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Petrol to rise to £2 a litre this year? –



  • Pro_RataPro_Rata Posts: 5,174

    COVID summary

    - Cases are still falling slowly, overall. But getting close to flattening off. The increase in rates for the oldest groups is showing up as...
    - Increases in admissions, which are still small, but need watching.
    - In hospital is either flat or falling slightly
    - MV beds is either flat or falling slightly
    - Deaths falling steadily.


    The day on day comparisons coming through, single day sample date figures vs same day last week for 1 or 2/3 (incomplete numerator) vs 22 or 23/2 shows a 20% average rise now across regions. Wales and NI are somewhat lower, but both have registered a rise.

    I don't urge anything of the government at this stage other than to point out the rises and that people are still free to wear masks or distance if they want - I think we've landed back on the oscillating level that we had for Delta in July-November. Fourth doses will help.

    I hate to imagine the next COVID wave in Kyiv.
  • MattWMattW Posts: 21,886
    edited March 2022
    MISTY said:

    Blinken and Stoltenberg wearing face masks just shows how utterly and completely delusional and distanced from reality many of the decision makers still are.


    Covid deaths in EU-27 currently running at 1600 per week, having passed 1million in total a few days ago.
    Similarly cases running at 450k per day.

    (For the record - UK total deaths somewhat above EU average in total per pop)
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Thank god for our rule of law, and refusal to abuse executive power.

    I don't think this is Boris doing a favour for his old mates, I think they've got him by the balls. You sanction us, we blow the whistle.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,611
    This is an interesting article published last November on Russia's logistical challenges if they invaded.

    The Russian government has built armed forces highly capable of fighting on home soil or near its frontier and striking deep with long-range fires. However, they are not capable of a sustained ground offensive far beyond Russian railroads without a major logistical halt or a massive mobilization of reserves.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    JACK_W said:

    Putin will eventually crush Ukraine unless NATO intervenes

    This isn't necessarily true. Russia has apparently lost three Su-25s today alone, so they don't have air superiority at the moment.
    They have air supeiority but not supremacy. It is actually utterly bizarre that they should have invaded without first having wiped out Ukraine's air defence. I can only think they believed their own propaganda that the Ukrainians would wave them in as liberators
    military analyst on the unherd video that was posted here a couple of days ago said all the signs are there was no planning.

    It takes a while to plan an air supremacy campaign. Seems all the signs are that in order to maintain the fiction that all these troops were on the border just for training they told none of the troops or did any detailed planning until the v last minute when Vlad decided to go in.

    This all explains the convoy of miles of troops who seem not to know what the plan is or why they are there. Basic tactical planning in detail just not done.
    This doesn't make logical sense to me.

    You could easily maintain the fiction whilst planning in detail. You just say "Okay guys - this military exercise is all about what we do if - heaven forbid - there was some dreadful NATO provocation that forced us to occupy Ukraine. So if you could all crack on and plan that in extreme detail on the off-chance that, as I say, those cheeky buggers at NATO do anything that forces our hand."
    Enders Game.
  • noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 22,138

    Shocked and saddened at the death of Shane Warne. Truly one to deserve the title "GOAT" and he always seemed like a genuinely nice person too.

    RIP. :(

    Fantastic coach and captain as well as the obvious bowling skills. Lived life to the fullest and best.
  • NorthofStokeNorthofStoke Posts: 1,758
    This war is going to be studied carefully and used in officer training in every army. So far it looks like strategic and tactical errors by Russia on a gigantic scale.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,369
    IshmaelZ said:

    Nigelb said:

    Endillion said:

    Nigelb said:

    Nigelb said:

    MaxPB said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    You're suggesting that a leader of one nation call for another to be assassinated? Are you trying to start WW3?
    No, he should say that it's not something on which it is useful to comment.
    Even saying that is dangerous. Sack whoever asked him that publicly.
    Questions like that will always be asked - there's long been a number which get the 'we will neither confirm nor deny' response.
    "UK PM refuses to rule out targeted assassination of Putin SHOCK"

    Honestly, the Russians are claiming they moved their nuclear preparedness level up one notch because of some utterly innocuous comments made by our Foreign Sec. What on earth do you think would happen if the PM implied he was OK with offing the guy with his finger on the button?
    All he needs to say is that there is a long established policy in such matters, and it would not be useful to share his feelings on the matter.

    There is a non zero chance that Johnson can actually arrange for Putin to be assassinated. I am in the minority of posters here, or at least that's how it feels, in not making nudge and wink claims about knowing more about MI5 than I can really let on, old boy, but I imagine he could ask the double 0 section to have a stab at it. But he can only do that if he has expressly ruled it out before he does it, because what if 007 dies in the attempt and is identified as English by his m&s underwear?
    It reminds me of my days in MI6, Q kept parking in my space which was annoying as the Aston had quite a wide body so my space was perfect with no space to the right. Anyway I told Q I was going to send a tow truck round his place in Teddington if he didn’t stop. He stopped straight away - didn’t know if I actually could arrange a tow truck or not but he behaved just in case.

    But keep that to yourself ok.
  • TimTTimT Posts: 6,341

    Sean_F said:

    Cicero said:

    As the first of thousands of refugees have begun arriving in Estonia the mood is turning darker. Several guys I know have gone the join the "international brigade". Putin is reminding Estonians of the darkest parts of their history and there is growing rage that Russians continue to beleive the propaganda of the regime. If the Russians continue to follow Putin, then they will be the object of hate and contempt for years to come. There is respect for those who have resisted, but frustration and anger that this has not spread further.

    Meanwhile the eastern border is seeing a flood of Russians getting out. They are unlikely to be greeted as warmly as the Ukrainian refugee families that are finding homes across the whole country.

    Presumably, though, the Russians are people who detest Putin.
    Or people who want to be able to have an iPhone, a working credit card, and cash in the ATM.
    No doubt with Putin's security men inserting a few look alikes into the stream.
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,101
    Taz said:

    Heathener said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Endillion said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    it is clear behind the scenes a lot is going on .
    Don't kid yourselves.

    We in the west have done nothing. Nothing that actually matters. Nothing that stops Putin getting away with this. Putin is pulverising Ukraine.

    Which he is and will continue to do.
    To say the west have done nothing, that's just provable bullshit.

    The Russian invasion has got massively bogged down as they have faced a lot more incoming from better weapons than they thought the Ukrainians had (which have been supplied ahead of time primarily via the UK).

    Also many reports the Ukrainian SoF have recorded a lot of important wins, including against deployment of the Russian VDV, and it is known the SoF have received a lot of training from SAS in recent years.

    That doesn't mean Putin won't flatten big parts of the Ukraine and claim victory, but it is clear the Ukrainians aren't going to just give up. It seems clear even if he claims military victory, a Ukrainian insurgency will be there.

    Putin can't win quickly, his whole narrative has fallen apart. At best he is going to be bogged down in a war for years to come and bust his country in the process.
    Putin's narrative may have fallen apart, but so has our government's narrative.

    I have been hammered for posting this, but until 10 days ago it was government policy that climate change was the chief threat to mankind and policy must perforce be pointed in a direction that will end it.

    A chief justification for this policy was that everyone in the world was on board. Glasgow told us that. Everyone believed it was two minutes to midnight and no-one serious would contemplate and tolerate war.

    The way Putin is behaving, and the way the Chinese are ambivalent, shows voters that vast swathes of the world see the climate change argument as nothing more than a giant delusion.

    Whether it is or it isn't a delusion is not important. The fact is it is never, ever going to be achievable, given the world's attitude to it. There clearly is no consensus whatever. The old certainties of power and territory prevail.

    The policy is utterly shattered and an broken.
    This global warming stuff is bonkers. It is possible to think about more than one thing at once.
    I think the important point is that they're related - and worse, pull in opposite directions. Speeding up the rate at which the West stops producing gas and coal means we hand de facto monopolies to Russian and China (respectively) - which gives them unfortunate opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise to abuse their newfound economic powers for geopolitical gains. And we'd possibly rather screw the planet in the long run than hand it over to authoritarian megalomaniacs in the short run.
    Notwithstanding the overnight scare, I'm convinced we need more nuclear power stations. Fission, bien sur but we're quite close to the holy grail of Fusion reactors.

    It's the most naturally occurring form of energy in the universe and the one from which all others ultimately derive (unless you believe in God.)'

    Just make sure it doesn't leak.

    Meanwhile loads more alternative local and off-grid homes: solar and wind powered. It's what I'm personally planning.
    Down the line, fine

    On nuclear, you mean.

    But I can put up solar panels and a wind turbine and convert my energy intake in the next 24 hours.

    The answer to this planet's anthropogenic global warming and other ravaging of the planet is absolutely NOT further rape of the earth.

    The evil which men do ...
    It is for the time being until we have fully viable and scalable renewable options.

    What if everyone decided to put up solar panels and wind turbines. How long would that take. Where does the supply come from ? You need products from oil to make them anyway.

    We need to replace every gas boiler too either with hydrogen (if it proves to be reliable) or electric. Again a colossal task. It will take years to do.
    As has been mentioned before on here, I am not sure most people are aware of the huge issues with producing a secure, leak free hydrogen supply to houses. It is a frighteningly difficult task.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,742
    TimT said:

    Sean_F said:

    Cicero said:

    As the first of thousands of refugees have begun arriving in Estonia the mood is turning darker. Several guys I know have gone the join the "international brigade". Putin is reminding Estonians of the darkest parts of their history and there is growing rage that Russians continue to beleive the propaganda of the regime. If the Russians continue to follow Putin, then they will be the object of hate and contempt for years to come. There is respect for those who have resisted, but frustration and anger that this has not spread further.

    Meanwhile the eastern border is seeing a flood of Russians getting out. They are unlikely to be greeted as warmly as the Ukrainian refugee families that are finding homes across the whole country.

    Presumably, though, the Russians are people who detest Putin.
    Or people who want to be able to have an iPhone, a working credit card, and cash in the ATM.
    No doubt with Putin's security men inserting a few look alikes into the stream.
    Being a Putin lookalike will be one of the shittiest jobs on the planet.....
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,784
    The extent of Russian brainwashing is remarkable - parents in Russia won't even believe their own children in Ukraine that they are being bombarded.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,362
    Doesn't sound like the Tories fancy getting rid of Ben Elliot as co-chairman despite Labour anger and backbench disquiet. Source accuses Starmer of trying to 'score cheap political points by smearing individuals based on their parentage'. Elliot's aunt is future Queen Camilla
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,742
    Taz said:

    Leon said:

    “18 year old Ukrainian volunteers off to war in Kyiv. Three days training and they will be on the front line.“

    Jeremy Bowen, BBC

    God bless them.
    God keep them safe.
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,261

    kinabalu said:

    Heathener said:

    felix said:

    Heathener said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    Who would you like in charge? would it make a difference?


    We need to give Putin an ultimatum, Cuban missile crisis style.


    At least with Maggie i/c they'd not be able to do her in I suppose..........
    She was great.

    Wish we had her in No. 10 right now.

    You're confusing me. You said earlier that you were a "left of centre pragmatist" (who believes in "selective assassinations"). And now Maggie's biggest fan.

    You're all over the place, with all due respect.
    All over the place is not uncommon among the multiple identity community on PB. Not so much an Overton Window but a kaleidoscope.
    Not 100% but having taken the time I think I'm smelling the (mystic) roses.
    I think, to be fair to @Heathener, that we are seeing a bit of a conversion on the international relations front. From "There will be no war in Ukraine" to "We need to go to war with Russia". It's a fair old distance from one to t'other....
    Yep. Reminds me of "MR" going from Remainiac to BoJo fan in short order.
  • BurgessianBurgessian Posts: 2,664

    I cede to no one in contempt for BoJo as a leader in terms of personal character and at best "erratic" competence but the criticisms over the "assassinate Putin" question are ludicrous. Just conduct the thought experiment of the impact of him calling for assassination.

    BoJo has repeatedly chosen not to rise to the bait. Has a lot to answer for but in the most important respects he's acted responsibly.
  • noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 22,138
    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    Heathener said:

    felix said:

    Heathener said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    Who would you like in charge? would it make a difference?


    We need to give Putin an ultimatum, Cuban missile crisis style.


    At least with Maggie i/c they'd not be able to do her in I suppose..........
    She was great.

    Wish we had her in No. 10 right now.

    You're confusing me. You said earlier that you were a "left of centre pragmatist" (who believes in "selective assassinations"). And now Maggie's biggest fan.

    You're all over the place, with all due respect.
    All over the place is not uncommon among the multiple identity community on PB. Not so much an Overton Window but a kaleidoscope.
    Not 100% but having taken the time I think I'm smelling the (mystic) roses.
    I think, to be fair to @Heathener, that we are seeing a bit of a conversion on the international relations front. From "There will be no war in Ukraine" to "We need to go to war with Russia". It's a fair old distance from one to t'other....
    Yep. Reminds me of "MR" going from Remainiac to BoJo fan in short order.
    Not sure if it applies in this case, but think some people dislike having the mainstream median opinion on anything!
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,742
    Nigelb said:

    The extent of Russian brainwashing is remarkable - parents in Russia won't even believe their own children in Ukraine that they are being bombarded.

    Imagine their anger when they finally discover the truth.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,369

    Shocked and saddened at the death of Shane Warne. Truly one to deserve the title "GOAT" and he always seemed like a genuinely nice person too.

    RIP. :(

    Fantastic coach and captain as well as the obvious bowling skills. Lived life to the fullest and best.
    His greatest achievement was clearly going out with Liz Hurley for a while.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Scott_xP said:

    Doesn't sound like the Tories fancy getting rid of Ben Elliot as co-chairman despite Labour anger and backbench disquiet. Source accuses Starmer of trying to 'score cheap political points by smearing individuals based on their parentage'. Elliot's aunt is future Queen Camilla

    I think it's his career as self appointed flunky to a bunch of criminals, rather than the identity of his aunt, really

    I also think the Tory party is much more corrupt than anyone thinks it is. When you can do serious favours for unprincipled billionaires the bungs are in the millions, not the odd £20,000 towards constituency expenses.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,987
    Scott_xP said:

    Doesn't sound like the Tories fancy getting rid of Ben Elliot as co-chairman despite Labour anger and backbench disquiet. Source accuses Starmer of trying to 'score cheap political points by smearing individuals based on their parentage'. Elliot's aunt is future Queen Camilla

    That's Sir Ben Elliott. Or will be at any rate given his efforts to raise money. Not that there is a connection to those things.
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,261

    Shocked and saddened at the death of Shane Warne. Truly one to deserve the title "GOAT" and he always seemed like a genuinely nice person too.

    RIP. :(

    Fantastic coach and captain as well as the obvious bowling skills. Lived life to the fullest and best.
    Also a very good tv pundit imo.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,290
    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Your obsessive hatred of Brexit Britain is at once pathological. And emotionally treasonous. You seize on every alleged example of Britain being wrong, evil, greedy, silly, stupid, misguided, cowardly, selfish, and you righteously ignore every example of the EU being similar, or, often, worse. Nothing Britain does can ever be right, it must all be seen as a tragic and immoral endeavour somehow linked to Brexit.

    You are not well. Consider a long long break from the site.

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,261
    edited March 2022
    Nigelb said:

    The extent of Russian brainwashing is remarkable - parents in Russia won't even believe their own children in Ukraine that they are being bombarded.

    Yes, I found that a jolting and very depressing thing to read.
    Also found this to be a useful summary today on the Beeb, describing different ways the war might end:
  • ApplicantApplicant Posts: 3,379

    I voted Chris

    We've had the worst Corbyn, the worst Piers.

    But who is the worst Williamson?



    Oh, Chris, easily. Malevolence is worse than incompetence.
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,507
    Leon said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Your obsessive hatred of Brexit Britain is at once pathological. And emotionally treasonous. You seize on every alleged example of Britain being wrong, evil, greedy, silly, stupid, misguided, cowardly, selfish, and you righteously ignore every example of the EU being similar, or, often, worse. Nothing Britain does can ever be right, it must all be seen as a tragic and immoral endeavour somehow linked to Brexit.

    You are not well. Consider a long long break from the site.

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country
    Better have a word with Gazza and all, or is it ok cos he's a foreign?

  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,362
    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,350
    Nigelb said:

    The extent of Russian brainwashing is remarkable - parents in Russia won't even believe their own children in Ukraine that they are being bombarded.

    Sadly true.

    My wife has been arguing with an aunt in Russia today, who says that it was “Ukranian nationalists” who bombed the nuclear power plant last night.

    She can’t be convinced, even by pictures of a house she’s visited in Ukraine minus all the windows, several hundred kilometres from the Donbass. Millions of Russians have been totally brainwashed by the state media.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,362
    If the UK wants to be regarded as a strong partner of the US then it is also necessary for the UK to be a strong partner in Europe. It’s not “either … or.” It’s “both … and..” and Blinken knows it.
  • Daveyboy1961Daveyboy1961 Posts: 3,706
    Leon said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Your obsessive hatred of Brexit Britain is at once pathological. And emotionally treasonous. You seize on every alleged example of Britain being wrong, evil, greedy, silly, stupid, misguided, cowardly, selfish, and you righteously ignore every example of the EU being similar, or, often, worse. Nothing Britain does can ever be right, it must all be seen as a tragic and immoral endeavour somehow linked to Brexit.

    You are not well. Consider a long long break from the site.

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country
    Rubbish and you know it. To accuse someone of treason for going against the government line is especially poignant considering we are trying to get Russians to go against their government line.
  • TazTaz Posts: 13,625

    Taz said:

    Heathener said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Endillion said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    it is clear behind the scenes a lot is going on .
    Don't kid yourselves.

    We in the west have done nothing. Nothing that actually matters. Nothing that stops Putin getting away with this. Putin is pulverising Ukraine.

    Which he is and will continue to do.
    To say the west have done nothing, that's just provable bullshit.

    The Russian invasion has got massively bogged down as they have faced a lot more incoming from better weapons than they thought the Ukrainians had (which have been supplied ahead of time primarily via the UK).

    Also many reports the Ukrainian SoF have recorded a lot of important wins, including against deployment of the Russian VDV, and it is known the SoF have received a lot of training from SAS in recent years.

    That doesn't mean Putin won't flatten big parts of the Ukraine and claim victory, but it is clear the Ukrainians aren't going to just give up. It seems clear even if he claims military victory, a Ukrainian insurgency will be there.

    Putin can't win quickly, his whole narrative has fallen apart. At best he is going to be bogged down in a war for years to come and bust his country in the process.
    Putin's narrative may have fallen apart, but so has our government's narrative.

    I have been hammered for posting this, but until 10 days ago it was government policy that climate change was the chief threat to mankind and policy must perforce be pointed in a direction that will end it.

    A chief justification for this policy was that everyone in the world was on board. Glasgow told us that. Everyone believed it was two minutes to midnight and no-one serious would contemplate and tolerate war.

    The way Putin is behaving, and the way the Chinese are ambivalent, shows voters that vast swathes of the world see the climate change argument as nothing more than a giant delusion.

    Whether it is or it isn't a delusion is not important. The fact is it is never, ever going to be achievable, given the world's attitude to it. There clearly is no consensus whatever. The old certainties of power and territory prevail.

    The policy is utterly shattered and an broken.
    This global warming stuff is bonkers. It is possible to think about more than one thing at once.
    I think the important point is that they're related - and worse, pull in opposite directions. Speeding up the rate at which the West stops producing gas and coal means we hand de facto monopolies to Russian and China (respectively) - which gives them unfortunate opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise to abuse their newfound economic powers for geopolitical gains. And we'd possibly rather screw the planet in the long run than hand it over to authoritarian megalomaniacs in the short run.
    Notwithstanding the overnight scare, I'm convinced we need more nuclear power stations. Fission, bien sur but we're quite close to the holy grail of Fusion reactors.

    It's the most naturally occurring form of energy in the universe and the one from which all others ultimately derive (unless you believe in God.)'

    Just make sure it doesn't leak.

    Meanwhile loads more alternative local and off-grid homes: solar and wind powered. It's what I'm personally planning.
    Down the line, fine

    On nuclear, you mean.

    But I can put up solar panels and a wind turbine and convert my energy intake in the next 24 hours.

    The answer to this planet's anthropogenic global warming and other ravaging of the planet is absolutely NOT further rape of the earth.

    The evil which men do ...
    It is for the time being until we have fully viable and scalable renewable options.

    What if everyone decided to put up solar panels and wind turbines. How long would that take. Where does the supply come from ? You need products from oil to make them anyway.

    We need to replace every gas boiler too either with hydrogen (if it proves to be reliable) or electric. Again a colossal task. It will take years to do.
    As has been mentioned before on here, I am not sure most people are aware of the huge issues with producing a secure, leak free hydrogen supply to houses. It is a frighteningly difficult task.
    Yes, it is. Boiler producers are trialling hydrogen boilers currently. But the delivery has issues.

    Hydrogen for commercial vehicles seems to be progressing. Birmingham recently introduced 129 hydrogen powered buses.
  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,869

    Taz said:

    Heathener said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Endillion said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    it is clear behind the scenes a lot is going on .
    Don't kid yourselves.

    We in the west have done nothing. Nothing that actually matters. Nothing that stops Putin getting away with this. Putin is pulverising Ukraine.

    Which he is and will continue to do.
    To say the west have done nothing, that's just provable bullshit.

    The Russian invasion has got massively bogged down as they have faced a lot more incoming from better weapons than they thought the Ukrainians had (which have been supplied ahead of time primarily via the UK).

    Also many reports the Ukrainian SoF have recorded a lot of important wins, including against deployment of the Russian VDV, and it is known the SoF have received a lot of training from SAS in recent years.

    That doesn't mean Putin won't flatten big parts of the Ukraine and claim victory, but it is clear the Ukrainians aren't going to just give up. It seems clear even if he claims military victory, a Ukrainian insurgency will be there.

    Putin can't win quickly, his whole narrative has fallen apart. At best he is going to be bogged down in a war for years to come and bust his country in the process.
    Putin's narrative may have fallen apart, but so has our government's narrative.

    I have been hammered for posting this, but until 10 days ago it was government policy that climate change was the chief threat to mankind and policy must perforce be pointed in a direction that will end it.

    A chief justification for this policy was that everyone in the world was on board. Glasgow told us that. Everyone believed it was two minutes to midnight and no-one serious would contemplate and tolerate war.

    The way Putin is behaving, and the way the Chinese are ambivalent, shows voters that vast swathes of the world see the climate change argument as nothing more than a giant delusion.

    Whether it is or it isn't a delusion is not important. The fact is it is never, ever going to be achievable, given the world's attitude to it. There clearly is no consensus whatever. The old certainties of power and territory prevail.

    The policy is utterly shattered and an broken.
    This global warming stuff is bonkers. It is possible to think about more than one thing at once.
    I think the important point is that they're related - and worse, pull in opposite directions. Speeding up the rate at which the West stops producing gas and coal means we hand de facto monopolies to Russian and China (respectively) - which gives them unfortunate opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise to abuse their newfound economic powers for geopolitical gains. And we'd possibly rather screw the planet in the long run than hand it over to authoritarian megalomaniacs in the short run.
    Notwithstanding the overnight scare, I'm convinced we need more nuclear power stations. Fission, bien sur but we're quite close to the holy grail of Fusion reactors.

    It's the most naturally occurring form of energy in the universe and the one from which all others ultimately derive (unless you believe in God.)'

    Just make sure it doesn't leak.

    Meanwhile loads more alternative local and off-grid homes: solar and wind powered. It's what I'm personally planning.
    Down the line, fine

    On nuclear, you mean.

    But I can put up solar panels and a wind turbine and convert my energy intake in the next 24 hours.

    The answer to this planet's anthropogenic global warming and other ravaging of the planet is absolutely NOT further rape of the earth.

    The evil which men do ...
    It is for the time being until we have fully viable and scalable renewable options.

    What if everyone decided to put up solar panels and wind turbines. How long would that take. Where does the supply come from ? You need products from oil to make them anyway.

    We need to replace every gas boiler too either with hydrogen (if it proves to be reliable) or electric. Again a colossal task. It will take years to do.
    As has been mentioned before on here, I am not sure most people are aware of the huge issues with producing a secure, leak free hydrogen supply to houses. It is a frighteningly difficult task.
    Just to note that if we go down the 'blue' hydrogen route, we will need more natural gas than we do now, to account for the conversion losses.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,362
    The shambolic unpreparedness & seeming inability of the U.K. Government to impose sanctions on oligarchs effectively is unconscionable as we wake to images of this wilful destruction of a European city on Putin’s orders.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 43,003
    Carnyx said:

    malcolmg said:

    Leon said:

    malcolmg said:

    Leon said:

    Missed this on QT last night. SNP doubling down on stripping away UK's nuclear deterrence.

    The guy with his head in his hands is Konstantin Kisin, a kind of Russian version of Volodymyr Zelensky, ie, comedian going into politics. Sadly, not much chance of him being elected president anytime soon.

    That hideous blob of an SNP witch needs to declare unilateral disavowal of dairy, chocolate and sugars . If she can’t govern her intake of double cheese lard burgers, how is she expected to govern Scotland?
    Extremely personal attack which is distateful, however I agree that as an MP she is total crap and would struggle to run a bath.

    Like it

    There is a more serious point here. The SNP’s anti-Trident position looks increasingly untenable, post Ukraine, and they need to either drop it or finesse it to oblivion, or find some brilliant new way of defending it. She lamentably did neither, just stuck to the usual “nukes are bad” bullshit (yes we know they are bad, but so are guns and you still need a gun in a gunfight).

    The Russian guy who came after her humiliated her. This will happen every time the policy is mention, from now on
    I suspect that Malcolm, the inarticulate poster most well known on here for being offensive is offended because I guess he is most probably the rotund image of his idol, the fat little man that was described by his QC as "a bully and a sex pest".

    He probably needs to also declare unilateral disavowal of dairy, chocolate and sugars, burgers, beer and anything vaguely calorific. I do wish he would also declare unilateral disavowal of posting his juvenile command of the English language on this site and do us all a favour.
    Sad Gammon alert, union jack panties in a bunch, red face bursting and dribbling his same old tired speech. Get a new line you turnip headed cretin.
    Hello Malky. Hope you are keeping well. Grey here with occasional fine smirr. Though we did have gammon or rather bacon bits in our home-made lentil soup for lunch.
    Hello Carnyx, I had same soup, been blue sky and sunshine here
  • TazTaz Posts: 13,625
    Scott_xP said:

    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
    Misunsing patriotism to get support for your view. Dear dear.
  • Scott_xP said:

    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
    Your posts have been very good as I said recently, but unfortunately you lapse into words that can only come from someone who has been adversely affected by brexit and seems almost like you want to use the forum to console yourself in some way
  • moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,511
    Right, time to do what is always best in times like these. Get pissed and travel a long time ago to a galaxy far far away.
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,103

    New Thread

  • EabhalEabhal Posts: 7,911
    Biden and Macron have done very well.

    Scholz too, if you consider the baseline he was working from.

    The EU, as an institution, not so good. The jets thing was very silly.

    Whitehall, as an institution, very good with intelligence and provision of weapons.

    Looks like current briefing to Johnson is superb in that he hasn't completely fucked it up (yet).
  • felixfelix Posts: 15,140
    Leon said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Your obsessive hatred of Brexit Britain is at once pathological. And emotionally treasonous. You seize on every alleged example of Britain being wrong, evil, greedy, silly, stupid, misguided, cowardly, selfish, and you righteously ignore every example of the EU being similar, or, often, worse. Nothing Britain does can ever be right, it must all be seen as a tragic and immoral endeavour somehow linked to Brexit.

    You are not well. Consider a long long break from the site.

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country
    The EU figure is interestingly high ... until you divide it by 27 actual countries
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,350
    Scott_xP said:

    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
    Well Volodymr Zelensky has been full of praise for the guy in recent days.

    Obviously his view counts for little this week, but there we go.
  • Scott_xP said:

    If the UK wants to be regarded as a strong partner of the US then it is also necessary for the UK to be a strong partner in Europe. It’s not “either … or.” It’s “both … and..” and Blinken knows it.

    UK is a strong partner in Europe and is appreciated by Ukraine more than any other

    Your constant desire to belittle the UK is tedious
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 43,003
    DougSeal said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Leon said:

    malcolmg said:

    Leon said:

    Missed this on QT last night. SNP doubling down on stripping away UK's nuclear deterrence.

    The guy with his head in his hands is Konstantin Kisin, a kind of Russian version of Volodymyr Zelensky, ie, comedian going into politics. Sadly, not much chance of him being elected president anytime soon.

    That hideous blob of an SNP witch needs to declare unilateral disavowal of dairy, chocolate and sugars . If she can’t govern her intake of double cheese lard burgers, how is she expected to govern Scotland?
    Extremely personal attack which is distateful, however I agree that as an MP she is total crap and would struggle to run a bath.

    Like it

    There is a more serious point here. The SNP’s anti-Trident position looks increasingly untenable, post Ukraine, and they need to either drop it or finesse it to oblivion, or find some brilliant new way of defending it. She lamentably did neither, just stuck to the usual “nukes are bad” bullshit (yes we know they are bad, but so are guns and you still need a gun in a gunfight).

    The Russian guy who came after her humiliated her. This will happen every time the policy is mention, from now on
    I suspect that Malcolm, the inarticulate poster most well known on here for being offensive is offended because I guess he is most probably the rotund image of his idol, the fat little man that was described by his QC as "a bully and a sex pest".

    He probably needs to also declare unilateral disavowal of dairy, chocolate and sugars, burgers, beer and anything vaguely calorific. I do wish he would also declare unilateral disavowal of posting his juvenile command of the English language on this site and do us all a favour.
    Sad Gammon alert, union jack panties in a bunch, red face bursting and dribbling his same old tired speech. Get a new line you turnip headed cretin.
    4/10 - just sounds tired. You can do much better.
    You are a tough one to please. I would not waste my time on doing anything good for sad old Foreskin, unless it was writing a cheque for the vet to have him put out of his misery.
    Get a job.
    Still working you halfwitted cretin. Enjoy paying your increased NI next month, luckily I don't need to pay on my wedge, though taxed to the hilt to provide tax credits for impoverished lawyers like you.
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163
    Scott_xP said:

    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
    The alternative was Corbyn the Messiah :open_mouth:
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,261

    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    Heathener said:

    felix said:

    Heathener said:

    MISTY said:

    Heathener said:

    Johnson says he doesn't think Putin should be assassinated.

    He is absolutely gormless.

    The most useless, clueless, inept, oaf and the LAST person we need in charge at this perilous time.

    Who would you like in charge? would it make a difference?


    We need to give Putin an ultimatum, Cuban missile crisis style.


    At least with Maggie i/c they'd not be able to do her in I suppose..........
    She was great.

    Wish we had her in No. 10 right now.

    You're confusing me. You said earlier that you were a "left of centre pragmatist" (who believes in "selective assassinations"). And now Maggie's biggest fan.

    You're all over the place, with all due respect.
    All over the place is not uncommon among the multiple identity community on PB. Not so much an Overton Window but a kaleidoscope.
    Not 100% but having taken the time I think I'm smelling the (mystic) roses.
    I think, to be fair to @Heathener, that we are seeing a bit of a conversion on the international relations front. From "There will be no war in Ukraine" to "We need to go to war with Russia". It's a fair old distance from one to t'other....
    Yep. Reminds me of "MR" going from Remainiac to BoJo fan in short order.
    Not sure if it applies in this case, but think some people dislike having the mainstream median opinion on anything!
    It's the old 'stand out' technique. Eg the City pundit who predicts a Crash every year. You get exposure and clicks (because it's not boring) and one day you are also right and then 'guru' status beckons. And once you have 'guru' status you can be wrong many many times before you lose it, during which time you get yourself sorted financially and enjoy yourself doing it. This is just PB, of course, so I'm over-dramatizing slightly, but I think that's the essence of it.
  • FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,555
    If Russia have committed 80% of their troops into Ukraine where do they go from here? Their bogged down (literally?) north of Kiev, another front is coming in from the east and making progress. My sense is the Ukrainians are now short of firepower. How much of the stuff we've sent in is getting through to them is the question. The best Russian forces are in the south but they're having terrible trouble in Mariupol which should have been a quick gain. I question how long Russia can last in this war if it is going to have to occupy cities.

    The alternative strategy doesn't really bear thinking about. Thermobaric/tactical nukes/chemical weapons?
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,261
    edited March 2022

    I cede to no one in contempt for BoJo as a leader in terms of personal character and at best "erratic" competence but the criticisms over the "assassinate Putin" question are ludicrous. Just conduct the thought experiment of the impact of him calling for assassination.

    Not *quite* true. On that you cede to ME.
  • Daveyboy1961Daveyboy1961 Posts: 3,706
    Sandpit said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
    Well Volodymr Zelensky has been full of praise for the guy in recent days.

    Obviously his view counts for little this week, but there we go.
    Sadly, he would praise Winnie the Pooh if said pooh was on his side at the moment.
  • Scott_xP said:

    What do my Brexiteer friends and former colleagues think of the fact that the EU has proven itself to be far more muscular and effective than the U.K. government led by Boris Johnson? Across the board: delivering weapons, increasing defence budgets and enforcing sanctions.

    What do the Ukrainians think?

    Telephone poll of 1,040 adults in Ukraine, 1-3 March 2022, weighted to be nationally representative. "Do you think each of the following are doing enough or not enough to help Ukraine?"
    • NATO: 23% enough, 65% not enough, net -42
    • The EU: 46% enough, 45% not enough, net +1
    • The United States: 44% enough, 49% not enough, net -5
    • The United Kingdom: 53% enough, 35% not enough, net +18
    Good to shame @Scott_xP with figures
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    Scott_xP said:

    If the UK wants to be regarded as a strong partner of the US then it is also necessary for the UK to be a strong partner in Europe. It’s not “either … or.” It’s “both … and..” and Blinken knows it.

    There is more rejoicing in heaven etc.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,987
    Scott_xP said:

    Leon said:

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country

    I don't loathe my Country.

    But this is not the moment to be represented on the World stage by a fucking clown.

    Anybody who doesn't think BoZo is a disgrace is not a patriot.
    Boris is a disgrace who should be replaced, but that doesn't mean every single thing he does is a disgrace.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 43,003

    Carnyx said:

    malcolmg said:

    Leon said:

    malcolmg said:

    Leon said:

    Missed this on QT last night. SNP doubling down on stripping away UK's nuclear deterrence.

    The guy with his head in his hands is Konstantin Kisin, a kind of Russian version of Volodymyr Zelensky, ie, comedian going into politics. Sadly, not much chance of him being elected president anytime soon.

    That hideous blob of an SNP witch needs to declare unilateral disavowal of dairy, chocolate and sugars . If she can’t govern her intake of double cheese lard burgers, how is she expected to govern Scotland?
    Extremely personal attack which is distateful, however I agree that as an MP she is total crap and would struggle to run a bath.

    Like it

    There is a more serious point here. The SNP’s anti-Trident position looks increasingly untenable, post Ukraine, and they need to either drop it or finesse it to oblivion, or find some brilliant new way of defending it. She lamentably did neither, just stuck to the usual “nukes are bad” bullshit (yes we know they are bad, but so are guns and you still need a gun in a gunfight).

    The Russian guy who came after her humiliated her. This will happen every time the policy is mention, from now on
    I suspect that Malcolm, the inarticulate poster most well known on here for being offensive is offended because I guess he is most probably the rotund image of his idol, the fat little man that was described by his QC as "a bully and a sex pest".

    He probably needs to also declare unilateral disavowal of dairy, chocolate and sugars, burgers, beer and anything vaguely calorific. I do wish he would also declare unilateral disavowal of posting his juvenile command of the English language on this site and do us all a favour.
    Sad Gammon alert, union jack panties in a bunch, red face bursting and dribbling his same old tired speech. Get a new line you turnip headed cretin.
    Hello Malky. Hope you are keeping well. Grey here with occasional fine smirr. Though we did have gammon or rather bacon bits in our home-made lentil soup for lunch.
    Did you call it Soup de Foremain?
    What a waste of a good plate of soup that would be.
  • TimSTimS Posts: 12,119

    I don't think the decimation facing Russia has been fully understood. War is costly. The UK may have won the 2nd world war but we were massively drained as a world power. Russia's economy is facing into the abyss. Diplomatically it is isolated alone with Belarus, Syria, Eritrea and North Korea. Having spent a decade trying to restore their military might they are running through men and equipment in no time and will not be in a position to replace it with the economic mess.

    I honestly think we should start to question Russia's position on the UN Security Council. It has been a malevolent actor on the world stage for decades and giving up that seat could be one requirement to removing sanctions. How possible would it be to replace them with India or would Kashmir be too much of a problem?

    A suspension would be great, but that's for another day. Post Putin as a major nuclear power Russia realistically needs to be on the security council.

    The permanent members by mid-Century should really be USA, China, EU (or an EU/UK/Fr joint seat with 1 vote), Russia, India, Brazil and the African Union.
  • FoxyFoxy Posts: 47,761
    felix said:

    Leon said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Your obsessive hatred of Brexit Britain is at once pathological. And emotionally treasonous. You seize on every alleged example of Britain being wrong, evil, greedy, silly, stupid, misguided, cowardly, selfish, and you righteously ignore every example of the EU being similar, or, often, worse. Nothing Britain does can ever be right, it must all be seen as a tragic and immoral endeavour somehow linked to Brexit.

    You are not well. Consider a long long break from the site.

    This is not the moment for your lunatic and grotesque loathing of your own country
    The EU figure is interestingly high ... until you divide it by 27 actual countries
    It's more that they sanctioned every individual in the Duma who voted war.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 43,003
    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Usual for UK , buckets of rhetoric but little action in reality
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,528
    Nigelb said:

    The extent of Russian brainwashing is remarkable - parents in Russia won't even believe their own children in Ukraine that they are being bombarded.

    Just had that confirmed by a good friend whose Russian mother-in-law in St Petersburg cannot believe that Russians are fighting Ukrainians. The regime's grip on news and information seems to be near total.
  • NorthofStokeNorthofStoke Posts: 1,758

    If Russia have committed 80% of their troops into Ukraine where do they go from here? Their bogged down (literally?) north of Kiev, another front is coming in from the east and making progress. My sense is the Ukrainians are now short of firepower. How much of the stuff we've sent in is getting through to them is the question. The best Russian forces are in the south but they're having terrible trouble in Mariupol which should have been a quick gain. I question how long Russia can last in this war if it is going to have to occupy cities.

    The alternative strategy doesn't really bear thinking about. Thermobaric/tactical nukes/chemical weapons?

    Military ousting Putin or forcing a climb down are probably more likely.
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,101
    TimS said:

    I don't think the decimation facing Russia has been fully understood. War is costly. The UK may have won the 2nd world war but we were massively drained as a world power. Russia's economy is facing into the abyss. Diplomatically it is isolated alone with Belarus, Syria, Eritrea and North Korea. Having spent a decade trying to restore their military might they are running through men and equipment in no time and will not be in a position to replace it with the economic mess.

    I honestly think we should start to question Russia's position on the UN Security Council. It has been a malevolent actor on the world stage for decades and giving up that seat could be one requirement to removing sanctions. How possible would it be to replace them with India or would Kashmir be too much of a problem?

    A suspension would be great, but that's for another day. Post Putin as a major nuclear power Russia realistically needs to be on the security council.

    The permanent members by mid-Century should really be USA, China, EU (or an EU/UK/Fr joint seat with 1 vote), Russia, India, Brazil and the African Union.
    I would suggest that the best change that could be made to the Security Council would be the removal of the veto of the permanent members. At the same time expand the permanent membership to, say 10 countries with the other 10 being on a rotational basis. But again the UN should be an organisation of independent member states, not collections or organisations. So the EU and the AU should not be given votes. Those votes should remain with the individual countries (which if the EU had any sense would mean they actually had more of a say rather than less assuming all their member countries were in agreement).

  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 121,052
    One Republican at least taking a hard line on Putin.

    GOP Senator Lindsey Graham says someone should assassinate him
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 121,052
    TimS said:

    I don't think the decimation facing Russia has been fully understood. War is costly. The UK may have won the 2nd world war but we were massively drained as a world power. Russia's economy is facing into the abyss. Diplomatically it is isolated alone with Belarus, Syria, Eritrea and North Korea. Having spent a decade trying to restore their military might they are running through men and equipment in no time and will not be in a position to replace it with the economic mess.

    I honestly think we should start to question Russia's position on the UN Security Council. It has been a malevolent actor on the world stage for decades and giving up that seat could be one requirement to removing sanctions. How possible would it be to replace them with India or would Kashmir be too much of a problem?

    A suspension would be great, but that's for another day. Post Putin as a major nuclear power Russia realistically needs to be on the security council.

    The permanent members by mid-Century should really be USA, China, EU (or an EU/UK/Fr joint seat with 1 vote), Russia, India, Brazil and the African Union.
    Brazil does not have nuclear weapons nor does any African nation. That should be a minimum for any new P5 UN SC member as all current members have them.

    The largest economies are already in the G20
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,332
    IshmaelZ said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Comparing the #RussiaSanctions (from Bloomberg)

    Thank god for our rule of law, and refusal to abuse executive power.

    I don't think this is Boris doing a favour for his old mates, I think they've got him by the balls. You sanction us, we blow the whistle.
    I did hear a minister pointing out that the UK already had hundreds of Russians on sanctions from Salisbury etc so comparing what we have added to that is not comparing like with like. No idea if that is true.
This discussion has been closed.