Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
No such luck Alan. Hope all well with you and family.
yeah malc
have been very busy work wise so little chance of blogging recently.
Other half retired in June last year and is really glad she did as the current farrago on the split and pensions wasnt making her relax. What about yourself ?
Church of England accidentally announces Lutheran reformation, as all statutes and symbols relating to Christ are removed from Churches for fear they cause offence...
It is more statutes linked to slavery, the Anglican church worldwide has a growing black congregation, though ironically it is rather more conservative on social matters than most of the white Anglican clergy
I know what they meant, but they should be careful what they say.
The biblical Jesus offended a lot of people and Christian iconography and other features of worship can and do cause offence.
The report does not mention removing icons of Jesus and the altar and turning the Anglican church Lutheran, it is just statues linked to slavery
Almost any historical figure in the age of Empire - say 1600-1850, can be ‘linked to slavery’. Same goes for many historical figures before then, too.
Anyone famous in the classical world, from Ceasars to philosophers, would have kept slaves. Likewise much of the Muslim world until about 50 years ago?
The National Trust report contained a caveat on that that slavery in the ancient world was endemic but not "racially bound".
As if that somehow made it less bad. In reality, they enslaved anyone they could, including members of their own family, sold women as sex slaves for rape, men for killing in the gladiatorial arena for entertainment, and both could be subject to summary execution.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Seconds after the Pfizer efficacy results were released on that hallowed Monday morning, Zoom shares nosedived IIRC.
What is interesting about the Tories going after Paul Williams with his daft tweets of eons ago is that they didn't feel the need to bother before.
In 2017 they were so assured of victory in Stockton South that Where's Wharton spent the whole campaign elsewhere (so no change to normal). And in 2019 with Paul Williams conceding verbally to Matt Vickers in early in the campaign, they were happy to campaign on daft videos of local boy Matt Vickers where he went to school, had his first fight, threw up his first parmo etc.
This time? Gloves off. Destroy Paul Williams, remove any chance of party loyalty holding the seat, keep Labour voters at home. Though the suggestion that he is a misogynist is utterly laughable...
I don't really see anything wrong with Paul Williams' tweet - I didn't really pick up at first that this was a hit job. A little coarse, perhaps, and not something I'd necessarily put my name to in an entirely public forum, but still - my first thought was to genuinely consider the question. Anyone here claim never to have considered the question of which from a set of people of the opposite sex is most attractive? I suppose the constantly offended who I understand make up the Hartlepool Labour Party might object, though whether to the objectification, the use of the word 'milf' or the suggestion that a Tory might be attractive is hard to say.
The point is this:
- If a right wing politician had posted that, it would be taken as evidence by the left that he was a misogynist, unfit for public office, and should resign forthwith - Since he's left wing, it's either not a problem, or he's apologised and "learned from the experience" so now everything is fine and we should all shut up about it.
The issue is double standards - the left cannot appoint itself as the guardians of our morality and use that to attack people it doesn't like, while ignoring similar or worse incidents on its own side. Alternatively, we could all just grow up and stop getting outraged over nothing. The right is probably fine with either approach.
This is maybe because the French have comprehensively fucked up their vaccine drive and they REALLY need to jab the vulnerable ASAP. So this is a kind of encouragement to oldsters and a way of using the vaccine where it is most needed. I can’t see any other rationale
But it is a total farce. The land of Pasteur
They are still using the Pfizer (and Moderna, if they can get any) vaccines for the under-55 priority groups. The statement from the health authority basically repeats the concerns about the rare adverse effects:
It does seem irrational however you look at it, because the AZ possible adverse reactions seem no more frequent, and possibly less frequent, than those observed for the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Yep. I had my regular consultation with Southampton Hospital last month. It was the usual twenty minutes chat with the consultant, with the usual outcome that we agreed to do nothing and revisit next year. All done sitting at home on my PC.
Whereas the last one involved a half hour drive to the park and ride, a ten minute wait for the bus, a ten minute bus ride, a ten minute wait for the catamaran, twenty five minutes crossing the Solent, then onto another bus to Southampton Station, a five minute walk across the footbridge to the bus station, a ten minute wait for a bus, a twenty minute bus trip across Southampton and a five minute walk into the hospital, followed by a half hour wait as they were running late. Then the reverse of the above as trip home. Total cost, thirty miles’ petrol, four bus trips (the other two of them are free), and the return boat crossing at a discounted NHS rate.
How can this be? When Colston and the docklands dude were tipped in the drink, some PBers raised the alarm, and suggested iconoclasm was generally bad, tended to get out of hand, and history was being erased. Those anxieties were loudly shouted down by lefties who asked: has any other statue toppled? No, so it will end here, stop fretting
And yet, on and on it goes. It has not stopped
It's interesting that this report specifically references the toppling of the Colston statue as if that was somehow representative of the mood of the nation and desired by Black people in particular, to which the CoE must respond.
Of course it isn't, as polling shows, but it will be boosted - again - when Rhodes falls at Oriel, which is precisely why the Left does it.
There are now more Anglicans in Nigeria than England, this is just reflecting that and removing statues linked to slavery.
A majority of ethnic minorities also agreed that the statues debate represented "political correctness" going too far by 52% to 22%.
As Sunder Katwala has said this shows “a concern to differentiate between the most egregious examples and a sweeping 'year zero' idea of interrogating every historical figure by contemporary standards”; “views of ethnic minority Britons could be summed up as one of frustration that these polarising culture wars misrepresent and trivialise ethnic minority concerns about race equality.”
The CoE seems to have decided to go for the year zero approach in response. It's wrong.
What is interesting about the Tories going after Paul Williams with his daft tweets of eons ago is that they didn't feel the need to bother before.
In 2017 they were so assured of victory in Stockton South that Where's Wharton spent the whole campaign elsewhere (so no change to normal). And in 2019 with Paul Williams conceding verbally to Matt Vickers in early in the campaign, they were happy to campaign on daft videos of local boy Matt Vickers where he went to school, had his first fight, threw up his first parmo etc.
This time? Gloves off. Destroy Paul Williams, remove any chance of party loyalty holding the seat, keep Labour voters at home. Though the suggestion that he is a misogynist is utterly laughable...
I don't really see anything wrong with Paul Williams' tweet - I didn't really pick up at first that this was a hit job. A little coarse, perhaps, and not something I'd necessarily put my name to in an entirely public forum, but still - my first thought was to genuinely consider the question. Anyone here claim never to have considered the question of which from a set of people of the opposite sex is most attractive? I suppose the constantly offended who I understand make up the Hartlepool Labour Party might object, though whether to the objectification, the use of the word 'milf' or the suggestion that a Tory might be attractive is hard to say.
The point is this:
- If a right wing politician had posted that, it would be taken as evidence by the left that he was a misogynist, unfit for public office, and should resign forthwith - Since he's left wing, it's either not a problem, or he's apologised and "learned from the experience" so now everything is fine and we should all shut up about it.
The issue is double standards - the left cannot appoint itself as the guardians of our morality and use that to attack people it doesn't like, while ignoring similar or worse incidents on its own side. Alternatively, we could all just grow up and stop getting outraged over nothing. The right is probably fine with either approach.
Yeah right, both sides just blast the opposition regardless. And both sides dont notice their own side doing it, and overreact to the small group of opponents who are doing it.
What is interesting about the Tories going after Paul Williams with his daft tweets of eons ago is that they didn't feel the need to bother before.
In 2017 they were so assured of victory in Stockton South that Where's Wharton spent the whole campaign elsewhere (so no change to normal). And in 2019 with Paul Williams conceding verbally to Matt Vickers in early in the campaign, they were happy to campaign on daft videos of local boy Matt Vickers where he went to school, had his first fight, threw up his first parmo etc.
This time? Gloves off. Destroy Paul Williams, remove any chance of party loyalty holding the seat, keep Labour voters at home. Though the suggestion that he is a misogynist is utterly laughable...
I don't really see anything wrong with Paul Williams' tweet - I didn't really pick up at first that this was a hit job. A little coarse, perhaps, and not something I'd necessarily put my name to in an entirely public forum, but still - my first thought was to genuinely consider the question. Anyone here claim never to have considered the question of which from a set of people of the opposite sex is most attractive? I suppose the constantly offended who I understand make up the Hartlepool Labour Party might object, though whether to the objectification, the use of the word 'milf' or the suggestion that a Tory might be attractive is hard to say.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
What is interesting about the Tories going after Paul Williams with his daft tweets of eons ago is that they didn't feel the need to bother before.
In 2017 they were so assured of victory in Stockton South that Where's Wharton spent the whole campaign elsewhere (so no change to normal). And in 2019 with Paul Williams conceding verbally to Matt Vickers in early in the campaign, they were happy to campaign on daft videos of local boy Matt Vickers where he went to school, had his first fight, threw up his first parmo etc.
This time? Gloves off. Destroy Paul Williams, remove any chance of party loyalty holding the seat, keep Labour voters at home. Though the suggestion that he is a misogynist is utterly laughable...
I don't really see anything wrong with Paul Williams' tweet - I didn't really pick up at first that this was a hit job. A little coarse, perhaps, and not something I'd necessarily put my name to in an entirely public forum, but still - my first thought was to genuinely consider the question. Anyone here claim never to have considered the question of which from a set of people of the opposite sex is most attractive? I suppose the constantly offended who I understand make up the Hartlepool Labour Party might object, though whether to the objectification, the use of the word 'milf' or the suggestion that a Tory might be attractive is hard to say.
It's beyond ridiculous confected outrage, yet again. I mean, look at PB. Many Tories on here admit to fancying Labour MPs – Lisa Nandy, Rosena Allin-Khan, Liz Kendall etc etc. So what? Sexual attraction isn't bounded by politics. I mean many people have wives/husbands who vote the opposite way. I had a staffer who was dyed-in-the-wool Labour who objectified Jeremy Hunt. A leftie primary school teacher friend fancies Boris.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
The quizzes. Oh boy, the relentless quizzes.
Quizzes are something you do should do once every 5 years just to remember they are pretty dull, certainly not vibrant.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
I like it - it's wonderful that we can use it, if this pandemic happened 20 years ago it would have been a lot more difficult. And BT would have been quids in.
I have a bi-weekly Zoom quiz with mates that I really enjoy, and once a week my Mum (who is a French teacher) gives my sister, my Dad (who joins from another room!) and I a French lesson via Skype, which is really improving my French - excited to become fluent, and is a chance to see them but without it being an open-ended 'and how are you?' call.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
What is interesting about the Tories going after Paul Williams with his daft tweets of eons ago is that they didn't feel the need to bother before.
In 2017 they were so assured of victory in Stockton South that Where's Wharton spent the whole campaign elsewhere (so no change to normal). And in 2019 with Paul Williams conceding verbally to Matt Vickers in early in the campaign, they were happy to campaign on daft videos of local boy Matt Vickers where he went to school, had his first fight, threw up his first parmo etc.
This time? Gloves off. Destroy Paul Williams, remove any chance of party loyalty holding the seat, keep Labour voters at home. Though the suggestion that he is a misogynist is utterly laughable...
I don't really see anything wrong with Paul Williams' tweet - I didn't really pick up at first that this was a hit job. A little coarse, perhaps, and not something I'd necessarily put my name to in an entirely public forum, but still - my first thought was to genuinely consider the question. Anyone here claim never to have considered the question of which from a set of people of the opposite sex is most attractive? I suppose the constantly offended who I understand make up the Hartlepool Labour Party might object, though whether to the objectification, the use of the word 'milf' or the suggestion that a Tory might be attractive is hard to say.
It's beyond ridiculous confected outrage, yet again. I mean, look at PB. Many Tories on here admit to fancying Labour MPs – Lisa Nandy, Rosena Allin-Khan, Liz Kendall etc etc. So what? Sexual attraction isn't bounded by politics. I mean many people have wives/husbands who vote the opposite way. I had a staffer who was dyed-in-the-wool Labour who objectified Jeremy Hunt. A leftie primary school teacher friend fancies Boris.
Who cares?
Loads of female Labour MPs are fit. Those are great picks (although Liz Kendall isn't quite my type) and Gloria de Piero, Stella Creasey and Luciana Berger? Gorgeous. And I liked Caroline Flint. Even Angela Rayner can have something about her, as can Sarah Champion.
However, I can't imagine it'd be much fun dating them. So earnest and serious, and you'd be treading on eggshells the whole time whilst waiting to receive lectures about patriarchy and transgenderism.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
I like it - it's wonderful that we can use it, if this pandemic happened 20 years ago it would have been a lot more difficult. And BT would have been quids in.
I have a bi-weekly Zoom quiz with mates that I really enjoy, and once a week my Mum (who is a French teacher) gives my sister, my Dad (who joins from another room!) and I a French lesson via Skype, which is really improving my French - excited to become fluent, and is a chance to see them but without it being an open-ended 'and how are you?' call.
Fair enough.
One reason I loathe Zoom is that stupid little time lag, which makes spontaneous humour almost impossible. Jokes don't work, or somebody misses the punchline, it is then explained, conversation stalls. Painful.
Also the squares remind me that we are all locked in our own little cells. Squares of space. Like rats.
If I never do another social Zoom call again I shall be jubilant
What is interesting about the Tories going after Paul Williams with his daft tweets of eons ago is that they didn't feel the need to bother before.
In 2017 they were so assured of victory in Stockton South that Where's Wharton spent the whole campaign elsewhere (so no change to normal). And in 2019 with Paul Williams conceding verbally to Matt Vickers in early in the campaign, they were happy to campaign on daft videos of local boy Matt Vickers where he went to school, had his first fight, threw up his first parmo etc.
This time? Gloves off. Destroy Paul Williams, remove any chance of party loyalty holding the seat, keep Labour voters at home. Though the suggestion that he is a misogynist is utterly laughable...
I don't really see anything wrong with Paul Williams' tweet - I didn't really pick up at first that this was a hit job. A little coarse, perhaps, and not something I'd necessarily put my name to in an entirely public forum, but still - my first thought was to genuinely consider the question. Anyone here claim never to have considered the question of which from a set of people of the opposite sex is most attractive? I suppose the constantly offended who I understand make up the Hartlepool Labour Party might object, though whether to the objectification, the use of the word 'milf' or the suggestion that a Tory might be attractive is hard to say.
It's beyond ridiculous confected outrage, yet again. I mean, look at PB. Many Tories on here admit to fancying Labour MPs – Lisa Nandy, Rosena Allin-Khan, Liz Kendall etc etc. So what? Sexual attraction isn't bounded by politics. I mean many people have wives/husbands who vote the opposite way. I had a staffer who was dyed-in-the-wool Labour who objectified Jeremy Hunt. A leftie primary school teacher friend fancies Boris.
Who cares?
I don't see an issue with it either - it will probably improve his electoral chances. The only 'benefit' is his discomfiture within the Labour hierarchy, but that's not a benefit, it's just being nasty to someone. Tories should stop it.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Have you gone crazy?
The Confederate flag is literally linked with a doomed Civil War to try to maintain slavery.
The flags of Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia are not whatsoever.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
I like it - it's wonderful that we can use it, if this pandemic happened 20 years ago it would have been a lot more difficult. And BT would have been quids in.
I have a bi-weekly Zoom quiz with mates that I really enjoy, and once a week my Mum (who is a French teacher) gives my sister, my Dad (who joins from another room!) and I a French lesson via Skype, which is really improving my French - excited to become fluent, and is a chance to see them but without it being an open-ended 'and how are you?' call.
Fair enough.
One reason I loathe Zoom is that stupid little time lag, which makes spontaneous humour almost impossible. Jokes don't work, or somebody misses the punchline, it is then explained, conversation stalls. Painful.
Also the squares remind me that we are all locked in our own little cells. Squares of space. Like rats.
If I never do another social Zoom call again I shall be jubilant
Are they in a different country? I've not experienced a time lag. Mind you, I have just remembered that the quiz is actually in a 'Facebook room' so that's not Zoom either. Yes, time lags on calls are agonising.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Q: Why are you calling Darren Grimes a racist? A: Because he's flying the CANZUK flag. Q: Why is that racist? A: Because racists fly that flag. Q: Racists like who? A: Darren Grimes.
How can this be? When Colston and the docklands dude were tipped in the drink, some PBers raised the alarm, and suggested iconoclasm was generally bad, tended to get out of hand, and history was being erased. Those anxieties were loudly shouted down by lefties who asked: has any other statue toppled? No, so it will end here, stop fretting
And yet, on and on it goes. It has not stopped
It's interesting that this report specifically references the toppling of the Colston statue as if that was somehow representative of the mood of the nation and desired by Black people in particular, to which the CoE must respond.
Of course it isn't, as polling shows, but it will be boosted - again - when Rhodes falls at Oriel, which is precisely why the Left does it.
There are now more Anglicans in Nigeria than England, this is just reflecting that and removing statues linked to slavery.
A majority of ethnic minorities also agreed that the statues debate represented "political correctness" going too far by 52% to 22%.
As Sunder Katwala has said this shows “a concern to differentiate between the most egregious examples and a sweeping 'year zero' idea of interrogating every historical figure by contemporary standards”; “views of ethnic minority Britons could be summed up as one of frustration that these polarising culture wars misrepresent and trivialise ethnic minority concerns about race equality.”
The CoE seems to have decided to go for the year zero approach in response. It's wrong.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Q: Why are you calling Darren Grimes a racist? A: Because he's flying the CANZUK flag. Q: Why is that racist? A: Because racists fly that flag. Q: Racists like who? A: Darren Grimes.
See also: St George's cross, the Union Jack.
Welcome to the warped world of Kinabalu. Start from a set of pre-determined views and then twist the evidence to fit them.
Council tax bill has come in £2556.48, a 3.7% increase.
Jesus. Mine is £2,778.31 a 4.8% increase.
This issue will start becoming political again soon, methinks.
Yeah probably. People don't like being told to pay for anything.
I think mine was 4.2% - County 2.0%, District 2.1%, Town Council 5.0% (but they hardly ask for anything to begin with,) Police Authority 7.6%. I gain the impression that inflation-busting police precepts have been happening in quite a number of localities.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
Lol, The Mirror/Reach do no serious journalism anyway. It's all just advertorials designed to generate click through revenue.
How can this be? When Colston and the docklands dude were tipped in the drink, some PBers raised the alarm, and suggested iconoclasm was generally bad, tended to get out of hand, and history was being erased. Those anxieties were loudly shouted down by lefties who asked: has any other statue toppled? No, so it will end here, stop fretting
And yet, on and on it goes. It has not stopped
It's interesting that this report specifically references the toppling of the Colston statue as if that was somehow representative of the mood of the nation and desired by Black people in particular, to which the CoE must respond.
Of course it isn't, as polling shows, but it will be boosted - again - when Rhodes falls at Oriel, which is precisely why the Left does it.
There are now more Anglicans in Nigeria than England, this is just reflecting that and removing statues linked to slavery.
A majority of ethnic minorities also agreed that the statues debate represented "political correctness" going too far by 52% to 22%.
As Sunder Katwala has said this shows “a concern to differentiate between the most egregious examples and a sweeping 'year zero' idea of interrogating every historical figure by contemporary standards”; “views of ethnic minority Britons could be summed up as one of frustration that these polarising culture wars misrepresent and trivialise ethnic minority concerns about race equality.”
The CoE seems to have decided to go for the year zero approach in response. It's wrong.
It isn't, just move statues of slavers to museums
You haven't read or understood the CofE report, nor have you understood the poll listed above, or what it means, and you're now trying to change the subject.
That's ok. That's what you do - we all know that - and, of course, it's entirely pointless to engage you on discussion on it, so I won't.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Kinabalu, the Sinfinder General. Pricking the victims, to see if they bleed. Drooling as they strip
This is maybe because the French have comprehensively fucked up their vaccine drive and they REALLY need to jab the vulnerable ASAP. So this is a kind of encouragement to oldsters and a way of using the vaccine where it is most needed. I can’t see any other rationale
But, it is a total farce. The land of Pasteur
If I was already sceptical about the vaccine in France, I would be totally non-reassured by the advice changing in the space of a few weeks from only under 55s to only over 55s.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Have you gone crazy?
The Confederate flag is literally linked with a doomed Civil War to try to maintain slavery.
The flags of Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia are not whatsoever.
You are making up your own strawmen.
Notwithstanding reality, politics and assumed values behind the shield, aesthetically, I have to say this one is very pleasing:
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Have you gone crazy?
The Confederate flag is literally linked with a doomed Civil War to try to maintain slavery.
The flags of Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia are not whatsoever.
You are making up your own strawmen.
There's not enough meaty racism left in the Britain for an insatiable disapprover of people like our Kinabula - sadly he came to it too late. Short of inventing a time machine whereby he can return to a time of the National Front and 'No blacks' signs in boarding houses, he must be content with 'tells' to convince him of how thoroughly wicked most other people are.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Q: Why are you calling Darren Grimes a racist? A: Because he's flying the CANZUK flag. Q: Why is that racist? A: Because racists fly that flag. Q: Racists like who? A: Darren Grimes.
See also: St George's cross, the Union Jack.
Welcome to the warped world of Kinabalu. Start from a set of pre-determined views and then twist the evidence to fit them.
Council tax bill has come in £2556.48, a 3.7% increase.
Jesus. Mine is £2,778.31 a 4.8% increase.
This issue will start becoming political again soon, methinks.
Yeah probably. People don't like being told to pay for anything.
I think mine was 4.2% - County 2.0%, District 2.1%, Town Council 5.0% (but they hardly ask for anything to begin with,) Police Authority 7.6%. I gain the impression that inflation-busting police precepts have been happening in quite a number of localities.
I mean, 4-5% rises each year - in a world with 2% salary growth, and 2% inflation - is going to steadily erode people's standard of living in real terms over time, and compound, so it won't be popular for long.
No such luck Alan. Hope all well with you and family.
yeah malc
have been very busy work wise so little chance of blogging recently.
Other half retired in June last year and is really glad she did as the current farrago on the split and pensions wasnt making her relax. What about yourself ?
I am still soldiering on Alan. Was no point going this time, they would not accept me anyway, as I am stuck indoors with covid. So just hang on till life get back to as normal as it can and Helen hopefully is as fully recovered as possible. Cannot complain much.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Q: Why are you calling Darren Grimes a racist? A: Because he's flying the CANZUK flag. Q: Why is that racist? A: Because racists fly that flag. Q: Racists like who? A: Darren Grimes.
See also: St George's cross, the Union Jack.
He can fly whatever flag he likes or no flag - it doesn't change his status as a certified bell end.
How can this be? When Colston and the docklands dude were tipped in the drink, some PBers raised the alarm, and suggested iconoclasm was generally bad, tended to get out of hand, and history was being erased. Those anxieties were loudly shouted down by lefties who asked: has any other statue toppled? No, so it will end here, stop fretting
And yet, on and on it goes. It has not stopped
It's interesting that this report specifically references the toppling of the Colston statue as if that was somehow representative of the mood of the nation and desired by Black people in particular, to which the CoE must respond.
Of course it isn't, as polling shows, but it will be boosted - again - when Rhodes falls at Oriel, which is precisely why the Left does it.
There are now more Anglicans in Nigeria than England, this is just reflecting that and removing statues linked to slavery.
A majority of ethnic minorities also agreed that the statues debate represented "political correctness" going too far by 52% to 22%.
As Sunder Katwala has said this shows “a concern to differentiate between the most egregious examples and a sweeping 'year zero' idea of interrogating every historical figure by contemporary standards”; “views of ethnic minority Britons could be summed up as one of frustration that these polarising culture wars misrepresent and trivialise ethnic minority concerns about race equality.”
The CoE seems to have decided to go for the year zero approach in response. It's wrong.
Sadly the Church of England has decided it prefers the role of sheep to that of shepherd...
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You're a strange one.
Do you think the European Union is a nod to White Power?
Do you think CANZUK has more, less or similar level of "whiteness" to the European Union?
You're being too reductive and literal. These mindsets don't work like that. You have to ask why somebody like Grimes is flying the CANZUK shield. I'm sure you don't (do you?) so WTF is he and ilk doing it? I suggest it's for similar reasons that people in the States fly the Dixie flag. This is not to advertise a desire to refight the Civil War. It's to show support for a set of values. A set of values that encompass a high degree of nostalgia for a bygone age and the old ways. A set of values that in many cases are at the very least tinged with racism. It could be, I'm musing here but at the same time it's a little more than musing, that the CANZUK shield is becoming our version of the Confederate flag for our version of those Americans who choose to fly it. In which case, good, because it is a "tell". It's better to know than to not know.
Q: Why are you calling Darren Grimes a racist? A: Because he's flying the CANZUK flag. Q: Why is that racist? A: Because racists fly that flag. Q: Racists like who? A: Darren Grimes.
See also: St George's cross, the Union Jack.
Welcome to the warped world of Kinabalu. Start from a set of pre-determined views and then twist the evidence to fit them.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
Reach is a total mess, they bought those titles off Richard Desmond and all the local rags...the problem is local rags are dying. And the national titles, well they were right eing readership, just cutting and pasting Mirror articles isn't going to work.
The death count would be the equivalent of 735 if scaled up to the UK's population size, and they've only just thrown in the towel and gone back into lockdown. That's grim.
I'm also assuming from the 1st to 2nd dose vaccination ratio that they're sticking rigidly to manufacturers' recommendations on the dosing interval. Has anyone else anywhere in the world actually followed the UK's single dose strategy, do we know?
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
Lol, The Mirror/Reach do no serious journalism anyway. It's all just advertorials designed to generate click through revenue.
No, it is sad. A lot of regional offices closing
Also, it is all about money and they don't give a fuck about their workers. Contrast these two lines:
"We carried out a survey of all colleagues that showed a majority found home working suited their needs."
"The same research found 70% of staff still missed seeing their colleagues in person."
Good for the Mail and the Guardian, however: committed to keeping the office open. Not everyone can work from home all the time, many don't want to, especially the young.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
A lot of lonely people rely on things like visiting their doctor to actually meet someone in person. If you stop those things, they wouldn't have contact with anyone. Sad fact of life.
How can this be? When Colston and the docklands dude were tipped in the drink, some PBers raised the alarm, and suggested iconoclasm was generally bad, tended to get out of hand, and history was being erased. Those anxieties were loudly shouted down by lefties who asked: has any other statue toppled? No, so it will end here, stop fretting
And yet, on and on it goes. It has not stopped
It's interesting that this report specifically references the toppling of the Colston statue as if that was somehow representative of the mood of the nation and desired by Black people in particular, to which the CoE must respond.
Of course it isn't, as polling shows, but it will be boosted - again - when Rhodes falls at Oriel, which is precisely why the Left does it.
There are now more Anglicans in Nigeria than England, this is just reflecting that and removing statues linked to slavery.
A majority of ethnic minorities also agreed that the statues debate represented "political correctness" going too far by 52% to 22%.
As Sunder Katwala has said this shows “a concern to differentiate between the most egregious examples and a sweeping 'year zero' idea of interrogating every historical figure by contemporary standards”; “views of ethnic minority Britons could be summed up as one of frustration that these polarising culture wars misrepresent and trivialise ethnic minority concerns about race equality.”
The CoE seems to have decided to go for the year zero approach in response. It's wrong.
It isn't, just move statues of slavers to museums
You haven't read or understood the CofE report, nor have you understood the poll listed above, or what it means, and you're now trying to change the subject.
That's ok. That's what you do - we all know that - and, of course, it's entirely pointless to engage you on discussion on it, so I won't.
No I have understood it.
The poll you linked to yourself suggested most ethnic minorities wanted statues of slavers removed, which is what the CofE is doing.
A future black Archbishop of Canterbury could be the next step which would be fine
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
A lot of lonely people rely on things like visiting their doctor to actually meet someone in person. If you stop those things, they wouldn't have contact with anyone. Sad fact of life.
Indeed. Everyone should have the option, is what I suggest. My mum's visits to docs and hospitals are basically her social life, apart from family. She'd genuinely miss them
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
Lol, The Mirror/Reach do no serious journalism anyway. It's all just advertorials designed to generate click through revenue.
No, it is sad. A lot of regional offices closing
Also, it is all about money and they don't give a fuck about their workers. Contrast these two lines:
"We carried out a survey of all colleagues that showed a majority found home working suited their needs."
"The same research found 70% of staff still missed seeing their colleagues in person."
Good for the Mail and the Guardian, however: committed to keeping the office open. Not everyone can work from home all the time, many don't want to, especially the young.
I'm not saying it's not sad, and if was an employee of theirs I'd be livid and looking for a new job right now. Just that what constitutes journalism for Reach isn't necessarily journalism as we recognise it. Their regional papers now do very little original content and instead just reprint Mirror or Express articles that happen to be near those locations.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
"...will shut offices in dozens of mid-sized towns..."
So okay for journalists in London and Manchester, but rubbish for everyone else.
A devastating report from Compass exposes the near-impossibility of Labour winning alone at the next election. We divide, they conquer, by Grace Barnett and Neal Lawson, shows Labour now needs at least a 10.52% swing, greater than in 1945 and 1997.
I see that report is repeating tired old canards about progressive alliances and changing the voting system.
When is Labour going to actually engage with the electorate as it is to, you know, win votes?
I will get round to finishing the header I'm working on, but Hartlepool will likely add to Labour's woes on just how and where to fight the next election. Essentially, if you say the Tories and Labour are each going to put resources into 100 seats, the Tories can put that into 80 on defence and 20 on offence. Labour has to put it into 100 on attack - and even then, they have to leapfrog some of their low-hanging fruit and go for medium-difficult targets. And unless fortunes change dramatically for the SNP, it won't be in Scotland.
Labour has to hope that the political tide goes so far in their favour that it swamps the Tory defences.
Or accept that they will not win power in less than 2 attempts.
Hartlepool coming into play is absolutely fascinating but it's unlikely to damage Labour. The balance of risk is the other way. It's Brexit Central, stuffed full of white working class patriots, each and every one of them imbued with love of country and good old-fashioned commonsense, and the timing could not be better for the government. Brexit is done and looking inspired due to the EU vaccine shambles. By contrast our own vaccine efforts are paying off in spades, motoring us out of lockdown before other countries, liberties taken about to be restored. If the Tories, the party of hard leave, can't win in Hartlepool, the capital of hard leave, at this time, in these circumstances, it will be telling us the tide is turning and opposition beckons before too long. They need to win it (and convincingly) to retain control of the narrative. By this analysis, which imo is the right one, the pressure is all on them. It's something of a free hit for Labour.
Nice try. But an opposition party losing a seat to the governing party is still rarer than rocking-horse shit.
But if another dozen Red Wall Labour MPs would like to resign to give Labour some "free hits" - they know where the Chiltern Hundreds are....
Sure, but this is a very particular scenario and the result has potentially huge ramifications for where our domestic politics is heading.
If Labour win here, the most Brexity of seats, so soon after Brexit and with it looking to the untrained eye to be a great decision, it will mean Europe is losing its salience as an issue driving votes and that by the time of the next GE it will barely feature. Plus Corbyn has gone, remember, and will be a distant memory by then. Labour now has a leader that, dull or not, most people can envisage as PM. This hasn't happened since 2010.
It will leave just one of the 3 key factors from the "BBC" election of Dec 19 still in play. "Boris". Can he carry that load? Can this political magician do it again, even after 5 years in power and with the economy in the toilet? I yield to no-one in my recognition of his powers, the guy's a vote magnet in the places that count, but I'm not so sure he can.
So that's the big story. A Labour win. If the Cons take it, it's a shrug and business as usual.
Total bollocks. If Starmer can’t win back a northern, traditionally Labour seat like Hartlepool, after seven zillion years of Tory government, then his leadership is in trouble. Simply the case. People won’t just ‘shrug’.
Yes there are complicating factors that make it somewhat harder. But, he should still win it
FWIW I think Labour will succeed
This is the traditional analysis but it's no longer applicable in the new politics forged by the 2016 EU Referendum and its aftermath. If the Tories can't win here, a triumphant Brexit just pocketed, they are losing their grip on what won them their GE majority - their consolidation and ownership of the Leave political identity, transcending class. Which means big trouble for them, since they offer little else except the "Boris" act. If Labour win this seat in May, Starmer will not quite be measuring up the curtains for number 10, but he will be immensely heartened, trust me.
Lol. Holding one of their own seats 11 years into Opposition that even Corbyn managed not to lose would be 'immensely heartening'? How Labour's ambitions have been etiolated by defeat - I remember when they used to be a national party. Now they're barely a regional one...
I've explained why I'm viewing it the way I am. We have a new politics now. The Cons have merged with Leave and they need to retain ownership of it. If they don't it's hard to see where they go. What are the Cons without Leave? That's a rhetorical question because I know you can't answer it. Nobody can. They'll still be "Boris", yes, but that's no basis for the future. Imagine having your fortunes dependent on him. Talk about precarious. No, tough times ahead for the party, methinks, if they lose their Leave USP. Like the GOP without MAGA, they'll be faced with a long and arduous rebuilding process from the bottom up.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
A lot of lonely people rely on things like visiting their doctor to actually meet someone in person. If you stop those things, they wouldn't have contact with anyone. Sad fact of life.
Actually, the only Zoom call I look forward to in the week is that with my siblings and nephews and nieces, and spouses. Totally relaxed, talking over each other. And given we are in different countries and different parts of the UK, way more social interaction than we used to have before lockdown and the rise of social video calls.
It is the one social interaction that has improved for me in COVID. The rest just sucks.
Europe is in such a mess - in Spain it's the exact opposite. Total and utter shambles.
It took the French about five minutes from unbanning AZ to sticking the boot into it yet again. I'm beginning to wonder what dirt Putin has on Macron TBH.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You underestimate the attraction and importance of a common language. In building trust, in economic interactions, in cultural interactions.
Probably I do. But I think others sometimes underestimate the extent to which an overt attachment to the white commonwealth can indicate a worldview that is at best nostalgic and at worst racist. And it does seem an odd flag for Grimes to have fluttering at his shoulder.
But CANZUK is significantly less white than the EU! When the UK left the EU, it lost over half of its non-white MEPs. I can see how you might question the geographical sense of CANZUKism (though I think geography is less important in these things than people think). But I don't see how it is in any way racist. Or at least no more racist than an attachment to the EU.
Philip makes the same point. My reply to him (timed 1:10) seeks to explain where I'm coming from.
This is maybe because the French have comprehensively fucked up their vaccine drive and they REALLY need to jab the vulnerable ASAP. So this is a kind of encouragement to oldsters and a way of using the vaccine where it is most needed. I can’t see any other rationale
"France imposed a new age restriction on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine today, undermining the government’s effort to rebuild trust in the product as injections resumed.
The High Health Authority, the agency that regulates medicines, said that the AstraZeneca vaccine must now not be used on people below 55, because the cases of blood-clotting that had been linked to the vaccine in Europe all affected people under that age. It said that there had been three such cases in France."
On the wrong side of a 61-20 split in public opinion on a cultural issue? Yep, that sounds like the BBC all right. I'm sure they won't mind getting by on 20% of the licence fee in that case...
Council tax bill has come in £2556.48, a 3.7% increase.
Jesus. Mine is £2,778.31 a 4.8% increase.
This issue will start becoming political again soon, methinks.
Yeah probably. People don't like being told to pay for anything.
I think mine was 4.2% - County 2.0%, District 2.1%, Town Council 5.0% (but they hardly ask for anything to begin with,) Police Authority 7.6%. I gain the impression that inflation-busting police precepts have been happening in quite a number of localities.
I mean, 4-5% rises each year - in a world with 2% salary growth, and 2% inflation - is going to steadily erode people's standard of living in real terms over time, and compound, so it won't be popular for long.
Oh for sure. The problem's always the same though, isn't it? The populace likes and expects public services that work but always thinks that it's the responsibility of somebody else to pay for them.
Eventually folk will have to learn that they - personally - either have to fork out or go without, but so long as the conditions that permit squillions to be borrowed cheaply by Governments persist, the day of reckoning will be delayed.
Welsh and Scottish people display a level of antipathy to the English flag that is not reciprocated by the English.
Only 44% of Welsh people and 30% of Scottish people hold a favourable view of someone flying the English flag. By contrast, 56-57% of English people have a favourable view of someone flying the Scottish or Welsh flag.
A devastating report from Compass exposes the near-impossibility of Labour winning alone at the next election. We divide, they conquer, by Grace Barnett and Neal Lawson, shows Labour now needs at least a 10.52% swing, greater than in 1945 and 1997.
I see that report is repeating tired old canards about progressive alliances and changing the voting system.
When is Labour going to actually engage with the electorate as it is to, you know, win votes?
I will get round to finishing the header I'm working on, but Hartlepool will likely add to Labour's woes on just how and where to fight the next election. Essentially, if you say the Tories and Labour are each going to put resources into 100 seats, the Tories can put that into 80 on defence and 20 on offence. Labour has to put it into 100 on attack - and even then, they have to leapfrog some of their low-hanging fruit and go for medium-difficult targets. And unless fortunes change dramatically for the SNP, it won't be in Scotland.
Labour has to hope that the political tide goes so far in their favour that it swamps the Tory defences.
Or accept that they will not win power in less than 2 attempts.
Hartlepool coming into play is absolutely fascinating but it's unlikely to damage Labour. The balance of risk is the other way. It's Brexit Central, stuffed full of white working class patriots, each and every one of them imbued with love of country and good old-fashioned commonsense, and the timing could not be better for the government. Brexit is done and looking inspired due to the EU vaccine shambles. By contrast our own vaccine efforts are paying off in spades, motoring us out of lockdown before other countries, liberties taken about to be restored. If the Tories, the party of hard leave, can't win in Hartlepool, the capital of hard leave, at this time, in these circumstances, it will be telling us the tide is turning and opposition beckons before too long. They need to win it (and convincingly) to retain control of the narrative. By this analysis, which imo is the right one, the pressure is all on them. It's something of a free hit for Labour.
Nice try. But an opposition party losing a seat to the governing party is still rarer than rocking-horse shit.
But if another dozen Red Wall Labour MPs would like to resign to give Labour some "free hits" - they know where the Chiltern Hundreds are....
Sure, but this is a very particular scenario and the result has potentially huge ramifications for where our domestic politics is heading.
If Labour win here, the most Brexity of seats, so soon after Brexit and with it looking to the untrained eye to be a great decision, it will mean Europe is losing its salience as an issue driving votes and that by the time of the next GE it will barely feature. Plus Corbyn has gone, remember, and will be a distant memory by then. Labour now has a leader that, dull or not, most people can envisage as PM. This hasn't happened since 2010.
It will leave just one of the 3 key factors from the "BBC" election of Dec 19 still in play. "Boris". Can he carry that load? Can this political magician do it again, even after 5 years in power and with the economy in the toilet? I yield to no-one in my recognition of his powers, the guy's a vote magnet in the places that count, but I'm not so sure he can.
So that's the big story. A Labour win. If the Cons take it, it's a shrug and business as usual.
Total bollocks. If Starmer can’t win back a northern, traditionally Labour seat like Hartlepool, after seven zillion years of Tory government, then his leadership is in trouble. Simply the case. People won’t just ‘shrug’.
Yes there are complicating factors that make it somewhat harder. But, he should still win it
FWIW I think Labour will succeed
This is the traditional analysis but it's no longer applicable in the new politics forged by the 2016 EU Referendum and its aftermath. If the Tories can't win here, a triumphant Brexit just pocketed, they are losing their grip on what won them their GE majority - their consolidation and ownership of the Leave political identity, transcending class. Which means big trouble for them, since they offer little else except the "Boris" act. If Labour win this seat in May, Starmer will not quite be measuring up the curtains for number 10, but he will be immensely heartened, trust me.
Lol. Holding one of their own seats 11 years into Opposition that even Corbyn managed not to lose would be 'immensely heartening'? How Labour's ambitions have been etiolated by defeat - I remember when they used to be a national party. Now they're barely a regional one...
I've explained why I'm viewing it the way I am. We have a new politics now. The Cons have merged with Leave and they need to retain ownership of it. If they don't it's hard to see where they go. What are the Cons without Leave? That's a rhetorical question because I know you can't answer it. Nobody can. They'll still be "Boris", yes, but that's no basis for the future. Imagine having your fortunes dependent on him. Talk about precarious. No, tough times ahead for the party, methinks, if they lose their Leave USP. Like the GOP without MAGA, they'll be faced with a long and arduous rebuilding process from the bottom up.
Actually, I'd say atm that the Cons are the only UK party of genuine optimism. SNP, maybe, but in a very dour way. Optimism and hope are good for political parties, at least until self-belief in the vision is lost.
So let me get this straight, the vaccine that is only 'quasi-effective' for the oldies can now only be used exclusively for the oldies. Macron, you are a complete tool.
Thinking of Zoom. Everyone I know now hates it. I don’t know anyone that ‘likes’ it. Fam and friends have all stopped using it. Unpopular on here as well.
The hatred (which I share) is disproportionate. It’s just a video call app. I wonder if Zoom has become the lightning rod for all our loathing and despair about lockdown? It is the true emblem of lockdown
If so, short Zoom
Teams is preferable in almost every way.
Video calls are extremely useful in some areas. School had a parents evening for my older daughter last week, all done on video, very sensible, much easier than the chaos of traipsing round a school with 1000 other parents.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
Teams keeps stopping my webcam for no reason. Zoom seems more stable.
Prof Neil Ferguson says we can't possibly keep variants out of the country because we can't close down all travel to Europe. But that's exactly how Australia and New Zealand have kept all variants out of their countries. Why can't we do the same?
Welsh and Scottish people display a level of antipathy to the English flag that is not reciprocated by the English.
Only 44% of Welsh people and 30% of Scottish people hold a favourable view of someone flying the English flag. By contrast, 56-57% of English people have a favourable view of someone flying the Scottish or Welsh flag.
I've said on here for years that the Welsh hate the English on a visceral level, it has become worse ever since England won the World Cup in 2003.
So let me get this straight, the vaccine that is only 'quasi-effective' for the oldies can now only be used exclusively for the oldies. Macron, you are a complete tool.
To think that traitor Winston Churchill wanted the UK and France to become one united country.
We should remove all statues and tributes to Winston Churchill.
It's the 'Canzuk' shield but the red stars of the NZ Southern Cross appear to have been slightly bleached by DG's tears.
A sneaky nod to White Power? Or less viscerally, the "chaps we can trust"?
You underestimate the attraction and importance of a common language. In building trust, in economic interactions, in cultural interactions.
Probably I do. But I think others sometimes underestimate the extent to which an overt attachment to the white commonwealth can indicate a worldview that is at best nostalgic and at worst racist. And it does seem an odd flag for Grimes to have fluttering at his shoulder.
But CANZUK is significantly less white than the EU! When the UK left the EU, it lost over half of its non-white MEPs. I can see how you might question the geographical sense of CANZUKism (though I think geography is less important in these things than people think). But I don't see how it is in any way racist. Or at least no more racist than an attachment to the EU.
Philip makes the same point. My reply to him (timed 1:10) seeks to explain where I'm coming from.
Yes and you're coming from a position of trying to slander people with outrageous accusations for no reason whatsoever.
CANZUK is a proposal for free trade and free movement between those four countries. There's nothing racial to it whatsoever, any more than anyone flying 12 golden stars on a field of blue is racial.
Priti Patel wanted police to stop people gathering at Sarah Everard vigil
Exclusive: some police chiefs feel ‘hung out to dry’ as memo reveals home secretary’s enforcement call
For a few hours at least last Sunday, the Metropolitan police and their embattled commissioner appeared on the brink. Assailed from all sides over their handling of the Sarah Everard vigil on Clapham Common, there seemed every chance Dame Cressida Dick would have to quit the force she has been in charge of since 2017.
Instead she survived, as the Home Office and then Downing Street eventually signalled they retained confidence in her, despite the disturbing scenes of her officers manhandling women.
But the support she received from the home secretary, Priti Patel, raised questions about what role, if any, Patel played behind the scenes before the vigil on Saturday evening. A memo leaked to the Guardian offers some clues.
On Friday as the police and the vigil’s organisers were heading to court over the legality of such an event, a message was sent to all police chiefs making Patel’s position clear. She wanted them to stop people gathering at vigils. She also promised she would personally urge people not to gather – but she never did.
Though the police are operationally independent, the home secretary had made her views clear, which made her criticisms of the way officers broke up the Clapham event particularly galling, according to some police chiefs who spoke to the Guardian.
As a result, some chiefs feel policing was “hung out to dry” when Patel criticised pictures of officers manhandling women at the vigil, rebuked the Met commissioner and ordered an inquiry.
One chief constable said the message from Patel and the government before the vigil had been clear, that a ban on gatherings had to be enforced.
Tensions are now running high between police and ministers.
A devastating report from Compass exposes the near-impossibility of Labour winning alone at the next election. We divide, they conquer, by Grace Barnett and Neal Lawson, shows Labour now needs at least a 10.52% swing, greater than in 1945 and 1997.
I see that report is repeating tired old canards about progressive alliances and changing the voting system.
When is Labour going to actually engage with the electorate as it is to, you know, win votes?
I will get round to finishing the header I'm working on, but Hartlepool will likely add to Labour's woes on just how and where to fight the next election. Essentially, if you say the Tories and Labour are each going to put resources into 100 seats, the Tories can put that into 80 on defence and 20 on offence. Labour has to put it into 100 on attack - and even then, they have to leapfrog some of their low-hanging fruit and go for medium-difficult targets. And unless fortunes change dramatically for the SNP, it won't be in Scotland.
Labour has to hope that the political tide goes so far in their favour that it swamps the Tory defences.
Or accept that they will not win power in less than 2 attempts.
Hartlepool coming into play is absolutely fascinating but it's unlikely to damage Labour. The balance of risk is the other way. It's Brexit Central, stuffed full of white working class patriots, each and every one of them imbued with love of country and good old-fashioned commonsense, and the timing could not be better for the government. Brexit is done and looking inspired due to the EU vaccine shambles. By contrast our own vaccine efforts are paying off in spades, motoring us out of lockdown before other countries, liberties taken about to be restored. If the Tories, the party of hard leave, can't win in Hartlepool, the capital of hard leave, at this time, in these circumstances, it will be telling us the tide is turning and opposition beckons before too long. They need to win it (and convincingly) to retain control of the narrative. By this analysis, which imo is the right one, the pressure is all on them. It's something of a free hit for Labour.
Nice try. But an opposition party losing a seat to the governing party is still rarer than rocking-horse shit.
But if another dozen Red Wall Labour MPs would like to resign to give Labour some "free hits" - they know where the Chiltern Hundreds are....
Sure, but this is a very particular scenario and the result has potentially huge ramifications for where our domestic politics is heading.
If Labour win here, the most Brexity of seats, so soon after Brexit and with it looking to the untrained eye to be a great decision, it will mean Europe is losing its salience as an issue driving votes and that by the time of the next GE it will barely feature. Plus Corbyn has gone, remember, and will be a distant memory by then. Labour now has a leader that, dull or not, most people can envisage as PM. This hasn't happened since 2010.
It will leave just one of the 3 key factors from the "BBC" election of Dec 19 still in play. "Boris". Can he carry that load? Can this political magician do it again, even after 5 years in power and with the economy in the toilet? I yield to no-one in my recognition of his powers, the guy's a vote magnet in the places that count, but I'm not so sure he can.
So that's the big story. A Labour win. If the Cons take it, it's a shrug and business as usual.
Total bollocks. If Starmer can’t win back a northern, traditionally Labour seat like Hartlepool, after seven zillion years of Tory government, then his leadership is in trouble. Simply the case. People won’t just ‘shrug’.
Yes there are complicating factors that make it somewhat harder. But, he should still win it
FWIW I think Labour will succeed
This is the traditional analysis but it's no longer applicable in the new politics forged by the 2016 EU Referendum and its aftermath. If the Tories can't win here, a triumphant Brexit just pocketed, they are losing their grip on what won them their GE majority - their consolidation and ownership of the Leave political identity, transcending class. Which means big trouble for them, since they offer little else except the "Boris" act. If Labour win this seat in May, Starmer will not quite be measuring up the curtains for number 10, but he will be immensely heartened, trust me.
Lol. Holding one of their own seats 11 years into Opposition that even Corbyn managed not to lose would be 'immensely heartening'? How Labour's ambitions have been etiolated by defeat - I remember when they used to be a national party. Now they're barely a regional one...
I've explained why I'm viewing it the way I am. We have a new politics now. The Cons have merged with Leave and they need to retain ownership of it. If they don't it's hard to see where they go. What are the Cons without Leave? That's a rhetorical question because I know you can't answer it. Nobody can. They'll still be "Boris", yes, but that's no basis for the future. Imagine having your fortunes dependent on him. Talk about precarious. No, tough times ahead for the party, methinks, if they lose their Leave USP. Like the GOP without MAGA, they'll be faced with a long and arduous rebuilding process from the bottom up.
The Tories were in almost exactly the same position in 2008 as Labour is now - out of power for 11 years straight, only 198 seats to their name. What would you have said then if the Tories - instead of seizing Labour seats like Crewe and Nantwich, which they did - had desperately tried to spin retaining one of their own heartland seats as a victory? It would have been laughable then, and it's laughable now.
Welsh and Scottish people display a level of antipathy to the English flag that is not reciprocated by the English.
Only 44% of Welsh people and 30% of Scottish people hold a favourable view of someone flying the English flag. By contrast, 56-57% of English people have a favourable view of someone flying the Scottish or Welsh flag.
Priti Patel wanted police to stop people gathering at Sarah Everard vigil
Exclusive: some police chiefs feel ‘hung out to dry’ as memo reveals home secretary’s enforcement call
For a few hours at least last Sunday, the Metropolitan police and their embattled commissioner appeared on the brink. Assailed from all sides over their handling of the Sarah Everard vigil on Clapham Common, there seemed every chance Dame Cressida Dick would have to quit the force she has been in charge of since 2017.
Instead she survived, as the Home Office and then Downing Street eventually signalled they retained confidence in her, despite the disturbing scenes of her officers manhandling women.
But the support she received from the home secretary, Priti Patel, raised questions about what role, if any, Patel played behind the scenes before the vigil on Saturday evening. A memo leaked to the Guardian offers some clues.
On Friday as the police and the vigil’s organisers were heading to court over the legality of such an event, a message was sent to all police chiefs making Patel’s position clear. She wanted them to stop people gathering at vigils. She also promised she would personally urge people not to gather – but she never did.
Though the police are operationally independent, the home secretary had made her views clear, which made her criticisms of the way officers broke up the Clapham event particularly galling, according to some police chiefs who spoke to the Guardian.
As a result, some chiefs feel policing was “hung out to dry” when Patel criticised pictures of officers manhandling women at the vigil, rebuked the Met commissioner and ordered an inquiry.
One chief constable said the message from Patel and the government before the vigil had been clear, that a ban on gatherings had to be enforced.
Tensions are now running high between police and ministers.
That should be enough to lose her her job. It probably won't but it should do.
It doesn't remove criticism of the police for the way they behaved but she should have been honest that she was in agreement with them rejecting compromise rather than pretending it had nothing to do with her. It makes those who were calling for Kahn's look pretty foolish. (and for the record I wouldn't vote for Khan in a million years)
Priti Patel wanted police to stop people gathering at Sarah Everard vigil
Exclusive: some police chiefs feel ‘hung out to dry’ as memo reveals home secretary’s enforcement call
For a few hours at least last Sunday, the Metropolitan police and their embattled commissioner appeared on the brink. Assailed from all sides over their handling of the Sarah Everard vigil on Clapham Common, there seemed every chance Dame Cressida Dick would have to quit the force she has been in charge of since 2017.
Instead she survived, as the Home Office and then Downing Street eventually signalled they retained confidence in her, despite the disturbing scenes of her officers manhandling women.
But the support she received from the home secretary, Priti Patel, raised questions about what role, if any, Patel played behind the scenes before the vigil on Saturday evening. A memo leaked to the Guardian offers some clues.
On Friday as the police and the vigil’s organisers were heading to court over the legality of such an event, a message was sent to all police chiefs making Patel’s position clear. She wanted them to stop people gathering at vigils. She also promised she would personally urge people not to gather – but she never did.
Though the police are operationally independent, the home secretary had made her views clear, which made her criticisms of the way officers broke up the Clapham event particularly galling, according to some police chiefs who spoke to the Guardian.
As a result, some chiefs feel policing was “hung out to dry” when Patel criticised pictures of officers manhandling women at the vigil, rebuked the Met commissioner and ordered an inquiry.
One chief constable said the message from Patel and the government before the vigil had been clear, that a ban on gatherings had to be enforced.
Tensions are now running high between police and ministers.
So let me get this straight, the vaccine that is only 'quasi-effective' for the oldies can now only be used exclusively for the oldies. Macron, you are a complete tool.
Completely unfair thing to say - a tool can be useful sometimes.
Also doctor’s appointments. Video. You’re sick. Why go into the GP and spread your weary germs. Why didn’t we do video calls before?
But group video calls for socialising and chatting with friends and fam? Never again. Ugh
have been very busy work wise so little chance of blogging recently.
Other half retired in June last year and is really glad she did as the current farrago on the split and pensions wasnt making her relax. What about yourself ?
As if that somehow made it less bad. In reality, they enslaved anyone they could, including members of their own family, sold women as sex slaves for rape, men for killing in the gladiatorial arena for entertainment, and both could be subject to summary execution.
First jabs 23,946
Second jabs 14,565
UK equivalent (Over 50s) = 750k (I'm adjusting for Wales' slightly older than average population).
They are much of a muchness, both equally shit.
- If a right wing politician had posted that, it would be taken as evidence by the left that he was a misogynist, unfit for public office, and should resign forthwith
- Since he's left wing, it's either not a problem, or he's apologised and "learned from the experience" so now everything is fine and we should all shut up about it.
The issue is double standards - the left cannot appoint itself as the guardians of our morality and use that to attack people it doesn't like, while ignoring similar or worse incidents on its own side. Alternatively, we could all just grow up and stop getting outraged over nothing. The right is probably fine with either approach.
It does seem irrational however you look at it, because the AZ possible adverse reactions seem no more frequent, and possibly less frequent, than those observed for the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines.
Whereas the last one involved a half hour drive to the park and ride, a ten minute wait for the bus, a ten minute bus ride, a ten minute wait for the catamaran, twenty five minutes crossing the Solent, then onto another bus to Southampton Station, a five minute walk across the footbridge to the bus station, a ten minute wait for a bus, a twenty minute bus trip across Southampton and a five minute walk into the hospital, followed by a half hour wait as they were running late. Then the reverse of the above as trip home. Total cost, thirty miles’ petrol, four bus trips (the other two of them are free), and the return boat crossing at a discounted NHS rate.
A majority of ethnic minorities also agreed that the statues debate represented "political correctness" going too far by 52% to 22%.
As Sunder Katwala has said this shows “a concern to differentiate between the most egregious examples and a sweeping 'year zero' idea of interrogating every historical figure by contemporary standards”; “views of ethnic minority Britons could be summed up as one of frustration that these polarising culture wars misrepresent and trivialise ethnic minority concerns about race equality.”
The CoE seems to have decided to go for the year zero approach in response. It's wrong.
Who cares?
This issue will start becoming political again soon, methinks.
I have a bi-weekly Zoom quiz with mates that I really enjoy, and once a week my Mum (who is a French teacher) gives my sister, my Dad (who joins from another room!) and I a French lesson via Skype, which is really improving my French - excited to become fluent, and is a chance to see them but without it being an open-ended 'and how are you?' call.
However, I can't imagine it'd be much fun dating them. So earnest and serious, and you'd be treading on eggshells the whole time whilst waiting to receive lectures about patriarchy and transgenderism.
One reason I loathe Zoom is that stupid little time lag, which makes spontaneous humour almost impossible. Jokes don't work, or somebody misses the punchline, it is then explained, conversation stalls. Painful.
Also the squares remind me that we are all locked in our own little cells. Squares of space. Like rats.
If I never do another social Zoom call again I shall be jubilant
The Confederate flag is literally linked with a doomed Civil War to try to maintain slavery.
The flags of Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia are not whatsoever.
You are making up your own strawmen.
A: Because he's flying the CANZUK flag.
Q: Why is that racist?
A: Because racists fly that flag.
Q: Racists like who?
A: Darren Grimes.
See also: St George's cross, the Union Jack.
Journalism is one of the jobs that REALLY needs human interaction, the buzz of gossip, hacks in a bar, it won't work without that. And the poor young junior hacks will not get the breaks and ideas you need, from meetings and encounters in the office, when starting out.
The Mirror is destroying itself, and damaging journalism.
I think mine was 4.2% - County 2.0%, District 2.1%, Town Council 5.0% (but they hardly ask for anything to begin with,) Police Authority 7.6%. I gain the impression that inflation-busting police precepts have been happening in quite a number of localities.
That's ok. That's what you do - we all know that - and, of course, it's entirely pointless to engage you on discussion on it, so I won't.
I'm also assuming from the 1st to 2nd dose vaccination ratio that they're sticking rigidly to manufacturers' recommendations on the dosing interval. Has anyone else anywhere in the world actually followed the UK's single dose strategy, do we know?
Also, it is all about money and they don't give a fuck about their workers. Contrast these two lines:
"We carried out a survey of all colleagues that showed a majority found home working suited their needs."
"The same research found 70% of staff still missed seeing their colleagues in person."
Good for the Mail and the Guardian, however: committed to keeping the office open. Not everyone can work from home all the time, many don't want to, especially the young.
The poll you linked to yourself suggested most ethnic minorities wanted statues of slavers removed, which is what the CofE is doing.
A future black Archbishop of Canterbury could be the next step which would be fine
Teams is fine.
Skype was the worst, bloody hell that is a pile of shite
So okay for journalists in London and Manchester, but rubbish for everyone else.
It is the one social interaction that has improved for me in COVID. The rest just sucks.
"France imposed a new age restriction on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine today, undermining the government’s effort to rebuild trust in the product as injections resumed.
The High Health Authority, the agency that regulates medicines, said that the AstraZeneca vaccine must now not be used on people below 55, because the cases of blood-clotting that had been linked to the vaccine in Europe all affected people under that age. It said that there had been three such cases in France."
Eventually folk will have to learn that they - personally - either have to fork out or go without, but so long as the conditions that permit squillions to be borrowed cheaply by Governments persist, the day of reckoning will be delayed.
Only 44% of Welsh people and 30% of Scottish people hold a favourable view of someone flying the English flag. By contrast, 56-57% of English people have a favourable view of someone flying the Scottish or Welsh flag.
If you want to have a flag in your office, have a flag in your office.
If you do not wish to have a flag in your office, do not have a flag in your office.
If you wish to take the piss out of someone for having a flag in their office, take the piss out of someone for having a flag in their office.
See also: pictures of the Queen; Christmas cards featuring Nicola Sturgeon; Garfield mugs.
We should remove all statues and tributes to Winston Churchill.
Wrecsam -- like Hartlepool -- is another place where the local Labour Party is in complete disarray.
CANZUK is a proposal for free trade and free movement between those four countries. There's nothing racial to it whatsoever, any more than anyone flying 12 golden stars on a field of blue is racial.
Priti Patel wanted police to stop people gathering at Sarah Everard vigil
Exclusive: some police chiefs feel ‘hung out to dry’ as memo reveals home secretary’s enforcement call
For a few hours at least last Sunday, the Metropolitan police and their embattled commissioner appeared on the brink. Assailed from all sides over their handling of the Sarah Everard vigil on Clapham Common, there seemed every chance Dame Cressida Dick would have to quit the force she has been in charge of since 2017.
Instead she survived, as the Home Office and then Downing Street eventually signalled they retained confidence in her, despite the disturbing scenes of her officers manhandling women.
But the support she received from the home secretary, Priti Patel, raised questions about what role, if any, Patel played behind the scenes before the vigil on Saturday evening. A memo leaked to the Guardian offers some clues.
On Friday as the police and the vigil’s organisers were heading to court over the legality of such an event, a message was sent to all police chiefs making Patel’s position clear. She wanted them to stop people gathering at vigils. She also promised she would personally urge people not to gather – but she never did.
Though the police are operationally independent, the home secretary had made her views clear, which made her criticisms of the way officers broke up the Clapham event particularly galling, according to some police chiefs who spoke to the Guardian.
As a result, some chiefs feel policing was “hung out to dry” when Patel criticised pictures of officers manhandling women at the vigil, rebuked the Met commissioner and ordered an inquiry.
One chief constable said the message from Patel and the government before the vigil had been clear, that a ban on gatherings had to be enforced.
Tensions are now running high between police and ministers.
It doesn't remove criticism of the police for the way they behaved but she should have been honest that she was in agreement with them rejecting compromise rather than pretending it had nothing to do with her. It makes those who were calling for Kahn's look pretty foolish. (and for the record I wouldn't vote for Khan in a million years)