that thousands of Liverpool fans were going to turn up at the stadium without tickets or with fake tickets.
If I were a Liverpool fan without a ticket I could certainly see the attraction of making a weekend of it in Paris, soaking up the atmosphere and watching the game in a bar. But the question I would like you to address is why did thousands go to the stadium without a ticket? The only logical explanation seems to me is that it was with the intention of forcing their way in. It's not as though they don't have form.
I doubt the French authorities covered themselves in glory and I feel sorry for genuine fans who got treated badly but I think you will find that most people are asking why is it always Liverpool fans?
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Football is pretty much the only sport where fans are still routinely segregated.
It isn't just the tribalism of clubs rooted in a locality with its cultures and traditions, it is the working class grass roots support.
No genteel "well played, sir!" when the opponent scores. Quite right too, I find rugby and cricket crowds rather boring in their support.
Ooh, edgy. On the plus side rugby and cricket crowds do tend not to kill people, which is not nothing.
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Football is pretty much the only sport where fans are still routinely segregated.
It isn't just the tribalism of clubs rooted in a locality with its cultures and traditions, it is the working class grass roots support.
No genteel "well played, sir!" when the opponent scores. Quite right too, I find rugby and cricket crowds rather boring in their support.
Indeed and that's part of the reason why until a few years ago Liverpool and Everton fans would mix in the stadium. Because contrary to common belief there is no sectarian divide between the club's and family members would support either club so families would happily sit together wearing opposite shirts and carrying opposite scarves. Because despite the rivalry, the community values each other over the rivalry.
Old Firm and other clubs with a sectarian rivalry could never have done the same thing.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
The only people who suffer from Boris Derangement Syndrome are those who, despite all the evidence of his venality and lies, still make excuses for him.
The guy’s a nasty piece of work (like most successful politicians). He’s not a great prime minister.
But people are massively over-egging a simple remark. He was tired and got pissed off with Beth Rigby. He made a sharp remark that he cut off halfway through as his brain caught up with his mouth and went back to his prepared script.
Liverpool said they were “hugely disappointed” by what had unfolded. “Supporters should not have to experience the scenes we have witnessed tonight,” the club said. “We have officially requested a formal investigation into the causes of these unacceptable issues.”
Liverpool should ask themselves why this happens to them so often.
Now, the organisation last night was probably shambolic, just as it was at Hillsborough. But turning up 20 minutes before kick off is asking for trouble. Get in the ground early. It’s rule number 1 when you go to a big game.
Your link says problems began two and a half hours beforehand. It also blames thousands of counterfeit tickets, something we speculated on yesterday.
Right, so who is to blame for counterfeit tickets?
Counterfeiters? Touts? Or do you think thousands of fans each fired up Microsoft Word and made their own tickets?
Erm, how about you don't buy tickets off touts?
But they were a real bargain…
Not a bargain. Generally, tickets bought from touts are far more expensive than from the original seller. That is, after all, the business model of touting. Buy lots of tickets, thus creating or more likely exacerbating a shortage, then sell on at a premium to genuine fans.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
In more regular times that might have been working, but you cannot stick to a position when the facts change so dramatically. The launching of an actual war of conquest (they don't even seem to be pretending it is something else anymore, with the raising of Russia flags, citizenship moves and transplanting populations) rather changed the game - peace is already gone, tactics to maintain it before it was lost are like believing dam failure is prevented by regular monitoring, but not changing tack and reacting when it springs a great big leak.
Had an interesting discussion with a family member who is very apolitical normally, and I was amazed how bullish they were about the whole Russian situation. Whereas I can understand the reluctance of western powers to intervene directly, devastating as that is for Ukraine, they were of the view that if Putin is mad enough to use nuclear weapons if we intervened, he's mad enough to use them for other reasons, and so we simply cannot let him seize eastern Ukraine and make the rest of the country unviable, economically.
Now, many will disagree with that anecdotal view of course, but it was interesting to me how strongly they felt about it, how emotionally they put it
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
And on the subject of where-in-the-world-am-I, good morning from Falmouth, which is bathed in bright sunshine under clear blue skies, is in full bloom and is basically like being in paradise or something. I would post a photo but I suspect you need your own website or something. Anyway, it's glorious. Beauty whichever way you look. A neighbour from home has also come to west Cornwall and while she pronounces herself satisfied, wonders out loud where else she might have got to in the ten hours since leaving her house. But I honestly can't think of anywhere better within ten hours. Helps that the sun is shining, of course. St. Ives this morning. We shall meet friends for elevenses in Carbis Bay and walk from there. Never been to St. Ives before. Very excited.
Enjoy. Whatever you do, don’t take a car in to St Ives. In fact I wouldn’t even drive to Carbis Bay.
Drive to Hayle or St Erth and get the gorgeous little train into St Ives that runs along the cliffs. Wonderful. Costs pennies
St Ives will be crowded on a nice late Spring weekend in half term but it is always pretty. Especially in the sun
You can escape the crowds by walking past the Tate and the last town beach and heading up the long walk to mystical Zennor. Which is wild and brilliant but will take several hours - not for kids
One of the problems ticketing these matches (and similar ones like FA Cup final, Playoff finals etc) is that not enough tickets go to the clubs, but rather to UEFA/FA/sponsors approved people, who often then sell them on. This creates a secondary market, and the fake ticket scam.
Actually selling a higher allocation via the clubs would mean the Clubs could vet the people going, and keep out the undesireables. It would knock on the head some low level corruption by UEFA/FA/sponsors etc too.
The club allocation last night was 20,000, which was the same as in 2006 at the same venue. I agree that more tickets should go to the clubs, but it’s not something that has got worse in the last few years.
And actually, where the fans mix in the other seats, there isn’t any trouble, though I guess that might have something to do with those fans being quite well off to be able to pay the silly money.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
Yeah right, after all Johnson never disrespects boundaries or agreed rules does he?
Its one rule for him, another for the plebs.
Sigh. Just want to use Labour attack lines then. This particular incident is very thin gruel.
Sad to say, but when Liverpool FC travel, their fans travel with a terrible history and ongoing reputation.
It is hard to blame any organiser who requires special measures to deal with them ahead of letting them into the stadium. That is not being anti-Liverpool. Equally, it is not being anti-Liverpool to note that Real Madrid fans weren't pepper-sprayed, as they made their way to their seats. They were no problem, as Nottingham Forest fans were no problem as they went into Hillsborough in 1989.
Organisers take the view that, for whatever reason, over-exuberant Liverpool fans getting into a ground present a particular and unique challenge. Liverpool fans need to earn a reappraisal of that approach. They did nothing to earn it yesterday.
In defence of the decent majority, there seems to be a generation of younger football fans who haven't been adequately socialised.
I didn't attend the Euros final at Wembley but I heard the walk from Wembley Park was Dante-esque. The disabled entrance was stormed there, IIRC.
I do wonder if this has something to do with the high price of Premier and Championship tickets - you won't get much change from £100 if you factor in drinks and a bite. It's a lot for the under 30s these days.
Which is a long-winded way of saying - perhaps Liverpool fans aren't the outliers people imagine.
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
And on the subject of where-in-the-world-am-I, good morning from Falmouth, which is bathed in bright sunshine under clear blue skies, is in full bloom and is basically like being in paradise or something. I would post a photo but I suspect you need your own website or something. Anyway, it's glorious. Beauty whichever way you look. A neighbour from home has also come to west Cornwall and while she pronounces herself satisfied, wonders out loud where else she might have got to in the ten hours since leaving her house. But I honestly can't think of anywhere better within ten hours. Helps that the sun is shining, of course. St. Ives this morning. We shall meet friends for elevenses in Carbis Bay and walk from there. Never been to St. Ives before. Very excited.
Enjoy. Whatever you do, don’t take a car in to St Ives. In fact I wouldn’t even drive to Carbis Bay.
Drive to Hayle or St Erth and get the gorgeous little train into St Ives that runs along the cliffs. Wonderful. Costs pennies
St Ives will be crowded on a nice late Spring weekend in half term but it is always pretty. Especially in the sun
You can escape the crowds by walking past the Tate and the last town beach and heading up the long walk to mystical Zennor. Which is wild and brilliant but will take several hours - not for kids
I once reversed the entire way round the St. Ives one-way system. I could see where I wanted to get to, but there appeared to be no way to actually get there...
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Sad to say, but when Liverpool FC travel, their fans travel with a terrible history and ongoing reputation.
It is hard to blame any organiser who requires special measures to deal with them ahead of letting them into the stadium. That is not being anti-Liverpool. Equally, it is not being anti-Liverpool to note that Real Madrid fans weren't pepper-sprayed, as they made their way to their seats. They were no problem, as Nottingham Forest fans were no problem as they went into Hillsborough in 1989.
Organisers take the view that, for whatever reason, over-exuberant Liverpool fans getting into a ground present a particular and unique challenge. Liverpool fans need to earn a reappraisal of that approach. They did nothing to earn it yesterday.
In defence of the decent majority, there seems to be a generation of younger football fans who haven't been adequately socialised.
I didn't attend the Euros final at Wembley but I heard the walk from Wembley Park was Dante-esque. The disabled entrance was stormed there, IIRC.
I do wonder if this has something to do with the high price of Premier and Championship tickets - you won't get much change from £100 if you factor in drinks and a bite. It's a lot for the under 30s these days.
Which is a long-winded way of saying - perhaps Liverpool fans aren't the outliers people imagine.
The problems at the Euros were mainly middle-aged men off their tits on booze and coke.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
I see. So you are agreeing that Johnson is a nasty bit of work, and explaining the mask slippage which revealed this fact. Good that we cleared that up
One of the problems ticketing these matches (and similar ones like FA Cup final, Playoff finals etc) is that not enough tickets go to the clubs, but rather to UEFA/FA/sponsors approved people, who often then sell them on. This creates a secondary market, and the fake ticket scam.
Actually selling a higher allocation via the clubs would mean the Clubs could vet the people going, and keep out the undesireables. It would knock on the head some low level corruption by UEFA/FA/sponsors etc too.
The club allocation last night was 20,000, which was the same as in 2006 at the same venue. I agree that more tickets should go to the clubs, but it’s not something that has got worse in the last few years.
And actually, where the fans mix in the other seats, there isn’t any trouble, though I guess that might have something to do with those fans being quite well off to be able to pay the silly money.
So, in an 80,000 seater stadium, only half the tickets went to the clubs. There’s your problem.
Yes, the mixed fans in the prawn sandwich seats will generally be well behaved - they’ve either got tickets from a work relationship, paid a fortune or won them from a sponsor.
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
And on the subject of where-in-the-world-am-I, good morning from Falmouth, which is bathed in bright sunshine under clear blue skies, is in full bloom and is basically like being in paradise or something. I would post a photo but I suspect you need your own website or something. Anyway, it's glorious. Beauty whichever way you look. A neighbour from home has also come to west Cornwall and while she pronounces herself satisfied, wonders out loud where else she might have got to in the ten hours since leaving her house. But I honestly can't think of anywhere better within ten hours. Helps that the sun is shining, of course. St. Ives this morning. We shall meet friends for elevenses in Carbis Bay and walk from there. Never been to St. Ives before. Very excited.
Enjoy. Whatever you do, don’t take a car in to St Ives. In fact I wouldn’t even drive to Carbis Bay.
Drive to Hayle or St Erth and get the gorgeous little train into St Ives that runs along the cliffs. Wonderful. Costs pennies
St Ives will be crowded on a nice late Spring weekend in half term but it is always pretty. Especially in the sun
You can escape the crowds by walking past the Tate and the last town beach and heading up the long walk to mystical Zennor. Which is wild and brilliant but will take several hours - not for kids
Thanks. I had wanted to take the train - but we have friends, and, apparently, a parking space in Cabis Bay.
I’ve been to Stade de France a couple times. It’s awful, we have often ended up missing the start of games despite arriving early where they were nowhere near fully booked. There is no organisation, they open and close random entrances at will without communicating it to their ground staff who seem as surprised as the fans. They really don’t know what they are doing. It’s not for for purpose, I’ve no doubt it’s entirely their fault and nothing to do with the Liverpool fans.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
I see. So you are agreeing that Johnson is a nasty bit of work, and explaining the mask slippage which revealed this fact. Good that we cleared that up
Not quite. I happen to know he is a nasty piece of work, but I don’t think this particular incident is proof that he is.
(Having read back your earlier post I’d certainly agree it was discourteous)
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
I hate to take the Boris side of an argument, but for once the fan boys are right! Had to happen sooner or later I suppose, but that remark is nothing at all, not sure it is even an error.
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
I hate to take the Boris side of an argument, but for once the fan boys are right! Had to happen sooner or later I suppose, but that remark is nothing at all, not sure it is even an error.
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Trump has long advocated cooperation with Russia. Trump sees China as the main threat to American hegemony, and has done for decades.
A very good morning from the shady banks of the Mktvari River, Tbilisi
Looks very nice. But honestly, Georgia, you needn't be so sparing with the vowels. They aren't rationed.
And on the subject of where-in-the-world-am-I, good morning from Falmouth, which is bathed in bright sunshine under clear blue skies, is in full bloom and is basically like being in paradise or something. I would post a photo but I suspect you need your own website or something. Anyway, it's glorious. Beauty whichever way you look. A neighbour from home has also come to west Cornwall and while she pronounces herself satisfied, wonders out loud where else she might have got to in the ten hours since leaving her house. But I honestly can't think of anywhere better within ten hours. Helps that the sun is shining, of course. St. Ives this morning. We shall meet friends for elevenses in Carbis Bay and walk from there. Never been to St. Ives before. Very excited.
Enjoy. Whatever you do, don’t take a car in to St Ives. In fact I wouldn’t even drive to Carbis Bay.
Drive to Hayle or St Erth and get the gorgeous little train into St Ives that runs along the cliffs. Wonderful. Costs pennies
St Ives will be crowded on a nice late Spring weekend in half term but it is always pretty. Especially in the sun
You can escape the crowds by walking past the Tate and the last town beach and heading up the long walk to mystical Zennor. Which is wild and brilliant but will take several hours - not for kids
I once reversed the entire way round the St. Ives one-way system. I could see where I wanted to get to, but there appeared to be no way to actually get there...
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Why is he going to change his mind? Because of his enquiring intellect and scrupulous ethics?
A socially conservative, hyper-nationalist autocracy is an end goal for him; not something to be reviled.
The Uighur genocide is a genocide, not a war. Words have meanings.
And as for @Cyclefree's other points, the world has a lot wrong with it and it is probably going to stay that way for some time.
I was reflecting a few days ago on the fact that the UN "Security" Council has 5 permanent members made up of:
One nation controlled by a warmonger One nation conducting a genocide One nation in full insular nationalism mode One nation tearing itself in half politically thanks to Trump The French
The French are, of course, particularly egregious. Can't even get a football match started on time.
I would not know. I never watch football, although I can tell when there has been a big sporting event as the politics posts on here are far harder to find than normal
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
I hate to take the Boris side of an argument, but for once the fan boys are right! Had to happen sooner or later I suppose, but that remark is nothing at all, not sure it is even an error.
Always an error to lose your cool on tape.
In a press conference part of his job is to both manage the schedule and more importantly limit any probing that extra questions allow. He is (tactically) right to discourage them if they have been limited to 1 question.
I think he was expressing annoyance rather than losing his cool.
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Trump has long advocated cooperation with Russia. Trump sees China as the main threat to American hegemony, and has done for decades.
I agree with the second part, although think you are doing him too much credit to suggest that explains the first! I think he’s just a venal little man who thought he saw an edge and was willing to make the necessary compromises
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Why is he going to change his mind? Because of his enquiring intellect and scrupulous ethics?
A socially conservative, hyper-nationalist autocracy is an end goal for him; not something to be reviled.
Depends whether Putin is (a) still in power and (b) is still seen as successful.
If Russia successfully “wins” (as defined in an independent manner) in Ukraine then I think Trump will be keen to associate himself with then. If Putin/Russia is humbled then he will be less keen.
Sad to say, but when Liverpool FC travel, their fans travel with a terrible history and ongoing reputation.
It is hard to blame any organiser who requires special measures to deal with them ahead of letting them into the stadium. That is not being anti-Liverpool. Equally, it is not being anti-Liverpool to note that Real Madrid fans weren't pepper-sprayed, as they made their way to their seats. They were no problem, as Nottingham Forest fans were no problem as they went into Hillsborough in 1989.
Organisers take the view that, for whatever reason, over-exuberant Liverpool fans getting into a ground present a particular and unique challenge. Liverpool fans need to earn a reappraisal of that approach. They did nothing to earn it yesterday.
In defence of the decent majority, there seems to be a generation of younger football fans who haven't been adequately socialised.
I didn't attend the Euros final at Wembley but I heard the walk from Wembley Park was Dante-esque. The disabled entrance was stormed there, IIRC.
I do wonder if this has something to do with the high price of Premier and Championship tickets - you won't get much change from £100 if you factor in drinks and a bite. It's a lot for the under 30s these days.
Which is a long-winded way of saying - perhaps Liverpool fans aren't the outliers people imagine.
The problems at the Euros were mainly middle-aged men off their tits on booze and coke.
It's all a question of perception.
If you're an Old Etonian, it's merely high jinks...
Johnson is knackered, Beth Rigby pushed the rules (no second questions) because she thinks rules don’t apply to her, he made an irritated comment before getting back on track. Hardly a “nasty side”
Real mask slipping moment. I was genuinely shocked. I know the phatboi bonhomie is an act, but he is usually pretty consistent at keeping it up.
He looks like he hasn’t slept properly for a long time. So, yes, he made a sharp and irritated remark he shouldn’t have. But it was hardly earth shattering
We see his short and vicious temper when that mask slips. It is quite the tell.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
Boris Derangement Syndrome.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
What strikes me as deranged is excusing a grown man's discourtesy on the grounds that he is very short of sleep, poor lamb.
It’s amazing how many people don’t understand the difference between “excusing” and “explaining”.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
I hate to take the Boris side of an argument, but for once the fan boys are right! Had to happen sooner or later I suppose, but that remark is nothing at all, not sure it is even an error.
Always an error to lose your cool on tape.
In a press conference part of his job is to both manage the schedule and more importantly limit any probing that extra questions allow. He is (tactically) right to discourage them if they have been limited to 1 question.
I think he was expressing annoyance rather than losing his cool.
Fair point. But I think he could have handled it better. “I’m sorry, Beth, there are other people here who want to ask questions and we only have limited time.”
That runs the risk that the next questioner gives up their time to Sky but I’m not sure that is likely and he can blather through another answer if necessary
"It was outside Gate Y that I was caught in the pepper spray used indiscriminately by French riot police inside the Stade de France. I was talking to Liverpool fans who were waiting patiently, some for up to three hours, to try and get inside the stadium when it wafted into my face, stinging my eyes, lips and tongue. I saw it being sprayed. I could not quite believe it. One fan closer to the spray than me was bent double, retching, as he struggled to cope.
It was a shock, a complete shock – had what had happened just happened? - and it was utterly disgraceful. This is Uefa’s showpiece event, the biggest and most prestigious match of the season at one of the largest stadiums in Europe which is used to hosting such big matches. And yet the police were, it appeared to me, using pepper spray in the direction of fans who were simply standing patiently holding their tickets and pleading to be allowed in.
And, by the way, there was not a Uefa official to be seen. I did not see anyone in the hour I was outside the stadium trying to find out what was going on. No-one tried to offer any explanation or help the fans. And I only spoke to fans who had tickets. I made sure of that."
Next time, @tlg86, @Leon et. al. CHECK YOUR BLOODY FACTS before dredging up your hate-filled preconceived bile. Grrrrrr.
Hoity toity. Can't stand the heat, don't be the heat correspondent of a national newspaper. A cocaine fueled pig is a cocaine fueled pig however you slice it, and I for one applaud the just and proportionate measures adopted by les garçons en bleu
And who the fuck takes *children* to these ghastly occasions?
Isn’t @ydoethur considering the possibility of a career change ?
Lubov Plaksuk, a former history teacher who has been serving in the Ukrainian army since 2016, has become the commander of the Armed Forces’ artillery subdivision.
She managed to tame the 2S5 Giatsint-S 152 mm self-propelled gun in Cookie said:
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Yes, football is very much the exception in almost all respects. But for many football is almost all they know of sport and they therefore assume it is typical.
When I described by experience at a Harlequins/Saracen’s game - after the match, the whole Saracens team visited a bar full of Harlequins supporters to sign kit - to some football supporters, the responses were interesting.
The most interesting was the chap who thought that proved that Rugby fans aren’t proper fans.
Off today's topics, but I was pondering the stuff about imperial measurements discussed yesterday. I do hope the Tories go ahead with it, as it's a core vote strategy with little wider appeal beyond the rose-tinted nostalgia 'weren't the fifties great' brigade who are already Tory voters.
If Labour were canny (yes, I know) they could exploit it. "The Tories - looking backwards nor forwards." "The past with the Tories - the future with Labour". That sort of thing. Rather like Wilson's "white heat of technology" stuff in 1964, where Douglas-Home represented a nostalgic, and largely mythical, past, and Wilson the bold future.
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Trump has long advocated cooperation with Russia. Trump sees China as the main threat to American hegemony, and has done for decades.
I agree with the second part, although think you are doing him too much credit to suggest that explains the first! I think he’s just a venal little man who thought he saw an edge and was willing to make the necessary compromises
There have been allegations that Trump's relationship with Russia might be corrupt or worse, of course.
A great quote I have just come across from Edmund Dudley (Henry VII’s money man/enforcer):
“War is a great consumer of treasure and riches, therefore let every man beware what counsel he giveth his sovereign to enter or to begin war. There are many ways to enter into it, and the beginning seemeth a great pleasure, but the way is very narrow to come honourably out thereof, and then oftentimes full painful”
Line from the article: "The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
That is close to President Trump's view. Bear that in mind if he is re-elected two years from now.
I don’t think Trump was “pro-Russia”. I think he was pro associating himself with someone who he saw as a successful “capo de capo”. He may have a different view in 2024 if (and I hope he doesn’t) he wins again
Trump has long advocated cooperation with Russia. Trump sees China as the main threat to American hegemony, and has done for decades.
I agree with the second part, although think you are doing him too much credit to suggest that explains the first! I think he’s just a venal little man who thought he saw an edge and was willing to make the necessary compromises
There have been allegations that Trump's relationship with Russia might be corrupt or worse, of course.
Try asking @Cyclefree about DB. I’m not in a position to comment.
"It was outside Gate Y that I was caught in the pepper spray used indiscriminately by French riot police inside the Stade de France. I was talking to Liverpool fans who were waiting patiently, some for up to three hours, to try and get inside the stadium when it wafted into my face, stinging my eyes, lips and tongue. I saw it being sprayed. I could not quite believe it. One fan closer to the spray than me was bent double, retching, as he struggled to cope.
It was a shock, a complete shock – had what had happened just happened? - and it was utterly disgraceful. This is Uefa’s showpiece event, the biggest and most prestigious match of the season at one of the largest stadiums in Europe which is used to hosting such big matches. And yet the police were, it appeared to me, using pepper spray in the direction of fans who were simply standing patiently holding their tickets and pleading to be allowed in.
And, by the way, there was not a Uefa official to be seen. I did not see anyone in the hour I was outside the stadium trying to find out what was going on. No-one tried to offer any explanation or help the fans. And I only spoke to fans who had tickets. I made sure of that."
Next time, @tlg86, @Leon et. al. CHECK YOUR BLOODY FACTS before dredging up your hate-filled preconceived bile. Grrrrrr.
Hoity toity. Can't stand the heat, don't be the heat correspondent of a national newspaper. A cocaine fueled pig is a cocaine fueled pig however you slice it, and I for one applaud the just and proportionate measures adopted by les garçons en bleu
And who the fuck takes *children* to these ghastly occasions?
I watched the La Rochelle vs Leinster game on telly in the final of the Heineken Cup yesterday. An all action game from Marseille decided in the final minute. Probably the equivalent of the European Champions Cup in football.
As usual, the French and Irish flags happily intermingled. I remember taking a few football fans to Sale to see them play Wasps some years ago. They were very surprised to see fans mingling and drinking together at the ground.
As regards the football, I have a Liverpool post code, but Liverpool have gone off the boil in the last three weeks. It could be a busy season telling on them. I admit to turning it off at half-time. Sorry, Mr Eagles, but they need a summer break. I feel some sympathy for the fans but the Leinster fans will be just as disappointed.
Similar mixing in Rugby League. Usually, anyway.
Football is pretty much the only sport where fans are still routinely segregated.
It isn't just the tribalism of clubs rooted in a locality with its cultures and traditions, it is the working class grass roots support.
No genteel "well played, sir!" when the opponent scores. Quite right too, I find rugby and cricket crowds rather boring in their support.
Absolutely - nothing shows your love of a sport like pissing in someone’s front garden or punching someone for supporting the other team.
Zelenskiy has conceded that not all the land that Russia has seized since it annexed Crimea in 2014 can be recaptured militarily. While he is certain his country will take back the territory Russia has claimed since its 24 February invasion, he said other territory could not be recovered by force. (Guardian)
“I do not believe that we can restore all of our territory by military means. If we decide to go that way, we will lose hundreds of thousands of people,”
I don't think anyone really thought Crimea was a realistic prospect, especially as unless the east even it probably is pro Russian. Even recovering the east, as a long term goal, would be a tremendous result though. Long way to go for them.
Of course - but it's sometimes important to go on the record about things which seem obvious.
I’ve been to Stade de France a couple times. It’s awful, we have often ended up missing the start of games despite arriving early where they were nowhere near fully booked. There is no organisation, they open and close random entrances at will without communicating it to their ground staff who seem as surprised as the fans. They really don’t know what they are doing. It’s not for for purpose, I’ve no doubt it’s entirely their fault and nothing to do with the Liverpool fans.
I had no idea there were problems like this at the stadium.
My father in law was surprised as he’s more a football fan.
I do not normally come out on the side of Liverpool fans, but they were not the guilty party here and many walked away to avoid the danger and in one case a young girl and her father who had been directly tear gassed
It is also clear locals were causing trouble, and as far as Real Madrid fans were concerned they accessed the stadium from a very different area and less prone to bottlenecks
You just cannot accept that your beloved France is the guilty party here
And who the fuck takes *children* to these ghastly occasions?
A council that declared bankruptcy last year earlier spent £28,000 on indoor plants which a councillor said are now "dying".
Slough Borough Council bought the 200 plants for its £41m Observatory House HQ when it moved in 2019.
Its council leader has said the authority will "almost certainly" move out of it as a result of its £760m borrowing debt.
We all know that mismanagement of public funds by local government is not exactly unheard of, and is a common failing of councillors from different parties - the Northamptonshire County Council fiasco immediately springs to mind - but this is something else. The twenty-eight grand on houseplants is bad enough, but how in the name of God is a tinpot local council either able or permitted to rack up debts of three quarters of a billion pounds?
That works out at something like £4,500 for every man, woman and child in the area - all ultimately borrowed at the behest of the governing Labour group of about three dozen volunteer, unpaid local worthies, who give the clear impression of either not knowing how to add up or not caring about the necessity of practicing the skill. Are there no rules and no oversight at all?
But I used the word "war" for 2 reasons: the material just released shows the use of army battalions to crush the Uighurs and it is also how Uighur representatives have described it - as a war on their people and culture by the Chinese State.
I find the claims of "Never Again" which get trotted out at regular intervals on memorial days increasingly hollow.
"Again and Again" would be more accurate.
Carrie Symonds held a lawbreaking party inside No10, texts suggest. They were made available to Sue Gray, who failed to investigate
With every day the integrity of her inquiry cast into more doubt
(a) the visitors would have had to enter the workspace to get to the flat
(b) it's a tied cottage, so to speak
I was trampled on by a police horse outside Old Trafford once, and was at the same end in Hillsborough that the Liverpool disaster happened at a cup semi final and they were passing supporters on that terrace over their heads up to the stand above to avoid the crush
Your comments frankly show a complete ignorance of football and safety at stadiums, and disrespects the thousands of families who enjoy attending matches
Actually selling a higher allocation via the clubs would mean the Clubs could vet the people going, and keep out the undesireables. It would knock on the head some low level corruption by UEFA/FA/sponsors etc too.
Nice way to deflect the idiocy of your comment comparing Johnson and the U.K. unfavourably to Saddam’s Iraq or Mugabes Zimbabwe. Dense beyond belief.
As for how, the unfortunate confluence of members who don't give a crap about finances, and for whom it is too complicated, with incompetent corporate leadership which it is nigh impossible to fix if that exists. The idea of able cllrs setting direction and monitoring competent officers exists, but there are many many who do not have either.
This seems a particularly bad example.
Thought he’d gone a while ago tbh, so the shock somewhat diluted.
I’m not entirely sure why it matters to you or who you think I was before but I hope this clarification helps.
In just a few short years no one will admit to having voted for him.
A neighbour from home has also come to west Cornwall and while she pronounces herself satisfied, wonders out loud where else she might have got to in the ten hours since leaving her house. But I honestly can't think of anywhere better within ten hours. Helps that the sun is shining, of course.
St. Ives this morning. We shall meet friends for elevenses in Carbis Bay and walk from there. Never been to St. Ives before. Very excited.
An irritated remark at someone pushing against pre-agreed boundaries is not the same as a “short and vicious temper”
No genteel "well played, sir!" when the opponent scores. Quite right too, I find rugby and cricket crowds rather boring in their support.
Line from the article:
"The SPD traditionally believes peace in Europe can only be achieved by working with, not against Moscow. "
Sure. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Its one rule for him, another for the plebs.
If I were a Liverpool fan without a ticket I could certainly see the attraction of making a weekend of it in Paris, soaking up the atmosphere and watching the game in a bar. But the question I would like you to address is why did thousands go to the stadium without a ticket? The only logical explanation seems to me is that it was with the intention of forcing their way in. It's not as though they don't have form.
I doubt the French authorities covered themselves in glory and I feel sorry for genuine fans who got treated badly but I think you will find that most people are asking why is it always Liverpool fans?
Old Firm and other clubs with a sectarian rivalry could never have done the same thing.
But people are massively over-egging a simple remark. He was tired and got pissed off with Beth Rigby. He made a sharp remark that he cut off halfway through as his brain caught up with his mouth and went back to his prepared script.
It was an error. But symptomatic of very little.
Had an interesting discussion with a family member who is very apolitical normally, and I was amazed how bullish they were about the whole Russian situation. Whereas I can understand the reluctance of western powers to intervene directly, devastating as that is for Ukraine, they were of the view that if Putin is mad enough to use nuclear weapons if we intervened, he's mad enough to use them for other reasons, and so we simply cannot let him seize eastern Ukraine and make the rest of the country unviable, economically.
Now, many will disagree with that anecdotal view of course, but it was interesting to me how strongly they felt about it, how emotionally they put it
Drive to Hayle or St Erth and get the gorgeous little train into St Ives that runs along the cliffs. Wonderful. Costs pennies
St Ives will be crowded on a nice late Spring weekend in half term but it is always pretty. Especially in the sun
You can escape the crowds by walking past the Tate and the last town beach and heading up the long walk to mystical Zennor. Which is wild and brilliant but will take several hours - not for kids
And actually, where the fans mix in the other seats, there isn’t any trouble, though I guess that might have something to do with those fans being quite well off to be able to pay the silly money.
I didn't attend the Euros final at Wembley but I heard the walk from Wembley Park was Dante-esque. The disabled entrance was stormed there, IIRC.
I do wonder if this has something to do with the high price of Premier and Championship tickets - you won't get much change from £100 if you factor in drinks and a bite. It's a lot for the under 30s these days.
Which is a long-winded way of saying - perhaps Liverpool fans aren't the outliers people imagine.
Yes, the mixed fans in the prawn sandwich seats will generally be well behaved - they’ve either got tickets from a work relationship, paid a fortune or won them from a sponsor.
(Having read back your earlier post I’d certainly agree it was discourteous)
A socially conservative, hyper-nationalist autocracy is an end goal for him; not something to be reviled.
I think he was expressing annoyance rather than losing his cool.
If Russia successfully “wins” (as defined in an independent manner) in Ukraine then I think Trump will be keen to associate himself with then. If Putin/Russia is humbled then he will be less keen.
If you're an Old Etonian, it's merely high jinks...
That runs the risk that the next questioner gives up their time to Sky but I’m not sure that is likely and he can blather through another answer if necessary
There is a lot of victim blaming from some posters this morning.
If Labour were canny (yes, I know) they could exploit it. "The Tories - looking backwards nor forwards." "The past with the Tories - the future with Labour". That sort of thing. Rather like Wilson's "white heat of technology" stuff in 1964, where Douglas-Home represented a nostalgic, and largely mythical, past, and Wilson the bold future.
“War is a great consumer of treasure and riches, therefore let every man beware what counsel he giveth his sovereign to enter or to begin war. There are many ways to enter into it, and the beginning seemeth a great pleasure, but the way is very narrow to come honourably out thereof, and then oftentimes full painful”
As true today as it was then!
Abbey Wood
Custom House
Canary Wharf
Liverpool Street
Tottenham Court Road
Bond Street