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For those with short memories… –



  • I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    Cyclefree said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Actually, Thankyou to @Heathener for making me look back over the last 3 months. What an incredible, magical experience. Three continents and maybe eight countries. An absolute privilege. I will never forget the spring and summer of 2022 - when I just kept travelling

    I recommend it to anyone. You need to do it alone, tho. And that can be tough at times

    I don't always with you - some of it is paranoid drunken crap. But your work trip these last few months has been fascinating to observe, so thanks for posting.

    And here is the lesson boys and girls. Not everything that looks like a holiday isn't work!
    Not gonna lie there have been several moments over the last months when I’ve just thought: ok fuck it I’m going home

    Yet I didn’t. And now that it’s coming to an end.. I don’t want to go home. Of course

    I honestly recommend it to anyone. Exhilarating. Travel like you are 19 on a gap year. You learn a lot about yourself. You also learn that - despite Covid, war, etc - it’s still pretty easy to travel around the world and wherever you go almost everyone is warm and welcoming. Which is, quite frankly, great
    One trip which I would like to have done - and would still do if I could - is to travel round the old Roman Eastern Empire. From Istanbul by train to Aleppo and Damascus, seeing Palmyra and other ancient sites (now impossible, alas), to Jordan and Libya - to see Leptis Magna - then Tunisia. Then to Iran and parts of Iraq and on the way home via Greece and Sicily and Southern Italy to explore in more depth the Greek and Roman history there.

    Some of it is still doable. But I regret not having visited Syria before it was destroyed.

    I have enjoyed your reports from the lesser known parts of Turkey, though. Thank you.
    Palmyra was wonderful. You used to be able to stay in a hotel in the middle of the ruined city and walk out into it at night. Just you and the stars and the Temple of Baal

    A great tragedy

  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    MattW said:

    Nigelb said:

    Anyone know how accurate this is ?
    Turkey found 694Mt of rare earths—that's 6x the size of all other global reserves and _15x_ the reserves of China, which currently dominates the market. Enough for >1,000 years at current demand. What happens now??

    It sounds more like "discovered estimated resources" than "reserves". For "reserves", it has to be extractible at a profit:

    A resource is that amount of a geologic commodity that exists in both discovered and undiscovered deposits—by definition, then, a “best guess.” Reserves are that subgroup of a resource that have been discovered, have a known size, and can be extracted at a profit.
    Given the current state of the Turkish Economy, I would have some...hmm reservations on this...
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    In the end, it may not be the Sunaks or the Javids who end this prime minister’s tenure. It is likely to be the Caroline Johnsons, the Jonathan Gullis, the Andrew Morrisons of the party. My read on how it all fell apart slowly - then very fast.
  • C*ntHorseBattery

    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    You're banned?

    That's funny, you seem to be here and posting freely.

    Leon has been banned many times over. Most bans are temporary, more like a sin bin than a full ban.
    I was banned for saying "c*nt" once, Leon said it last night and is still posting. Yet @MoonRabbit remains banned despite not doing anything.

    My point is valid, you might not like it but that's irrelevant.
    You're not banned. If you've been banned once then that's not much to write home about, so have I been, Leon has been banned about as many times as "this is the end surely" for Boris Johnson.

    This website is the personal website of Our Genial Host and OGH, Robert, TSE and the rest of the admins and regular contributors run a very good website that is well respected and it is their rules that have to be respected.

    If you don't like it, then nobody makes you go to their site, but if you do then you should show them some respect. If you're in a bad mood, then I'd recommend going for a walk, getting some fresh air, and taking a little break until things seem a bit cheerier - I know its difficult, but don't take it out on the admins here.
    No I am pissed off because MoonRabbit is banned and can't post despite the fact she hasn't done anything. And yet Leon swears and swears and is allowed to continue posting. I say cunt once and get banned.

    I am pointing out the hypocrisy.

    I can see you're wound up by this, maybe go for a walk and calm down.
    Moonrabbit isn't banned, check her profile:

    If she can't post, then she's having technical problems, its not a ban.

    To see what banned looks like, isam is banned. I don't agree with isam being banned, but its not my site, so I'm not going to argue:

    You continuing to use the c-word after being told not to isn't big or clever, especially at not even 9:30am let alone post-lagershed. You're not banned, if you got sin binned once then cool your heels and accept the rules as they are.
    Look mate why don't you learn to read.

    She can't post because her Role has been set to Applicant.

    You can only post if you have a ROLE as Member.
    Which quite probably might be a technical issue rather than deliberate.

    Have you tried emailling or messaging the moderators to ask why that is? Rather than repeatedly using the -c-word in a tantrum against them?

    Its certainly an issue though that Moonrabbit's email address is publicly visible and that definitely ought to be fixed. @PBModerator
    I already did tag them.

    This has been an issue for days.

    You were wrong, not that you can admit it because you never can. You just assumed I was wrong without even looking at what I had told you.
    She's not banned, there's an issue with her status, but we don't know why. It might not even be anything the moderators have done, it might be because she's changed her email address and hasn't clicked the link to confirm it.

    Simply swearing at the moderators calling them c**ts isn't a mature way to get it resolved.
    Have a good day Bart, talking to you about this is a waste of time when you won't admit you got it wrong
    I didn't get it wrong, she's not banned.

    Have you asked her if she's clicked the email confirmation? When you sign up you are an applicant until you click the email confirmation link. If she's changed email address then that's entirely possibly what's happened, get her to search her emails from one from PB - when I got it the subject was "Welcome Aboard!"

    If she's unable to post because she's not clicked the email confirmation, then I hope you'll feel a bit sheepish about calling the mods c**ts because of a ban that isn't a ban.

    PS Will Walden, Schools Minister and former Press Secretary to one Boris Johnson gone. 9/32
  • Scott_xP said:

    In the end, it may not be the Sunaks or the Javids who end this prime minister’s tenure. It is likely to be the Caroline Johnsons, the Jonathan Gullis, the Andrew Morrisons of the party. My read on how it all fell apart slowly - then very fast.

    It hasn't fallen apart yet though, that's the thing. We want it do - and I would love it to. But I remain unconvinced he will actually go.
  • OllyTOllyT Posts: 5,006
    HYUFD said:

    OllyT said:

    Heathener said:

    Scott_xP said:


    The Pm fights on, after two bombshell resignations.

    No10 sources say Sajid Javid warned the PM he would quit but Rishi Sunak didn’t

    And that the PM feels “liberated” to go for growth - as well tax cuts - with a chancellor “who is an entrepreneur not a banker”.

    Unless the '22 get their act together we are so screwed

    Yep. Boris is about to apply the same approach to his personal spending to the British economy. The Daily Express may love it but Boris is someone who is on the verge of bankruptcy and who borrows from one credit card to 'pay off' another.

    He won't care as long as it keeps him in office for a bit longer.
    There is a very real danger that Johnson does irreparable damage to the nation's finances in the cause of his own self-preservation and then buggers off to America or somewhere when it is over leaving us to pick up the pieces. He is surely going to go down as the worst PM in modern history by a country mile.

    With the exception of HUFYD every Tory leaning poster on PB has turned against Johnson yet the Cabinet and huge sections of the membership still don't get it. It is genuinely baffling. I kinda see why why the cabinet stick with him because most of them are no-marks who would never be seen again without Johnson's patronage but are the membership really that dim and out of touch? (Perhaps I have just answered my own question)
    The membership want hard Brexit and tax cuts, if Boris and Zahawi deliver they may well get behind him again
    The only hope for this country is that the MPs don't give the membership any opportunity to choose a loony because given the chance they will grab it. elect
  • El_CapitanoEl_Capitano Posts: 4,238
    Robin Walker resigns as a DfE minister.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    Absolute Blue on blue carnage on R5L.
    Remainer coup Vs lying charlatan.
    Happy days.
  • turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,834


    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    Just seen Zahawi interviewed. He's so awful. Abysmal.
  • C*ntHorseBattery

    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    You're wrong on this one tubbs
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    This is the second Department for Education minister to resign this morning.....
  • Penddu2Penddu2 Posts: 680
    Leon said:

    Heathener said:

    Foxy said:

    Leon said:

    The Flintstones as

    It’s weird how DALL-E hasn’t *quite* mastered eyes and noses - yet. I suspect this is a lagging glitch from its former constraint - don’t use faces

    Not another day of this drivel please.

    Is there really nothing better to do in Montenegro than spam a political website with this stuff?
    Dwelling abroad in wonderful locations and spending all the time sitting on a (minor) UK political forum ... it's really sad.

    There is an alternative which is to immerse yourself in local culture. Get to know the people properly, try to speak their language, learn about their history and passions. It takes time and effort but is ultimately a much deeper experience and also gives you a much less superficial understanding of the world.

    Even as a tourist it's possible to immerse yourself in places, which many people do when they go on holiday.
    On this one trip I’ve been to Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana - driving from Nashville to New Orleans. I then went straight to Turkey via Germany and worked in Kusadasi, then I got a boat to Samos and then a couple of days later flew to Athens. Then I went on a long busy journey to Preveza and picked up a car

    From there I spent a week driving around Epirus and Meteora

    After that I bussed back to Athens, where I flew to Tbilisi Georgia. I spent two weeks in Georgia visiting Stalinist museums and 12th century monasteries, then I flew to Armenia, got another car, drove all over Armenia from Yerevan to Areni to Lake Sevan to Dilijan

    Then I flew back to Tbilisi, spent a few nights there, and finally flew to Montenegro via Istanbul. I’m now in the royal capital of Cetinje and from
    here I go to Lake Skadar

    I’ve been drunk with Yanks in Tupelo, Greeks in Parga, Russians in Gnishik, and Megrelians in Mrshketa. I’ve seen 1500 year old Ossetian churches and 90 year old New Orleans trannies and 1 week old Montegrin liquors and 10,000 year old carved megaliths and myself in the mirror looking about 390 years old after three months of nonstop travel and “immersion”

    I am now having some downtime. I’m sorry you are stuck in a semi in Surrey
    I lived in Preveza for 3 years - boring place - but some interesting places nearby. But I did spend many weekends in Parga - very picturesque. Did you see the 'Wild Women of Zolanga' ?
  • El_CapitanoEl_Capitano Posts: 4,238
    Meanwhile here's the Oxford Mail's lead story this morning:

    "Banbury man caught with sheep pornography gets suspended sentence"
  • SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,312
    Nigelb said:

    Anyone know how accurate this is ?
    Turkey found 694Mt of rare earths—that's 6x the size of all other global reserves and _15x_ the reserves of China, which currently dominates the market. Enough for >1,000 years at current demand. What happens now??

    What happens now? China invades or US invades, I guess. I would say Russia, but they're kinda busy at the moment.
  • OnlyLivingBoyOnlyLivingBoy Posts: 15,538

    Guardian Live blog pointing out one of the resigners said "enough is enough"... Could Rayner's repeated use of the phrase at PMQs have cut through with Tory MPs?
  • bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 10,051


    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    The hate-filled, abusive post using the c-word from last night:
  • Scott_xP said:

    This is the second Department for Education minister to resign this morning.....

  • OnlyLivingBoyOnlyLivingBoy Posts: 15,538
    dixiedean said:

    Absolute Blue on blue carnage on R5L.
    Remainer coup Vs lying charlatan.
    Happy days.

  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139

    And people like @MoonRabbit are banned for doing nothing. This forum is ridiculous at times

    I emailed @MoonRabbit asking her if she wanted to be unbanned, and she did not respond.
  • I am sure the mods will be along to ban Leon, not that it matters because he'll just rejoin anyway.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    Every resigning Minister is Good Riddance.
    The Tory Party has a deep problem. The Boris loyalist backwoodsmen and women are convinced this is a plot to overturn Brexit.
  • C*ntHorseBattery

    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    The hate-filled, abusive post using the c-word from last night:
    Self-censored, post-lagershed and it wasn't flagged by anyone. The mods don't read every post either.
  • rcs1000 said:

    And people like @MoonRabbit are banned for doing nothing. This forum is ridiculous at times

    I emailed @MoonRabbit asking her if she wanted to be unbanned, and she did not respond.
    She has told me she does.

    And Bart was wrong again, I am shocked. And the rest of the muppets that didn't read what I actually wrote.
  • SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 7,059
    edited July 2022
    Scott_xP said:

    Sorry - has everyone forgotten that only last night the PM apologised for appointing Chris Pincher, having spent days denying first any knowledge and then any responsibility? Seems like it from the bulk of this morning’s interviews with the chancellor.

    Can’t quite shrug the feeling that some reporting has “moved on” - from the very reason the Chancellor and the Health Secretary tended their resignations??

    My overwhelming feeling with the Zahawi media round was it felt like Admiral Doenitz going on Radio Berlin in May 1945 to talk about his big plans, as new Fuhrer, for reform of corporation tax and agricultural subsidies.

    It doesn't really matter what your plans are, mate, they aren't going to happen as you're a placeholder.

    It was all a bit surreal that it was even given the time of day.
  • From Moon to me.

    I am banned too, and very upset about it. 😢

    I can’t believe I was ever as vicious and cruel to people as some horrible exchanges I am reading this week, whilst they are free to post and ask questions and I am not.

    How did you come back, to carry on the good fight of talking sense into people? We’re you told it’s just a cooling off period? What’s the magic words to say to get to come back?

    I can log in and read and like posts. But it doesn’t let me ask any questions or comment on discussion. 😕 it’s been like this for weeks now.
  • Please can you sort this @rcs1000 thank you
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    eek said:

    If you want to be able to post here, you need to have a Role on your profile as Member.

    MoonRabbit's is set to Applicant, i.e. what you get before your profile is verified, meaning you can't post, you can only view.

    It is not an issue on her end, doesn't help that a bunch of smart arses here think they know better.

    @PBModerator please can you resolve so we can have her back.

    or at least fix the fact you can see her email address..
    If you go into edit profile, there's a box you can tick if you want people to see your email address.

    Mine isn't ticked, but if I go into my own profile I can see my own email at the top, just like Moonrabbit's looks. Can someone else take a look and check if it's visible to you?
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    If any Con MP was seriously considering crossing the floor, today's PMQs seems like the moment to do it for maximum impact.
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    edited July 2022

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266

    dixiedean said:

    Absolute Blue on blue carnage on R5L.
    Remainer coup Vs lying charlatan.
    Happy days.

    Just to add. These are exclusively Tory Party officials not the general public. Absolutely laying into Roger Gale with vitriol.
  • rcs1000 said:

    And people like @MoonRabbit are banned for doing nothing. This forum is ridiculous at times

    I emailed @MoonRabbit asking her if she wanted to be unbanned, and she did not respond.
    Well there we go.

    Responding to moderators emails is sine quo non of the rules. Its been in every edition of your rules, hasn't it RCS?
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,729

    Roger said:

    The slippery eel Zahawi is on Radio 4 in five minutes. That should be a keeper!

    'The good news is I got a promotion...."

    Is he going to confirm that he supports his government's policy which would have had him deported to Rwanda for life?
    NR lined himself up for that question but pulled out

    'Mr Zahawi. I know you can remember your father being torn away from you by the secret police in Iran and you arriving in this country not speaking a word of English and now you're Chancellor of the Exchequer. Can you believe it?'

    'I have to pinch myself. Never a day goes by when I don't think how lucky I am.....'

    ...and there it ends. I can only think the BBC have declared the subject verboten
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    edited July 2022
    Anyway, the disastrous Conservative car crash continues.

    They have to stop this and fast. The more this goes on, the more likely a Labour victory becomes and the longer the wilderness years will be. Remember this.
  • rcs1000 said:

    And people like @MoonRabbit are banned for doing nothing. This forum is ridiculous at times

    I emailed @MoonRabbit asking her if she wanted to be unbanned, and she did not respond.
    Well there we go.

    Responding to moderators emails is sine quo non of the rules. Its been in every edition of your rules, hasn't it RCS?
    ROFL, you got it completely wrong and yet again no ability to own up to it. Sod off
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139

    Please can you sort this @rcs1000 thank you

    I've just emailed her, and assuming I get a response, she will be unbanned.
  • Perhaps the mods have the wrong email, Moon has told me by PM she is desperate to come back.
  • Scott_xP said:

    If any Con MP was seriously considering crossing the floor, today's PMQs seems like the moment to do it for maximum impact.

    Firstly, I think it's the worst possible time to do it for maximum impact as it'll be drowned out by the bigger story.

    Secondly, it would tend to unite any remaining waverers behind Johnson rather than the reverse.

    Thirdly, it's a really strange time to defect when there is an okay chance you may get a PM who is more palatable to you within days or weeks.
  • bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 10,051


    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    The hate-filled, abusive post using the c-word from last night:
    Self-censored, post-lagershed and it wasn't flagged by anyone. The mods don't read every post either.
    I can see options to flag posts as spam or off-topic. Can you let me know how you flag a post as abusive? Thanks.
  • BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 21,396
    edited July 2022

    rcs1000 said:

    And people like @MoonRabbit are banned for doing nothing. This forum is ridiculous at times

    I emailed @MoonRabbit asking her if she wanted to be unbanned, and she did not respond.
    Well there we go.

    Responding to moderators emails is sine quo non of the rules. Its been in every edition of your rules, hasn't it RCS?
    ROFL, you got it completely wrong and yet again no ability to own up to it. Sod off
    I didn't get it wrong, she's not flagged as banned.

    Her status is pending email confirmation, as I suspected, it is up to her now to respond to RCS. If she's not done so, that's her responsibility - and if she's signed up using a fake email address, then that's her issue not Roberts.

    You could have privately messaged RCS about this to get this resolved privately instead of starting a foul mouthed campaign of abuse.
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    dixiedean said:

    dixiedean said:

    Absolute Blue on blue carnage on R5L.
    Remainer coup Vs lying charlatan.
    Happy days.

    Just to add. These are exclusively Tory Party officials not the general public. Absolutely laying into Roger Gale with vitriol.
    I don't think Michael Heseltine has helped matters at all. To state that if Boris goes Brexit goes is staggeringly unhelpful as well as wrong. Red rag to the right.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337

    ✍️ "The end of Boris Johnson's time as premier is not a disaster for the Conservative movement. It is a big opportunity, and it must be grabbed with both hands" | Writes @Nigel_Farage
  • "She wasn't banned"

    "It was just a technical issue"

    "Perhaps her Internet is faulty"

    I am sure I will get an apology for all the people that said I was wrong. If we'd taken their advice Moon would still be in trouble.
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077


    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    The hate-filled, abusive post using the c-word from last night:
    Self-censored, post-lagershed and it wasn't flagged by anyone. The mods don't read every post either.
    I can see options to flag posts as spam or off-topic. Can you let me know how you flag a post as abusive? Thanks.
    Yes I agree, it would be really useful. We can only flag 'off topic' or 'spam' but what about messages that are just rude, vitriolic and / or abusive?
  • ApplicantApplicant Posts: 3,379

    Heathener said:

    Carnyx said:

    Has nobody complimented Cyclefree on her header?

    No, I think most of us thought it was a bit out of place today tbh.
    No, I liked the header and if you think about the most recent holes Boris has been in, the header is to the point. But it is tiresome if people just write "nice header" so I don't. Perhaps there should be a like button on headers as there is on btl posts. @rcs1000 is this possible?
    "Off topic" complaints rather miss the point of the header, which is surely that the problems in the political system run much deeper than just Boris.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    "No other leader in the world could have done better." It's the media's fault for talking about things the public aren't interested in.
    Resembling cult members now. The similarities with Corbynites are stunning. It is all Brexit.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    My statement on why I’ve lost confidence in the Prime Minister 👇
  • C*ntHorseBattery

    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    The hate-filled, abusive post using the c-word from last night:
    Self-censored, post-lagershed and it wasn't flagged by anyone. The mods don't read every post either.
    I can see options to flag posts as spam or off-topic. Can you let me know how you flag a post as abusive? Thanks.
    When I need to, I use the spam tag. Its a catch-all for any abusive post that needs reporting, but don't abuse the button as it emails the moderators.
  • Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    Leon was horrible to me when I was going through a crisis.
  • LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 17,337
    IanB2 said:

    eek said:

    If you want to be able to post here, you need to have a Role on your profile as Member.

    MoonRabbit's is set to Applicant, i.e. what you get before your profile is verified, meaning you can't post, you can only view.

    It is not an issue on her end, doesn't help that a bunch of smart arses here think they know better.

    @PBModerator please can you resolve so we can have her back.

    or at least fix the fact you can see her email address..
    If you go into edit profile, there's a box you can tick if you want people to see your email address.

    Mine isn't ticked, but if I go into my own profile I can see my own email at the top, just like Moonrabbit's looks. Can someone else take a look and check if it's visible to you?
    I can't see your email.
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077

    Scott_xP said:

    If any Con MP was seriously considering crossing the floor, today's PMQs seems like the moment to do it for maximum impact.

    Firstly, I think it's the worst possible time to do it for maximum impact as it'll be drowned out by the bigger story.

    Secondly, it would tend to unite any remaining waverers behind Johnson rather than the reverse.

    Thirdly, it's a really strange time to defect when there is an okay chance you may get a PM who is more palatable to you within days or weeks.
    Yeah definitely not the right time to cross the floor. Nothing unites the tory benches as much as that or a general VONC.

    The Conservative Party in parliament need to sort this out and fast and they should be left alone to do it.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139


    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    You're banned?

    That's funny, you seem to be here and posting freely.

    Leon has been banned many times over. Most bans are temporary, more like a sin bin than a full ban.
    I was banned for saying "c*nt" once, Leon said it last night and is still posting. Yet @MoonRabbit remains banned despite not doing anything.

    My point is valid, you might not like it but that's irrelevant.
    You're not banned. If you've been banned once then that's not much to write home about, so have I been, Leon has been banned about as many times as "this is the end surely" for Boris Johnson.

    This website is the personal website of Our Genial Host and OGH, Robert, TSE and the rest of the admins and regular contributors run a very good website that is well respected and it is their rules that have to be respected.

    If you don't like it, then nobody makes you go to their site, but if you do then you should show them some respect. If you're in a bad mood, then I'd recommend going for a walk, getting some fresh air, and taking a little break until things seem a bit cheerier - I know its difficult, but don't take it out on the admins here.
    No I am pissed off because MoonRabbit is banned and can't post despite the fact she hasn't done anything. And yet Leon swears and swears and is allowed to continue posting. I say cunt once and get banned.

    I am pointing out the hypocrisy.

    I can see you're wound up by this, maybe go for a walk and calm down.
    Moonrabbit isn't banned, check her profile:

    If she can't post, then she's having technical problems, its not a ban.

    To see what banned looks like, isam is banned. I don't agree with isam being banned, but its not my site, so I'm not going to argue:

    You continuing to use the c-word after being told not to isn't big or clever, especially at not even 9:30am let alone post-lagershed. You're not banned, if you got sin binned once then cool your heels and accept the rules as they are.
    For what it's worth, I'm not a big fan of @isam being banned, but it's not my site either.
  • OllyTOllyT Posts: 5,006
    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139

    rcs1000 said:

    And people like @MoonRabbit are banned for doing nothing. This forum is ridiculous at times

    I emailed @MoonRabbit asking her if she wanted to be unbanned, and she did not respond.
    Well there we go.

    Responding to moderators emails is sine quo non of the rules. Its been in every edition of your rules, hasn't it RCS?
    It is indeed.

    In 99.9% of occasions, acknowledgement of the offense by email, and posting rights will be instantly restored.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    OllyT said:

    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?

    Cog on top right, edit profile, allow others to view my email.
  • The fact of the matter is that MoonRabbit WAS banned despite posters insisting she was not. I still am not clear what she did.
  • bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 10,051
    OllyT said:

    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?

    Go to your profile, presumably In the top right, there is an edit profile option. Go to that, there is then a tickbox to show or hot show your email to other members.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139
    @CorrectHorseBattery - I initially emailed @MoonRabbit on 1 July offering to unban her. I have since reached out again.

    It's a bit off that she ignores me, but complains to you.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,575

    Robin Walker resigns as a DfE minister.

    Assuming that these people voted confidence in Boris whilst he was giving them a job, we must surely be at the point where Boris would now lose a further VONC.

    The "nothing to see here, move along" air of attempted normality does seem quietly comical. You're out, Boris. Accept it, with a smidgeon of dignity. Or cling on like Trump - and be laughed at by history. They are the two options.
  • SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,312
    OllyT said:

    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?

    Edit profile (top right on VF on desktop at least). Check box under your email address (which should not be ticked if wanting to hide)
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,143
    Foxy said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Good morning, everyone.

    Just remarkable the cowardice and lack of judgement from almost all the Cabinet (a pass might be given to Wallace).

    This Wallace?

    ‘Defence Secretary Ben Wallace confirms 10,000 troop cut to the size of the British Army’

    How old is that? The Sea Kings are long gone since 2018 with only two in private hands at Portland for Marineflieger training.
    The carriers look the wrong way round too.
    IIRC we have 45 F35b, no
    Nigelb said:

    Nigelb said:

    Anyone know how accurate this is ?
    Turkey found 694Mt of rare earths—that's 6x the size of all other global reserves and _15x_ the reserves of China, which currently dominates the market. Enough for >1,000 years at current demand. What happens now??

    I'd treat it with a healthy dose of scepticism. It appears to be a press release from a government agency, and Turley is in need of good financial news atm. And then there's the fact that most 'rare earths' are not actually rare: the problem is in the difficulty in extraction.

    I have no doubt that they have discovered massive deposits of rare earths. There's a long, long way from that to extracting them in meaningful quantities, and even further to profit.
    With rare earths there are several important things to remember -

    1) Rare Earths aren’t rare
    2) Rate Earths aren’t earths
    3) Lithium isn’t a Rare Earth
    4) “Reserves” is a number that is often bullshit. Check the definition - is it a Proven Reserve? Proven by whom?
    5) what is the ppm?
    6) what form is the ore? Some materials in the ore can cause extreme problems
    7) very often Rare Earths are extracted a byproduct of mining for something in by else. What is it, in this case?

    I have some Rare Earth deposits for sale, comes with a handy bridge (one careful owner)…

    Yes, I'm aware of that, but the implication of the release is that the reserves are economic. That point was what I was curious about.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. 1000, could your e-mail be getting filtered to spam/junk?

    In the past, this once happened to me when someone I spoke with regularly replied directly to an e-mail I had sent her...
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    BRUTAL interview by Johnson loyalist Murrison: "He needs to go now. He can't be dragged out of No 10. We're not a banana republic. We don't have people clinging on to power when they've lost all support in their party and the country."

    Also a warning to leadership hopefuls! ~AA
  • rcs1000 said:

    @CorrectHorseBattery - I initially emailed @MoonRabbit on 1 July offering to unban her. I have since reached out again.

    It's a bit off that she ignores me, but complains to you.

    It's a bit off that some posters insisted she wasn't banned
  • bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 10,051

    Robin Walker resigns as a DfE minister.

    Assuming that these people voted confidence in Boris whilst he was giving them a job, we must surely be at the point where Boris would now lose a further VONC.

    The "nothing to see here, move along" air of attempted normality does seem quietly comical. You're out, Boris. Accept it, with a smidgeon of dignity. Or cling on like Trump - and be laughed at by history. They are the two options.
    I like to imagine there is a different between Johnson and Trump, that Boris is, for all his many faults, not actually as bad as the Donald. Maybe I am naïve in that respect?
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899


    Have you been drinking? Calm down. :D
    No just making a point, Leon swears and uses the c word and is allowed to stay and even rejoin under new accounts but I say it once and get banned.
    I do not believe he does use the c word.
    The hate-filled, abusive post using the c-word from last night:
    I used an asterisk. And this is after two weeks of you consistently insinuating - or outright saying - that I am a “racist on the far right”

    If you do that, people will eventually return fire
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077

    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    Leon was horrible to me when I was going through a crisis.
    And me. And many others.


    I'm just saying that it comes from his own dark place. Doesn't excuse it.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,503
    Mr. Gezou, we will find out shortly.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266

    Robin Walker resigns as a DfE minister.

    Assuming that these people voted confidence in Boris whilst he was giving them a job, we must surely be at the point where Boris would now lose a further VONC.

    The "nothing to see here, move along" air of attempted normality does seem quietly comical. You're out, Boris. Accept it, with a smidgeon of dignity. Or cling on like Trump - and be laughed at by history. They are the two options.
    I'm not entirely sure we can make that assumption about their vote.
  • Heathener said:

    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    Leon was horrible to me when I was going through a crisis.
    And me. And many others.


    I'm just saying that it comes from his own dark place. Doesn't excuse it.
    Hope you are staying well @Heathener
  • OllyTOllyT Posts: 5,006
    edited July 2022

    OllyT said:

    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?

    Go to your profile, presumably In the top right, there is an edit profile option. Go to that, there is then a tickbox to show or hot show your email to other members.
    Thanks to you and Selebian - I had no idea my email address was being displayed.

    I have ticked the lower box but when I click on my avatar it still displays my email address. What am I doing wrong?
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,475
    edited July 2022
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139

    Mr. 1000, could your e-mail be getting filtered to spam/junk?

    In the past, this once happened to me when someone I spoke with regularly replied directly to an e-mail I had sent her...

    Fair point. For the record, one of the very few things that annoy me is when I can't reach out to a poster off-site. If people have committed small offenses, they are much better cleared up away from public glare.

    I don't feel particularly comfortable about releasing someone I can't contact.
  • eekeek Posts: 27,352
    OllyT said:

    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?

    It's an option in settings Click and deselect "Allow other members to see your email?"
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    NEW: Two sources tell me Lee Anderson is about to put a statement out against Boris Johnson

    Would be a significant Red Wall loyalist to turn against the PM
  • Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 27,525

    Leon said:

    The Flintstones as real people

    It’s weird how DALL-E hasn’t *quite* mastered eyes and noses - yet. I suspect this is a lagging glitch from its former constraint - don’t use faces

    Hair colours totally wrong for Betty and Barny. Fail.
    The actual Flintstone's content there is very low. Outfits, jewellery, hairstyles on the ladies are totally different. I'm not 'knocking' the technology; it's interesting. But I think I'm missing something. It just runs through hundreds of thousands of stock images on a database and finesses them into a single image using the command - is that right? That's impressive but not an unexpected or radical development surely?
  • LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 17,337

    Robin Walker resigns as a DfE minister.

    Assuming that these people voted confidence in Boris whilst he was giving them a job, we must surely be at the point where Boris would now lose a further VONC.

    The "nothing to see here, move along" air of attempted normality does seem quietly comical. You're out, Boris. Accept it, with a smidgeon of dignity. Or cling on like Trump - and be laughed at by history. They are the two options.
    I like to imagine there is a different between Johnson and Trump, that Boris is, for all his many faults, not actually as bad as the Donald. Maybe I am naïve in that respect?
    I can believe that Boris Johnson will stoop to many depths, but I do not think he is likely to call a rally of his supporters and ask them to march on Parliament to stop the Remainers from ousting him.

    So I believe that at least one clear difference is a reluctance to use physical violence to attempt to retain power.
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    edited July 2022

    Heathener said:

    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    Leon was horrible to me when I was going through a crisis.
    And me. And many others.


    I'm just saying that it comes from his own dark place. Doesn't excuse it.
    Hope you are staying well @Heathener
    Thanks. I am okay. Have picked up but I am still very cautious about coming on here and generally avoid it completely later in the day as I find it too aggressive and abusive, especially when Leon has hit the bottle.

    It has been a tough time for so many of us, hasn't it? I was thinking about how crazy the world has been for the past 3 years and whether it will ever return to how it was. I doubt it.

    I'm about to move house and am sharpening my mind to do something truly alternative and off-grid. It will be much more true to me.

    And thank you for all your support @CorrectHorseBattery xx
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    edited July 2022
    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    lol. I suppose you saying - without any personal evidence and without ever having met me - that I have “deep dark mental health issues” and that I am “lonely sad and insecure” and that I am a “thoroughly nasty shit” is you being *nice*?

    The Left in a nutshell. Here’s a picture of you by DALL-E 2, you tragic chair-bound old witch

  • noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 22,055

    Robin Walker resigns as a DfE minister.

    Assuming that these people voted confidence in Boris whilst he was giving them a job, we must surely be at the point where Boris would now lose a further VONC.

    The "nothing to see here, move along" air of attempted normality does seem quietly comical. You're out, Boris. Accept it, with a smidgeon of dignity. Or cling on like Trump - and be laughed at by history. They are the two options.
    I like to imagine there is a different between Johnson and Trump, that Boris is, for all his many faults, not actually as bad as the Donald. Maybe I am naïve in that respect?
    I can believe that Boris Johnson will stoop to many depths, but I do not think he is likely to call a rally of his supporters and ask them to march on Parliament to stop the Remainers from ousting him.

    So I believe that at least one clear difference is a reluctance to use physical violence to attempt to retain power.
    Yes I doubt he would consider that Raab deserved it if some aggressive Bluekips were searching him out for an execution.....
  • carnforthcarnforth Posts: 4,200
    Selebian said:

    OllyT said:

    How do you stop your email address being publicly on show?

    Edit profile (top right on VF on desktop at least). Check box under your email address (which should not be ticked if wanting to hide)
    OllyT’s profile is set to private anyway, so the option’s setting is irrelevant.
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,475
    That cunning plan to woo Scottish voters in full.

    I wonder if anyone can think of another recent political event that it's pretty obvious that Putin would back, and in fact is now also backed by SKS and co?
  • bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,571
    The Emperor is Naked
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163

    Scott_xP said:

    Sorry - has everyone forgotten that only last night the PM apologised for appointing Chris Pincher, having spent days denying first any knowledge and then any responsibility? Seems like it from the bulk of this morning’s interviews with the chancellor.

    Can’t quite shrug the feeling that some reporting has “moved on” - from the very reason the Chancellor and the Health Secretary tended their resignations??

    My overwhelming feeling with the Zahawi media round was it felt like Admiral Doenitz going on Radio Berlin in May 1945 to talk about his big plans, as new Fuhrer, for reform of corporation tax and agricultural subsidies.

    It doesn't really matter what your plans are, mate, they aren't going to happen as you're a placeholder.

    It was all a bit surreal that it was even given the time of day.
    Clive James once described Doenitz's post-Hitler ascendency as "... exercising supreme executive power over a shambles ... " which works for Boris's everyday experience ;)
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899

    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    Leon was horrible to me when I was going through a crisis.

    I very much doubt that. I am careful not to be mean to people who are clearly in a bad place

    I am generally only mean to people who do it to me first. As here with @heathener today
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337

    That cunning plan to woo Scottish voters in full.

    Is it as cunning as this?

    Amazing. Alyn Smith just said the quiet part out loud. The SNP doesn’t want a general election. It “enjoys” Tory Government at Westminster, and wants it to continue.

    Not sure ‘keep the Tories in government’ is quite the campaign slogan the SNP is looking for!
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    edited July 2022
    Leon said:

    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    lol. I suppose you saying - without any personal evidence and without ever having met me - that I have “deep dark mental health issues” and that I am “lonely sad and insecure” is you being *nice*?

    Leon you shared with me on here that you went to the edge of suicide when you split up with your (much younger) girlfriend last year. That's a truly awful place to be and I am very sorry you have been there.

    It was heartfelt and deep and showed a much better and more vulnerable side of you than your default aggression.

    I am genuinely sorry that you stared into that abyss. It doesn't however excuse the vitriol you constantly throw out at people on here, even when they are being polite to you.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139

    rcs1000 said:

    @CorrectHorseBattery - I initially emailed @MoonRabbit on 1 July offering to unban her. I have since reached out again.

    It's a bit off that she ignores me, but complains to you.

    It's a bit off that some posters insisted she wasn't banned
    There's a lot of soft moderation that goes on. The posters on here don't get to see my personal email messages.

    Broadly speaking there are four levels of PB access:

    (1) admin - who can post what they like and never get trapped in the spam or abuse filter
    (2) member - can post, but will occasionally trigger vanilla thinking they are posting spam
    (3) applicant - a soft ban, usually requiring only an email response to clear up
    (4) actual ban - which can be revoked, but only manually

    And no, I'm not upgrading you to admin status.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    IanB2 said:

    eek said:

    If you want to be able to post here, you need to have a Role on your profile as Member.

    MoonRabbit's is set to Applicant, i.e. what you get before your profile is verified, meaning you can't post, you can only view.

    It is not an issue on her end, doesn't help that a bunch of smart arses here think they know better.

    @PBModerator please can you resolve so we can have her back.

    or at least fix the fact you can see her email address..
    If you go into edit profile, there's a box you can tick if you want people to see your email address.

    Mine isn't ticked, but if I go into my own profile I can see my own email at the top, just like Moonrabbit's looks. Can someone else take a look and check if it's visible to you?
    I can't see your email.
    Thanks. So we can each see our own, but they're only visible if we actively tick that box. As Moonrabbit must have done.
  • rcs1000 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    @CorrectHorseBattery - I initially emailed @MoonRabbit on 1 July offering to unban her. I have since reached out again.

    It's a bit off that she ignores me, but complains to you.

    It's a bit off that some posters insisted she wasn't banned
    There's a lot of soft moderation that goes on. The posters on here don't get to see my personal email messages.

    Broadly speaking there are four levels of PB access:

    (1) admin - who can post what they like and never get trapped in the spam or abuse filter
    (2) member - can post, but will occasionally trigger vanilla thinking they are posting spam
    (3) applicant - a soft ban, usually requiring only an email response to clear up
    (4) actual ban - which can be revoked, but only manually

    And no, I'm not upgrading you to admin status.
    The last thing I would want to be is an Admin here.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    Ashfield Tory MP Lee Anderson withdraws his support for the PM in a statement on Facebook
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    Scott_xP said:
    He must feel scorned. The only "Brittania Unchained" blowhard not in a senior post.
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,293

    rcs1000 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    @CorrectHorseBattery - I initially emailed @MoonRabbit on 1 July offering to unban her. I have since reached out again.

    It's a bit off that she ignores me, but complains to you.

    It's a bit off that some posters insisted she wasn't banned
    There's a lot of soft moderation that goes on. The posters on here don't get to see my personal email messages.

    Broadly speaking there are four levels of PB access:

    (1) admin - who can post what they like and never get trapped in the spam or abuse filter
    (2) member - can post, but will occasionally trigger vanilla thinking they are posting spam
    (3) applicant - a soft ban, usually requiring only an email response to clear up
    (4) actual ban - which can be revoked, but only manually

    And no, I'm not upgrading you to admin status.
    The last thing I would want to be is an Admin here.
    I think what you mean to say is: "I think that might be a bit much for me. But thanks to all the mods for all their hard work. Sir." ;)
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    Scott_xP said:

    If any Con MP was seriously considering crossing the floor, today's PMQs seems like the moment to do it for maximum impact.

    No - they should stay to get rid of the liar king, then defect at leisure, if they so wish. If his opponents leave we are more likely to be stuck with him
  • HeathenerHeathener Posts: 7,077
    Leon said:

    Heathener said:

    I never called the moderators c*nts either. I made a perfectly reasonable point that they ban people who use it once and not others who use it daily.

    Leon is a thoroughly nasty shit to people on here day after day. I suppose he gets away with it because everyone knows he was once a successful author, albeit at a time when he could publish that kind of pre #MeToo trope.

    But behind all of the rudeness and bluster and exhibitionism there lies a quite lonely, insecure, and somewhat sad old man. And I genuinely do feel sorry for him in that. He has had deep dark mental health issues.
    Leon was horrible to me when I was going through a crisis.

    I very much doubt that. I am careful not to be mean to people who are clearly in a bad place

    I am generally only mean to people who do it to me first. As here with @heathener today
    No Leon. You aren't. The vaguest comment that disagrees with you and you take that as a green light to respond with increasingly personal foul-mouthed abuse. There's a big difference and if you don't see that then that's very sad.
  • bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 10,051
This discussion has been closed.