How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Ironic really given the cost of fuel. Complete waste of expensive energy.
And "every town and city in the UK" appears to be demonstrably untrue, on a quick google check.
Given the SNP had ruled out new oil fields in Scotland don't you Nationalists dare have the cheek to complain about lack of energy!!
You really do need to do your homework. Oil fields are not a devolved matter. It was HMG that ruled it out (but have now U-turned). We would have been in a better position energy wise if HMG had been more supportive of renewables.
The UK has amongst the highest percentage of renewable in the developed world, it is however Sturgeon who has ruled out new oil fields
And Ms S is pointing out the blindingly obvious - that it will take too long to develop new oilfields to reesolve the current crisis.
No wonder the UK is in the current state when this is the level of strategic thinking coming from the Tories. CAlendars are there for a reason, and not just Advent calendars.
Your highly incomplete and hopelessly biased interpretation of a commitment away from oil to other energy sources, not to mention international commitments on global warming.
It was you having the audacity to whinge about pressure on energy supplies when your useless FM and SNP leader refuses to use one of the key energy sources in Scotland
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Our Ukrainians are mystifyingly interested in it. I told them we don't venerate ancient tyrants in this house. Mrs DA told me to shut up and is taking them to some thing in the village.
I live securely in Middle England: almost as Middle as you can get. C.100 miles to the sea in just about any direction), traditional Tory Parliamentary majority (though currently LibDem-led County and district councils), average age over 50, slightly more Ukrainian flags flying than Union flags - and of course NO English flags - but both massively outnumbered by pennants for next month's (non-Jubilee) local festivals.
The foci of interest are the dozens of localish opera, visual arts, drama, literature, beer, dog, garden and rock festivals that take up every weekend, every year, from Ascensiontide to the late summer Bank Holiday. This year, many with some king of Jubilee twist - but prob. just as many with a Ukraine/refugee twist - and possibly by the time they take place, with a partygate/election/isn't-Johnson-a-pillock twist.
The dominant issue about Whit weekend isn't what we think of the monarchy or the Union: it's so self-evident that Elizabeth has served us infinitely better than the tossers who've run France and the US (or the homunculi who've done piss all as Heads of State in Germany or Switzerland) over the past 70 years, it's not worth discussing. The issue is what's the weather going to be like for the BBQ's planned around the four day weekend.
You're obviously not that far from me (I live south of Abingdon).
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
George VI died on 6 February 1952. So HMtQ has been HM of the UK for about 50 years and a large chunk. Unless it's the divine right from having the oil and water poured on that counts, more than the 1688/1690 settlements?
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Our Ukrainians are mystifyingly interested in it. I told them we don't venerate ancient tyrants in this house. Mrs DA told me to shut up and is taking them to some thing in the village.
I live securely in Middle England: almost as Middle as you can get. C.100 miles to the sea in just about any direction), traditional Tory Parliamentary majority (though currently LibDem-led County and district councils), average age over 50, slightly more Ukrainian flags flying than Union flags - and of course NO English flags - but both massively outnumbered by pennants for next month's (non-Jubilee) local festivals.
The foci of interest are the dozens of localish opera, visual arts, drama, literature, beer, dog, garden and rock festivals that take up every weekend, every year, from Ascensiontide to the late summer Bank Holiday. This year, many with some king of Jubilee twist - but prob. just as many with a Ukraine/refugee twist - and possibly by the time they take place, with a partygate/election/isn't-Johnson-a-pillock twist.
The dominant issue about Whit weekend isn't what we think of the monarchy or the Union: it's so self-evident that Elizabeth has served us infinitely better than the tossers who've run France and the US (or the homunculi who've done piss all as Heads of State in Germany or Switzerland) over the past 70 years, it's not worth discussing. The issue is what's the weather going to be like for the BBQ's planned around the four day weekend.
Interesting. (Although I live very close to the furthest place from the sea and it's only 70 miles. Also there aren't any LD councils near here).
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Our Ukrainians are mystifyingly interested in it. I told them we don't venerate ancient tyrants in this house. Mrs DA told me to shut up and is taking them to some thing in the village.
I just had a plastic muffin from Costa with a crown on the top and a National Front paper wrapper (at least I think that was it - it was covered in union flags, anyway.)
It was half price because they hadn't sold any all week and they were going off.
They’ll be completely rancid by the time HYUFD buys his next Thursday.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Well done. You managed to insult Luis Díaz’s country twice. By misspelling Colombia and stereotyping the nation into this drug-infested country cause you get all your cultural lessons from Narcos.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Ironic really given the cost of fuel. Complete waste of expensive energy.
And "every town and city in the UK" appears to be demonstrably untrue, on a quick google check.
Given the SNP had ruled out new oil fields in Scotland don't you Nationalists dare have the cheek to complain about lack of energy!!
You really do need to do your homework. Oil fields are not a devolved matter. It was HMG that ruled it out (but have now U-turned). We would have been in a better position energy wise if HMG had been more supportive of renewables.
The UK has amongst the highest percentage of renewable in the developed world, it is however Sturgeon who has ruled out new oil fields
And Ms S is pointing out the blindingly obvious - that it will take too long to develop new oilfields to reesolve the current crisis.
No wonder the UK is in the current state when this is the level of strategic thinking coming from the Tories. CAlendars are there for a reason, and not just Advent calendars.
Your highly incomplete and hopelessly biased interpretation of a commitment away from oil to other energy sources, not to mention international commitments on global warming.
It was you having the audacity to whinge about pressure on energy supplies when your useless FM and SNP leader refuses to use one of the key energy sources in Scotland
"refuses to use". I didn't know they had closed down the oil industry. And she is talking about 5-10-20 years in the future.
I think you are Suella Braverman and claim my 5 debased Henry VIII silver-plated copper shillings.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Yeah, but then you end up with people calling Holy Saturday "Easter Saturday".
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Must be news to many with the Advent Calendars and Christmas food, music, parties, decorations, trees etc that Advent is "not Christmas" according to HYUFD.
Advent begins 27 November, which will be around when we would put our tree up. I guess HYUFD doesn't bother until the 25th December.
As an atheist for me I find Christmas starts when I decide it starts.
I used to say the first time you see the Coca Cola Christmas van advert on TV but since I don't want much commercial TV anymore, that has to be switched to the Starbucks red cups now instead.
Alternatively Halloween is October, then you have Guy Fawkes, and any time after Guy Fawkes is acceptable.
Christmas stuff before Halloween is an absolute no no.
My Christmas starts when I bake the cake, which would normally be on the weekend of the blessed clock change, when the country returns to the One True Time (i.e. the last weekend in October for all the horologically-deficient heathens)
Everyone on the bus is being excessively British - for Greeks - and politely ignoring the old lady who has a 2 in 5 chance of dying before we reach Corinth
She looks pretty tough, it's a lay at those odds.
If there's going to be a market on this, see above point about non intervention.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Quite, esp as HMTQ had her jubilee on 6 February anyways. So we're having a rteally loooong Jubilee season, 5 months and 4 weeks and counting.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Quite, esp as HMTQ had her jubilee on 6 February anyways. So we're having a rteally loooong Jubilee season, 5 months and 4 weeks and counting.
It is a slightly strange one. June 2nd is actually the date of her coronation - but more than a year after she had become queen. 69 years ago rather than 70
I’m on a loooooooong bus ride from Preveza to Athens. The old woman in the seat behind me is the most extreme case of covid-paranoia I have ever witnessed
She is wearing a robust mask. FFP3 or whatever. But over that, indeed over her entire head, she is wearing a clear plastic bag. I kid you not
One of those plastic bags which has a warning on it: do not put this over your head
She has probably reduced her 0.2% chance of catching Covid down to 0.003%, but I’d rate her chances of dying of hypoxia at about 36%, especially if she falls asleep
Have you bumped in Prof Pagel by any chance?
I’m not joking. She’s now moved and she’s stretching out to have a nice Kip. With a plastic bag over her head
It is difficult to tell from this angle, but could you please check she isn't wearing handcuffs and has an orange shoved in her mouth? If that does turn out to be the case it is just possible that you caught the bus for the Annual outing of the Greek branch of International S&M Society. Either that or The Greek Exit voluntary euthanasia society?
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
I’m on a loooooooong bus ride from Preveza to Athens. The old woman in the seat behind me is the most extreme case of covid-paranoia I have ever witnessed
She is wearing a robust mask. FFP3 or whatever. But over that, indeed over her entire head, she is wearing a clear plastic bag. I kid you not
One of those plastic bags which has a warning on it: do not put this over your head
She has probably reduced her 0.2% chance of catching Covid down to 0.003%, but I’d rate her chances of dying of hypoxia at about 36%, especially if she falls asleep
Have you bumped in Prof Pagel by any chance?
I’m not joking. She’s now moved and she’s stretching out to have a nice Kip. With a plastic bag over her head
It is difficult to tell from this angle, but could you please check she isn't wearing handcuffs and has an orange shoved in her mouth? If that does turn out to be the case it is just possible that you caught the bus for the Annual outing of the Greek branch of International S&M Society. Either that or The Greek Exit voluntary euthanasia society?
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Ironic really given the cost of fuel. Complete waste of expensive energy.
And "every town and city in the UK" appears to be demonstrably untrue, on a quick google check.
Given the SNP had ruled out new oil fields in Scotland don't you Nationalists dare have the cheek to complain about lack of energy!!
You really do need to do your homework. Oil fields are not a devolved matter. It was HMG that ruled it out (but have now U-turned). We would have been in a better position energy wise if HMG had been more supportive of renewables.
The UK has amongst the highest percentage of renewable in the developed world, it is however Sturgeon who has ruled out new oil fields
And Ms S is pointing out the blindingly obvious - that it will take too long to develop new oilfields to reesolve the current crisis.
No wonder the UK is in the current state when this is the level of strategic thinking coming from the Tories. CAlendars are there for a reason, and not just Advent calendars.
Your highly incomplete and hopelessly biased interpretation of a commitment away from oil to other energy sources, not to mention international commitments on global warming.
It was you having the audacity to whinge about pressure on energy supplies when your useless FM and SNP leader refuses to use one of the key energy sources in Scotland
"refuses to use". I didn't know they had closed down the oil industry. And she is talking about 5-10-20 years in the future.
I think you are Suella Braverman and claim my 5 debased Henry VIII silver-plated copper shillings.
Sturgeon opposes every proposed new oil field in Scotland despite the energy they will provide
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Surely Easter must start when Sainsbury's starts selling hot cross buns. I thought it said so in the Bible.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
Sky newsflash that thousands of Liverpool fans are stuck at Dover.
Thousands of cars at Dover no longer have wheels.
Maybe the Liverpool fans booed the ferry because it was elegant and looked sea worthy and then they threw their own poo at the captain for having a smart uniform and being well trained, hence their new stranded status
Christmas starts when Mince Pies go on sale in the supermarkets. The premium tier ones, not the crappy standard ones.
I don't think that happens, I always hope to score a year's iron rations of xmas pudding and stilton but it all just vanishes on Boxing Day. in tesco anyway.
Boxing day easter eggs are the new September christmas section in Selfridges
Mini Eggs are fine at any time starting from Boxing Day. But I found it very difficult to find them in the last couple of weeks before Easter this year.
And, for the love of god, why don't they sell short Twiglets in tubs all year round?
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
I am glad i don't own a business that is public facing!
Assistance cats have no official status in the UK.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
You joke, but US airlines finally drew the line at a peacock being taken on a flight and this morning BBC showed an assistance horse being taken on the tube. It was quite a small horse.
Sky newsflash that thousands of Liverpool fans are stuck at Dover.
Thousands of cars at Dover no longer have wheels.
Maybe the Liverpool fans booed the ferry because it was elegant and looked sea worthy and then they threw their own poo at the captain for having a smart uniform and being well trained, hence their new stranded status
If that's the case, they definitely didn't book with P&O then....
Talking of which, funny how all the talk of legal action and new laws etc seem to have totally disappeared. I am presuming lawyers have looked and found however immoral their behaviour very difficult to do much about it.
Its funny how the "Palace has made clear" that Jubilee activities don't begin until next Thursday when if you care to look at the Royal Families own Twitter feed it shows things that the Royal Family have already done to mark the Jubilee.
The Queen has close relationship with the Armed Forces, both as Head of the Armed Forces and as a former member of the ATS.
I guess someone needs to inform the British Legion, the Royal Family and the Queen that they're bringing together generations of Poppy Legion supporters too prematurely and the Palace doesn't approve of what the Royal Family are doing according to HYUFD.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
You're wrong, its not a part of the Central weekend. It is a part of the Jubilee celebration, as even the Royal Family themselves are saying.
The Central weekend is the main point of it, but the Jubilee celebration spreads far either side of it. At the encouragement of the Royal Family themselves.
I am glad i don't own a business that is public facing!
Assistance cats have no official status in the UK.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
You joke, but US airlines finally drew the line at a peacock being taken on a flight and this morning BBC showed an assistance horse being taken on the tube. It was quite a small horse.
It's one to watch. The chap is a bit of an activist.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Ironic really given the cost of fuel. Complete waste of expensive energy.
And "every town and city in the UK" appears to be demonstrably untrue, on a quick google check.
Given the SNP had ruled out new oil fields in Scotland don't you Nationalists dare have the cheek to complain about lack of energy!!
You really do need to do your homework. Oil fields are not a devolved matter. It was HMG that ruled it out (but have now U-turned). We would have been in a better position energy wise if HMG had been more supportive of renewables.
The UK has amongst the highest percentage of renewable in the developed world, it is however Sturgeon who has ruled out new oil fields
And Ms S is pointing out the blindingly obvious - that it will take too long to develop new oilfields to reesolve the current crisis.
No wonder the UK is in the current state when this is the level of strategic thinking coming from the Tories. CAlendars are there for a reason, and not just Advent calendars.
Your highly incomplete and hopelessly biased interpretation of a commitment away from oil to other energy sources, not to mention international commitments on global warming.
It was you having the audacity to whinge about pressure on energy supplies when your useless FM and SNP leader refuses to use one of the key energy sources in Scotland
"refuses to use". I didn't know they had closed down the oil industry. And she is talking about 5-10-20 years in the future.
I think you are Suella Braverman and claim my 5 debased Henry VIII silver-plated copper shillings.
Sturgeon opposes every proposed new oil field in Scotland despite the energy they will provide
True. So how is wanting to stop new oil expansion remotely what you said which is that she "refuses to use" oil?
You do understand that words matter. You can't guff any old nonsense without it being pointed out and then laughed at when you keep digging.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Surely Easter must start when Sainsbury's starts selling hot cross buns. I thought it said so in the Bible.
M&S had gluten-free hot cross buns yesterday. I’m uncertain whether this was early for Easter 2023, late for Easter 2022 or because gluten-free Easter is at a different time of year the way Orthodox Easter is.
Christmas starts when Mince Pies go on sale in the supermarkets. The premium tier ones, not the crappy standard ones.
I don't think that happens, I always hope to score a year's iron rations of xmas pudding and stilton but it all just vanishes on Boxing Day. in tesco anyway.
Boxing day easter eggs are the new September christmas section in Selfridges
Mini Eggs are fine at any time starting from Boxing Day. But I found it very difficult to find them in the last couple of weeks before Easter this year.
And, for the love of god, why don't they sell short Twiglets in tubs all year round?
Not Cheddar Cheese and Pineapple on a stick?
They could be a special jubilee snack. Had they been invented by 1952?
I am glad i don't own a business that is public facing!
Assistance cats have no official status in the UK.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
You joke, but US airlines finally drew the line at a peacock being taken on a flight and this morning BBC showed an assistance horse being taken on the tube. It was quite a small horse.
It's one to watch. The chap is a bit of an activist.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Ironic really given the cost of fuel. Complete waste of expensive energy.
And "every town and city in the UK" appears to be demonstrably untrue, on a quick google check.
Given the SNP had ruled out new oil fields in Scotland don't you Nationalists dare have the cheek to complain about lack of energy!!
You really do need to do your homework. Oil fields are not a devolved matter. It was HMG that ruled it out (but have now U-turned). We would have been in a better position energy wise if HMG had been more supportive of renewables.
The UK has amongst the highest percentage of renewable in the developed world, it is however Sturgeon who has ruled out new oil fields
And Ms S is pointing out the blindingly obvious - that it will take too long to develop new oilfields to reesolve the current crisis.
No wonder the UK is in the current state when this is the level of strategic thinking coming from the Tories. CAlendars are there for a reason, and not just Advent calendars.
Your highly incomplete and hopelessly biased interpretation of a commitment away from oil to other energy sources, not to mention international commitments on global warming.
It was you having the audacity to whinge about pressure on energy supplies when your useless FM and SNP leader refuses to use one of the key energy sources in Scotland
"refuses to use". I didn't know they had closed down the oil industry. And she is talking about 5-10-20 years in the future.
I think you are Suella Braverman and claim my 5 debased Henry VIII silver-plated copper shillings.
Sturgeon opposes every proposed new oil field in Scotland despite the energy they will provide
True. So how is wanting to stop new oil expansion remotely what you said which is that she "refuses to use" oil?
You do understand that words matter. You can't guff any old nonsense without it being pointed out and then laughed at when you keep digging.
It was Carnyx who complained the beacons were 'a complete waste of fuel' when it is Sturgeon who opposes the new Scottish oil fields which can provide extra fuel
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
Derbyshire Police have sent drones over all their patch looking for people celebrating too early.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
You're wrong, its not a part of the Central weekend. It is a part of the Jubilee celebration, as even the Royal Family themselves are saying.
The Central weekend is the main point of it, but the Jubilee celebration spreads far either side of it. At the encouragement of the Royal Family themselves.
The Central weekend is the main Jubilee celebration ie Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That is when the Bank Holidays are. Anything before or after that period does not come under the main central weekend Jubilee celebration therefore
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
Derbyshire Police have sent drones over all their patch looking for people celebrating too early.
I am glad i don't own a business that is public facing!
Assistance cats have no official status in the UK.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
You joke, but US airlines finally drew the line at a peacock being taken on a flight and this morning BBC showed an assistance horse being taken on the tube. It was quite a small horse.
It's one to watch. The chap is a bit of an activist.
My daughters are a Brownie and a Rainbow, part of the Girl Guides, and Her Majesty is herself a Guide and Patron of the Girl Guides. As well as schools, the Girl Guides that Her Majesty is both patron and member of have been doing Jubilee activities already.
I suppose the Palace needs to tell Her Majesty and the Guides to desist in what they're doing.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Surely Easter must start when Sainsbury's starts selling hot cross buns. I thought it said so in the Bible.
M&S had gluten-free hot cross buns yesterday. I’m uncertain whether this was early for Easter 2023, late for Easter 2022 or because gluten-free Easter is at a different time of year the way Orthodox Easter is.
Actually I think I am wrong. Now I think about it I think Easter starts on the day the Easter Bunny got nailed to the cross.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
You're wrong, its not a part of the Central weekend. It is a part of the Jubilee celebration, as even the Royal Family themselves are saying.
The Central weekend is the main point of it, but the Jubilee celebration spreads far either side of it. At the encouragement of the Royal Family themselves.
The Central weekend is the main Jubilee celebration ie Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That is when the Bank Holidays are. Anything before or after that period does not come under the main central weekend Jubilee celebration therefore
Nobody said it was part of the central weekend, you introduced the term central.
We said it was a part of the Jubilee celebrations and it is. As the Royal Family, DCMS, the Guides, the Legion, Her Majesty and more have made clear.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
Sky newsflash that thousands of Liverpool fans are stuck at Dover.
Thousands of cars at Dover no longer have wheels.
Maybe the Liverpool fans booed the ferry because it was elegant and looked sea worthy and then they threw their own poo at the captain for having a smart uniform and being well trained, hence their new stranded status
I am glad i don't own a business that is public facing!
Assistance cats have no official status in the UK.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
You joke, but US airlines finally drew the line at a peacock being taken on a flight and this morning BBC showed an assistance horse being taken on the tube. It was quite a small horse.
People get an assistance horse when they profess fear of dogs, I think.
I'd would be inclined to suggest treating the fear of dogs.
But it could be tasty under discrimination law, given eg Islamic beliefs about dogs.
And if the horse is the same size as a dog, can do the job, and is as 'continent' as a guide dog ...
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Ironic really given the cost of fuel. Complete waste of expensive energy.
And "every town and city in the UK" appears to be demonstrably untrue, on a quick google check.
Given the SNP had ruled out new oil fields in Scotland don't you Nationalists dare have the cheek to complain about lack of energy!!
You really do need to do your homework. Oil fields are not a devolved matter. It was HMG that ruled it out (but have now U-turned). We would have been in a better position energy wise if HMG had been more supportive of renewables.
The UK has amongst the highest percentage of renewable in the developed world, it is however Sturgeon who has ruled out new oil fields
And Ms S is pointing out the blindingly obvious - that it will take too long to develop new oilfields to reesolve the current crisis.
No wonder the UK is in the current state when this is the level of strategic thinking coming from the Tories. CAlendars are there for a reason, and not just Advent calendars.
Your highly incomplete and hopelessly biased interpretation of a commitment away from oil to other energy sources, not to mention international commitments on global warming.
It was you having the audacity to whinge about pressure on energy supplies when your useless FM and SNP leader refuses to use one of the key energy sources in Scotland
"refuses to use". I didn't know they had closed down the oil industry. And she is talking about 5-10-20 years in the future.
I think you are Suella Braverman and claim my 5 debased Henry VIII silver-plated copper shillings.
Sturgeon opposes every proposed new oil field in Scotland despite the energy they will provide
Sturgeon should switch to the Greens. She is more interested in their policies than she is in independence.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
You're wrong, its not a part of the Central weekend. It is a part of the Jubilee celebration, as even the Royal Family themselves are saying.
The Central weekend is the main point of it, but the Jubilee celebration spreads far either side of it. At the encouragement of the Royal Family themselves.
The Central weekend is the main Jubilee celebration ie Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That is when the Bank Holidays are. Anything before or after that period does not come under the main central weekend Jubilee celebration therefore
Nobody said it was part of the central weekend, you introduced the term central.
We said it was a part of the Jubilee celebrations and it is. As the Royal Family, DCMS, the Guides, the Legion, Her Majesty and more have made clear.
Its absurd. HaughtyYUFD thinks he is the arbiter of everything. Declares the mother church of the Anglican Communion to have nothing to do with anything thats not England. Declares that "Christmas Season" starts only on Christmas Day despite (I assume) him sitting through so many advent sermons in Christmas season in his church. And now this:
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
So that Jubilee bash. The one with Tom Cruise. That was live on the telly last week. With THE QUEEN sat there. Was not "part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration"
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Our Ukrainians are mystifyingly interested in it. I told them we don't venerate ancient tyrants in this house. Mrs DA told me to shut up and is taking them to some thing in the village.
PB should club together and pay her to be a PB mod.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Please show me where the "Palace has made clear" that schools celebrating the Jubilee this week are not a part of the Jubilee celebrations.
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
You're wrong, its not a part of the Central weekend. It is a part of the Jubilee celebration, as even the Royal Family themselves are saying.
The Central weekend is the main point of it, but the Jubilee celebration spreads far either side of it. At the encouragement of the Royal Family themselves.
The Central weekend is the main Jubilee celebration ie Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That is when the Bank Holidays are. Anything before or after that period does not come under the main central weekend Jubilee celebration therefore
Nobody said it was part of the central weekend, you introduced the term central.
We said it was a part of the Jubilee celebrations and it is. As the Royal Family, DCMS, the Guides, the Legion, Her Majesty and more have made clear.
Its absurd. HaughtyYUFD thinks he is the arbiter of everything. Declares the mother church of the Anglican Communion to have nothing to do with anything thats not England. Declares that "Christmas Season" starts only on Christmas Day despite (I assume) him sitting through so many advent sermons in Christmas season in his church. And now this:
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
So that Jubilee bash. The one with Tom Cruise. That was live on the telly last week. With THE QUEEN sat there. Was not "part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration"
Laughable, arrogant, absurd.
Im sorry, we can't sell you any christmas wrapping paper until Dec 25th. Its the freaking LAW, we have Advent wrapping?
Here is my support animal trying on some new Tu clothing...
Been out to lunch? He looks stuffed.
Here's mine:
Unfortunately mine decided to eat all the fish counter on the way to the clothing aisle. Was a very costly trip, especially as none of the clothing fitted very well as clearly Sainsbury discriminate against those support animals of the larger variety.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
Christmas starts when Mince Pies go on sale in the supermarkets. The premium tier ones, not the crappy standard ones.
I don't think that happens, I always hope to score a year's iron rations of xmas pudding and stilton but it all just vanishes on Boxing Day. in tesco anyway.
Boxing day easter eggs are the new September christmas section in Selfridges
Mini Eggs are fine at any time starting from Boxing Day. But I found it very difficult to find them in the last couple of weeks before Easter this year.
And, for the love of god, why don't they sell short Twiglets in tubs all year round?
Not Cheddar Cheese and Pineapple on a stick?
They could be a special jubilee snack. Had they been invented by 1952?
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
"Loitering with intent at a zebra crossing" was a charge brought by the racist policeman in "Not the Nine O'clock News". Along with "wearing a loud shirt in a built up area" IIRC.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
Interesting factoid. So those lights are just suggestions?
Does that apply to cyclists as well?
It's not quite that clear cut.
eg clear "do not cross on red" on a Pelican crossing. 22 Pelican crossings. These are signal-controlled crossings operated by pedestrians. Push the control button to activate the traffic signals. When the red figure shows, do not cross. When a steady green figure shows, check the traffic has stopped then cross with care. When the green figure begins to flash you should not start to cross. If you have already started you should have time to finish crossing safely.
I'm not sure about puffin, toucan or pegasus crossings.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
"Loitering with intent at a zebra crossing" was a charge brought by the racist policeman in "Not the Nine O'clock News". Along with "wearing a loud shirt in a built up area" IIRC.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
They are required to stop. At the little man when he is red.
Here's Trafford Council telling you that when you see the red man symbol "You must not cross".
Sir Tony Blair is bringing together the political and business elite for a summer summit organised alongside a new centrist group inspired by Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche.
The former Labour prime minister will hold a “Future of Britain” conference on June 30 that will promote his solutions to help fill a “gaping hole” in British politics.
Organisers want the France's President Macron and former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband to speak at the event and already have Obama administration economist Larry Summers and former Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson on the programme, according to a Politico report.
How much of a big deal do people think the Jubilee celebrations will be?
It's possible that they will act to draw a line under the whole affair, a forgiveness of past sins, and a fresh start.
My 4 year old son had his playgroup jubilee party ("for the Queen") yesterday. He was pretty dispapointed that the Queen didn't bother to turn up; I think he might now be a republican
More seriously, I think the CoL situation might limit what people want to do. But then, I was sceptical of there being much fuss for the last jubilee and that turned out to be a fairly big deal.
For me it will be no deal at all, totally ignored.
We had booked a narrowboat holiday before realising it meant leaving home, where the jubilee is being ignored, and going to Middle England, where we fear it will be all around us. 😱
Haven't seen a single Union Flag. Apart from the giant one all over the front of the UKG HQ near Waverley Station. But that is always there.
We have been travelling throughout the West Highlands during the past three weeks. Nowhere was there any evidence of the forthcoming jubilee.
The Jubilee doesn't start until Thursday with the beacon lighting in towns and cities across the UK, including Scotland
The Jubilee began weeks ago in Primary Schools at the very least and has reached a crescendo this week.
This week we've had our kids come home with union flags they'd painted at school, they had a "street party" in the playground on Wednesday, and a Jubilee Ball after school yesterday. The school is completely bedecked in flags, bunting and pictures of the Queen.
So what, the Jubilee still does not officially start until Thursday when the beacons are lit whatever schools may be doing
Pish posh, what the schools are doing has been officially organised and I bet there are far more people involved with primary schools (and I bet secondary are doing similar) as are involved with beacons.
Thursday may be the start of the Bank Holiday weekend, but plenty of Jubilee stuff is already underway. I'd have thought you'd be happy with that, but I guess you'd rather have a stick somewhere uncomfortable instead.
Beacons are being lit in every town and city in the UK. Primary school celebrations are mainly for them and their parents
Primary schools are in every town and city in the UK too.
You're being as ridiculous as someone saying Christmas doesn't start until 25 December when people have Christmas Trees and Christmas songs and Christmas parties all throughout December.
Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th, the first day of Christmas
"Christmas season" being advent. Which starts way before that. As you surely know Theresa being the daughter of a clergyman and all.
Lies. TheresaHY is the only expert we need on the Church.
It's a bit like claiming that Easter Sunday is all that it's at when the entire ritual and liturgical process toward it of Holy Week is an integral part.
Holy week may lead up to it but Easter still does not start until Easter Sunday
Which would be "Easter Season".
your exact words were "Christmas season does not start either officially until December 25th"
Which is laughable. As usual.
Christmas does not start until Christmas Day, Easter not until Easter Sunday.
However even if you said Easter Season starts with Holy Week for example, the Jubilee Season does not start properly until the lighting of the beacons on Thursday which also is the exact day of the Coronation anniversary
So Good Friday isn't a part of Easter? Christingle services are nothing to do with Christmas?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
Technically not part of Easter itself no, just as Christingle services are not part of Christmas itself as the 12 days of Christmas do not start until Christmas.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
Surely Easter must start when Sainsbury's starts selling hot cross buns. I thought it said so in the Bible.
M&S had gluten-free hot cross buns yesterday. I’m uncertain whether this was early for Easter 2023, late for Easter 2022 or because gluten-free Easter is at a different time of year the way Orthodox Easter is.
Actually I think I am wrong. Now I think about it I think Easter starts on the day the Easter Bunny got nailed to the cross.
A Japanese department store had as a centerpiece of their Christmas decorations Santa nailed to a cross.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
Either way, the EU needs to work out how it is going to handle some variability in visions for the EU - currently it is split down the middle. Central Diktat won't work forever.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
They are required to stop. At the little man when he is red.
Here's Trafford Council telling you that when you see the red man symbol "You must not cross".
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
Aye the guidance is you "should" cross on green and "should not" cross on red, but should in the highway code is guidance not law and we know how important the distinction between guidance and rules is now, don't we? 😉
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
"Loitering with intent at a zebra crossing" was a charge brought by the racist policeman in "Not the Nine O'clock News". Along with "wearing a loud shirt in a built up area" IIRC.
Poor old Winston Kodogo Walking around in possession of an offensive wife Urinating in a public convenience
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
They are required to stop. At the little man when he is red.
Here's Trafford Council telling you that when you see the red man symbol "You must not cross".
I'm guessing Trafford council is not alone in this requirement. Why here's the Highway Code saying: "Do not cross" when the little man is red.
You'll get the hang of it all soon I have no doubt.
Have you forgotten all about the importance in the difference between guidance and law?
Much of what the Highway Code says is guidance, the law is when it uses the word "MUST" or "MUST NOT". Cyclists and cars must not cross on red, but for pedestrians it doesn't say must not.
Pedestrians not crossing on red is as much the law as only doing 1 hour of exercise.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
They are required to stop. At the little man when he is red.
Here's Trafford Council telling you that when you see the red man symbol "You must not cross".
I am glad i don't own a business that is public facing!
Assistance cats have no official status in the UK.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
You joke, but US airlines finally drew the line at a peacock being taken on a flight and this morning BBC showed an assistance horse being taken on the tube. It was quite a small horse.
People get an assistance horse when they profess fear of dogs, I think.
I'd would be inclined to suggest treating the fear of dogs.
But it could be tasty under discrimination law, given eg Islamic beliefs about dogs.
And if the horse is the same size as a dog, can do the job, and is as 'continent' as a guide dog ...
But how does the horse get down the escalator? Obviously the one I saw managed it.
Here is my support animal trying on some new Tu clothing...
Been out to lunch? He looks stuffed.
Here's mine:
Unfortunately mine decided to eat all the fish counter on the way to the clothing aisle. Was a very costly trip, especially as none of the clothing fitted very well as clearly Sainsbury discriminate against those support animals of the larger variety.
Just a thought about whether letters could go in to get rid of Boris.
I'm a traditional Tory voter who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I could just about stomach all the rubbish that has gone on lately because I saw the alternative as being worse. But is it really worse now? The Tories have turned into Labour splashing the cash indiscriminately. They are going to give me (and millions of others) a cash handout and then up my taxes to pay for it. That is not the Conservative way. That is classic Labour policy.
I have now turned. The Tories will not get my vote with Boris in charge as they are basically Labour in disguise. I'm obviously not going to vote Labour but the lack of my vote makes it far more likely others will get in. We have a council by-election coming up soon. I may just give a vote to the Greens for their local sustainable approach.
Now, if how I feel is how Tory MPs feel then maybe they might just send in their letters (e.g. John Redwood). It might not be partygate but instead the transformation of the Tory Party into the Labour Party.
I agree with everything you wrote, but couldn't vote for the Greens as they are Watermelons that are almost as bad as Corbyn's Labour.
The only ones I could just about stomach are the Lib Dems, but their NIMBYism puts me off. Other than that, who is a socially liberal, dry as dust conservative supposed to vote for?
You call yourself a 'social liberal' but you voted for the Brexit Party in 2019 and support sending people to Rwanda. You are an extreme reactionary who makes HYUFD look very moderate.
I cast a protest vote in 2019 in part to get rid of an authoritarian anti-immigration PM that I despised. The Brexit Party were no more than a tool for that as far as I was concerned, it also ousted Nigel Farage from the European Parliament so another win there.
I am not a reactionary, I am very pro-immigration and am happy to have a liberalised immigration system that is fair to all regardless of where in the planet they were born, or what the colour of their skin is, rather than prioritising primarily white Europeans over the rest of the planet.
I hate that there is no better solution than the Rwanda one, but the Channel is not safe to cross via people smugglers and it causes misery and drownings and every other policy has failed to fix that, offshore relocation works. It halted such movements with Australia, which has more people proportionately immigrating than the UK does.
I'd be quite happy to have an Australian-style system where that means twice as many people arrive proportionately as do now, but those people are fairly able to get visas from around the world, and people don't drown in the English Channel getting here.
That's not what the reactionaries want, or what they mean by Australian-style.
Migrant crossings: Afghans are largest national group fleeing to UK
People fleeing Afghanistan were the largest group among migrants crossing the Channel in the early part of 2022.
Afghans made up one in four people making the risky journey, following the Taliban's return to power last summer.
New figures show almost as many Afghans crossed the Channel in the first three months of this year (1,094) as in the whole of 2021 (1,323).
In nine out of ten cases over the last year, people fleeing Afghanistan were granted refugee status.
I don't see how Australian style points systems affects this, unless there's a "refugee" box you can tick on the visa application.
Most of the Channel crossers are granted refugee/asylum status because they have destroyed their passports and any ID documents (“Oh I lost them in Belarus”). We have no choice but to accept them
It looks like Patel’s Rwanda plan is going to fail, the govt haven’t got the spine to do anything serious (which means flying ALL OF THEM to Rwanda for a few months) and we simply have to tolerate 40-100,000 crossing the Channel every year and letting them stay. At least they are the hardier and more enterprising, given that they have made it all the way to Calais and then successfully crossed. It is Darwinian selection at work
I bet there is massive overlap between people who get worked up about migrant crossings and people who get worked up about cyclists running red lights. Both reflect anger at people breaking the rules (without wondering whether the rules are fair or sensible) and fear that someone is gaining some advantage that isn't available to them. In both cases I would tend to step back and take a more balanced view. In the case of the migrants, think about what they are escaping from and what they these highly motivated people who really want to be here could add to our economy. In the case of the cyclists, think about how they are aiding the flow of traffic. But of course some people just enjoy the visceral thrill of the gut rage too much to surrender to reason.
Absurd comparison. People who run red lights are dicks 94.5% of the time and putting themselves and others in danger. I appreciate that it might be hugely challenging to work out what possible reason there could be for wanting people to stop at red lights, or indeed whether such a rule is "fair or sensible", but I'm sure with a little bit of contemplation you'll get there.
Morning all.
On the other hand, pedestrians aren't required to stop at red lights in the UK, which you must find extremely puzzling.
Yes they are. They are required to stop when the little man is red. When it is green they can go.
Another completely befuddling rule.
No they aren't. It is not a legal requirement in the UK. Which is why you will see British people very often crossing when the man is red, if they think it's safe to do so.
You do seem quite confused.
They are required to stop. At the little man when he is red.
Here's Trafford Council telling you that when you see the red man symbol "You must not cross".
I'm guessing Trafford council is not alone in this requirement. Why here's the Highway Code saying: "Do not cross" when the little man is red.
You'll get the hang of it all soon I have no doubt.
But I believe jaywalking is not a crime so what will they charge you with?
Nothing. It is nevertheless a requirement.
No it isn't, any more than not doing more than 1 hour of exercise was a requirement.
Guidance isn't law. That is guidance, and Trafford are wrong to use the words "must not" the Highway Code doesn't say "must not" because its not the law.
George VI died on 6 February 1952. So HMtQ has been HM of the UK for about 50 years and a large chunk. Unless it's the divine right from having the oil and water poured on that counts, more than the 1688/1690 settlements?
Jubliee functions up and down the country with Jubilee bunting and Jubilee festivals has nothing to do with the Jubilee?
I think you are Suella Braverman and claim my 5 debased Henry VIII silver-plated copper shillings.
If there's going to be a market on this, see above point about non intervention.
However even if they were the Palace has made clear the formal Jubilee celebration does not start until Trooping of the Colour and the lighting of the beacons on Thursday, hence Thursday and Friday are the Jubilee Bank Holidays and ends with the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday afternoon.
So by Monday week the Jubilee celebrations will officially be over
I very much doubt the Palace are as pigheaded and ignorant as that, and rather expect they'd encourage and welcome those celebrations instead.
Perhaps it's time for a scheme.
Now, where's my assistance rhino...
First frontbencher to resign since Gray report is Paul Holmes - PPS to the home secretary.
He says it's "distressing" his work as an MP "has been tarnished by the toxic culture that seemed to have permeated Number 10".
Talking of which, funny how all the talk of legal action and new laws etc seem to have totally disappeared. I am presuming lawyers have looked and found however immoral their behaviour very difficult to do much about it.
👑To mark The Queen’s #PlatinumJubilee, we brought together two generations of
supporters to talk about the influence of Her Majesty’s reign.
The Queen has close relationship with the Armed Forces, both as Head of the Armed Forces and as a former member of the ATS.
I guess someone needs to inform the British Legion, the Royal Family and the Queen that they're bringing together generations of Poppy Legion supporters too prematurely and the Palace doesn't approve of what the Royal Family are doing according to HYUFD.
The Central weekend is the main point of it, but the Jubilee celebration spreads far either side of it. At the encouragement of the Royal Family themselves.
Don't you think that is the way we are going?
We learnt that when Pen Farthing's street dogs were prioritised over Afghani Translators for evacuation resources.
You do understand that words matter. You can't guff any old nonsense without it being pointed out and then laughed at when you keep digging.
I suppose the Palace needs to tell Her Majesty and the Guides to desist in what they're doing.
To mark The Queen’s #PlatinumJubilee, we brought together two generations of Guides to talk about what’s changed during Her Majesty’s reign 👑
As well as being a Guide herself, Her Majesty is Patron of @Girlguiding and The Countess of Wessex is the charity’s President
We said it was a part of the Jubilee celebrations and it is. As the Royal Family, DCMS, the Guides, the Legion, Her Majesty and more have made clear.
You do seem quite confused.
I'd would be inclined to suggest treating the fear of dogs.
But it could be tasty under discrimination law, given eg Islamic beliefs about dogs.
And if the horse is the same size as a dog, can do the job, and is as 'continent' as a guide dog ...
Give way to anyone still crossing after the signal for vehicles has changed to green. This advice applies to all crossings.
The only "must not" for pedestrians crossing the road is they must not loiter on the crossing. Which means the idiot protesters blocking the road are breaking the law.
The Jubilee Central weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday, anything else outside that period is not part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration
So that Jubilee bash. The one with Tom Cruise. That was live on the telly last week. With THE QUEEN sat there. Was not "part of the main, formal Jubilee celebration"
Laughable, arrogant, absurd.
Here's mine:
Rule 69
You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD schedule 3 part 3, schedule 7 part 4, schedule 9 parts 4 and 6, schedule 13 part 6, schedule 14 part 2
Pedestrians lights is guidance, cyclists its the law.
eg clear "do not cross on red" on a Pelican crossing.
Pelican crossings. These are signal-controlled crossings operated by pedestrians. Push the control button to activate the traffic signals. When the red figure shows, do not cross. When a steady green figure shows, check the traffic has stopped then cross with care. When the green figure begins to flash you should not start to cross. If you have already started you should have time to finish crossing safely.
I'm not sure about puffin, toucan or pegasus crossings.
Here's Trafford Council telling you that when you see the red man symbol "You must not cross".
I'm guessing Trafford council is not alone in this requirement. Why here's the Highway Code saying: "Do not cross" when the little man is red.
You'll get the hang of it all soon I have no doubt.
The former Labour prime minister will hold a “Future of Britain” conference on June 30 that will promote his solutions to help fill a “gaping hole” in British politics.
Organisers want the France's President Macron and former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband to speak at the event and already have Obama administration economist Larry Summers and former Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson on the programme, according to a Politico report.
Edit. Apparently that's an urban legend.
That imo is a requirement. Is it the law? Of course not. No one said it was.
Either way, the EU needs to work out how it is going to handle some variability in visions for the EU - currently it is split down the middle. Central Diktat won't work forever.
Walking around in possession of an offensive wife
Urinating in a public convenience
Much of what the Highway Code says is guidance, the law is when it uses the word "MUST" or "MUST NOT". Cyclists and cars must not cross on red, but for pedestrians it doesn't say must not.
Pedestrians not crossing on red is as much the law as only doing 1 hour of exercise.
Guidance isn't law. That is guidance, and Trafford are wrong to use the words "must not" the Highway Code doesn't say "must not" because its not the law.