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Cummings – the end of the line for his time at Number 10? –



  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,414
    ydoethur said:

    I am wondering however if it is any coincidence that Khan’s compensation package and Cummings’ departure have been announced on the same day.

    The size of it is effectively an admission that she was treated not merely unfairly but illegally by Cummings. Given that’s twice he’s acted illegally and laws have been changed retrospectively to cover it, plus the fact all his ideas for actually governing have failed, it’s hard to see how he could have stayed.

    Edit - I also wonder what he will do next. Who’s going to hire somebody with his very public track record?

    He's Daniel Hannan with executive experience.
    Astonishingly, there's likely a market for that somewhere. Possibly the US.
  • CharlesCharles Posts: 35,758
    Scott_xP said:
    Damn! Zhey have figured out ze master plan!
  • Scott_xP said:
    If it costs him the next election, absolutely.
  • CharlesCharles Posts: 35,758
    TOPPING said:

    ydoethur said:

    Charles said:

    It's weird, it's like all the bullshit is finally winding down, yet somehow Brexit is still there.

    There does seem to be various speculation of the Carrie group supporting extending the transition. That would be very good and sensible if true, and I'm sure Sunak would welcome it too, considering the still very dicey situation we're in socially, economically and health-wise.
    Don’t be silly

    The transition is done

    We move into a 12 month “gradual implementation” phase at this point
    That’s an irregular verb, isn’t it? They Brexit in name only, you have a transition period, we are in an implementation phase.
    Charles is only following the govt's failed attempts last time to rebrand the transition period as an implementation period.

    Huge success back then....
    Did they? I didn’t notice
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,149
    Cyclefree said:

    So it looks as if Take Back Control means Running Away just before the thing you’ve campaigned for comes to pass.

    Who could possibly have foreseen that liars are also cowards.

  • Scott_xP said:
    There won't be an issues. Because there won't be any changes. An advert has just popped up on my LinkedIn feed - "New Business Rules start 01 Jan 21. Getting ready takes longer than you think. Act Now. Which then links to the official website. here

    There is a huge long list of things to do. For example if I want to import stuff (and I do), then I should:
    1. Find out how to make customs declarations. I can do it myself by paying for access to someone's computer or pay someone to do it myself.
    2. Check the new rules for my type of goods. What new import licenses will be needed? What markings and labels are required?
    3. Make sure I have an EORI number
    4. Check the rate of Tax and Duty I will need to pay
    5. Check if I can make the importing process quicker

    Its reassuring that all of this additional cost and red tape is a reduction in cost and red tape. Because the reality is that on 1st January we won't be able to do any of this having not hired and trained customs officials or having a place to house either them or the long line of trucks being tipped off trains and boats that need checking.

    Also reassuring is the reality that despite the website telling me there is 49 days to go we know that the rules that drive all of this haven't even been agreed. A prime example being the NI page for "importing" goods from the UK into the UK which states "Until negotiations with the EU conclude, there will be some areas without complete certainty, but full guidance will be provided by the end of the transition period." - being 49 days away.

    This is why the industry is largely ignoring all of this shit. The new CDS customs computer system which still doesn't exist is reported to take 4 times longer to process paperwork than the CHIEF system it replaces. But we need a new system as the only system can't remotely handle the volume of transactions needed. So a new unproven and very slow system, or a reliable old one incapable of doing the bigger job.

    This really is ludicrous. If Govey unveils any kind of deal that involves customs declarations we're fucked. If we don't reach a deal at all and have to do customs declarations we're fucked. Which is why suddenly the breakup of the Cum/Shagger relationship suggests a massive about turn and an "implementation" period. As we can't implement either a bespoke deal which we don't have or WTO no deal and even if we really wanted to the chaos and cost would demolish the government's reputation and ratings, we will have to adopt EU rules and thus avoid changes at all.
  • CharlesCharles Posts: 35,758

    Charles said:

    yet somehow Brexit is still there.

    It's more and more obvious that Theresa May's deal was the best one
    Silly of you lot to oppose it then wasn’t it
    You're a cantankerous old git really aren't you?

    For the record, I urged everyone to vote for Theresa May's deal, despite being opposed to Brexit. I said at the time repeatedly that it was the best possible deal available and the least worst outcome. I even wrote to my then Conservative MP urging him to vote for it (he didn't).

    Buck up.
    Not really. But fling insults at me if it makes you feel better. Water off a Duck’s back to me
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    DavidL said:

    Unlike many on here I have a lot of time for Cummings. He is an iconoclast, and lordy do we need some of them. The smug, self-satisfied blob that runs our institutions, government and society seriously need a good kicking. And then some more kicking.

    But a government cannot run as a permanent revolution. Eventually a modus operandi needs to be reached with the establishment and some compromises need to be made. I think Cummings saw this himself in his January blog. And he was right. As usual.

    Whatever he is, the antidote to "smug" and "self-satisfied" isn't it.

    He made the classic outsiders' mistake of thinking that seeing what is wrong is sufficient capability and qualification to be able to improve things.

    All he has been doing is disrupting and destroying in the hope that some better arrangement might emerge entirely by accident.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    DavidL said:

    Unlike many on here I have a lot of time for Cummings. He is an iconoclast, and lordy do we need some of them. The smug, self-satisfied blob that runs our institutions, government and society seriously need a good kicking. And then some more kicking.

    But a government cannot run as a permanent revolution. Eventually a modus operandi needs to be reached with the establishment and some compromises need to be made. I think Cummings saw this himself in his January blog. And he was right. As usual.

    Nor as a temporary revolution, and kicking the self-satisfied is not enough and doesn't work. The Brexit vote was tipped by those wanting to remain but wanting even more to give a kick in the balls to the fat, smug, self-regarding Old Etonian arse in Downing Street. That went well.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    IanB2 said:

    Whatever he is, the antidote to "smug" and "self-satisfied" isn't it.

  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    Peter Sutcliffe has died. Good.
  • "My position hasn’t changed since my January blog, which I edited yesterday"
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,149
    Scott_xP said:
    Just one problem: the Cabinet is deliberately staffed with utter non-entities.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    I was interested to note in the Guardian article that Ms Symonds was close to Lord Goldsmith.

    Does anyone know if Boris is still taking violin lessons?

    It's certainly gone very quiet on the classical music front. More than that, it isn't legally safe to speculate.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    The only thing to take the shine off a good news day - Bernard Jenkin popping up on R4 to crow about it all
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    Scott_xP said:
  • ChrisChris Posts: 11,687

    A quick run through of Betfair prices.

    Trump ECVs 210-239 1.16
    Biden ECVs 300-329 1.15

    Incredible!!!! The only way Biden won't finish on 306 is if you think c 20,000 votes in Georgia will be rejected. Not going to happen.

    Hat tip. Thank you.
    Those prices have actually lengthened overnight. Does someone worry that Georgia might end up with no ECVs if the recount goes on too long? Remember in Florida 2000 one Republican tactic was to delay the recounts and then argue there was no time left so the court had to decide. (Note I'm not saying this will happen; just trying to rationalise the prices having drifted.)
    Its not just Georgia where that is (one of) the tactic(s). Same in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Stopping Biden reaching 270 is easier than Trump reaching 270 and has the same final outcome.

    I would imagine most of the money backing legal challenges on Betfair is hoping rather than worrying this happens, with a big chunk of the rest people closing to free up funds and get rid of the uncertainty.
    I don't see how that could work. Even if by some miracle Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania could be excluded from the electoral college, Biden would still be ahead. It would need results in at least three states actually to be reversed. It's just not going to happen.
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518
    Scott_xP said:
    Just need to get some decent Cabinet ministers first...
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518
    DavidL said:

    Peter Sutcliffe has died. Good.

    Anyone have him in the (still active?) sweepstake?
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,414
    DavidL said:

    Unlike many on here I have a lot of time for Cummings. He is an iconoclast, and lordy do we need some of them. The smug, self-satisfied blob that runs our institutions, government and society seriously need a good kicking. And then some more kicking.

    But a government cannot run as a permanent revolution. Eventually a modus operandi needs to be reached with the establishment and some compromises need to be made. I think Cummings saw this himself in his January blog. And he was right. As usual.

    And he's a miserable failure on those terms, too.

    All he's done is show that the smug self satisfied institutions were better than his alternatives.
    And anyone who uses the word blob as a substitute for serious analysis, or even as a rhetorical device, is an idiot.
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518
    Scott_xP said:
    Still. I think we're better off (not so far gone) than America. In governance terms. Brexit is a bit of a bugger though.
  • China finally called the White House race. I think we're still waiting for Russia and North Korea.
  • A Tory pivot back to cuddly Cameroonism will be very good news for Nigel Farage. And, therefore, for Labour.
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518
    Chris said:

    A quick run through of Betfair prices.

    Trump ECVs 210-239 1.16
    Biden ECVs 300-329 1.15

    Incredible!!!! The only way Biden won't finish on 306 is if you think c 20,000 votes in Georgia will be rejected. Not going to happen.

    Hat tip. Thank you.
    Those prices have actually lengthened overnight. Does someone worry that Georgia might end up with no ECVs if the recount goes on too long? Remember in Florida 2000 one Republican tactic was to delay the recounts and then argue there was no time left so the court had to decide. (Note I'm not saying this will happen; just trying to rationalise the prices having drifted.)
    Its not just Georgia where that is (one of) the tactic(s). Same in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Stopping Biden reaching 270 is easier than Trump reaching 270 and has the same final outcome.

    I would imagine most of the money backing legal challenges on Betfair is hoping rather than worrying this happens, with a big chunk of the rest people closing to free up funds and get rid of the uncertainty.
    I don't see how that could work. Even if by some miracle Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania could be excluded from the electoral college, Biden would still be ahead. It would need results in at least three states actually to be reversed. It's just not going to happen.
    It's fantasy i agree, but i think you've misunderstood the electoral college. It's not enough to be ahead. You've got to actually get 270 votes.
  • Colour me sceptical until he has physically left the building without an official pass. Until then I am filing all this speculation about leaving at Xmas under 'bollocks'.

  • DavidL said:

    Unlike many on here I have a lot of time for Cummings. He is an iconoclast, and lordy do we need some of them. The smug, self-satisfied blob that runs our institutions, government and society seriously need a good kicking. And then some more kicking.

    But a government cannot run as a permanent revolution. Eventually a modus operandi needs to be reached with the establishment and some compromises need to be made. I think Cummings saw this himself in his January blog. And he was right. As usual.

    Populist word salad, the sort of post I'd expect from a Corbyn diehard.
  • JACK_WJACK_W Posts: 682
    Donald Trump in solidarity with Serbia and the refusal of it's President to recognise Biden's election victory issued the following statement :

    "No way Scotland beat gallant Serbia. The match was rigged and there were at least 2.7million missing Serbian goals" .... Er .. Jared where's Serbia, is it a bigly country. They love me over there right???
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518

    Colour me sceptical until he has physically left the building without an official pass. Until then I am filing all this speculation about leaving at Xmas under 'bollocks'.

    Depends on the real reasons though. If he really did have something to do with the leak then that puts a different complexion on things.
  • DeClareDeClare Posts: 483
    Chris said:

    A quick run through of Betfair prices.

    Trump ECVs 210-239 1.16
    Biden ECVs 300-329 1.15

    Incredible!!!! The only way Biden won't finish on 306 is if you think c 20,000 votes in Georgia will be rejected. Not going to happen.

    Hat tip. Thank you.
    Those prices have actually lengthened overnight. Does someone worry that Georgia might end up with no ECVs if the recount goes on too long? Remember in Florida 2000 one Republican tactic was to delay the recounts and then argue there was no time left so the court had to decide. (Note I'm not saying this will happen; just trying to rationalise the prices having drifted.)
    Its not just Georgia where that is (one of) the tactic(s). Same in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Stopping Biden reaching 270 is easier than Trump reaching 270 and has the same final outcome.

    I would imagine most of the money backing legal challenges on Betfair is hoping rather than worrying this happens, with a big chunk of the rest people closing to free up funds and get rid of the uncertainty.
    I don't see how that could work. Even if by some miracle Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania could be excluded from the electoral college, Biden would still be ahead. It would need results in at least three states actually to be reversed. It's just not going to happen.
    Haven't looked yet today but yesterday there was £27 @ 45/1 to be laid that Trump gets more than 61% of the nationwide popular vote.

    How? it's free money if you're wealthy enough to tie it up for 5 weeks.
  • Scott_xP said:
    We've reached the buckspreading stage of the Johnson government.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411
    They're finding the dead voters who cast ballots in the election, and by find I mean find 90+ year old widows who have used their husband's name to vote for years.
    Not a good look for team Trump
  • WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,843
    edited November 2020
    IanB2 said:

    The only thing to take the shine off a good news day - Bernard Jenkin popping up on R4 to crow about it all

    He seems to think Cummings gone is an opportunity to appoint people like Redwood to the cabinet - "senior voices who understand Brexit ". I don't think that's what's going to happen , at all.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    JACK_W said:

    Donald Trump in solidarity with Serbia and the refusal of it's President to recognise Biden's election victory issued the following statement :

    "No way Scotland beat gallant Serbia. The match was rigged and there were at least 2.7million missing Serbian goals" .... Er .. Jared where's Serbia, is it a bigly country. They love me over there right???

    “We're the best in the world! We're the best in the world! ... Aleksandar Vučić, I have a message for you..."
  • If it is true he will really leave, then it is purely an exercise in not being around when the No Deal brexit disaster hits in January.

    No doubt the £300K a year head of UK Advanced Technology Projects quango will be announced on Boxing Day whilst no one is watching.
  • alex_ said:

    Scott_xP said:

    I know it's a crappy tribute act, but BoZo and Dom did just enact the opening scene of The Thick of It

    That's why you've gotta go




    I've made the announcement

    Say that you're jumping before you were pushed, although we're going to be briefing that you were pushed.


    Wasn't that nicked from Yes Minister? "It's been announced, it's in the programme".
    I think both were far closer to documentaries than most people realised, though in the last few years reality has started to become satire proof: the Four Seasons incident at the weekend, well as the Bard put it “ If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.”
  • Only someone as toxic and incompetent as Johnson could put someone as toxic as Cummings in such a position of power. Cummings is not the problem, just a symptom
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518
    Pulpstar said:

    They're finding the dead voters who cast ballots in the election, and by find I mean find 90+ year old widows who have used their husband's name to vote for years.
    Not a good look for team Trump

    I am wondering how many of these "dead voters" will turn out to be Trump/Republican supporters. In trying to concoct a massive programme of Democrat fraud, they are probably uncovering levels of casual/individual fraud that is non partisan and/or concentrated among Republicans.
  • On Monday Boris Johnson wanted Lee Cain to be his chief of staff. He was overruled. Now, on Friday, Johnson’s weakness is there for all to see. Because he is bone idle, he is not in control.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,414
    JACK_W said:

    CNN / NYT have called Arizona for Biden, finally

    John McCain says "Arizona to Trump - You're fired"
  • Mr. Observer, whilst he is bone idle, the worse flaw is cowardice. Well, that and dithering. Bone idleness, cowardice, dithering, and stupidity and amongst Boris Johnson's biggest character failings.


    I'll come in again, wait here.
  • GallowgateGallowgate Posts: 19,317
    Boris would have been a brilliant elected president, with limited powers like in Ireland. He could open shopping centres and flag wave with little responsibility just like the Mayor of London.
  • Chris said:

    A quick run through of Betfair prices.

    Trump ECVs 210-239 1.16
    Biden ECVs 300-329 1.15

    Incredible!!!! The only way Biden won't finish on 306 is if you think c 20,000 votes in Georgia will be rejected. Not going to happen.

    Hat tip. Thank you.
    Those prices have actually lengthened overnight. Does someone worry that Georgia might end up with no ECVs if the recount goes on too long? Remember in Florida 2000 one Republican tactic was to delay the recounts and then argue there was no time left so the court had to decide. (Note I'm not saying this will happen; just trying to rationalise the prices having drifted.)
    Its not just Georgia where that is (one of) the tactic(s). Same in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Stopping Biden reaching 270 is easier than Trump reaching 270 and has the same final outcome.

    I would imagine most of the money backing legal challenges on Betfair is hoping rather than worrying this happens, with a big chunk of the rest people closing to free up funds and get rid of the uncertainty.
    I don't see how that could work. Even if by some miracle Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania could be excluded from the electoral college, Biden would still be ahead. It would need results in at least three states actually to be reversed. It's just not going to happen.
    If he gets less than 270, even if he is ahead, then it’s up to Congress,
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited November 2020
    I'm told by a very reliable source that Cummings will be back next year as head of the government backed/run UK DARPA.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411
    alex_ said:

    Pulpstar said:

    They're finding the dead voters who cast ballots in the election, and by find I mean find 90+ year old widows who have used their husband's name to vote for years.
    Not a good look for team Trump

    I am wondering how many of these "dead voters" will turn out to be Trump/Republican supporters. In trying to concoct a massive programme of Democrat fraud, they are probably uncovering levels of casual/individual fraud that is non partisan and/or concentrated among Republicans.
    I don't think any actual fraud has been uncovered yet !
    Doubtless there will be some, I don't think its systematic or neccessarily for the Dems as you say
  • FoxyFoxy Posts: 47,618
    IanB2 said:

    I was interested to note in the Guardian article that Ms Symonds was close to Lord Goldsmith.

    Does anyone know if Boris is still taking violin lessons?

    It's certainly gone very quiet on the classical music front. More than that, it isn't legally safe to speculate.
    I suspect that his violin is now firewood.

    On Monday Boris Johnson wanted Lee Cain to be his chief of staff. He was overruled. Now, on Friday, Johnson’s weakness is there for all to see. Because he is bone idle, he is not in control.

    BoZo is a cork in a storm, with no control over events, and with no interest in policy or planning, merely agreeing with the last person that he spoke to. That is why his unelected advisors matter, never before have we had such an intellectual and moral vacuum at the heart of government.
  • Scott_xP said:
    There won't be an issues. Because there won't be any changes. An advert has just popped up on my LinkedIn feed - "New Business Rules start 01 Jan 21. Getting ready takes longer than you think. Act Now. Which then links to the official website. here

    There is a huge long list of things to do. For example if I want to import stuff (and I do), then I should:
    1. Find out how to make customs declarations. I can do it myself by paying for access to someone's computer or pay someone to do it myself.
    2. Check the new rules for my type of goods. What new import licenses will be needed? What markings and labels are required?
    3. Make sure I have an EORI number
    4. Check the rate of Tax and Duty I will need to pay
    5. Check if I can make the importing process quicker

    Its reassuring that all of this additional cost and red tape is a reduction in cost and red tape. Because the reality is that on 1st January we won't be able to do any of this having not hired and trained customs officials or having a place to house either them or the long line of trucks being tipped off trains and boats that need checking.

    Also reassuring is the reality that despite the website telling me there is 49 days to go we know that the rules that drive all of this haven't even been agreed. A prime example being the NI page for "importing" goods from the UK into the UK which states "Until negotiations with the EU conclude, there will be some areas without complete certainty, but full guidance will be provided by the end of the transition period." - being 49 days away.

    This is why the industry is largely ignoring all of this shit. The new CDS customs computer system which still doesn't exist is reported to take 4 times longer to process paperwork than the CHIEF system it replaces. But we need a new system as the only system can't remotely handle the volume of transactions needed. So a new unproven and very slow system, or a reliable old one incapable of doing the bigger job.

    This really is ludicrous. If Govey unveils any kind of deal that involves customs declarations we're fucked. If we don't reach a deal at all and have to do customs declarations we're fucked. Which is why suddenly the breakup of the Cum/Shagger relationship suggests a massive about turn and an "implementation" period. As we can't implement either a bespoke deal which we don't have or WTO no deal and even if we really wanted to the chaos and cost would demolish the government's reputation and ratings, we will have to adopt EU rules and thus avoid changes at all.
    Some organisations are preparing. I've just been informed (very apologetically) that my German credit card will be cancelled on 31 December because there is not yet any legal framework in place for the bank in question to be able to continue providing it to me.
  • Boris would have been a brilliant elected president, with limited powers like in Ireland. He could open shopping centres and flag wave with little responsibility just like the Mayor of London.

    Since prince Phillip retired, the UK has been in need of a posh, wittering, racist man to turn up to cut ribbons and make off-colour jokes.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    Boris would have been a brilliant elected president, with limited powers like in Ireland. He could open shopping centres and flag wave with little responsibility just like the Mayor of London.

    You put your finger on a key reason why he is sinking in the top job. Unlike his mayoral role, he can't simply pick some good officials to do all the work and then galivant around the place taking the credit and opening stuff. The hugely over-centralised UK system requires an active, hands-on, on-the ball PM, which he ain't.
  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,845
    Have I got this right?

    Bozo appointed Stratton to be his boss?
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914

    Roger said:

    It's weird, it's like all the bullshit is finally winding down, yet somehow Brexit is still there.

    There does seem to be various speculation of the Carrie group supporting extending the transition. That would be very good and sensible if true, and I'm sure Sunak would welcome it too, considering the still very dicey situation we're in socially, economically and health-wise.
    Are we being governed by Carrie now? We really are giving the Trumps a run for their money.
    Relative to Cummings, I think that's a good thing. There seems surprisingly little positive support for either Brexit or Cummings over among the Mail contributors in the last few days, and as I understand the polls have shown a big drop in Brexit support too. There would still be a fair amount of angry people on the right even in the middle of a pandemic if we extended, obviously, though.
    This won't be about extension to transition though but Johnson agreeing a deal and a 12 month implementation period won't it? No way practically or politically of extending the transition period I don't think?

    Obviously the deal is a dangerous moment for the PM, given where his party is on Brexit and lockdown but no doubt it will be spun as a triumph.

    I do think the reaction to a deal outside of the bubble will probably be a shrug of the shoulders except for a few zealots.

    I that's right. Its boring and difficult to follow, and those who do follow it will have made up their minds about its triumph/disaster already. Reaction will only come from the public once there are consequences that cannot be ignored so if they can be deferred most wont notice.

    I do wonder if even the Bakers of the world have had enough of this. Sure they do genuinely care about the issue but trying to seek a contest now? Are even Tory Members up for that?
  • On Monday Boris Johnson wanted Lee Cain to be his chief of staff. He was overruled. Now, on Friday, Johnson’s weakness is there for all to see. Because he is bone idle, he is not in control.

    So if Carrie had not intervened earlier this week we would have Cain as Chief of Staff and Cummings remaining as Chief Advisor and Lord of All?

    A grateful nation owes this young woman a great deal if the departures really happen.
  • Have I got this right?

    Bozo appointed Stratton to be his boss?

    Not quite, he appointed Stratton to be his Dom, to his sub.
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,266
    edited November 2020
    Nobody voted for Carrie Symonds. It's disappointing to read reports saying that she has a big political influence in number 10.
  • WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,843
    edited November 2020

    Have I got this right?

    Bozo appointed Stratton to be his boss?

    The fragrant Lady Carrie did, I think. Probably make a much better boss than Cummings.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    IanB2 said:

    The only thing to take the shine off a good news day - Bernard Jenkin popping up on R4 to crow about it all

    He seems to think Cummings gone is an opportunity to appoint people like Redwood to the cabinet - "senior voices who understand Brexit ". I don't think that's what's going to happen , at all.
    You think he had "Redwood" in mind? I thought his appeal to get rid of all the "inexperienced" cabinet members and bring into Cabinet some senior members with experience sounded rather pitiful myself. Who might he possibly have been thinking of?
  • Andy_JS said:

    Nobody voted for Carrie Symonds. It's disappointing to read reports saying that she has a big political influence in number 10.

    Nobody voted for Dom Cummings either, but we are where we are.
  • Good morning

    I wake up this morning to hear Cummings is leaving

    I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    I hope a deal with the EU is now more likely with a fazed transition

    I expect Boris is likely to remain in post through 2021 as he attempts to turn things round and especially move to a strong climate change agenda working with Joe Biden and others culminating in the climate conference next year in Glasgow

    And of course Trump will be over in January which is really good news
  • GallowgateGallowgate Posts: 19,317
    edited November 2020

    Bloody metropolitan liberal elite scum infiltrating and frustrating Brexit at every turn.
  • alex_alex_ Posts: 7,518
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    The only thing to take the shine off a good news day - Bernard Jenkin popping up on R4 to crow about it all

    He seems to think Cummings gone is an opportunity to appoint people like Redwood to the cabinet - "senior voices who understand Brexit ". I don't think that's what's going to happen , at all.
    You think he had "Redwood" in mind? I thought his appeal to get rid of all the "inexperienced" cabinet members and bring into Cabinet some senior members with experience sounded rather pitiful myself. Who might he possibly have been thinking of?
    Clarke? May? Hammond? Javid?
  • WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,843
    edited November 2020
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    The only thing to take the shine off a good news day - Bernard Jenkin popping up on R4 to crow about it all

    He seems to think Cummings gone is an opportunity to appoint people like Redwood to the cabinet - "senior voices who understand Brexit ". I don't think that's what's going to happen , at all.
    You think he had "Redwood" in mind? I thought his appeal to get rid of all the "inexperienced" cabinet members and bring into Cabinet some senior members with experience sounded rather pitiful myself. Who might he possibly have been thinking of?
    In Bernard Jenkin's world, Redwood, Jenkin and Cash are now going to be called in to save Brexit, I think.
  • Roy_G_Biv said:

    Boris would have been a brilliant elected president, with limited powers like in Ireland. He could open shopping centres and flag wave with little responsibility just like the Mayor of London.

    Since prince Phillip retired, the UK has been in need of a posh, wittering, racist man to turn up to cut ribbons and make off-colour jokes.
    Don't you mean on-colour jokes?
  • GallowgateGallowgate Posts: 19,317

    What the hell is going on here!?
  • FenmanFenman Posts: 1,047
    Andy_JS said:

    Nobody voted for Carrie Symonds. It's disappointing to read reports saying that she has a big political influence in number 10.

    Power without responsibility....
  • Have I got this right?

    Bozo appointed Stratton to be his boss?

    The fragrant Carrie did, I think.
    It is none of her business. She is not even his wife. Moving from dictat by Cummings to dictat by Carrie sounds like plus ca change......
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    DavidL said:

    Unlike many on here I have a lot of time for Cummings. He is an iconoclast, and lordy do we need some of them. The smug, self-satisfied blob that runs our institutions, government and society seriously need a good kicking. And then some more kicking.

    But a government cannot run as a permanent revolution. Eventually a modus operandi needs to be reached with the establishment and some compromises need to be made. I think Cummings saw this himself in his January blog. And he was right. As usual.

    I can see your point in theory as institutions do need a shake up, but something useful needs to come from that shake up. As your permanent revolution line suggests there are limits.
    And blundering in and cocking things about in unearned confidence may in fact shake things up in a way to prevent actually useful shakeups in future.

    If some arrogant, rude svengali messes everyone about to the point those following them are wary of even trying to sort things out it has been a net loss, even if the alternative was a sclerotic blob.

    It's the 'upsets the right people' level analysis and its crap.
  • OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,997

    Good morning

    I wake up this morning to hear Cummings is leaving

    I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    I hope a deal with the EU is now more likely with a fazed transition

    I expect Boris is likely to remain in post through 2021 as he attempts to turn things round and especially move to a strong climate change agenda working with Joe Biden and others culminating in the climate conference next year in Glasgow

    And of course Trump will be over in January which is really good news

    With respect, Mr G, a 'fazed' transition is surely what we're worried about; what we need is a 'phased' transition .

    Although, of course, what we really need is no transition at all!

  • I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    How is it you manage to make even this sound creepy?
  • Fenman said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Nobody voted for Carrie Symonds. It's disappointing to read reports saying that she has a big political influence in number 10.

    Power without responsibility....
    Nobody voted for Cummings and he's done far more damage to this country.
  • Add it to the unpaid council tax for money Cummings owes British taxpayers.

    What the hell is going on here!?
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,266
    Why was Frank Bruno meeting the Yorkshire Ripper?
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    kle4 said:

    DavidL said:

    Unlike many on here I have a lot of time for Cummings. He is an iconoclast, and lordy do we need some of them. The smug, self-satisfied blob that runs our institutions, government and society seriously need a good kicking. And then some more kicking.

    But a government cannot run as a permanent revolution. Eventually a modus operandi needs to be reached with the establishment and some compromises need to be made. I think Cummings saw this himself in his January blog. And he was right. As usual.

    I can see your point in theory as institutions do need a shake up, but something useful needs to come from that shake up. As your permanent revolution line suggests there are limits.
    And blundering in and cocking things about in unearned confidence may in fact shake things up in a way to prevent actually useful shakeups in future.

    If some arrogant, rude svengali messes everyone about to the point those following them are wary of even trying to sort things out it has been a net loss, even if the alternative was a sclerotic blob.

    It's the 'upsets the right people' level analysis and its crap.
    A slightly more nuanced response than most this morning. Thanks.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914

    Alistair said:

    I'm not saying Unionist politicians in Scotland are not right in the head but currently on Scottish Twitter Jo Swinson is trending because Nicola Sturgeon celebrated Scotland qualifying for the Euros.

    It's because last night Nicola Sturgeon re-tweeted the clip of her celebrating Jo Swinson's defeat. Although Sturgeon afterwards claimed she was cheering for Amy Callagham, the victor.
    I never saw the problem with it being her celebrating Swinsons defeat. Ok, not gracious, but why wouldn't people cheer the defeat of their opponents?
  • Have I got this right?

    Bozo appointed Stratton to be his boss?

    The fragrant Carrie did, I think.
    It is none of her business. She is not even his wife. Moving from dictat by Cummings to dictat by Carrie sounds like plus ca change......
    On the other hand, she seems far less of a damaged personality than him, and is able to build much better networks for her fiance.
  • I'm told by a very reliable source that Cummings will be back next year as head of the government backed/run UK DARPA.

    Former evening newspaper editors do not count as reliable sources.

    Nonetheless, the idea of UK DARPA or its equivalent is an attractive one. In practice, however, if it just ends up taking money from the existing research agencies, it will probably weaken our research base.
  • Roy_G_Biv said:

    I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    How is it you manage to make even this sound creepy?
    Only in your mind
  • Good morning

    I wake up this morning to hear Cummings is leaving

    I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    I hope a deal with the EU is now more likely with a fazed transition

    I expect Boris is likely to remain in post through 2021 as he attempts to turn things round and especially move to a strong climate change agenda working with Joe Biden and others culminating in the climate conference next year in Glasgow

    And of course Trump will be over in January which is really good news

    Suddenly 2020 seems to be turning itself around. Next step: Oxford declare a 95% effective vaccine.
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited November 2020

    Good morning

    I wake up this morning to hear Cummings is leaving

    I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    I hope a deal with the EU is now more likely with a fazed transition

    I expect Boris is likely to remain in post through 2021 as he attempts to turn things round and especially move to a strong climate change agenda working with Joe Biden and others culminating in the climate conference next year in Glasgow

    And of course Trump will be over in January which is really good news

    New PB rule, if you're going to use French words, you have to make sure you use the appropriate l'accent circonflexe et al.
  • Good morning

    I wake up this morning to hear Cummings is leaving

    I am so pleased that finally influential ladies in number 10 have delivered their coup de grace and seen off Cummings

    I hope a deal with the EU is now more likely with a fazed transition

    I expect Boris is likely to remain in post through 2021 as he attempts to turn things round and especially move to a strong climate change agenda working with Joe Biden and others culminating in the climate conference next year in Glasgow

    And of course Trump will be over in January which is really good news

    With respect, Mr G, a 'fazed' transition is surely what we're worried about; what we need is a 'phased' transition .

    Although, of course, what we really need is no transition at all!
    Dear me.

    Thank you so much for correcting me

  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    Scott_xP said:
    Not that it will that dramatic, but that is one reason advisers surely know (apart from Cummings) that they may have to be expendable to blunt attacks on their boss, and so it need not be that personal and you'll be looked after by others if you play ball
  • Foxy said:

    IanB2 said:

    I was interested to note in the Guardian article that Ms Symonds was close to Lord Goldsmith.

    Does anyone know if Boris is still taking violin lessons?

    It's certainly gone very quiet on the classical music front. More than that, it isn't legally safe to speculate.
    I suspect that his violin is now firewood.

    On Monday Boris Johnson wanted Lee Cain to be his chief of staff. He was overruled. Now, on Friday, Johnson’s weakness is there for all to see. Because he is bone idle, he is not in control.

    BoZo is a cork in a storm, with no control over events, and with no interest in policy or planning, merely agreeing with the last person that he spoke to. That is why his unelected advisors matter, never before have we had such an intellectual and moral vacuum at the heart of government.
    Caused by the intellectual and moral vacuum in his head? ;) How did we wind up with this clown?
  • I'm told by a very reliable source that Cummings will be back next year as head of the government backed/run UK DARPA.

    Former evening newspaper editors do not count as reliable sources.

    Nonetheless, the idea of UK DARPA or its equivalent is an attractive one. In practice, however, if it just ends up taking money from the existing research agencies, it will probably weaken our research base.
    Whilst I'm sure that Dom would like that train set to play with to be in his Christmas stocking, surely the fact that he's a posh school / Oxford Humanities blagger ought to disqualify him?

    Even if he weren't obviously damaged goods...
  • CNN / NYT have called Arizona for Biden, finally

    After Trump needed 99.9% of outstanding votes?

    Touch & go!
This discussion has been closed.