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  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    DavidL said:

    Y0kel said:

    Whilst people obsess themselves over Brexit, its going to pale in immediate effect if things kick off in the Persian Gulf.

    All the off the record US briefings are that the attack on Saudi oil facilities 'originated from inside Iran' a fantastically vague statement that allows for some room to keep response options from being overt and direct and on a comparative scale.

    The US has plenty of options open for all kinds of responses, lethal and non lethal but the people who should be responding with bodies on the line at this point are the Saudis who have less options on a response to what was a nicely grey area/sub threshold attack.

    The US DoD has and favours response plans that are very limited designed to cause many small cuts to the Iranians. Others in the administration want to put a lot of metal in the region, if not to use it, to at least cow the Iranians

    The Saudi military is equipped well to blow things up but its quasi military/military low exposure response capabilities are very limited indeed. If they do respond militarily then its likely to be a tit for tat playground level pushing match situation and the creeping instability will cause economic uncertainty on a wide scale.

    The Saudi performance in Yemen can surely not have the Iranians quaking in their boots. I very much doubt that they could sustain a land war for any length of time let alone take anything like the casualties that both Iran and Iraq did in their war. Of course they may be able to call on the Americans but I think Trump is very wary about committing forces and the sacking of Bolton is hardly likely to make him less so.
    Iran seems to be trying very hard to provoke an American response.

    Yet for all his faults Trump has avoided the temptation / trap .... so far.

    Corbyn should go back on Press tv - that will tell them..... oh wait - he will blame the Americans.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278

    Telegraph headline: "Luxembourg laughs in Johnson's face"

    Er, no they didn't because he was too frightened to show his face.

    Has Boris lost the Press? I don't believe in a secret cabal of newspaper owners meeting and plotting, like all conspiracy theories its bollocks.
    But, what, specifically, do they have to gain from a No Deal scenario? A possible shambles that they have cheerleaded?
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578
    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    As was Byron, coincidentally.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    It was indeed the largest regeneration project in Europe by square footage. As you say, a truly extraordinary transformation.
  • DruttDrutt Posts: 1,116
    Foxy said:

    egg said:

    Carnyx said:

    And relating to discussions yesterday, Ms Swinson explains that the LD policy on Brexit and indyref2 is coherent:

    Bollocks to Democracy with the libdems
    I was having an interesting chat with one of my Greek colleagues. He pointed out that their government went against a decisive referendum within weeks, and no lasting damage to Democracy. He cannot see the problem with reversing referendums.
    Nowadays the Greeks don't even have a word for democracy
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,536
    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    I'm very sorry to hear that.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?

    Isn’t he a restaurant reviewer?!
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    You ok hun?
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,536

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?

    Isn’t he a restaurant reviewer?!
    Male model.

    A bulimic one. Which I'm sure is quite common in that community.
  • NooNoo Posts: 2,380
    ab195 said:

    Noo said:

    ab195 said:

    Noo said:

    ab195 said:

    Yes, but not here. The point is that if the EU doesn’t want to be an ally then frankly who cares if Putin wants a holiday home in Paris.

    It might be useful to remember that Putin has cheerfully murdered multiple people in the UK.

    Quite. But that’s a reason for us to be on our guard against Russia, not for us to look after other countries which don’t care about us.
    I think it's nonsense to say other countries don't care about us.
    The solidarity we got in response to the Salisbury poisonings was excellent. And the international cooperation on the Magnitsky case has been really important.
    Nobody (including the U.K.) did anything (public, that we know of anyway) of note after Salisbury. It was a repeat offence and we basically let him get away with it, expelling a few spies.
    You can argue that the UK could or should have done more. I won't express a view on that. But the number of other countries that followed suit is heartening. Check them out here:

    Of course, you can't expect other countries to have gone further than we did. We set the tone, and we were backed to the hilt by dozens of countries.
  • ab195 said:

    ab195 said:

    egg said:

    “That’s my forecast. And, if you don’t like it, I have others.”

    Here’s mine. Ronics wrong.

    Monday 16th September. Boris with 4 days left. The day the leavers lost it.

    Dawning with a daily mail editorial written by black shirts, closing with Boris fans closing ranks with some anti EU bluster completely ignoring the stark truth, Boris does not have a plan. He doesn’t have a clue how to bring this mess, a mess with his handiwork all over it as he worked for his own self interest, to a close.

    A no deal exit is just more of the same not the end, there will be more discussions with Eu in no deal exit, more chaos trying to get things through commons, just as much division in UK between those pushing global Britain and those EU membership (who will win in the end through weight of numbers) all the while UK goes to rats through this fixation and taking eye off everything else.

    Only leavers have the power to stop all this. They need to let go of the 2016 result and submit to a ref more clear and definitive.
    Nah, in the long run we’re leaving. Even if you lot win this time we’ll still be out in ten years
    Demographics say otherwise.
    They really don’t. Today’s remainers, following events, become leavers. See the 70s referendum voters....

    Edit - Oh plus a chunk of current remainers are scared, not europhiles.
    The demographics skewed the other way in the 1970s, so you can’t expect the same pattern to repeat itself. Younger people were more likely to vote Leave than those who had direct experience of the wars.
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    It was indeed the largest regeneration project in Europe by square footage. As you say, a truly extraordinary transformation.
    We British beat ourselves up, perhaps too much, but King's Cross really is something to be proud of. Everyone involved should get knighthoods, damehoods and dukedoms. It is magnificently well achieved. They aced almost everything.

    My only cavil is that parts of it are still isolated. The glorious Coal Drops Yard needs more bridges to connect it - over canals and rails - to the rest of London.

    But on a summer's evening in Granary Square, when kids are playing in the arty fountains and languid youths drape themselves on the steps down to the Regent's Canal, this really does feel like the best of all possible cities in the best of all possible worlds.... and thirty years ago it was a scary and derelict wasteland?!

  • Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    ab195 said:

    ab195 said:

    RobD said:

    Scott_P said:
    One of the smallest EU country told Johnson to F.O.
    And people want to stay in this club?
    Quite. F##k ‘em. The EU and it’s Remain chums don’t know what feelings they are stirring. The chance of compromise is slipping away. I can’t be the only one now wondering why we bother to help the US underwrite NATO. The Europeans apparently don’t want to be allies.

    We’ll have left the EU by 2030, but doing so didn’t have to to crack the Western alliance. I now fear it will.
    “The Europeans” apparently being a catch-all term that includes UK Remainers. You are simply destroying the UK, not the Western alliance.
    Another imperialist remainer. I’m English. It’s up to the Scots whether they want to be in a Union with us. I’d like them to stay but it’s up to them. Why have an unhappy Union?
    I’m English too, and England is a European country. Once we’ve shed the imperial baggage of the UK state, that will become the consensus view.
    A total failure to understand England. We are different from them, for good or bad. Hence Brexit.
    I've got news for you. England isn't the only country that's different. They are all different from each other.
    Then again, Londoners are different from Lincolnshites too. Not sure where this gets us.
    "Lincolnshites." Look at yourself. Twat.
    It's just a friendly contraction of Lincolnshirites, which is clumsy to say. Would you prefer Lincolnshi'ites?
    As a resident of Lincolnshire for the past 21 years and a resident of Lincoln itself for the past 19 years (also a Lib Dem member and Remainer) I find your comment pretty offensive towards the people of my adoptive county.
  • TOPPING said:

    Let's face it - our PM has been humiliated by the leader of Luxembourg. Luxembourg! Who's he going to duck a confrontation with next? The Faroe Islands? San Marino?

    No doubt the usual suspects will praise to the heavens the sagacity of the Dear Leader in sidestepping a potentially tricky showdown with Andorra's deputy transport minister.

    If it was a set-up, Boris fell for it. Not a good look in a PM.
    It was a set-up. But Boris DIDN'T fall for it. Luxembourg PM had a temper tantrum as a result.
    Frit. Will be the headlines.
    The headlines are indeed not good for Boris. Even the Daily Borisgraph is leading with "Luxembourg laughs in Johnson's face", while Metro and i, which are probably the nearest we have to non-aligned, go with "It all ends in jeers" and "Johnson hounded out of EU talks".

    Still, semper fidelis for the Express.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
  • Byronic said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    As was Byron, coincidentally.
    Isn't it Byronic... don't you think?
  • matthiasfromhamburgmatthiasfromhamburg Posts: 957
    edited September 2019
    Noo said:

    Scott_P said:
    Didn't know Soubry was from Luxembourg
    This is not a football match. There is no requirement to unconditionally support our Prime Minister because he happens to be ‘British’.
    "My country right or wrong" :(
    "...if right, to be kept right;
    if wrong, to be put right."
  • nico67nico67 Posts: 4,502
    It’s been a pretty bad day press wise for the Lib Dems given the tone of the coverage .

    They have had lots of coverage , so their revoke message will certainly have been out there but I do feel the ones celebrating tonight will be Labour .

    Whatever their fudge is it certainly seems a lot less polarizing than the Lib Dems .

    Labour can run on a compromise position , call out the Lib Dems for an extreme position and still appeal to Remainers who want another vote but are wary of revoke .

    Perhaps I’ve got this wrong , perhaps the country is so polarized that these extreme positions are the way to go .

    But a referendum can’t be overturned by an election IMO .

    Elections have other issues , the UK system means you can win with easily 35% of the vote.

    On such a huge issue like the EU but any issue that’s gone to a referendum it’s just not democratic to change that without that second vote .

    Don’t get me wrong I generally like the Lib Dems but on this I think they’ve made a mistake .
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,200
    edited September 2019
    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    You mean you can read minds??
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578
    edited September 2019
    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
  • NooNoo Posts: 2,380

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    ab195 said:

    ab195 said:

    RobD said:

    Scott_P said:
    One of the smallest EU country told Johnson to F.O.
    And people want to stay in this club?
    Quite. F##k ‘em. The EU and it’s Remain chums don’t know what feelings they are stirring. The chance of compromise is slipping away. I can’t be the only one now wondering why we bother to help the US underwrite NATO. The Europeans apparently don’t want to be allies.

    We’ll have left the EU by 2030, but doing so didn’t have to to crack the Western alliance. I now fear it will.
    “The Europeans” apparently being a catch-all term that includes UK Remainers. You are simply destroying the UK, not the Western alliance.
    Another imperialist remainer. I’m English. It’s up to the Scots whether they want to be in a Union with us. I’d like them to stay but it’s up to them. Why have an unhappy Union?
    I’m English too, and England is a European country. Once we’ve shed the imperial baggage of the UK state, that will become the consensus view.
    A total failure to understand England. We are different from them, for good or bad. Hence Brexit.
    I've got news for you. England isn't the only country that's different. They are all different from each other.
    Then again, Londoners are different from Lincolnshites too. Not sure where this gets us.
    "Lincolnshites." Look at yourself. Twat.
    It's just a friendly contraction of Lincolnshirites, which is clumsy to say. Would you prefer Lincolnshi'ites?
    As a resident of Lincolnshire for the past 21 years and a resident of Lincoln itself for the past 19 years (also a Lib Dem member and Remainer) I find your comment pretty offensive towards the people of my adoptive county.
    Aaaaand, I don't care.
  • Noo said:

    Scott_P said:
    Didn't know Soubry was from Luxembourg
    This is not a football match. There is no requirement to unconditionally support our Prime Minister because he happens to be ‘British’.
    "My country right or wrong" :(
    "...if right, to be kept right;
    if wrong, to be put right."
    Anyone else want to look daft by not understanding Diedwoollie's remark?
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578
    Noo said:

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    ab195 said:

    ab195 said:

    RobD said:

    Scott_P said:
    One of the smallest EU country told Johnson to F.O.
    And people want to stay in this club?
    Quite. F##k ‘em. The EU and it’s Remain chums don’t know what feelings they are stirring. The chance of compromise is slipping away. I can’t be the only one now wondering why we bother to help the US underwrite NATO. The Europeans apparently don’t want to be allies.

    We’ll have left the EU by 2030, but doing so didn’t have to to crack the Western alliance. I now fear it will.
    “The Europeans” apparently being a catch-all term that includes UK Remainers. You are simply destroying the UK, not the Western alliance.
    Another imperialist remainer. I’m English. It’s up to the Scots whether they want to be in a Union with us. I’d like them to stay but it’s up to them. Why have an unhappy Union?
    I’m English too, and England is a European country. Once we’ve shed the imperial baggage of the UK state, that will become the consensus view.
    A total failure to understand England. We are different from them, for good or bad. Hence Brexit.
    I've got news for you. England isn't the only country that's different. They are all different from each other.
    Then again, Londoners are different from Lincolnshites too. Not sure where this gets us.
    "Lincolnshites." Look at yourself. Twat.
    It's just a friendly contraction of Lincolnshirites, which is clumsy to say. Would you prefer Lincolnshi'ites?
    As a resident of Lincolnshire for the past 21 years and a resident of Lincoln itself for the past 19 years (also a Lib Dem member and Remainer) I find your comment pretty offensive towards the people of my adoptive county.
    Aaaaand, I don't care.
    This is obvious. We know already.
  • NooNoo Posts: 2,380

    Noo said:

    Scott_P said:
    Didn't know Soubry was from Luxembourg
    This is not a football match. There is no requirement to unconditionally support our Prime Minister because he happens to be ‘British’.
    "My country right or wrong" :(
    "...if right, to be kept right;
    if wrong, to be put right."
    unconditionally supporting "our PM" wouldn't exactly qualify as putting right.
  • NooNoo Posts: 2,380
    Byronic said:

    Noo said:

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    Noo said:

    Byronic said:

    ab195 said:

    ab195 said:

    RobD said:

    Scott_P said:
    One of the smallest EU country told Johnson to F.O.
    And people want to stay in this club?
    Quite. F##k ‘em. The EU and it’s Remain chums don’t know what feelings they are stirring. The chance of compromise is slipping away. I can’t be the only one now wondering why we bother to help the US underwrite NATO. The Europeans apparently don’t want to be allies.

    We’ll have left the EU by 2030, but doing so didn’t have to to crack the Western alliance. I now fear it will.
    “The Europeans” apparently being a catch-all term that includes UK Remainers. You are simply destroying the UK, not the Western alliance.
    Another imperialist remainer. I’m English. It’s up to the Scots whether they want to be in a Union with us. I’d like them to stay but it’s up to them. Why have an unhappy Union?
    I’m English too, and England is a European country. Once we’ve shed the imperial baggage of the UK state, that will become the consensus view.
    A total failure to understand England. We are different from them, for good or bad. Hence Brexit.
    I've got news for you. England isn't the only country that's different. They are all different from each other.
    Then again, Londoners are different from Lincolnshites too. Not sure where this gets us.
    "Lincolnshites." Look at yourself. Twat.
    It's just a friendly contraction of Lincolnshirites, which is clumsy to say. Would you prefer Lincolnshi'ites?
    As a resident of Lincolnshire for the past 21 years and a resident of Lincoln itself for the past 19 years (also a Lib Dem member and Remainer) I find your comment pretty offensive towards the people of my adoptive county.
    Aaaaand, I don't care.
    This is obvious. We know already.
    But will you remember any of this in the morning?
  • Byronic said:

    A sizeable part of me hopes you are right, and we get to Remain, so as to really fuck off the Europeans. But.... I don't buy it. All those options have so many IFs.

    For a start, there is a massive presumption that a new Referendum produces Remain. It's seems significantly more likely, to me, that a 2nd ref would enrage the patriotic public, who would then vote Leave, again. All prior examples of voters being asked twice, in Britain, point to this.

    My best guess is

    Deal (perhaps with a v short extension): 45% chance
    No Deal: 20% chance
    Remain after a ref: 10%
    Leave, again, after a ref: 10%
    Endless extensions: 10%
    Black swan and who the F knows: 5%

    Leave is a strong favourite.

    I'm not *presuming* Remain would win a referendum - of course Leave could win - but I think it's favoured against any specific Leave (Tmay's WA, No Deal, whatever Corbyn would come up with) which is what it would likely be up against. This is a combination of:

    * No specific brexit ever had a majority against Remain, they only won by being vague about what's in the box and combining cat lovers with dead cat lovers
    * Opinion has shifted somewhat
    * Boycott by some (maybe most) leavers

    Against that you have previous Remain voters going Leave for process reasons (honour the first referendum etc) or general patriotism (show the world we can do this if we set out minds to it) but I think they'd be squeezed in the tribal pitched battle that would be the campaign.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    edited September 2019
    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite. :)
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    nico67 said:

    It’s been a pretty bad day press wise for the Lib Dems given the tone of the coverage .

    They have had lots of coverage , so their revoke message will certainly have been out there but I do feel the ones celebrating tonight will be Labour .

    Whatever their fudge is it certainly seems a lot less polarizing than the Lib Dems .

    Labour can run on a compromise position , call out the Lib Dems for an extreme position and still appeal to Remainers who want another vote but are wary of revoke .

    Perhaps I’ve got this wrong , perhaps the country is so polarized that these extreme positions are the way to go .

    But a referendum can’t be overturned by an election IMO .

    Elections have other issues , the UK system means you can win with easily 35% of the vote.

    On such a huge issue like the EU but any issue that’s gone to a referendum it’s just not democratic to change that without that second vote .

    Don’t get me wrong I generally like the Lib Dems but on this I think they’ve made a mistake .

    It would be quite remarkable, though in keeping with the lunacy of the past several years, if we were to end up with a "Vote Corbyn for a sensible centrist compromise."
  • DruttDrutt Posts: 1,116
    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    More stories like this. Pretty much all the couples I know who met by old-school rando methods are still together, and I don't think this is just survivor bias.
  • ab195ab195 Posts: 477

    ab195 said:

    ab195 said:

    egg said:

    “That’s my forecast. And, if you don’t like it, I have others.”

    Here’s mine. Ronics wrong.

    Monday 16th September. Boris with 4 days left. The day the leavers lost it.

    Dawning with a daily mail editorial written by black shirts, closing with Boris fans closing ranks with some anti EU bluster completely ignoring the stark truth, Boris does not have a plan. He doesn’t have a clue how to bring this mess, a mess with his handiwork all over it as he worked for his own self interest, to a close.

    A no deal exit is just more of the same not the end, there will be more discussions with Eu in no deal exit, more chaos trying to get things through commons, just as much division in UK between those pushing global Britain and those EU membership (who will win in the end through weight of numbers) all the while UK goes to rats through this fixation and taking eye off everything else.

    Only leavers have the power to stop all this. They need to let go of the 2016 result and submit to a ref more clear and definitive.
    Nah, in the long run we’re leaving. Even if you lot win this time we’ll still be out in ten years
    Demographics say otherwise.
    They really don’t. Today’s remainers, following events, become leavers. See the 70s referendum voters....

    Edit - Oh plus a chunk of current remainers are scared, not europhiles.
    The demographics skewed the other way in the 1970s, so you can’t expect the same pattern to repeat itself. Younger people were more likely to vote Leave than those who had direct experience of the wars.
    It’ll be other stuff this time round that alienates people. Less the sovereignty or immigration, more the corporatism and narrow mindedness.

    The EU will ban Spotify and outlaw the development of third party apps. Or it’ll ban tofu. It’ll do something, it always does. It’s the trouble with not answering to voters. You gain a tin ear.
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578
    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
  • Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    You could have got a bargain bucket at Boris Fried Chicken for a Tenner :lol:
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    Byronic said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    It was indeed the largest regeneration project in Europe by square footage. As you say, a truly extraordinary transformation.
    We British beat ourselves up, perhaps too much, but King's Cross really is something to be proud of. Everyone involved should get knighthoods, damehoods and dukedoms. It is magnificently well achieved. They aced almost everything.

    My only cavil is that parts of it are still isolated. The glorious Coal Drops Yard needs more bridges to connect it - over canals and rails - to the rest of London.

    But on a summer's evening in Granary Square, when kids are playing in the arty fountains and languid youths drape themselves on the steps down to the Regent's Canal, this really does feel like the best of all possible cities in the best of all possible worlds.... and thirty years ago it was a scary and derelict wasteland?!

    I worked - very briefly - on York Way, twenty years ago. King’s Cross was a cruel place then, harrowing and dismal. Funnily enough, the area south of the Euston Road, the first bit tourists see, is still a little sketchy (I walked past a group smoking crack there the other day). But behind the station is a triumph.
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578
    Here is the Parillan menu. Given the remarkable locale, and the super-fine quality of the food, it looks incredibly good value to me. Starters around £5-£10, mains around £12. Not much more than Pizza Express.
  • GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,995
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite. :)
    The Gilbert Scott is fun if you like ornate dining rooms and want to avoid any risk of roughing it up there.
  • So leavers have gone from 'Global Britain', to advocating isolationism, caring nothing of what other countries think of us, want to quit NATO, and care nothing about the survival of the Union. Given this, I don't think any PB leaver should ever again claim that leaving the EU is internationalist.
  • nico67nico67 Posts: 4,502
    dixiedean said:

    nico67 said:

    It’s been a pretty bad day press wise for the Lib Dems given the tone of the coverage .

    They have had lots of coverage , so their revoke message will certainly have been out there but I do feel the ones celebrating tonight will be Labour .

    Whatever their fudge is it certainly seems a lot less polarizing than the Lib Dems .

    Labour can run on a compromise position , call out the Lib Dems for an extreme position and still appeal to Remainers who want another vote but are wary of revoke .

    Perhaps I’ve got this wrong , perhaps the country is so polarized that these extreme positions are the way to go .

    But a referendum can’t be overturned by an election IMO .

    Elections have other issues , the UK system means you can win with easily 35% of the vote.

    On such a huge issue like the EU but any issue that’s gone to a referendum it’s just not democratic to change that without that second vote .

    Don’t get me wrong I generally like the Lib Dems but on this I think they’ve made a mistake .

    It would be quite remarkable, though in keeping with the lunacy of the past several years, if we were to end up with a "Vote Corbyn for a sensible centrist compromise."
    That’s very funny , Corbyn looking like the sensible middle ground option .

    What would actually help the Lib Dems is if the Tories ran on a no deal Brexit . You’d then have two extreme positions .

    As a Remainer who doesn’t want to revoke but have a second vote , I’d fear no deal more than revoke . Of course this is conjecture , the Lib Dems aren’t going to win a majority .

  • Noo said:

    Noo said:

    Scott_P said:
    Didn't know Soubry was from Luxembourg
    This is not a football match. There is no requirement to unconditionally support our Prime Minister because he happens to be ‘British’.
    "My country right or wrong" :(
    "...if right, to be kept right;
    if wrong, to be put right."
    unconditionally supporting "our PM" wouldn't exactly qualify as putting right.
    Good Heavens!

    In absolutely no way was my comment intended to suggest that support - unconditional or otherwise - of the Hulksters current policies were a step towards either keeping or putting your country right, far from it.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    It seems very reasonable to me. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the reco.
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,138
    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    So. You're a bulimic crossdressing transsexual international male model based in Richmond with a wide gastronomic palate who travels widely and frequently posts whilst drunk on a site devoted to political betting.


    Nope. I got nothing... :)
  • viewcode said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    So. You're a bulimic crossdressing transsexual international male model based in Richmond with a wide gastronomic palate who travels widely and frequently posts whilst drunk on a site devoted to political betting.


    Nope. I got nothing... :)
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,138

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    It's been a long time since I got pissed oop North or dahn Sarf, but I do seem to recall that alcohol is far more expensive in London than the North East
  • eekeek Posts: 27,578
    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    Are you sure it’s £3000 a month after tax. That sounds like an awful lot of money
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,138

    viewcode said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    So. You're a bulimic crossdressing transsexual international male model based in Richmond with a wide gastronomic palate who travels widely and frequently posts whilst drunk on a site devoted to political betting.


    Nope. I got nothing... :)
    (I can't see it Sunil: I'm on the tablet on the train. Will watch it later)
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    Am talking re Northeast, not Newcatle per se.
  • eekeek Posts: 27,578
    viewcode said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    It's been a long time since I got pissed oop North or dahn Sarf, but I do seem to recall that alcohol is far more expensive in London than the North East
    Central Newcastle isn’t that much different from London in my experience. Especially if the drinks aren’t bitter / lager.
  • viewcode said:

    viewcode said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    I am an international male model. My job takes me all over the world to be photographed in glamorous places. I make no bones about this. I am lucky.

    Tho I would prefer to be a woman.
    Male models don't exactly stuff their faces now do they. So that still leaves a knowledge gap.
    I am bulimic.
    So. You're a bulimic crossdressing transsexual international male model based in Richmond with a wide gastronomic palate who travels widely and frequently posts whilst drunk on a site devoted to political betting.


    Nope. I got nothing... :)
    (I can't see it Sunil: I'm on the tablet on the train. Will watch it later)
    It's a clip from a relevant movie :)
  • eek said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    Are you sure it’s £3000 a month after tax. That sounds like an awful lot of money
    I thought the average wage is £27,000. Monthly that would be £2,250.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,576
    eek said:

    viewcode said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    It's been a long time since I got pissed oop North or dahn Sarf, but I do seem to recall that alcohol is far more expensive in London than the North East
    Central Newcastle isn’t that much different from London in my experience. Especially if the drinks aren’t bitter / lager.
    Yeah, I’m referring to central Newcastle. Remarkably pricey. It’s cheaper out in the wollybacks admittedly.
  • TOPPING said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    What on earth would you know about eating in varied and exciting places so how could you make a comparison?
    And this comment added what? Just seems petty and chidish..
  • alex.alex. Posts: 4,658
    It seems perfectly obvious to me that today was all part of Johnson’s last roll of the dice - to encourage the EU to refuse any proposed extension, preferably in advance, thereby absolving him from any legal obligation to seek an extension post Oct 31st. He has therefore abandoned the idea of blackmailing the EU to offer an alternative deal under threat of crashing out, and switched back to the May idea of blackmailing Parliament. The obvious flaw being that he will have no alternative “deal” to blackmail them with.
  • ByronicByronic Posts: 3,578
    eek said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    Are you sure it’s £3000 a month after tax. That sounds like an awful lot of money
    Before tax, I think. It's late.

    Brits take home £540 a week on average. So again I don't think a £100 dinner for two is especially insane. It's a splurge, sure, but it is once a month splurge, not a once-a-decade thing.

    It is good to hear views from outside the bubble, tho.

    And with that, goodnight, PB. goodnight.
  • eek said:

    viewcode said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    It's been a long time since I got pissed oop North or dahn Sarf, but I do seem to recall that alcohol is far more expensive in London than the North East
    Central Newcastle isn’t that much different from London in my experience. Especially if the drinks aren’t bitter / lager.
    They even have a Nelson's Column.
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,138
    eek said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    Are you sure it’s £3000 a month after tax. That sounds like an awful lot of money
    According to Google the average full-time salary is £36k, hence £3k pcm before tax and ni. Take home would be £2350 pcm.

    However the average salary (which includes part-time work) is about £29k pa.
  • viewcode said:

    eek said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    Are you sure it’s £3000 a month after tax. That sounds like an awful lot of money
    According to Google the average full-time salary is £36k, hence £3k pcm before tax and ni. Take home would be £2350 pcm.

    However the average salary (which includes part-time work) is about £29k pa.
    By average I presume they mean the mean, which will be skewed by the billionaires. The median wage (about £26k) is a more sensible stat here.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037

    Unfortunately, I think this article is probably on the money: many Europeans just want rid of us now. It certainly chimes with what I get from interacting with EU-national friends and colleagues, who increasingly view us as a joke, ruled by an incompetent elite with delusions of grandeur and no real sense of our diminished status in the world.

    What Brexiteers tend to misunderstand is that many educated Continental Europeans are gut Anglophiles. Their anger at Brexit is magnified by a sense of disillusionment that a country they had loved and respected has turned out to be such a ludicrous basket-case.

    There will be no easy way back from this - my children's children will most likely still be dealing with the aftermath of the Brexit disaster that the Tory party has wrought.

    People cannot make up their minds whether the EU now wants us out because they are sick of us, or if they ste desperate for us to stay despite the cocking about.

    Personally I think their actions indicate it's the latter, or theyd be firmer about no extensions in order to force us to make a decision.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037

    Scott_P said:
    One of the smallest EU country told Johnson to F.O.
    Great diplomacy, I'm sure we'd praise Johnson for doing it.
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,138
    eek said:

    viewcode said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    It's been a long time since I got pissed oop North or dahn Sarf, but I do seem to recall that alcohol is far more expensive in London than the North East
    Central Newcastle isn’t that much different from London in my experience. Especially if the drinks aren’t bitter / lager.
    Ah. I have done Mbro, Whitby, York, Harrogate and Durham, but not actually Newcastle. Will bear it in mind the next time I'm in the area.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    Byronic said:

    eek said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    Are you sure it’s £3000 a month after tax. That sounds like an awful lot of money
    Before tax, I think. It's late.

    Brits take home £540 a week on average. So again I don't think a £100 dinner for two is especially insane. It's a splurge, sure, but it is once a month splurge, not a once-a-decade thing.

    It is good to hear views from outside the bubble, tho.

    And with that, goodnight, PB. goodnight.
    Different bubbles. And goodnight.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037
    I can't stress enough how pointless it is that people seem to be getting a perverse thrill recounting how people are laughing at us, which in any case is bizarre when it's from places with riotous political debate.
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,138
    Parenthetically, I have optimised my train journey. If you time it right, there is a narrow window between pissheads going home before the pubs shut, and pissheads going home after catching last orders. If you hit the sweet spot the train is sparsely populated with tired workers going home, no danger to anybody, and no drunks or parties. I don't often get it right but when I do it is really cool, and I am inordinately pleased. Yay!
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037
    Jonathan said:

    Tobias Elwood points out the negotiations are happening EVERY day now and Boris spoke to Junker for a whole TWO hours. Wow! Impressive stuff!

    Well I'm relieved.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037
    How do the Supreme Court Justices come to their collective view anyway? Give their initial impressions then go home for a day to think upon the arguments and present their reasoning to one another, see how many line up and determine who is best to write up the majority view and how many dissents are needed?
  • The way that some of the EU enthusiasts have cheered a foreign Country's failed attempt to humiliate a British Prime Minister is pretty disgusting , unpatriotic and says a lot more about them than current Politics. What are these people's mindset these days, its just deranged ?!
  • kle4 said:

    How do the Supreme Court Justices come to their collective view anyway? Give their initial impressions then go home for a day to think upon the arguments and present their reasoning to one another, see how many line up and determine who is best to write up the majority view and how many dissents are needed?

    They logon to PB
  • eekeek Posts: 27,578
    Marco1 said:

    The way that some of the EU enthusiasts have cheered a foreign Country's failed attempt to humiliate a British Prime Minister is pretty disgusting , unpatriotic and says a lot more about them than current Politics. What are these people's mindset these days, its just deranged ?!

    Boris Wimped out of the press conference - nothing else matters - it’s the not turning up that counts.

    Some people might like it but for others it’s just another embarrassment on the international stage
  • The PM of a tinpot country tried to set our PM up with a ridiculous, childish stunt.

    Boris wouldn't play the game and whatever-his-name-is threw a tantrum.

    It demeaned the EU.
  • Johnson spent the end of the Parliamentary session taunting Corbyn for being scared of an election, but he is apparently too cowardly to face a couple of dozen protesters.

    It's a far cry from Major's soapbox. How will he manage a general election campaign? He could refuse to meet the voters. That worked well for May.
  • Johnson spent the end of the Parliamentary session taunting Corbyn for being scared of an election, but he is apparently too cowardly to face a couple of dozen protesters.

    It's a far cry from Major's soapbox. How will he manage a general election campaign? He could refuse to meet the voters. That worked well for May.

    Why would you expect our PM to get involved with childish stunts like todays?

    It was utterly ridiculous, obvious and embarrassing for both Luxembourg and the EU.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,284
    Just logged on.

    One bunch of PB posters says the Luxembourg PM set up something so as to embarass the PM.

    Another bunch say that Boris didn't turn up for some reason, and so is frit.

    I think I'll go and do some work instead.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,284
    kle4 said:

    People cannot make up their minds whether the EU now wants us out because they are sick of us, or if they ste desperate for us to stay despite the cocking about..

    On this site, 99% of posters view every single thing through their personal Brexit prism.

    It's quite depressing. And staggeringly un-self-aware.
  • Sounds like the LibDems should write some new material. We're now on our fourth prime minister since Tony Blair.
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,477

    Looks like PB comments have stopped showing up on Opera which is the browser I'm using. (The header still appears). I'm having to use Vanilla comments instead.
  • rcs1000 said:

    Just logged on.

    One bunch of PB posters says the Luxembourg PM set up something so as to embarass the PM.

    Another bunch say that Boris didn't turn up for some reason, and so is frit.

    I think I'll go and do some work instead.

    Don't go! We can talk about Buttigieg!
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,284

    rcs1000 said:

    Just logged on.

    One bunch of PB posters says the Luxembourg PM set up something so as to embarass the PM.

    Another bunch say that Boris didn't turn up for some reason, and so is frit.

    I think I'll go and do some work instead.

    Don't go! We can talk about Buttigieg!

    Can anyone think of anyone who ever became President without at least one scandal? I reckon he's set this up himself so as to not appear too squeaky clean.
  • rcs1000 said:


    Can anyone think of anyone who ever became President without at least one scandal? I reckon he's set this up himself so as to not appear too squeaky clean.

    Dunno though, it's one thing if you have all kinds of things in your record and a couple of them are black marks, but this guy was mayor of a town and the only controversial thing he really touched was policing, and that seems like it all went kind of pear-shaped.
  • rcs1000 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    Just logged on.

    One bunch of PB posters says the Luxembourg PM set up something so as to embarass the PM.

    Another bunch say that Boris didn't turn up for some reason, and so is frit.

    I think I'll go and do some work instead.

    Don't go! We can talk about Buttigieg!

    Can anyone think of anyone who ever became President without at least one scandal? I reckon he's set this up himself so as to not appear too squeaky clean.
    Oh dear. And is that really what ebonics means? Bye bye President Pete.

    One of Mayor Pete's early speeches reminded me of someone else but by the time I'd remembered it was Gordon Brown, I'd lost the Buttigieg speech.
  • rpjsrpjs Posts: 3,787

    Sounds like the LibDems should write some new material. We're now on our fourth prime minister since Tony Blair.
    Do they still sing “The Land”? That dates back to the 1890s or something.
  • rpjsrpjs Posts: 3,787

    eek said:

    viewcode said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    dixiedean said:

    Byronic said:

    ON topic. I had maybe the best meal of my year, so far, last night.

    Parillan, in Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross. Laaaandan.

    Sumptuous ingredients. The best of Spanish meet the best of British, over a little brazier. The new King's Cross is amazing.

    Kebab Machine was the best restaurant in Kings Cross in the 80s.
    I know! The transformation is so incredible it is emotionally moving. King's Cross is arguably the greatest example of large scale urban regeneration in the world. right now.

    It is phenomenal, what they have done.
    I drunkenly got off with a lass, and took her to Kebab Machine in 1989. It was our first meal and "date". We are still married. Doubt I could have stretched to Parillan.
    Parillan isn't THAT expensive. You could have a very nice dinner for 2 for £100, including a few glasses of excellent wine.
    The metropolitan elite.
    I'm curious. Because, yes, I AM clearly part of a metropolitan elite. I live in London, I have a large income. I travel a lot. I am lucky. Yes. So I thought a bit before I wrote that sentence.

    So... is a dinner for two for £100 that outrageous? The average monthly wage in the UK is about £3000. Therefore one blowout night, for a £100 dinner, doesn't seem particularly decadent. Or am I in a bubble?
    If you scroll down (or up if you are weird), you will see I added a smiley face to that comment. So. I obviously was wary of antagonising. But £3000 a month in the North East, is far from average. Far, far from that. And £100 for two is a serious spend.
    So, yes we live in bubbles. Equally. At least we are communicating beyond our circle. Which is why I like PB.
    My in-laws and lots of my friends live in Newcastle. It’s not vastly cheaper for a night out than London, in my experience.
    It's been a long time since I got pissed oop North or dahn Sarf, but I do seem to recall that alcohol is far more expensive in London than the North East
    Central Newcastle isn’t that much different from London in my experience. Especially if the drinks aren’t bitter / lager.
    They even have a Nelson's Column.
    If by Nelson you mean Grey...
  • OT MPs trying to fuck with gamers, this won't end well for them
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,612
    kle4 said:

    How do the Supreme Court Justices come to their collective view anyway? Give their initial impressions then go home for a day to think upon the arguments and present their reasoning to one another, see how many line up and determine who is best to write up the majority view and how many dissents are needed?

    High speed telepathy.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,636
    rpjs said:

    Sounds like the LibDems should write some new material. We're now on our fourth prime minister since Tony Blair.
    Do they still sing “The Land”? That dates back to the 1890s or something.
    The Land is one of the highlights of the evening
  • If Labour can get their act together (which I know is a big if), the Lib Dem move to back revoke opens up a huge opportunity to be seen as the only party offering a middle course on Brexit, which in fairness seems to have been Corbyn's direction of travel all along.

    I can honestly see no up side for the Lib Dems on going for revoke. The hard remainers are pretty much already on side. People like me who think a 2nd confirmatory vote is probably the only route out of the mess are going to be put off.
  • DecrepitJohnLDecrepitJohnL Posts: 13,300
    edited September 2019

    OT MPs trying to fuck with gamers, this won't end well for them

    Never trust a parliamentary committee that misspells excessive. A motto to live by.
  • Scott_PScott_P Posts: 51,453
    rcs1000 said:

    Just logged on.

    One bunch of PB posters says the Luxembourg PM set up something so as to embarass the PM.

    Another bunch say that Boris didn't turn up for some reason, and so is frit.

    I think I'll go and do some work instead.

  • Yeah.....”pedo guy” doesn’t mean “paedophile”......

    Surprised the damages claim is so modest ($75k).
  • Has Bercow said what he intends to do post Speakership? Is he resigning his seat? Or continuing as an MP? If the latter, what odds him.joining the Lib Dems ?
  • Justin Trudeau: Canada PM in 2001 'brownface' yearbook photo
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,477
    edited September 2019
    Supporters of the Union must be wondering why David Cameron couldn't keep his mouth shut about his private appeal for the Queen to "raise an eyebrow" against independence.
  • I have to say that some of the previous outrage of blackface type stuff I couldn't get exercised by, when they were talking about somebody in the 60/70s who were in his teens at the time and given many things at the time were not considered racist / sexist which are now totally not ok.

    But at 30 year old in this millennia, you have to be a moron not to have thought this isn't really ok nowadays.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,612
    This thread is officially old. Two days old :p
This discussion has been closed.