Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
A Harry Kane hat-trick would be wonderful on so many levels.
On topic (and thanks for the great thread @TheGreenMachine), the decline of the UUP is a sight to behold.
You see that UUP, Tories? That’s your future that is…
There’s a fundamental difference, though. The Tories are declining because they are too extreme. The UUP are declining because they’re not extreme enough.
No, the Tories are declining as they are leaking massively to Farage and Reform voters Boris won in 2019 as well as to Labour as the UUP declined by leaking heavily to Paisley's DUP who in turn are now leaking to the even more extreme TUV.
However I think this election UUP may make a gain or 2, Robin Swann likely gains S Antrim from the DUP and they were very close in Fermanagh and S Tyrone with SF last time and the other Unionist parties have given them a free run. They will also likely squeeze the Alliance votes in both seats
Which two seats do you believe the UUP will squeeze Alliance?
Wimbledon soon anyway. It really doesn't seem 2 years since that terrific Alcaraz Djokovic final. And gosh it's 9 years since that 2nd win of Andy's. Where does the time go?
A pedant speaks: Djokovic v Alcaraz was last year. Two years ago was Djokovic v Kyrgios.
Ok. But I was on Bart time.
(has to be Alcaraz or Sinner this year imo. The new Big 2)
Off topic fun fact: private paternity testing is illegal in France:
"Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families.""
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers’ teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Is that the guy with a column in both times and Guardian? His Times articles antagonisingly left leaning, his Guardian commentary provocatively right wing positions - the winner being his bank balance 🤑
Or have I got it wrong?
I genuinely don't know. I have never liked him or what he has to say so I must admit I don't follow him. His Guardian article came up on my MSN feed.
I agree. I approach every columnist whatever paper with scepticism and looking for the inherent vice in their argument. I visually picture them as someone told they need a major rewiring job on the second home in the country they have just purchased, so sat at a keyboard to produce some “good copy” to pay for it. I also imagine them all in offices drinking alcohol out of empty coke cans and chain smoking, the ladies in Chanel suits with dandruff on the collar - though the truth is probably far worse. 😈
I went for Spain - Albania; felt for the Albanians. Lumbered with a pretty ridiculous group (Italy, Spain and Croatia!!) they acquitted well against all three and can leave with pride, if not points (the anti-Scotland, if you will)
They lacked the quality and experience to get out of that tough group, but it’s a strong grounding for future performance. Disciplined, motivated and occasionally flashy.
Off topic fun fact: private paternity testing is illegal in France:
"Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families.""
What happens between a man and his mistress is between them and God alone?
On topic (and thanks for the great thread @TheGreenMachine), the decline of the UUP is a sight to behold.
You see that UUP, Tories? That’s your future that is…
There’s a fundamental difference, though. The Tories are declining because they are too extreme. The UUP are declining because they’re not extreme enough.
Isn't the most recent slab of the Conservative decline because they aren't extreme enough? The wets buggered off ages ago, sure, but the Reformgasm seems to have caused another layer to flake off.
But the NI situation contains another awful warning for the British right. The DUP are now in a bit of trouble from TUV, because the DUP are too moderate.
Bottom line, throwing extremists a bone to keep them onboard rarely works. Because you end up giving them a taste for bones, and there is always someone prepared to throw them a bigger bone.
The danger with this form of centrism is that it itself becomes extremist, by trying to exclude, censor and outlaw anything that does not fit within its self defined acceptable parameters.
'extremism' just means whatever you want it to. Just Stop Oil ? I imagine not. Black Lives Matter? definetely not. The reform party? Extremism. A slippery slope. Thin end of the wedge etc.
A large proportion of the voting public can see through all this and get tired/bored/exhausted with it all.
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
Would a cabbie really talk to their customer like that?
Off topic fun fact: private paternity testing is illegal in France:
"Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families.""
What happens between a man and his mistress is between them and God alone?
Sounds like the frenchest law possible.
I read the OP as “upholding the French regime of flirtation” and was only slightly surprised.
Keir really impressive there. Glad he was given time to expand on what he meant.
Yes. He makes the important point that it would look pretty shabby for a Labour PM elected partly on a pledge to bring down NHS waiting lists to then jump that queue and go private himself. He's also right about the fact that 'ordinary' people are now having to burn through their savings to get private operations for stuff that you'd have to wait too long for the NHS to deal with.
And of course, he's right on acute/life-threatening care - the private sector has little or no role in that; it's what the NHS does best.
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
Would a cabbie really talk to their customer like that?
Probably not. Google ‘Petronella Wyatt fake taxi’ and see what comes up.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers’ teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
Interesting, and somewhat unusual, position for Foden?
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
Off topic fun fact: private paternity testing is illegal in France:
"Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families.""
What happens between a man and his mistress is between them and God alone?
Sounds like the frenchest law possible.
Ménage a trois involving God sound Greek not French to me
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
Would a cabbie really talk to their customer like that?
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
The problem with Petronella's view there is I am sure she was fine with the cabbie and his vociferous views when he voted for Boris and gave the Conservatives a big win in 2019. He was a champion of the common sense majority then. However now he is voting Reform and helping give Starmer a landslide he is back to being an uncouth working class oik incapable of reasoned debate
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
Would a cabbie really talk to their customer like that?
I always thought the cliche of the overly talkative and opinionated cabbie was a myth until I found myself being lectured about how there were too many asian people in the local area when visiting Redcar. I guess since I am white the chap thought I must naturally agree (and I did just um and ah my way to the end of the journey for sake of a quite life).
But being actually abusive toward the customer would seem to be on another level entirely.
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
The problem with Petronella's view there is I am sure she was fine with the cabbie and his vociferous views when she voted for Boris and gave the Conservatives a big win in 2019. However now he is voting Reform and helping give Starmer a landslide he is back to being an uncouth oik incapable or reasoned debate
Quite so. Very much a sow the wind, reap the whirlwind situation.
I do wonder how many of the pundit class who have secretly or not so secretly yearned for a more Faragian direction for the Tories are regretting how successful that might be this time around - I suppose it depends if the Tory rump that survives turns in a Reform like direction or rejects it.
On topic (and thanks for the great thread @TheGreenMachine), the decline of the UUP is a sight to behold.
You see that UUP, Tories? That’s your future that is…
There’s a fundamental difference, though. The Tories are declining because they are too extreme. The UUP are declining because they’re not extreme enough.
No, the Tories are declining as they are leaking massively to Farage and Reform voters Boris won in 2019 as well as to Labour as the UUP declined by leaking heavily to Paisley's DUP who in turn are now leaking to the even more extreme TUV.
However I think this election UUP may make a gain or 2, Robin Swann likely gains S Antrim from the DUP and they were very close in Fermanagh and S Tyrone with SF last time and the other Unionist parties have given them a free run. They will also likely squeeze the Alliance votes in both seats
Which two seats do you believe the UUP will squeeze Alliance?
S Antrim and Fermanagh and S Tyrone, the former to beat the DUP and the latter to beat SF
Front of the Telegraph, a source close to cabinet office accuse the police of leaking names of Tories involved in the betting scandal. There doesn’t appear to be any evidence in the article, except they suspected gambling commission did but have now ruled them out, and that the police had been given advanced heads up of the announcement by Rishi.
Apart from that article, GambleGate hasn’t made the front pages, so is it Tory’s themselves keeping the story alive breathing this headline into it? Also, the ship of state is the only ship that leaks from the top, what makes them so sure it was the police to go as far as publicly blaming them? 🫢
My personal guess is that the No.10 'machine' is incompetent.
I admit I'm only basing that on week-on-week, month-on-month evidence. So ymmv.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
I’m guessing that Cole Palmer is going to be this tournament’s Matt Le Tissier/Jimmy Bullard/etc.; that one fringe squad player that all the half-cut gobshites* think will transform England’s fortunes if only they were played.
Not at all putting you in this category btw; I was just wondering who was going to be England’s fringe messiah this time.
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
The problem with Petronella's view there is I am sure she was fine with the cabbie and his vociferous views when he voted for Boris and gave the Conservatives a big win in 2019. He was a champion of the common sense majority then. However now he is voting Reform and helping give Starmer a landslide he is back to being an uncouth working class oik incapable of reasoned debate
I honestly think we are at thr stage now where a party combining Faragist views on immigration with Galloways view on wealth redistribution away from the top 5% would command widespread support.
On topic (and thanks for the great thread @TheGreenMachine), the decline of the UUP is a sight to behold.
You see that UUP, Tories? That’s your future that is…
There’s a fundamental difference, though. The Tories are declining because they are too extreme. The UUP are declining because they’re not extreme enough.
No, the Tories are declining as they are leaking massively to Farage and Reform voters Boris won in 2019 as well as to Labour as the UUP declined by leaking heavily to Paisley's DUP who in turn are now leaking to the even more extreme TUV.
However I think this election UUP may make a gain or 2, Robin Swann likely gains S Antrim from the DUP and they were very close in Fermanagh and S Tyrone with SF last time and the other Unionist parties have given them a free run. They will also likely squeeze the Alliance votes in both seats
Which two seats do you believe the UUP will squeeze Alliance?
S Antrim and Fermanagh and S Tyrone, the former to beat the DUP and the latter to beat SF
Anyone in Fermanagh / Tyrone who wants to beat SF is already voting unionist and not Alliance.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
Sub for Gordon?
If Kane plays, I'd take him off for Watkins if England score the first goal - to see if it stops them retreating into their own half.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a type writer?
And old version of Google Docs
Threw mine out last year. But hadn't used it for decades. It got dropped on a concrete floor and was never the same again, then a friend gave me an Amstrad PCW8256 ...
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a type writer?
And old version of Google Docs
There used to be a Chinese one in the window of a shop near Gerrard Street in Soho. Designed like a Marc Brunel sawmill, complete with hoist for picking up any character from the store area.
@RochdalePioneers sorry, I was busy earlier and didn't reply on the old thread til well after this one started. TSE, my reply there also applies to the point you made.
Appreciated! You raise the point that a few others have - why vote for you if I want to stop the Tories.
It’s the same 2 points: Most people we speak to are as concerned about the SNP as they are the Tories Whether I’m remotely a threat to them or not, our campaign has spooked the shit out of the SNP. And we’ve just doubled again our spend on ads.
I have realistic expectations in this election. But all I can do is get our campaign into the best place I can so that if the exit poll reveals FUCK ME we at least have the prospect of a fun result.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
We can’t play everyone, but on form he should be considered. I agree.
Petronella Wyatt in the telegraph isnt happy. All the telegraph columnists seem to have gone quite mad.
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
Would a cabbie really talk to their customer like that?
I always thought the cliche of the overly talkative and opinionated cabbie was a myth until I found myself being lectured about how there were too many asian people in the local area when visiting Redcar. I guess since I am white the chap thought I must naturally agree (and I did just um and ah my way to the end of the journey for sake of a quite life).
But being actually abusive toward the customer would seem to be on another level entirely.
I used to have to get a taxi to and from work every day (thanks Post Office management & the taxpayer!). One of the contracted cabbies jokes was :
"A black guy walks up to a guy at a bus stop and asks 'Has the 42 been?'"
"F*ck off you bl**k bastard!"
How... he... laughed.... Even on the fifth/sixth/tenth telling.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers’ teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
Interesting, and somewhat unusual, position for Foden?
Hole/ten maybe not a precise description but as the front-most central midfielder/supporting forward.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
We can’t play everyone, but on form he should be considered. I agree.
On which subject, this made me laugh.
(Though I'd wish they'd got the quote slightly more right.)
Also - I learned on Sunday that Ernie Wise made the first mobile phone call in the UK.
Keir really impressive there. Glad he was given time to expand on what he meant.
Yes. He makes the important point that it would look pretty shabby for a Labour PM elected partly on a pledge to bring down NHS waiting lists to then jump that queue and go private himself. He's also right about the fact that 'ordinary' people are now having to burn through their savings to get private operations for stuff that you'd have to wait too long for the NHS to deal with.
And of course, he's right on acute/life-threatening care - the private sector has little or no role in that; it's what the NHS does best.
My dad has paid for a new knee and a new hip in the last year and a bit. He could afford it (thanks to a superb police pension, and getting a great deal to retire at a high rank). It was the right thing to do. He’s 85, and hopefully has at least ten or more years left, and now he isn’t in pain. I would love it if that was available to all, free at the point etc, as quickly as Dad got his, but with an ageing population, and ever increasing demand, is that ever going to be possible? Let’s aspire to it, for sure.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a type writer?
I remember many years ago being in a Dixons store. Customer pointing at an electric typewriter and asking the shop assistant "Is it IBM PC compatible?".
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers’ teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
Interesting, and somewhat unusual, position for Foden?
Hole/ten maybe not a precise description but as the front-most central midfielder/supporting forward.
I know; I was pretending not to understand football jargon. "In the hole" just sounds a bit, well......
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Simon Jenkin is the man who wrote an article saying that he was against housebuilding because it would spoil the view from his drive down the motorway. He is one of the reasons why I don't read the Grauniad any more.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
Front of the Telegraph, a source close to cabinet office accuse the police of leaking names of Tories involved in the betting scandal. There doesn’t appear to be any evidence in the article, except they suspected gambling commission did but have now ruled them out, and that the police had been given advanced heads up of the announcement by Rishi.
Apart from that article, GambleGate hasn’t made the front pages, so is it Tory’s themselves keeping the story alive breathing this headline into it? Also, the ship of state is the only ship that leaks from the top, what makes them so sure it was the police to go as far as publicly blaming them? 🫢
My personal guess is that the No.10 'machine' is incompetent.
I admit I'm only basing that on week-on-week, month-on-month evidence. So ymmv.
How exactly did the police know so quickly who had placed the bets in order to leak it, when the Gamble commission and Conservative Party enquiries are taking so long? The gamble commission is having to ask bookmakers for details, so how did the police find it all out?
At that point, many days ago now, Rishi told us he was so flipping angry, the 110% necessary thing would have been to suspend candidates so if they won election, they couldn’t take Tory whip till all this was concluded. Despite being in eye of a scandal, are the Tories only party yet to suspend even one candidate? Labour suspended a candidate for saying something nice about Putin, which he claims he didn’t even do, as his account was hacked, but he was quickly suspended.
The fact Sunak has decided to tough this out without suspending anyone from party is not incompetence, it’s suspicious. He knows something and is protecting someone. Like he asked “you didn’t bet as well, *****” and she answered “whoops.”
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers’ teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
Interesting, and somewhat unusual, position for Foden?
Hole/ten maybe not a precise description but as the front-most central midfielder/supporting forward.
I know; I was pretending not to understand football jargon. "In the hole" just sounds a bit, well......
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a type writer?
It's the longest word that can be written on the top line of your keyboard.
Front of the Telegraph, a source close to cabinet office accuse the police of leaking names of Tories involved in the betting scandal. There doesn’t appear to be any evidence in the article, except they suspected gambling commission did but have now ruled them out, and that the police had been given advanced heads up of the announcement by Rishi.
Apart from that article, GambleGate hasn’t made the front pages, so is it Tory’s themselves keeping the story alive breathing this headline into it? Also, the ship of state is the only ship that leaks from the top, what makes them so sure it was the police to go as far as publicly blaming them? 🫢
My personal guess is that the No.10 'machine' is incompetent.
I admit I'm only basing that on week-on-week, month-on-month evidence. So ymmv.
How exactly did the police know so quickly who had placed the bets in order to leak it, when the Gamble commission and Conservative Party enquiries are taking so long? The gamble commission is having to ask bookmakers for details, so how did the police find it all out?
At that point, many days ago now, Rishi told us he was so flipping angry, the 110% necessary thing would have been to suspend candidates so if they won election, they couldn’t take Tory whip till all this was concluded. Despite being in eye of a scandal, are the Tories only party yet to suspend even one candidate? Labour suspended a candidate for saying something nice about Putin, which he claims he didn’t even do, as his account was hacked, but he was quickly suspended.
The fact Sunak has decided to tough this out without suspending anyone from party is not incompetence, it’s suspicious. He knows something and is protecting someone. Like he asked “you didn’t bet as well, *****” and she answered “whoops.”
I don't rule out the faint possibility that the Met are also incompetent and corrupt. Or indeed some of the press. Or heaven forfend, bookies.
All very faint possibilities, but nothing can be ruled out in this best of all possible worlds.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
On topic (and thanks for the great thread @TheGreenMachine), the decline of the UUP is a sight to behold.
You see that UUP, Tories? That’s your future that is…
There’s a fundamental difference, though. The Tories are declining because they are too extreme. The UUP are declining because they’re not extreme enough.
Isn't the most recent slab of the Conservative decline because they aren't extreme enough? The wets buggered off ages ago, sure, but the Reformgasm seems to have caused another layer to flake off.
But the NI situation contains another awful warning for the British right. The DUP are now in a bit of trouble from TUV, because the DUP are too moderate.
Bottom line, throwing extremists a bone to keep them onboard rarely works. Because you end up giving them a taste for bones, and there is always someone prepared to throw them a bigger bone.
The danger with this form of centrism is that it itself becomes extremist, by trying to exclude, censor and outlaw anything that does not fit within its self defined acceptable parameters.
'extremism' just means whatever you want it to. Just Stop Oil ? I imagine not. Black Lives Matter? definetely not. The reform party? Extremism. A slippery slope. Thin end of the wedge etc.
A large proportion of the voting public can see through all this and get tired/bored/exhausted with it all.
There is a slightly unpleasant strand of banning in censorship in society but it's hardly most present in the centre. Those keenest on locking up the likes of JSO and throwing away the key, or banning pro-Palestine marches are on the further reaches of the Tory right, while it's ultra-progressives and the far left who have tried to get women sacked/banned for their views on sex/gender.
What it's absolutely fine to do - and how could you do anything else - is to call certain views extreme, wrong and damaging, if that's what you believe and act accordingly. No one has the right for mainstream politicians to cater to them.
One can also see Reform and the likes of JSO or the radical end of BLM, or the 'anti-Zionist' section of the pro-Palestinian movement as related phenomena. Groups or a party that exploit disillusionment at governments not being able to easily solve problems that are perceived or real, and use that disillusionment to spread views that are extreme, even while latching on to broader sentiments that are not so.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a typewriter?
It's the longest word that can be written on the top line of your keyboard.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a type writer?
It's the longest word that can be written on the top line of your keyboard.
This is the most exciting thing I've discovered about keyboards since I learned to type '5318008' on my calculator.
I must say it's been a really disappointing election personally. Only 3 leaflets total so far.
I live in what was until the Tory collapse an extremely safe seat, so I harboured hopes that this time there might actually be some interest or effort from the local parties, but in fact there's been even less bother than usual, compared to elections when it was won with a 20k majority.
Sure, maybe they'll get around to this part of the seat at some point, but you'd think at least someone could have made an effort, but the incumbent has flooded other areas with material but only one posted piece here, and only 2 of the rest have even managed that much, and one of them is an Indy.
I'll be charitable and say that Simon Jenkins, in his effort to seem edgy and alternative, presenting a fresh perspective, has merely shown us that he is a nitwit."
Well as far as many are concerned peace is better than marching towards ww3.
And if someone says they love peace, that must mean they are a good person, it's not as though someone might think simply calling for it is not actually helpful to a longterm peace in all situations.
But I;m sure those people are just warmongers and armchair generals. Not like those good people who love peace.
On topic (and thanks for the great thread @TheGreenMachine), the decline of the UUP is a sight to behold.
You see that UUP, Tories? That’s your future that is…
There’s a fundamental difference, though. The Tories are declining because they are too extreme. The UUP are declining because they’re not extreme enough.
No, the Tories are declining as they are leaking massively to Farage and Reform voters Boris won in 2019 as well as to Labour as the UUP declined by leaking heavily to Paisley's DUP who in turn are now leaking to the even more extreme TUV.
However I think this election UUP may make a gain or 2, Robin Swann likely gains S Antrim from the DUP and they were very close in Fermanagh and S Tyrone with SF last time and the other Unionist parties have given them a free run. They will also likely squeeze the Alliance votes in both seats
Which two seats do you believe the UUP will squeeze Alliance?
S Antrim and Fermanagh and S Tyrone, the former to beat the DUP and the latter to beat SF
Alliance might be worth a score bet within Strangford.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
Sub for Gordon?
If Kane plays, I'd take him off for Watkins if England score the first goal - to see if it stops them retreating into their own half.
Kane doesn’t press, plays almost like a false 9 coming deep to play others in, Watkins game is hanging on the last man - when the change was made it was not a like for like for fresh legs, it instantly asked the Denmark defenders questions we hadn’t been asking.
I think it was another tournament game Southgate played Phillips as a pressing forward simply to press everything up top for 75 minutes - Kane would be better with energy like that around him, as he knows how to profit by finding space in the box.
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
I must say it's been a really disappointing election personally. Only 3 leaflets total so far.
I live in what was until the Tory collapse an extremely safe seat, so I harboured hopes that this time there might actually be some interest or effort from the local parties, but in fact there's been even less bother than usual, compared to elections when it was won with a 20k majority.
Sure, maybe they'll get around to this part of the seat at some point, but you'd think at least someone could have made an effort, but the incumbent has flooded other areas with material but only one posted piece here, and only 2 of the rest have even managed that much, and one of them is an Indy.
You've got 2 leaflets more than me.
In the local elections this ward is hotly contested between Lib Dems and Tory, with almost daily leafletting it seems. Kept having our Ring doorbell pick up the activity all through the locals.
But during the General Election you could probably miss the fact the election is on. One leaflet from Labour - delivered via Royal Mail - and that's it.
Had it not been for boundary changes I think this ward would be much more hotly contested this year. We were in a seat previously ~60% Tory (so now I suspect a marginal), while now in a seat ~60% Labour which makes it rather boring this year.
Pick your favourites, sadly not all would fit in a single post.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
Feel sorry for Modric. He really put his heart into that game. Probably his last for Croatia.
It would be rather nice to see England thrash Slovenia both for their own self respect and to throw Croatia a lifeline. (The fact my wife has picked Croatia in the work's draw has nothing to do with this I might add...honest)
It is quite plausible England win by 3 tomorrow. Let's see.
PBers teams for tomorrow?
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
I agree with all of that. And if Foden flops, Gallagher for Foden and Jude back to 10. I would have done that for the second game, having won the first, the second game is when Foden should have played 10 and Jude benched to save him from getting tired too soon in tournament. I would have benched Saka too and started Bowen.
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
I’m guessing that Cole Palmer is going to be this tournament’s Matt Le Tissier/Jimmy Bullard/etc.; that one fringe squad player that all the half-cut gobshites* think will transform England’s fortunes if only they were played.
Not at all putting you in this category btw; I was just wondering who was going to be England’s fringe messiah this time.
Palmers had an amazing season. He fizzes with determination and a natural finisher. But does he play the same position for Chelsea Foden plays at Man City? Because Jude plays that in this team.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
Keir really impressive there. Glad he was given time to expand on what he meant.
Yes. He makes the important point that it would look pretty shabby for a Labour PM elected partly on a pledge to bring down NHS waiting lists to then jump that queue and go private himself. He's also right about the fact that 'ordinary' people are now having to burn through their savings to get private operations for stuff that you'd have to wait too long for the NHS to deal with.
And of course, he's right on acute/life-threatening care - the private sector has little or no role in that; it's what the NHS does best.
My dad has paid for a new knee and a new hip in the last year and a bit. He could afford it (thanks to a superb police pension, and getting a great deal to retire at a high rank). It was the right thing to do. He’s 85, and hopefully has at least ten or more years left, and now he isn’t in pain. I would love it if that was available to all, free at the point etc, as quickly as Dad got his, but with an ageing population, and ever increasing demand, is that ever going to be possible? Let’s aspire to it, for sure.
Give the triple lock a few more years and more pensioners will be able to afford it.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
OT. Very surprised to see Simon Jenkin in the Guardian coming out in support of Farage's Ukraine comments.
I think he is wrong and his arguments are partial but mention it as the Guardian was the last place I expected to see any support for Farage.
Jenkins has been a nutty contrarian for some while now. The Guardian has a pretty laissez écrire attitude towards its opinion contributors. Most of them are slightly nuts (though not so often completely bonkers like their Telegraph counterparts).
Every professional writer I've encountered is utterly barking. Lead poisoning from the typewriter ribbon or something. Yes, writers still use typewriters; no, I'm not going to debate this.
What’s a type writer?
It's the longest word that can be written on the top line of your keyboard.
Pick your favourites, sadly not all would fit in a single post.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
Pick your favourites, sadly not all would fit in a single post.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
Pick your favourites, sadly not all would fit in a single post.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
"The term "tankie" was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out in defense of the Soviet use of tanks to suppress the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring, or who more broadly adhered to pro-Soviet positions."
Let me guess you cant be racist if you are black, so its absolutely fine to use these terms against people you disagree with politicially....or some such BS.
Let me guess you cant be racist if you are black, so its absolutely fine to use these terms against people you disagree with politicially....or some such BS.
Sounds like agent provocateur to me. EDIT maybe more likely, yet another Puntin-bot.
I'll be charitable and say that Simon Jenkins, in his effort to seem edgy and alternative, presenting a fresh perspective, has merely shown us that he is a nitwit."
The actual article that is triggering all these people isn't very interesting. It is basically there will eventually be a deal angle. I bet if you look there are loads of articles from left leaning people over the years saying wars are a waste of time, you need to find peace, do a deal...cough cough...Israel vs Hamas.
Jenkins is a bit like Corbyn, in that they have long held firm beliefs that don't necessarily change with the times so end up out of step on issues with fellow political travellers. This is the interesting thing at the moment, it seems increasingly true the idea that tell me what your take on x is, and i will tell your opinions about y, z, etc. And weirdly those who don't seem to fit that pattern are the ones that the tw@tterverse pile on first.
For all your sports fans, am now receiving live broadcast of a (professional? semi-pro?) jai-alai game in Miami, via my very humble broadcast TV setup. It just turned up on one of the more marginal (to put it mildly) channels.
Somewhat frightening. IIRC a big betting game among Cuban gourd-ball fans AND other discerning punters.
At first glance it looks like the US has simply caved over Assange and got nothing. I wouldn’t be too sure they Havn’t.
As the Russians might not be best pleased I’m not so sure if Assange will have any freedom in his life now, if he needs to “avoid windows” for the rest of it,
At first glance it looks like the US has simply caved over Assange and got nothing. I wouldn’t be too sure they Havn’t.
As the Russians might not be best pleased I’m not so sure if Assange will have any freedom in his life now, if he needs to “avoid windows” for the rest of it,
We will never know the true network of connections and where they lead.
Let me guess you cant be racist if you are black, so its absolutely fine to use these terms against people you disagree with politicially....or some such BS.
Sounds like agent provocateur to me. EDIT maybe more likely, yet another Puntin-bot.
No, very much a real person. Academic at a UK university and author.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
I think the Greens might win one of the Isle of Wight seats, maybe East where the well-known (locally) Vix Lowthion is the candidate. Sitting member Bob Seely is probably favourite to win West.
I think the Greens might win one of the Isle of Wight seats, maybe East where the well-known (locally) Vix Lowthion is the candidate. Sitting member Bob Seely is probably favourite to win West.
It's beginning to look as if the Greens might do better than expected, although I am still expecting them to fade. GetVoting.org say that Labour will win IoWE: do you have any on-the-ground knowledge?
Pick your favourites, sadly not all would fit in a single post.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
What about the "concern troll" tankie, who says it is cruel to give Ukraine false hope and a negotiated settlement must take place, without mentioning that the only negotiated settlement Russia wants is total surrender.
Random thought - if theres a big tory collapse this elecyion then a big labour collapse next election could we end up with a shock Lib Dem government in 2029 due to a massive vote split and coming through middle ?
Unlikely yes but can see it
Starmer is fence sitting and Lab will raise tax, could mean everything goes south fast !! Could piss off everyone by being bland “moderate”. Not sure he’s likeable he just looks good vs sunak !!
Cons might struggle to rebuild quick if they end up near third and vote stays split w reform
Anywhere you can bet on the election after this one ? Maybe something to do on 5 July !
Unfortunately he didn't do "Music for Chameleons" in his underpants so I will quietly decline, but if you like slebs telling you what to do, here he is.
Pick your favourites, sadly not all would fit in a single post.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
Tankie was the cognomen given to those that stayed in the CPGB after the CPGB/NCP split in 1968 - not to be confused with the CPGB/CPB(M-L) split in 1963.
It's used on here with intellectual dishonesty, or perhaps more likely dunderheaded ignorance, to refer to any person with a left wing perspective for whom the Centrist Dad posting has little regard.
Unfortunately he didn't do "Music for Chameleons" in his underpants so I will quietly decline, but if you like slebs telling you what to do, here he is.
Steve Coogan's characters are far more attractive and sympathetic people than Steve Coogan.
I think the Greens might win one of the Isle of Wight seats, maybe East where the well-known (locally) Vix Lowthion is the candidate. Sitting member Bob Seely is probably favourite to win West.
The IoW is a real mixed bag of a seat but behaves more like the SW of England than the SE. The Greens will appeal to well-off radical middle class but not much else.
I have bets on the Conservatives to retain both, but I'm now feeling rather less confident about it. Reform will do well in parts which could kill them.
I think the Greens might win one of the Isle of Wight seats, maybe East where the well-known (locally) Vix Lowthion is the candidate. Sitting member Bob Seely is probably favourite to win West.
The IoW is a real mixed bag of a seat but behaves more like the SW of England than the SE. The Greens will appeal to well-off radical middle class but not much else.
I have bets on the Conservatives to retain both, but I'm now feeling rather less confident about it. Reform will do well in parts which could kill them.
In IOWE I have a feeling that Reform could poll well. West will be a straight showdown between Labour and Tory.
Tankie was the cognomen given to those that stayed in the CPGB after the CPGB/NCP split in 1968 - not to be confused with the CPGB/CPB(M-L) split in 1963.
It's used on here with intellectual dishonesty, or perhaps more likely dunderheaded ignorance, to refer to any person with a left wing perspective for whom the Centrist Dad posting has little regard.
Nah, it's used on here to describe leftists who will ignore or excuse any sin committed by Russia, ideally by putting the blame on anyone but Russia.
Unfortunately he didn't do "Music for Chameleons" in his underpants so I will quietly decline, but if you like slebs telling you what to do, here he is.
Steve Coogan's characters are far more attractive and sympathetic people than Steve Coogan.
When it comes to slab endorsements in the words of Alan Partridge - ‘stop telling me what to do’
"Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families.""
I’m not talking to you. You’re part of the f- - - ing elite”, said a Reform-supporting cabbie who picked me up yesterday. In the Faragists’ desert of intolerance, grown-up debate has become a farce. Our justice system was founded on the premise that laws should protect us all, irrespective of our views or position. If freedom of thought is not similarly protected, democracy is a self-limiting disease with suicidal tendencies.
I’ll go Gomez at left back, Gordon at left wing and Foden in the hole. Bellingham to play as an eight. Drop Trent.
They lacked the quality and experience to get out of that tough group, but it’s a strong grounding for future performance. Disciplined, motivated and occasionally flashy.
Sounds like the frenchest law possible.
'extremism' just means whatever you want it to. Just Stop Oil ? I imagine not. Black Lives Matter? definetely not. The reform party? Extremism. A slippery slope. Thin end of the wedge etc.
A large proportion of the voting public can see through all this and get tired/bored/exhausted with it all.
And of course, he's right on acute/life-threatening care - the private sector has little or no role in that; it's what the NHS does best.
(I assume not but thought I’d check)
What about Palmer, two games no football. How and where do we get him game time?
But being actually abusive toward the customer would seem to be on another level entirely.
Probably because no politicians on the panel!
I do wonder how many of the pundit class who have secretly or not so secretly yearned for a more Faragian direction for the Tories are regretting how successful that might be this time around - I suppose it depends if the Tory rump that survives turns in a Reform like direction or rejects it.
I admit I'm only basing that on week-on-week, month-on-month evidence. So ymmv.
Not at all putting you in this category btw; I was just wondering who was going to be England’s fringe messiah this time.
If Kane plays, I'd take him off for Watkins if England score the first goal - to see if it stops them retreating into their own half.
It’s the same 2 points:
Most people we speak to are as concerned about the SNP as they are the Tories
Whether I’m remotely a threat to them or not, our campaign has spooked the shit out of the SNP. And we’ve just doubled again our spend on ads.
I have realistic expectations in this election. But all I can do is get our campaign into the best place I can so that if the exit poll reveals FUCK ME we at least have the prospect of a fun result.
"A black guy walks up to a guy at a bus stop and asks 'Has the 42 been?'"
"F*ck off you bl**k bastard!"
How... he... laughed.... Even on the fifth/sixth/tenth telling.
(Though I'd wish they'd got the quote slightly more right.)
Also - I learned on Sunday that Ernie Wise made the first mobile phone call in the UK.
I would love it if that was available to all, free at the point etc, as quickly as Dad got his, but with an ageing population, and ever increasing demand, is that ever going to be possible? Let’s aspire to it, for sure.
".... Urm....... Yes!"
It's not a crime to call a Coconut a Coconut. To help @metpoliceuk I make plain Coconut, Coon, House Negro and Uncle Tom with examples 🥥: @RishiSunak @SuellaBraverman @KemiBadenoch Kwasi Kwarteng @calvinrobinson @BenObeseJecty and more. Full vid at invidious.poast.org/rZkD-e-b6Iw
At that point, many days ago now, Rishi told us he was so flipping angry, the 110% necessary thing would have been to suspend candidates so if they won election, they couldn’t take Tory whip till all this was concluded. Despite being in eye of a scandal, are the Tories only party yet to suspend even one candidate? Labour suspended a candidate for saying something nice about Putin, which he claims he didn’t even do, as his account was hacked, but he was quickly suspended.
The fact Sunak has decided to tough this out without suspending anyone from party is not incompetence, it’s suspicious. He knows something and is protecting someone. Like he asked “you didn’t bet as well, *****” and she answered “whoops.”
Simon Jenkins
Yes, the Reform leader’s words were opportunistic. But at their root is a call for peace – and that should be on everyone’s minds"
Give Farage the military and he’ll be at war with the EU.
All very faint possibilities, but nothing can be ruled out in this best of all possible worlds.
This column should be the end for #SimonJenkins at The @Guardian. His frequently absurd outpourings have marred their op-ed pages for years; but being an apologist for Farage, and by implication for Putin, is way over the line for a progressive paper."
What it's absolutely fine to do - and how could you do anything else - is to call certain views extreme, wrong and damaging, if that's what you believe and act accordingly. No one has the right for mainstream politicians to cater to them.
One can also see Reform and the likes of JSO or the radical end of BLM, or the 'anti-Zionist' section of the pro-Palestinian movement as related phenomena. Groups or a party that exploit disillusionment at governments not being able to easily solve problems that are perceived or real, and use that disillusionment to spread views that are extreme, even while latching on to broader sentiments that are not so.
I live in what was until the Tory collapse an extremely safe seat, so I harboured hopes that this time there might actually be some interest or effort from the local parties, but in fact there's been even less bother than usual, compared to elections when it was won with a 20k majority.
Sure, maybe they'll get around to this part of the seat at some point, but you'd think at least someone could have made an effort, but the incumbent has flooded other areas with material but only one posted piece here, and only 2 of the rest have even managed that much, and one of them is an Indy.
I'll be charitable and say that Simon Jenkins, in his effort to seem edgy and alternative, presenting a fresh perspective, has merely shown us that he is a nitwit."
But I;m sure those people are just warmongers and armchair generals. Not like those good people who love peace.
Plus, what about Iraq?
I think it was another tournament game Southgate played Phillips as a pressing forward simply to press everything up top for 75 minutes - Kane would be better with energy like that around him, as he knows how to profit by finding space in the box.
In the local elections this ward is hotly contested between Lib Dems and Tory, with almost daily leafletting it seems. Kept having our Ring doorbell pick up the activity all through the locals.
But during the General Election you could probably miss the fact the election is on. One leaflet from Labour - delivered via Royal Mail - and that's it.
Had it not been for boundary changes I think this ward would be much more hotly contested this year. We were in a seat previously ~60% Tory (so now I suspect a marginal), while now in a seat ~60% Labour which makes it rather boring this year.
The Darth guide to different models of tankies.
- The “Basic” tankie. Russia has never invaded anyone ever. Russia become the world’s biggest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.
- The “Russia was provoked tankie”. NATO caused this war. It did this by being seen as a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is and then by actually being a better option to Russia’s neighbors than Russia is.
- The “no to war no to nato” tankie. Opposes all forms of western imperialism, such as countries freely joining NATO. Appeases all forms of Russian imperialism, such as cities being flattened as they join Russia.
- The “anti imperialist” tankie. In the name of anti imperialism, Russia must be given a veto over the foreign policy of its neighbors and control who their head of state is.
- The “short skirt tankie”. Ukraine deserves to be invaded cos it was warned about flirting with other countries.
- The “what about” tankie. Thinks US doing something is wrong except if Russia does it when it’s right.
- The “academic tankie”. Pretends it is explaining Russia but is actually excusing it. Is unaware it sounds a lot like Kissinger.
- The “traditional values” tankie. Likes Russia cos we represent traditional values like legalised wife beating & mass kidnap of children.
- The “Ukrainians are forced to fight” tankie. Thinks as soon as the west stops arming Ukraine they and Russians will link arms and live happily ever after.
- The “let’s respect Russia” tankie. Thinks we can respect Russia and make the problem go away. Doesn’t care that this means treating Russia’s neighbors with disrespect. Cannot square this circle. Wears flannel a lot.
- The “this will cause nuclear war” tankie. Thinks Russia is not killing civilians, attacking civilian infra and is really nice. Also thinks Russia will kill every living thing on the planet if provoked. Aka Schrödinger’s tankie.
- The “let’s negotiate” tankie. This deal, finally, is actually the one Russia will actually stick too. Hasn’t noticed that Russia said it won’t negotiate
- The “appeasement tankie”. History teaches us this always works. Used to think the idea of the war was a hoax.
- The “Irish” tankie. Looks at Ukraine. Sees its large, nuclear-armed eastern neighbor that has violent, imperialist, brutal history of conquest & cultural oppression against it & decides “No parallels here, those are the good guys in this".
- The “we mustn’t escalate” tankie. Thinks west arming Ukraine is bad. North Korea arming Russia is ok. Will one day wonder were China got the idea invading Taiwan would be consequence free.
- The “Russia is fighting all of NATO” tankie. NATO is amazing and the only reason hasn’t won. NATO is also shit cos it lost to goat herders on technicals in Afghanistan.
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1791802212596773336.html"the handforth parish council meeting but it's only the best parts"
"The term "tankie" was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically, it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out in defense of the Soviet use of tanks to suppress the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring, or who more broadly adhered to pro-Soviet positions."
Jenkins is a bit like Corbyn, in that they have long held firm beliefs that don't necessarily change with the times so end up out of step on issues with fellow political travellers. This is the interesting thing at the moment, it seems increasingly true the idea that tell me what your take on x is, and i will tell your opinions about y, z, etc. And weirdly those who don't seem to fit that pattern are the ones that the tw@tterverse pile on first.
Somewhat frightening. IIRC a big betting game among Cuban gourd-ball fans AND other discerning punters.
As the Russians might not be best pleased I’m not so sure if Assange will have any freedom in his life now, if he needs to “avoid windows” for the rest of it,
Doesn't antiwar mean opposing the country that - you know - does the invading?
Unlikely yes but can see it
Starmer is fence sitting and Lab will raise tax, could mean everything goes south fast !! Could piss off everyone by being bland “moderate”. Not sure he’s likeable he just looks good vs sunak !!
Cons might struggle to rebuild quick if they end up near third and vote stays split w reform
Anywhere you can bet on the election after this one ? Maybe something to do on 5 July !
Unfortunately he didn't do "Music for Chameleons" in his underpants so I will quietly decline, but if you like slebs telling you what to do, here he is.
It's used on here with intellectual dishonesty, or perhaps more likely dunderheaded ignorance, to refer to any person with a left wing perspective for whom the Centrist Dad posting has little regard.
I have bets on the Conservatives to retain both, but I'm now feeling rather less confident about it. Reform will do well in parts which could kill them.
Can you think of any PBer who fits that bill?