"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
Ultimately I am less pessimistic. I believe it will collapse from the inside, due to its ridiculous contradictions. ie how do you simultaneously obsess about race and skin colour, yet deny that race is a biological fact, just a social construct? If you can self identify as black then you are black, etc etc, soon everyone will self identify as black the same way kids are now genderqueer. The idiocy will implode, and once these ideologies unravel it happens quickly
My fear is the damage these sinister theories will do on the way to their doom. I can easily see white America electing a more effective demagogue than Trump. I can see White Pride becoming a very real thing, pretty damn soon, across the West. The stirrings are audible
I too hope it will implode, but I think you are underestimating the tribal element and sense of belonging attached to it; the sea of hopelessness that it recruits from, and the use of technology in its propogation (and the control it exerts over technology in general). It isn't obviously imploding and its outrageous contradictions should be obvious, it should just be laughed out of existence as it would have been 20 years ago. But lots of otherwise smart people on here pronounce themselves as woke and believe it to be the reinvention of western civilisation. How do you explain that?
Decadence and ease
But that is ending. And how
Wokeness will eat its own children, like all Revolutions. We just have to hunker down, and undermine it quietly
But privilege is not just about the colour of your skin. Let me give you an example. Is it better to be a black pupil at Brentwood School in Los Angeles, or at a government school in Port Harcourt, Nigeria? Who would you say is privileged? You or them?"
The South African government made a similar argument viz a viz the rest of the continent in the 80s, it wasn't very persuasive for obvious reasons even if it was probably true for most people in spite of apartheid.
So @BorisJohnson & @POTUS are set to agree to a new “Atlantic Charter“, apparently modelled on statement made by Churchill & Roosevelt in 1941 on the post-war world order. Very lofty
What about HMG's EU treaty commitments & NI Protocol?
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
I'm sorry but I just don't agree with this. I'm not that far out of university myself and I was seriously looking at going back but decided against it. Read Lindsay and Pluckrose or watch the video with Eric Kaufmann I linked to. Look in to what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State University (if you can find a neutral source). It isn't just a repeat of 1968, the whole sector is literally destroying itself.
I have never heard of Evergreen State University. Is it a former Poly?
Which is why there is no point in darkage engaging you. Because you are an ill-informed moron
Says the man who pretends to make dildos for a living.
Why do people make dildos?
I mean anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough.
Bonobo chimps are the only other species to use sex toys. I learned that as a young, eager butt-plug knapper, watching by the bench of Mike "the MegaLithoProbe" Smithson
When I was at Uni there was much harrumphing from the Establishment academics at the radical takeover and bizarre, revolutionary ideas being propagated and, indeed, one may say, indoctrinated in the Economics department. Woe betide any student who did not tow the line. Little prospect of a 2:1, let alone a first. They were Thatcherite free marketeers overturning and challenging the shibboleths of several decades. So presumably they were OK, then?
While most of the academics I know are in science and engineering faculties rather than the Department of Micky Mouse Studies, their main priority appears to be securing research grant funding rather than fomenting revolution.
Revolutionaries are always the noisiest in anything. And usually a minority to boot, which is part of why they are so fiery.
The problem with University nowadays is not the "wokeness" (student politics have been run by twats since the beginning of time, and ignored and mocked by 95% of students). The problem is that it is a shite experience, with overworked temporary teaching lecturers, crap courses and a crappy "Starbucks" student culture. Avoid.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
I'm sorry but I just don't agree with this. I'm not that far out of university myself and I was seriously looking at going back but decided against it. Read Lindsay and Pluckrose or watch the video with Eric Kaufmann I linked to. Look in to what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State University (if you can find a neutral source). It isn't just a repeat of 1968, the whole sector is literally destroying itself.
I have never heard of Evergreen State University. Is it a former Poly?
Which is why there is no point in darkage engaging you. Because you are an ill-informed moron
Says the man who pretends to make dildos for a living.
Why do people make dildos?
I mean anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough.
Bonobo chimps are the only other species to use sex toys. I learned that as a young, eager butt-plug knapper, watching by the bench of Mike "the MegaLithoProbe" Smithson
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
Crikey, you are full of the joys of spring again. Bloody hell.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
I'm sorry but I just don't agree with this. I'm not that far out of university myself and I was seriously looking at going back but decided against it. Read Lindsay and Pluckrose or watch the video with Eric Kaufmann I linked to. Look in to what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State University (if you can find a neutral source). It isn't just a repeat of 1968, the whole sector is literally destroying itself.
I have never heard of Evergreen State University. Is it a former Poly?
Which is why there is no point in darkage engaging you. Because you are an ill-informed moron
Says the man who pretends to make dildos for a living.
Why do people make dildos?
I mean anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough.
Ah yes, here comes another excuse for eternal Covid restrictions.
"The NHS can't cope with more Covid cases on top of this epidemic of emergency stone cock extractions! The masks will have to stay for another decade."
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
To be fair, overwhelming negativity did seem to help the team in the 2018 World Cup.
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
To be fair, overwhelming negativity did seem to help the team in the 2018 World Cup.
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
To be fair, overwhelming negativity did seem to help the team in the 2018 World Cup.
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
Crikey, you are full of the joys of spring again. Bloody hell.
It never does to underestimate the ability of any England football team to fuck up. They've not won a World or European championship for 55 years (and with no end to the constant litany of defeats) for a reason.
Besides, if they then surprise on the upside and lose on a penalty shootout in the quarter final instead, it'll be a bonus.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
To be fair, overwhelming negativity did seem to help the team in the 2018 World Cup.
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
There hasn’t been any tournaments since…
Too many teams in both this Euros, and no national host focus, and Qatar is a dire location, and after that 48 teams. Bloated and indulgent.
Once again, The History Man was released 45 years ago.
Forty Five Years Ago.
This is so utterly tedious. We are in a very different era. YAWN
You are.
Then you were young, now you're old.
The one thing I might say Philip is that your position on all this is rather curious, given your views on Brexit; which was as we all know a project that the youth of the day were not particularly enthusiastic about. You may end up finding the woke wave that you have enthusiastically hitched yourself to ends with the cancellation of Brexit, although as it is the woke in charge there probably won't be another referendum; they don't seem to be that keen on democracy or process or the rule of law or any of the old world traditions like that. But I suppose you think that that all this is progress and civilisation renewal, I suppose we will just have to wait and see where it leads.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
To be fair, overwhelming negativity did seem to help the team in the 2018 World Cup.
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
There hasn’t been any tournaments since…
Too many teams in both this Euros, and no national host focus, and Qatar is a dire location, and after that 48 teams. Bloated and indulgent.
It might be worth giving it a chance before you dismiss it.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
I know very little about football but I do know Southgate can't read the room and that England are always overpriced.
Looking at various age brackets on the (excellent) Uk coronavirus stats site it seems like there is a real problem with hesitancy for the 40s to 60s. In the past two months the takeup rate has gone from 92% to 93% in the 60-64s in my area, with the three or four age brackets below showing similar trends. Given how crucial every percent is* I'm becoming a bit more in favour of restrictions on those who choose not to protect themselves.
*If the vaccines are 95% effective the move from 93% to 96% results in the proportion of the vulnerable population decreasing by 25 to 35 percent.
England can never resist taking crocked players to major tournaments, and always tries to shoehorn "stars" with incompatible playing styles in too.
That we made it as far as we did in 2018 was a surprise.
Won't happen this time. Croatia get to deliver the coup de grace in the first game, not the last.
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
To be fair, overwhelming negativity did seem to help the team in the 2018 World Cup.
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Protesting against the Vietnam War was a sensible thing to do. Accusing white people of being intrinsically racist isn't.
Protesting against the very occasional lynching is probably on balance permissable, as long as no inconvenience is caused. Accusing the USA of waging an immoral, racist and quasi imperialist war in Vietnam isn’t.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
I know very little about football but I do know Southgate can't read the room and that England are always overpriced.
So, on that basis, it's a clear lay for me.
England aren't winning it...France are far better, nobody bets against Germany obviously, Belgium if their big names play...and that's not even considering say a Spain.
Predictions brought to you by the official sports sub-committee of Independent SAGE.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
I'm sorry but I just don't agree with this. I'm not that far out of university myself and I was seriously looking at going back but decided against it. Read Lindsay and Pluckrose or watch the video with Eric Kaufmann I linked to. Look in to what happened to Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State University (if you can find a neutral source). It isn't just a repeat of 1968, the whole sector is literally destroying itself.
I have never heard of Evergreen State University. Is it a former Poly?
Which is why there is no point in darkage engaging you. Because you are an ill-informed moron
Says the man who pretends to make dildos for a living.
Why do people make dildos?
I mean anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough.
Mankind's first invention, so it must be simple. But surely you have to be willing to pay for quality?
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
International tournaments (in fact knock-out tournaments in general) tend to be won by teams that can defend. Not that England can do that, mind!
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
International tournaments (in fact knock-out tournaments in general) tend to be won by teams that can defend. Not that England can do that, mind!
A rebuke for UK Govt tactics here but whats most interesting is that story suggests US message is pushing UK to reach a "negotiated settlement" on how to implement NI Protocol. Which is actually much closer to UK view than EU, which doesn't really see much negotiating to be done
Looking at various age brackets on the (excellent) Uk coronavirus stats site it seems like there is a real problem with hesitancy for the 40s to 60s. In the past two months the takeup rate has gone from 92% to 93% in the 60-64s in my area, with the three or four age brackets below showing similar trends. Given how crucial every percent is* I'm becoming a bit more in favour of restrictions on those who choose not to protect themselves.
*If the vaccines are 95% effective the move from 93% to 96% results in the proportion of the vulnerable population decreasing by 25 to 35 percent.
The problem with advocating for restrictions on the unvaccinated is that you are obliged to advocate for restrictions on everyone. We don't want to be lumbered with bloody vaccine passports wherever we go, thank you very much. To say nothing about the massive screaming arguments about racism that will inevitably follow, given that hesitancy rates are highest amongst black people.
If the latest ONS estimates are anything like accurate, then the end point of this should be 94% uptake amongst the adult population. That ought to be enough to kill the pandemic off in this country, without having to resort to threats against the anti-vaxxer holdouts. Indeed, the available evidence at the moment suggests that enough people have been vaccinated already to end Covid-19 as a national emergency: even with Delta in widespread circulation, and cases continuing to rise, hospitalisations are only trickling upwards and deaths are extremely low and flatlining. I would refer also at this point to the widely reported remarks by a very senior NHS executive, who has declared that the link between cases and serious illness has already been broken, with good evidence to suggest that even those people still presenting in hospital are younger, less sick and therefore less burdensome to healthcare services.
There's really no need to apply the stick to the remaining hesitant, when the range of carrots already in use has proven sufficient to get coverage up to an effective level.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
International tournaments (in fact knock-out tournaments in general) tend to be won by teams that can defend. Not that England can do that, mind!
I know what you mean, but I wouldn't say France have been anything special in defence for years....but as you say England are shit in defence, but unlike 2018, have a chance to potentially play attacking football and try to outscore the goals they will concede when Jon Stones falls asleep.at some point during the game or Mcguire has to turn and as he does about as fast as that container ship that was stuck in the Suez canel.
Instead we are going to play this negative game, hoping to keep the goals out by packing the midfield with Henderson and Rice.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
I know very little about football but I do know Southgate can't read the room and that England are always overpriced.
So, on that basis, it's a clear lay for me.
England aren't winning it...France are far better, nobody bets against Germany obviously, Belgium if their big names play...and that's not even considering say a Spain.
Predictions brought to you by the official sports sub-committee of Independent SAGE.
I'm laying Spain like a mofo given the way Covid-19 is going through their squad.
A rebuke for UK Govt tactics here but whats most interesting is that story suggests US message is pushing UK to reach a "negotiated settlement" on how to implement NI Protocol. Which is actually much closer to UK view than EU, which doesn't really see much negotiating to be done
Under the current leaderships of both countries there's huge common ground on economic, foreign (see: EU going semi-rogue on Russia/China), defence, and domestic affairs. Biden would be a bit shortsighted to screw us in return for minimal favour from the EU.
I'm a long-time lurker here but finally signed up to 1) enthusiastically second the recommendation of @darkage for Cynical Theories and the work of James Lindsay (New Discourses) and Helen Pluckrose more broadly, and 2) flag up a development that relates both to wokeness and to UK politics in general that doesn't appear to have been picked up on as yet
Keir Starmer has announced that Labour are committed to updating the GRA to introduce self declaration for trans people.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
I know very little about football but I do know Southgate can't read the room and that England are always overpriced.
So, on that basis, it's a clear lay for me.
England aren't winning it...France are far better, nobody bets against Germany obviously, Belgium if their big names play...and that's not even considering say a Spain.
Predictions brought to you by the official sports sub-committee of Independent SAGE.
I'm laying Spain like a mofo given the way Covid-19 is going through their squad.
Good point. Surprised they haven't all had it before seemingly like the rest of the football world.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
International tournaments (in fact knock-out tournaments in general) tend to be won by teams that can defend. Not that England can do that, mind!
I know what you mean, but I wouldn't say France have been anything special in defence for years....but as you say England are shit in defence, but unlike 2018, have a chance to potentially play attacking football and try to outscore the goals they will concede when Jon Stones falls asleep.at some point during the game or Mcguire has to turn and as he does about as fast as that container ship that was stuck in the Suez canel.
Instead we are going to play this negative game, hoping to keep the goals out by packing the midfield with Henderson and Rice.
France shut the door on Belgium in the semi at the World Cup. Takes some ability.
I'm a long-time lurker here but finally signed up to 1) enthusiastically second the recommendation of @darkage for Cynical Theories and the work of James Lindsay (New Discourses) and Helen Pluckrose more broadly, and 2) flag up a development that relates both to wokeness and to UK politics in general that doesn't appear to have been picked up on as yet
Keir Starmer has announced that Labour are committed to updating the GRA to introduce self declaration for trans people.
Keir Starmer can commit to whatever he pleases. He isn't going to be PM and won't have the opportunity to put anything in to practice. He's fast becoming a non-person politically.
One assumes that he'll be allowed to fight the next general election, mainly on the basis that there's no-one obvious to take over from him.
Looking at various age brackets on the (excellent) Uk coronavirus stats site it seems like there is a real problem with hesitancy for the 40s to 60s. In the past two months the takeup rate has gone from 92% to 93% in the 60-64s in my area, with the three or four age brackets below showing similar trends. Given how crucial every percent is* I'm becoming a bit more in favour of restrictions on those who choose not to protect themselves.
*If the vaccines are 95% effective the move from 93% to 96% results in the proportion of the vulnerable population decreasing by 25 to 35 percent.
The problem with advocating for restrictions on the unvaccinated is that you are obliged to advocate for restrictions on everyone. We don't want to be lumbered with bloody vaccine passports wherever we go, thank you very much. To say nothing about the massive screaming arguments about racism that will inevitably follow, given that hesitancy rates are highest amongst black people.
If the latest ONS estimates are anything like accurate, then the end point of this should be 94% uptake amongst the adult population. That ought to be enough to kill the pandemic off in this country, without having to resort to threats against the anti-vaxxer holdouts. Indeed, the available evidence at the moment suggests that enough people have been vaccinated already to end Covid-19 as a national emergency: even with Delta in widespread circulation, and cases continuing to rise, hospitalisations are only trickling upwards and deaths are extremely low and flatlining. I would refer also at this point to the widely reported remarks by a very senior NHS executive, who has declared that the link between cases and serious illness has already been broken, with good evidence to suggest that even those people still presenting in hospital are younger, less sick and therefore less burdensome to healthcare services.
There's really no need to apply the stick to the remaining hesitant, when the range of carrots already in use has proven sufficient to get coverage up to an effective level.
Yes, it’s worth noting Hopson’s words for two reasons: obviously, his position - he represents frontline providers but also because he has been one of the most conservative figures in the pandemic. He is not given to Panglossian assessments.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
International tournaments (in fact knock-out tournaments in general) tend to be won by teams that can defend. Not that England can do that, mind!
I know what you mean, but I wouldn't say France have been anything special in defence for years....but as you say England are shit in defence, but unlike 2018, have a chance to potentially play attacking football and try to outscore the goals they will concede when Jon Stones falls asleep.at some point during the game or Mcguire has to turn and as he does about as fast as that container ship that was stuck in the Suez canel.
Instead we are going to play this negative game, hoping to keep the goals out by packing the midfield with Henderson and Rice.
France shut the door on Belgium in the semi at the World Cup. Takes some ability.
Well it helps when you have Kante and Pogba protecting them....i am not sure the actual back 4 anybody would claim are in the same class as say the 1998 defence.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
I know very little about football but I do know Southgate can't read the room and that England are always overpriced.
So, on that basis, it's a clear lay for me.
England aren't winning it...France are far better, nobody bets against Germany obviously, Belgium if their big names play...and that's not even considering say a Spain.
Predictions brought to you by the official sports sub-committee of Independent SAGE.
I'm laying Spain like a mofo given the way Covid-19 is going through their squad.
Lol, I’ve backed them to get to the final as I like their draw.
Could be better to get COVID now rather than in three weeks.
I'm a long-time lurker here but finally signed up to 1) enthusiastically second the recommendation of @darkage for Cynical Theories and the work of James Lindsay (New Discourses) and Helen Pluckrose more broadly, and 2) flag up a development that relates both to wokeness and to UK politics in general that doesn't appear to have been picked up on as yet
Keir Starmer has announced that Labour are committed to updating the GRA to introduce self declaration for trans people.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
I know very little about football but I do know Southgate can't read the room and that England are always overpriced.
So, on that basis, it's a clear lay for me.
England aren't winning it...France are far better, nobody bets against Germany obviously, Belgium if their big names play...and that's not even considering say a Spain.
Predictions brought to you by the official sports sub-committee of Independent SAGE.
I'm laying Spain like a mofo given the way Covid-19 is going through their squad.
Lol, I’ve backed them to get to the final as I like their draw.
Could be better to get COVID now rather than in three weeks.
This is the most confident I've felt about a lay since 2015/early 2016 when I laid Donald Trump to be the GOP nominee.
The problem with Southgate is he is the now the wrong manager for the talent available. England are now blessed with some of the best attacking talent in Europe and his every instinct is defence, defence, caution, too risky....lets nick one from a corner.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
Maddison isn't fit. Much as I dislike the Villa baboon arse, Grealish is likely to be the England player of the tournament.
I know, I meant in general, England now have loads of really great exciting attacking talent, so we should have been formulating a strategy which exploits this for a while, as it isn't just we have a Foden, if he's injuried there are 4-5 other exciting players... instead it is a rehash of 2018, slow slow slow, across the back, always must play 2 holding midfielders, slow, slow...
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
International tournaments (in fact knock-out tournaments in general) tend to be won by teams that can defend. Not that England can do that, mind!
I know what you mean, but I wouldn't say France have been anything special in defence for years....but as you say England are shit in defence, but unlike 2018, have a chance to potentially play attacking football and try to outscore the goals they will concede when Jon Stones falls asleep.at some point during the game or Mcguire has to turn and as he does about as fast as that container ship that was stuck in the Suez canel.
Instead we are going to play this negative game, hoping to keep the goals out by packing the midfield with Henderson and Rice.
France shut the door on Belgium in the semi at the World Cup. Takes some ability.
Yes, probably the critical game of the tournament.
The Times say the 30 person limit on weddings will be lifted on the 21st of June to unlimited attendees even if the rest of the roadmap is delayed.
Excellent news if true and limits most of the damage of any delay, if nightclubs have to wait a few more weeks to reopen and we keep rule of 6 for indoor dining too for a little longer it will not impact as much as continuing to keep the wedding guests limit
I'm a long-time lurker here but finally signed up to 1) enthusiastically second the recommendation of @darkage for Cynical Theories and the work of James Lindsay (New Discourses) and Helen Pluckrose more broadly, and 2) flag up a development that relates both to wokeness and to UK politics in general that doesn't appear to have been picked up on as yet
Keir Starmer has announced that Labour are committed to updating the GRA to introduce self declaration for trans people.
Keir Starmer can commit to whatever he pleases. He isn't going to be PM and won't have the opportunity to put anything in to practice. He's fast becoming a non-person politically.
One assumes that he'll be allowed to fight the next general election, mainly on the basis that there's no-one obvious to take over from him.
Sounds about right, although how much of that is to do with the lack of a successor and how much with Labour being hopeless at deposing unpopular leaders, Lord alone knows.
On the general subject of Starmer joining the activist crusade to declare biological sex an irrelevancy - at the very moment when Stonewall is being broken on those particular rocks - I interpret it as a sign of retreat and weakness. Focusing on this is not the act of somebody keen to engage with the great mass of the people. He's trying to shore up what's left of his shrinking voter base and stop more metropolitans flouncing off to the Greens.
On the general subject of Starmer joining the activist crusade to declare biological sex an irrelevancy - at the very moment when Stonewall is being broken on those particular rocks - I interpret it as a sign of retreat and weakness. Focusing on this is not the act of somebody keen to engage with the great mass of the people. He's trying to shore up what's left of his shrinking voter base and stop more metropolitans flouncing off to the Greens.
It's baffling. Surely he didn't think it would stay between him and Pink News and wouldn't be picked up and used against him in the upcoming by-election campaign and beyond. Did he realise he was stumbling into one of the most fiercely-fought fronts of the culture war, and one that divides the left at that? It's hard to believe he didn't.
The Times say the 30 person limit on weddings will be lifted on the 21st of June to unlimited attendees even if the rest of the roadmap is delayed.
Excellent news if true and limits most of the damage of any delay, if nightclubs have to wait a few more weeks to reopen and we keep rule of 6 for indoor dining too for a little longer it will not impact as much as continuing to keep the wedding guests limit
Only works if we're not confronted with being lumbered with the rest of the bullshit for years. If there's a cast-iron guarantee that masks and distancing go in the dustbin in mid-July then, well, I probably still won't believe it but I'll give the Government the benefit of the doubt that one time, and wait. But that's not what's going to happen, most likely: liberation will be put off indefinitely, to be delayed by an endless series of excuses and scares manufactured by the lockdown ultras.
And, let's face it, if you were average Joe Public rather than a Conservative, would you trust a single word this Government ever said about anything? Personally I'd much rather have them than the currently available alternative, but that doesn't mean that I have any great confidence in them.
Poll of major EU countries about whether the UK is 'an ally that shares our interests and values', 'a necessary partner who we must strategically cooperate with', 'DK', 'a rival' and 'an adversary'.
Denmark scores with 71% saying that we are an ally or necessary partner. Sweden (76%), Netherlands (68%), Poland (72%), and Portugal (73%) (the UK's oldest ally) also score very highly.
Just because we've left the EU doesn't mean that we need to turn our back on Europe.
On the general subject of Starmer joining the activist crusade to declare biological sex an irrelevancy - at the very moment when Stonewall is being broken on those particular rocks - I interpret it as a sign of retreat and weakness. Focusing on this is not the act of somebody keen to engage with the great mass of the people. He's trying to shore up what's left of his shrinking voter base and stop more metropolitans flouncing off to the Greens.
It's baffling. Surely he didn't think it would stay between him and Pink News and wouldn't be picked up and used against him in the upcoming by-election campaign and beyond. Did he realise he was stumbling into one of the most fiercely-fought fronts of the culture war, and one that divides the left at that? It's hard to believe he didn't.
It isn't very politically savvy to go anywhere near this issue unless you are absolutely clued up and ready to stand firm on whatever side of the divisive topic you decide to support....and even then you risk a huge backlash.
Mrs U is politically way to the left of me and so are lots of her friends, its seems to be a real hot button topic for them.
It isn't very politically savvy to go anywhere near this issue unless you are absolutely clued up and ready to stand firm on whatever side of the divisive topic you decide to support....and even then you risk a huge backlash.
Mrs U is politically way to the left of me and so are lots of her friends, its seems to be a real hot button topic for them.
You know that. I know that. How on earth could Starmer not?
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
Gosh did casino get cancelled?
Fortunately, PB is a forgiving space. Usually it is a mere postponement and a prelude to a glorious resurrection on a wet, windy Tuesday evening.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
Gosh did casino get cancelled?
Fortunately, PB is a forgiving space. Usually it is a mere postponement and a prelude to a glorious resurrection on a wet, windy Tuesday evening.
I have more faith in pb mods than they will give into olb's crying
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
Gosh did casino get cancelled?
Fortunately, PB is a forgiving space. Usually it is a mere postponement and a prelude to a glorious resurrection on a wet, windy Tuesday evening.
I have more faith in pb mods than they will give into olb's crying
Dont know why you liked that bluest blue I am not on your side either, the tories here can be just as bad
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
Gosh did casino get cancelled?
Fortunately, PB is a forgiving space. Usually it is a mere postponement and a prelude to a glorious resurrection on a wet, windy Tuesday evening.
I have more faith in pb mods than they will give into olb's crying
Dont know why you liked that bluest blue I am not on your side either, the tories here can be just as bad
Hey, it's a 'like' button, not a 'like plus detailed annotation' button...
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
We want a reporter to ask when its safe to go dogging again ....nods
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
Gosh did casino get cancelled?
Fortunately, PB is a forgiving space. Usually it is a mere postponement and a prelude to a glorious resurrection on a wet, windy Tuesday evening.
I have more faith in pb mods than they will give into olb's crying
Dont know why you liked that bluest blue I am not on your side either, the tories here can be just as bad
Hey, it's a 'like' button, not a 'like plus detailed annotation' button...
I tend to voltaire position I may hate what you say but will defend your right to say it though I might be somewhat forthright on my opinion about what you say
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
We want a reporter to ask when its safe to go dogging again ....nods
We won't be fully back to normal till you can kneel before a crowd on a plastic bag in a layby off the A1 without fear of social stigma or government oversight. It's what being British is all about.
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
We want a reporter to ask when its safe to go dogging again ....nods
We won't be fully back to normal till you can kneel before a crowd on a plastic bag in a layby off the A1 without fear of social stigma or government oversight. It's what being British is all about.
It would at least make their questions more interesting
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
We want a reporter to ask when its safe to go dogging again ....nods
We won't be fully back to normal till you can kneel before a crowd on a plastic bag in a layby off the A1 without fear of social stigma or government oversight. It's what being British is all about.
Poll of major EU countries about whether the UK is 'an ally that shares our interests and values', 'a necessary partner who we must strategically cooperate with', 'DK', 'a rival' and 'an adversary'.
Denmark scores with 71% saying that we are an ally or necessary partner. Sweden (76%), Netherlands (68%), Poland (72%), and Portugal (73%) (the UK's oldest ally) also score very highly.
Just because we've left the EU doesn't mean that we need to turn our back on Europe.
"Donald Moss will discuss whiteness as a condition one first acquires and then one has--a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. He describes the condition as being foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world: Parasitic whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse; these deformed appetites particularly target non-white people; and, once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate"
Not sure what that has got to do with black lives matter mate
Black Lives Matter, or is it Black Lives mAttEr, I dunno, is a Marxist organisation which aims to defund the police, deconstruct the family and destroy any self-respect white people have by instilling an intrinsic guilt about racism, which can never be erased. If you deny your racism you are a racist, if you admit you are racist, get down on your knees
Fuck it. It is loathsome. White people conquered the world, and invented modernity. I will never be ashamed of this, as a white person, because I didn't do it; in the end I will take pride in it, as a race, if necessary
Because that is the end of this hideous divisiveness: White Pride. Maybe that is what they want
Well, I was with you until the end of the first paragraph.
I think some of the fanatics behind this want racial strife in the same way the old lot wanted class strife, because they thought it'd bring about The Revolution.
That (white pride) is the elephant trap that they want you to fall in to, thus proving them right all along.
What is quite interesting is that it hasn't happened. There is no outburst of white pride. People agree with black lives matter because for the most part, they want to move on from racism. However, they have no real understanding of the post marxist agenda of the actual organisation, which is exploiting peoples sympathy towards getting rid of racism. Thats the problem. How to break the link.
It is of course a common tactic of extremist organisations to attach themselves to, and try to parasite on, popular movements ("entryism"). The Socialist Workers Party did so in the Miner's Strike for instance, and Class War did with the poll tax riots. You got neo-Nazi groups trying to infilrate UKIP and the Conservative Party too.
That is their only tactic without significant popular support in this country, as we have an excellent voting system that ruthlessly punishes cranks and nutters, so they will never hold the balance of power in coalition governments, which is their other route to influence.
Yep. The problem is a bit deeper than that though. The 'Black Lives Matter' organisation are a small part of the problem. The bigger problem is the ideas connected to identity politics, which emphasise racial differences, and link these to outcomes and experiences. They have infiltrated all political parties, and have become deeply entrenched in our legal system. They have largely conquered universities. They are largely running unopposed through schools and businesses. This way of thinking inherently makes racial equality impossible. It purports to promote equality, but then turns everything in to a conflict about race, to which there seems to be no real answer or point other than to promote an endless power struggle between different racial groups.
It needs to be hammered intellectually (easy if opposition is not shouted down) especially in academia. Aggressive woke academics need their pathetic charlatan drivel exposed, dismantled and ridiculed.
This won't happen any time soon due to the fact that the woke have taken over most social science departments at universities, and because they have found ways to protect these theories from intellectual criticism.
Its hard to see what the answer is but unless some radical action is taken universties will become pointless because they are just being used as a way of legitimising propoganda and ideological drivel. I've already given up on going in to the academy because it will be starting from a bad place and carrying out a rear guard action from there.
If anyone is interested in this, the book Cynical Theories by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose is a must read and explains the situation brilliantly (albeit incredibly depressing )
99% of people who go to universities are not remotely interested in any of this stuff
99% of people who WORK at universities ARE, or they are forced to be. That is the problem
While it isn't ideal, it's not exactly a massive deal in the grand scheme of things. I've been to university twice. Not once did any lecturer try to influence me politically. They're far too busy doing "research" to bother trying to influence undergraduates.
I think that this is a common view and I appreciate it - when I was at university it was a case of most people just turning up and doing the work, I expect it is still the same now. The problems are to do with big questions that students are generally not interested in and don't really think about, IE what is a university for, are we there to find out the truth, or are we there to pursue social justice: increasingly the answer is the latter, which has an impact on the type of research that is undertaken, and the whole thing sort of snowballs from there.
Eric Kaufmann at Birkbeck explained this quite well on triggernometry recently
Most people are there to get drunk, get laid and eventually get a job. A bit of youthful idealism on the side isn't such a bad thing, I would have thought, and it's hardly a new development. When my parents were at university in the sixties they protested against the Vietnam War. When my grandfather was at university in the thirties he was a communist. I'm sure the fogeyist culture warriors of those times were frothing about them too.
Explains a lot.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
You can be as rude to me as you like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But I won't have you insulting members of my family. I would ask that you apologise, and if you won't then the moderators might consider whether you should be posting on this forum right now.
Gosh did casino get cancelled?
Fortunately, PB is a forgiving space. Usually it is a mere postponement and a prelude to a glorious resurrection on a wet, windy Tuesday evening.
They worst punishment that has been threatened is a week on ConHome… but I don’t know if anyone has suffered it
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
We want a reporter to ask when its safe to go dogging again ....nods
We won't be fully back to normal till you can kneel before a crowd on a plastic bag in a layby off the A1 without fear of social stigma or government oversight. It's what being British is all about.
Ha ha. I actually met Rafa. He was at the Sainsbury's in South Gosforth buying fruit as I was passing. Posed for some photos with a few kids. Told him I was an Evertonian. He was super nice. No problem from me.
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
Yeah, not a good idea to actually bet on this market. But perhaps interesting to see which direction it's moving.
Not a market I would touch with a bargepole. What does "all" mean? Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms. Nope. Not for me, Clive.
We want a reporter to ask when its safe to go dogging again ....nods
We won't be fully back to normal till you can kneel before a crowd on a plastic bag in a layby off the A1 without fear of social stigma or government oversight. It's what being British is all about.
Ha ha. I actually met Rafa. He was at the Sainsbury's in South Gosforth buying fruit as I was passing. Posed for some photos with a few kids. Told him I was an Evertonian. He was super nice. No problem from me.
He’s a wonderful guy I’ve met a few times.
If I can forgive him for managing Chelsea I can cope with him managing Everton.
Poll of major EU countries about whether the UK is 'an ally that shares our interests and values', 'a necessary partner who we must strategically cooperate with', 'DK', 'a rival' and 'an adversary'.
Denmark scores with 71% saying that we are an ally or necessary partner. Sweden (76%), Netherlands (68%), Poland (72%), and Portugal (73%) (the UK's oldest ally) also score very highly.
Just because we've left the EU doesn't mean that we need to turn our back on Europe.
Poll of major EU countries about whether the UK is 'an ally that shares our interests and values', 'a necessary partner who we must strategically cooperate with', 'DK', 'a rival' and 'an adversary'.
Denmark scores with 71% saying that we are an ally or necessary partner. Sweden (76%), Netherlands (68%), Poland (72%), and Portugal (73%) (the UK's oldest ally) also score very highly.
Just because we've left the EU doesn't mean that we need to turn our back on Europe.
I don’t understand any of you being so pessimistic about England’s chances here. You are not being rational. You are not being realistic.
We should go well here. Have been strong the last few years. It’s a young side full of great talent, real cutting edge in terms of creativity. Home matches.
The negative is the difficult side of the draw. If we can manufacture second place in the group, I think that will be an easier route.
Opening games of tournaments a draw is a fine result.
If Boris follows, how is that any different to what both Greta Funberg and PB poster Gealbhan told him to do?
We could have shared with Ireland by now, we share a land border with them.
Sighs because our governements first responsibility to our own people the ones that buy the vaccines and pay their wages. Once all our own people that want it are protected then we expand and protect the rest of the world. Our government owes no other country anything as long as we have people who want a vaccine but havent had one. We arent idiots
Well done to Boris for pulling the plug on the "special relationship" - Maybe he'll be the first PM to defy the US since Thatcher... or possibly Wilson!
It's been a long time coming... Tell the US to **** off!!!
And if they don't like it we're out of NATO and they can get on with it with the French and Germans...
Well done to Boris for pulling the plug on the "special relationship" - Maybe he'll be the first PM to defy the US since Thatcher... or possibly Wilson!
It's been a long time coming... Tell the US to **** off!!!
And if they don't like it we're out of NATO and they can get on with it with the French and Germans...
So @BorisJohnson & @POTUS are set to agree to a new “Atlantic Charter“, apparently modelled on statement made by Churchill & Roosevelt in 1941 on the post-war world order. Very lofty
What about HMG's EU treaty commitments & NI Protocol?
They were Thatcherite free marketeers overturning and challenging the shibboleths of several decades.
So presumably they were OK, then?
As soon as England lose that one they'll be under immense pressure, and are liable to buckle. I'll stand by my prediction of second in the group followed by a limp exit in the last 16, but if the Scots' blood is up then they might not even get that far.
He doesn't seem to have formulated any real plan how to use them...and there is even more fantastic talent that didn't make the squad, Lingard, Maddison, etc.
England still play like they did in 2018 when options were much more limited.
Seems like trendy bullshit runs in your family.
"The NHS can't cope with more Covid cases on top of this epidemic of emergency stone cock extractions! The masks will have to stay for another decade."
I am glad I went to it with the boys, as a once in a lifetime lads trip. The tournaments have become far too bloated since.
Besides, if they then surprise on the upside and lose on a penalty shootout in the quarter final instead, it'll be a bonus.
2018 i understand, it had to be Kane, it had to be Sterling, had to be Alli. Outside Alli, England really didn't have any world class creative talent (and I don't think Alli was), now there are 4-5-6 players.
@BorisJohnson @POTUS
2. Resultant plan will involve 74 PCR tests and a month in quarantine at each end
So, on that basis, it's a clear lay for me.
*If the vaccines are 95% effective the move from 93% to 96% results in the proportion of the vulnerable population decreasing by 25 to 35 percent.
Protesting against the very occasional lynching is probably on balance permissable, as long as no inconvenience is caused. Accusing the USA of waging an immoral, racist and quasi imperialist war in Vietnam isn’t.
Predictions brought to you by the official sports sub-committee of Independent SAGE.
Though de Gaulle undoubtedly thought it of course.
If the latest ONS estimates are anything like accurate, then the end point of this should be 94% uptake amongst the adult population. That ought to be enough to kill the pandemic off in this country, without having to resort to threats against the anti-vaxxer holdouts. Indeed, the available evidence at the moment suggests that enough people have been vaccinated already to end Covid-19 as a national emergency: even with Delta in widespread circulation, and cases continuing to rise, hospitalisations are only trickling upwards and deaths are extremely low and flatlining. I would refer also at this point to the widely reported remarks by a very senior NHS executive, who has declared that the link between cases and serious illness has already been broken, with good evidence to suggest that even those people still presenting in hospital are younger, less sick and therefore less burdensome to healthcare services.
There's really no need to apply the stick to the remaining hesitant, when the range of carrots already in use has proven sufficient to get coverage up to an effective level.
Instead we are going to play this negative game, hoping to keep the goals out by packing the midfield with Henderson and Rice.
Keir Starmer has announced that Labour are committed to updating the GRA to introduce self declaration for trans people.
One assumes that he'll be allowed to fight the next general election, mainly on the basis that there's no-one obvious to take over from him.
(2) Lilian Thuram. ...
(3) Marcel Desailly. ...
(4) Frank Leboeuf. ...
(5) Bixente Lizarazu. ...
Also in that squad Blanc.
Could be better to get COVID now rather than in three weeks.
And welcome!
On the general subject of Starmer joining the activist crusade to declare biological sex an irrelevancy - at the very moment when Stonewall is being broken on those particular rocks - I interpret it as a sign of retreat and weakness. Focusing on this is not the act of somebody keen to engage with the great mass of the people. He's trying to shore up what's left of his shrinking voter base and stop more metropolitans flouncing off to the Greens.
I said earlier that the government wouldn’t fancy wall to wall coverage of tearful brides on the TV news.
And, let's face it, if you were average Joe Public rather than a Conservative, would you trust a single word this Government ever said about anything? Personally I'd much rather have them than the currently available alternative, but that doesn't mean that I have any great confidence in them.
Poll of major EU countries about whether the UK is 'an ally that shares our interests and values', 'a necessary partner who we must strategically cooperate with', 'DK', 'a rival' and 'an adversary'.
Denmark scores with 71% saying that we are an ally or necessary partner. Sweden (76%), Netherlands (68%), Poland (72%), and Portugal (73%) (the UK's oldest ally) also score very highly.
Just because we've left the EU doesn't mean that we need to turn our back on Europe.
Mrs U is politically way to the left of me and so are lots of her friends, its seems to be a real hot button topic for them.
Or maybe his double hasn't been given access to enough food....
Yes 17.86%
No 89.29%
Gay saunas? Swingers clubs? Far too many gray areas. And, of course, the House will define the terms.
Nope. Not for me, Clive.
It's what being British is all about.
Most of the papers have it as well.
Germany 14%
If I can forgive him for managing Chelsea I can cope with him managing Everton.
WW2? WW1? The Napoleonic Wars?
We should go well here. Have been strong the last few years. It’s a young side full of great talent, real cutting edge in terms of creativity. Home matches.
The negative is the difficult side of the draw. If we can manufacture second place in the group, I think that will be an easier route.
Opening games of tournaments a draw is a fine result.
Con 76.92%
Lab 26.67%
Chesham & Amersham:
Con 94.34%
LD 6.25%
If Boris follows, how is that any different to what both Greta Funberg and PB poster Gealbhan told him to do?
We could have shared with Ireland by now, we share a land border with them.
It's been a long time coming... Tell the US to **** off!!!
And if they don't like it we're out of NATO and they can get on with it with the French and Germans...