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  • ChameleonChameleon Posts: 4,261
    This is all ongoing, so with the cordon being at the very least 1km wide I suspect that someone has slipped away, or will slip away in the coming hours.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    Saltire said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    That leaves 12 for others which seems rather unlikely
    Actually it is likely.

    5% for SNP/PC and 5% for Greens is plausible, the rest could be 1% others and roundings.
    Greens on 5? They've been squeezed a lot by Labour.
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    It is now
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited June 2017

    Is it just me or does the SAS helicopter look like they bought AirWolf? Do they have a KnightRider as their car?

    I'm not sure that is an SAS helicopter.

    It looks a lot like one of the Met copters.
    The Verified journo said it was the SAS arriving. Do they not have their own transportation?
    To be honest I saw another verified journo say he saw the SAS deployed to Manchester, but turned to be the NW counter terrorist police.

    It is just so happens they wear the apparel of soldiers.

    Years ago, one of my army buddies did an analysis saying where the SAS had been deployed in one year according to the media.

    He said based on the media reports, the SAS was a division plus sized force (20,000 soliders) not a regiment of a couple of thousand troops.
    Fair enough....but doesn't the MET police helicopters normally have MET Police written on the side in bright yellow letters? It sure looks a lot like the helicopter that SAS have known to have had brought for them.
  • ThreeQuidderThreeQuidder Posts: 6,133

    Maybe the Manchester terror cell wasn't totally tracked down , as some feared. This is a very similar timeframe to the second spate of attacks that I think were attempted 10 days beyond 7/7, but seeming to be much more serious.

    Exactly two weeks later.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    Cyan said:

    isam said:

    Cyan said:

    isam said:

    RobD said:

    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    Not to trivialise all this but when I went to see Depeche Mode at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town many moons ago, it was at least as risky as some of the stuff that has happened this evening.

    Listen to yourself. "Depeche Mode as dangerous as ISIS"

    Do yourself a favour and go to sleep you doddery, incontinent old cretin.
    Stop panicking Sean - this is the world we live in and you need to understand what is happening.
    What's happening is that there is a fifth column of Islamists living in the UK and you are happy to turn a blind eye so as not to cause community tension or whatever.
    Fifth columnists -a great description of what they are.
    Copyright N Farage after Charlie Hebdo
    .com/world/2015/jan/08/paris-attack-nigel-farage-gross-policy-multiculturalism">meant "people from other cultures (who) remain within those cultures and (do) not integrate fully within our communities [sic]". So the chap I met who works as a driving instructor and who is a Hindu and who didn't know when Good Friday was (but asked me and we talked about different religious holidays) must ipso facto be a "fifth columnist"? Fuck you, Farage!
    Yeah when Farage referenced Rotherham sex attacks and specifically mentioned Islam he was talking about the figment of your imagination that is a Hindu driving instructor :lol:
    Do you think I would make things up to support my argument? He's a real guy and why you think a Hindu driving instructor should be an imaginary entity I really don't know. Did you click on the link? Nigel Farage used "fifth column" the way I said he did, unless the Guardian badly misrepresented him by using their ellipsis to omit words showing otherwise. Also this was in response to Charlie Hebdo, not Rotherham. Perhaps Farage uses the phrase whenever he feels like it because he thinks it sounds good and makes him sound hard. Perhaps one minute his target is Moooslims and the next it's foreigners and the next it's non-whites or "multiculturalism". Re-read my post and you'll find out about a sensible way to use the term "fifth column", without reference to the babblings of some forgettable early 21st century British politician.
    Yeah I think you're making it up.

    I read the link and Farage specifically mentions Islam and the Rotherham rapists. He is blaming multiculturalism for allowing people to turn a blind eye
  • CyanCyan Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2017
    Cyan said:

    Do you think I would make things up to support my argument? He's a real guy and why you think a Hindu driving instructor should be an imaginary entity I really don't know. Did you click on the link? Nigel Farage used "fifth column" the way I said he did, unless the Guardian badly misrepresented him by using their ellipsis to omit words showing otherwise. Also this was in response to Charlie Hebdo, not Rotherham. Perhaps Farage uses the phrase whenever he feels like it because he thinks it sounds good and makes him sound hard. Perhaps one minute his target is Moooslims and the next it's foreigners and the next it's non-whites or "multiculturalism". Re-read my post and you'll find out about a sensible way to use the term "fifth column", without reference to the babblings of some forgettable early 21st century British politician.

    Clarification: he made a distal reference to Rotherham but his spiel was in response to Charlie Hebdo and his fifth column reference, unless it was distorted by the Guardian, was to the supposed problem of less than full integration by "people from other cultures". He must be a "fifth columnist" in Brussels, then, eating his Branston pickle or whatever.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,135
    camel said:

    MaxPB said:

    camel said:

    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    Not to trivialise all this but when I went to see Depeche Mode at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town many moons ago, it was at least as risky as some of the stuff that has happened this evening.

    Listen to yourself. "Depeche Mode as dangerous as ISIS"

    Do yourself a favour and go to sleep you doddery, incontinent old cretin.
    Stop panicking Sean - this is the world we live in and you need to understand what is happening.
    Yes, people re killing us for who we are and how we live. And you are accepting that as "the world we live in". Passive, docile, accepting. FFS
    You utter, utter dickhead. While you work out whether I am or am not accepting it, please tell me what your master plan is to stop it all, short of you locking yourself up in your bedroom with Teddy?
    End all Islamic immigration tomorrow. Close all the mosques, ban the burka, ban halal meat production and importation, ban all Muslim schools private and state, cut all aid funding to Islamic countries that fund hate preachers. That's a start.
    Of all the potential counter-terrorism strategies that may be discussed at tomorrows COBRA meeting, I'm guessing banning the importation of halal meat will not make the top five.
    I'd be surprised if it did! Halal meat is not a security threat, banning it would just be a tool used to reverse Islamic immigration. Those who are not comfortable eating non-halal will eventually have to leave, those who are probably aren't going to bomb, shoot or stab us.
    Those who are not comfortable eating non-halal will eventually have to leave? That's not far removed from "rounding them up and sending them home". Wow!
    Well, yes. That's sort of the point, just without having to round them up.
  • MonikerDiCanioMonikerDiCanio Posts: 5,792
    isam said:

    Did Owen Jones really tweet this? Not on his timeline now

    Imagine if he'd tweeted that when that gay pub in Soho was nail bombed. Callous little tick.
  • The_ApocalypseThe_Apocalypse Posts: 7,830
    spire2 said:

    To be fair diane abott is useless. How about clive lewis?

    chloe said:

    Floater said:

    Pulpstar said:

    I'll say it. Diane Abbott could be Home sec in 6 days.

    No fucking way
    What a terrible prospect that would be
    To be fearful of the prospect it to be racist, according to Paul Mason. Muppet.
    Yes, I like him. MUCH better than Abbott.
  • TonyTony Posts: 159
    Have had a few drinks this evening but coming around to seant long held views on Islamic immigration, which to be honest is profoundly shocking as a liberal son of immigrants.
    There's no good way this ends.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
  • nunununu Posts: 6,024
    SeanT said:

    The chaos of this means it is inevitably going to impact the election.

    I swear down if 36% of the country vote for the "hamas are my friends" and "every defeat for the British state is a victory for us" trio of corbyn, abbott and McDonnell after this, I despair.

    Britain will be more fucked then I thought.
  • LucyJonesLucyJones Posts: 651
    spire2 said:

    To be fair diane abott is useless. How about clive lewis?

    chloe said:

    Floater said:

    Pulpstar said:

    I'll say it. Diane Abbott could be Home sec in 6 days.

    No fucking way
    What a terrible prospect that would be
    To be fearful of the prospect it to be racist, according to Paul Mason. Muppet.
    But, thinking about it, Ms Abbott looks as if she might be partial to the odd biscuit or two. She and Jezza could invite Isis around for a nice chat with tea and biscuits, perhaps even some nice cake. Couple of verses of kumbaya. Terrorism - sorted. Job done.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    You're an appeaser, and a traitor. You confess it; that's good and honest. Let's end it there. Or we will clutter the thread.
    Sean we all adore you here on PB. There's no need to prove yourself to anyone. Apart from yourself, of course - the harshest of judges.
  • jonny83jonny83 Posts: 1,269

    Is it just me or does the SAS helicopter look like they bought AirWolf? Do they have a KnightRider as their car?

    I'm not sure that is an SAS helicopter.

    It looks a lot like one of the Met copters.
    The Verified journo said it was the SAS arriving. Do they not have their own transportation?
    To be honest I saw another verified journo say he saw the SAS deployed to Manchester, but turned to be the NW counter terrorist police.

    It is just so happens they wear the apparel of soldiers.

    Years ago, one of my army buddies did an analysis saying where the SAS had been deployed in one year according to the media.

    He said based on the media reports, the SAS was a division plus sized force (20,000 soliders) not a regiment of a couple of thousand troops.
    Fair enough....but doesn't the MET police helicopters normally have MET Police written on the side in bright yellow letters? It sure looks a lot like the helicopter that SAS have known to have had brought for them.
    Only the military use that particular helicopter the Dauphin. But it won't be confirmed or denied anyway if the SAS are on the ground.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    i hope they catch at least one alive
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    MaxPB said:

    camel said:

    MaxPB said:

    camel said:

    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    Not to trivialise all this but when I went to see Depeche Mode at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town many moons ago, it was at least as risky as some of the stuff that has happened this evening.

    Listen to yourself. "Depeche Mode as dangerous as ISIS"

    Do yourself a favour and go to sleep you doddery, incontinent old cretin.
    Stop panicking Sean - this is the world we live in and you need to understand what is happening.
    Yes, people re killing us for who we are and how we live. And you are accepting that as "the world we live in". Passive, docile, accepting. FFS
    You utter, utter dickhead. While you work out whether I am or am not accepting it, please tell me what your master plan is to stop it all, short of you locking yourself up in your bedroom with Teddy?
    End all Islamic immigration tomorrow. Close all the mosques, ban the burka, ban halal meat production and importation, ban all Muslim schools private and state, cut all aid funding to Islamic countries that fund hate preachers. That's a start.
    Of all the potential counter-terrorism strategies that may be discussed at tomorrows COBRA meeting, I'm guessing banning the importation of halal meat will not make the top five.
    I'd be surprised if it did! Halal meat is not a security threat, banning it would just be a tool used to reverse Islamic immigration. Those who are not comfortable eating non-halal will eventually have to leave, those who are probably aren't going to bomb, shoot or stab us.
    Those who are not comfortable eating non-halal will eventually have to leave? That's not far removed from "rounding them up and sending them home". Wow!
    Well, yes. That's sort of the point, just without having to round them up.
    Thank god you've already rounded yourself up and left. Makes the forthcoming job a lot easier.
  • LucyJonesLucyJones Posts: 651
    SeanT said:

    Chameleon said:

    This is all ongoing, so with the cordon being at the very least 1km wide I suspect that someone has slipped away, or will slip away in the coming hours.

    That's my guess. Reports of two attackers killed. But lots of police activity ongoing?

    Sounds like it was three killers, and one is at large.....
    They thought the Westminster bridge guy had accomplices at first, didn't they? But, in the end, it turned out he was acting alone.

  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,019

    Should stress that Norstat aren't BPC, and they still haven't released the tables for their April poll.

    SurveyMonkey are also non-BPC I think.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited June 2017
    jonny83 said:

    Is it just me or does the SAS helicopter look like they bought AirWolf? Do they have a KnightRider as their car?

    I'm not sure that is an SAS helicopter.

    It looks a lot like one of the Met copters.
    The Verified journo said it was the SAS arriving. Do they not have their own transportation?
    To be honest I saw another verified journo say he saw the SAS deployed to Manchester, but turned to be the NW counter terrorist police.

    It is just so happens they wear the apparel of soldiers.

    Years ago, one of my army buddies did an analysis saying where the SAS had been deployed in one year according to the media.

    He said based on the media reports, the SAS was a division plus sized force (20,000 soliders) not a regiment of a couple of thousand troops.
    Fair enough....but doesn't the MET police helicopters normally have MET Police written on the side in bright yellow letters? It sure looks a lot like the helicopter that SAS have known to have had brought for them.
    Only the military use that particular helicopter the Dauphin. But it won't be confirmed or denied anyway if the SAS are on the ground.
    Bit disappointing they don't have one of those transformer-esque American copters.
  • oldpoliticsoldpolitics Posts: 455
    Cyan said:

    You really had better have a look at what some Judaists believe about gentiles while you're about it.

    You really are a poisonous little antisemite aren't you?

    I should have guessed when you were incapable of commenting on any issue without going frothing-mouthed about Israel and chucking around words like "fascist" and "apartheid".

    And so it goes. "Antizionism isn't antisemitism", but scratch the surface and they so often go hand in hand.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,135
    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Sit down and talk to ISIS? Deluded.
  • ChameleonChameleon Posts: 4,261

    They're being told to get on the train, so theoretically he could have popped a hoodie, got on a train, and by the time they thought to search the trains at monument, he was already gone.
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216

    Have the cousins got their act together - or are we delaying telling them stuff?
  • OUTOUT Posts: 569

    jonny83 said:

    Is it just me or does the SAS helicopter look like they bought AirWolf? Do they have a KnightRider as their car?

    I'm not sure that is an SAS helicopter.

    It looks a lot like one of the Met copters.
    The Verified journo said it was the SAS arriving. Do they not have their own transportation?
    To be honest I saw another verified journo say he saw the SAS deployed to Manchester, but turned to be the NW counter terrorist police.

    It is just so happens they wear the apparel of soldiers.

    Years ago, one of my army buddies did an analysis saying where the SAS had been deployed in one year according to the media.

    He said based on the media reports, the SAS was a division plus sized force (20,000 soliders) not a regiment of a couple of thousand troops.
    Fair enough....but doesn't the MET police helicopters normally have MET Police written on the side in bright yellow letters? It sure looks a lot like the helicopter that SAS have known to have had brought for them.
    Only the military use that particular helicopter the Dauphin. But it won't be confirmed or denied anyway if the SAS are on the ground.
    Bit disappointing they don't have one of those transformer-esque American copters.
    They do have an Osprey, but that's for warzone type operations although they did a show of force in London before.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549

    Saltire said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    That leaves 12 for others which seems rather unlikely
    Actually it is likely.

    5% for SNP/PC and 5% for Greens is plausible, the rest could be 1% others and roundings.
    It could be a UK poll.
  • CyanCyan Posts: 1,262
    Tony_M said:

    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    Not to trivialise all this but when I went to see Depeche Mode at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town many moons ago, it was at least as risky as some of the stuff that has happened this evening.

    Listen to yourself. "Depeche Mode as dangerous as ISIS"

    Do yourself a favour and go to sleep you doddery, incontinent old cretin.
    Stop panicking Sean - this is the world we live in and you need to understand what is happening.
    Yes, people re killing us for who we are and how we live. And you are accepting that as "the world we live in". Passive, docile, accepting. FFS
    You utter, utter dickhead. While you work out whether I am or am not accepting it, please tell me what your master plan is to stop it all, short of you locking yourself up in your bedroom with Teddy?
    End all Islamic immigration tomorrow. Close all the mosques, ban the burka, ban halal meat production and importation, ban all Muslim schools private and state, cut all aid funding to Islamic countries that fund hate preachers. That's a start.
    Closing the mosques would start a civil war and would please the jihadists no end.

  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    edited June 2017
    nunu said:

    SeanT said:

    The chaos of this means it is inevitably going to impact the election.

    I swear down if 36% of the country vote for the "hamas are my friends" and "every defeat for the British state is a victory for us" trio of corbyn, abbott and McDonnell after this, I despair.

    Britain will be more fucked then I thought.
    Phoning today I got a few Tory and Labour waverers saying they were disappointed with May over social care and liked Corbyn on inequality and the NHS but preferred May to Corbyn on national security and Brexit and had not yet decided which way they were going, in the ballot box I think the question of the precise level of cap for social care costs or having a pacifist and former ally of Hamas and friend of the IRA in charge of national security with this level of terrorist threat will focus a few minds
  • ThreeQuidderThreeQuidder Posts: 6,133
    That's Bank station, looking from the southbound platform to the northbound.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    edited June 2017


    Have the cousins got their act together - or are we delaying telling them stuff?

    Hopefully the latter for a period. They needed a slap on the wrist.
  • MonikerDiCanioMonikerDiCanio Posts: 5,792
    Cyan said:

    Tony_M said:

    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    Not to trivialise all this but when I went to see Depeche Mode at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town many moons ago, it was at least as risky as some of the stuff that has happened this evening.

    Listen to yourself. "Depeche Mode as dangerous as ISIS"

    Do yourself a favour and go to sleep you doddery, incontinent old cretin.
    Stop panicking Sean - this is the world we live in and you need to understand what is happening.
    Yes, people re killing us for who we are and how we live. And you are accepting that as "the world we live in". Passive, docile, accepting. FFS
    You utter, utter dickhead. While you work out whether I am or am not accepting it, please tell me what your master plan is to stop it all, short of you locking yourself up in your bedroom with Teddy?
    End all Islamic immigration tomorrow. Close all the mosques, ban the burka, ban halal meat production and importation, ban all Muslim schools private and state, cut all aid funding to Islamic countries that fund hate preachers. That's a start.
    Closing the mosques would start a civil war and would please the jihadists no end.

    Start ?
  • ChameleonChameleon Posts: 4,261


    Have the cousins got their act together - or are we delaying telling them stuff?

    I'd be surprised if we were telling them anything, given that we cut them off about the Manc attack after the first 5 or so leaks.
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,019

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub-40? Must be an outlier!
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    Chameleon said:


    Have the cousins got their act together - or are we delaying telling them stuff?

    I'd be surprised if we were telling them anything, given that we cut them off about the Manc attack after the first 5 or so leaks.
    You can imagine the US media are salivating at the thought of releasing the names of the attackers.
  • spire2spire2 Posts: 183
    Some of the labour left have made idiots if themselves getting close to terrorist organisations and then trying to brush it away
    LucyJones said:

    spire2 said:

    To be fair diane abott is useless. How about clive lewis?

    chloe said:

    Floater said:

    Pulpstar said:

    I'll say it. Diane Abbott could be Home sec in 6 days.

    No fucking way
    What a terrible prospect that would be
    To be fearful of the prospect it to be racist, according to Paul Mason. Muppet.
    But, thinking about it, Ms Abbott looks as if she might be partial to the odd biscuit or two. She and Jezza could invite Isis around for a nice chat with tea and biscuits, perhaps even some nice cake. Couple of verses of kumbaya. Terrorism - sorted. Job done.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    RobD said:

    Chameleon said:


    Have the cousins got their act together - or are we delaying telling them stuff?

    I'd be surprised if we were telling them anything, given that we cut them off about the Manc attack after the first 5 or so leaks.
    You can imagine the US media are salivating at the thought of releasing the names of the attackers.
    CH4 less so ;-)
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Its not easy

    For starters shut down mosques that allow hate speech

    Come down hard on hate preachers and shut down schools who spout islamist shit.

    lengthy prison terms for those who spread hate

    Stop kowtowing to islamists - we self censor right now - fuck em

    Stop trying to shut down debate on the darker side of Islamic beliefs.

    Exclude people from this country if they went abroad to fight jihad or have preached hate.

    Cut down muslim immigration.

  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,019
    Is YouGov a proper poll or a "model"?
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    Is YouGov a proper poll or a "model"?

    I think it's a proper one
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    edited June 2017
    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Sit down and talk to ISIS? Deluded.
    First, did I say that anywhere?

    Second, as you mention it, you are assuming ISIS is not a rational actor. But they are. They want something. What they want we may not be able to move towards but they are an organisation with aims, short of overthrowing western democracy. You would be surprised at the dialogue ongoing the various bitter conflicts worldwide, in particular in the middle east, these past few decades.

    Now, it might be that as I think you are saying, ISIS is not negotiateable with. In which case we have to deal with its adherents in the UK, as per my thoughts above.

    What is your plan?
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    BBC again implying the government controls the threat level.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    These threat levels : severe, critical etc.: in practical terms. what difference do they make ?
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    God its started on tw@tter already...with the stuff like nowhere in the dictionary does it say Musilm in the definition of terrorism.
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    SeanT said:

    Chameleon said:

    This is all ongoing, so with the cordon being at the very least 1km wide I suspect that someone has slipped away, or will slip away in the coming hours.

    That's my guess. Reports of two attackers killed. But lots of police activity ongoing?

    Sounds like it was three killers, and one is at large.....
    reports of up to 5 with 1 or 2 already shot.

  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    surbiton said:

    These threat levels : severe, critical etc.: in practical terms. what difference do they make ?

    Severe means highly likely, critical means imminent. Suspect it plays a role in how resources are deployed in the police and intelligence services.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    RobD said:

    BBC again implying the government controls the threat level.

    There did a "fact check" where the said the same about the number of homes built since 2000....except they use the figures for all homes built.

    Who will check the fact checkers?
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub-40? Must be an outlier!
    Very little change from 2015 except UKIP.
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,019

    That's Bank station, looking from the southbound platform to the northbound.
    Both it and London Bridge have right-hand running for the Northern Line
  • 2 attackers shot dead confirmed by Met. Sun reporter on scene reporting explosions on LB right now.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    Perhaps you don't need to shut existing mosques, just ban the opening of more?

    Bit like grammar schools.

  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    RobD said:

    BBC again implying the government controls the threat level.

    I actually can't believe the correspondent said that May and the Home Secretary will sit down and decide on much are we f##king paying these morons?
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    surbiton said:

    These threat levels : severe, critical etc.: in practical terms. what difference do they make ?

    Not so much in the absence of concrete Tacint. It is a throwback to previous conflicts where there was good intelligence about forthcoming attacks.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    2 attackers shot dead confirmed by Met. Sun reporter on scene reporting explosions on LB right now.

    Controlled, maybe?
  • spire2spire2 Posts: 183
    On a prosaic point If im going to be watching live news for the next few hours should i stick with bbc or watch sky?
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.

    Maybe his captitalisation was deliberate?
  • RobD said:

    2 attackers shot dead confirmed by Met. Sun reporter on scene reporting explosions on LB right now.

    Controlled, maybe?
    I'd assume so.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Its not easy

    For starters shut down mosques that allow hate speech

    Come down hard on hate preachers and shut down schools who spout islamist shit.

    lengthy prison terms for those who spread hate

    Stop kowtowing to islamists - we self censor right now - fuck em

    Stop trying to shut down debate on the darker side of Islamic beliefs.

    Exclude people from this country if they went abroad to fight jihad or have preached hate.

    Cut down muslim immigration.

    What about selling arms worth billions of pounds to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia which funds and arms terrorist organisations ? You left this out.
  • The_ApocalypseThe_Apocalypse Posts: 7,830

    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.

    What a fool.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited June 2017

    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.

    I am sure they will say as before it is the media term / misrepresentation not the government term ;-)
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    surbiton said:

    What about selling arms worth billions of pounds to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia which funds and arms terrorist organisations ? You left this out.

    Suspect that would be a huge issue if any of those weapons were used in an attack in the UK.
  • spire2 said:

    On a prosaic point If im going to be watching live news for the next few hours should i stick with bbc or watch sky?

    Beeb is calmer, Sky are hysterical and often inaccurate in unfolding situations. During Manchester, they were literally trawling Twitter and lifting videos shot by kids on mobiles.
  • OUTOUT Posts: 569
    surbiton said:

    These threat levels : severe, critical etc.: in practical terms. what difference do they make ?

    Army and Special forces readied at no notice to deploy on the streets for the top level.
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited June 2017
    RobD said:

    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.

    Maybe his captitalisation was deliberate?
    Well in one the court cases one of the judges cited one of Trump's tweets, so Trump should know better.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    RobD said:

    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.

    Maybe his captitalisation was deliberate?
    Foot in the mouth. Not for the first time.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    RobD said:

    Oops Trump's tweet may have just made a huge mistake on twitter because US government lawyers have been arguing in the appellate courts that it is NOT a ban.

    Maybe his captitalisation was deliberate?
    Well in one the court cases one of the judges cited one of Trump's tweets.
    Yeah, but if it is colloquially known as the "Travel Ban", that might be a defence? Of course, IANAL.
  • ab195ab195 Posts: 477
    surbiton said:

    These threat levels : severe, critical etc.: in practical terms. what difference do they make ?

    It's a planning tool. You are aware of an imminent threat so it's proportionate to cancel leave etc. and run staff on longer shifts.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    The BBC: Borough Market is a market and London Bridge station is a station where people board trains to go home.

    Phew. Glad we cleared that up.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150

    The BBC: Borough Market is a market and London Bridge station is a station where people board trains to go home.

    Phew. Glad we cleared that up.

    And Mrs May and the Home Secretary set the terror level....genius.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited June 2017
    BBC idiot on the spot, "Man was of Asian or Mediterranean colouring"....
  • perdixperdix Posts: 1,806
    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Its not easy

    For starters shut down mosques that allow hate speech

    Come down hard on hate preachers and shut down schools who spout islamist shit.

    lengthy prison terms for those who spread hate

    Stop kowtowing to islamists - we self censor right now - fuck em

    Stop trying to shut down debate on the darker side of Islamic beliefs.

    Exclude people from this country if they went abroad to fight jihad or have preached hate.

    Cut down muslim immigration.

    Plus, have some evaluation whether potential immigrant individuals/families are likely to be able to integrate. Very difficult but may be necessary.
  • camelcamel Posts: 815

    The BBC: Borough Market is a market and London Bridge station is a station where people board trains to go home.

    Phew. Glad we cleared that up.

    So they can withdraw the Navy Seals from Lake Havasu City in Arizona now?
  • RobinWiggsRobinWiggs Posts: 621
    edited June 2017
    The Sun reporting 3 explosions outside their London Bridge office in the past few minutes.

    EDIT: Now confirmed as controlled explosions.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917

    BBC idiot on the spot, "Man was of Asian or Mediterranean colouring"....

    As someone said earlier, Italians are notoriously shit drivers.....
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    Floater said:

    SeanT said:

    Chameleon said:

    This is all ongoing, so with the cordon being at the very least 1km wide I suspect that someone has slipped away, or will slip away in the coming hours.

    That's my guess. Reports of two attackers killed. But lots of police activity ongoing?

    Sounds like it was three killers, and one is at large.....
    reports of up to 5 with 1 or 2 already shot.

    Along with a bystander in the pub, sadly.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150

    BBC idiot on the spot, "Man was of Asian or Mediterranean colouring"....

    As someone said earlier, Italians are notoriously shit drivers.....
    That was me :-)
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871

    Perhaps you don't need to shut existing mosques, just ban the opening of more?

    Bit like grammar schools.

    Yes because grammars producing Oxbridge graduates is just the same as extremist mosques producing terrorists
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    HYUFD said:

    Perhaps you don't need to shut existing mosques, just ban the opening of more?

    Bit like grammar schools.

    Yes because grammars producing Oxbridge graduates is just the same as extremist mosques producing terrorists
    I was being tongue in cheek. I'm an old grammar school boy myself.
  • camelcamel Posts: 815
    HYUFD said:

    Perhaps you don't need to shut existing mosques, just ban the opening of more?

    Bit like grammar schools.

    Yes because grammars producing Oxbridge graduates is just the same as extremist mosques producing terrorists
    I think it was (quite a good) political joke you missed.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917

    BBC idiot on the spot, "Man was of Asian or Mediterranean colouring"....

    As someone said earlier, Italians are notoriously shit drivers.....
    That was me :-)
    It's that time of night.
  • RobinWiggsRobinWiggs Posts: 621
    SeanT said:
    Now reported as a series of controlled explosions.

  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    SeanT said:
    Controlled explosions, I wager. People will have been leaving stuff all over the place in fleeing.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150

    SeanT said:
    Now reported as a series of controlled explosions.

    Some poor homeless sod lost their worldly belongings again....
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    edited June 2017
    surbiton said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Its not easy

    Stop kowtowing to islamists - we self censor right now - fuck em

    Stop trying to shut down debate on the darker side of Islamic beliefs.

    Exclude people from this country if they went abroad to fight jihad or have preached hate.

    Cut down muslim immigration.

    What about selling arms worth billions of pounds to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia which funds and arms terrorist organisations ? You left this out.
    Good point. Disappointing to see Trump there a few days ago.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    Cyan said:

    Tony_M said:

    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    Not to trivialise all this but when I went to see Depeche Mode at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town many moons ago, it was at least as risky as some of the stuff that has happened this evening.

    Listen to yourself. "Depeche Mode as dangerous as ISIS"

    Do yourself a favour and go to sleep you doddery, incontinent old cretin.
    Stop panicking Sean - this is the world we live in and you need to understand what is happening.
    Yes, people re killing us for who we are and how we live. And you are accepting that as "the world we live in". Passive, docile, accepting. FFS
    You utter, utter dickhead. While you work out whether I am or am not accepting it, please tell me what your master plan is to stop it all, short of you locking yourself up in your bedroom with Teddy?
    End all Islamic immigration tomorrow. Close all the mosques, ban the burka, ban halal meat production and importation, ban all Muslim schools private and state, cut all aid funding to Islamic countries that fund hate preachers. That's a start.
    Closing the mosques would start a civil war and would please the jihadists no end.

    Well you would just have mass deportations too in that case. In Japan Muslims are not even allowed permanent residency though that is clearly too extreme there will be voices demanding tougher action
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited June 2017
    So the cliffs seems to be.

    White van ran over a load of people. 3 men jumped out, hacked at the injured and then attacked random people on the street and also raiding restaurants / bars and attacking people.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    BBC showing pictures of dead terrorists.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    edited June 2017
    BBC: photo shows shot terrorist lying on ground outside the Wheatsheaf pub with what looks like canisters strapped to his chest.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    AndyJS said:

    surbiton said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come down like a fucking hammer on those who are planning harm or sympathise with those who mean us harm. But this latter I think we are doing and the very fact that these people are in this country, in the West, means that we are probably winning on the former also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Its not easy

    Stop kowtowing to islamists - we self censor right now - fuck em

    Stop trying to shut down debate on the darker side of Islamic beliefs.

    Exclude people from this country if they went abroad to fight jihad or have preached hate.

    Cut down muslim immigration.

    What about selling arms worth billions of pounds to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia which funds and arms terrorist organisations ? You left this out.
    Good point. Disappointing to see Trump there a few days ago.
    Saudi is bombing ISIS now and they execute terrorists
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    Fuck me! My first date staple is a beer in The Wheatsheaf then on to Brindisa... all the women who knocked me back recently were right to do so
  • ParistondaParistonda Posts: 1,843
    RobD said:

    surbiton said:

    What about selling arms worth billions of pounds to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia which funds and arms terrorist organisations ? You left this out.

    Suspect that would be a huge issue if any of those weapons were used in an attack in the UK.
    Indirectly, they already are. If we are selling arms to the Saudis who fund terrorist organisations - those organisations are better equipped to recruit and train terrorists to attack on our soil. Step 1 of any global fightback against terrorism should be ending our business dealings with the terror funding saudis. Trump, for all his bravado was over there curtseying recently. Corbyn has at least promised an immediate end of sales on our part.
  • KentRisingKentRising Posts: 2,917
    HYUFD said:

    Saudi is bombing ISIS now and they execute terrorists

    Maybe we should get on that? Bring back the offence of treason and hanging for it.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    edited June 2017
    BBC News channel showing photo of man lying on the ground with canisters strapped to his body at the Wheatcroft Pub in Borough.
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    surbiton said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    Floater said:

    TOPPING said:

    SeanT said:

    TOPPING said:

    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    Norstat poll for The Sunday Express

    Con 39 (-3) Lab 35 (+9) LD 8 (-2) UKIP 6 (-2)

    Changes since April

    Tories sub 40...if that happens they are totally f##ked.
    Don't worry it's all over
    Until I hear DimbleBore depressingly say the BBC Exit Poll predicts a Tory majority of 100...I am shitting it. I like Canada a visit...
    The idea that terrorist sympathisers and Britain hating communists could be in charge of the country in a week is making me extremely uncomfortable right now. I guess we all just have to trust that when people go to the ballot box they will know what to do.
    Thank god you don't actually live here.
    That's it, Sean, let it out.

    Asking you same as Fatty: what would you do?
    What do you think we should do?
    OK I'll go first ahead of our keyboard warrior super army soldier types.

    We need parallel approaches. At the same time as winning on ideas, proving, showing that our values are such that they shouldn't be subject to challenge by any other ideology, I would come dmer also.

    The fact is, that these days there is very little we can do about young people who have been radicalised to the point whereby instead of getting their ears pierced, they are prepared to attack people on the street.

    How did we beat PIRA? We talked, we won militarily and eventually they caved. But there are still active dissident republicans as we have seen from the news this weekend.

    How about you?
    Its not easy

    For starters shut down mosques that allow hate speech

    Come down hard on hate preachers and shut down schools who spout islamist shit.

    lengthy prison terms for those who spread hate

    Stop kowtowing to islamists - we self censor right now - fuck em

    Stop trying to shut down debate on the darker side of Islamic beliefs.

    Exclude people from this country if they went abroad to fight jihad or have preached hate.

    Cut down muslim immigration.

    What about selling arms worth billions of pounds to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia which funds and arms terrorist organisations ? You left this out.
    I am no fan of Saudi - perhaps Jezza could stop being a mouth piece for Press tv too
  • rpjsrpjs Posts: 3,787

    Is it just me or does the SAS helicopter look like they bought AirWolf? Do they have a KnightRider as their car?

    I'm not sure that is an SAS helicopter.

    It looks a lot like one of the Met copters.
    The Verified journo said it was the SAS arriving. Do they not have their own transportation?
    To be honest I saw another verified journo say he saw the SAS deployed to Manchester, but turned to be the NW counter terrorist police.

    It is just so happens they wear the apparel of soldiers.

    Years ago, one of my army buddies did an analysis saying where the SAS had been deployed in one year according to the media.

    He said based on the media reports, the SAS was a division plus sized force (20,000 soliders) not a regiment of a couple of thousand troops.
    Fair enough....but doesn't the MET police helicopters normally have MET Police written on the side in bright yellow letters? It sure looks a lot like the helicopter that SAS have known to have had brought for them.
    The Met don't have any helicopters, there's now a National Police Air Service for all of England and Wales run by West Yorkshire police. According to Wikipedia, it only has 19 aircraft, one of which is on loan to Police Scotland after their single chopper crashed in Glasgow a couple of years ago.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150

    BBC: photo shows shot terrorist lying on ground outside the Wheatsheaf pub with what looks like canisters strapped to his chest.

    He doesn't look very Italian.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    surbiton said:

    BBC showing pictures of dead terrorists.

    Looked alive to me, but I could be wrong.
  • TonyTony Posts: 159
    Fwiw know the area very well. Van reportedly crashed into Nancy steps, which are South West side of London bridge, steps lead down to borough market which is about 50m away. Wheatsheaf pub is about 300m away through the market.
This discussion has been closed.