that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
they’ve been intentionally designed to reward specific demographics for so long that the system’s outcomes may appear unintentional but are actually rooted discriminatory practices and beliefs.
This is where it all goes wrong for me. They've not been intentionally designed. Can't possibly be.
But those two words turn a statistical imbalance into a moral crusade.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Not too long ago I dated a Bangladeshi woman and I was surprised by the reactions of some "impeccably non-racist" friends. Eye-opening
However it is simply a fact that some people prefer certain hair colours and skin tones; I am extremely reluctant to call them racist for something that is surely innate, the same way some people just prefer tall or short, or whatever
This is really very simple.
Some people prefer blondes. Some brunettes. There are even some people out there (or so I've heard), that like gingers.
Some people prefer Asians. Some people prefer large breasts. Some people prefer piercings or tattoos.
We cannot mandate that we all find the same things attractive. And we cannot mandate that people sleep with those they do not find attractive.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Not sure about “racist” but I think it’s rather sad and a sign of someone who probably won’t find a long term, loving, stable relationship. They’re looking for someone to slot into their existing preferences, that they can project their desires onto.
Love should be about more than that.
The profiles that express racial preferences always come across as sad, let alone bigoted. It's an unpleasant thing to say in public
However there's no denying people have honest preferences, and - as I say - it's hard to condemn for something that is very possibly innate. Like so many women preferring taller men?
Starmer shares a fair whiff of similarity with Dominic Raab, don't you think? A bit cubic in head and body, a bit square in manner, overly lawyery in tone.
At least knows where Dover is, but he couldn't get a lorry there.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Not too long ago I dated a Bangladeshi woman and I was surprised by the reactions of some "impeccably non-racist" friends. Eye-opening
However it is simply a fact that some people prefer certain hair colours and skin tones; I am extremely reluctant to call them racist for something that is surely innate, the same way some people just prefer tall or short, or whatever
I agree with that - I've never dated nor been attracted to a black woman, for example, nor East Asian. I have had a relationship with a woman of Pakistani descent. I'd tend to keep an open mind and not put anything like your examples above on a dating profile* - i.e. I wouldn't put 'no black women', not fo fear of appearing racist (although also that, to be honest, but i also wouldn't put min/max height requirements or hair colour etc) but just because I wouldn't be confident that I would not find any black woman attractive. There is, afterall, a lot more to attraction than looks. My wife is not typical, physically, of most women I dated in the past - not more or less objectively attractive, I think, just different - she has quite a different personality too. Had I had a fixed "no smart feisty women who will take me on verbally and win" attitude then I'd be much worse off today.
*Do people really put things like that? I'd find that a turn off even if I was in an 'approved' group.
When I first stumbled into here you were almost a lone voice of the left - the left left, I mean, as opposed to this "of centre" malarkey - yet here you are now teetering on the very edge of torydom. It's really something. It rivals William Glenn and his intra-tory "Ken Clarke to Bill Cash" journey in speed and distance traveled.
Arguably BJO has stayed where he was. The Tories have become the party of public spending. Which is why many on the Cameroon right have drifted away.
There is actually startlingly little debate or difference over political basics; massive lists of Labour policies amount to little more than social tinkering with stuff. Yes there should not be a 5 week delay in UC; but the big issues are things like: High or low tax take. Which services should be free because the taxpayer pays. Who owns the utilities, banks and big business. NATO. The nature of education. protectionism or free trade.
On these there is little real as opposed to bogus discussion. And BTW there is no party at all for real dry fiscal conservatives.
Which perhaps explains why Brexit divides have come to dominate politics and identity so much.
It is in some ways the first major serious division in how people see the world since the end of the Cold War.
Yes. The disruptors have been Brexit and the period of Labour being led by an internationalist socialist who, I think, actually believed some of this drivel.
But even Brexit, while magnified quite understandably, isn't basic in this sense. The EU was free market in some ways, protectionist in others. We will remain so. None of the EU's supporters in the UK believed (as I do) that the EU intended in the end to be a single sovereign authority, so we all agreed on UK sovereignty. FOM was a terrible way of managing migration. Out of the EU we will manage it differently, but what makes it harder for an Italian makes it easier for my Tanzanian friend to come here. Like the states at the heart of the EU we are all social democrats with minor differences.
The triviality of all this is shown by the fact that allowing chilled meat to flow from GB to NI is front page news in the Guardian and BBC.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
I would say it was. Edit, in fact I am surprised that they are allowed to publish that.
Is it racist for a white woman to want only to date black men?
Even if she hates nobody due to their race, has friends of all races and campaigns against racism, she's racist for who she wants to date?
I think I am going to go back to my commercial lease, its a lot less complicated. But I do think its wrong to select your mates entirely on the basis of their skin colour.
@noneoftheabove - my property taxes are assessed at a little bit more than 2% of property value. So your estimate for the value of my home is about 3x too high!
No wonder people pull tricks to keep the value based on historic prices.
I imagine that any attempt to add some sanity to the system (i.e. based on more recent prices or ignoring corporations) would be completely rejected at the ballot box.
Which is why it will need a politician with balls.
Remember Gordon Brown and BoE independence?
And also remember the squealing when they tried to update business rates?
Was there any warning in a manifesto of Mortgage Interest Tax Relief being abolished by Nigel Lawson?
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Which remind us that it also applies to social class and religious/ideological orientation, though note that the latter is also a protected characteristic in law IIRC.
So it is plainly permitted to [edit] exprtess in public one's want to date a Sloanie but not necessarily a C of E member. Or so it would seem ... ?
Interestingly, the bit on humans in DISassortative mating is much smaller, and confined to the hypothesis IIRC that smell coding for MHC antigens is an important determinant of sex appeal.
Anyway, I will let you work out the legal logic as I have to go and reread a TS for a colleague!
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Not sure about “racist” but I think it’s rather sad and a sign of someone who probably won’t find a long term, loving, stable relationship. They’re looking for someone to slot into their existing preferences, that they can project their desires onto.
Love should be about more than that.
Well, yes - and @DavidL makes a similar point - but this is more a criticism of the brutal and transactional nature of online dating than it is a comment of race relations (not, I confess, that I have ever dabbled in the online dating market).
In person, our appearance matters far less. The famously ugly but charming 18th century journalist, politician, womaniser and rogue John Wilkes used to boast (presumably, charmingly), that it only took him half an hour to talk away his face.
Of course, that just replaces one form of preference with another. Who will speak up against prejudice against boring people?
The world’s biggest shipping line, @Maersk, said it had to divert some ships from Felixstowe, the UK’s largest container port, due to congestion caused by a trucker shortage 🚛🚢
Definite empty shelves in this corner of north London. By far the worst yet
No bin liners, for some reason
A plastics shortage, perhaps, that might also explain the bottled water problem. But I'm guessing. Round here, bin liners have been awol for some time, though this week I could get a couple of rolls (does that make me a panic buyer or a hoarder?) of some brand I've not seen before. There are also some new types of cat food on the shelves, again suggesting Sainsbury's are scratching around for stock.
Catfood round here tends to mean Aldi Tuna Flakes, which are far less expensive than catfood.
I had to check carefully to try and work out just who is planning to eat the Tuna Flakes.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
they’ve been intentionally designed to reward specific demographics for so long that the system’s outcomes may appear unintentional but are actually rooted discriminatory practices and beliefs.
Once upon a time on this site there was a contributor who introduced all to the idea of swing back. With a relatively low level of samples, it must be said, he produced quite compelling evidence that governments which were behind in the polling mid term would recover as the election came nearer and might even go on to win if they were not too far behind.
The details of the analysis now escape me but if the principle is right do the odds against an increase in the Tory majority at the next election seriously understate the probability of this happening? A swing back from here moves us into landslide territory.
Labour, it seems to me, is not in a happy place. Their leader is not inspiring and the options in Parliament, at least, are poor. They have a very weak shadow cabinet and seem to be annoying many of their natural supporters. The government is struggling against a sea of troubles at the moment but still seems to have a sense of purpose if not consistency. I am increasingly tempted to risk a few quid on this.
It was a graph of midterm polling (and I can't remember what he used) against final result and the fit was solid, with some key outliers.
I think the general point is qualitatively sound - governments are unpopular midterm, governments recover, oppositions find elections hard as they have to pin things down, don't overfit e.g. council elections - but quantitatively? Nah,
I've just asked my wife if it is OK for me to date white and black women to prove that I'm not racist.
That went well.
Since you're inexperienced in these matters here's some nuggets of advice to keep your other half happy.
When she asks you to list all the women you've been with for GOD'S SAKE stop with her name! Don't list the ones that were after her.
Or when she suggests she like someone to talk to after sex don't suggest a threesome with another woman, solely because she can have someone to talk to.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Not too long ago I dated a Bangladeshi woman and I was surprised by the reactions of some "impeccably non-racist" friends. Eye-opening
However it is simply a fact that some people prefer certain hair colours and skin tones; I am extremely reluctant to call them racist for something that is surely innate, the same way some people just prefer tall or short, or whatever
I agree with that - I've never dated nor been attracted to a black woman, for example, nor East Asian. I have had a relationship with a woman of Pakistani descent. I'd tend to keep an open mind and not put anything like your examples above on a dating profile* - i.e. I wouldn't put 'no black women', not fo fear of appearing racist (although also that, to be honest, but i also wouldn't put min/max height requirements or hair colour etc) but just because I wouldn't be confident that I would not find any black woman attractive. There is, afterall, a lot more to attraction than looks. My wife is not typical, physically, of most women I dated in the past - not more or less objectiely attractive, I think, just different - she has quite a different personality too. Had I had a fixed "no smart feisty women who will take me on verbally and win" attitude then I'd be much worse off today.
*Do people really put things like that? I'd find that a turn off even if I was in an 'approved' group.
Yes, people really do put stuff like that. Obviously I've only really seen female profiles, but the most common are "no Asian men", "no black men", or the opposite, "black men only" and "white men only"
Those I have seen quite a lot. They always strike me as bleak, and off-putting. Why even say that?
I am told that on male profiles you are more likely to see "white and Asian women please", or "white and Latin women only"
Some dating websites have analysed the data and confirmed these preferences are real
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
I would say it was. Edit, in fact I am surprised that they are allowed to publish that.
Is it racist for a white woman to want only to date black men?
Even if she hates nobody due to their race, has friends of all races and campaigns against racism, she's racist for who she wants to date?
I think I am going to go back to my commercial lease, its a lot less complicated. But I do think its wrong to select your mates entirely on the basis of their skin colour.
It is hard to think of an area of life where it is more true that it is wisest to do exactly as you like (which is driven by 4 billion years of evolution and thousands of years of social evolution) but don't talk about it, and especially don't put anything at all on social media. Learn from cavemen and cavewomen.
Once upon a time on this site there was a contributor who introduced all to the idea of swing back. With a relatively low level of samples, it must be said, he produced quite compelling evidence that governments which were behind in the polling mid term would recover as the election came nearer and might even go on to win if they were not too far behind.
The details of the analysis now escape me but if the principle is right do the odds against an increase in the Tory majority at the next election seriously understate the probability of this happening? A swing back from here moves us into landslide territory.
Labour, it seems to me, is not in a happy place. Their leader is not inspiring and the options in Parliament, at least, are poor. They have a very weak shadow cabinet and seem to be annoying many of their natural supporters. The government is struggling against a sea of troubles at the moment but still seems to have a sense of purpose if not consistency. I am increasingly tempted to risk a few quid on this.
As well as annoying many of their natural supporters, the Rayner "scum" remarks have REALLY riled up many who they should consider they need to win over.
To paraphrase somebody recently:
"I took a holiday from voting Labour last time. Corbyn, you know. But, I have to say, going on your holidays gives you a chance to reflect on why would I want to go back to a shit-hole?"
The whole 'scum' thing just breaks a cardinal rule: Never criticise the voter. SFAICS the Labourites who go down this Pidcockish tendency (and it's amazing that Rayner acted so dim about it) don't even see that is what they are doing. The scum includes your plumber, the mechanic, the older women living mostly on state pension, and so on for ever.
"it's amazing Rayner acted so dim about it"
Sadly, not amazing at all. Seriously over-promoted....
Starmer shares a fair whiff of similarity with Dominic Raab, don't you think? A bit cubic in head and body, a bit square in manner, overly lawyery in tone.
At least knows where Dover is, but he couldn't get a lorry there.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
On the recent series of Married At First Sight UK some of the participants were even more specific in their preferences: tall blonds, muscular gym bunnies, etc.
I think the important thing is that you don't try to impose your preferences on others. Don't want to date people from a different background? Your loss. Try to stop your child from doing so? Shut up and keep your bigotry to yourself.
Personally, I was surprised to find myself married to someone with a Music degree. Doing my bit to bridge the divide between the Two Cultures.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
I would say it was. Edit, in fact I am surprised that they are allowed to publish that.
Is it racist for a white woman to want only to date black men?
Even if she hates nobody due to their race, has friends of all races and campaigns against racism, she's racist for who she wants to date?
I think I am going to go back to my commercial lease, its a lot less complicated. But I do think its wrong to select your mates entirely on the basis of their skin colour.
It is hard to think of an area of life where it is more true that it is wisest to do exactly as you like (which is driven by 4 billion years of evolution and thousands of years of social evolution) but don't talk about it, and especially don't put anything at all on social media. Learn from cavemen and cavewomen.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
Or you could read my actual reply to you on PT giving my actual and disappointingly biege view on the overwrought stuff you seem to be wallowing in.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Scotland Yard has been accused of trivialising the case of a constable who is still at work months after sending an explicit image to a female former colleague.
The victim, Jill Knight, 64, who worked at the Metropolitan Police for nearly three decades, reported the image immediately but was told that it was not a criminal offence. After she complained to Dame Cressida Dick, the Met commissioner, a detective took her statement but months later the accused officer was still on patrol.
Only after The Times contacted the Met was the officer who sent the picture, a probationary constable in his twenties, placed under criminal investigation and on restricted duties.
Once upon a time on this site there was a contributor who introduced all to the idea of swing back. With a relatively low level of samples, it must be said, he produced quite compelling evidence that governments which were behind in the polling mid term would recover as the election came nearer and might even go on to win if they were not too far behind.
The details of the analysis now escape me but if the principle is right do the odds against an increase in the Tory majority at the next election seriously understate the probability of this happening? A swing back from here moves us into landslide territory.
Labour, it seems to me, is not in a happy place. Their leader is not inspiring and the options in Parliament, at least, are poor. They have a very weak shadow cabinet and seem to be annoying many of their natural supporters. The government is struggling against a sea of troubles at the moment but still seems to have a sense of purpose if not consistency. I am increasingly tempted to risk a few quid on this.
Are there any markets at the minute where it's possible to bet on an increased majority or size of majority?
I think an increased majority is about a 20% chance so would like to bet on that if I could find anyone offering odds over 5/1.
This Christmas is the date at which I shall start thinking that Johnson's richly deserved comeuppance may not arrive in time for the next election. Without it an increased majority is not out of the question. I'd want 10/1 though.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
they’ve been intentionally designed to reward specific demographics for so long that the system’s outcomes may appear unintentional but are actually rooted discriminatory practices and beliefs.
This is where it all goes wrong for me. They've not been intentionally designed. Can't possibly be.
But those two words turn a statistical imbalance into a moral crusade.
I think you have to be careful in reading this type of academic piece to understand the nationality of the author before commenting, or before seeking to extract universal truths. If you are talking about US systems, certain aspects (such as access to agricultural loans and mortgages) were indeed designed to be racist and that was their effect too.
It is still their effect, even if the overt discriminatory language and conditions have been removed. So I can see that that piece, with those two words, if written about the US and in particular if written about the US South, would be 100% accurate, but not so accurate for another region in another country with a different history.
Via @Kantar_UKI , 23-27 September, Changes with 23 August.
Look at the fieldwork dates, they predate the Conservative conference and most of the Labour conference.
Indeed before Starmer's speech in fact.
Can anyone in the actual world remember anything about SKS's speech except that he kept being interrupted and disagreed with by shouty members of his own party who looked and sounded unelectable and made the party look the same? (Guido helpfully distilled it to 1 minute which saved a lot of time).
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
"So it seems clear now – the Tories are set to win most votes, probably most seats and have an outside, but not insignificant chance of a majority in 2015."
If anyone else has been discombobulated by the Safari address bar migrating to the bottom of the screen on iOS15- here’s how you fix it;
How to change iOS 15 Safari address/search bar on iPhone Running iOS 15, open Safari on your iPhone. In the bottom address/search bar, tap the “aA” icon on the left (when on a website) Tap Show Top Address Bar. To change back to the bottom bar design. Tap the “aA” icon in the top address/search bar.
I've just asked my wife if it is OK for me to date white and black women to prove that I'm not racist.
That went well.
Since you're inexperienced in these matters here's some nuggets of advice to keep your other half happy.
When she asks you to list all the women you've been with for GOD'S SAKE stop with her name! Don't list the ones that were after her.
Or when she suggests she like someone to talk to after sex don't suggest a threesome with another woman, solely because she can have someone to talk to.
How about suggesting she have sex with another person?
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
I'm about three-fifths through Taiko, by Eiji Yoshikawa. The power vanishing from Takeda Katsuyori as his generals abandon him and Kai is invaded on all sides reminds me of a Prime Minister who suddenly discovers his time has come but has been the last one to realise it.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
they’ve been intentionally designed to reward specific demographics for so long that the system’s outcomes may appear unintentional but are actually rooted discriminatory practices and beliefs.
This is where it all goes wrong for me. They've not been intentionally designed. Can't possibly be.
But those two words turn a statistical imbalance into a moral crusade.
I think you have to be careful in reading this type of academic piece to understand the nationality of the author before commenting, or before seeking to extract universal truths. If you are talking about US systems, certain aspects (such as access to agricultural loans and mortgages) were indeed designed to be racist and that was their effect too.
It is still their effect, even if the overt discriminatory language and conditions have been removed. So I can see that that piece, with those two words, if written about the US and in particular if written about the US South, would be 100% accurate, but not so accurate for another region in another country with a different history.
The reality is that what starts in liberal arts colleges in the US makes its way here, often with little translation.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
Via @Kantar_UKI , 23-27 September, Changes with 23 August.
Look at the fieldwork dates, they predate the Conservative conference and most of the Labour conference.
Indeed before Starmer's speech in fact.
Can anyone in the actual world remember anything about SKS's speech except that he kept being interrupted and disagreed with by shouty members of his own party who looked and sounded unelectable and made the party look the same? (Guido helpfully distilled it to 1 minute which saved a lot of time).
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
Once upon a time on this site there was a contributor who introduced all to the idea of swing back. With a relatively low level of samples, it must be said, he produced quite compelling evidence that governments which were behind in the polling mid term would recover as the election came nearer and might even go on to win if they were not too far behind.
The details of the analysis now escape me but if the principle is right do the odds against an increase in the Tory majority at the next election seriously understate the probability of this happening? A swing back from here moves us into landslide territory.
Labour, it seems to me, is not in a happy place. Their leader is not inspiring and the options in Parliament, at least, are poor. They have a very weak shadow cabinet and seem to be annoying many of their natural supporters. The government is struggling against a sea of troubles at the moment but still seems to have a sense of purpose if not consistency. I am increasingly tempted to risk a few quid on this.
I think that's exactly right. I'd add that without a compelling strategy in Scotland, Labour is likely to struggle even more as the small towns and suburbs in the North and Midlands move ever further away from them.
Labour clearly needs more than its own efforts if it is to win next time. Above all, it needs a sustained Lib Dem recovery to split the anti-Labour vote, just as it was the split anti-Brexit vote in 2019 that gave such enormous dividends to Boris Johnson.
I think the next election will be one where no previous Form Book or electoral theory about voting patterns can possibly work. I don't think we have ever before been in this particular place: Where it is perfectly possible for the Tories to lose the next election, but impossible for Labour to win. Is there any set of past events in UK elections which help in that situation?
The closest analogies are probably 2005, or perhaps 1992.
The complicating factor is that, without serious inroads into Scotland, Labour need a 1997-style result in England to form an overall majority.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
I would say it was. Edit, in fact I am surprised that they are allowed to publish that.
Is it racist for a white woman to want only to date black men?
Even if she hates nobody due to their race, has friends of all races and campaigns against racism, she's racist for who she wants to date?
I think I am going to go back to my commercial lease, its a lot less complicated. But I do think its wrong to select your mates entirely on the basis of their skin colour.
Or maybe you should write another book on debt recovery? Not as exciting, but much safer than dabbling in the field of sexual politics.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
In a civil war, the guys with helicopter gunships. Guns on their own is irrelevant.
What is the utility of publishing polling more than 2 weeks after it is completed? Anybody?
I think that nearly all of their polling is on things like washing powder preferences (I believe that there is more than 1) where the results are less time critical than they might be for political preference. They seem reluctant to change their mode of operation for politics and their work has less value as a result.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
I'd go with the guy driving this
You mean the guy who identifies... as an attack helicopter?
A person can discriminate however they like in their sex life. Black or white, short or tall, fat or skinny, teeth or no teeth. It's 100% up to them and has no readover into the rest of their life or their general character and beliefs. This for me is the best and only viable position. Any other leads to ridiculous places, I think.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Though from my point of view the side with the guns are the same ones worrying about critical race theory etc.
I suspect there's far, far more Tweets and other comments about CRT from the gun wielding side than the non-gun wielding side.
My niece married someone from outside her community.
She's from Yorkshire, he's from Lancashire.
Oh, and she's British-Asian and he's half Italian.
As an aside, a significant proportion of TV adverts now include couples from different ethnicities.
A significant proportion?? Virtually ALL of them, as far as I can see. It has become something of a private joke in advertising circles
Black men with white women is, for whatever reason, much more common than the reverse
Mixed race couples have the great advantage for advertisers that you paint the broadest picture of 'the sort of people who might use product x'. Advertisers like to associate their product with 'modern Britain' - but ideally not in a way which 85% of the target market don't find immediately relatable. How many people object to mixed-race couples? There will be some, but I would argue fewer than those who instinctively think 'huh, another advert with a traditional white British family' or those who think 'huh, another tokenistic effort to be modern'. (Not that there will be many of either of those groups either.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
I'd go with the guy driving this
You mean the guy who identifies... as an attack helicopter?
You're trying to hide it, I know, but I think you are demonstrating a distinct preference for organic lifeforms.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
The White House makes it official and confirms President Biden will travel to Rome for the G20 summit at the end of the month. He’ll also meet with the Pope at the Vatican before heading to Glasgow for a global climate summit.
Via @Kantar_UKI , 23-27 September, Changes with 23 August.
Look at the fieldwork dates, they predate the Conservative conference and most of the Labour conference.
Indeed before Starmer's speech in fact.
Can anyone in the actual world remember anything about SKS's speech except that he kept being interrupted and disagreed with by shouty members of his own party who looked and sounded unelectable and made the party look the same? (Guido helpfully distilled it to 1 minute which saved a lot of time).
'Level up? You can't even fill up.'
A soundbite that lasted about three days, before people were too embarrassed to admit they had queued with the lemmings, so have put it from their minds....
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
I'd go with the guy driving this
You mean the guy who identifies... as an attack helicopter?
You're trying to hide it, I know, but I think you are demonstrating a distinct preference for organic lifeforms.
Your inorganicphobia must be exposed and shamed.
You are wrong. I identify with only incorporeal beings. The entire corporeal universe is corrupt.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
I'd go with the guy driving this
Well, yes. Which got me to wondering where the US gets its military personnel from. Not exactly what I presumed:
"Today, contrary to popular myth, members of the U.S. Armed Forces are mostly drawn from the middle class, with the lowest income quintile being slightly underrepresented, and the highest quartile being even less represented, with about 17% of enlisted personnel coming from the top 20% of neighborhoods by income. Further, 92% of accessions to active duty have a high school diploma, compared to 90% of adults age 25 and older."
So, middle class suburbia holds the keys - not the metrosexuals or the lardasses - not just to elections, but also to the military.
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
I'd go with the guy driving this
You mean the guy who identifies... as an attack helicopter?
You're trying to hide it, I know, but I think you are demonstrating a distinct preference for organic lifeforms.
Your inorganicphobia must be exposed and shamed.
You are wrong. I identify with only incorporeal beings. The entire corporeal universe is corrupt.
Via @Kantar_UKI , 23-27 September, Changes with 23 August.
SKS fans please explain
Al ?
Change leader or get what you deserve
"Change leader or get what you deserve"
Like in 2019, you mean?
Is that relevant in any way?
Yes. It illustrates that if you stick with a leader who looks like a big loser, you lose big.
I agree that we do need to consider whether Starmer is the right person to take Labour into the next GE, but he needs more time to try to climb out of the electoral hole he inherited before we make that decision.
that would be because my entirely legitimate predilections would mean that I was fishing in a smaller pool. It would not be because society was anti-gay or homophobic.
Kinabalu would applaud this exact logic when applied to racial differences. In a few years, he'll either be applauding it when it comes to the dating market or - like Graham Linehan - he'll be having bile poured on his head by the people he used to stand alongside.
It's an interesting question. Is it "racist" to have racial dating preferences?
A LOT of people do have these preferences. And they are happy to express it on dating websites in ways they would never do elsewhere
On the recent series of Married At First Sight UK some of the participants were even more specific in their preferences: tall blonds, muscular gym bunnies, etc.
I think the important thing is that you don't try to impose your preferences on others. Don't want to date people from a different background? Your loss. Try to stop your child from doing so? Shut up and keep your bigotry to yourself.
Personally, I was surprised to find myself married to someone with a Music degree. Doing my bit to bridge the divide between the Two Cultures.
Well if you both like Iain M Banks what more do you need?
Is there any other possible outcome than the death of the Republic at this point?
Aye, when these people start elevating their deplorability to the sacred, the game probably is fecked. Why couldn't they be happy with line dancing, bumper stickers and bump stocks?
There's nothing wrong with America that a good old fashioned, down home, traditional American Civil War couldn't sort out
I am sure it would have the same cathartic healing effect as a referendum campaign, only better.
To be fair the referendum campaign did have a cathartic healing effect for the Tory Party, eventually. The three plus decades of rancorous Tory divisions on Europe from the late eighties, through Maastricht onwards arguably ended on 04 September 19.
The issue for Cameron etc is in their opinion the 'wrong side' won.
An American Civil War has the same issue. The 'wrong side' would probably win it. 😕
If we get another American Civil War, my money will be on the side of those with the guns, rather than those caught up worrying about critical race theory and transgender rights.
Personally I'd go with the gunships and tanks every time, unless you think those lardasses who dress XXXL from Walmart are going to turn themselves into mujahideen overnight.
Interesting one. Who do you back in a street fight? The lardass who dresses in camouflage to go to the office and hunts and fishes with all his/her free time (both using a high velocity rifle) or the metrosexual who does a killer workout at Gold's gym daily and goat yoga twice a weekend?
This is where it all goes wrong for me. They've not been intentionally designed. Can't possibly be.
But those two words turn a statistical imbalance into a moral crusade.
Some people prefer blondes. Some brunettes. There are even some people out there (or so I've heard), that like gingers.
Some people prefer Asians. Some people prefer large breasts. Some people prefer piercings or tattoos.
We cannot mandate that we all find the same things attractive. And we cannot mandate that people sleep with those they do not find attractive.
However there's no denying people have honest preferences, and - as I say - it's hard to condemn for something that is very possibly innate. Like so many women preferring taller men?
At least knows where Dover is, but he couldn't get a lorry there.
*Do people really put things like that? I'd find that a turn off even if I was in an 'approved' group.
That went well.
But even Brexit, while magnified quite understandably, isn't basic in this sense. The EU was free market in some ways, protectionist in others. We will remain so. None of the EU's supporters in the UK believed (as I do) that the EU intended in the end to be a single sovereign authority, so we all agreed on UK sovereignty. FOM was a terrible way of managing migration. Out of the EU we will manage it differently, but what makes it harder for an Italian makes it easier for my Tanzanian friend to come here. Like the states at the heart of the EU we are all social democrats with minor differences.
The triviality of all this is shown by the fact that allowing chilled meat to flow from GB to NI is front page news in the Guardian and BBC.
Which is why it will need a politician with balls.
Remember Gordon Brown and BoE independence?
And also remember the squealing when they tried to update business rates?
Was there any warning in a manifesto of Mortgage Interest Tax Relief being abolished by Nigel Lawson?
Assortative mating is a thing, and has been known to be for a long time: see this (without my vouching for every last detail):
Which remind us that it also applies to social class and religious/ideological orientation, though note that the latter is also a protected characteristic in law IIRC.
So it is plainly permitted to [edit] exprtess in public one's want to date a Sloanie but not necessarily a C of E member. Or so it would seem ... ?
Interestingly, the bit on humans in DISassortative mating is much smaller, and confined to the hypothesis IIRC that smell coding for MHC antigens is an important determinant of sex appeal.
Anyway, I will let you work out the legal logic as I have to go and reread a TS for a colleague!
You could have made it strategic and suggested dating black men.
In person, our appearance matters far less. The famously ugly but charming 18th century journalist, politician, womaniser and rogue John Wilkes used to boast (presumably, charmingly), that it only took him half an hour to talk away his face.
Of course, that just replaces one form of preference with another. Who will speak up against prejudice against boring people?
Oh, PCC election
I think the general point is qualitatively sound - governments are unpopular midterm, governments recover, oppositions find elections hard as they have to pin things down, don't overfit e.g. council elections - but quantitatively? Nah,
Seems its been discussed before:
Which seems to suggest it is perhaps "Tories recover before an election, Labour doesn't".
You places your bets and you takes your chances.
So, election or appointment of a replacement?
Seems strange
When she asks you to list all the women you've been with for GOD'S SAKE stop with her name! Don't list the ones that were after her.
Or when she suggests she like someone to talk to after sex don't suggest a threesome with another woman, solely because she can have someone to talk to.
Those I have seen quite a lot. They always strike me as bleak, and off-putting. Why even say that?
I am told that on male profiles you are more likely to see "white and Asian women please", or "white and Latin women only"
Some dating websites have analysed the data and confirmed these preferences are real
Sadly, not amazing at all. Seriously over-promoted....
I think the important thing is that you don't try to impose your preferences on others. Don't want to date people from a different background? Your loss. Try to stop your child from doing so? Shut up and keep your bigotry to yourself.
Personally, I was surprised to find myself married to someone with a Music degree. Doing my bit to bridge the divide between the Two Cultures.
mmmmmmmm juicy
I'm firmly convinced that it's a watch the Greens thing anyway.
Can the last person to support energy privatisation in this country please, erm, turn out the lights?
Indeed before Starmer's speech in fact.
IMHO, yes. Absolutely yes.
Scotland Yard has been accused of trivialising the case of a constable who is still at work months after sending an explicit image to a female former colleague.
The victim, Jill Knight, 64, who worked at the Metropolitan Police for nearly three decades, reported the image immediately but was told that it was not a criminal offence. After she complained to Dame Cressida Dick, the Met commissioner, a detective took her statement but months later the accused officer was still on patrol.
Only after The Times contacted the Met was the officer who sent the picture, a probationary constable in his twenties, placed under criminal investigation and on restricted duties.
It is still their effect, even if the overt discriminatory language and conditions have been removed. So I can see that that piece, with those two words, if written about the US and in particular if written about the US South, would be 100% accurate, but not so accurate for another region in another country with a different history.
based on
which is the NEV data by year.
"So it seems clear now – the Tories are set to win most votes, probably most seats and have an outside, but not insignificant chance of a majority in 2015."
She's from Yorkshire, he's from Lancashire.
Oh, and she's British-Asian and he's half Italian.
As an aside, a significant proportion of TV adverts now include couples from different ethnicities.
How to change iOS 15 Safari address/search bar on iPhone
Running iOS 15, open Safari on your iPhone.
In the bottom address/search bar, tap the “aA” icon on the left (when on a website)
Tap Show Top Address Bar.
To change back to the bottom bar design. Tap the “aA” icon in the top address/search bar.
Delighted to see all the PB Tories on here celebrating union solidarity in action.
Black men with white women is, for whatever reason, much more common than the reverse
The reality is that what starts in liberal arts colleges in the US makes its way here, often with little translation.
Al ?
Change leader or get what you deserve
The complicating factor is that, without serious inroads into Scotland, Labour need a 1997-style result in England to form an overall majority.
Like in 2019, you mean?
LAB 30% (-4)
LD 11% (-3)
GRN 6% (+1)
SNP 4% (-)
CON 368 (+66)
LAB 196 (-52)
SNP 51 (-)
LD 11 (-14)
GRN 1 (-)
OTH 23 (-)
(compared to last poll)
Useless nonentity Party sinking without a trace
Not as exciting, but much safer than dabbling in the field of sexual politics.
*innocent face*
I suspect there's far, far more Tweets and other comments about CRT from the gun wielding side than the non-gun wielding side.
Advertisers like to associate their product with 'modern Britain' - but ideally not in a way which 85% of the target market don't find immediately relatable.
How many people object to mixed-race couples? There will be some, but I would argue fewer than those who instinctively think 'huh, another advert with a traditional white British family' or those who think 'huh, another tokenistic effort to be modern'. (Not that there will be many of either of those groups either.
Your inorganicphobia must be exposed and shamed.
"Today, contrary to popular myth, members of the U.S. Armed Forces are mostly drawn from the middle class, with the lowest income quintile being slightly underrepresented, and the highest quartile being even less represented, with about 17% of enlisted personnel coming from the top 20% of neighborhoods by income. Further, 92% of accessions to active duty have a high school diploma, compared to 90% of adults age 25 and older."
So, middle class suburbia holds the keys - not the metrosexuals or the lardasses - not just to elections, but also to the military.
I agree that we do need to consider whether Starmer is the right person to take Labour into the next GE, but he needs more time to try to climb out of the electoral hole he inherited before we make that decision.
Indeed, I would challenge any labour supporter to say they want a return to free movement